Second Date Update Classic: Strip Sushi

Published Sep 30, 2023, 1:00 PM

The guy in today’s Second Date invented a brand new game to play on a first date, and once you hear how it’s played we guarantee you’ll be talking about it for years to come! Hear how it works in the podcast!

Second date, up date. The best things in life are worth waiting for.

Oh yeah, I could see, like Alexis's extremely complicated coffee orders.

Oh it's so worth it.

Yeah, it takes them twenty minutes to put them together, but when they come out amazing. Jose's back hair removal strips he ordered from China, Yeah, got delayed again.

Oh buddy, Yeah, it's okay, they'll be here.

It's gonna be worth to wait yours, I can't wait.

One of our listeners, Ryan, says he's been waiting weeks to finally meet up with the girl that he's been talking to online, and he says, when it happens, it's gonna be worth it.

Wait when it happens, Ryan, welcome to the show man.

Hey, how are you?

We're good.

But like usually when people call it, it's because they've already gone on a date with somebody.

Have you not hung out with this girl yet?

I mean, kind it was like a virtual date.

Oh okay, H'm spicy. Hey, that's actually a newer thing. It's been happening. People like to go on zoom dates first.

It's almost like a practice, like a trial exactly, and.

Then you go on the real date. So, who was the girl that you met with? What's her name?

I met a girl named Katrina. Total bombshell, absolute ten.

People still use that term. It's love island, a hot new bombshell.

Yeah, it's like fashion. The words just come back and spy after fifty years. Okay, she was the Bee's knees. Yeah, what's her deal?

The thing is she lives eight blocks away from me.

She lives right down the street.

Did she offer that information or did you just find it out?

No? No, she told me that because I was going to pick her up for the date. And then so she told me, you know where she lives or whatever?

Oh oh, and You're like, oh my god, that's right by me, Like, what are the chances it happens?

I remember matching with the girl once and she literally lived in the alley behind me.

She s, we share it now in the apartment complex behind me.

But I'm a little bit confused. Then, if she only lives eight blocks away, how does it takeing you weeks to arrange a meetup? It feels like it should have happened by now.


I didn't know until they were talking on zoom about the distance.

Yeah, so I thought like I'm like, this is great.


So we had this date planned out, and the night of the date, she ends up texting me and she's like, I am so so sorry. I've been sick. I'm under the weather.

Oh no, okay, you believed her.

I mean yeah, I guess, you know, like I zoomed her, you know, so she she said she wants to see me. So she's like, let's do a zoom thing.

Oh okay, okay, so she canceled completely on She's still had the interaction.

How was the zoom date?

It was okay. It wasn't like my ideal idea.

For a date, but it was I was like, whatever, let's do it.

Well, she's not feeling great either, so it's like.

Right, right, So.

We hop on the video chat and you know, she's wearing her sweats or whatever, but she's looking really good. You know, she still.

Looked super cute. I offered to then mow her to pay for.

Dinner a gentleman. Girls are sick. I was like to offer, Hey, I'll send you a you know, soup or some gatorade. This is a nice gesture.

I thought it was nice.

She declined that though she said she's got plenty of a food at her house.

She was just gonna eat what she had. I was like, okay, that's cool, you know whatever, get point still, Oh for sure, Yeah, points are still on the board. I thought, you know, all.

Right, we're able to have a connection with her.

Like zooms always so awkward for Yeah, whenever we do like client zooms or stuff. I mean, they're they're good, but they're not as good as just being able to.

Look at yourself for the person I know and the like there's almost that second of delay.

Not only is it like a zoom call and all the problems will come with that, but she's sick too. Like we're able to make it romantic absolutely, Like.

We were flirting. We were both drinking wine. We were laughing.

Okay, it makes you feel better, right, alcohol is supposed to do.

Something, yeah, you know, And we played this little game. It was so so sexy. It was like called strip sushi.

Oh, strip like it.

I don't know what it is yet, but she's sweatpants drinking WHI while she has the flu.

Well, explain what is strip sushi. I've never heard of that before.

Yeah, So, like I would eat a piece of sushi and then she would.

Take off a piece of clothing and then like vice versa.

You know, I just like sounds like a one sided game, he.

Said, vice versa.

Oh yeah, I'm sorry just for the first part. I'm like, so you just eat snaked? How much sushi did you put down that night?


I ate a lot of sushi, bloated and naked.

I have mercury poisoning.

So how many layers A? How clothes do you have?


Good lord?

Okay, did you feel the chemistry?

There was that absolutely absolutely great chemistry. You know that was like, when are we going to hang out again?

I bet you like you want to play strip sushi face to face?

Oh so fund and what a bold first date?

I know you know? So how did it end?

So she said this? Her words were like I want to hang out as soon as possible. I need to see you. So two days later, her account is completely inactive.

Oh and maybe she's just ready to concentrate on you.

She found her sushi sold me I don't need this anymore.

I don't know. I've been texting her and trying to pick a day to hang out, and if a message her, she just changes the subject. But she like says she wants to stay in contact. But like you know, I don't know if you're seeing somebody else, Like, I don't know.

What it feels like to me.

I'm just having some sort of reaction to the sushi she has like.

A boyfrid and already, and that's why she couldn't meet in person.

Yeah, I don't know, but like to have that much fun over zoom, like I need to see this girl, like I want to meet up.

Okay, well let's make that happen for you.

We're going to order some sushi to the studio, maybe try to play a little strip sushi ourselves.

Mostly you taken clothes off without anyone sushi.

Well, at least one person in this room is going to have fun, and then then we come back. They'll get to your second date update, second date update. Anytime I played script sushi with someone, they never deactivate their profile.

And if you're just tuning in rubbing it in.

I'm just saying they always want to do it again.

They're just ordering.

More sushi other people. Yeah, what's wrong with you? On the line?

You think of it my way, But if you're just tuning in wondering what is this guy talking about? One of our listeners, Ryan and had a zoom date recently with a lady named Katrina, and unfortunately she wasn't feeling well and that's why. Instead they chose to meet up virtually and they had food wine. By the end of the night, someone was getting unaggy good, which is yeah, Japanese her deal, but it sounds a little bit like naughty and that's pretty much what I can come up with.

And we're talking about sushi here.

The weird part is, ever since she's been kind of avoiding him and even deactivated her dating profile, which.

Is a little bit odd.

I just think it's odd for the getting your you claim you're sick and then you're up for playing strips.

Also, we assume she deactivated, but you can block people on dating apps too, so she may still be active.

Just really doesn't like.


I'm just saying there's options, there's other options.

You guys do bring up some valid points, and I'd like some answers, but I just kind of want to meet up with her and have funny in more than anything.

We're trying to do.

That for you, and you know what, if it doesn't work out, just send me your zoom you and I could play some together, all right, brother, let's just.

Okay sushi train.

Yeah, we're gonna call it Katrina. Here we go.

Mm hmm what.


Hi Katrina, this is she. Hey.

My name is jeff from a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, and uh, we wanted to talk to you, all right.

What are you uncomfortable about?

I just had visions of her playing the game.

Okay, let's not do that. Hi, Katrina.

Hello, Hi, Hey.

I don't know if you've ever heard of us. We're Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

We do a segment called a second Date Update, and we'd like you to be a part of it. And that's just me asking because you're already on it.

Yeah, oh okay, but it's good.

It means if somebody really likes you and wants to see you again.

That's really nice. But my answer is no, no, thank you, Like.

Halfway through it already.

Are you curious? Curiosity would kill me?

Yeah? What if we put a California roll down on the table, then would you be down?

Excuse me?


We heard from one of our listeners named Ryan that the two of you had a really fun zoom.

Date the other night.

Oh yes, oh.

Yes, Okay, that sarcastic.

I mean he told us that you turned a zoom date into like a really fun, yeah saucy night, which is I mean, I think, soy saucy night.

Yeah amazing.

Yeah, did you have fun?

Well, not as much fun as you guys sound you're having right now.

That's a good point.

I'm sorry about that, but we're just trying to help out Ryan because he is really confused because after that night, he's having a really hard time getting the two of you to meet up in person, and he even said that your dating profile was deactivated.

Yeah. So the thing is Ryan is like really cute and I really like him. There's just something that I kind of.

Lest out, sobby that what you left on.

Okay, I don't live where he thinks I live.

Please don't tell me you live with a man.

You live.

In a relationship.

Are you like living with someone? Is that why?


I do live by myself. I live in Europe.

Oh my god.

He just recently moved in the last week.

So I make different accounts and they all have the same information on them, but I put them in different locations so I can meet people all around the world, because if it's true love, I'm willing to go anywhere.

How do you unify true love if you're lying to people? And why don't you have an international phone? That's why she's still good at zoom dates?

Right, so I have international call forwarding?

So oh really?


I mean this could be good. What city are you in?


Why are you hiding this from Ryan? Why can't Ryan know that you live in Europe?

I didn't want him to like not be interested because I didn't live near him immediately.

Yeah, no, it was more than like an hour away. Your never mind, and I.

Do long distance out of the get guy said that you told him you were sick. I knew a woman wouldn't play strip sushi if she was ill.

It just wasn't gonna end.

All right.

I did feel a little sick after the game, if that counts for anything.

Okay. I don't know how Ryan is going to feel about hearing that information.

That's a huge bomb to drop.

Yeah, and it has already dropped because Ryan is on the other line right now.


Oh, okay, okay, yeah, Ryan, Yeah, Hey, Ryan.

You you're in Europe?

I am currently in Europe.

Yes, I didn't tell you because I liked you and I didn't want me not being where you were to inhibit us getting to know one another.

She Bryan, are you down with European girls?


So, like, is it like a passport thing or is it like about money?


No, no, it's definitely not about the money.

Like if you want or if you wanted to have a date, that would be a really really expensive date.

Yeah, Like if you wanted to have like an in person date, you would just have to like wire me some funds for like a plane ticket and like a hotel.

I have it wired.

Since I got a fake idea, I don't get it.

Like, what's your plan?

Then? Your plan is to meet a guy and then hope that the guy pays for you to go to him.

It is traditional for a man to pay for the first date.

Even I think at least go Dutch, yes, European European way.


Is that something you're willing to do?


Would you be willing to pay for a plane ticket?

I mean, like, I'm open to talking her with her about it.

WHOA not completely closed off to this idea?

WHOA strip sushi the way to a man's heart?

You know, I'm going to be truthful and admit that. I'm I'm bummed out that you're not eight blocks away.

From me like I was. I thought that was kind of cool.

She's like eighteen hours say something.

So wait, you're not mad at her though for lying?

Well, I mean I get what she's saying about, like wanting to find true love and stuff like, you know, I feel similarly to that.

Okay, so well, let's try and make this happen for you.

That's really cute.

We want to pay for the flight? What's your credit cards?

I mean?

Or are are you cool with this? Are you cool with Ryan Payne?


Yeah, he would just have to give me the money so I could buy my own ticket.


I was just really particular about like the airlines and where I sit. I've just had really bad AKA first class.

Baby, I want that bed, I think a AKA, it's a scammy exactly like this. Are you falling for it? Too?


Women just take their clothes off and men just yeah, don't miss thing.

I would have fallen for this in a heartbeat, like, oh, I get it.

That was her on Zoom.

Oh yeah, you're ten thousand.

Dollars, no problem.

I could buy her the ticket, she says.

She says that she doesn't want you to buy the ticket. She wants the money to buy the ticket herself.

She wants the airline Miles.

Okay, I mean I've just never done this before, like kind of new to me.

Okay, So when when can we get this set up? Are we going to do this in the next we follow up, We're.

Doing it in the next month.

Yeah, we could do it today today, I bet.


The earlier you ordered the plane tickets, the cheaper they are are actually the best days. All right, Ryan, will let you two talk so you can give her all of your financial information.

Okay, Hey, Brian, let's talk without everyone else around so we could get all the details squared away.

Privacy is very important. They're just going to be playing some script sushi. You guys are really doing all right. Congratulations you too, Thank you guys. Good luck.

I'm sure we're going to be reading about you in the newspapers, you know, like famous.

International love story l on Instagram.

Possibly he lost his kidney in Russia and here's

Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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