Not only was the guy in today’s Second Date Update humiliated on his night out, but it was at the hands of a 9-year old!
Second date of date. I'm pretty excited because we've never done this before where a couple has met on a very reputable website, Ashleymadison dot com. So let's do this. Welcome to the show, Ashley. Oh wait, her name's Ashley. I must have screw that up in my notes. I apologize. I had that as where you met. I didn't realize that was your name.
Okay, well this isn't going to be as exciting as I thought unless Ashley, did you perchance meet your special someone on Ashley Madison? Are you rich?
No? I didn't you. Guys, my name is Ashley.
That's good. So you're both single, you and the other person.
Yeah, we're both single and we met on the app called Hinge.
Ah Ashley Madison's nerdy little brother.
Yes, that's how I like to think of that.
Okay, So what stood about Brian on Hinge?
Brian was really sweet? Like see, I'm used to really flashy guys like narcissists, you know, show what kind of cars they have, all the stuff they have, and I'm super over that and I am not that girl at all. Brian was really sweet.
Okay. When you were looking for Brian, you were looking for something different than what you had been dating.
It sounds like a man who doesn't drive a car.
Or maybe owns a prius maybe you.
Know, sure, tell us more about this simple man, Brian.
Yeah, like in his profile, I mean the things that stood out to me. He believes in monogamy. He said, like what his date would look like, and he said it would be to have a picnic in his living room with candlelight. Like he just seemed light and sweet, you know, really down to earth.
Yeah, I mean he sounds just like you said. Absolutely So did you did you hit him up or did he message you?
I messaged him first, but then we just got along right away. He wasn't pushy. He just felt like a safe guy.
Okay, good, So what's a safe date with? Brian?
Definitely wore Yeah.
It was really cute. So it was my idea for the first date because I volunteer at a zoo and I thought that we could walk around the zoo and we could get to know each other and talk and at the same time, we have fun things to look at.
And plus it's a chance for you, like show off some knowledge, right, because I'm assuming you know a lot about the animals there and how the zoo works, and if there's awkward silence, there's always something to talk about. Yeah, you know, exactly.
Well, we're speculating a lot over here, but tell us how it actually went, Ashley.
Yeah. And because I'm a volunteer, I got him in for free.
The hook up vip rope. Yeah.
But because of that, I, you know, I had to wear my vest with my namesag and yeah.
Okay, okay.
So as we're walking around we're having fun, the parents and the kids would stop, like if they needed something. The parents would ask me questions about the animals, and I would answer the questions.
And then he do you maybe think he could find that a little bit annoying that the date keeps getting paused for you to answer other people's questions.
I don't think he was annoyed, because if he were annoyed, then he probably wouldn't be the kind of guy I would want.
To be with, the kind of guy that like wants your attention.
I mean, like she's doing her thing, Like he knew going into it that that's what you were going to do, and none of this was a surprise.
Yeah, but it probably feels like less of a date more like A Yeah.
So i'd be were you able to like connect in a romantic way at all?
Yeah, But I believe that you should really get to know someone as a friend first, and then from that, if we felt like we had mutual respect for each other, then something could come from it. But I thought this was a really sweet way to let him into my life. And he liked it. You guys like it was cute, Like, I know, he had fun.
I mean, you're with us, Like, why is any calling you back? Yeah?
I mean yeah, were there any awkward or moments that stood out from the date that could have been a red flag?
The only thing? You know, So we stopped at I don't know if you guys know this animal called Kapa BEARA.
Yeah, they're super cute.
Yeah, it's a South American animal. And we were there and we were looking at them, and he said he had spent time in South America, and you know, we just were having a conversation. This like a nine year old kid was there with their parents. So I just challenged Brian and the nine year old kid to see who could spell it.
Put him on the spot. How did he do?
He didn't win, knew how to spell it, but he didn't.
Oh, it sounds like you should probably date that nine year old cat.
Wait, why was that awkward though? Did he actually was? He actually upset that he got beat by a kid.
You know what, It's just the only moment that I thought maybe he fell out of please.
I could see that being kind of a masculating to me. If my date challenged me to a spelling contest against an elementary school child, well supposed.
To be fun and entertaining.
After talking to kids all night over him, I'd be done.
So how did things end with you and Brian?
Well, we walked around a little bit more, but he said he had to leave to go to his niece's piano recital.
To do more kid things. So we obviously doesn't hate him.
Yeah, we didn't have to like battle pianos with her. He just had to sit there and listen.
I mean it's a valid reason to leave.
Yeah, you know, I mean it matched the personality of this person that I'm going out. So I walked into the gate and we hugged and it was nice. And he left and I haven't heard from him.
Have you texted or called?
I have, but I don't want to seem like kind of crazy.
So yeah, it sounds like there was not a lot of romance on the date. It could have been.
Fun reason not to call someone back up.
I don't know, you don't in the friend zone. If you don't feel a romantic connection. That's why you don't call people back here exactly. That stuff would never happen on Ashley Madison exactly. Kids in the copy bar.
Well, maybe there's something else that we don't even know about yet, and so yeah that's true. Let's give Brian a call. We'll play a song first, we'll come back, and then we'll get your second date update.
Okay, okay, thank you guys.
Hold on second date update. Quick recap of Ashley's first date with Brian, which included an hour and a half of walking, a detailed zoology lesson on the South American capabera, and of course, a romantic spelling contest against a nine year old boy man.
That is hot, Yeah, I mean when you recap it like that.
That's because Ashley took Brian to the zoo where she volunteers, and so they walked around together. She had to answer a bunch of questions to children and parents along the way about the different animals, and it ended with Brian saying he had to go attend his niece's piano recital. Now he's not calling her back, which I don't know if you know this. I know you're an expert on animal behavior, but that's very common for the modern male homo sapience.
Yes I do.
Oh, you really are an expert. Wow. We're going to do our best to get Brian on the phone and get some answers for you.
How you feeling I'm feeling nervous. Yeah, I know he's stitching me, but I just don't know why. Right.
The thing that I would imagine it is hard for you is that this is the first time you're trying to date, like basically a nice guy, right, Yeah, and sometimes the nice guys are just as big a jerks as ones that aren't considered nice guys. I mean, that's just the hard lesson of it.
I consider myself a nice jerk.
Yeah, So, you know, just don't be too disappointed or like give up hope or anything after this.
You know, Brook, You're trying to give her a lot of hope, So let's try and stay as optimistic as we can. But we're gonna dial his number and see what Brian has to say.
Okay, here we go. Okay, Hello, Hey is this Brian?
Yeah? Who's this? What's up? Brian? My name is jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Sorry, I don't know the show.
That's okay, dude, I barely know it either.
Yeah, I know that.
That's that's a lot of people, yeah show.
Yeah, there's a bunch of people in this room, and we're all very interested in a date that you went on recently with one of our listeners named Ashley. Was that yours? That your stomach?
No, I think it's just shocked. I'd be shocked too, like, all of a sudden, we're talking about this. I get it. I get it.
Well, it's just wait, are you saying that she reached out to you guys?
Yeah, it's part of a segment that we do called a second date Update.
Well, we haven't had a a Are you guys trying to find out why? I I don't want to.
I mean, yeah, we're hoping to get her a second date with you because that's what she wants, and she's a little bit confused about why it's not happening.
Yet, Well, it's kind of weird what she did.
Did she tell you about it?
Yeah, we thought it was sweet. She said that she took you to the zoo where she volunteers, and she volunteered wall on the date as well, so she had to answer like a lot of questions and stuff. But she thought you had a great time.
I mean, she did tell us about what happened with you and the nine year old kid mishap.
Oh, yeah, that's cute.
You just let him win though, right, because you're a good guy and.
Well, you know when you can't spell foliage.
Yeah, I thought you're trying to spell capa beara.
Well she gave me a few words, but I'm not really a great speller, so I had trouble with him.
Oh, she was just telling us, not because she was still judging you about your spelling, just simply because she was like, oh, that's the only weird thing that I can remember that happened.
She was just trying to have fun with you in that moment. It wasn't meant to embarrass you or anything. I mean, was that like a deal breaker for you?
There's not really any deal breakers.
The main thing was that she was like a news source. She was giving out misinformation.
Sorry, I don't know why you have to like put down news sources. Journalists work really hard in this country.
Okay, well, please don't call yourself a journalist. That's the meaning to actual journalists.
I agree with you, but I went to journalism school, and I know.
Look, I mean, Brian, we're just trying to help get some answers here. Because you said that she was giving up misinformation. Do you mean giving misinformation to you or just in general to everybody to like.
The group that we were walking around with, what.
Do you mean?
Like she's like, that's a capa baron. It wasn't a capa bara Like, what are you talking about.
One of the kids asked about this beetle and one of the displays, and the display itself wasn't labeled, and so she just called it a pirate beetle because like what she's like, yeah, I I a beatle.
Yeah, true, I believe it. I don't even know what the beatle looks like.
He knows his beetle species.
I just thought she was trying to be funny. But this kid like trying to learn something, So I guess the reason why it hit me so hard is because I used to go to the zoo as a kid with my parents, So I was like, but he's really might be like genuinely curious about what that thing is.
So you were upset that she made up a name of a beatle and instead of just saying I don't know, is that what you're saying.
Well, yeah, but this is not just one time we were walking by porcupines and she's like, oh, those are arrow pigs.
Yeah, I mean, come on, everybody knows that was just a joke.
Though, No, these kids were legit writing down arrow pig.
She never corrected them. Does she know what they are?
Maybe she doesn't.
You walk by a train, mansis if she calls them a wobble stick.
Yeah, she's really good with nicknames.
I mean, there are animals should be renamed. At this point, I get that was a little bit weird and you were worried about the kid's education, but like, how does that affect you romantically? Like how how you bonded with her?
Well, I'm a stickler for this stuff, so I don't really respect that sort of stuff. Oh, Like, I get it if you're trying to be funny, but if you generally don't know, be like, I don't know. Let me go find somebody who does. That's my job.
I don't think that Ashley has any idea that you felt this way during the entire higher tour of the Zoo.
Listen though, genuinely she's awesome. I would love to be like, hey, look like, let's do a second date.
But well, that's perfect because now you can do that right now she's on the other line listening.
But that he didn't listen to.
I didn't want to hear that. I didn't like that part, Jeff, Ashley, I talk to Brian.
Hey guys, Hey, Brian.
I had no listening. I'm so grateful.
Yeah, you're upset because I'm having fun with kids.
But you call the lobster a dragon shrimp? Was that real?
It's clever? Why does it sound better? You should? You should be in charge of naming all the world's animals.
Are you really write a kid's book?
I do think it's worth asking, though, Ashley, did you really not know the names of the animals because you're a volunteer or are you just having fun?
It's a lobster. Who wouldn't know the name of a.
Lobster some people never seen.
Yeah, actually I know that.
I oh the name of the animals, but like some of them are made up, and I just don't think it's that big of a deal. Like if I can get a laugh out of these kids while they're at the zoo, that that makes me feel good, you know, So it's not coming from a bad place, Brian.
I mean, these kids get a laugh, but they do flunk out a fourth grade.
I know it sounds petty, but I just had to say something because it bugs me.
Yeah, Brian, you're being like a grumpy puss. You're like a links that you can find at the zoo.
They're big cats. Yeah, but hold on, all seriousness, What is he supposed to do, like call you out in the middle of a group, like you know, it's gonna make you look unprofessional.
Yeah, I'm not going to stop you in the middle of your saying. It just just bug me, and I'm sorry for not talking about it.
Okay, okay, guy.
And that shows that he respects you at your job, even if you're doing a terrible job at it.
I mean, I think you're making the zoo fun actually, But Brian does bring up a good point like, maybe you should also include correct information, like can you do both for the kids?
I mean I can do that. Maybe Brian should be volunteering at the zoo.
Oh, you're like a comedian duo. You get the punchlines and he brings the info, like.
Is he Ashley and Bryant?
We can actually set that up for you guys right now and send you on your second date and pay for that date.
Well, you know what, I don't think that's a bad idea.
What if I call.
Them penguins and then she called them ices chickens, black and whitest you know, you guys have to work on your stick.
I'd actually just call them ice chickens.
And all right, But I'm here, I'm hearing the connection happening. Are we doing this? Ashley? Are you up for it?
Yeah? I'm up for it.
Okay, Brian, is that a yes from you?
Second datus of Probus?
Oh, I say he's bringing the science to the science.
Successful second date up? They Congratulations, guys, Thank
You broken Jeffrey in the morning,