Second Date Update Classic: Incriminating News At 11

Published Mar 1, 2025, 1:30 PM

One of our listeners got their 15 seconds of fame DURING A DATE and it included tv cameras recording EVERYTHING he said… Find out the reason WHY it happened in your Second Date Update podcast!

Quick colexis before the second date starts, tell everyone hello in Australian.

Oh good day, may Oh there.

That must be the reason why we're charting in Australia the top comedy podcast.

Yeah totally hot.

All right, thanks for being here, and don't forget if you do love this much of the show. We've got forty five more minutes of it over on our main feed. Just search Brooke and Jeffrey.

Brook and Jeffrey.

Now they understand what we were talking about.

Let's get to what you can for. It's your second date, second date, up date.

If you see a cute somebody out in the wild, I can tell you what animals would do, but it might make you blush.

Jeffrey, Sorry, I had to let you out help.

That's just how love it works in the animal world.

But that's right.

With humans, it's a little bit of a different story. In general, a lot of guys get too scared to approach if they spot an attractive woman out in the wild.

Well, we are like praying Mantis's.

Rip a guy's head off right after you're done with us. That's right, that's the thing. The fear tends to take over.

But one of our Listeners says, you found a way to conquer that fear by using a game.

Apparently it's interesting.

Usually women don't like it when you play games.

I don't know how it works. So let's welcome Richard to the show.

Richard. How you doing, man?

Good? How you doing guys?

Oh yeah, you a happy guy, Richard coming in?



What's this like game or strategy that you use when you approach women.

Well, it's a familiar game to all of you, I bet, but we play it in a different way, me and my buddy when we're out, you know, in a public place, yes, where we're around gorgeous women or women in general. Okay, and what we do is we shoot rock paper scissors, oh.

To like see who gets to go talk to her first or something.

Whoever loses is the one that has to go and strike up.

About it.


That's actually kind of smart because like either you either way, one of you has to approach and like make a move.

To pick something up, like get off the couch, you know.

Okay, that's interesting. I guess that's fun too. So that did that happen to you recently?

Yeah? I mean, as you might expect. The rejection rate is pretty high, but you would also be surprised how often it works.

Okay, and I'm guessing it worked this time since you're.

On the phone, it does. Yep, exactly. My buddy's paper covered my rock and we were at the park one day and there was a cute girl just sort of sitting on a blanket. Walked over and introduced myself and her name is Hannah, and.

Oh and she liked your paper.

Hunh Yeah, do take it?

Do you tell them about the day? Do you say, hey, how are you?


No, no, no, no no. This is between my pal of me.

I was gonna take this And that's the reason.

I mean, you've done this so many times. Do you have a go to opening.

Line that you use when you lose real Chambeau and have to.

Approach No, not really use the same line. It's like anything else. It just gets tired and you're not into it.

Yeah, So what'd you say to Hannah?

I just said, hey, how are you? It's gorgeous out and she said in this room.

Just both swooned at the same time.

No, weather, I know it's stupid as it is.

It works, Yeah, but the thing is, it's not a line like that's nice. It feels it feels yeah, normal and relaxed.

So were you able to get her number off of that?

Yeah? And we we talked for a little while and we set up a dinner date, like a proper date, you know, downtown at a nice place.

Right, how did nice dinner go? That's exciting.

It went really well. And we were in there for like about close to like an hour and a half, two hours, I mean, just taking our time, casual conversation, and she looks I mean, she's so good. So it's one of those things where I wanted to kind of prolong the fun for as long as I could, but it had to end. So we walked outside and there's like one of these live remote TV crews doing, you know, person on the street interview stuff.

In a positive way or at your restaurant just is getting shut down?

For no, I had nothing to do with the restaurant. They wanted to ask people about like crime in downtown.

Have you heard about Rome.

People playing busted? So they asked me, you know, and I'm a bit of a hand, so I was like, all right, that's fun.

You did a TV interview in the middle of your I.

Did Wow, that's so funny.

So did my thing, and then we sort of moved on from there. I didn't get a kiss. I got like a.

Big hug, really, because you're famous now the interview where you're being like dead serious talking about.

I tried to be sincere, but I'm still trying to be lighthearted about it.

Yeah I could if you're seeing someone do that.

I don't think the local TV news stations would appreciate like a comedian coming on and joking about the.

Crime in their city, which they would ask me. They really should. One time, ratings would go up here that Channel seven.

I'm waiting.

Okay, So you said you ended with a long hug and that seems pretty good. What's happened since then?

Not a lot. And that's why I'm kind of talking to you guys.

Oh no, you should have used that moment to be like, come back to my place. We'll watch the eleven o'clock news.

Knows how to get people back to her.

Yeah that's right, Jose.

I need you to come with me and my buddy to the party.

Yeah all right. So have you spoken to her at all since then?

Or no? It's been silent, like no communication.


Everything, sounds so good. It's a miss I know.

Well, I'm just happy that we have a famous person on the phone with us now. To boost the ratings of this second date update. We're gonna come back and call Hannah for you right after.

This second date update.

Who would have thought a little rock scissors paper RSP could lead to some t l C.

It's rock paper scissors even HPV. I don't know, that's.

A very high get your Yeah, that didn't happen though, because they only hugged. They just honked at the end of the day. Too many weird acronyms coming together there.

But I bring it up. I don't think so.

I only bring it up because that's how our listener, Richard met Hannah. A game of rock paper scissors led to a fancy dinner date that eventually led to a TV interview with the local news.

That's the wildest part man.

Somewhere along the way, it must have gotten off the tracks, because now he's reaching out to us for help.

Yeah, totally, we never heard like it seemed like you enjoyed the TV interview.

But did she say anything about it?

I don't know.

She kind of got in on it. I pulled her into the interview, and so it was, you know, both of us talking to the report.

So that's good.

Oh, hug. The hug was after okay.

All right, walked away in the middle of God, do you think that the reporter realized that she was interviewing someone that was on a first date?

Like that's so funny.

I'm nervous because we're not just calling one famous person, We're possibly calling two famous people.

Pressure on, here we go. Let's see if Hannah picks.

Up her phone's probably ringing off the hug that interview.

Hello, Hi, we're looking to speak with Hannah's calling.

Therees a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Maybe this is her agent?

Okay, is this Hannah?

It is?

How can I help you?

Hi, Hannah, We're doing something on our show. It's a segment called a second date Update.

Okay, and there's a lot of you on the line there, Hi, radio show.

You're probably disappointed that this isn't like a crime podcast.

Okay, we heard you give.

Good local television interviews.

Oh wow, how did you hear about that interviews?

We heard about it because a guy that you went out with recently, Richard, told us about your Jesus.

Oh wow, is that what I heard?

It was more of an oh but yeah, we can go with.

Okay, Well, we were calling to try and ask you some questions to figure out how you felt about Richard and how you felt about the date, because he told us a lot about it.

Okay, Like I could just tell you.

What we know is is you met him in a park. You must have thought he was pretty charming because you went out to dinner with him at a nice restaurant and said you had a great time, and you even got interviewed by the local news.

Ye sounds like a cool day right after it was done.

So weird, very cool.

Wait, what's so weird? The day was so weird?

The news like that, you guys are calling me, Oh.

Sense I understand, but we're just trying to help get Richard some answers here because he's a little bit confused why there hasn't been a second meetup.

I'm not quite sure what he told you, but.

What I just said that.

Sounds like everything. Well, I guess the news thing was kind of like the issue.

It was an issue said that they just interviewed you about like local crime and how you felt about it.

That part's true, but I don't know if he told you that he actually noticed the newspeople first and kind of ran over to them because he said it was his dream to be on the local news.

All he said was that he was a ham.

He doesn't shy away from that, and there's all kind of personalities.

Some people are like, oh my god, my moment, and some people were like, this sounds terrifying.

Is that a turn off to you? Like he's kind of fame hungry.

I mean, I don't know if it was same hungry, but just like the whole thing was just really like just too much, Like what do you mean? Okay, so apparently the local news was doing a story about some kind of perse snatcher, an event that had like literally just happened that night.

Was more generic the way he described it.

Okay, No, it was not generic. And apparently this has been happening repeatedly in the area.

Okay, Okay, this.

Is where it gets really creepy and weird. Yeah, he mentioned that he saw the guy, the pers snatcher guy while we were walking into the restaurant for our date.

Did he though, I mean, maybe he did.

I don't know. I mean, he said he's like giving the guy the news reporter a physical description, like this guy's got shifty eyes, he might have had something under.

His jackets making it all ung or is that what you're taking that's what it seems like.

And then like he goes through this whole description of this perse snatcher person and then looks right into the camera and says, and if you don't believe me, just ask my girlfriend, and then kind of pulled me into the frame.

That's it exactly.

Okay, Yeah, he did mention that you were on TV for a bit.

But I didn't. Ye.

No, he like yanked me into the frame. I was kind of standing off to the side, like deciding whether or not I should just dip.

So did you show off your man or what?

This was our first date, and I mean, the park was nice, the date was nice. But at this point, I'm like, wait, you're talking about me, like I'm your girlfriend. We've only known each other for like three hours.

I was going to give us the benefit of the doubt, like, well, baby, he did see the pert and didn't you have to tell you?

And the best part is afterwards he tells me that he's super proud of me, and I did great on camera, maybe like.

Hey, Fred, that's a girl. Friend.

No, he made it like I'm his girlfriend and that if the news people don't believe him, then he can just double check with me because I saw the guy.

You guys, well, I know that it was awkward when he pulled you into the TV interview. So now we're going to even it out and make it awkward by pulling him into this phone.

Interview my friend because he's on the other line wanting to talk to you.

Thanks for the SI. Hey big guy, how's it going. That hurts?


Did hurt?

Yeah? Way twisted around you guys like, yeah, you treat it. I'm saying that this is kind of embellishing what what happened. I mean, you know, I I think I saw the first snatcher guy. You were right there with me. I mean, they didn't face it. I mean, if there was a guy who was going to be downtown snatching purses, just look at that dude and think, Okay, well.

Yeah we saw a guy. We saw lots of guys, but that doesn't mean that he's the perse snatcher and the.

Yell he look like he is guilty or sketchy or somebody.

Yeah, he looked a little sketchy. But I don't know that that's the first snatcher. I'm not going to go accusing him of being the first snatcher on national on local TV?

Was a purse?


Was he only several persons that's the key.

No, he was just walking by quickly in a dark Outfitt. You weren't wearing a wrench code or anything. It was like he was hiding stuff under the coat.

Person. Yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait wait. You were the one that said, look at that dude with like the bandana, you know, like, who were ye him?

And I was trying to help you find the word. I was like, do you you mean you said he had something on his head? I'm like, oh, do you mean a bandana?

Wait? Did you say that on television?


Oh god?

The Hunt for Crimes?

All right, well this is clearly irresponsible.

On Richard, I would say it's shared responsibility. I mean, if they brought this guy into your studio and you took a look at him, you'd be like, yep, first snatcher, or they'd come into.

The studio and be like, which, what have you did it?


Shifty yourselves with him?

Well, the real snatching that we're interested in is the snatching of hearts and love.

Oh, the whole goal of She just.

Threw up a little bit in her mouth.

The reason that we called you, Hannah is because Richard wants to go out with you again.

I mean, lord, maybe that's a good thing.

Yeah, I mean, are we going to have a date on television this time?

I want you guys to go out again.

And I think the only appropriate way to decide this is by doing rock paper scissors.

And if you both have the.

Same exact thing, then you know that it's meant to be and you can go out.

Okay, Okay, okay, I'll do rock paper scissors for an eight.

Okay, well I.

Will count to three on three. Both shout out the name of what you're throwing. It is good for radio. And this is the one time that we're going to do this unless it works, and then we're going to do rock paper scissors on the tens every single game. So here we go, both ready, one, two, three?

Why would you go with paper first? It's always rock? What are you thinking?

Paper covers rock?

Let's go against you're else. At least we started with rock paper scissors, and we ended that way and we saw the local crime in the meantime too.

Hey, we may be on the local shifty eyes and something under the jacket. Keep a lookout.

Freaking Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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