Second Date Update Classic: I Dare You To Date Me

Published Aug 10, 2024, 1:00 PM

One of our listeners got maybe the worst possible response to an unsolicited text message… EVER!

Second date of dated. Have you ever met somebody on a dare? What like, for example, I dare you Brooke to have Alexis do your makeup in one minute, and then you go up to a Starbucks barista afterwards, and if you asked them out on a date.

I actually asked three Starbucks briss out on dates and I got turned down by every single one.

Oh wait, that's actually happened.

Yes, and the video is so embarrassing.

So you got nose from all of them?

Yeah, one of them. They wouldn't even look me in.

The eye, thought barista. All of those baristas missed out Because I saw the pictures at Brook and Jeffrey and Brooke. You look like a winner, a deranged cat, a sexy deranged So I don't know why they said no to you. But the crazy thing is apparently one of our listeners met a guy on a dare and he is actually on the line right now. Really get a little bit of help. Her name is Ashland, Ashland, and someone dare you to email our show for help.

HI know that was all me?

Okay, okay?

Were your friends kinder in their dares where you got to wear your own makeup instead of like crazy looking makeup like Alexis did on me.

Yes, my own makeup, but so.

Probably would have been you looked amazing in that makeup, Broke. I don't know what you're talking about. I guess I'll step in and do it anyway. But you accepted it. There, tell us how it went.

I accepted a dare. So it was just a fun way to meet guys that my friends were like, you're going to do this at the bar, like.

Okay, okay, this is fine. Yeah like this sometimes oh yeah, yeah, but that's not to meet men.

That's just embarrass the bride to be in.

This is so what was the dare?

Well, they had me do this thing where I would just air drop a few cute photos of myself whoever had their air drop at the bar, and they like made me like fit away from them, and they're like, well, if any que guys get it and they can come up and talk to you.

Oh oh you would sit by yourself while you did it.

Though, yeah, I just said by myself. Well, I mean like at the bar, you know what I mean?

Okay, have you ever got random air drop? You always look around the room to.

See exact that's genius. So it could go could go to like a really cute guy, could go to a bunch of.

Like we so sitting by yourself, well doing cringiest far.

That's what makes it a dare. It's a challenge, so you actually get there, you I think.

Yeah. So they were like watching and it worked a few minutes later, this one cute guy walked up and we made some joke about it.

Did you tell him it was a dare? Did you give him the whole inside scoop?


I didn't. At that time. I was just like, oh, no, I meant to send it to that guy, like point into this weird guy with a cowboy hat on behind him that.

I was really hoping for the toothless. Yeah, oh well, I guess I'll settle for you.

There was no toothless, but there were some weird so that's great.

He came over to you and you guys struck up a conversation.

Yeah, he so, then he like offered buy me a drink, and I was like, this is crazy. This actually worked. Like I was like then, I was trying to actually not look at my friends right.

Who were like dying staring at you in the corner.

I'm sure.

Sorry. We never got that guy's name that walked up to you.

Oh, Nate, Nate.

So how did it go with him?

Well, we were just making that like small talcketting to know each other, and then music came up, and then I found out he actually went to the Beyonce concert.

He's awesome too, Yeah, awesome, But is it a red flag?

Why would it be a red sug do?

A lot of single guy go to Beyonce concerts by themselves, like maybe with a girlfriend or guys. Sorry, that's that's what I mean.

Yeah, I don't know, but I was just like, oh cool. I didn't expect that. And then we were talking about like movies and stuff and TV shows. I mentioned that I like like the Superhero one. He was like, oh, I didn't expect you to so like all that and like you know, it's aid a bread from the comics and anyways, it was just like that was fun. We both like kind of surprise each other and had some stuff in comics.

Okay, so she surprised you with Beyonce, you surprised him with comics, yeah, okay.

Yeah, and that's cool.

Yeah yeah, So everything was cool and then like him and his group of friends were gonna go, like to another bar, and they invited me, but I just said I was still waiting to meet my friends.

So I didn't even tell them that they were over watching you the entire time.

I didn't tell him, I know, I never held it.

That's a smart move. That would be awkward to be like, Actually, the only reason I'm talking to you is because I was.

You either had to say it at.

The very beginning or not say it at all.

Yeah, so how did you kiss him?


Did she kiss him?

I was okay, she air dropped cute pictures, not knotty pictures to him.

So before he left, he had his phone out, so I was like, oh, are you gonna put my number in? So I made sure he had my number before and then he texted me, oh we did just right then with his name like.

Name, Well, you're official, now.

Say your name is girlfriend?

Now, Well, I mean what you should have done is we like, text me later and when my friends get here, maybe we can meet you guys, since you would both.

Yeah, well he did invite me. Yeah, but the problem is since then I haven't heard from him, and it's like a week. And I did wait a few days and then I just like thought would be funny again we had like a fun banter. I just sent like one more like another cute photo of me, so I'd be like, hi, I'm.

Here, and he didn't respond.

No he liked it.

No, no, no.

Just a thumbs up, like a thumbs up.

Like I think it was a heart react, but there was like someone just likes it and then does it with fun.

Yeah, we've actually had somebody do that before, and that was the whole reason that they weren't calling the other person back. Emphasized it exclamation point. There's a little hope that he loved the.

Photo, distracted and forgot to try anything.

We'll see we're gonna come back. We'll call Nate for you hot Nate, and try and get to your second date update right after this. Okay, all right, hold on second date update. During the break, I went and air dropped a little photo of myself to everybody in our office. Now, guess who scored a mandatory one on one date with the HR person at the end of the work date. Sounds like somebody's getting diss blint.

HR does not have a whip and give it to them.

But it just proves that that trick does work, and it worked even better for a listener who was dared to air drop a photo of herself to everybody in a bar, and that's how she ended up meeting a guy named Nate. They had a really good conversation that night. She just needs our help moving things along because nothing has really happened since they met.

Well, I mean, I don't know that we brought it up earlier, but do you.

Think that he was just maybe looking for that night? You know what I mean?

Because he like invited her, Yeah, invited her out with his buddies, and then when it didn't happen, it was that moment.

It was all he wanted.

I mean, do guys do that, They just like look for a one time thing. That sounds so unlike her. Yes, we are looking for a one time thing, a one time lover to Mary and yes, the one, the one exactly. Yeah, you girls with your one night it's disgusting, a little player. Okay, I'm sorry that you even had to hear that. Okay, look what you did, Brooke say, you don't seem like a one night type of girl, Ashley.

Not to me, the type of girl that's one night type of girl.

You could be like that Ashley.

Okay, I know I could, but I'm not.


I'll tell you it's fun sometimes.

Okay, let's move on. Please, Okay, let's just call me and hopefully that's not what he says. I'm hopeful for this, but okay, mister, we're gonna Dilla's number right now. Here we go.

Hello, what's wrong is this Nate? Yeah? This is Nate. Hey.

Uh, sorry to call you randomly out of the Blue Wirl radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the morning. I ever heard of us?

I don't know.

That's all right?

Okay, why you guys? Why are you guys calling me? What's going on?

Yeah? We were calling because one of our listeners asked us to reach out to you after you guys hung out the other night at a bar. Her name is Ashlin.

Oh Man. Uh yeah, yeah, okay.

We're trying to figure out how you felt about Ashland that night.

I don't how much did she tell you?

What we learned that you guys met because she air dropped a photo to you, okay, and you went up and talked to her at the bar. You guys hung out for like thirty minutes or so, and had a really nice conversation, and she.

Made a funny joke about her wanting to air drop the weird cowboy that was sitting next to you instead.

She's funny.

Yeah, No, I mean she was cool. We kind of hanging out, vibing. It was good. I don't know, it's cool.

Why did you invite her out?

She said that you invited her out with the like the group of your friends, So that must have been you were like digging it right, Yeah.

No, I mean we were having fun for the first little while, but things got kind of weird after she gave me her number.

Why wait, like in your personal life.

No, no, not not for me. So she was we were just talking about stuff, and she was talking aboutw she liked Marvel movies, and we were just you know, she was like, oh yeah, you know Avengers, Guardians, Black Panther.

Yeah, she told us that.

And you were surprised by that?

Well, no, I mean it was cool.

I was.

I was a little surprised, you know, because it's not that any girls were into that stuff, and I was, and I was just kind of like, I was trying to make a little fun joke after she said that, like black panther. I was like, oh, well, kind of forever, you know.

Right, that's like the famous line from that movie.

Yeah, of course, you know. I was just trying to like keep the thing going. And she goes, oh my god, have you been there?


I listen.

I thought I laughed just like you got, like exactly was. It's a funny joke, you know, like as she was just making a joke, right, and she was like, why are you laughing? She's like, I would love to go there.

She actually that is a real place.

I think, yes, No, are you sure?

Yeah, And she goes, oh, it's such a gorgeous country. They're so open, they have great leaders.

Oh my god, we should go in mind for Vibranium the movie. It's she can't be serious.

They're obviously fictitious movies.

Yeah, I mean didn't you didn't you tell her like, you know, that's not a real place.


I didn't want to be the one to tell her that.

You Yeah, I feel horrible because I need to tell you, Nate. She's been listening to this entire conversation. Yeah, she's on the other line still likeasline, are you there?

Yeah, I don't get why you guys are laughing though, because it's a real place. I'm so confused right now?

Are you just trying to play dumb. I'm being honest, like I'm not dumb.

It's a real place.

And why do you think it's a real place? Can I ask that?

Like if you well, it's just going there's the documentary about it a long time ago.

What documentary?


I don't remember what it was called Hotel Wakanda. I don't remember hotel.

Condo, Hotel Rwanda. Oh you're thinking that's a different which is a country?

It's a really good country.

It's like the new No, there's an African country called Rwanda in Africa.

Okay, isn't helping.

The mistake? Nate? Why why don't you talk to Alan about this a little bit. We're gonna step back for a second here.

Oh thanks, Thanks guys, that's got this. Thank you so much.

Remember she's funny and cute.

She is funny. Hi, Aslan, how are you? What's not much? I thank you for the pictures. I mean it was nice you look Oh.

Yeah, I well I thought you wanted to hang out. But now you guys are making fun of me on the radio, so I don't listen.

They called me into this. Nobody's making fun of you. I'm not making funny. I think you're a very nice person.

That's true, just.

Laughing at a funny situation.

Yeah, But like Wakanda isn't like it's not a real place.

It's a real place. It's in Africa.

It's listening. It can be a real newer country.

They've had have wars about it.

They it's.

You, guys.

This doesn't sound like an argument we're gonna win with you, Like, what's the point when you waste time?

You just need to go do some do your own restarch.

Don't do your own research. Confirm as everyone's on the right side, more power, we all forever, absolutely and everybody who lives there, real or not. What we're more focused on is trying to get you two together for a date and will pay for that date. If you're willing to go and meet her one more time. We're gonna offer We're not going to fly to Wakanda. We're gonna pay for a second date, Nate, if you're up for it.

I mean, okay, she may be a little misinformed, but she's still fun.

And we'll send you to a restaurant that only serves Wakandan cuisine. We're a fresh out of Italian stuff, so you're gonna have to do Wakandan.

Food I eat in that movie.

I don't know one thing. We're gonna ask Nate to find out for us. He'll come back with a review on how the Wakandan restaurant was. What do you say, Nate? One more date.

Like I like, I like hanging out with her as great.

It's a yes or a no, Nate, this is not a very complicated question.

Can we figure out the Wakanda thing first?

We might be here for hours.

It doesn't sound like it. We tried that already.

I would say yes if we don't have to talk about Wakanda. And I would say no if it's that big of a deal to you.

All right, Well, I'm just going to read in between the lines and say it's sounding like a no here.

And they already had their honeymoon spots figured out.

A beautiful Wakandan suns to a fourth World country. I didn't know that there were that many. Well, we're not going to resolve this on the radio. Why don't you guys text each other off the air and you can figure out if you want to see each other again.

All right, there's a world somewhere where we do go on our honeymoon and wakanda. I'm sure that's a good attitude.

He wants to take her out and do mushrooms. It sounds like

You guys have fun, okay, brooking Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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