One of our listeners met a wealthy, attractive man who gave her one of the best nights ever, but she’s skeptical that it was TOO GOOD to be true, we’re on the case in another Second Date!
The second date of day friends, we have another mystery on our hands. Those because normally when we do these calls, the other person has completely ghosted our listener and is avoiding any contact. That's not the case here. In this one. The guy has moved in with her and is paying her entire rent.
I don't get it.
They're not that close at all. But Meghan, Okay, Megan, our listener wants our help because the guy is asking her out. She's just not interested in the type of date that he has in mind. Interesting, so she wants our help. Meghan, Welcome to the show.
Hi, guys, how are you good.
I'm really curious about this conundrum you're in.
Well, so I met this guy online. We were chatting for several weeks.
Okay, what's his name?
His name is Finn. Finn Okay, yeah, I don't know any since so it was kind of drawn to him by a unique name, and then you know, we're getting to know each other over. Of course, there were several weeks chatting online, and one of the things he mentioned was that he had younger sisters and that he's protective over them. So I felt like, this is a guy that knows how to be respectful a woman.
But he's an older brother, so it's still questionable. Yeah, I mean the younger brother always because he's been beaten down the older brother.
It's really exactly or who or he could just be a jerk to us. I mean who knows?
Right, Yeah, but that's fine that maybe he had that, like more of that alpha big brother presence and I'm attracted to that. Okay, okay, Yeah, So anyways, for our first date, he actually invited me over to his house, which is not something typically you do with someone that you've met online.
Well, not what beta men do, but alpha men.
It's actually a den.
I believe they call it a den. So you felt comfortable doing that? You felt okay with it?
I did? I did so. I felt like I got to know him, you know, well enough online that I felt fairly comfortable going over. It was interesting, you know, he gave me an address to go meet him, and I'm driving into the neighborhood. It's a really beautiful neighborhood, pull up to the house, and I wasn't really sure, like, am I the right destination? A beautiful house.
Knows a house, it's not an apartment?
No, it was like a huge It was like, I guess it could be considered a mansion. WHOA, Okay, like it was a serious house. I mean it turned out that his family is very well off and the parents allowed him to rent the house from them.
A dad's house. We use rent. I'm sure right, you know, meet me in.
The West Way.
Well, if you get you forget to reap the benefits of that, then go for it.
I mean it was awesome.
So you're you're impressed walking up to the door.
Yeah, I mean he had a whole game room and there's like a billiard's table, like a shovel board. We played all these things.
There was a bar, like a full stock bar with beer on tap in it.
What was he like? Like, it's great that he's rich, But what was your vibe with him?
No one honestly cares about the house. Did the living room? Do you take bards between all the rooms?
You guys got along.
Yeah, he casual. He wasn't like stuck up or snobby about it. He's like, oh, let me show you around, and that's making small talk.
What was the most romantic part of the night. That's what Brooke wants to know.
Yeah, sure, that.
Would take dinner. He ordered in from a really really nice steakhouse.
Oh wow, he ordered delivery. That's a cool steakhouse.
Lobster tale.
But he had set it up an aldead and he laid out the table and everything, and they had like a beautiful view. So that was like the most romantic part of it. That's better.
It sounds lazy. He wouldn't take you to a steakhouse, but that's pretty nice. Like, and this man wants to go out with you again, why are you talking to us? This sounds amazing.
Well, so after I left him, we had a great time. He invited me over again for a second date.
But awesome.
I have actually suggested us going out somewhere and like having fun and you know, maybe dancing a little bit. But he was really adamant about going back to his house.
Is it like sending you red flags? And he's like trying to keep things secret or something.
Is famous where he like literally is like I don't want to draw.
I was getting married, but yeah, not famous enough.
You don't want to hang out back at his house.
I mean it's not that I've minded, but it just seems weird that he was I mean, just his tone. He was very specific about just staying in at his place.
Not a good sign.
Well, maybe he has a second parents house that he wants to show you. That's even better than that's true.
Are you worried that it's like too good to be true?
Why can't tall like hiding me? Or is he trying to just get my pants and he just wants to get there quicker? I have no idea.
Well, Lexis will tell you that's not the worst thing in the world. Yeah, okay, So even though he is reaching out and asking for a date, you want a different type of date out in.
Public, Yeah, I want like a social date.
Yeah, And honestly, you just want to find out why why he's so adamant about the house.
We have a mystery and we're putting on our Sherlock Holmes costumes as we speak.
I'm doctor Watson, I'm.
The whole detective attire is coming out, and then when we come back, we're going to try and get you your second date. Update. Right after this date, we're on the phone with one of our listeners named Meghan, who went out on an interesting first date with a guy named Finn and Meghan, there's something that you mentioned when you wrote your email to us that you didn't talk about in the first part because you said that you had your first daid at his place, which turned out to be this really big mansion that his parents owned. You got steak dinner ordered in. But in your email you said that Finn cut your steak for you.
Is that?
Is that a sweet thing or is that?
I think it depends if you ask I hate cutting mind. That's probably because you order it super well done and you have to use a chainsaw to get into it.
Why would you do?
What was your read on that, Megan?
I mean, at the moment, like, I thought it was kind of sneering because the food is actually delivered with plastic flatware, and he took out actual like steak dives, so I thought he was doing it to be like courteous and nice and serving it.
Okay, he was like, here comes the airplane.
I would love.
Just sp wassed to be a giant man child. I really just did take care of But did your mind change about it? It sounds like you were gonna say, but I mean, like when.
You say it that out loud, yeah, it sounds like kind of creepy. But in the moment, it wasn't that way.
It felt fine in the in the time.
In retrospect, right, it probably should have just handed the knife to you and let you cut it. Well, I think Alexai is right. You ask like some girls like Brook or like you, I can cut my own steak man.
It's just I'm not a child.
I don't want my whole meal.
I feel like it could have been a chivalrous move. And let's call this chivalrous man and find out for sure. Because the weird part is he is asking her out. He's just not willing to go away from his house. He wants to keep it kind of secret's gonna be.
This is gonna be a weird call.
Can have a phone number for you, jeff You know what they I thought you just did? You go ahead and die the numbers, That's what I was saying. That was really sweeths down the numbers for me. And we're gonna call Finn and talk to him.
Here we go.
Hello, Hey, is this Finn?
So speaking?
So sorry? I hope this isn't a bad time. You're on the radio right now with Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.
Excuse me, who is this We're a.
Morning radio show. It's called Brooke and Jeffrey.
We're doing a segment called a second Date Update. We're reaching out for one of our listeners who you went out with the other Well, I guess not didn't go out with, you stayed in with at your house.
You guys had a date.
Her name was Megan.
Okay, I don't I don't understand. Why is she reaching out to you? Why are you calling me?
Well, apparently there's a little bit of a miscommunication because you are asking her out on another date. You just don't want to go, like out out in public with her.
Yeah, that's just sending up some weird vibes. Maybe is there is there like a reason.
No, it's just I'm just trying to, you know, get to know her more, that's all.
Okay? And why your house? Every time we heard your house is beautiful?
I mean yeah, dude, No, Yeah, it's great. It's a great Yeah, it's a great place. So you know what's the problem, right.
Well, it just seems counterintuitive because normally people want to get to know someone before they invite him over, But you want to get to know her before you go out in public.
Yeah, but we've stalked a long time online. We really got to know each other.
Yeah, that's good. She mentioned that, and she said she really likes you. But one of one of the theories that has been circulating around here is that maybe you're trying to hide her. That you don't hide her. Yeah, you don't want anybody to see that you're out with her.
No, not at all.
That's good to hear. Okay, so the post a picture of you two right now.
Great, that's cute.
You said she's great.
Yes, absolutely, I mean she's beautiful.
What's the problem. Why won't you take her out? Like that's what she would really like?
Well, I mean, I are you like you sound sound like something is there?
You know what's going on? You just don't want to tell.
Are you married or something?
Is that?
What is?
What is it?
Look at we're assuming the worst of you. Just if it's something that simple, just clear it up.
Well it's not simple, but it's just stupid. It's stupid, And.
I just that's great. We love stupid. Yeah, we're experts and stupid on this show. I'm so stupid, bro. You make it feel comfortable.
Truth, Well, essentially, essentially, for the next six months. I'm not allowed to leave the house.
Strict rules from your parents.
Why is it why we think it's I'm under house arrest.
That's what I figured.
Okay, what did you do?
Is it for something really bad or just like kind of.
In jail?
Right, it's stupid what you're doing. I don't even know I could say this, So.
You take it more house arrest for just telling people what happened.
Basically, me and my buddies we got together to pretend like we were the village people. I work in TV and film, and so I had a police uniform and my buddy has a construction worker uniform. We all got together. We pretended like we were the village people to play at this casino. So we show up and they're like, uh no, you're not the village people.
Right, because the village people are super old.
You guys. So let me see if I understand what you're saying. You and your friends impersonated a famous band to get money from a casino and you got caught.
Well, I mean, yeah, so what is that?
That's like defrauding a company?
Yeah, that's it.
It doesn't matter what the charges are really, because I'm on house arrest. And I can't go anywhere.
Okay, she was gonna notice if you ever got intimate because that.
Well I can't hide that one.
Yeah, here's the good news. I know you didn't want to come out with the truth to Megan, but you kind of did. Yeah. I didn't tell you this before. She's on the other line listening.
What Megan, how are you?
I mean, I wasn't really expecting that is the reason why we can't go out. If I'm relieved that you're not married or have a girlfriend, or are you a better option?
Well, you know, it's like, it's so stupid. I don't I don't want to that to be our first thing that we're talking about it. I'm just like, oh god, how do I do this?
I mean, Megan, now you've heard the real reason that he's not calling you back because he's a secret Village People impersonator who defrauds casinos. Is that a turn off to you or is that a turn on?
I mean, I guess, just going back to our first day, I don't know why you didn't just tell me.
Well, it's not exactly something you lead off with. You know. Hey, by the way, you know, I'm a criminal. I'm currently under house arrest.
I mean, like with the second date, like you're buying me back, right, And if I did go and we kept a charade up, I'd eventually find out.
No, No, you wouldn't have found out.
How would you not found out?
I mean because you've never you would have never seen the bracelet?
How I don't want to.
He wears snow boots everywhere, maybe to put.
His monitor on a different part of his body. I don't someplace you'd never fight.
If you can't find that part of the body.
Do you hear a beeping?
Yeah? I mean I just think that it's weird that you think that I wouldn't find out or No, I think you should have just told me.
Yeah, yeah, I know. It's just not something I'm just embarrassed by. I don't want to. I don't want to tell you.
Well that makes sense, though, Megan. You can see that he's finally at least it took a lot of prodding, but he did finally admit the truth to you. Megan, he's come clean. Would you like to go out on another date with him? We will offer you a gift card to his house.
You know, I think we just have to get Postmas. Yeah, exactly, do.
We or we can pay for the uber to and from. How many more months are you still on your house arrest there, Finn.
I got three left?
Okay, just three more months of dating at his house and then you can go out somewhere. Yeah, go back to that casino and do the village people thing together.
Yeah, no, that's off limits. I can't come there for a few years.
Okay, Well maybe you just do do it at a bar, at a senior home or something and work your way up. But we do that. We'd like to get you guys back together.
Yeah, I mean, it's not like a deal breaker for me. I mean, to be full honest, I've been binge watching Animal Kingdom, so I'm all about you know, criminal stuff right now.
Oh all right, yeah, an.
Zebras look great and black and white.
Yeah, so is this a yes for another day?
Yes? All right, we'll get you back over to Finn's place's parents.
I can't think of a worse endorsement for online dating. Then screw it. I'm not going to meet somebody else. I'm just going to keep seeing the guy who's under house arrests for the next three months. Rookie Jeffrey in the Morning. Man. You know, the more I think about it, the more I'm not sure if she should have said yes to another day that well. I wanted to be happy for them, but now I don't know.
Okay, listen, I've dated a felon. But he was honest about it from the beginning. Like that guy was just he would have never told her. He even admitted that he almost left.
There's no way she wouldn't have found it right. And the guy sounded like he was in his early thirties. So that's usually the time in your life when you stop making really stupid decisions. Wow, Like I get the idea of him and his buddies at a bar one night being like, oh, you know what would be really funny, let's all dress up like the village people and try and steal money from the casino. That's where it should have ended.
I don't even get that pre.
Like really bad Oceans eleven, because that's not how Brad Pitt and George Clooney did in Well.
I mean, it's a guy thing. You kind of joke around about stuff like that, but you don't actually buy the costumes and go to the casino and actually take the money he already had them.
Oh, I mean to be fair.
Oh maybe there was a legitimacy, but I remember. If you ever want to get a second date update, you can always reach out to us. We'll call that person who isn't calling you back.
Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning,