Imagine if you went on a date with a coworker and after the hang out, MULTIPLE PEOPLE are now avoiding you. It happened to one of our listeners and you can hear why in a Second Date!
Second Date up date.
The holidays are a time for family, forgiving, for playing your favorite Christmas songs on repeat with rapper Little John in the background.
I missed that Silent night.
Yeah. Nothing says the Holidays for me like an Atlanta rapper putting on another Yule log.
Why are you bringing Little John and how he spends his holidays?
I'm saying the holidays they're different for everybody. I said, the holidays are different for everyone, Little John, They're different for everyone.
Okay, this whole time, you just had hearing problems.
And yeah, we've got a listener on the phone for a very special holiday edition of a Second Date Update.
Her name is Para, So Para, welcome to the show.
Oh what hey, good.
Morning, Happy holidays, Parah.
Hey, thanks, So tell us about why you emailed us for a second date update.
Who'd you meet?
Yeah? So I met this guy. His name is Bryce. We work in the same building, but we hadn't officially been introduced. I guess like we knew who each other were, but we were at a celebration for the holidays. It was a work party.
Oh okay, okay, that's right.
Yeah, perfect opportunity.
Yeah, so he approached me, And it's kind of weird that he told me that he heard about me from Janna. She's another girl we work with, but I don't really know her very well either.
Someone's playing matchmaker.
Always tries to do that with our other co workers.
Yeah, you know, I think it helps that he was very attractive. Otherwise I'm not sure I would be too happy that Jana was talking about me to the strangers.
Just like, don't hook me up with that.
Yeah, okay, so how did how did that go?
You and hit it off?
We did.
So he invited me to go Christmas shopping with him.
That's fun.
Yeah, I've never been asked out that way before, so I thought, you know, it would be kind of cool to get to know each other. And so it's not so like formal. But we were there for like five hours.
Okay, that sounds like a nightmare.
He didn't say, like, I really got to find something for my wife, right, who were you shopping for?
I guess it was just shopping for like his family and stuff like that. We did look at some really cute, like sexy outfits, but he had me put him up to me, and you know, he complimented me and was being really flirtatious.
Did he buy you any of them?
It was our first date, so I think he was just trying to be flirty and cute and just kind of hit the touch barrier and stuff like that.
Oh, I'm picturing lingerie.
Is anyone else or is it like just a cute dress?
Is a robe considered lingerie in your house?
For a Yeah?
I mean it's going to be tiny if it's going to be considered lingerie and sexy. Otherwise it's like, oh, you look hot in this very large Which.
One was it?
You know, we looked at many different things. It wasn't just like one specific type of outfit or anything like that. We were there for many hours and.
He had the stamina for that.
I sort of got I go to the store with my husband and twenty minutes in, yeah he die.
Yeah, did you guys at least go get food somewhere?
We did. We ate at the food Core about halfway through, just kind of talked about work and stuff like that.
This is like a nineteen ninety six date all over again. Yeah, hitting up the orange Julia suit?
Why not?
I mean it sounds like you had a good time.
I did, you know? We spent some time kind of making fun of people, and just like, it was nice to see somebody who wasn't so uptight like all the other guys I've dated.
Exactly one of them when you're sitting in the foot court eating. It's a valid point.
But it sounds like you guys really bonded and had a good time together.
How did you leave things at the mall?
Well, at the end, you know, we just kind of hugged. And then he said something that was kind of weird. He said he was going to circle back with Jana and thank her for for introducing us officially.
I guess was it supposed to be a joke because it comes off so businesslike, i'most circle back with Janna.
I thought it was kind of weird. He hasn't really reached out to me since then, so I tried to reach out to Janna and ask her, you know, how she thought it went. But she's avoiding me too.
Avoiding you.
Maybe a sexy robe was for Jana.
Oh, that would be really weird.
She's like super.
Old old ladies.
Thank you.
It's weird that he's avoiding you, but also Jana is avoiding you.
Something is clearly up here, I don't want to.
Tell you something and that the old lady is playing matchmaker in the office.
That makes sense because you did Okay, she loves ropes.
I get a lot of.
We're going to play a song, We're gonna come back and we're gonna call Bryce for you, and we're gonna ask him if he wants another date with you, Little John? Are you cool with having Little John's on board?
Didn't realize he was listening.
Your Second Date Update right after this.
Yeah, hold on Second Date Update. We're in the middle of a holiday edition of a Second Date Update.
Oh, this song makes it sound so sweet.
It is sweet because we're on the phone with one of our listeners Para, which, honestly, it's an interesting name. I don't think i've ever heard that before. Is that short for something para?
Yeah, it's actually short for a parasol.
Parasol Oh like the umbrella?
Like the umbrella? Yeah, exactly. So my parents met in Paris under an umbrella, and so that's where my name came from.
Wow, you're named after an international umbrella. I mean Brooks named after a dirty river field would runoff from meth labs in Idaho.
So you guys been bond after the show is done.
About There to Go Creek, but with Brooks dead, it's very romantic.
Yeah. Anyway, the reason Para has reached out to us is because she went out with a guy named Bryce. The two of them went holiday shopping together after they were kind of set up by one of their co workers.
Has it been so awkward at work since he's been avoiding you?
Luckily we work in different departments, we don't really cross paths, but every once in a while I'd like to be able to walk by and say hi without it being weird.
Well, let's start by saying hi over the phone, because we're going to call him right now and we'll see what he hasks to say. Maybe there's a logical reason why he's not calling you back. All right, come on, it's the spirit of the holidays.
It's all about hope, right, Christmas.
Magine on our side.
Yeah, with the benefit of the.
Now, I guess here we go.
I'm going to die Bryce's number. Let's do this.
Hey, is this Bryce?
Yeah, and my name is Jeff from the radio show brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Okay, Merry Christmas or or Happy Hanukkah or Kwanzaah.
Merry Christmas is fine. I always tell people that's a safe assumption. Most people celebrate Christmas. But yeah, Mary.
Christmas, Okay, Well I don't personally I want to be there. No, I'm glad.
I'm glad that you're a big fan of the holidays, and we love the holidays. Yeah, we heard that you went holiday shopping recently, actually with one of our listeners.
This is why you called me, just to talk about holiday shopping.
Even dip it into the egg dog.
Not wrong with that, No, it's just kind of strange, and I don't really you know, I don't know why I got a call from a radio station.
Well, this is a segment that we do called a second Date Update, and we're trying to see if you would like to hang out with Para again after you guys went shopping together.
Waitah from your Yeah, I know, I don't really see any reason to hang out with her again. I mean, had all my my Christmas shopping done. I mean that was cool. She was really helpful.
What what are you talking about?
She said, you guys met at the company holiday party.
Your coworking, right, we did, Yeah, we did. We we met in our company, uh co worker, Jana, I'll put us together. You know, I was complaining to to her that I really couldn't figure out what I wanted to get from my girlfriend for Christmas? And so did you just use what do you mean? Wait?
I was.
I went, I need to do a shopping for.
My girlfriend, and Janna, you have a girlfriend?
Yeah, yeah, absolutely, Okay, I.
Don't think Para. Did you tell Para that? Like, why are you being so nonchalant about it?
I don't understand the I really don't get it. Janet told me that they did a secret Santa thing for the last couple of years, and Para gave the best stuff. And then you know, I had good tips on what to buy.
So so you use her for five hours on no pay as a personal shopper.
Oh no, don't get me wrong. You know I actually gave some money to Janna that I answered it to give the parrot sh didn't ask or anything, you know, I just said I appreciate it, so I would hope she would pass it on. That's all.
There, did Jenna not give it to her? I'm so confused.
I think a lot of people are confused.
Probably most of all is Para, who's been listening on the other line this entire time and wants to talk to you.
I don't even know what to say, I am.
I mean, it's funny, but.
Bryce par has been there the whole time.
Yeah, so of course you have a girlfriend.
Why do you think we were shopping for bathrobe? I even said to you, do you think Helen would like these?
You know, why are you lay?
First off, Helen is an old lady name, so I definitely thought we were shopping for like your grandma or your aunts or something.
It's valid.
Her name is a name, Okay, I mean she she Yes, he is a little bit older, but that doesn't matter. I mean my girlfriend is is. She's wonderful. She's a wonderful woman.
Okay, So you use me to help you shop for your girlfriend. I mean you just led me on and and used me.
Well hold on, because he said that he gave money to Jana to forward to you.
Well that money never got to me, and it was obviously not clear that you're using me as a personal shopper.
That's why Janna is avoiding you, because she stole your money.
It has nothing to Oh my god, I'm sorry to start.
That's sketchy, because Brice, why would you pay Jana to pay me if that's really what this was. Why didn't you give me the money and explain that that's what you wanted me to do.
You work on a different floor than me. I never really show you that much until the party, and then Janna recommended that I take you shopping, and so look, nobody asked me for money anyway. I thought it was just a nice thing to do, so I gave Jana fifty bucks to pass on to you.
Why aren't you apologizing for the miscommunication though, like I would feel terrible obviously apologizing for it because he was never clear was what his intention was.
I mean, yes, I think that there was a lot of mistakes throughout this whole thing, but I mean she's embarrassed. Parah is embarrassed. She thought that there was something else and that and that sucks.
Yeah, I will say that, Parah.
I like, this is a weird situation, and I don't you know, I think we all got a little confused. I knew you were single, all right, you kind of made that clear when we were shopping, and now I guess look him back, I understand why Oh, I kept talking about being single, But I do you even.
Have a girlfriend if you can't go shopping for her on your own. You know that you paid somebody to go find her gift for her.
So I hired a personal shopper. I mean, in my mind that's what I was doing. I hired a personal shopper. I don't think she would be upset by that.
Yeah, i'd I think that helps the case.
You didn't have a personal shopper.
He thought.
At least that was his intention. J Janna is a scandalous one and all.
Yeah, Jana, I totally took advantage of the situation to try to get some work for free.
He paid her fifty bucks.
That was just a booking fee to pay Jana to find someone to shop for you. So I think you saw me like a hundred bucks for my time.
Yeah, that was a booking fee.
I agree with that.
I mean, if you're going to be a pip, you better get your rates right.
Oh my god, you know, I think I only spent like forty dollars on the bathrobe.
I mean it was just really good well shopper.
That was the other part that was a little bit confusing. She felt like you were being flirty with her.
I was being flattering the entire time. She's dropping hints about being.
She was on a date.
I don't need your pity.
The compliments, though, do get misconstrued during the holidays, like when I sat on Santa's lap and he's like, you look like a good little boy.
I mean, I didn't take that one the wrong way, thanks Daddy. Well, that one was on me.
I'm curious, though, Bryce, how long have you been in a relationship with this girlfriend Helen.
We just started dating a few weeks ago, so I don't really know her well enough.
Already shopping for her. So it's a newer relationship. That's interesting.
Yeah, I don't want to be alone during the holidays.
Yeah, you sound like a catch when you say.
Maybe you guys don't have to be alone for the holidays if you meet up one more time and we'll pay for that meetup.
Oh oh no, if you're talking about us, no chance.
Yeah, there you go, Para, I don't know.
I don't know, Parah Man, I could use a new a suit for New Year's Eve.
I'll help you shop, as long as you're very clear that's what it is. I'm going to be doing.
Hey see, we're helping.
I was thinking about getting some sexy lingerie for Helen. I don't know about you, just I'm just even I like you.
You're the old man humor
Look Jeffrey in the morning.