Second Date Update Classic: Cake By The Tesla

Published Jun 15, 2024, 12:30 PM

The guy from today’s Second Date brought his dinner date back to his place, but before the magic could begin.. something tragic happened!

Second date update. How much does what a guy drives work on impressing a girl.

It depends on the girl.

Maybe it depends on the car too. Yeah about a classic Aston Martin or a shiny new Bugatti.

But that's really fancy. I just think the guy driving that is really old isn't always a bad thing.

What about the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile. If your date shows up and you look out the window and see he's parked the big Wiener out in your driveway, you're thinking, well, don't need underwear tonight. I know where this is going. And one of our listeners, Kenny his drive during his date. We're gonna find out what that is and just a bit. But first, Kenny, welcome to the show man.

Hey guys, how you doing? Thanks for having me.

Okay, Kenny, it sounds like whatever I was gonna say, you were proud of whatever you drive. But I guess same.

Yeah, Like I said, we'll get to your sexy vehicle in just a second. First, tell us about the girl that you went out with. What's her name?

Their name's Ellie And uh Now, usually don't find too many women out there, and so I went on plenty of fists kind of connected. But the one thing she had this tattoo of a phoenix like on her neck coming out her back.

A neck tattoo.

Moking, hot bro, I'm a sucker for any chicks with that too.

Yeah, you're thinking that she makes questionable, possibly drunk decisions that will stay with her for the rest of her life.

She didn't read as an art lover.

Yeah, no, Yeah, So we linked up, went out, got some food, you know.

I paid for it, got shot here and there. It didn't try to overdo it.

Can I ask you? Were you just looking for like a night of fun or do you want like more than that?

Yeah? I mean I'm not gonna be over pushing that to say, but yeah, if it's there, and I think we kind of had some connection, I definitely want to go to another level.

Okay, okay, not emotional level. I think we're talking just physical.

Level, right, any type of level I.

Can get you next.

So is that why you brought up the type of car that you drive try and impress her a little.

I can't even remember how we got on it, but it was talking about the electrical vehicle thing, and I'm like, oh, I have a Tesla.

Oh it's a Tesla.

Right, it was like my moment I could actually shine and I mean I milk it.

Well, I'd like the thing with Tesla's I mean, it's definitely like a status symbol, right, But then there's also a curiosity like if you've never been in one, like what are they?



Is it?

I don't even know cars, but like when I hear that, I'm like, oh, yeah, it's pretty fun.

What'd she think when she said you had a Tesla?

She was a little impressed.

She was impressed though.

We took her out there and showed her.

Oh wait, so you guys went outside of the bar wherever you were and just sat in your car and looked at.

It, well, not sadding it, you know. I kind of pulled it out the spot and showed her the hands free you know, the whole You're like, let me.

Show you the car.

Hey, come here, Tesla just drove itself.

In your pocket.

Yeah, that's it's pretty good.

I'm jealous. It freaks me out when cars drive themselves.

Does it more than if alexis dress?

Yea, calm her down a little bit.

Well, yeah, once I took my hands out of my pocket and took control again. But you know, you masked her. She wanted to drive, She wasn't up for that. You know. I think I kind of got her enough.

See that makes me think that she wasn't as into it as you thought. Like if she was into cars and you offered to let her drive, she'd be like, heck, yeah, let's do this.

Then again, I think she saw those YouTube videos where people were like on the eay just wiling out to leap, So I think that's kind of what it was. But I don't blame her.

Okay, but night goes on and we moved to another location.

Trying to be discreet.

Long story short, I offered her some kink cake.

Wait are we at a restaurant at your house? Where are you giving her cake?


I got her back to my spot for nightcaps. That's why I said I was trying to be discreeted. They didn't want to fight it out there.

Okay, you're like, I'm even drive here. The Tesla drove itself.

I don't know.

Tesla's quite the wing man.

Dude. That is such a move to have cake at your house. I never thought of it. But if I got back to a dude's house after a couple of drinks. It was like you had an acad cake at your house. Of course she's gonna go up there totally.

But look, we're y there. You know, we're talking about the tattoos. She's telling me how she has other tattoos. You know I can't see those yet, you know, so I'm like.

Oh, let me. You know, this cake usually is the whole run winner, and you know he kind of didn't want it. But then I'm kind of I don't want to say I forced it, but I'm like, win in Rome. You can't go there, not to the coliseum, so win in my home.

Is that how the saying goes?

But truthfully, I'm not sure if I was a little too pushy, you know what I mean.

About seeing her other tattoos.

No no, no no no no. About the cake.

You're saying that she didn't want the cake when you offered it to.

Work initially, but I kind of did twitch her arm. I wasn't thinking about it then, but the next day I'm like, yeah, kind of a little quick.

She could have been on the.

Diet, she could be diabetic or something where she stays away from.

She Why wouldn't she just say that if she was diabetic. I mean that's just like.

Info in the end, like she just never had a bite.

I mean you were super pushy though. If you're like no, no, eat it, eat it seriously.

Get you.

Yeah, I would say I was excited.

Okay, that makes sense.

So after she left, have you been able to get in touch with her at all? You've been calling her textan.

Yeah, I haven't been able to get in contact letters like at all.

It's hard. I don't know women who don't work on cake as a reward, so I don't know if I can help.

This one's really thrown brook for a week. So we need to play a song, let her reset, We'll come back. We'll call Ellie for you and try and get your second date update.

Okay, alright, alright, all right, hold on man.

Second date update. In the long tumultuous history of this show, we've never heard anything quite as shocking as what Kenny just told us that his date actually turned down an offer for free kick. And this is after a very fun, very sexy night filled with wine, self driving Tesla's, and Phoenix neck tattoos. So when we heard what happened, we were all baffled and just praying that there's some sort of logical explanation for this. Maybe she's on a diet. Maybe she had some sort of traumatic run in with an evil cake in her childhood and it scarred her permanently for life. The only way to find out is to actually call Ellie and ask her why do you hate cake? And why won't you date Kenny? Maybe we asked the important than the I am more concerned about the cake, to.

Be honest, Kenny. Did the cake go to waste? Or did you finish it all by yourself that night?


Yeah, I took care of the cake. Had to worry about that.

All by Selfie use cake?

Oh yeah, Well, hopefully you don't have to do that and you can get somebody to split it with you if we can get a second date. Here, I'm gonna dial Ellie's number right now and we're gonna do our best. All right, Are you ready?

All right? Let's go?

All right? Here we go?


Hi? Is this Ellie? Hi? Ellie, I'm calling from Brooks Bakery. I've heard that you refuse to try a sample of our cake the other night.

And oh she's laughing. No, I'm just you have a good sense of humor, though, Kelly.

We're actually a morning radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, and you're on it now.

Oh you guys. I mean, I don't listen to radio off, but when I do, I've I've definitely listened to you guys in time.

Well, good news. You can also find our podcast on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

No shoes, just streaming at work.

Right, Yeah, that's what exactly any day all day.

So what's up, guys.

Oh no, we're just hounding all of the people in the area telling them to listen to our podcast. We're desperate. Ratings are horrible.

That was sarcasm.

Yeah, sorry, See I'm not very good at anything on this show, including being funny. But the truth is that we're doing something called a second Date Update, and we're looking to help out one of our listeners that went out on a date with you recently named Kenny.

Oh no, I thought this was going to be a fun surprise.

Oh so Kenny isn't fun.

Oh no, he was great. He was lots of fun. It's just the second part of the date wasn't.

Oh. Oh, so you you like the first part though, I mean, we could concentrate on the positive for a second.

Yeah, No, he was really fun. He took me out in his tesla. I've never done that before.

Yeah. We actually spoke to Kenny for a little bit and he seemed really cool and he made us laugh. He seemed like a funny guy to us. Yeah.

Yeah, he's very, very very funny.

Okay, So wait, so you're like having a great time, you're planning on I'm guessing like calling this guy back like you're feeling good. What happened? Why did it change? Oh?

I mean he took me back to his house, which cool. You know, I was comfortable with that, okay, And you know, we're sitting on the couch and his phone went off. He had a text or some kind of a notification, and he got up and walked out of the room. You know, maybe he had to take an important call. But then I heard the front door open and then he left. He walked out.

Oh okay, Well, just so you know, we asked Kenny about his version of the day, and he didn't mention any of that to us.

He left his own apartment while you were in it. Is that what you just said?

Yeah, I don't think he wanted me to know that he left, but he he definitely left.

Was there like a weird I mean, maybe a delivery of some sort.

Maybe I had to pass gas and didn't want to do.

That would have been better than what actually happened.

Okay, what actually happened.

What actually happened is I was curious, so I went and I looked out the side window, and I saw him on the side of the building, between him and the neighbor. I don't know who it was. But he opened a trash can and it was dark out but not that dark, and and he's rofling around in the garbage and he comes out with a box in the yeah, and so he turns around to come back in, and so I ducked and I ran back to the couch, and he walked in with a box of cake, probably dumpster cake trash.

I thought it was like going to be a drug deal or something.

Here. He mentioned to us that he offered you some cake, but he didn't say anything about getting it out of the trash call.

All these things are going through my head. I'm like, is his neighbor on the lookout to see the other neighbors a baker and they just threw their you know, scrapped out for the day or something.

This is the conspiracy cake theory.

Yeah, so that's why you turned down the cake.

Yeah, I turned down the cake. And then that was that was it for me on Kenny.

Like did it look like fresh cake or cakes cake? It doesn't matter.

I guess I'm reading this right. Unlike Brook, you're not a dumpster cake woman.

No, no, you lied to me about it.

Yeah, well you didn't ask him.

How could you not ask him like is this dumpster cake? I mean I would just.

It was the first date. I didn't want him to like know that I went and spied on him out the window.

Okay, I get that inclination. Did not want to mention that you're spying. And that's exactly why Kenny didn't work. Want you to know that he's secretly listening on the other line right now and he wants to talk to you.

Now, how you doing that's doing dirting here? Come on, I had no idea he would be on the line.

You got it all wrong, ell Oh what did she get wrong from?

Okay, So my next door neighbor, she's an elderly woman, and when I told her I was going on a date.

She thought it would be a good idea to give me the cake. Remember the cake. I tried to get to that.

There's a grandma that lives in your apartment building who made you a cake and put it in the garbage for you to pick up.

Oh no, so she text me and she was saying, hey, I got you a nice sweet treat the time you like. And while I was out there, you know, she just sat it on top of the dumpster. It wasn't in the dumpster, But.

Now that I know you were watching me, it makes sense. I can't see where you might think I got it out the trash, but no, I.

Would the old woman put the cake on top of the dumpster.

Because the way our apartments are, she didn't want to sit it on my stat It could be seen from the street. But kind of where the dumpsters are is kind of like.

His apartment's not wheelchair accessible. She can only get to the trash camp she has to drop it off there.

She was just doing a nice thing.

I was trying to just like do a nice thing, and I thought you would like the cake. I didn't know you thought I was dumpster diving.

Kelly, do you believe him.

I kind of believe his story. I mean, of all the scenarios ire in through my head, that's the only thing that makes any sense at all.

I mean, we don't know Kenny that well, but I buy his story.

On the fence, I can't tell. What's the woman's name? Does she give you?

Why would he lie and eat dumpster cake in front of her?

Yeah? Because he didn't know that she saw. I don't think that that is my issue with the whole thing. I think my issue is why that's the meeting point for their baked goods.

It's a second date update. Are we really focused on the right thing? On the logistics of how the cake got to where it got to?

Well, to know if he's slide or not.

I mean, I'm being honest.

I don't know what to tell you. I don't eat dumpsters.

I believe him, Guys.

I believe it.

You believe him. That's all that matters is.

Okay, We'll get cake CSI to look in on you. I've launch a full investigation on where the cake was placed exactly.

I don't know why I care I would have eaten the dumpster cake.

Even the real thing that we care about on the show is whether or not you and Kenny had a connection, Ellie. That's what we want to get to the bottom of.

Yeah, but what's it for the garbage? I would go on dates?

All right? Well, now that we've solved the cake mystery around the garbage cake, we would like to offer to send you out on a second date and we'll pay for it.

I guess that kind of makes up for like snekally having him on the other line. Yeah, I would love to take you up on that's you gotta.

All right, Kitty.

I mean, I'm glad you guys afore that. But the real thing is like she was like spying on me, and like she could have like averted all this if she was just communicated.

Okay, good, lookin girl, it doesn't spy on you.


So wait, what are you saying then?


Are you saying you don't want.

To date anymore?

I'm kind of good, bro?

Are you no way?


You guys are doing too much for me, man. I mean, she tried to explain it.

But I'm a trash picture to her.

Oh and she couldn't even communicate it, So I'm done have a nice lifetime.

Oh oh god, it could be the thing is just with your dumpster cake, You who so quickly his.

Neighbor is going to be really want to be.

Our new show slogan, have fun with the dumpster cake

Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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