One of our listeners says he has a talent that makes him more attractive than 90% of guys, and he got a chance to show it off on his date. Was it too much for her to handle?
Second brooke. If a guy offers to cook for you on a first date, is that a sexy move? Or are you thinking, Ah, he's trying too hard. I don't like it.
No, I love it?
You do? Yeah?
I do? Especially if he can actually cook.
Oh yeah, yeah. He goes into the kitchen and he comes out to the table with the best hot pocket that you ever tasted. And he's made it look pretty too by putting a colorful toothpick flag.
No you marry that?
What if he cuts it in the half from the how do I still put my mouth on it?
We've heard some home cooked meals go very well on this segment, some not so well. We're gonna find out how it went for one of our listeners named Todd, who said he cooked for his date the other night and now he needs our help. Todd, what's up man? Welcome to the show.
Hey, how you doing?
Did you go with the o g ham and cheese because that is my personal Oh yeah, I'll take ham and cheese all day.
That's more of a lunch just for me.
Okay, Hey Todd, can I ask are you a good cook? Because I think the effort of cooking, whether you're good or bad is sexy to ladies. But are you like a chef or something?
Now, I wouldn't say I'm a chef. I have worked in a kitchen before. Okay, I can cook too, like really really good Italian dishes. That's pretty much it. But like it works well, I mean I cook a mean shrimp alfredo.
Okay, are we just going to talk about his food or are you talk about his stage?
Can we?
I do want to just talk about the culinary side of it, but we should focus on the girl that you went out with. What's her name?
It was Laurie, Laurie.
I'm guessing you went with the shrimp alfredo. Did you talk that up?
It's funny because I met Laurie online and in her bio she had put like her favorite foods is seafood, right, oh nice? And so you know, you got to have a good opening line. So actually my opening line was, is, hey, so all you like seafood? Just so you know, my shrimp alfredo is a real catch a.
Do you like that? Alexis?
I don't like sure, Belfrido some on the wrong person ask.
I say, you know, Alexis just wants a bank statement. As the first text and then she'll make a decision from there.
You should have followed up with I'm just being krill with you.
It's possible to overdo it though. Did she liked it? Yeah?
I mean she gave a little lol and and then we were texting for like a week. It was really it was really flirty and really good. And I invited her over to prove it, you know, and she was down.
Yeah, it means a lot, like I feel like when people go to someone's house on a first date, when they meet on an Apple.
That's why it's so cluch that you guys chatted for a week before she agreed to do.
That, trusted each other a little bit.
How did it go well? I thought it went really well. I was really nervous because I really liked her. I thought she was really cute.
You know.
I did maybe go a little above. I lit a lot of candles in the house, and you know, when she showed up, she noticed just like, oh are we doing a seance? And I was like, uh, is that what she said?
That's hysterical at wow.
Yeah, it's like you didn't bring the Wii board, No, no easy board. I was just like, I just told I was like, Oh, I was just trying to set the atmosphere, you know.
Raising the dead. Did she laugh?
I mean?
Was she cool? No?
Yeah, she was cool, you know. And I had a fresh garlic bread that I had made garlic bread brod.
Was the food ready when she got there? Did you guys cook it together?
No? No, the way I set it up, it was basically like halfway done, because I kind of did want to finish cooking the meal, you know, while she was there. Yeah, but yeah, I mean I served her the food and it was good, and she said she liked the food. I was like, I said, I was really nervous. I felt like, thinking back, I may have been asking about the food too much, you know, when you're like, oh, how is it is good? And then like five minutes later, oh, can you taste the fresh fasal?
You know, it's kind of like a needy waiter at the minutes like are you sure over?
Okay, what did you guys do after dinner?
After dinner, we sat down on the couch for a movie and it was nice. We weren't necessarily as close as I wanted to be on the couch, but I thought this was a first date.
You know, when she just screwed over a little bit. It's your couch.
It's kind of.
Awkward though, once you're sitting and then you move over, you know, like you have to do it right as the sitting happens.
I like to slowly in show, like every minute you just slide like a little bit closer, until she doesn't even realize all of a sudden, she's in your arms. She help you? Is that that's not the movie you went with?
No, I mean I was a little nervous, to be honest, and you know, I sat down first, and she kind of sat down where she was going to sit down.
Oh yeah, that's a good call.
Yeah, okay, Like she didn't sit on the opposite end of the couch, but she wasn't like in my you were touching all yeah, No, we weren't.
Well, I mean, how did it end? How did the night end?
When the movie was over, okay, she stayed for the whole after she wanted to like have another glass of wine and talk a little more. But right after the movie was over, she was like, I gotta go. Yeah, And I did kind of feel like there was a little bit of a drop off, you know, in that like it. The light was definitely over and so she went home. And that's why I'm talking to you guys. You know, it's just been very very sporadic communication. The energy that I mean, she's still kind of texting me, but I just feel like it's totally different now. I don't know what went wrong. I mean the food. I know the food was great, but and I was a little nervous.
Yeah, you're nervous. Energy maybe got the best of you.
It could just be a classic case of what a lot of girls admit to, which is they just wanted a free meal. If a guy a free fresh cooked meal, you don't sit through a movie though.
Yeah, I think just went on too long, Like you ate a bunch of alfredo and you're laid on the couch for two hours. Yeah.
I mean, I've heard of being friend zoned before, but chef zone. Maybe you got put in the chef zone. We'll find out when we call her and get your second date update right after this. All right, all right, hold on Italian food, fine wine and sitting ten feet apart from each other on the couch while watching the Gooniesy is that that?
Did you find out something about the movie that we didn't know.
No, I made an assumption.
I was probably wasn't that, Jeff?
And you know now that I'm saying it, what would have been a better move, Todd? As if you'd bought a smaller couch so that she physically couldn't sit that far away from.
He's actually really smart in a two seat. Why they call him love seats.
He just slaps his knee.
A right plenty of own. But that's because Todd invited a woman named Laurie over to his place recently to show off his cooking skills, which he thought went pretty well. But after their date, Laurie's not texting him as much as she was before. Or could it be that your famous shrimp alfredo was so delicious it sent her into a delayed food coma ah, and now she's just on her couch sleeping it off for a long time, for a week. It's that tasty.
Yeah, oh yeah maybe, uh, if you think about it, Yeah, it was really good.
We'll find out. But we do want you to send us a sample to the studio, just so that we can be sure.
It's called you Gotta come over, You gotta come over. I do it at my house with all the candles and everything.
The candles seemed to be like that may be one of the things that went wrong. She did note that it could be a seance.
My yeah, is a fire.
Marshal, and this is why is the ghost of Abraham Lincoln on this data. But we'll see what she asked to say, and maybe it's none of those things. Could be something totally out of your control. We'll call her and find out.
All right, Yeah, let's see here we go.
I'm gonna call her number right now. Hell, hey, is this Lori?
Yeah, this is she.
Well she is conscious, so we're gonna have to strike that talking that's possible. Are you awake right now? Are you asleep?
I'm way?
Who says that's a funny call.
Yeah, we're a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Oh my goodness, I know you guys.
Sorry, Hi. Should happen more often than it does, so we appreciate that.
I know.
What's sadder that our reactions like, oh my god, he knows somebody who recognizes me.
Well, this is good that you listen to us because we're doing a second date update. Are you familiar with that?
Oh? I think so.
I mean, I know your voice is weird to talk to you on the phone. Not really sure what that is, but what's up.
We're trying to get a hold of you on behalf of our listener who cooked for you the other night named Todd.
Oh shrip Alfredo guy?
Yeah, yeah, okay, warehouse full of candles.
There were a lot of candles. Like, I'm like, is this guy into Santa Ria? I don't know.
From the way that you're talking, it sounds like maybe you like Todd.
Yeah, I like it.
He's really nice. I just I feel we're talking about this on the radio.
Me too, I feel weird about it. So we're all on the same boat here.
Everything he says on the radio jet.
But obviously Todd reached out to us because he's feeling a little bit confused that in the week following your date the communications kind of dried up.
Yeah, well okay, so it's a weird situation, like you No, I did not mean that to happen. Like I'm gonna wear the situation right now.
Oh man, it's an X, isn't it.
I'm not saying that one person. I'm on a dating app, so I'm not exclusive with anybody. You're dating multiple people right now, two and they both happen to be chefs, And I swear I did not intend this to happen.
Like, wait, is Todd counted in the two?
I mean you just went on one.
Date with him and he told us that he's not a professional chef, that he just he likes to cook.
Yeah, well the other guys like legit chef, but hes a good cook too, So I mean I did it.
Like why are you not calling Todd back? Though? Like, I mean, are you just too busy with the other dude? Are you hanging out with him more often?
I don't really know what to do, Like I've never been in the situation before, and like one's really good at Italian, the other is really good at Mexican. Makes it as a.
Lot, And they were like to divor, you're basing your love life on how well they couldn't cook.
Why are you stopping talking to one? Keep it up?
Just cheat?
I don't know what the rules are. There's no Yeah, there's no rules. Alexis is right.
I mean, you've gone out on one date. You didn't even sit next to him on the couch. He said, I think you're fine, Like.
I'm kind of used to the dating app thing, and it's like, for me, it's a little strange to be dating more than one person. I feel like I need to make a decision, you know what I mean.
You're not comfortable juggling multiple guys, like the women on this show are.
Yeah, they don't care.
It's what even pre dating apps, it's what dating is, right.
I think she's already thinking if she likes them both, eventually one of them she'll probably.
Become What were you waiting for to make your choice?
I don't know, Like they're like some bolts, and they're both great cooks. I mean, you say way to a man's hearts or stomach, but you know, oh yeah, I'm with you.
I have an idea. Have you considered a real life cooking competition, like the chef you make them all come over and you're like, look, boys, you're cooking for your livelihoods right now, you're cooking for me.
And then you yell at them really mean.
Like like.
It don't make it the wrong way, but like is Italian the only thing you can cook?
Or like you see okay, I mean we're talking and we're joking about this a lot but I do wonder how Todd feels because he's been listening the entire time. Everybody.
What, wait, Lauria, are you serious You're you're seeing two different chefs.
I mean, I really did not intend to happen. It's not like I'm trolling for chef I promised you.
I mean I didn't want to believe that them when they were saying, you know, ladies love a free meal. But that seems like you're running a train on the you know, the Cusine Ryne I told you by accident.
No, it's just what she put in her dating profile. She said she loves seat. That's their only pickup line. Yes, it's a good.
How are your enciladas?
I mean, I don't cook Mexican food, but I'm sure my food is better.
Oh that's a little throwdown.
So you're not You're not intimidated by the other chef that possibly could be cooking better than you.
I mean, I'm honestly shocked. I didn't know, Lauria, I didn't know you were seeing someone else. I mean I thought we were just having a date. I didn't know there was anyone else in the picture.
Well, like I'm on dating app and I'm meeting different people and trying to get like out of my comfort zone. But like, are you saying you're not meeting anybody else?
I mean, no, I'm not. I mean I I'm you know, I try to focus my attention on one person. I'm not, you know, disrespecting what you're doing. But heads up would be nice. Hey, I eat at a different guy's house every night of the week. Just letting me know and then I know, I mean, look, I get it, like we just met, we've only been on one date. But no, I'm not, I'm not seeing anybody. It would just be nice to know what you're doing.
Yeah, so where do you stand with the other guy?
It's like I said, it's out of my comfort zone. So I'm just kind of trying to go with it.
I bet mister Enchiladas didn't use as many candles in his apartment as Todd.
Yes, the camels, do you know this?
So that's one point for Todd, But he may have paired it with a fresh margarita.
Oh okay, we're tied one to one.
Now can I ask an important question? All decide personality wise?
Who do you like more? No one can.
Could be funnier I could be.
That's all Si.
They're really both great guys, they are.
Can you just share the wealth a little bit?
Like? Okay, well, I'm gonna throw out an idea that's kind of unique.
All right.
I propose that Laurie, you and the Mexican chef get together and go over to Todd's place and have Todd cook for both of you. Then Todd, you and Laurie get together and go over to mister Mexican Chef's place.
Like, I'm not trying to get involved in a throuple.
Yeah, all right, Okay, suddenly you were uncomfortable just seeing two men separately, and now you want them all in the same rooms.
By I mean, come on for a week.
Why don't we you have both chefs come to our studios cook for all, including Laurie. We can all do a vote.
I'm not making out with him.
I was some tacos.
We'll kiss them for it. I'm willing to some good shrimp. But we would like you to get back together with Todd, Laurie, and we would pay for you to meet up again.
I would really like that.
I would like it if he's okay with for a second, day. I was happy to hear that she was a little shy on the couch because I was also a little nervous, So maybe we could get closer there go.
I mean, that's the thing about the couch. It's harder to get closer to the Mexican chef because of all the beans and everything.
Invo That's what all the scented candles in his room are for.
Yeah, like, whatever, you do, not lift the blanket up.
The less.
Jeffrey in the morning. Why is the text board blowing up right now suggesting I dress up as one of the chefs and make out with both of them.
I don't see at all.
Actually, wait, that's not the text sport. I wrote that down on this piece of page. This show is so confusing sometimes. But no, like Brooks said, I am interested in getting an update from those two.
But it's certain you think texts coming up pieces.
You're going old fashioned. You know, the technology your isn't great. You know, once the dust settles and dinner time rolls around, she's going to be over at her place thinking don't want Mexican or do I want Italian?
To now?
Tough choice, but a great.
Choice for real, And she's going to get cooked from both of the.
Yeah, either way, she wins, and we want to help you win in your dating life. Email the show, we'll call that person who isn't calling you back. And if you want to check out any of our second date updates, go listen to them up online at Brooknjeffrey dot com.
Brooking Jeffrey in the Morning