Second Date Update: Bumble Bro

Published Aug 2, 2023, 3:51 PM

One of our listeners found a strange picture of his date online before they even met in person… and it might have kickstarted a budding romance between them. Hear what happened in a new Second Date podcast!

The second date of day.

When you think about meeting the one, you have this little mini movie in your mind about how that perfect meeting is going to go. You know, like you lock eyes across a crowded bar and you both silently say hey to each other. Or she catches you when you slip on a banana peel in the hospital cafeteria.

Slapstick moment or coconut pie involved.

He accidentally touch hands as you both reach for the plane's emergency exit latch.

As the whole room fills with smoke.

No, you know you first, you know, romantic cute stuff.

Yea, all have extreme anxiety.

But one of our listeners, Daria, admits that her first meeting wasn't really rom com quality. That's okay, but let's talk to her about it a little bit.

Daria, welcome to the show.

Him so excited to hear your story about how you met this person.

Oh well, how we met was definitely weird. It's not romantic whatsoever.

Okay, Well, can we start with his name or her name?

Derek? His name is Derek.

Okay, and this is.

I'm sorry to jump to conclusions, but this is like the one.

This I think that was just building it up.

Just to get people to pay attention to this.

You how was it weird that when you first.

Met well, he DMS me on Instagram?


Yeah, that's pretty normal. What's weird about that?


The weird part. The weird part was that he said, I saw you on Bumble. I'd love to meet up for coffee.

Okay, wouldn't that be a red flag though that he's already stocked you down?

Or no?

Normal? No, the weird part was I'm not on bumble?

Oh do you think?

It was just a line like he was just hoping that you're bumblepamming a bunch of girls.

It's just like a copy paste line that he gets on everybody.

I mean, that would have been better because I told him that he had the wrong person. I'm not on bumble. And then he sent me a screenshot of the bumble account. Was it all my pictures?

It was my name?

So I didn't upon.

Which means you're attractive? What did you say?

I kind of freaked out, was like, oh my, I was like that that's me, but it's not me. I didn't set that up.

And Derek's like, hilarready gave it all my credit card information.

He was actually really nice about it. He was like, I'm so sorry, you must feel so weird. I'll report it. But then he like asked if I still wanted to go out.

I mean at that point, maybe you're a little bit more receptive to it because he's not just randomly doing it too out of the blow.

Yeah, kind of disappointing that he's the only one that showed up in your DM, But okay, that's a good point.

Yeah, I mean I was up for it because I don't know he seemed he reported the account. He was really nice about the whole mix up.

So he was hot.

Let's be honest, he was hot.


Yeah, I mean this is more romantic than I was even leading on. I think, what did you guys do for your date?

We just met up for coffee. No, it was very simple. I didn't really know what to expect from him.

Okay, well, I guess you would have zero expectations when you weren't even looking for a date to begin with.

He had seen his profile, like you don't know a little, but his Instagram. She would have seen his Instagram.

Yeah, but that's all I really had to go off of. Okay, but he turned out to be well one, he was really cute. I already knew that. He was also really nice, and it was very comfortable and we were laughing a lot. He thought his latte art looked like a bird and I was and it didn't. It was just squiggles. Okay, I called him out on that. It was very funny. It was like cute. It was cute. I think that's a nice word.

Yeah, okay, how about it.

How long did the date last?

Because like coffee is like twenty five minutes, thirty minutes.

So this was the part that I don't know. At about twenty minutes, he said, I'm so sorry, but I actually have to get going, which I guess could have been bad. But then he was like, but I really want to see you again. Let's go out again sometime. So I left feeling like kind of good about it.

God, but he just said, sometimes I feel like you need to say let's go out. I'm sady next weekend.

Yeah you know what I mean, like, get a doctor's appointment right when you leave.


It's like when I run into friends and I don't really want to hang out with and I'm like, oh, we shouldn't get together. Sometimes soon, let's do it.

It's like a doctors because I book it to their face and then I canceled it.

Okay, so how long ago was that?

This is a couple of weeks ago?

Oh wow, have you heard nothing from him?

I've heard nothing from him, And it's just weird because like, I wasn't looking for this guy. I came out of the blue, and now I find myself like thinking of him and wishing we could go out again. But yeah, he's not responding.

Is he posting a bunch on Instagram, like on his stories or anything like.

Yeah, he's a live and I know he's a love.

It was like traveling.

We're starting with he's alive, and then that's a pretty good place to start at with these second date updates, so hopefully we can go up from there.

We've started in worse places.

It's sad to say, but yes, that's true. So let's call this a live guy and when we do your second date update next.


Well, it's another first for us about how people meet in the dating world.

Oh for sure, because one of our.

Listeners, Daria, got a DM recently on her Instagram from a dude who said he saw her on Bumble.

She was cute, Yeah, which is a good DM to get.

Yeah, except for one problem.

She's not on Bumble, at least not to her knowledge until she received the screenshot of the profile using her picks and her information, So.

We didn't ask did that profile get taken down?

Well? She told him to report the fake account, right if only won Yeah, multiply, Well, we can follow up with that.

The important thing was afterwards he boldly asked her out to coffee anyway, and she said yes, And now they're in love.

Yeah, one step away from true?

Is much pressure on?

I'm not dating is easy, right, Daria?


So yeah totally.

My question is why, Brooke, haven't we seen any reports about people using your pictures as a fake profile on Bumble?

What's going on with that? You're a celebrity.

Maybe it's not fake Jeff, what I'm kidding, it's a joke.

Thought i'd be funny.

I react too much conviction there, you know.

I was.

I'm glad that I didn't have to do online dating because I'm I like to win people with my personality.

Yeah, how's that going for?

It got me married and I'm very happy in my marriage.

The bar is low Oh my god. All right, so now I've lost track of what we're doing, Daria.

Yes, here we go.

We're back to you and your guide, Derek. You ready to do this?

How you feeling I'm feeling good.

I feel worse after everything we just said.

I don't know. I'm excited to hear from him.

Yeah, I'm excited to I think it's going to turn out just fine.

Okay, Yeah, you're all.

Over the place.


She thinks that you should feel worse about yourself, but it's gonna go fine.

I just mean about her confidence in us.

Help. I don't know. Maybe just be quiet. That's about it. Let's find out. Here we go.

Yeoh, what up? This is Derek?


What up?


Hey, Derek, Hey, I feel like we're friends already.

Is nice, very friendly?

What is this?

This is a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Oh my god. Wait wait.

Radio radio words. We're not allowed to say some of that stuff. Yes, okay, okay, we got a live one, you know.

Yeah, dude, you know what, man?

I was wondering when you guys are gonna call me about something like I listen to you guys all the time.

Your life is such a mess you think we would continue.

I'm gonna get him one day.

I like you.

I like this a whole lot better than a lot of the calls that we do where they're like who radio what? Dame?

Yeah? Do you know what we're calling you about?


Man, I don't know.

But you guys are freaking awesome.

I mean is this that like dating segment thing that you guys do?

Yeah, this is awesome.

Okay, so you probably know who I'm calling about? Then? God, man, I know, I really can't say who are you calling about? Okay, her name's Daria.

It was a couple of weeks ago. She said that you guys.

Went out Daria. Man uh, a couple of weeks? Didn't we go like a week?

Was it like a week ago? Maybe it was a couple of weeks.

Man, I you know, I just I can't remember. I really have coffee with everyone?

I I you have coffee with everyone?

I mean yeah, I like to hang a lout. I'm pretty active in the dating scene, you know, like women women like me?

You know, Okay, coffee dates.

Wait, I'm confused. Do you remember Daria? You don't remember Daria?

I do remember her?

I do?

I do?

She just didn't crack my top three read.

You know, I just I just really wasn't feeling her. He was close.

There, Let's go back a little bit.

Here's the thing, man, I date a lot, so it's like all these girls are just kind of like.

Mid to me, you know what I mean.

So she's got to really just like stand out.

But the thing that we're trying to figure out about Daria is like you went through a lot of trouble to get her on a date with you.

It sounded like, oh, dude, yeah, I mean because I guess, I guess there's a lot of trouble.

I mean, I'm pretty much perfected it by now, so it's not really a lot of trouble if.

You're perfected, Pete, what do you mean?

Here's the thing, So I came up with this like full proof way to basically get girls to go out with me.

It's like eighty percent effective.

Okay, Okay, eight is not the correct math for full proof, but okay, tell us about it.

What do you do?


So look I reached out to these women, you know, and I say, like, found you and bumble ya YadA, YadA, beat up. I send them a screenshot of their bumble account that I created.

Bro, Like, I went on the Instagram.

What wow. I'm like, hey, is this you?

And they always freak out.

Yeah, because someone is impersonating them online.

But here's the thing, I'm a hero. I come flying in with my little cap, you know what I mean. So I tell them, I'm like, hey, don't worry about it. Maybe I'll report the site. And then when they're their most vulnerable, I asked him out right and they're.

Like, oh my god, yeah, wait, you you trick them into dating you.

It's not a trick.

It's not a trick at all. It's it's real, right, there's somebody created this bumble account, but it's you.

It's like how Batman lets all the villains out of jail and then recaptures them.

And we all love Batman exactly. And maybe maybe it worked.

For Daria to hearing that because I didn't let you know this earlier, or since you listen, you probably know that she's on the other line.

I wanted to talk to you.

Oh yeah, yeah, forgot. That's how this works.

Oh by the way, Daria, are you still there?

Oh yeah, I'm still here.

That's a good sign.

How you feeling there.

Daria, I'm not going to be here for much longer.

Why why, Jeff?

Hell, I'm sorry? Is everyone hearing the same thing? I am right, sane?

Yeah, Jeff was being sarcastic.

You create fake bumble accounts of women by scraping their pictures from Instagram. Sorry, listen, listen, baby, I gotta stand out man. You know how many dude, there's.

So many games out there people play. Don't be mad just because I have the best game out there. I got you going to day with me right.

Twelve years old? You said only a twelve year old red pickup lines on the internet, Like, are you bro?

This is not a pickup this is advanced women gathering.

I took that car. I mean, like, what are we like timber in a forest?

Pokemon? You don't got to catch us all?

What the hell?

Why not?

Why not?

I got you to go on a date right. You're not trying to settle down with one. You want to just date every girl you can find?


Yeah, why not?

I think I think the why not is because it ends up hurting the women's feelings, Like Daria, you and that's.

Why all the girls don't take me on these radio shows and try to get a second day. That's just like, hey, if it didn't work out, it didn't work out, and move on to the next guy. You got to call me on the radio.

You're right, I'm the psycho one.

I mean, I guess the one nice thing is he didn't use you for anything.

Yeah, it's not like you like took your money.

You're like, you guys, coffee or something.

You guys are not taking his side on this after you've heard.

Of No, no, we're not taking his side, but we are pointing out.

I mean, he could just really love coffee because it just goes on coffee dates every day.

It's cheaper than cocktails.

There it is. We are not on his side in any way.

It's not cool to use a fake profile to get somebody to respond.

Sorry, Derek, I love that you listen. But maybe he should also be reported to Bumble.

We'll see.

That's a great idea.

We're going to find him. We don't have no Brook already has an account. Yeah, joke, and you're going to be the hero for the day.


We'll see on Bumble.

Brook Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Textas seventy five nine two says, if guys are resorting to this now in order to eat single women, I'm making my Instagram private.


Yeah, it got weird there, Alexis, Are you worried this might happen to you? Because we already covered it's never happening for Brook, all the foot the cheap posts are here hugging her children while they try to escape.

Is kind of a compliment.

It's a humble brag, like girls are like, they.

Chose me to scam bro are so bad they still picked me. Yeah, you know, he's psycho Psycho.

The guys are definitely trying hard to be smarter about getting women to try and date them, that they're willing to do pretty much anything.

Like scam them.


I mean, I do feel like what Derek did was borderline illegal. I don't know that, but it's definitely a big invasion of privacy and could show up at his house.

I always think it's funny when the brag is like, how many women you get but you're still very single.

No, something's not adding up here. But Derek, you listen to our show and we appreciate that.

You don't expect people with high moral compasses to be here we're cool man.

And if you don't have a high moral compass, or if you just want some help with your dating life, you can always email us.

We'll call that person who isn't calling you back

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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