Second Date Update: Bid On Me

Published Apr 24, 2024, 6:27 PM

One of our listeners had TWO hunky men fighting over her.. but what should be a total dream ended in the worst way possible and now she wants our help repairing damage with a new Second Date podcast!

Second date updated most of the time. If money is exchanged in return for a date, oh god jah, that can be viewed as kind of sketchy.

I think it's kind of illegal.

Not for me, though. That's why I always walk around with seven different money clips full of many denominations in multiple types of currencies from all around the world, because you never know.

Just to be ready, Oh you're.

Willing to do that for eight hundred Barbadian dollars, you're in lux sir. I just happened to have that right here.

Is it actually the currency of Barbados?

Check Barbadiana. You'll never know. And one of our listeners said in their email a money exchange was attempted for a date with her. It might have something to do with why she's not seeing this person right now, but she definitely wants to get a hold of them. Let's talk to Mela about it. Mila, welcome to the show.

Hi, thank you so much for having me.

Oh my god, this setup to all of this makes it sound so sketchy.


Well, when you say it like that, I guess.

But there's no shame in doing like a sketchy money exchange for a date.

I think there is some shame.

If you're happy with the amount with pride me though.

Okay, to tell us about this person that you met and how this money exchange happened or almost happened.

Okay, So I met the sky Sam at a charity auction. It's basically I'm trying to raise money building a new community center.

That's awesome.

So part of the event was auctioning off gate.

Oh my god, I participated in something like this once and it was so nerve wracking.

Were you being auctioned Yes?

And I'm like, please so much just been This is gonna be so embarrassing.

Was it weird that your husband didn't even put his hand? Oh my god?

So wait, were you being auctioned off or was he being auctioned off?


No, I was auctioned, I will say, and I maybe shouldn't. I was auctioned off once and I actually ended up getting drunk with the person on our date and we had the greatest time. But wow, it's going to actually be a date. They we're supposed to not be real dates. It's a room of experienced date auctions. How have you been sold? I have not been sold. No, I'm the buyer. But Anila, How did you feel when you were being put up like that? Were you nervous?

Of course I was nervous, especially because I met this cute guy. Like part of it was a silent auction, and during that time I met Sam and he was very sweet and he made me laugh. He made me feel less nervous about the whole thing.

Okay, so you guys talked about it. You talked about how you were up for auction before a date week.

Yeah, yeah, okay.

So then he asked me like, hey, what number are you in the auction? And I was like, well, be prepared though, because you're gonna have to take out a second mortgage. I'm not cheap.

It's a little scary. It is for a good cause, showing interest that he wants to bid on you before it happens. That's great.

Yeah, no, and it was luckily that joke landed well. So okay, it made me a lot of hope. But of course, the worst possible thing happened. What Sam starts bidding on me. Great love that we knew that was going to happen. But then my freaking ex boyfriend comes into play. But bitting again, what why would he do that? So stupid he wants to get back together with me.

Did Sam ever know that was your ex? Or was it just like a bidding war with a guy he didn't know?


Yeah, I don't think he knew.

Okay, that's good. I mean, honestly, it kind of hypes you up, you.

Know what I mean?

Yeah, that's true.

But it also could have been good if he knew that it was the X because it's like she was so amazing, all the exes want her back. I would stop red flag.


Okay, did he who won the date?

My ex one.

He loves? Did you actually verbally say yuck? When he won?

You start crying on stage? Well, it's obviously for charity, so I didn't want to seem perturbed by who won. Yeah, it wasn't like it was a bad relationship either, like the relationship had just run its course.

It's just bad that he can't get over it.


Can we ask how much money you went for? Is that a rude question?

No, it's no, it's not room at all.

And I, for the record, definitely think I'm worth more than this amount. Osay, Okay, it was two thousand dollars.

Oh, that's pretty good.

I thought you were going to say twenty grand, but okay.

It's respectable charities do you go to.

I'm not going to say what the Illuminati does and does not do. The two thousand is great, that's a good amount of cash.

But with your ax, Yeah, but it sucks because then you have to go out with your ex. Did you already go out with him?

No? I didn't. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm gonna make it very clim You know that this is Jeff for charity.

But what happened after the auction ended with Sam? Were you able to like reconnect with him and be like, hey, I actually like was hoping you would win.

Yeah. I told him that, and I was actually able to get his phone number later on through my supervisor.

There we go telling you that he's like, what, I get a free date?


Yeah, well I haven't contacted him yet. I was hoping that maybe you guys could help me out.

Oh my god, are we going to call him and convince him to ask you out somehow? Why did you just ask him out?

I don't know.

I'm nervous. It's a crazy night and I love you guys so much, and I know he loved your show too, so I figured this might be the best way.

Maybe we could frame it like the other date fell through and so he can like step in if he wants to be more like official.

Is that he's gonna think that he still ows two thousand dollars back.

Well, then we'll take the two thousand dollars.

Okay, now we're.

Talking to the Brook and Jeffrey.

Yeah, we have needs, but okay, the whole point is we need to ask out Sam for you, And is gonna be so easy?

Like why would he say no?

I guess I'm kind of surprised that he didn't find a way to get my number, But I don't know. Maybe he felt like it wouldn't have been the right time since I was literally bought by somebody else.

I don't know. I wonder if you somehow could just vibe and tell that was your ax or something, and he's just like, look, I'm gonna let them.

Or somebody else from the foundation that you work with, like let it slip, because I'm sure some of your coworkers knew it.

They're probably getting back together. These are all questions that we can ask him when we come back, call him and try and get the second date update and ask why he didn't think you were worth more than two thousand dollars. Yeah, we're going to do it right after this second date update, coming up to the auction stage.

She's a five foot six brunette but five foot nine and heels. She's got a sharp sense of humor with limited baggage, except for the ex boyfriend who follows her around to charity events and tries to win it back.

Her name is Mela. Now let's start the bidding at fourteen million dollars. Oh, I hear fourteen million? Fourteen million?


No, no, no, all right, I'm going a bit on it sold.

Yeah, I think that was actually official, Mila.

Yeah for you, you just want a lot of money or like four bitcoins?

I know you're worth Mela.

How do you feel, Ameila?

I feel really good now that you guys just gave me a proper bit, is right?

I know I'm joking around, but Mela's actual day really wasn't too far off from what just happened there. Because Mila was trying to help raise money for her local community center, she was in an auction wanted a guy named Sam who was there to win her because they had a little flirtation before the event started. Unfortunately, Mela's ex would not let that happen. He showed up and stole her away for the price of two grand.

Heisa, wow has money.

Yeah, so he doesn't like that much and wants to support the local community. But the good news is Mila was able to get Sam's number. That's the guy she really wanted to go out with. So we're about to call him here, and I was thinking we probably when we get him on the phone, should not tell him that the guy that he was bidding against was his ex.

Did you have to say that part out loud?

What is dot?

Jeffrey was gonna mention it. Yeah, you're gonna blow up her.

Spy sometimes, you know, I like to brainstorm with everybody in the room. Don't do that with you.

I was thinking the same thing. Let's not mention it, right, Okay.

We're all in agreement. It was all my idea. So now we're gonna call this guy Sam for you. Okay's number right now? Hello, Hi, we're looking to speak with Sam.

This is Sam.

Hey, Sam, nice to meet you. You're on a radio show right now called Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Okay, what an experience.

We often auctioned this type of experience off at charity events that.

Wasn't as smooth as it head. I'm pretty sure Sam has no idea what you so, Sam, Sorry for the confusion here. We're doing a segment with you called a second date Update.

Okay, And the.

Reason that my co host eloquently broke you spilled something about auction stuff is because one of our listeners met you recently at a charity auction for a local community center. Do you remember me?


Yeah, oh yeah. Did you meet any cute ladies there?


I did.

Actually, there was one in particular I really liked.

Yeah, Okay, was her name Brooke? Brooke doesn't do a lot of it to snatch up his gentleman as she can.

He didn't say, He didn't say drunk lady. He said lady.

Yeah, we're talking about a girl named Mela. Is that the one you're thinking of?

That is the one I'm thinking.

She super serious and I just heard your smile.

When we said her name.

Yeah, what did you like about Mela?

Mela was just breathtaking. She stood out from the crowd, really cute. I don't know. We just had a really good chemistry and uh oh she was just sweet, just really relatable.

You know, was so sweet and so relatable and so breathtaking, But not breathtaking enough to spend more than two thousand dollars on her. I'm just saying. I mean, you we heard that you didn't win when it came time for her to be bid on a date with her.

Yeah, there was another guy outbid me.

So bummer.

What were you feeling when that was happening.

It was kind of intense. I mean I didn't have tens of thousands of dollars to spend on a date, So yeah.

It sounds like that guy had a lot of money.

You really, she's not actually a thing an item. You can just ask her out afterwards.

Yeah, I know, but right after somebody bid on her, I don't think that was the right time to go up and ask her.

Yeah, well if you don't want to do it in front of the person that just spent all this money trying to get her.

But these things are your actual romance. I mean, they're just like.

Work where they are. Yeah, they're not supposed to did you have any plans though, like maybe after the event to try and reach out to her or something like that.

He is definitely was on my mind. So funny thing happened was after the auction was over, I went over and talked to the guy that outbid me.

Oh you did?

Oh wow?

Did you run up your sleeves and say best man wins?

Yeah? Let's oh.

I mean, like I said, I really had a connection with me l IF. I went and talked to the guy and it turns out he was her ex boyfriend.

Yeah, oh no, wow, whoa that is news?

Come on, we knew that.

Okay, to be honest, we heard that that was the.

Case and she was super disappointed.

Yeah. Well, I mean I tell her was bad. I mean he was like really trying to get back to her. He was getting all teary eyed talking about how much missed her, and I kind of just I felt bad for him, so I kind of consoled him a little bit and I told him that to move on. I mean, obviously it's over. It's over, so so.

You're kind of being a bro at this point.

That was that was a good message, give a little post relationship therapy.

Did he listen to you? Has he moved on?

Yeah? Well, I mean it took a little bit of a bribe, so I actually ended up paying him for the date, so I reimbursed him plus a little bit extra. Wait, what by the date of Mila off of him?

Why does Mela not know this?

Well, it's going to be a surprise, like people's going to date, so I'm going to show up in stead.

Are you kidding me by not saying one thing? We ruined that?

That's actually really cute and really sweet.

I'm sorry, dude. The reason why we're reacting this way no idea that this plane was going to happen. And we actually have Mela waiting on the other line listening, wanting to talk to you, sur dude. I'm so sorry, but.

Are you there? It was going to be a nice surprise. I was looking forward to saying.

We feel bad already, Mela, Mela, No, I'm still surprised.

I'm so surprised. That's so sweet.

Okay, yeah, I don't.

Get to see your reaction in person.

But wait, wait, hold on, Mela, Mela, are you okay with this? I'm sure.

You guys are so sweet. Like, I know you feel bad for like ruining the surprise, but I'm so happy right now I'm speechless.

Are you sure? Yeah? Are you sure, Mela? Because we can get your ex on the phone and convince him to let's see how high we can go with this, like twenty five.

He's gonna have to pay me a lot if he wants that date back.

I feel like you.

Need to start calling more exes of just other random people if you're able to convince them.

So like move on.

No, no, no, not unless that Mela's.

X or like a couple's counseling. I honestly, if you move over my ex?

How were you planning on telling her?

I was gonna just come to the date.

I mean it was all, yeah, you're just gonna be like sitting at the table, and she was going to walk in and instead of the ex, it was going to be you.

But this is going to get more ready, I care about the date? Yeah, yeah, that's what I was thinking too.

What she would have worn before? Yeah, because Mela, you weren't going to try if it was going to be the ex at all?


Oh yeah, no, not at all.

I'm sure Mela would have looked amazing no matter of what you're wearing.


Yeah, now I'm giving a little nauseous.

So, well, what we normally do is we offer to send you guys out on a date that we would pay for that.

They're going to go on two dates now.

After the date that you've already paid for, would you like to go on another date after that and we'll pay for that.

Okay, Oh my god, he is so too. He's already planning the next days.

So cute, well Brook, Technically I plan this so I get ownership of it.

Okay, well, technically the X plan the first one.

So you're really have to step up your game here. Okay, Sam, You're not doing a whole lot over there.

I'll try my best spear cut brooking Jeffrey in the morning and the award for the cutest couple in a second date update.

For this entire year goes to and Sam dead well, they do.

Not polis batter an update. I am going to be so upset.

Seriously, you're the chemistry. So many texts into seven eighty five nine to a lot of os with like twenty ws afterwards, one said best ruined surprise ever.

We didn't know and he wasn't even mad that he spent the two grands.

You know what I mean?

Like he could have been, like, what she was gonna go out with me anyway?

What I spent on my money for more than that I knew we could. But anyway, I can't wait to hear from them again. As long as their update is and that the X showed up to the date anyway and decided to fight for her, that could be entertaining. Yeah, you're right, I would like to hear.

He doesn't sound like a fighter. He sounds like more of a crier. Yeah, he's like with check Bounce.

But we can always try and help you with your love life. If you ever need a little bit of assistance, email the show. We'll call that person who's not calling you back. You can go check out all of our second dates wherever you get your podcasts at Brook and Jeffrey

Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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