Our listeners love dysfunctional relationships so much, we didn't wanna deprive you. Here's a segment from our Full Show feed that may have even more drama than a Second Date Update. Let us know what you think!
In today's Awkward Tuesday Phone Call, we’re helping one listener recover from an office holiday party that he says was the “GREATEST NIGHT” of his life… until his boss saw what he was doing…
Hey, welcome to the weekend edition of your Second Date Update. Yes, I don't know how I tell you this. We're going to try something new, I know, for you know, I know people don't like new things, but we're just curious because we know you love dysfunctional relationship drama and many of our new listeners on the Second Date feed right here. Thank you so much for being here. Don't realize that we actually do a full hour of brand new content every day, a full show. That's not all Second Dates. We do another segment that is very relationship drama heavy and very loved. Yes, yes, totally beloved. That's called Awkward Tuesday phone Calls, and that's whenever you have a relationship issue and you need our help making a phone call. So on Sundays, just for this month only, we're gonna try it out. See what you guys think. If you like it, if you don't like it, let us know in the comments.
If you like the Second Date, you're gonna be obsessed with Awkward.
To Yeah it is. Sometimes they're more dramatic anything.
Yeah, truly truly, Brook Teller, I stole her wallet and I want to come clean about it.
Oh wait, did you by the way we should talk. Okay, all right, all right, here it is. Here's your awkward Tuesday phone call on a Sunday, just for you. We're trying it out. Listen up.
We've all heard stories about office holiday parties that got a little bit out of hand.
I won't even go into that time four years ago when jose brought a special holiday brownies, especially you guys are normal brownies.
Yeah, that was great.
I love them. They had extra snow on top.
Sorry, I didn't get those ones.
They make it really to.
This day, one of our coworkers, Pam still says best.
Holiday party ever.
That checks out.
She lived that.
Yeah, But it was a little bit different for one of our listeners because his office Christmas party actually started out as one of the greatest nights of his life until his boss saw.
What he was doing in the back.
Sounds like it instantly turned into the most embarrassing moment of his entire life. It's an insane story, and we're really thankful that he chose us to reach out to for help. So you're gonna hear what happened when we do your awkward Tuesday phone call coming up next.
It's awkward it's Tuesday. It's awkward Tuesday phone call.
We've seen the movies, we've seen the TV shows Holiday, but what happens in real life? If you have an embarrassing holiday work party story and it causes you a big problem, that's when.
You turn to us for a little bit of help.
And that's why Chris emailed the show today after he did something naughty at his office holiday party.
Oh you're the.
Culprit, Chris. Welcome to the show, you naughty boy.
Yeah, I guess it turns out that way.
But god, do you still have a job? Is it that naughty?
Ah? I do, but I wasn't sure for a pick.
Oh no, okay, Well tell us what happened at this party?
Okay, Well, I guess you know.
I'll just start from being Ah, I'm a chemical engineer for a large company, and it's been a great year.
For us man very similar to our jobs.
Yeah, definitely, And I know it sounds a little nerdy, but my team came up with this anti corrosion for batteries and it was a big, big deal.
Well, wow, interesting, I didn't even.
Know batteries corode.
Well, Alexis it doesn't sound nerdy. It sounds rich, you.
Said, But good for you. Yeah, that's great.
That's awesome. So there's a big reason to celebrate, you're saying at this holiday party.
So I was the Delete operations supervisor and because of that, they asked me to give a speech.
Oh big deal. I mean that's always crazy too because it's in front of everybody.
Right, I know, you must have been nervous.
Oh, I totally was.
I mean, you know, I practiced and practice went over to them thing and I wasn't sure how it's going to go.
But luckily it turned out better than expected.
Okay, was it like a serious speech or could you mix some humor in there?
What's the crowd like at your office?
So it wasn't just the office where we're doing this party. It was like a huge space that they rented out and like everybody was there. I mean, you know, so they were like thousands of people at businessments.
A legit holiday party last year for us. They just had a bunch of Ritz crackers and microwavable foods that they Usiza rolls.
That's awesome. How the speech go?
It went better than I expected, even I mean, you know, I was nervous at a couple of cocktails before and yeah, I was glad it went really well.
So what happened that was so bad? Then? Are you just calling to humble brag? Was this like you're in.
For Alexis right now?
What is going on?
Well no, I mean so afterward it went, well, I'm going to get a bike, going to get another drink, and then I look and there was this bright redheaded girl, incredible dress.
Oh she's like looking and smiling at me.
Okay, She's like, hey, are you the anti corrosion battery.
Well, she told me how funny I was.
Maybe speech was funny.
So you went up and talked to her.
Yeah, I mean I was feeling good after that speech, you know, like I was buzzing.
Okay, so you had some swagger going on. I mean there was.
Confidence, I guess. So, and she decided to grab my hand and she took me to a part of the building that we thought would be quiet.
Oh well, wow, the company benefits are just getting a little bit better all the time.
Yeah, what happens?
Well, then she started doing stuff.
Yeah, yeah, this is exciting. Is she is? She also an employee of the company.
I didn't recognize her.
So I'm not sure, but you said there's like thousands of people.
There, so she could be in a different department. I doubt hr who knows.
Okay, I still have yet to hear something bad happen.
So well, everything was great, but in the middle of us, you know, getting to know each other, my boss walked around the corner and he saw what was happening, and oh, my face is red. I mean, you start screaming at me that like this is inappropriate.
Dude, your boss saw it happening.
Yeah, so I just went ahead and I left the party.
I mean to be honest, I didn't know what to do. I freaked out, and then I didn't even really think about you know what.
Her full reaction was, Would you feel bad about now?
You're just.
The highest of highs, so the lowest.
Of love exactly.
Because it turns out the area we were in wasn't private. Other people saw what.
It wasn't just your bossser window that you didn't realize.
It was actually up on the Megatron for everybody to see.
Yeah. I don't even know, Like I guess we couldn't see them, but they could see us.
I have no idea.
Oh my God, mirror the way you didn't get fired.
No, I owned it, just said I'm sorry. If they want me to resign, I was willing to do that. I mean whatever, but you made.
Them so much money, so they're all.
Suddenly forgot about it.
Probably, Oh my god, heap.
So who are we calling? What are we doing?
I knew the girl's name was Amanda, That's all I got from her, and I'm kind of friends with the guy who was getting everything shut up for the party, and so I asked him if I could have the girl's full name and number, and he gave it to me.
Oh, so we're calling.
The girl the mysterious Hotti.
The fun girl from the party, the redhead.
I mean, I really liked her, and I want to reconnect with her. I mean, to me, it wasn't just like this crazy thing. It was like a crazy thing where I actually was into her too.
Sure, I mean, that's great, But why don't you just do that on your own? Why would you need our help to do that?
Yeah, I just feel like could go bad or maybe she feels too bad about what had happened or Barrett, so you know, kind of cover my basis, I guess by calling you guys and seeing if you can help.
Okay, really cool.
Well we'll have some advice for you in just a second. First we got to play a song, but we'll come back. We'll let you do your awkward Tuesday phone call to the cool redhead from the party and tell her, Hey, I kind of like you.
Oh it wasn't obvious.
We'll do that next. It's awkward.
It's Tuesday.
It's awkward Tuesday phone call. Man, what a crazy story we just heard?
Yeah, for people that are just tuning in if you missed it, we had somebody reach out to us. This guy named Chris who went to a holiday party for his company, and not like a normal small one like you might be picturing. This is a massive party in a giant rented out space with hundreds thousands of people there. He was the lead of his company division, so we had to give this big speech and ended up killing it.
Yeah, it was Chris's nightman, He he could do no wrong.
So after he got off stage, standing there in a spotlight is this beautiful red haired woman who starts flirting with him, leads him into a back area and shows him just how much she enjoyed that speech, but apparently they weren't the only ones there because some of the other employees saw it. And the worst part is the boss caught them fooling around back there. He thought for sure he was going to lose his job the next day, but he didn't. And now he's just trying to get a hold of the mystery redhead from the party, and he wants our help doing it. He doesn't know if she works at the company or what her deal is. He just got her number from one of the organizers and he wants some advice before he talks to her.
Brook, what do you.
Think, Oh, man, Chris, this is big. Okay. I want you, as we're going into this call, right, I want you to visualize yourself as the version of Chris that just walked off that stage. You are comfort, you are feeling on top of the world, because that's what she was attracted to. Man, Okay, do you know what I'm talking about?
Okay, Okay, yeah.
Okay, so far it doesn't soundly.
Yet, I'm trying to get there.
You got it.
I'm with you, Brook, actually, like, yeah, you need to visualize somebody who is that confident like picture. You need to visualize like Matthew McConaughey in your head when you're talking. Try to channel that type of energy, like picture yourself driving a Lincoln through a desert with your shirt off, saying nonsensical things out into the nothing. I think, what would Matthew do before?
I don't want him to be Chris. I don't want you to be a different person. I want you to be the version of you that you were when you left the stage.
Okay, I'll try to do that. Okay, you can do it, all right, all right, all right.
I mean she's a battery and you're going to fix the corrosion or whatever the analogy should be in your life. Okay, all right.
All right, I wish you lock.
I'm in a dollar phone number right now. Let's do your awkward Tuesday phone call.
Hello, Hey is this Amanda?
Yeah? I'm sorry?
Who is this? It's us? Yeah? Yeah, it's Chris from the holiday party the other night?
Oh hi? Hey wait wait how did you get my number?
Oh? Well, you know, it just kind of came to me.
Okay, I mean you, I mean.
How are you? How are you?
I'm good? How are how are you?
I'm all right? All right?
All right?
Wait did you just quote Matthew McConaughey, I may, Oh my god, Okay, what's going on.
I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened at the party the other night. I mean, I'm not sorry about what happened, like, I just meant, you know, with my boss seeing us and getting upset, I'm sure that was for you too, So I totally apologize for putting you.
No, I mean it's okay, Like, if anything is my fault, I brought you back there, and I don't know, I was just like really feeling it in the moment, and I think we both just kind of sort of lost ourselves. Like I mean, I think you're bad, but oh my god, Okay, stop.
No, I mean seriously, I'm calling because I've been thinking about you a lot.
And I know we didn't hang out that long, but for the moment.
I saw you, I don't want to be like creepy or anything, but I just felt something like an instant connection and I can't explain it, so I wanted to call.
I mean, I'm so taken up back cool, you don't know, I mean, yeah.
You're good. I mean it just felt like I don't know, I was supposed to meet.
Me that night.
You know, you know it's crazy because honestly, like I felt the same way about you, like when I saw you. Yeah, I mean honestly or really like you said, like fate or something.
Glad you did. I mean, nothing like this has ever happened to me.
So, I mean, just so you know, I mean me, So, I don't know.
You don't want to hang it out again?
Maybe sometime, of course, I mean I want to hang out. How about this time without an audience?
Yeah, definitely, yeah, because that was a little uncomfortable, but not your fault, like totally mine. But listen, there is something that I should probably tell you.
About that.
You're single, right, yeah, I mean, yes, I'm definitely single.
It's just.
So you know your boss James. Yeah, yeah, James is my uncle.
Why no, wait.
A minute, wad hello?
A whole radio show full of people is on the phone.
Actually, this is Brooke and Jeffery in the Morning set up.
No kind of instead of watching, we're just listening.
This is something that we do called an awkward Tuesday phone call. Okay, and it's pretty self explanatory why it's awkward, But yeah.
About it.
Chris just wanted our heal reaching out to you again after having a nice time at the holiday party.
My god, you're his boss's niece.
Yeah, how old are you?
Oh that's a good question.
I'm old enough. Okay, now that I'm on the radio, I'm not going to spill any more of myself. But I'm old enough. Don't worry about that.
Okay, you're legal to drink.
Oh of course, come on, he's like, I forgot to tell you.
She's wearing all my little pony stuff.
It looks like you just got a date to the senior prom Chris, congratulations.
I mean, I now I know why it was so mad.
Oh my god, I mean I thought I was going to get fired.
I just thought like it was just a general policy thing that you know, he was upset about, not that.
Man is his niece.
Well, listen, another confession on my end, Like I was the one that told him not to fire you, and like I really stood up for you and put all the blame on myself.
Oh so thank you.
Oh wow, dude, for you.
He told me not to contact you, but I was very hesitant about it because I didn't want to go against him. But clearly, like you felt the same because you found me.
So I mean maybe this is fate.
This is fate.
The chemistry already.
Wait, your uncle said not to contact him, like he doesn't want you to talk to him anymore.
Yeah, because of course. I mean they have a very high profile job and business and I understand that, and I wasn't trying to get in the way of that at all.
But uncles don't want their nieces and nephews to contact anybody.
You can't get But this is Chris's boss, I mean, like, Chris, how do you feel about it?
Well, I mean what I don't know is like if we gate and we're on the radio saying we want you, is he going to be.
Cool with that? Well?
And what if you two don't announce it at all? What if you guys just keep it on the d L.
They're obviously terrible at that.
Hey, I'm fine with that. Like, I think it could be exciting and risque a little bit, like, no, keep it a secret and we just take it slow, but no one has to know about it.
Yeah, just climb up into a Manda's treehouse. No one will be able to see what you're doing.
But I promised, like I wouldn't say anything at all, and I'm really.
Good at keeping secret.
So if we just I mean clearly we felt something and you reached out to me first, and I think we should just explore it.
That's a big risk, Chris, you know, I mean to me, it's like we care about each other. We're trying to give it a legitimate go. It's not just like the first time. We was just more fun getting to know each other. So screw it, let's do it.
Wow, Bay, does that mean you're gonna tell the boss Chris or you're not going to tell me to do this secret thing?
I think we're gonna Wait.
Yeah, I mean this is a really sweet holiday story. I'm not sure Hallmark is going to use it, but it's.
Good enough for our radio shows, so let's call it away. Congratulations you guys, Thanks guys
Thanks good luck broking Jeffrey in the morning.