Our listeners love dysfunctional relationships so much, we didn't wanna deprive you. Here's a segment from our Full Show feed, 'Brooke and Jeffrey', that may have even more drama than a Second Date Update. Let us know what you think!
One of our listeners said his buddy called him to drop a HUGE piece of news about his girlfriend. Now he wants our help getting the truth out of her about what really happened!
All right, we pulled you last week. Hey, welcome to the Second Date podcast. By the way, it is Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. The Second Date Update. We sat in a poll that we moved Awkward Tuesday from Sunday to Tuesday. Did you think it was brilliant or a terrible choice? Believe it or not? Seventy one percent of people said brilliant.
Hey, they can keep track of the day of the week.
Now, yeah, it makes a lot more sense.
It's happening right now.
Welcome to your Awkward Tuesday phone call.
If a friend calls you at eleven o'clock at night and demands to come over because they have to tell you something in person and it can't wait.
Oh my god, it's probably good news. Right.
Oh, maybe they just finished watching Love Island.
Yeah, or maybe they found an extra McNugget in their McDonald's bag. Oh go, just say fifteen percent by switching insurance providers.
Yeah no, no, not an eleven pm CA Okay.
Well, unfortunately for our listener, his buddy called him to drop a huge, huge bomb about his girlfriend.
Oh, and now.
He needs our help getting the truth from her about what really happened.
Oh, it wasn't a chicken nugget.
Maybe that's a good thing that happened.
We're gonna find out when we do your brand new awkward Tuesday phone call right after this.
It's awkward, It's Tuesday. It's awkward Tuesday phone call.
Is there any circumstance where you're out somewhere and you see a friend's significant other doing something that they shouldn't be doing and you decide to keep your mouth shut? Oh, because I mean, you can rationalize it in your head, like, you know what, it's not really any of my business. I don't want to jump to conclusions and stir up drama if that's not really what's going on my iesight? Really, isn't that good anyway? That could have just been a mannequin and I'm.
Totally seeing It's just like you got to eat an ice cream on a non cheat day.
Yeah, is there any chance you do that? Or do you go tell your friend and immediately what you saw?
It depends depends on the relationship with some.
Grocery shopping with somebody. I don't know, are they literally making out?
Mind? You guys see something?
Why why aren't you telling you?
I don't think I would tell you.
Now, this is how they kissed.
See, this is exactly what happened to our listener, Jacob, who is left dealing with a very bizarre situation now and he does not.
Know how to proceed. Jacob, Hey, man, are you holding up? Okay?
Honestly, you guys, not really?
Oh no, oh my god, I'm dying. Who went where all of it?
So I've been seeing this woman, her name is Shannon for about a half a year now. We didn't live together or anything, but I'd say it's been going pretty good for the most part.
I thought this was going to be about someone you saw that we had to call the friend this is about you.
Yeah, yeah, this one's about me.
Shannon and I will have nights where we hang out, we do stuff together, but then other nights were apart to things where we hang out with her friends. And I mean it's healthy.
You know, I disagree you should be spending twenty four seconds. You know, that's just my clinging answer.
I mean, like I said, we're not living together. Schedules are not framed around one another.
Right, you have your own lives.
That's yeah.
Total one night she was out with her friends. Whatever, I got a weird call around like eleven from a friend of mine, my friend Omar, and Omar was like, hey, are you home because I gotta come over and tell you something. And he was like like really kind of on edge about it.
Is exactly what I was going to say.
But a friend says I need to tell you something to your face, I'll be like, friendship's over, dude, Sorry, I don't like anything.
That must be pretty serious. If he's like demanding to go see you.
Yeah, no, I knew it was important, so I was like, all right, come over whatever. He stops by. He tells me that he saw Shannon out at this place called Crystal Lounge.
Sounds like a shady place.
She was with a guy, and she was wearing an engagement ring finger.
Are you sure that this guy's good at left and right? I have made that mistake before friends.
I don't even know what that finger is.
Yes, okay, And that's the thing I was trying to defend Shannon. I was like, nah, you know you're wrong, But he was pretty adamant. And that's why you had to tell me face to face. He saw what he saw?
Well, did he did he mention anything like specific like if they were kissing or holding hands or.
Doing wearing an engagement ring.
Josh, you've never put a ring on there.
Well, maybe it was just like her friend's engagement ring that she was trying on for fun.
Yeah, girls clothes always at the bar, just friend.
It reminds you, bruk, I'll take your wedding ring off right now.
Thanks. Yeah, So, like did he mention anything specific like that?
So Walmart said they were like physically close to each other, but he didn't see any overly romantic gestures happen. So I'm like, all right, it's probably just a friend and she's wearing some kind of fake engagement ring.
I mean, I will say, I will say I have some really hot friends that will wear fake engagement rings so they don't get hit on.
And I totally get that. And don't get me wrong, you guys, Like I feel like I'm dating up. She is very attractive. So I see her the next day and I bring it up, thinking it's going to be, you know, like thirty second conversation. She's gonna laugh, she's gonna you know, but she was like, I don't want to talk about that.
Feeling of guilt.
I try to bring it up a few more times, and then Shannon got upset and she stormed out.
She got you yeah, because you know, Lie, it's upset. That's how it works. It's like anybody who's accused of cheating will be like, no, you were cheating.
Oh you're on me.
But that's the thing I thought. I wanted to give her like the medicine of the doubt, and I wasn't trying to be aggressive about it or like like accusing her right and now she's not answering my calls. This was just the other night, just this week, and so I need advice. I need advice on how to handle it.
Ask you, are you still hoping that she's not cheating, Like there's still.
A possible that she is cheating?
In my mind, there's no possibility that she's not cheating.
Okay, well, I think you're saying. Everybody in this room is kind of in agreement. It looks really bad for her right now, and it's very very likely that something is happening behind your back.
I feel like we have not just go out of the fact she could be a jewelry heist, persons of jewelry and she's scared because we just caught her.
That is a pretty frequent thing that we get on the show.
I mean, like you want to what you want to get the truth out of her?
Well, yeah, I really am still holding out hope for it to just be something that she's like embarrassed about, doesn't know how to bring it up.
Yeah, I mean it's embarrassed that I was with my fiance.
Yeah, I think that's a highly likely possibility.
When we call her here, Yeah.
They probably haven't gotten married yet. Yeah, ngage, Now you didn't see a wedding band.
It's totally different now, Jake. I'm sorry that you're going through this, but we're going to try and.
Give you a little bit of advice here before we call your girlfriend Shannon and let you ask her the question, what was going on when my friends saw you out the other night at a lounge wearing an engagement ring with another guy?
No matter what happens, like, you're the winner out of this, she's the sucky one.
Okay, you don't have to hit on him now, he's still with somebody.
We'll get to that in a second. Your awkward Tuesday phone calls coming up right after this. It's awkward. It's Tuesday. It's awkward Tuesday phone call.
If you're just joining us for the awkward Tuesday phone call, this is what we know. Our listener, Jacob has a girlfriend of about half a year. She was spotted out recently at a lounge with a different guy wearing an engagement bright like I need.
To be taking notes Jeff so right, Yep, that's weird, not good.
When Jacob brought it up to her in a fun way, he expected her to laugh and explain, Oh.
It's just a stupid situation. I had to wear it. It was a big joke.
But no, she got upset and left and has not spoken to him since. That's why he needs our advice today on what to say to get his girlfriend to just tell him the truth of what is really going on. Yeah, it's the least that he deserves. Right, what's your advice.
To Jacob man, Jacob, it's not looking good.
It's not really advice.
I've just like you because if all of those things are what happened for real, then it's one hundred percent she's cheating, Like there's no way around it, right.
Like, should I get advice on how to handle it?
Yes? Yes, this has been pretty hopeless so far, you just told him the situation.
You were going to take control of this situation, okay, right, and you were going to tell her. You need to tell me the truth.
You need to rip it off like a band aid. Rip it off like a.
Band aid, because if she waits any longer, it's only gonna get worse. Like you deserve the truth. And if she has ever respected you ever in the time that she's known you, now is the time to show that.
There it is all yeah, yeah, thank you.
There was actually a little bit of advice in there. Good job edit out the whole.
Front of that party.
Every week I give great advice, jose What about you?
What do you think?
Remember you need to make her feel comfortable.
Remind her Honey. I want you to know first, I love you, okay, And whatever you say in this conversation, I promise not to judge what. We listen and we don't judge.
That's a TikTok tra TikTok. You know what you.
Give, you judge it, then maybe she will be comfortable to I think actually all of us could take that advice in this room.
We should listen and not judge her yet, because there could be.
A logical explanation for this. We're all gonna look really stupid. If we're being as capeful as Brook is towards her, she would have.
Just said the logical thing.
If it was logical, Jeff, she wouldn't have like run out of the room.
You know what, I want to look stupid, So listen and then.
Then we can.
Don't get me wrong, you guys. If this doesn't go my way, I am fully welcome to judge.
Yes, all exactly, that's actually what we do best on the show. But let's call her. We'll see if Shannon picks up, and then we'll step away and let you make.
Your awkward call and we'll be here if you feel like you need a little bit of help, okay, with good luck.
Hello, Hey, it's me. I said, I don't feel like talking right now.
No, we need to talk right now. What do you mean, not feel like talking right now? That's not fair, because.
You just seem really upset about something that honestly I do not feel like talking about.
Well I don't. How do you think I should feel about it?
What? I want to get this I want to get this over with. I want to hash this out.
Okay, then just you know what, just move on. What we have to hash out, we don't have to hash out anymore. Okay? Sorry?
Am I not supposed to be upset when my buddy comes to me saying that you have an engagement ring on and you're hanging with some other guy?
Like, what is that?
What is that?
I'm sorry?
What do you want?
Your theories?
All right? I deserve an explanation here, Like, it's my understanding. We've been together for six months now, like we're boyfriend and girlfriend, and my understanding we're not seeing other people? So am I wrong here?
Jacob? I don't want to hurt you.
It's see, it's a little late for that. You just need to tell me whatever the truth is. Okay, I can handle it.
It's hard to explain.
Well can you try? Can you try for me here, please? Shannon?
Well, you know my friend Sierra, right? Yeah? I know Sierral. Okay, So a couple of months ago she set up this like hangout with some old friends. She was saying, we hadn't seen them in a while. Could I just come and catch up?
What does this have to do with us?
I'm getting there. This is not this is an easy Okay. So one of the guys who was there to hang like, well, he was my ex.
Oh what what does that even mean?
So be hooked up and I didn't know what to say to you because you're so sweet to me. God, God, and I started dating him again, and I know it's messed up. I know, but in my head, I was like, I've always just wanted to have a forever relationship, be married, and so I had it in my head that that I was just going to say yes to whoever proposed first. And he proposed a few nights ago.
So so wait, sorry, you're actually you're really engaged. I thought I really thought there'd be some other reason to it.
No, no, I am, I'm engaged to someone else. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry. Oh my god, what is that? What's going on?
Man? Okay, oh my god, Shannon.
Everything, Shannon, we've.
Been listening to this culture.
He says, you're on the radio right now with a show called Brook and Jeffrey. In the morning, we're doing something called awkward Tuesday phone call.
Oh what look?
Okay, Yeah, you weren't answering my calls, and I didn't know how to address this with you. I've been trying, and so I called the radio station to help me get a hold of you.
Yeah, and no, God, I believe you did this on the radio.
Maybe you shouldn't have been cheating.
Yeah, we do a lot of these phone calls, I'll tell you, Shannon, And we don't normally get a lot that and like this. Usually it's somebody playing a joke, there's some hilarious misunderstanding. Turns out, Shannon, you're just a two timing cheater.
Okay, I'm sorry. She said that she can't believe this. No, I'm sorry. I can't believe that you're actually engaged. And you hit all of this from me, like, hello, are you dating?
For your engage to this guy?
Who are you? Why do I have to answer questions to you? I don't even know who I'm talking to at this point. You think I'm just going to answer some questions for some people I've never talked to you before.
Well, it's pretty valid to the situation. Jacob's friend and we're defending jobs.
Jacome friend he called the radio station. Now he's your friend.
Yes, he is really cling. You don't know us.
Jacob is my friend, Like I still want him to be part of my life. Sorry, after all.
Of this, you think Jacob would still want to be around you?
Yeah, so your friend?
Couldn't we stay friends? Like? I even asked my fiance to have our wedding like a year so you could have some time to heal because you are a good friend. And why there I want you in my life wedding the.
Year so that your current boyfriend over you that he can go to the wed.
Jacob, I mean, are you and things got to be a joke?
Well, what does your schedule look like next next time?
I wouldn't joke. You're a special guy.
Yeah, okay, I was joking.
My schedule next year is figuring out when she's on her honeymoon and burning up her apartment.
Oh, let's bring it back a couple of months, Jacob. We're on tape here, so this can be used in the court of room.
I can help you.
To move on. Okay, yeah, okay, yeah.
You guys you don't know me, but I'm not a bad person. Yes, maybe I made a mistake, Maybe I should have broken up with Jacob earlier, but I'm not a bad person.
Maybe, Jacob, are you willing to call this strike one and give it two more?
Friends, you know, in the name of friendship.
Yeah, I think all nine innings are over.
Sports analogy, Okay, I wish Jacob well, I hope he has a great life.
I don't know what to say to you, Shanon, honestly. But Jacob, jeff sure.
You know Jeffy's going to send you a wedding pressent.
Ye, guilty, I do. I do perform at weddings, so you can hire me.
But Jacob, the good news is that you got the truth right, That's what you were after here the.
Whole Timely wasted six months on this relationship. But I mean that's another positive.
Yeah. Well, hey, you know, since we're friends legitimately, let's go out spend the rest of the week drinking. I'm up for it.
What do you mean us right?
Yeah, drinks on Jacob.
Cool looking Jeffrey in the morning.