Our listeners love dysfunctional relationships so much, we didn't wanna deprive you. Here's a segment from our Full Show feed that may have even more drama than a Second Date Update. Let us know what you think!
One of our listeners is willing to put herself in a very uncomfortable spot for the sake of her kid. We’ll try to help her in a brand new Awkward Tuesday Phone Call!
You found it at the home of the Second Date Update.
It's Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning and thanks for being here on the weekend with us. And I know we have a lot of new listeners from all over the world since we've been in the you know, top ten charts of podcasts.
Yes, also, which is awesome. And if you don't know, we actually are a full radio show.
I know rio and we are talking on it and we do a brand new full hour episode every day on our main feed Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. And we just thought, you know, y'all seem to like relationship drama. We're kind of experts on it, and we do a lot of other segments, including this one awkward Tuesday phone call.
Yes, love it.
Yes, seriously, it's not necessarily always a romantic relationship.
With these It was always awkward, yeah, and tricky.
So sit back and enjoy your awkward Tuesday phone call on Sunday.
It starts right now.
You have to sacrifice so much when you become a parent. Yeah, your body, your sanity, your bathroom alone time, but it's all worth it to see your child happy. Unless a one in a million type of situation happens like it did to our listener today, and now she's thinking, maybe my child can be a little less happy as long as I don't.
Have to deal with this anymore. Yikes, that's what she's thinking.
But for the sake of her kid, she is going to put herself into a very uncomfortable spot. And we are going to try to help. In your brand new awkward Tuesday phone call.
Right now, it's awkward.
It's tesday.
It's awkward Tuesday phone call.
Imagine you accidentally run into somebody from your past, but not a good somebody like your old second grade teacher or your cool babysitter who taught you how to delete your browser history.
Before mom and dad got shut out.
I mean that now, this is a person who you don't want to run into again. You really don't, guy, And that actually happened to one of our listeners, Dana, who afterwards has emailed us for help because she does not know how to continue.
In her hometown, because that's where it's the worst fun.
You can get away there something where she's not able to get away.
Dana, Welcome to the show.
Hi, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it.
Oh my god, I'm having an anxiety for you, just the thought. I can think of two people that I do not ever want to run into the rest of my life.
I've never seen Alexis smile this big because she knows dramas coming.
She's excited. What's going on? What made you email us?
Oh my, I don't even know where to start, but just to give you, like a I just recently moved my family into a new neighborhood, so we're fresh there.
Okay, that's exciting.
Yeah, yeah it is, but it's also like dostful because my daughter's already having to switch schools. Yeah, for sure, she's nervous about making new friends.
Yeah, but just remind her that the new kid is always cool in the beginning.
And also remind her of the friends that you make when you're young. They really don't last very long. You're actually going to lose them all by adulthood.
It's fine.
One, I don't know, maybe deliver that a nicer way to her, but okay.
Yeah, So on her first day of school, she's like, Mommy, I made a new friend, and I'm like, awesome, wow, news, thank god. Yeah, so we even I hadn't arranged the play day over at her new friend's house, and afterwards I go to pick her up, and you know, I go inside and walking the entryway and I'm like, they had Legos displayed on there.
Oh, that's cool, built Lego sets on there.
Yeah, And I'm looking at the Legos and I recognize them. They're the same ones that my ex had on display nine years ago. Woah, model, exact thing. It was like a set. I knew that they were hit because I've seen the exact set before on display at his apartment.
Are you saying you're at your ex's house right now?
Then that's what I think it is because I'm looking around and I see a photo of him. It really was him, Yep, it's And I'm like, you've got to be kidding me. My daughter's friend is the child of my ex.
That would be terrible, especially like most exes you're cool with, but there's always the one that you just don't ever want to see again, and it sounds like that's the person for you.
Yep, And you're right. It is the worst thing ever because it didn't end well with us.
Wait is he there when you pick her up? Do you see him?
Luckily he was at work that day and I've only interacted with the mother.
Oh my god, do.
You bring it up to the mom like, I mean, you have to because it's a be even more awkward if you're like.
Less awkward to be like, nice to meet you. Our daughters are now friends, by the way, me and your husband used.
To be a thing.
Yeah, I don't know, I don't know. I don't have an answer. It's just all of that is like my worst night.
Yeah, you walk up her and.
Go, oh he downgraded and then walk away.
And that's why I'm calling you, guys. I'm like conflicted because my daughter's been asking me like mommy, mommy, let's go over there, and I'm like what do I do? And now it's the worst scenarios possible. If this couldn't get any worse. Her friend is having a birthday party.
Oh and you know the dad will definitely be at the birthday party because it's like you could avoid them the other way.
And you know, it sounds like happy hour, mingo hour for the adults, like they have a scene for the adults to be there to have a good time too.
As if this guy, if this ex was in love with you, do you think he has any idea that you're the mom of his daughter's new friend.
I doubt it.
If you look alike it all or like resemble just a name right the name or like?
I mean, honestly, if people are still in love with their exes, they stock them on social media.
Is that what you did?
No love with exes?
Okay, I did that. She's just curious what they were doing.
I mean, I've done it before, not currently.
So I'm going a dilemma now because the birthday's coming up in a few days and I need to have a conversation with the wife.
Okay, I think that's the right thing to do.
If I was you, I would move to another neighborhood and try again. How many can you?
Did you unpack your boxes?
My daughter she loves this new friend. So I really need some help and advice on like what I'm going to tell the wife and how it's going to go go.
So that's going to be our job come up with some advice to give you. Juicy, We're going to figure out how you can talkalk to your ex's wife.
And guess let her know.
That the two of you used to date and now your kids are best friends.
Oh, yeah, not too much totally to talk about.
Maybe everyone will be an adult about this.
Of course, you want adult stuff to happen. Brook.
Anyway, let's try and do your awkward Tuesday phone call right after this.
It's awkward.
It's Tuesday.
It's awkward Tuesday phone call. As a parent, you want your child to make.
New friends, yes, of course.
But worst case scenarios if you find out their new friend is the daughter of your old ex boyfriend.
Oh man, the one ex you didn't want to see, not the one you want to get back.
Yeah, thank you for clarifying, because that's exactly what happened to our listener, Dana. And now the clock is ticking because there's a birthday party coming up where all of the adults and the parents are supposed to hang out and mingle with each other. And Dana is absolutely terrified of what to do.
Yeah, because she hasn't even seen the ex yet. She's only interacted with the mom of the girl you don't know, you know, and a birthday party means that he's going to be there.
Yeah, that is a good question, Dana, Like, what is the percentage that your ex knows? This is already going on.
Honestly, I don't know, but if I had to guess, maybe fifty percent.
Fifty fifty fifty fifty fifty.
Okay, well Brook, she needs some advice before we call this other mom and basically lay it all out there for her. What do you think Dana needs to keep in mind?
Okay, this is the thing. You have to be so casual. You cannot act like it's a big deal.
Yeah, so casual. Don't even wear pants ye for this conversation. No, keep it back and chill.
I'm saying, when you talk to her, you need to be like, oh my god, so funny. I just realized I know your husband. What a small bothered?
What do you think of that, Dana, No big deal.
I don't know if I could do that because I feel like I'll be lying and acting.
Yeah, that's what I want you to do.
Okay, let's give it a try.
Give us your best nonchalant like, oh weird, me and your husband used to date.
Oh what a small world.
I believe it. We're flirting.
Me and your husband used today. Fun fact of the day.
Sound a little bit excited about it, more like silly funny coincidence story, not fun fact.
Okay, we'll just take a little bit of nugget, a little nugget from that.
I'm not trying to.
Sprinkle it in good and I'm more stressed out anywhere.
Just do you, I think, just be you and you're gonna be good.
Thank you.
She could have done that without us, Jeff, Well, that was her fault for calling in.
Stop recording. Just tell us how this goes later. Here we go.
I'm going to dial the other mom and let you talk to her so you can let her know that you used to date her husband.
Oh my, well, pray for me. I'll pray for me.
Okay, we will as I'm dialing the number. Now, good luck. We'll jump in if we feel like you need help.
Oh hi, is this Alix? Yes it is, who says it's Deliah's mom? Stay that?
Oh hi?
How are you? Oh?
I'm good, you know, just getting some things done around the house.
How are you? I'm good. I can't complain. I'm just getting ready for this card we have in a few days, and I'm definitely not prepared.
Oh my gosh, I know how that goes. Well, Bless your heart.
What could I do for you? Is everything? Okay?
Yeah? So this is okay. Sorry, I'm trying. I wanted to call you and discuss something with you.
I have a few parents call about food allergies. Is that what this is about?
Oh no, no, thank god, she doesn't have any food allergies. But I'm calling you because it's just kind of like an awkward thing. So I don't know how to sugarcoat this. But it involved your husband.
Oh oh, my husband.
Yeah, so please, like, don't worry. He's not like cheating on you or anything. But I don't know if you know this or if he's told you. But the other day, you know, I took it up Delilah, and I realized after going to your house that I actually know your husband and we used to date.
Yeah, and.
You don't seem surprised by this.
I mean, she do you not looking to date now? If that's what you're wondering.
We're married, so okay, hold on, hold on, I'm married too, so you know, I don't know how much he told you. We kind of have like a weird breakup. So I'm just feeling a little uncomfortable.
Do you feel this way because you still have phyllings for him? Or I'm getting really confused?
No, no, no, no, no, why it's.
Like or anyone would be uncomfortable, Like, I mean he told me all about you.
Okay, so you know he told you about this.
Yeah, he said it was a really it was a really hard breakup when you got dumped. He didn't want to hurt you.
And I'm dumb.
Yeah, I didn't get exactly. So I mean, I understand. I'm a woman. First, I totally get it.
No, he first of all, I didn't get dumped. I dumped him.
Well, it's the honey, everybody gets dumped. It's okay, it's no new to be embarrassed. It's not a lie. Okay what I mean, I haven't, but I can imagine the pain of getting dump Wow.
No, no, no, no, no, that's not what happened.
And I now comes with it, and no one, you have nothing to worry about. Our daughters they like together. We can come and leave it at that.
You need to understand I jumped him, and like you're just awkward and resentful after that and like this is not cool.
Okay, do you like see a therapist at all? Or have you ever consider that? Like you definitely you definitely should.
Oh my god.
Okay, wow, wait all this.
Yeah, that's the sound of an entire morning show being on this phone call with you, because you're you're on the radio right now, Alice. Oh my god, we're broking Jeffrey in the morning. We're trying to help out Dana with this awkward conversation that she was trying to have with you about your daughters and oh the dating history between them.
So she goes on the radio.
Okay, well, well you wanted advice, but that's not the advice we gave her.
No, we were expecting you to be surprised by the news that Dana had a relationship in the past with your husband.
Because it was definitely a surprise to Dana.
Oh yeah, no, we my husband and I talked already. We know what's going on. Like she's someone of the past, and I just I feel like she may still be a little hurt.
I'm not hurt, Alice. I'm just calling you to let you know that we were dating, just in case you didn't know. And then you say I was lying or hiding something from you. He was like a complete loser after ok.
Okay, here's the thing.
It feels like Alice is maybe being.
A little bit more of the adult here.
Yeah, but it is lying.
They're lying. That's like, that doesn't make me feel comfortable to come over to their house.
Who broke up with him?
Woman, it was nine years ago. You found a husband, you had the kids, you did the dream.
Cause couples that lie together stay together, that's the saying.
Okay, So just now that you know Alice, can we like move forward from this?
What's the I mean, we already moved forward. If you are involving the radio and you have all these feelings and all these things going on in your mind. I just want to make sure you're okay, because we're definitely okay over here.
So, Dana, I guess ball's in your court here, because it sounds like Alice has known about the past relationship and has no concerns about it.
As long as she doesn't want my husband. Were good to go?
Okay? Does not sound like she does, Dana.
Can you verbally acknowledge that you are not interested in Alice's husband?
I am not interested in your husband?
Thankful friends.
Yeah, so when the birthday party happens, are you comfortable now going over there?
You know, I think for this birth birthday party. I'm just gonna drop her off and have you guys do and maybe we can just have a one on one after something and just time.
I just want our girls to be able to play together and get to know one another, like that's all that matters.
It seems like the most chill, go with a flow, mom.
I know.
I think that maybe we should don't say therapy.
I think it's a good chance for you to go over to the house with the birthday party.
You can be the better person.
Walk in there, write a note and put it under the husband's pillow, saying, just to be clear, I broke up with you just so strange.
No, I don't want to be petty, but that is a good idea.
Okay, sticky notes. They're nice and small. You won't see them until he goes
To bed Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.