Awkward Tuesday: Close Encounters Of The Friend Kind

Published Jan 5, 2025, 2:00 PM

Our listeners love dysfunctional relationships so much, we didn't wanna deprive you. Here's a segment from our Full Show feed that may have even more drama than a Second Date Update. Let us know what you think! 

The woman in today’s Awkward Tuesday Phone Call wants to preserve a friendship that might be on the rocks all thanks to her buddy's new girlfriend.

Hey, welcome to the weekend edition of your Second Date Update.

Yes, I don't know how I tell you this. We're going to try something new, I know, for you know, I know people don't like new.

Things, but we're just curious because we know you love dysfunctional relationship drama and many of our new listeners on the Second Date feed right here, thank you so much for being here.

Don't realize that.

We actually do a full hour of brand new content every day, a full show. That's not all Second Dates. We do another segment that is very relationship drama heavy.

And very loved. Yes, yes, totally beloved.

That's called Awkward Tuesday phone Calls, and that's whenever you have a relationship issue and you need our help making a phone call. So on Sundays, just for this month only, we're gonna try it out. See what you guys think. If you like it, if you don't like it, let us know in the comments.

If you like the Second Date, you're gonna be obsessed with Awkward.

To Yeah it is. Sometimes they're more dramatic, could anything?


Truly truly?

Brook tell her I stole her Walll and I want to come clean about it.

Oh wait, did you, by the way, we should talk. Okay, all right, all right, here it is.

Here's your awkward Tuesday phone call on a Sunday, just for you.

We're trying it out. Listen up.

Is it possible to have a platonic relationship with someone of the opposite sex?

I think so.

I think it's rare, but I think it's true.

I agree, I think it can too, And I've been telling brook that for years. But every time I walk by her desk, her glasses fog up. Oh my god, jewel drips onto her keyboard.

That's probably eating my lunch.

She's watching videos of waterfalls and Ferris Wheels, trying to get her mind off. It turns out one of our listeners is having a similar problem with one of her closest guy friends keep walking by her. If she doesn't do something now, she might lose that friendship forever. Oh god, oh great, Brooks glasses look like.

A sauna room again.

I do not find you.

Keep saying that.

I don't fight.

It's sit down.

Let's just cool things down. You can clean up your glasses. Gunch of mom jeans. What have you got to do before we do an awkward Tuesday phone call? Coming up next.

It's awkward.

It's Tuesday.

It's awkward Tuesday phone call. You know.

Forbes magazine just declared US the number one show in the world for relationship drama.

That's awesome.

Unfortunately, they also ranked US seven hundred and fifty eighth at effectively solving relationship dramas.

That can't be last place, though it's not much higher optimism that.

So yeah, today's callers should feel real good that they turn to us. Her name is Shana. Shana, it's your last chance to back out? Are you sure you want to do this?

I'm sure.

We're not almost last for nothing.

I'm proud of that. So Shana, tell us a little bit about what's going on in your life that's caused so much drama.

Yeah, I have this like super weird situation going on. I've been friends with the same group of people basically for like eight years. We get everything together.

Yeah, I mean I think everybody has like that pure group, right, like your people that you use and if.

You don't, that's totally okay.

Brooke did not mean to single you out and make.

You feel bad.

Does that hurt your feelings?

I haven't traveled with I'm just saying, not everybody has a huge group of friends that they do everything. But it's okay, you don't need other people anyway. I'm proud of you for having that, Shana.

What's going on with your cool group of friends?

Thank you, thank you very much.


So, yeah, we do everything together, concerts, sports, stuff, everything.

We get it. You have a great friendship and we're.

All best friends and we're so happy and there's nothing wrong enough.

Is a is it all women or is it a mix of guys and girls?

So it's actually a mix of guys and girls. And I'm a little bit closer to one of the guys in particular. His name's Brett. So he's dating a new girl and they've been dating probably for like a few months now. At first he was bringing her to our group hangout things like it was fun and you know, I don't know too much about her yet, but she seems a little shy but still really sweet and cool, and I know it must be kind of intimidating, like, you know, meeting all these people.

Are you guys cool with that?

I mean, like I would assume between the eight of you, there's been a lot of boyfriends and girlfriends that have come.

And gone and yeah, exactly, like we're kind of yeah, we're pretty used to it at this point, and it's always just kind of like a more the merrier type thing. We all have a good time. Yeah, well so I thought we were all having a good time. But about a month ago, I noticed every time I would reach out to Brett or message or anything, I wouldn't hear anything back.

That's odd, okay, And is this on a group text or are you talking about when you privately message him?

Yeah, like when I privately reach out to him, to him, he doesn't really say anything back. So I really haven't heard from him very much in like a month now. And what's even weirder is I noticed that when we would all go hang out, I would never see them. And then I realized it wasn't that he wasn't going to anything. He was just not going to stuff when I was there.

Something that must make you feel so bad.

I mean we all feel that, right, because like I have really close guy friends.

Oh really, do you have loads of male friends, Brooke boy?


So I'm just saying like he's a jealousy thing with like significant others, and sometimes it's worse than others. Are you thinking that the girlfriend is like you can't hang out with her?

Yeah, you're too close?

Well yeah, so I reach out to my other friends when I realized that it was it wasn't an everybody think it was just anything, and they basically were like, yeah, something definitely going on there. Okay, I'm not crazy.

Can I just compliment you?

You must be very pretty because this happens a lot if you're especially if you're attractive and you're clothes with somebody.

Or is there any like history between you and bread or is it just strictly a friendship.

I mean, we're definitely just friends. It's strictly a friendship. But I will say we've known each other for years, so like we went on a road trip and like had one random like hookup thing, Like there was no like sex involved, but like you know, you got.

To try and make out once, you know, right, how do you know how?

That's the thing.

It's like, how do you know if you're just going to be friends or not? If you don't like just dip your.

Toes what friend text is called the sample plan?

Yeah, you.

Don't your toe You did your tongue, all right?

And it sounds like that happened. You said it happened years ago.

It was Yeah, it was so long ago. It's nothing. It's ancient history. And we're one hundred percent just you know, platonic that we're just friends, to the point.

Where if he ever came out and said he had feelings for you, you would.

Be like you, Yeah, I'd be a little uncomfortable at this.

I hope she would be nicer about it. But yeah, I'm used to hearing you.

I mean, has this happened before as this, you know, because it sounds like you guys are really really close and it can be intimidating for potential girlfriends or boyfriends if you're dating somebody too.

Yeah, it has happened. But for me to just kind of be completely shut out, this hasn't happened before. This is definitely weird.

Yeah, it definitely sounds awkward. So what made you email us for help?

I just want to get in touch with him, like, and I don't know how else to do it. I just want to kind of have like an honest conversation, and he's not really giving me that chance because you won't really talk to me. So I was hoping you guys could help.

He's avoiding the convo.

Yeah, that's understandable, and avoiding their calls.

Yeah, I guess he doesn't want to know the girlfriend's probably got the phone.

Might not that I've done that.

That would be weird.

We're gonna play a song here real quick, Shana, and we'll come back give you a little bit of advice before we make the phone call to a Wait, are we calling Brett?

Are we calling his girlfriend?


Okay, we'll let you make the call to Brett and do your awkward Tuesday.

Phone call right after this.

Okay, okay, all right, hold on, it's awkward.

It's Tuesday.

It's awkward Tuesday phone call.

As I said previously, our expertise is in ruining relationships mending friendships, so this really isn't in our wheelhouse right now, but we're going to try our best for Shana, who needs our help reaching out to her good friend Brett because Brett is not allowed to talk to her right now.

Well that's what she thinks, so she doesn't.

Feel comfortable with that. She wants our help to get him on the phone and see if they can salvage the friendship. And I really think we need something special to start this one off, and I know Jose and Alexis, you guys are friends, So to kick this off, I'd like both of you to do a good luck kiss. That'll make shanea feel comfortable a guy that she's kissed the outside the studio.

I don't want to talk about it.

Well maybe if we can't give you a good luck kiss, Shane will at least have some advice. Brooke, do you have anything for her?

I'm good, yeah, No, honestly, SHANEA.

Lake, I think the one thing you need to watch out for in this conversation with him is making sure you're not putting his girlfriend down because it's it's.

Just a landmine.

You know, it'll make him defensive. He's already got one lady given him weird ultimatums. You need to be the sane, nice kind one.

Okay, yeah, that's true.

That was actually some good advice.

Well, I think that a lot of people out there are assuming, including myself, that there's some type of jealousy happening here.

Well I think that's obvious, yeah, totally.

Well I'm an investigator, bro ok Yeah, no, I did that.

There's obviously something there. So once you confirm that.

I think the best solution is to find a way to set up a date with just you and her, not him involved, so she can get to know you a little bit.

And know that you're harmless.

You're really just a friend, there's nothing there, and that way she trusts you.

Yeah. I didn't think of that. Actually, yeah, maybe came out.

You and Brett's girlfriend can kiss.

Oh I don't like.

I mean it worked out for you and Brett. You guys have a strong relationship.

Is this why you don't have as.

I know?

See, I'm learning something by doing this too. This is really useful. But we're gonna die Brett's number right now for you, Shane and let you make your awkward Tuesday phone call. You ready, all right.

Got it, you can do it.

We'll be here when we feel like you need a little bit of help.

Here we go.

Hello, Hello, Hello, Yeah, Hey, it's me.

Oh sorry, that's not what came up on my phone.


I know. That's because you weren't answering your phone.

Yeah. Sorry, I'm kind of a I wasn't prepared to have to talk to you right now. Sorry, I'm just kind of yeah.

I was trying to figure out Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what's going on, dude, Like I haven't heard from you in like a month, and I've just kind of been hearing stuff that I'm trying to figure out. You know, I wanted to hear from you about it.

Yeah, I get that. It's just the thing I'm in kind of new and I don't know what to say.

I mean, like, I know, I know this relationship is new and everything. I totally get it, like we've all been there, but I don't know, I just feel like I don't want to feel like she's the reason, like we don't ever talk again, and this just feels really weird.

Yeah, I get that it is weird.

Like I'm trying to figure out, like does she hate me because you know, you don't tell me anything, so I just don't know what's going on.

No, she doesn't. She doesn't hate you. I mean you've been around her a little. She's she's kind of shy and like I told her just because I wanted, you know, which is maybe even not the good move. I told her that you and I had had you know, weird, Well.

Well it was only I mean you only like it was only one time, Like is that really what she's upset about, Like that you told her it happened like years ago, right.

Well, the road trip thing, yeah, and then the seen good to Maya your parentast any of that.


Oh oh oh, I totally forgot about that. But I mean they were both like a really long time ago.

I know, I know I have them, but I told her that, you know, and we're totally.

Like it's not like we're not like that, like we're you know, like we were drunk. We're just having fun, like we're around our friends. You know, what happens that kind of stuff happens.

Like I'm well aware, we're good, you know, just it's it's almost like there's this interim period where I'm kind of proving something to her. I had no intention of just like I don't know how to handle this, to be quite honest, Well, I.

Mean what can we do, Like how do we prove how do we show her, you know, like that I'm harmless. We are literally just really good friends.

Like you'll have to bury those really really strong feelings you have for me. That's the first thing.

Oh my god, br shut the hell you are not making it's better. That's not funny.

But I mean, you're so in love with me that it's just kind of hard, you know.

Oh, it's unbearable, it's really Oh god, whatever will I do?

Yeah? I actually I think I have a theory about the Synco de Mayo thing. I don't think you knew it with me, you were so.

I mean I don't remember most of when I so that's probably accurate.

But yeah, see, I mean.

That's what that's what I mean. That doesn't make me look very good, but that's what she needs to know, you know, like it's not about you or anything. Like we're just having fun. And I don't know, like should we like can we talk to her together or something? I just want to.

I don't know.

I just want to be friends with you again. And this sucks, and I really.

I don't know. I don't want I obviously don't want to this friendship to go away. That's never been my intention. And for now, I mean, I don't know. You like I bought a burner phone or something and me online, so we have to kind of figure this out. I think, like, you know, since we know we're not going to be doing anything we shouldn't, we can just have like a secret friendship. You know that no one knows about for now.

Uh, that is not going to work. Shoot. So the thing is when I couldn't get in touch with you, the reason that you don't recognize the phone number is because this is actually on the radio.

What's going on?

Right? Secret?

So right? I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that.

You mean, like on a rate like like live. Yeah, hey, why is there fifty people saying yeah.

There's four of us here.

Yeah, you're on Brookly Jeffrey in the morning right now, Brett, Well that it's okay, you didn't.

I'm thinking about the secret friends thing. That's not going to play very well on my.

Just a few brillion people know.

It was good.

I mean you were joking about her being in love with you, right, that was a joke.

That a joke. I couldn't tell.

I hope sarcasm like reads over the radio or whatever.

It was just very dry.

Yeah, okay, it's a it's a joke though.

You guys don't have secret feelings for each other outside of the friendship.

No, No, I mean that's why I came on here, like, yeah, this isn't it shouldn't be a big deal. But I mean I get the radio thing that's and the secret thing that sounds awful, but the rest of it.

But what about you told us you hooked up once all of a sudden, multiple times.

I forgot about the other time.

I don't know that's hooking up when it comes to cheating, Jose is like suddenly a math whiz.


But the thing is it was so forgettable that she forgot about it. She cares about it.

It doesn't bode well for you, Brett.

Brett, it doesn't sound like you have delivered your friendship to your girlfriend very well.


Yeah, it wasn't handled well obviously. So I just once I told her about like the road trip thing and the other thing, then it was just like she couldn't not hear that we didn't have feelings sparks.

And look, we are running a little bit short on time here. But Brett, something that you don't know is before we called you, we went around the room and all gave advice to Shane on what we thought she should do. And somebody here suggested that Shana and your girlfriend should hang out one on one without you and they could get to know each other a little bit. What do you think of that?


But she's she's such a like ballbuster that I'm afraid she's gonna like overshoot and then I'm going to be like, my girlfriend's gonna break up with me.

That's how you're bone.

I understand it's a weird situation, but I think you should at least talk to your girlfriend about it.

Yeah, it's worth bringing up.

It's low risk, bro Yeah, and be like, you're the only one in the area that doesn't know that this happened. So I know her now, you know, Like, well.

I gotta tell you. Awkward Tuesday is one of our most popular podcasts. You could actually send it to her, find it on Spotify anywhere else. She can hear it all over again.

Yeah, you can hear your not good joke. We'll laugh about it together.

Hey, I don't have to rag on you. They're doing it for me.

Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

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