Awkward Tuesday: 2K All Day

Published Jan 26, 2025, 1:30 PM

Our listeners love dysfunctional relationships so much, we didn't wanna deprive you. Here's a segment from our Full Show feed that may have even more drama than a Second Date Update. Let us know what you think! 

One of our listeners needs our help because a GIFT she got for her wedding, might jeopardize the ENTIRE ceremony! We’re treading lightly in an Awkward Tuesday Phone Call.

You found it at the home of the Second Date Update. It's Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, and thanks for being here on the weekend with us. And I know we have a lot of new listeners from all over the world since we've been in the you know, top ten charts of podcasts. Yes, also, which is awesome. And if you don't know, we actually are a full radio show. I know rio and we are talking on it and we do a brand new, full hour episode every day on our main feed, Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. And we just thought, you know, y'all seem to like relationship drama. We're kind of experts on it, and we do a lot of other segments, including this one awkward Tuesday phone call. Yes, love, Yes, seriously, it's not necessarily always a romantic relationship with these.

It was always awkward and tricky.

So sit back and enjoy your awkward Tuesday phone call on Sunday. Totally. It starts right now.

Is it ever okay to give someone's gift back?


That depends, but most of.

The time no, I'm not just asking because I saw Brook's holiday shopping list. Okay, nobody wants to quote road kill shovel, Brooks.

You don't know how u be.

I didn't even know they made them specifically for them.

I don't kill possums all the time like you do a ger No.

Thank you, though, but it would take a pretty extreme situation where you would have to tell a friend, hey, thanks, but no thanks, I.

Don't need your gift.


Well that's exactly where one listener finds herself today, and the gift that she received from a coworker is actually jeopardizing her upcoming wedding. You're gonna hear what it is in your brand new awkward Tuesday phone call coming up next.

It's awkward, it's Tuesday.

It's awkward Tuesday phone call.

Getting somebody a gift off their wedding registry is something they'll remember forever. Yeah, especially when you keep bringing it up to them years later.

Like Brook, remember when I got you for your wedding?

Yeah, you got me a green blunder and you got me a wine decanter.

Yeah, pretty nice of me.

And I use them both all the time.

That's right.

Whenever Brook drinks wine, which is every night in most mornings, she has to think of me.

It's my way of cursing.

Her for usually doesn't make it into the decanter. It usually makes it straight into.

My mouth.

Every but it's pretty Yeah.

And for one of our listeners, though, her wedding registry has actually caused drama in her relationship and now she.

Needs our help. So Shilah, welcome to the show.


How are you guys feeling?

I can't believe that whoever you're marry and even cares about the wedding registry. Of course, yeah, was like, yeah, whatever you needn't.

Charlotte tell us what's going on in your relationship?

Okay. So I have a wedding website, okay, and on it, I have my registry linked, and you know, I have like regular stuff like dishes and towels and stuff, but we also have like thing you can donate to, like our honeymoon fun. And then the one that has my fiance upset is I had added an impromptu bachelorette trip to Vegas, thinking people would probably just donate like one hundred bucks fifty bucks from there, just like spending money kind of the thing.

Okay, gambling money.

Oh, you put your bachelorette party on the I mean that's nice because the bridesmaids don't have to pick up the town.

No no, no, no.

You said it was a problem for your fiance. Why is that an issue?

It wasn't really a problem at first. But my fiance was on there the other day to see if anyone bought anything, and he noticed that my coworker, my male coworker, had donated to the bachelorette trip.

Oh my god, that's so nice, really nice.

Yeah, what's wrong with that?

Yeah, he donated two thousand dollars.

Whoa, whoa, Oh.

My coworkers take note, fom Now that's awesome.

I mean, that's really cool. Do you guys work in like a really well paid job, you.

Know, like he could definitely, I guess afford it. I mean, I don't know. I don't assume anyone's finances.

But yeah, that's so sweet. I still, what's the issue.

My fiance feels like the reason that he gave that much is because he's hoping that something will happen between the two of us, like that, he's got an all perior motive.

He's not going on the trip, like what.

I'm not married. My fiance feels like because of the amount that he gave, but he he'll find some reason to be down there and will want to meet up or try to hook up or whatever.

He's not like that, and you can say no, you're happy, like your fiance doesn't trust you to handle that if that actually happened, which seems like a stretch.

If he just thinks it's really inappropriate, he's like, I know how.

Guys are tell me he's not making you give the money back.

Terrible, So that is actually why I'm calling, because he wants me to give the money back, and they like, think.

You can't just take the money and use it on something else.

Oh yeah, and just lie to both of men.

Yeah, I don't know.

I mean, I want to start off our life together, like, right, I don't. I never want him to feel insecure.

Yeah, yeah, I'm just trying to think from his perspective, right, Like, Yeah, if a woman gave him two thousand dollars to use on a personal trip, it would feel a little.

Yeah, because it'd be one thing if he gave you the two thousand dollars to donate towards your honeymoon together or towards building your future home. But the fact that it's a trip specifically for you. I could see why he would think he's trying to set himself up in a way to make himself look good. Yeah, okay, can we ask what's your relationship like with your coworker friend guy?

Like you just say coworker Jeff.

Well, I don't know, I don't know how how like do you know him really well?

Does your fiance know him?

I mean, my fiance's met him before, and like he's my group of friends at work. But not you know, we're not not good enough to get.

A two thousand dollars donation.

I mean I feel like if you're getting a two thousand dollars donation, it'd be like from your work husband, you know, like the person who works that you go to lunch with, that you hang out with all the time with.

Yeah, your friend friends.

So your fiance wants you to give that back. What are you looking for from us today?

This is such an awkward phone call. I don't know how to approach this. I don't know how to say it.

Who are we calling?

We're gonna call my coworker to give the money back.

Because you want to keep a good friendship with him. You don't want to insult him because it is a generous gift. Are you open to having him transfer the money into a different area or do you think that would.

Still like to do some money laundering on the radio?

I mean, like these dishes were really nice. Like would your fiance be more comfortable if the money got shifted to the honeymoon fund?

I mean I think so, But I think he's still got like a bad taste of about the whole thing.

I'm accepting two thousand dollars in general is making him uncomfortable no matter what the situation.

Yeah, that is like a family member or a best friend.

Yeah, just like, all right, you're just trying to flex on my future wife.

It is weird to get that amount of money from a total not toll stranger, but someone that's doesn't know you that well. But if anybody wants to donate two thousand dollars to us.

Like, yeah, don't let that stop you, free, We're gonna we're gonna try and.

Come up with some advice for you here though, Shilah, We're gonna help you tell your coworker we can't accept your generous two thousand dollars donation.

Okay, does anybody in this room have experienced denying money.

No, I can.

Two thousand dollars.

This is going to be a challenge, So we're going to do our best with your awkward Tuesday phone call right after this.

It's awkward, It's Tuesday.

It's awkward Tuesday phone call.

If you're just joining us for our awkward Tuesday call. We've got an interesting situation that happened to one of our listeners named Shila. She's less than a month away from getting married, and a male coworker of hers just donated two thousand.

Dollars towards her bachelorette party.

That's a that's a wedding gift, generous.

To say the least, and that amount of money made her fiance suspicious, Like there's got to be strange motives behind this gift.

Remember, she did put her bachelorette party up on her wedding registry, so it's not like he was coming out of nowhere.

Yeah he didn't just like Venmo.

Yeah, but nobody expected two thousand dollars towards it. So long story short, she needs our advice I saw on how to decline his generous gift and send the money back.

Three two thousand dollars to flirt with him. You can do this a little bit.

But Hila, you said your fiance noticed that donation a few days ago. Since then have you spoken with your coworker or seen him around, Like, has he mentioned anything?

That's actually funny that you say that, because he actually was sick yesterday, But he did say that he doesn't talked to me and to give him a call.

After the donation.

Well, maybe, I mean it's a gift, right, so maybe he just wanted to confirm that's a lot of money. You want to confirm it went to where it was supposed to be.

He wants to confirm your flight numbers so you can join and land with the girls.

Share hotel room numbers. Like, who knows what he wants to do.

This guy sounds so innocent. It sounds like he's never even hit on you one am I right?

Like we haven't. He's not like that.

Okay, you know before we call him, we're supposed to give you a little bit of advice too.

So Brooke, what do you think that she needs to keep in mind with this car?

I think this is really simple. I think that you need to first thank him for being so generous and kind.

Yeah, and then you just.

Need to explain that it makes you uncomfortable, like it's just too much. And also, don't bring your fiance into it at all. Yeah, I don't know, like if they ever wanted to be friends or something like, it just wouldn't happen. Let's not blame other people. I don't know.

That's first time I've ever heard you say that. So Jose, what do you think? Well, I think your strat is r n C. That is, reject then compliment.

No compliment, then reject. That's my method.

No, you have to leave him feeling good at the end.

I like that strategy too, where it's like bad news first end on the good news. Yes, it's like, look, I can't take the money, but you, I mean get kind.

Happy if someone told me to take a gift back.

How do you feel about that, Shila?

Yeah, I mean I think that's probably what's going to work. The best is like be straightforward but also complimentary.

Yeah, totally said it way better than any of us did, so quicker.

Maybe you should be in radio.

It sounds like a really nice guy. I can't imagine he's got to like blow up on the phone or something.

Let's find out I'm gonna dial his number right now. We're gonna step away and let you make this call.

Will be We're on your side. We're gonna jump in. I don't know what I'm saying. We're gonna jump.

We are here just in case you need us, and you're there, all right, all right, you got this?

Okay, here we go.

Hello, Hey, Joseph is Shila.

Oh hey, yo, you didn't call me back. I was trying to reach you yesterday with stuff.

Oh yeah, I'm sorry about that, you know, just like wedding stuff. I got caught up. But yeah, I wanted to give you a call now.

That's good, you know, because I want to talk to you too. Like I got a few things I got to say to you.

Okay, well, let me go first, because I just need to say this.

What's wrong to talk to me?

I just wanted to thank you so much for your generous donation. It was seriously, like so nice. I never would have expected that. I was so kind of you.

Don't worry about that.

It's just it's such a huge amount of money. I just really can't accept it. I really appreciate it though. It was so like kind and thoughtful, and you're always so nice and generous, and I still I really appreciate it, but I just I don't think I'm going to be able to accept that large amount of money.

Okay, Well, can you just give it back to me, like two weeks from this Thursday coming up? What, just hold on to it until then, I'll get it from you then.

Okay? Why though?

All right, check it.

I'm gonna give you the all clear, and once I do that, then you can send it back.

Okay, all clear? What Like? I don't understand.

God, I don't know how to.

Say this, but I'm going through some things right now, and I'm about to divorce my wife. I'm about to file for divorce, so I figured that I could start pushing my money in different places so she can't find it.

Joe, It's not gonna be good news for you.

Due not auditors.

Don't worry. Speaker at a party.

No, man, you're you're on a radio show right now. The radio we're brooking Jeffrey in the morning. We're like a morning party.

Really sorry to hear about your divorce.

Man, Yeah, you definitely don't know nothing about no damn divorce. You don't know Jack.

Okay, I'm fine with that.

I know nothing doing with that too.

Yeah, I don't know what was going on there. We were just trying to help Shilah. She's a listener of our show, and she told us she's been in this kind of awkward situation with you giving her the money. She didn't know like why she got so much fun her.

She thought it was a kind gift for her wedding, not a way to stole money away.

Oh my god, that's kind of is laundering different.

Laundering show? What the you do.


Did it?


Are you working with my wife and she's trying to divorce me? First?

And then.

My gosh, Shila.


Had no idea. I just my fiance just thought it was weird that you did that, And.

It turns out it was, well, it was not for the reasons that he thought. Her fiance thought that you were hitting on her, like like I don't know out.

There, yes, and be like, oh I got money. We didn't know that you were happily married at the time, So.

What was your plan. I don't get your plan?

Why would I tell you?

Okay, I just don't get how you would give the money. And then it's not our problem.

He was going to get it back now, Brooks planning ahead for her impending relationship problems.

How exactly does it? How do you execute the stealing?

Let me tell you this, if you didn't give it back, it wouldn't have been a big deal.

As long as my wife don't get a hands on it, that's cool. I will accept it happily.

You have more money. You need to get rid of some of it.

Oh my god, I got something, y'all a whole lot.

Yeah, I know, know nothin it's money?

Like, so can she tell her fiance what the money is really for? Can she keep it?


So then you need the money back. You need to give the money back now.

But you know that's why I just got to wait a couple of weeks to take care of some business. You can send it back to me. You can tell your fiance that you're giving it back to me. I'm accepting it.

Okay. I got some things going on.

Okay, Okay, that's happened. Does that feel good, Shila?

None of this feel good?

But you don't want.

Divorce hidden money to fund your wedding. I don't get it.

You're looking into her future.

Feel money launder and that the whole world's gonna hear.

No, no, no, just come after jose and not the rest of us.

Okay, well, thanks guys, I guess bugs done.

Yeah, you're welcome, unless Brooke wants to ask for any more tips from Joseph on what she should do.

I didn't want tips, Jeffrey, I just didn't understand.

Okay, sure, we're going to check your browser history after this segment is done.

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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