A survey asked lawyers to share the strangest things they've ever seen written in a will... And we're going over the best responses!
Working with Brooke every day has been a really good reminder that it's never too early to start making your will. It's working Jeffrey in the morning, pasted death, jeff already insulted. For you love that young spirit you got, Brookes, because I read hers and alexis good news. You're getting a lot of her swamp beaver and muskrat pelts, so you enjoy that. But that's the wills. It's the great thing about wills is you can write down pretty much whatever you want in there, anything you want to happen after you pass, and they kind of have to do it. It's great, and sometimes the request can get real weird, which is why a recent survey asked lawyers to share the strangest things they remember somebody putting down in their will, like this one. One lady wanted her small dog to be buried with her if the dog happened to be alive when the lady passed. She wanted the dog put down in order to j.
Jef that is starting with the saddest thing, Broke.
You have the same claws in yours with your husband, so don't look like it's weird.
If that dog was only three years old, I swear them out. Yeah.
One person listed their funeral wishes and their will, saying they want to be buried in a coffin which has been spring loaded in such a way that opening the coffin decades later would cause alarm to any future archy.
You know. I like that. That's a fun one, speaking up on grave robbers even after you're dead. Yeah, it's good.
And now this one wasn't written by a lawyer, but it says, my vindictive grandmother left my aunt twenty dollars as a grim reminder of the twenty bucks that my aunt stole out of her personal.
Dude, those are the type of grudges my mom holds. Yeah, never let it go.
Yes, if you're just joining us, we're looking at a survey that asked people to share the weirdest things that people have ever put down in their wills. This one says one of my clients left their child a giant Ferbie collection consisting of ninety different Ferbie models from the late nineties creeping. They were convinced the dolls would slowly increase in value over time and be worth a fortune. Yeah, and they never did. This was back in twenty eleven.
Yeah, and he's still got a storage unit full of them. Like, what do I do with this?
Is to Another one says I had a client who wanted her ashes spread inside of the fish tank at a specific Chinese restaurant in downtown Denver where she had met her first husband.
I appreciate it wasn't the last husband. Yeah. Imagine walking in for food and they're like, oh, we have a ten minute wag.
There's a family by.
The fish bowl. I think that you just kind of do it all the time the session.
No, my dad.
Has told me multiple times that he wants some of his ashes put down the toilet because that's where he spends most of his time in the bathroom, and hels it's appropriate.
That is sweet.
Also, his grandpa name is Poopy, so it all works.
Yeah. I don't want to go to that. The more I learned books. Another says, I'm not a lawyer, but my grandfather saved his kidney stone just so he could leave it to my cousin after days. They never really got along.
I guess it would have been weirder if the cousin wanted it.
Yeah. I canly finish that necklace I was making from different members of the family. Actually, if you're if you've survived just far into the segment and you need a reminder, We found this survey which asked people to share the weirdest things people ever put down in their wills. This one says, my favorite one ever was a wealthy man who left the bulk of his multi million dollar estate to whatever Toronto area woman had the most children at the time of his passing.
Yeah, I love it.
He says. I recall the winner had ten kids and afterwards they actually moved into his mansion.
That's actually amazing.
And this one says, my grandpa left each of his twelve grandkids one toblerone chocolate bar, which he had purchased on a trip he took to Switzerland back in nineteen ninety three. He'd been storing them in his attic for over twenty five years and decided we should eat them. Idea, you can join them, just the chalkiest drive bars of chocolate while you eat it. Yeah, the tears moisten them back.
It's a family bonding. Yeah. Yeah.
There's a few more here from the wills. One says somebody wanted to leave their sibling the entire contents of their kitchen trash can at the time of their.
Pass I guess they didn't get along very well.
I couldn't tell if it was meant as a joke or if they just really hated them.
Yeah, I'm gonna go we really hated them.
It seems to be a really common threat. I didn't realize that wills could be used as such, like a means of revenge.
Yeah. I come from a family where there isn't wills necessarily because there's never been any money to leave anyone. Yeah, so what we've done, Like at my grandparents' house, you would just write your name on masking tape and put it on the back of something that you wanted, and you just hope that you're the first masking tape on there. If you're the second, you get second DIBs if they don't, if the other person passes. It's how we got my grandfather's piano.
Yeah, my mom was a third name, but nobody else wanted to move it.
Yeah, And I just imagine Brooks family wills are so like confusing because it's like I want my sister cousin grandma to get this and my brother father daughter to get this.
Not being written down, jeff No wills, just masking tape I do.
And finally, this one says, my mom put in her will that if she died under suspicious circumstances, my sister and I were not to be left anything. She watched a lot of true crime shows, and I guess didn't trust us.
What are you all gonna kill me? You're supposed to watch I bet the kids are hoping she dies of natural causes.
Those were the weirdest things that people ever put into their wills. We got your phone tap coming up right
After this, Brook and Jeffrey in the morning