What are some of the most iconic logos of all time?
It's Brook and Jeffrey in the morning, and every day before we start this show, we come into work and scour the internet to find what's going on in the world right now a lot of people talking about and once we score past all like the really sad and depressing stuff that's usually at the very top of.
The list that usually takes twenty minutes, a lot.
Of times we come across these strange hypothetical questions that are circuling around.
Right like is a hot dog of sandwich?
Things like that, Oh yeah, or like let's say you got five hundred grand for every year of life you gave up, how many years would you sacrifice? We did that one on the show. Interesting, Well, let's say you developed gills overnight. Which body of water would you want to spend the rest of your life in? Just totally realistic things that could totally happen, so you definitely need to prepare yourself just in case. And when a girl's like if I was a lamp, would you love me? Right, we came across another doozy that everybody is talking about online right now because a pole as if you got in a time machine and randomly woke up tomorrow in the year nineteen twenty four. Okay, one hundred years ago, what would be your top priority?
Run everyone's racist toname is Jose Runio.
Okay, I'm not welcome.
Yeah, that wasn't one of the top answers. I'll say, all right, sorry, maybe I should be less specific.
I would want to go to a speakeasy.
Is that in there, like a real spe easy because it's during prohibition, right.
And sell yourself for money?
Oh was it planning on it, Jeffrey.
But I mean I don't think i'd get very much. It's like, yeah, I get two dollars back in nineteen twenty four.
That's a lot of money back then.
Yeah, but how am I going to bring it back here? It may like make it it anything?
Well, I'll tell you. There were two main answers. The top response was forty four percent of people would immediately try to find their way back to the modern age. Yeah, you're like, I don't want to be here.
I mean, to Jose's point, unless you're a white man, you're not You're not doing well in nineteen twenty four.
Necessary forty one percent would use their modern knowledge and skills to stay and get super rich.
Know it all?
You have to do is investing in something called Apple that hasn't been invented yet. Yeah, yeah, I'm really glad that they asked this question and we could get out all the really important answers. The good news is one hundred years ago radio was still in its prime. Ah, so I'd keep my same job and introduce the entire world to our shock color question.
Of the day.
We have a line of dancing girls in studio too, for no reason.
It would have been a better show. Yeah, it would have been, but we're just gonna send it over to Digital Jake for our trivia. What do we got? Jake?
Company? Logos these days are honestly, they're pretty lame. Yeah, everything's so sleek and some shiny and minimalist. Back in the day, the Starbucks Mermaid used to have her vented cups out for the whole world to see. God she did. Then the Redhead from Ren Wendy's she would chain smoked cigarettes on TV. And I'm pretty sure Ferrari's horse emblem used to be anatomically correct fun. Times have change, and while those images have adapted to fit our new world, others are so iconic they stick out in your brains forever interesting. So today we're gonna test your knowledge of the twenty most iconic company logos of all time in another round of plenty of twenty. Now, remember, if you get the number one answer, you'll hear this sound, meaning you've earned a silver saved that can protect you in the event of a wrong answer. Okay, and today we're gonna start with Jeffrey Oh, the twenty most iconic company logos. Jeff give me your guess.
Okay, let's go with like the most popular company in the world right now, Apple, the Apple logo Apple a number one.
Jeffrey, You've earned the silver saves in your back pocket.
Now I'm not gonna need it. Thank you.
Wow. Let's move over.
To Alexis Oh, I gotta take the easy one I see every day, the Starbucks one Starbucks good.
Yeah, it's number five on the list. Number one and number five are off. Now we're over to Jose McDonald's Donald number two on the list. All right, guys are hitting at the very top. Brook it's your turn.
I'm just gonna do it, and I'm gonna say Nike.
Oh, Nike. Nike is number four on the list. That's four of the top five, and our first four guest is only number three remains from the top five. We're back to Jeffrey.
I really have to put myself in other people's shoes for this, because where I live, the main logo I see is upside down pineapples.
But I don't I think that's the logo my friend.
Yeah, I don't think it's going to be in the top twenty though. Let me go a popular car one the Mercedes logo.
Oh yeah, Mercedes Benz It's number twelve on the list. Okay, Jeffrey safe and has a silver save. We're over to Alexis.
I kind of want to go again in my life, a package I get every day like Amazon.
Amazon. Number nine on thes Alexis is still saved. Jose, number three still on the board if you can get it. I think I know number three. Aiming for number three.
Specifically, I'm gonna say Coca Cola.
Coca Cola was number three. Bonus point, no bonus points, no yourself points. Okay, all right, Brook. The entire top five is gone, as well as number twelve and number nine. You're still up.
Getting more tricky here.
I think I'm gonna name another car and I'm gonna say Volkswagen.
Volkswagon is not in the top twenty most iconic logo like all the companies. I'm sorry, Brook, that's not on there. We're back over to Jeffrey.
I'm gonna piggyback off of Jose and do another soft drink Pepsi.
Pepsi number eleven on the list. There, Alexis it is your two.
I'm gonna have piggy piggyback off y douay because he said McDonald.
Subway did not make the top twenty of logos. No, Jose, Jeffrey has his silver saved, which means you have to get this right to stay alive. Okay, I'm choosing between Uber.
Or like Adas, you can't provide two answers.
You gotta give one. I go. I'm gonna go Uber. Jose said. Uber not in the top twenty logos of all time. I'm sorry, so, Jeffrey, you win today.
Topol My next was gonna be Disney.
Disney number thirteen on.
The guest Eminem's is that.
On this Eminem did not make the list. I'll tell you the list, guys. Number six was Google, seven was Facebook Jose, Number eight was Adidas you would have been saved there between the two. You guys also missed number ten YouTube, Jeffrey said, Disney eventually Toyota, Ford Twitter. This survey must have been taken before Logo Instagram, Windows and then Nissan and BMW rounded out the car logo. See I had But you know what that was plenty of twenty famous company logo edition.
Yeah, Nissan, isn't it just the name Nissan Google?
It doesn't just like well, we don't have to shame the companies for their logos today, we just try and name them. But I won the match.
I won it.
I won, so you diet to che need my silver save. I'm gonna hold onto that for next round. I'm calling it. I'm holding it, and we're gonna have jose Ah because you were in my closest competition saying somebody wanted to hear Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani. If I could escape and recreate a place is my own world and I could be your favorite girl, I'm darned. Oh there it is. That's your shot collar question of the day for Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning, which is a great logo you can find on our website Brookinjeffrey dot com, Go check it out. We're gonna do a phone tap right after this