With Thanksgiving just a few days away, we brought out all the best FOOD songs for Riffin' Around!
Do you smell that? Either Brook's got another bun in the Dutch oven or it's time for a fresh baked edition of Riffing Around Around where I play the instrumental of a famous song in my co host apparently take off their clothes and then they show their complete lack of musical knowledge by trying to guess the tune. And because Thanksgiving is right around the corner, all of today's songs have foods in the title. No, they're not all necessarily Thanksgiving foods, but they are foods, I can assure you. Okay, okay, And Jose obviously has the advantage as the resident foodie of the show. But Brook, this could be right up your alley. I'm as I consider myself a foodie. But we're gonna start with a girl who uses a cooked turkey as her reference for the ideal spray tan Alexis. Name this food theme song the title the correct title? No, what is it called? I know? I couldn't. Oh my god, I'm talking to need a guest, can't go through all the lyrics here? The lyrics two one? All right, we're going today if you can see come one. Need a guess. I don't have book by the Ocean. I couldn't think of the lyrics. All right, diabetics, I'm We're onto you. Your reputation as a mother is on the line if you fail to correctly identify this food themed song. It's a classic high got one the words stealing. It's the beginning of the song. You can't the beginning. We're subtracting a point from Brookly arguing about Jose. Can you steal it? I'm gonna go with take wrong. The correct answer was American Pie by Don McLean. Miss a very subtract a point because you made a poor musical cho We're just trying to set an all new record. You and I may win just because we're on to Jose. All those nights watching food videos on the toilet would have paid off if you can guess like tacos or Chinese dumplings. Let's see you get this song, changing up the vibe. This isn't family. Oh oh, Joy is gonna get Justin Bieber. That's one of Jose's favorite I love this song. We're on to the second round here. The score is alexis zero. Jose's in the lead with one brooke taking up the rear with the negative. I was up one Jeffrey attitude does not fly on riff away. Back to Alexis. Alexis, please name this food theme song sugar Yeah style. I haven't written down already. Name that song in two notes. Really, I thought it only has to be the hook of the song. Rules chance to redeem yourself. I will double your points here if you can correctly guess this food theme song. A very popular song all right all over the world. I love that's not it? Surprisingly, I'm gonna go with us steal it. I don't know me. No, it's not that sounds like got it, got it? Fruits? It is butter but bt s of course. Yes, Jose jumps into soul control of the lead with two correct and again I'm gonna give you double points because this one's tough. If you can correctly guess this song, Oh my god, dance too much in the pants dances? What's it called? What's it called? Don't jolly time? By Wow? I heard that? So long you're four correct. Alexis has one brook still negative to the let's go there, write it in final round and this one we're gonna mix it up a little bit. Not looking for the song with food. But the artist who's associated with food, I mean the artist that's associated Also for the third time, artist is associated with food. Wait here we go, alexis name the artist that sings this famous song. Oh, I guess I just sighed. That's all I did. I just side brook insert disparaging comment here. Named this song. No, don't name the song. Name the artist who sings this song the Cranberries. Yes, it was too easy for she gets one correct, bringing her points on that one back down to negative grass. Then you questioned it and you lost it. A double negative two. It's like negative four. I mean negative two is actually generous. Jose to take it home. Name the artist who sings this song. Oh don Jose ten poinscore Jose On. The winner of the Ripping Around Thanksgiving edition is Jose Bolano. I want to ride around in the gravy boat. I'm jeff row row row your throat to bow your loone tap is coming up right after this freaking Jeffrey in the morning,