Loser Line (12/23/24)

Published Dec 23, 2024, 2:15 PM

Don't give that creep at the bar your number! Slip him the Loser Line number instead and we'll play his awful voicemail on the air!

With you. Is this the right number?

It's a laser line.

Go on, just call me back if you haven't heard the loser line before. It works like this.

Let's say someone approaches you while you're out at the club and uses this charming pickup.

Line on you.

Either miss When I saw you from across the club, it reminded me that I watched Star Wars last night and Leah's buns got nothing on yours. Whatever you do, was this the urge to tell him to go back to the bat cave and play with his grappling hook instead, Tell him he's super cute with or without a mask on.

And that's when you give him the number to the loser line. So hopefully he leaves you an awkward voicemail that we can play on the air.

Voicemails like this one.

Next message, Blake, this is.

From the job there. Remember the second? Can you get me a fake ID? And yeah, I'm going to need it super super quick, Like my parents are going to go to bed around so I could speak out right after that, and like, don't worry, it's it's not like I want to go to bars or anything. It's just that I also want to be speaking at the upcoming city council meeting because there's like there's an item that night about the planting Commission for trees, and I'm very against their proposal. So yeah, like I'll pay the recie for the fake ID or whatever. But yeah, if you want to go green, the cisco ahead and let me know because you could absolutely use your support. Okay, do mother.

If people don't have faith in the next generation, I don't know what is wrong.

Yeah, because that was not what I was doing.

I say, giving a nerdy teen who wants to save the environment that I'm the loser line a plus, teach that girl to use her fake I D the right way.

Ironically, I bet she would snitch on actual h.

Oh hi, Tanya, it's right from last night I was. I was buying you drinks. I'm sorry, there's a lot of I'm in a park across from a school. Anyway, I just wanted to see if if we could go out sometime, if you could go call me when you get a chance, and please stop stop hugging me. I'm not your daddy. I'm not your daddy. He's going over there, I think, Okay, go ahead.

These kids are so cute.

I think one of them just misstook me for being one of their parents who just randomly hug music. Anyways, I'm gonna leave you my number, so please give me a callback and and we could go out of it. Okay, stop hugging me, get away.

Sounds like he's going to be a great father. So yeah, I did not know that.

Being a single dad is way hotter than being a single guy hanging out of.

That guy had a totally different reaction than Jose would have had.

If a random Oh we're a hug I'm a hugger to come here, buddy, where's your mom? As you single, remember you get the special loser line number if you text the word loser l O s e R to seven eight five nine two and hopefully he could call it, leave an awkward voicemail that we could play on the air. Voicemails like this one.

So, Hi, this is.

And you gave me your number to call you, So I'm calling you and I had taken a ride with you last week.

And I'm pretty.

Sure that she'll remember that.

She'll remember me because.

I was the really really funny one.

You told me.

That your door is a jar, and I told you.

Know, that my door is a door.

I remember that, like I'm and just you know, like.

I'm always that funny like that.

I think that's probably one of the reasons why.

But you remember right like a door and my door you.

Said a jar. I was like, no, it's a door.

Oh my gosh.

I back my stuff up anyways, because I really like to go out with you again, but.

Like not as a passenger, you know, like on an actual date, although I'm totally open to writing you.

So yeah, okay, So I feel like she got the same joke lessons that my husband got.

Yeah, it's true.

Everybody knows that a good joke isn't good unless you tell it two, three, four times in a single voicemail.

And everybody knows the door isn't a jar. Jeffrey was just a door.

Oh funny the time.

So hey, Sharon, this is you may remember me as mister Spoon did my show on us on the Street Corner the other day and we talked and I appreciate you putting your number in my.

Hat, and I'm so excited to call you.

And I got some requests that I worked up that you were asking for.

And I hope you like him.

The first one was that Justin Bieber song Baby Baby Baby.

That you wanted me to learn. I learned that and hear how here's how it goes.

I got two more for you if you're excited for him. I'm going to do Toxic from Britney Spears and my favorite one that you requested. I can't wait to do is you shook me all night long. I hope you'll call me back and play some more for you from mister Spoon.

I want to find that street corner and go tip mister Spoon because that performance was I think.

We just found who we need to hire as the entertainer for our Christmas party.

I wonder Silent Night I wanted.

To make a big time Can you imagine a postalone concert?

They're like Spoon solo.

Remember you can listen to the Loser Line at this time every week, or head on over to our YouTube subscribe to Brook and Jeffrey.

That way you'll never miss one. Listen to it. Tap is coming up next

Brooke and Jeffrey

Brooke & Jeffrey in the Morning is a nationally syndicated, award-winning radio show that will quick 
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