Loser Line (1/20/25)

Published Jan 20, 2025, 2:15 PM

Don't give that creep at the bar your number! Slip him the Loser Line number instead and we'll play his awful voicemail on the air!

What's up with you? Wait a minute, is this the right number?

It's the loser line.

Go on, just call me back if you haven't heard the loser line before. It works like this.

Let's say someone approaches you while you're out at the club and uses this charming pickup line on you.

Hi there, Did you know that there's people who say Disney Lamb is the happiest place on earth? Apparently none of them have ever been in my lap. Must be the tall riot.

Guess I'm glad there's a requirement.

Whatever you do, resist the urge to call security and have him removed from the premises. Instead, tell him you think he looks handsome with his adult headgear at the bar. Oh yeah, and that he should call you sometime to hang out, and hopefully later on he leaves an awkward voicemail we can play on the air voicemails like this one.

Hey Ashley me, I don't know if I ever told you this, but I do more Chai, so you know I can protect you. I know you couldn't see me, but I just get a back flip right there. Yeah, yeah, that was a flip push you were there to see it. Okay, one more that was another back that was a good one. Anyways, I'm going to say a little goodbye with his round house.

All right, you were twirling your hair during that entire message. You're getting turned off. Was it the second back flip that did it for you?

The front flip sounds like what happens after my kindergartener watches too much power.

Like, hey, what's up? Battles eighty nine? How you doing? It's as m R two D two. You know, I'm just hitting you up because we squat it up on call of duty and we were murking nube. But they're right, it was a lot of fun.

You got real game.

I'm into it because you know a lot of girls on there are complete dog waters, but you were cracked and it's hot. I think your katie ratio is super sexy. Uh, because you know I'm a sweat, you're a sweat. Maybe we sweat together.

Like I r L.

If you want to sweat it out with me, give me a call instead of call of duty when maybe we can get a little call of booty going. I just made that up.

I just made that up.

I don't think you did. Expert comedian, Yeah, he had.

I feel like we need a little bit of a translator because most of what he was saying kind of went over my head.

Well, the sweating one, the sweat means you're really good. You're so good at the game that you literally sweat. You try so hard. If you're good at it, you shouldn't have to try something.

That sounds like you don't break a sweat.

I know.

A sweat means a try hard. It means you are try. You are so good and you're doing you're pushing your thumb so fast, so many kills.

My gamer chair is soaked right now.



Well, in case you want to hear all these we're now putting our favorite loser line of the week on the Brook and Jeffrey TikTok. So make sure you go follow us on TikTok at Brook and Jeffrey and you can hear voicemails from some of the sweatiest people around in a good way.

Hey, Tiffany, it's again. I wanted to follow up about our conversation about Dorito's. Like I said at the bar, I really don't think you should be eating any more. A lot of people don't want to see it, but they're symbols all around us. The doritos, they are triangle shaped. Triangle is an ancient Masonic symbol tied to the Illuminati machine. Okay, the triangle represents this pyramid of knowledge, and on top of the pyramid there's this all seeing eye of providence. And I want to remind you they're monitoring the things we eat and put in our body to use against us. So I know they're cheesy, they're salty, they're tasty, but every bag of Dorito's you eat is giving power to the Illuminati. Just remember that. I'm looking out for you.

You know how many times I've been wondering, when are we gonna get a normal guy on here, and finally we get way. I really want them to use their power through doritos.

Good for them.

I'm forgidding. But there's literally about to be text coming in any second of someone who's like, finally someone under saying these conspiracies are true.

Doritos are bad, but Fridos are so cool.

Right rectangle, Yeah, that's not an Illuminati symbol.

It's only a shape issue. Okay.

Yeah, I think we're saying, hey, I'm calling because you gave me your number and I'm I wanted also say I'm sorry because I'm really embarrassed about you know how things went down, and you know when you were putting your number into my phone. I know, I know I should not have reached my hand into your purse, but it I thought I saw your wallet like coming out, so I wasn't trying to take it. I was just trying to make sure it was pushed all the way down inside, like all the way to the bottom. And I swear I you probably thought I was like some sort of creep pulling a fast one, like trying to rob you or something, but I wasn't. I have money, I'm going great, I'm I.

I shop the whole foods.

So anyway, I'm thinking of ways to try and make it up to you, and and I think I would like to invite you and your friend to come see my Blue grim As band play. We're called Harmonica Lewinsky and we're pretty good. I gotta say. Verage covers mostly all original stuff, and you can leave your person home and the beget a tree.

It's free. Did not land, I did it.

I did it. Don't all men know and people in general, you just don't touch a purse. No, I'm scared.

To I just think the best band name of all time is Harmonica and their sucond and blowing Ye just a little too literal. Oh my god, they all wear blue.

Where you can listen a Loser line regularly at this time every week, and check out us on YouTube That Broke and Jeffrey for more hilarious voicemails.

Pounds coming up next.

Brooke and Jeffrey

Brooke & Jeffrey in the Morning is a nationally syndicated, award-winning radio show that will quick 
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