FULL SHOW: Jeff’s Proposal Song, Vday in the ER Date + Riffin’ Around Love Songs (2/14/24)

Published Feb 14, 2025, 5:09 PM

FULL SHOW: Friday, February 14th, 2025

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Hey, it's brooking Jeffrey in the Morning.

Thanks for being here for the full hour long show, and today we're dedicating it to our one true love, that's our listeners.

Yes, I mean, honestly, you guys are the best.

I did bring in dured gummy cluster Valentines for the rest of the show.

Yeah, I know. I wish I had enough for every single person here, all the listeners. Ye, eat them and think of you guys while I'm enjoying.

All right, sit back, We've got tons of fun. We've got to riff it around love songs. We've got Valentine's Day Jeff's parody.

That one's so fun too. Okay, just listen, you're gonna enjoy it. Sit back and Happy Valentine's Day.

Yes, I know it's Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Yes, broken Jeffrey in the Morning.

And I just googled last minute Valentine's dates for the procrastinator.

For the one person waking up this morning, Gwen, we would Yeah.

No, no, you're probably not getting you.

You can know your other creative things.

That's what I'm looking out for you, basically anything any plans so you don't get kicked out out of the house tonight for having Yeah, so I'm.

Just gonna read these off.

Hopefully it helps any guys out there who put off planning a little bit too long. But number four is take a romantic walk through the park, then go out to.

The desert, the desert and bring a shovel.

Oh wait, hold on, I read that brong.

Go out for dessert, not bearing bodies here.

Although that could the first ideo could actually be pretty fun.

Yeah, thank you.

I mean it gives some ice cream or a piece of chocolate cakes.


Number three an ironic fast food date where you both dress up really fancy and then bring a tablecloth and find silverware to the local BKA to class it up.

I actually love it. I feel like you want to be the only one they're doing that.

It ante Number two write a sweet handwritten note apologizing for not having anything ready, saying Cupid's not available because he used all his arrows shooting down Drome is over New Jersey.

No, don't ever admit you forgot ever ever.

No, it's always part of the plane.

Yes, it could.

Make her laugh though, and forget about how badly you screwed up.

You have a follow up gift.

I think it'll make it in her group chow with her friends.

Yeah yeah, I'm saying, good, good joke.

Solid Valentine's and number one last second date if you forgot to plan ahead for Valentine's Day, is a DIY rom com date where both of you drive to the nearest airport park, go inside, and chase after each other through the tournament, shouting don't board that plane please, I love you.

I thought it was gonna be like, make a romantic stake? Did her at home?


You know, chasing each other down the airport corridors sounds.

Better than quickie behind the rental car shuttle desk.

Yeah, that's how you do it?

Or does that hurt?

Not if you're doing it right. But you can always wear his in hers dog shot.

Collars for a little shot collars.

Question of the day action while Digital Jake asks you some romantic questions, spice it up here, we're gonna show you how it's done right now, let's go.

Whether you're currently spoken for, single or as Brook calls it, married, but open to opportunities. No matter what your status is, everybody enjoys a Valentine's gift or a simple romantic gesture. Yeah, it's so nice because nothing screams eternal love like a bouquet of slim gems and a heart shaped car air freshen you got from the gas station twenty minutes ago. But guess what, the US doesn't have a monopoly on weird Valentine's Day gifts and tokens. This is a holiday that haunts couples all over the world, which is why today you'll be quizzed on it during a spe Cupid's gift Bag edition of BENTI of Banky. You say a number one through twenty, I'll give you a question about a Valentine's origin, candy flower trend, or a record breaking gesture. Wow, you just have to answer it correctly to stay in the game option. We'll start with the woman who's looking for her hunk, a hunk of burning love. If you're out at the bars later, that's Alexis. Alexis, howbout a number fourteen for Valentine's Day?

I don't understand, right, Oh, okay, okay, you made her second guess her own joke.

I like Alexis. In twenty eleven, a man in Mexico set a world record by sending nine thousand, four hundred Valentine's Day cards to who was it the President of Mexico, Charlie Sheen or himself?

You know, because he's in Mexico.

I'm thinking you're getting a little drunk, and maybe you're like, I'm going to send myself some letters.

Everybody in Mexico is having margaritas and getting drunk.

Twenty four seven?

Would you go already? Live there? You know whatever?

Why she's right? I just said a man in Mexico.

Obviously to all inclusive, and he said to himself.

Alexis said himself, that is correct, as he holds the Guinness World Record for the most Valentine's Stake card received by one person, all of which he mailed to himself.

I don't think buddy, I don't think you want that record.

Sat a spring break vacate Brook, it's your turn.

Okay, I'll go seven Brook.

You candy savant, this one's for you. What candy company is responsible for the first heart shaped box of chocolates?


Is it Hershey's, Cadbury or Gia Deli?

Okay, let's think about this. Geared Deli.

I could see it's but then I mean Hershey's is always doing stuff to try to get people to buy more chocolate.

Wait, they just they invented the kiss.

Because of the kiss, give me Hershey.

Brooks said, Hershey's, that is incorrect. You were knocking on the door. It was Cadbury. In eighteen sixty one, Dick Cadbury introduced the first heart shaped box of chocolates as a marketing move, and it became a Valentine's Day staple. Jose, it's your turn. Seven and fourteen are off the board.

I gotta go to then we're doing all Valentines.

Jose, what is the most popular flavor in a box of Valentine's chocolates?


Is it caramel, strawberry, cream, nougat or tuna?

I love those tuna chocolates. Okay, so we're eliminating tuna.

I will say, I always look for salt.

Brook knows.

I'm talking about the little salt because that's a salted caramel. But is that why you're looking for the caramel nougat?

The more fruit loopular.

I don't like the fruit ones. It gross me and I'm always eat half of those and then.

The raspberries are good. But other than that, I'm gonna go then get, Jose said, new Get that is incorrect.

It's caramel.

Caramel consistently ranks as the most chosen flavor, likely because it pairs well with both milk and dark chocolate coating. Jeffrey, it's your.

Turn, give me a one for all the singles.

Right, Jeffrey? What odd Valentine's Day tradition exists in Denmark? Is it secret? Joke letters that are sent anonymously. People throwing cinnamon at their single friends or couple's race while carrying their partners on their backs. Joke letters spouse racing.

Yeah, none of them sound particularly romantic.

Though romantic?

Guy, are you ouch?

You're kind of a scumbag.

In most ways? Not even your parents like you?

Right? Yeah, yeah, just keep piling on.

Thank you.

I'm not saying you're not lovable.

You don't need to say anything. That's my question.

I mean, you came up with that. People shot half up.

Okay, I'm gonna go with cinnamon whatever, jeff said.

People throwing cinna at their single friends tradition just Denmark for you, that is, can't even get a question right, It's so choke letters. It's called gaka brev and these live notes are sent unsigned, and if the recipient correctly guesses the sender, they get an Easter egg later in the year. Long term investments.

No one ever send me a note though, right if.

I lived in day, you just would like that.

She's trying to bring me to tears. I'm not gonna let it happen.

Alexis and you're weird logic. You want today's edition of Blessing a thank you?

All right?

So Alexis gets to choose who gets shocked while singing what is Love?

By Hataway? Who's that going to be?

I'm not gonna let Brook bring you down?

Jeff so Brook, thank you a bunch?

Somebody loves me?

What is love?


Don't hurt me?

That is your shock collar question of the day.

Happy Valentine's everybody tap right after this, brooking Jeffrey in the morning.

It's wet and sticky in the studio right now than usual, Brooking Jeffrey in the morning because Jose just got doused with Gatoray.

Stop looking your elbows though. It's kind of weird, but don't worry.

From earlier, Yes, we did film it for all you perves up on our social media at Brook and Jeffrey on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook at least.

Last person anyone wants to see wet.

There was a moment afterwards that I think you lost yourself, but you were just doing like some Neanderthal guttural screen.

I don't know what happened.

That's exactly what it was.

That's what it is.

The reason why we did it is because Jose lost our Super Bowl bet. When the Eagles won the game, they showered their coach with yellow gatorade, which was Jose's color, the one that he had picked out of a hat. So his punishment is to get gatorade showered And Jose, in the decade plus that you've been working here, how many times have you been showered?

And was this one the worst?

I know for sure?

Once I want to say the first two years we did this, I did like a cod one.

But yeah, this is definitely the worst.

Yeah, it was so.

Coolistic wise, it's colder than it's ever been.

Yes, although we did have a couple of ladies watching from the sidelines.

It's actually filming it, so I.

Think Stacey took a picture and air dropped it. I was where Stacy's gonna call it the police.

Stacey asked me if she could get your numbers, So I hope it's okay that I passed to turn Sure you give anyone number.

I just want.

There was a moment where I was actually worried about you, and then you were able to make it a joke.

So it was like, Okay, we didn't lose them.

He was a trooper about it. But we're running out of time once again.

Brook has avoided the gatorade shower in over years. She has never gotten it once. So target is now squarely on her back.

Yeah, it's the same odds for everybody.

Just I'm lucky.

We have to do something.

Video is up at Brook and Jeffrey again. Laser Stories is coming up right after this. It's the radio segment that's taking the idea of candy hearts and bringing it to your dishwasher with heart shaped tide pods, super bright colors with a candy smell, and the tiniest little warning that says kids stay away.

Okay, okay, I'm sure they're definitely gonna read it in.

Your washing machine rights not your dishwashing, that.

Your love tide pods are probably getting rid of.

What about who's doing Jeffrey's Help Soap.

It's formerly Laser Stories, but today since it's Valentines, we're doing a special edition called Smoochy Story now, where every news article we read is sealed with a hot, passionate kiss. Let's go to your first Smoochy Story out of the landdown Under. There's a Vietnamese restaurant in Australia that hands out custom r rated fortune cookies.

Customers, you have to add in bed.

Does all the work for you.

Customers love it, so they recently ordered a new batch specifically for Valentine's Day. But the fortune cookie company made a big mistake. They got the messages right, but accidentally ship them out to other restaurants that bought normal fortune cookies, and people who got the naughty fortunes were quite upset.

Oh yeah, you're at dinner with your ten year old kid.

Yeah, here's the type of thing they read when they cracked open their cookie. One said the year of the Snake bears good fortune. Your divorce is coming soon. Then it ended by saying their spouse only married you for your money.

You ugly.

It's like not even funny that I think it's dirty, not like me, it's pretty harsh. Now, there were some funnier ones, but definitely on the line, like this one. Confucian say, men who go to sleep with itchy butt wake up with dirty fingernail, So you could.

Imagine imagine accidentally getting one of those.

Serious Obviously, the people at regular Asian restaurants were pretty confused by these different fortunes, so most of the establishments were told to throw them all out, even though some are still servicing out there.

Ship it to us.

We want to when you're causing some pretty big issues, let's go to your next smoochi story out.

Of the weird world of work around didn't get longer, and that was a cartoon one.

A lot of people may have tried to use a sick day this past Monday after the Super Bowl, yeah, you know, just to recharge. But in the future, experts say you might be able to use an adult play day.

What does that mean? You're calling out for work for that.

A new report says that it's possible certain workplaces and even radio stations may start providing special days for sexual wellness. It's so called adult play days would be dedicated time off for intimacy, health and quote related needs.

Do you know how grossed out my kids would be if I told them Mommy and Daddy are taking it down.

Why do you need to tell them that wants to be so funny?

To be like wow?

Liu says a fifth one this week.

I haven't used one in a year.

Yeah, it means because unfortunately for some people in their own you do need a partner in order to qualify.

It's not fair.

So what does America think about this? In a confidential survey, more than three and five employees support the idea of paid or unpaid adult play days, but you would be required to show proof. Industry officials are not quite sure what that is yet, but.

I can kind of imagine.

Well, the last thing they want is people taking advantage of this by saying they're taking an adult play day but really just sleeping more and playing video games.

I mean playing.

Yeah, it's not adult play.

The good news half of employees who've actually taken one of these reported increased productivity, and nearly one in five Americans would feel comfortable approaching their manager, looking them directly in the eye, and saying I need this Wednesday offer an adult play day.


This next Smoochi story is out of Cupid's Corner.

I mean that's a lot.

Domino says it's gonna make you as irresistible as a cheese pizza. This Valentine's with their first ever pepperoni inspired perfume called Domino's Passion.

This actually might turn my husband one love.

Peper Posts are looking at a picture of it right now. It's a perfume bottle and a triangular shape like a pizza pizza And anyway, the limited the limited edition scent is said to have notes of spice, pepper and a woody, warm bass.

Still, I don't want to smell it on a grilly.

When I think Passion, I think Dominoes.

And they didn't just come up with the idea because it get them publicity. The company says it sees a fifty percent increase in its Pepperoni Passion pizza orders each year on Valentines. That's their special pie. That feature is double the meat on each slice.

Because nothing's going to get you in the mood like more pepperoni. It just sounds like heartber.

This Friday alone, they plan on making over one million pizzas. So pizzas obviously what a lot of people think of on the day of love, so why not bottle it up? That's what Dominoes thought. This next smoochy story is out of the wrap room.

That's wrap w r ap.

If you didn't know already, today is Valentine's Day and if you celebrate, you should probably have a gift by now.

But if you don't, not to worry.

There's plenty of quick options that can make it seem like you're thoughtful as long as you say the right things with it, like this, Z, let's go through the list. Number three watches.

That's a.

Gift giving expert says, after you give a time piece, you should say a watch represents the gift of time. And by doing this, I'm promising that I'll always be present for you.

Okay, I don't even explain to.

Watch, you kidding?

That's a penny drop in line. If I ever heard number two chocolate Cramy, you can you can throw your lady with a handful of Hershey's kisses as long as you say the right thing with it.

At least that's what the experts say. Just tell her quote.

The gift of chocolate can be traced back to the Mayans who viewed Cacau the main ingredient in chocolate as a heart opener.

Why would you not say, Afridi.

You got to talk about body parts opening up and the number one last minute gift you can give your significant other as long as you say the right thing with it is a scarf. Remember, on the surface, it's kind of a whatever gift.

The other team are actually legit.

Yeah, well, hear this out unless you tell your partner when you hand them that scarf.

I want to strangle you by.

Wrapping this cloth around your neck.

It shows me you have faith in our relationship and a desire to keep each other warm and protected.

Oh God.

On both ends to give it a try.

Speaking of last minute gifts, this guy's like the Santa Claus of Valentine's Day, really, but instead of him coming down your chimney, he just shows up in your closet dressed in red and mounts your entire shoe collection today.

That's sweet, isn't it.

I mean, Smoochy Stories has come to an end for the day. We'll do it again, same time with lasers on Monday.

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Have you guys seen the Valentine's Day headlines out there.

Which one I'm guessing by this music they're not good.



This study finds seventy eight percent of all Valentine's Instagram posts are just to make an ex jealous God.


Also, man attempts to cook Valentine's dinner for girlfriend sets entire apartment complex on fire night. Not really that romantic.

I mean it's flames flames of love.

Okay yea man.

With the way things are going, only one thing can turn this around and save Cupid's holiday, really, and that's playing a love infused radio game.

Called Ron Valentine's Edition. It's coming up right after this.

It's Valentine's Day and low cost love is in the air.

The only two ways to properly.

Celebrate this holiday are by putting on your Brook and Jeffrey Fuzzy goat skin undies, or by playing.

A naughty little game. Yes, did you haven't heard it before?

It's where I play the instrumental of a very popular song you've definitely heard before, and my co host just have to name it correctly without whining or complaining to me about fairness.

Brook almost taking away a point.

That's your one warning, and in honor of Cupid's birthday, every song you hear will have the word love or something.

Romantic in it.

We're gonna start it off with a lady who gags just hearing the l word spoken out loud. Alexis, name this romantic tune.

Somebody to Love?

Please, Jo can you steal it?

I know.

Just the title. Give a guess, fell We Fell Love, We Fell in Love by Rihanna.

Really good.

Brook gets the point on that one, Jose. Remember the theme is Valentine, So please name this romantic song.

I almost remember it. This is right up your alley, Jose.

It's like Ed Sheeran.

But then I keep thinking it's oh, all right, we gotta skip yond that. We're not even close as can you steal first?

Brooks endless, What the heck is happening?

Stop it?

You're shaming everybody. Can't help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley. It was used in a light alert commercial.

Brook, you should have seen this. Okay, Well, nobody gets a point on that one.


Your disappointment though, Yeah, all right, Brook just lost her point, lost her point for shaming the husk.

All right, Brook, put your jealousy of young hot couples aside and try to name this love song.

Remember these all have the word love somewhere in the tide. The first thing that I said when I started this game.

Why does she take a point for that?

Okay, why are you asking?

Terrible Brook is in the negatives now. If you can throw a guest out there, that would be great.

It is I Love you? What song? No, Dan love you like a.

Love a song? Jose gets the steal.

It sounded like an eighties track.

By Selena Gomez about a relationship still in its honeymoon phase, which for Brooke ended twenty seven years aga.

Now that we heard in Elvis one though, I'm all thrown off im?

Are we going to be secure? I don't know.

Love spans every generation. We're on the round two.

The score is one for Jose, zero for alexis negative one for Brook. Playing with and around Valentine's Edition, where the title of every song has something to do with love or carnal gratification. All right, back to the girl whose number one love is seasonal drinks at Starbucks. Alexis named this song Oh oh Yes we.

Have by Can't I think of anything right now?

Crazy Love by Beyonce Brooke.

Anything unnecessarily mean you'd like to say to me, not you.

Let's keep it moving. We're back to Jose Jose.

In order to get a point here must answer as your phone tap character Rolando.

Damn name this love song.

That you sound like? Rolando A young ord? Why there we go mad?

Release one?

I do not love the earings way.

Damn art.

Right artist, wrong song, Alexis, Do you have it turned on by Rolando?

Can you steal it?

You can always living on a pro It's the same thing I'm getting. Love is the battlefield you gave.

The name bon Joviy.

Doing very well, no kind of shameful.


Put on your rented Latex thinking hat for this one, and name this love.

Song love check.

Checks named after the construction yard honeybucket where Brooke was conceived. Little too easy for her On that one, it is tied with one and one for Alexis Brook bringing up the rear. We're on the round three riff and around Valentine's edition where love is in the air and in the title of each and every song.

Yes, all right, Alexis.

Keep staring with that blank, confused look in your eye and name this popular romantic tune.

Oh oh, I know it. She will be Love.

Love, Buy Maroon five and he will be blocked on in sta by that nineteen year old.

All right, Jose, I need.

You answering this one to be your character big Rick. When you tell me the name of this iconic love Songow.

What this sounds like? Boys? It's pretty close, but the open song I really a noble about Damn miss all. Oh, Yona Yona submarine? It's not yellow Submarine?

Can you steal it?


You know love by the Beatles? I couldn't think. All right, Brooke, you're back tied up.

I know you can't remember the names of your coworkers who've been here for eleven years, but can you remember the name of this romantic song?


Oh oh, I'm.

Oh my god, shoot, Oh I'm shoot. Is not the name of the song? I can't no kid me. It's Alexis.

I don't know if it's a love story or love story. He's your guests love story love.

That means the winner of riffing around Valentine's edition is Alexis or you in the Love Coven.

As a parting gift, Brook will tell you her secret to avoiding unwonted intimate time with her husband.

Yeah, I got a list.

S we are out of time, make sure you tune in next week when we.

Do riffing around fameless Catholic church hymns of the fifteen hundreds.

I'm gonna be really good at this one. I'm jeff Rudburn Debo. Your phone taps coming up right after.

This, Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

All right, it's time for your phone tap. And today we call a guy who every Valentine's Day for years has ordered a bouquet of red roses from the same flower shop sent to his girlfriend at that well, by this point, she already knows what's coming. Yeah, that's why she specifically requested our own jose Belanos to prank her boyfriend using his Rolando character.


Yea, it makes sense.

Rolando's perfect.

Of course, It's amazing.

You'll hear how it plays out in your very special Valentine's Day phone tap right now?

Another Hello?

Hello is this Mark?

It is hello Mark.

My name is Rolando and I work at flowers. Okay, I see you have placed an order for Valentine's Day roses to send to a Isabella Isabella.

Yeah, I am.

Assuming that is your lover.

That's my girlfriend. That's one way to put it. Yeah, she's my girlfriend.

Ooh, well, I was afraid of these, afraid of what.

Well, Valentine's Day is not just another day. It's a special time to show the love bursting from your soul, to make her know how much you desire her mind, her heart, her body.

Okay, I mean that's why I got roses from you guys. That's the first step, right, Well, that is.

What I mean. I mean, red rose is so typical. So how do you say cliche?

No, it's traditional, That's how I would put it.

I understand.

But I believe you can do something bigger and better, something that would really stand out for her.

Well, I kind of see what's happening here. So I'm just gonna try to save you some time. I'm not trying to get upsold on anything. I appre siate you calling, but.

I'm invested in your love, my friend. It has nothing to do with upselling anybody.

Okay, okay, So.

May I suggest a bouquet of the beautiful poisonous flower night shade.

What did you say? Poisonous?

Oh, jays, very very poisonous, my friend.

You're telling me to send poisonous flowers to my girlfriend for Valentine's Day. Jay, I'm not on board with this idea. I just want you to put in the roses order.

Okay, okay, as you wish there, I will do that. But perhaps we should ad just what you wrote on the guard.

What's wrong with what I wrote on the card?

You wanted it to say I loved you always, signed.

Mark, Yeah, what's wrong with that?

This sounds like something I would say to my grandmother.

Excuse me, I loved you.

Nah, it's not a nation, my friend.

Cut it out with the bolt here, because you're kind of wasting both of our times at this point. I already put in order for a dozen roses.

I did already write up a card for you to help.

If you would like to hear.

I did not ask you to do that.

I know I'm going above and beyond, my friend, because I love love.

Yeah yeah, let me take love advice from the guy that works the flower shop. I've ordered flowers from this place for years now. I've never had an experience like this. What is happening now?

I see that certain we appreciate all of your business, but this card.

Think of it.

You could say I loved you always or you could say something like, oh, dude, I will worship and treasure you like the beaver that has taken down the final three for his winter live. What but I will use more teeth than the beaver?

What the hell does that even mean?

Beavers are very sensual creatures when they get inside of their dand you all right.

Listen, listen, hold on, I'm going to cut you off. I don't want any clever cards that you write on my behalf because you love love or whatever. The I just want you to send the flowers that I ordered when they're supposed to be there.

Okay, my friend, if this is what you wish, but I rm is I will give them to her with vigor.

What I don't think you will be actually is your boss around? Could I talk to your boss?

No, she would love that Orlando specially to be a very happy warm on when she's done with.

Roland Rolando Special. I'm going to give you the Mark Special, which is a fist your bro.

Now, I hear the fire in your voice.

Mark the.


Yeah, I want to feel your passion alone.

Come over there. You're not far from me, friend, show me your passion.

Mark whoa, whoa, whoa I'm so sorry.

What is going on with your voice?


My name is actually a Jose. I'm on a radio show called Brica Jeffrey in the Morning. We're doing a phone tap on you.

Oh my god, man.

Your girlfriend Isabella said that you always heard of red roses from the same place for Valentine's says.

She wanted me to give you a hard time, bro.

She said that she always loves the roses. What are you talking about, Bro?

I mean, I'm sure she loves them, but maybe some poison flowers will do.

I can deliver them myself and give you the space.

You know what. You keep that accent on and I might take you up on it.

Yay, Wake up?

Every morning was Fu taps weekday mornings on the twenties, Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

We all have at least one choice that we made in life that we totally regret.

I have so many regret Yeah, very regrettable.

Let's be honest.

Alcohol is usually involved tables.

Hey, how you doing?

What a coincidence?

You're right, I think all of mine involved alcohol.

Regret that though, But have you ever made one tiny decision thinking, oh it'll be fine, yeah, only to end up in the hospital from it.

Oh no, no.

That's what happened to one of our listeners right in the middle of his first date. Oh my god, he can't believe he was naive enough to make this dumb, totally avoidable choice. You're gonna hear it in a special Valentines episode of the Second Date Update coming up right.

After this Second Date updated.

Valentine's Day can be a dangerous holiday for a single person to try and meet someone. You do, you put a lot of pressure on yourself for it to work. Just look at college aged me and my infamous Valentine's Day massacre and started with a certain hunky frat boy inviting two lucky ladies to one party and ended with said frat boy drunk alone in his room, crying and kicking a hole in the ceiling above his top bud because he struck out with both ladies.

That oh.

Can't imagine why.

He they missed out.

Just saying, dating around this particular holiday isn't always the best idea, And I'm not really sure how today's caller Reese feels about it.

Reese, you have a bunch of holes in your house somewhere right now.

Not for that reason, Did you're not lying on a top bunk of a frat girl your Yeah.

Only Jeff could have two girls in his room in a frat house and ruin it like that's you already accomplished talent.

Whatever, anti game, that's him.

Yeah, Okay, we're going a little a little harsh, a little far, but brought it up just to laugh at anyway, Reese, So you went out with a girl pretty close to Valentine's Day?

Were you feeling the pressure?

Not really, because I wasn't really thinking about it at that time.

Okay, okay, make.

Sure the background. I had gone through a pretty rough breakup a few months prior, and I was trying to get back in the game. Yeah, I thank you. I met Jen her and I matched, and I kind of realized after like we sort of clicked and we started talking like. I didn't want to wait until after Valentine's Day to ask her out.

Right, because you could totally lose momentum if you wait too long.

You have to strike while right.

So I was eager and kind of realizing at that time that it was close to Valentine's Day.

Oh yeah, Well, as you start to book things and everything's sold out.

Exactly. And that's why we decided to do something different other than a restaurant, Like I didn't want to make her feel weird at a place where there's only couples and stuff like that.

So you invited two girls to one threat person. That's when the good stuff happened.

Yeah, did you call the right show for that to blow up in your face?

You just took out Jen though, right Yeah, yeah.

Right, Sorry, we're just making fun of Jeff Free for his past. Yeah, man, not yet.

I mean a certain guy was brave enough to invite two at once.

But you know, if you're not brave enough to do it a lot, are you accomplished that? Brot Okay? So where did you and gen go?

So she actually suggested a bar. They were having like an all things pink night.

What does that mean?

It's like a valen Seine's date. Ish, It's like pink clothes, pink drinks, pink food.

Ar Yeah okay, And.

So we go in and I excuse myself to the restaurant quickly. While I'm doing that, she ordered us two pink strawberry dakeries.

Oh gotta theme.

Sounds good.

Here's where I messed up? Is I'm diabetic? She doesn't know I'm diabetic. Okay, I look at the drink and I think to myself, I can handle one. You know, my blood sugar is probably gonna spike. Okay, I'll get home, I'll take my insulin and I'll just monitor the albay.

You will follow it up with a cake to wash it down.

Well, I miscalculated it. Oh well, I started having an episode. Oh so I needed medical attention. And the thing is is like there was a moment where I couldn't really talk, and I wrote on a napkin and I slid it to gen and I slid the word hospital.

Oh my god.


I hate to keep drawing parallels between this and the Valentine's Day master at the frat, but I just keeps lighting up.

You're not diabetic.

No, I'm saying, there's a bad experience. That's scared.

I'm scared on a date with someone.

You don't know what happened.

Well, she doesn't even know you're diabetic.

Yeah, she doesn't quite understand what the note means. And she references to someone else and the other person goes, maybe he's epileptic. You should shovel wallet in his mouth.

So you don't toe.

Oh, this is a fun Valentine Day party game. Everybody take your wallets.

Hot tip if you're having a seizure, you usually can't write at the same.

Time, managing to scribble diabetic on a napkin, which then Jen gets and she's got to drive me to the hospital.

Oh my god, what a first date experience.

So things are a little foggy and I kind of come to and I realized, like all of a sudden, she's not there, and I'm surrounded by doctors, and it was a very chaotic night thing.

I'm glad you're okay.

Yeah, did you get a kiss at the end of the night.

The next morning, I send her a text and say, hey, I'm good. I'm so sorry about last night, and she responds back it was like, hey, just glad you're all right. And then that's pretty much it. And I hadn't heard anything since.

No, okay, I mean obviously not like your fall out of your control, but also really traumatizing for her too.

You know, think about what she said.

She thinks like, oh, anytime he has one drink, he's going to need to go to the hospital. I don't want to date a guy.

I think she would have more empathy than that.

Plenty of other things.

Let's see how empathetic this woman really is when we give Jenna call. Hopefully she picks up and see what she asks to say when we do your Valentine's edition of Second Date update right after this hold on Second Date update, a Valentine's themed date that ends in the hospital for some of us, wouldn't be the worst Valentines that we've ever had, Okay, jeb.

Gate over the night in the frat house.

It was for our listener Reese, who was a diabetic and took a chance drank a pink strawberry dackery during his date, thinking that he could handle just one. Fast forward to him being driven to the hospital by his date Jen, where he had to be treated by doctors. It's all kind of as he experienced him because he was going through an episode. But afterwards Jen was gone and hasn't responded really to him since the brook. You've had worse Valentines recently, right, give him a little bit of hope.

No, Honestly, if this girl isn't calling you back because it freaked her out, that is somewhat understandable. But once I feel like she talks to you, she's really going to understand the situation and just have a lot of empathy for you. I can't imagine her not giving you another chance.

How do you feel about that, Reese?

I feel like if she's got empathy, she would have gone out with me already. And I really don't understand.

She drove me to the hospital, Alea. She needs to do more than that.

My mom drives me to the hospital, okay, And I don't want from my mom what Reese wants from Jen.

Hopefully who knows.

Who knows. Maybe it's not the hospital or the diabetes. Maybe you had bad breath and you didn't realize it.

You know what I mean.

And you're a blackout drawing on napkins.

You were like, show me your you know something, for.

Us to speculate a hundred more things that could have gone wrong? Or should we just call this girl?

Don't speculate?

I like the please, good choice, good solid.

Let's dial Jen to see if she answers. You just sit tight there.

Here we go.

Hello, Hey is this Jen?

Yes speaking Hey Jen?

This is a radio show. We're called Broken Jeffrey in the Morning how are you doing?

Oh yeah, I'm okay.

How are you guys?

Thanks for asking, Jen? People aren't that polite?

Very well, that was kind of an empathetic move there, it was.

Oh, good point, jes.

So that's that's good news for you.


What's what's a radio station calling me?

Okay, I'll give you five guesses. That was unfair.

He's just gonna tell you right now.

Sure, pople, take the joy out of it.

This is called second Date Update, and we're trying to help out one of our listeners that you went out on a date with recently named Reese a.

Very memorable night.

Yeah, oh yeah, Oh my god, yeah dude.

It sounds like that night was crazy.


Oh okay, great, you got the rundown.


We spoke to him a little bit just to kind of snapshot of what happened that night, and he told us that you're not really responding for another date at all, and he doesn't really understand why.


Well yeah, I mean I'm not answering him back.

That's accurate.

Oh, I see, do you hate diabetics? Is that what's going on? I had a few of those people.

As you know, Oh my gosh, no, it literally nothing to do with that.

I don't.

I hate people who have diabetes. I hate people who have girlfriends.

Oh wait, what did you just say?

I hate people who already have girlfriends.

He doesn't have a girlfriend.

Well, we didn't ask her. He would have come on here, like, wait, are you saying? You're saying that he's in a relationship.

Using why do you think that?

Okay, Well, if he gave you the rundown, I'm assuming he told you that I took him to the hospital, right, yeah.

Because he was having an episode and you were like his savior.

And yes, I was his savior, but somebody else was his emergency contact. I guess because I'm sitting in the reception area and this woman comes in and she's asking for Reese. She's saying that she's his emergency contact. She's saying that she's his girlfriend. Didn't and they took her back there to see him.

Okay, Okay, that okay, objectively looks really bad. But the thing is, obviously we don't know everything about recent his situation.

Maybe there was another reason having to do with Tya betting. It's like a avocation where my past boss is really my best friend.

I don't think it's like those things.

But do you remember when we first talked to when he mentioned that he went through a bad breakup with somebody a little while back. I forgot maybe it's his like ex girlfriend. Who's who's listed as his girlfriend? He doesn't changes how often do you update your emergency contact stuff?


That's possible, it possibly.

I mean, we don't know.

The thing is, we could ask Reese right now, because he's been on the phone this whole time listening.

What the heck?

Yeah, well I think that this is something he actually needs to hear.

Okay, they couldn't give us a little bit of clarity. Reese, are you there?



Jen hithe so uh, I guess I was just wondering, what's going on? Why haven't you gotten back with.


Why are you not coming in and saying I'm sorry, there's a misunderstanding.

Let me clear it up.

I mean, do we really have to talk about that?

It's pretty important to her and I think to all of our listeners at this point, are you in a relationship?

Okay? Look so here like yes, like, but what you.

Just said, you broke up with your ex and you were heartbroken and you were finally back in the dating pool.

Yeah, I mean when you when you do stuff on the radio, I mean you might say a lot of stuff.

What you're trying to make herself look good?

You're using us to cheat, Jen, I kind of feel like his girlfriend might know though, to.

Say it was your ex girlfriend and we're good job.

You were lying.

You're just joking again. I'm a radio you saying girlfriend, Jen, I'm.

Sorry that very messy, very sloppy, sloppy work.

Y'all, y'all should have betted him, Like okay, Jen, Like, yes, I'm in a relationship, but I'm not happy and I wanted to see you what was out there?

So this is like your whole is getting dug deeper and deeper.

Man, Sorry, I guess so, Jenny, I mean, does this rout our chances?

You've kind of created a big mess for yourself. So I don't know what it is that you want to say to Jen.

But all right, look, I'm just saying Jen, like I'm not happy, and I feel like if you want to have like an actual Valentine's Day together.

Like we can do that.

We can have like a legit.

You're just a big walking red flag.

Oh, like Valentines.

You got a free.

Ambulance ride, and let's just chalk it up to that.

Okay, you got lucky.

Are you saying that him telling you how sad he is doesn't make you want to date him right now?

It really is.

It's tugging at my heart strength.

That was sarcasm, Jeff, Well, yeah, why why don't you just break up with your girlfriend?

I don't understand this.

Somebody I want to I don't.

I don't know that I want to do that either.

Oh god, you're the worst. You know what I'm almost regarding taking him to the hospital.

Hold you, it's a little far, Jen, although we understand the sentiment.

Okay, So are you worried that your girlfriend's gonna hear.

This or does she know?


I'm not worried yet, because the thing is, Jen could be his new girlfriend if she says yes to this question.

You have two girls in his room like someone I know didn't want to die.

I'm telling you works for the frank guy in Jeff's room. Bottom line, Jen is, we would love to pay, not love, but we will.

We'll pay. We'll pay for the second date with Reese and.

Yeah, come on, And it's like it's not a no, it's a hall.


Did not see that coming blind side? I did by that one.

Sure, at least you have a backup. You can always go back to your girlfriend. Is his girlfriend?

I don't know.

Inviting two girls into the studio Jeffrey in the morning.

Man, I thought I knew what cheap voice sounded like because he didn't have cheater voice.

But I was totally wrong.

I was, yeah, so like nice.

But you know what, give him some points, Brooke, because he was honest at least admitted that he had a girlfriend after.

He got exposed. He admitted it though he got there, not to the honesty.

You think he went home and was honest with his girlfriend suddenly?

I doubt it, Jeff he cares about that.

He was honest with us, and he was still trying to go out with Jem even afterwards. Yeah, it's that type of hootspu that if I had back at the frat house, things would have turned out so much differently that night.

Yeah, what you're crying? Hey, before you ladies leave them, are you sure?


Consider the Valentine's Day masker could have been the Valentine's Day rodeo for me.

But I don't think so, miss stopportunity.

You can still do do not admire to be this dude. Yeah, please, let's get out.

Yeah, I'll admire somebody else that calls in to get a second date update email the show. We'll call that person who's not calling you back and go check out all of ours. They're available up on podcasts wherever you get yours. Yeah, at Brooke and Jeffrey Home of the Second Date.

Update Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

I am so frustrated with the Internet right now.

Our show has been getting a lot of attention nationally and internationally, a lot of stuff going viral.

Yeah, yeah, thanks everyone, Yeah, seriously, thank you.

That's really cool.

But now there's all these knockoff Jeffrey's popping up in my feed, singing my parody songs. But they're more successful than I am, because you know, you all know I'm young Jeffrey. But apparently some dude in Alabama is going by Sprung Jeffrey and he has twice as many followers as me. Yeah, I mean sure, I can do give him credit for that. Then there's a guy in a hospital bed going by iron Lung Jeffrey who's got fourteen million followers.

He doesn't even do anything, but you feel bad for him, so it's not even very good following him.

Right now, just yesterday, a guy in North Korea named Kim Jung Jeffrey.

Just saw it blowing up, literally blowing up actual things.

Yeah, Jeffrey, I'm not gonna like him.

So can we just can we all get back to the original the og, Young Jeffrey, remember where it all started.

That's right, Young Jeffrey. And my new song of the week it's coming up right after this. It is time for my song of the week.

And you guys want a stat that's gonna blow you away, it's Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Because did you know around six million couples get engaged on Valentine's Day each year?

Wow, a year, that's a lot. That's crazy.

The second most is so far behind that. It's Flag Day. It's like fifty couples who are just super patriotic.

June fourteenth?

Is that when you that's when you supposed to be born on June fourteenth, But that's my aunt's birthday, So that's why my middle name is my aunt's name.

Anyway, I thought you were one of the patriotic proposals.

No, okay, but that's a lot of question popping and grand romantic gesturing all going down today February fourteenth.

I don't want to go watch someone else's proposal one today.



As for the guy, this may be the most nerve racking thing they'll have to go through in their entire life.

If there could be people listening right now, they're like, oh my god, Jet it's happening today.

Yes, there's a nervous student listening right now. Oh yeah. Because here's the thing about men.

They mean, well, they really want this to be romantic in a memory that's gonna last forever. It's just unfortunately most dudes aren't wired to know what that's supposed to look like or how to pull off that romantic vibe, and suddenly they end up in some random field in Idaho next to a chain link fence with a rabid dog barking at them. So, yeah, it doesn't always go according to plan.

Right, Brooke, I know that it was a mini Schnauzer.

Actually, Oh, I wasn't even talking about you. Oh wow.

Yeah, that's sad. But this song is for all of the men out there. Who are freaking out thinking about tonight asking their girl the biggest question ever and trying to do it the right way.

Is this song gonna make them double think what they're about to do, Jeff, Or.

They can just play this song instead of proposing Jeff.

Yeah, maybe this will give him some good ideas of what to do and more likely what not to do. So instead of doing the classic hit closing Time by Semisnic, it's young Jeffrey's proposing time because.

If you don't get it done tonight, you're gonna have to wait till June.

Fourteenth, flat Day's right here we go, all point when I'm ready points.

Proposing time, dunebe and a bachelor gonna give this marriage thing.

A world totally fine, cool with.

The idea of bumping uglies now with justice one girl, Diamond Shine.

Or when I saw the cost involved, I fainted inside that the year.

But she won't mind.

This one's from the clearance at the bank robbed Sears.

I wonder where he wanted me to propose where.

We firsts That would be so dull, but that was.

By friends condo, so probably no.

I'll make a sign.

With poster born glitter like I'm gonna after to the ball.

Baby like our.

Gender reveal, and I'll explode up become SETTI.

Bar okay, how do I request it?

I know I shouldn't text it or sliding into her. Yes, and just in time my friends stopped me from getting married.

Me tattooed on my rear and.

I want to skuy a romantic song pop dus cute where we went from sir to hall in the bat her mom shabby tahpee high dock go.

Oh what if in the.

Middle of her gynecological exams? No, yeah, I don't want to be too cliche.

You're right. What protein time? I think I'm.

Gonna draft up in my fancy dotty hokey shirt. Should I ride our romantic columns?

Drop it in her comfort throw yoder'm terra five.

I'll drop down to her knee and she'll say no, up on the jumbo trow.

You know what?

Good for her?

And I do live that TV.

Show with twenty girls in a scratch. Limo simply had a single red roads and she just knows.

God what to say when I profoe I love her.

Till we're old and grove out of a cortill We praise our pelvic POAs and share tooom So.

Proposing time.

Just wanna make it perfect because I think she might be my best friend?

How did that happens?

Was the last line? Oh yeah, maybe don't leave in the pelvic bone breaking. I don't know. I'm afraid for a guy listening right now. That's like I gotta change my plan.

Three different things.

Not go went to the guy of coologists office today? Never mind, but that was your song of the week? Yes, text in seventy five nine Jerry, and you could tell us what you thought about.

It text and if you're proposing it and tell us what you're gonna do.

Yeah, we won't tell them, but we're gonna post this video up on all of our socials at Brook and Jeffreyes. You can see the lyrics there and share it with somebody who's proposing soon getting proposed to whatever it is.

Hey, Love Brook and Jeffrey In the morning.

Text to seventy eighty five nine two says there's an eighty percent chance my boyfriend proposes tonight, and I'm legit worried because for the last month he's been taking drone lessons and I have a weird feeling he's going to fly a ring to me.

In my living room.

Ring again, Well, what if he.

Does a cool barrel roll with it first, with the yeah, with the drone.

It depends on how well those lessons win.


Because if you missed it, we are celebrating the biggest day of the year for marriage proposals, Valentine's Day. Six million couples are going to participate in the question popping action. That's why instead of singing the famous song closing Time, I did Proposing Time for all the guys nervous out there about making that big ask. And we're getting a lot of feedback on our textboard at seventy five nine two Brook, what.

Are you seeing?

So it says tonight is my proposal redo?

Oh wed He tried.

Last year with a fake Cubic Circonian and after.

I had it appraised, Uh wow, I told him his punishment is to.

Wait a year.

Stuck around.

What A what a happy start again? Yea as well. You might have to listen to the song again.

And it's going to be up at the Brook and Jeffrey YouTube page, on our Facebook, Instagram, and our TikTok all of it at Brook and Jeffrey happy proposing out there.

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

We made it, guys, Valentine's Day. Let's do a big group hug to celebrate. They can't see us because we're on radio, so let's just pretend. I felt so so wrong.

I like how you wrapped your legs around brook.

Nobody needs to grow when they hugs.

It just shows how into it I am.

And I'm very into this segment today because since it's Valentine's every single question in when Brooks Bocks is going to be Valentine's themed as.

You take on Bridget, who is two two and two against you all time?

Bridget, how do you feel about breaking Brooks heart on Valentine's Dad.

I don't want to break her heart, but I want to be a winner, so.

Well, you can't have both, all right, Bridget? Do you have a Valentine? Bridget?

I do?

I do.

I'm married.

Shout out and you want to shut them out or sound so excited about that?

Hi, Robert, I love you.

Thanks for being you.

You're the best husband ever.

Oh so heartfelt and quickly spoken. Yeah, I love the.

Are you cheating on me?

Let's get Brooke out of here so we can get to the game. But you know how it works.

You got thirty seconds answer as many questions as possible. If you don't know when, you could say pass and you have to beat Brooke outright to win. Are you ready, Bridget?

I'm ready?

Good luck.

Remember all of these are Valentines themed. Your time starts now?

On average? How many times does a heart beat per day? Ten thousand or one hundred thousand?

One hundred thousand?

In the movie Titanic? What's the name of roses? Neckless?

In writing xoxo? Does X stand for hugs or kisses made to melt you? Is the slogan for which chocolate manufacturer Goodiva, lint or dove uh stuff? According to Roman mythology, Cupid's parents were gods. His father was Mercury. Who was his mom?


I don't know, as that's a good guess, though, Well, don Bridget Brook's going to come back into the studio here, Maybe there she is.

And Bridget, you mentioned that you've been married.

Is there still like a little bit of a spark going on for Valentine's Day between you and your husband?


Did you are you guys doing nothing for Valentine's.

Day, not like romantically. No, we're having a friend over for dinner.

Oh'm gonna turn on minions. I'm just kidding. Bridge. We got to get to Brooks questions, Brook, You're ready?


Your time starts now? On average?

How many times does a heartbeat per day? Ten thousand or one hundred thousand, ten thousand? In the movie Titanic, what's the name of roses necklace?


Lost it in the ocean pass?

In writing XO XO? Does X stand for hugs or kisses?

Kisses made to melt you is the slogan for which chocolate manufacturer Godiva lint or dovet. According to Roman mythology, Cupid's parents were gods. His father was Mercury.

Who was his mom?

Averynighty uh oh could be a tit one on Valentine's Day.

Let's go to the store to see how you did? Hose, don't care? Who knows? Yeah, Git, I love you. You got three correct today.

Wow, that's really good.


Just broke in my heart because it was tough.

Brook, you got Congrad.

Don't be the same for cheering for yourself. You deserve to cheer. You beat Brook on Valentine's Day. Well done.

Let's go.

Oh my god, and you gave all of us the gift of Brooke crying in studio.

Thank you, Bridget. Yeah, this is wonderful. Let's go over the answers for everybody.

On average, the human heart beats one hundred thousand times a day.

You have the lowest blood pressure. I'm just real chill, you know, super relaxed.

In the movie Titanic, Rosa's necklace is called the Heart of the Ocean. XO XO x stands for kisses, oh stands for hugs made to melt you is the slogan for lint chocolate, and in Roman mythology, Cupid's parents foll There is Mercury.

His mother is Venus Aphrodite would have been Greek Brooks.

So couldn't give you.

That Mercury the hottest planet.

No, learned that was wrong. It's actually oh we got blown up on our podcast page. Yeah, the comments in our Spotify we're nuts.


Yeah, well, Bridgie, you can bring some of these facts to your husband tonight when you guys are sweet talking each other watching minions.

With that guess they have.


So Bridget, congratulations.

Not only did you beat Brook, but just for playing, you also are getting two tickets to see Kelsey Ballerini perform March thirteenth.

That Climate Pledge arena.

Awesome, thank you.


Yeah, she'll get over it.

Well done, Bridget, thanks for playing. We're going to be back to do Windbrooks Bucks same time on

Monday, Brook and Jeffrey in the morning

Brooke and Jeffrey

Brooke & Jeffrey in the Morning is a nationally syndicated, award-winning radio show that will quick 
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