Chapter 12: Second Chances

Published Jan 13, 2023, 8:03 AM

Reunions continue, introductions are made, and monsters are confronted. The Bradshaw-Beckers hope they are at the end of their rocky journey, but they may just be at the beginning of something else. 

Bridgewater is a production of I Heart Radio three D audio and Grim and Mild from Aaron Mankey for full exposure, listen with headphones. Listener discretion advised, Olivia, we should hurry shop. Oh my god, what is that? Run? Come on, come on this way? Sevenutes too fun, We're just come on over here. Okay, okay, and lost track. We're fine, We're hidden. We got away. Oh when I said, you run as fast as you can want? Trust me? Okay, up, Jeremy Son Son? Where are you Dad? Jeremy? Where are you? Dad? Got in here? Jeremy follow the sound of my voice. Come to me? Yeah? Oh God, Dad? And Dad? Hey are you in there? Dad? And and oh come on, God forbid? They leave a fucking note? Why didn't I charge my phone? Okay, okay, okay, gon't frege out. Everything's fine, even though you are talking to yourself off. Fuck Dad, Dad? What are you doing out here? Jeremy? It's me, it is are you okay? Yeah? Yeah, I'm sorry. I came out for some fresh air. Jeez, I don't even remember falling asleep and I woke up And did you not hear me calling you? I always hear you're calling me, Jeremy, what do you mean. When I was in that place, there were so many times I heard your voice and I would go looking for you, running for what felt like hours, never getting anywhere. It's so strange being back here at Dan's house. I feel like my whole lifetime was spending those woods. From here, they just seemed Yeah, yeah, it don't look so scary in the light of day, do they. No, they don't. You know, I never liked these woods. I know it's uh, it's like a tourist destination and people like coming here in hiking and everyone finds it so beautiful and peaceful. But any time I had to do research here, I just dreaded it. Things. Now, I know why you remember getting lost? Ah, No, not really, and and told me about it, and I guess it brought back some of it in bids pieces. But I'm morema, you know this is that's where I lost you. I'm truly sorry, Jeremy. I hope you know that about losing you and then getting lost myself. Yeah, I know. Hey, I shouldn't have yelled at you about it last night. I just, you know, it's just a lot to deal with me. It is, did sleeping help at all, I have been able to close my eye. I don't know, it's I'm having this nightmare again. Actually I keep having it. It's about that day, that day when I went missing. Those were the worst seven hours of my life. You know, I wish I could remember them more. When Anne told me, she told me that apparently I said something about what you're talking to me, and she was I thought she was working crazy. But now with you, you know, I really wonder what happened that day, what what could have happened? I wish I knew too. I'm just glad we got you back. You know, it makes sense to me that you became a folklore professor. Really when we found you, well, like Anne told you, you had this strange story about a little great creature, and you were a bit different after it seemed older somehow, And being a parent is just an exercise and watching your kids grow up overnight. But this was I don't know. You were very focused. What do you mean focused? You kept asking me to read you fairy tales. You never really liked them at all much before. You actually were never much for being read to it all. You were always up playing in the dirt, I was such an active kid. I remember really looking forward to teaching you baseball, playing catch with you. But after we got you back, he just wanted to hear stories. I just assumed it was because you got scared of the outdoors. But now I wonder you mean if I got fixated on fairy tales and monsters because I lived through it. I don't know. I don't remember when I first got interested in all this stuff. I guess I just always was. I've spent my whole life reading about it. That's that's the way it feels. Thank god you have you had the knowledge to get me out. No, I can't take any credit for that, because I really didn't believe any of this stuff until last night. Even now, it feels impossible. I know what you mean. H Um, where's Anne? She went out for breakfast? Refrigerators full of food. No, it's not that she wanted to go to Pat's get my favorite paroguis. Ah, you used to go to Pats. I'd love that place. Did you take me there? No? No, not that I remember. It was always something we would do on duty. Uh what kind do you usually? I always get the cheese and potato? About that? That's my order to Really, that must be a Bradshaw trader, you get it. It must be An always goes with the sweet? Was the raspberry? Jam? I never understood how she does that much sugar in the morning. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I know it must be strange too. I haven't even had a chance to ask you about your mom yet. How's she doing? Uh? She's okay. She lives in California now. Really, Yeah, we both moved out there when I was in college and she she's remarried. That's good. Yeah, is it? I always wanted her to be happy. You kind of went about it a strange way. I know I messed up. How how long were you and and going before mom found out? Jeremy, it wasn't like that, No, because I seem to remember you mom being very much married when when Anne got pregnant. You're angry with me, No, one, I've just overwhelmed. I've learned a lot of very surprising information in a very short period of time, and I just need a second to adjust. Yeah, I can relate to that. I haven't been anywhere yet except the house that's familiar to me, and I still feel like I'm on a different planet. I don't even know who the president is. Joe Biden, the Senator. I guess he's actually president elected technically, and you actual just happened a few weeks ago. And who's got the job until January. Oh, you don't want to know. Trust me. You know it's okay. If you're mad at me, I'm not okay. Me and your mom were having problems before anything ever started with Anne. We got married too young. We knew it wasn't going to work out. Probably wouldn't remember any of that. We tried to shield you from everything that was breaking between us. You were so young. Yeah, I don't regret what happened with Anne. I fell in love. I I'm in love with her still. I don't know what that means now, but I never stopped. I'm glad that you've gotten to know her, that she's spending your life. Coming out of that place to see the two of you side by side, I don't think the situation is exactly what you expect. Grubs up, God, where are we? I don't know. I knew we were walking toward my nana's house before, but now we're in a part of the woods. I don't recognize I shouldn't have taken us further in, and I just thought that maybe if it was darker and there were more trees. I know you did the right thing. Well, I definitely couldn't lead us. Yeah, how are you doing? I think the bleeding is mostly stopped. We'll not dead anyway. It's getting lighter now, so we should be able to get out of here soon find some help. But you're not looking so great either. No, that's the thing just it clipped me. You. You bore the brunt of it. How did you? I mean you the thing would have chased us down and killed us if you hadn't. I don't know about that. How are you so calm? How did you know what to do? Honestly, I'm not sure. It's like something in my brain just clicked on fight or flight. I guess maybe. I think it's safe to say I fit into the flight category. Good thing too, or it would have caught me right, And hey, I doubt it. I mean, you were unbelievable. Sure, I started running first, but when it caught up and you reacted so quickly, you knew exactly what to do. I've just plaid a lot of video games with even Okay, Olivia, that was not a video game. Yeah, no, ship, I can't believe this happened to me. Again, I probably would have died tonight if not for you. Come on with him, and you're not giving yourself enough. Wait a second, I recognize that rock, Olivia. Are you okay? Is that your car? Yeah? So we just went in an enormous circle. Yeah, all right, come on, then get it okay. Mm hmm. I forgot how good eating was. You really didn't have to eat the entire time you were gone. No eat, drinks, sleep, none of it. I don't understand how it works, but part of me is grateful. Otherwise I probably would have wasted away in there. And the boy you mentioned, Alden, it was the same for him. He was seven when he went in, and by the time that I got out, he was still seven forty years So you felt, you felt time passing, but your bodies didn't. What do you think, in Bradshaw? Well, I don't know. It's some kind of dimensional pocket that your consciousness could comprehend enough to know the time was lapsing. If it's really an in between, then there's obviously something on the other side, right, I'm sure of it. So then maybe it's a wormhole, like a place where time has folded over on itself and the other side isn't isn't actually another world, but it's another time, a time in which monsters are real. I mean, you know of the millions of years ago that were enormous creatures roaming the earth, not just dinosaurs, but bare dogs and giant land sloths and things that you know now sound made up. So you think Thomas was in a wormhole that connects our time with dinosaurs. You can't say that, like, it's ridiculous. We are sitting here eating baroghies with a man who's been dead for forty years, no offense. Oh, it's okay. I don't know the appropriate amount of time to get used to any of this, but I have a feeling it's more than twelve hours. Yeah, yeah, okay. Well, but if it was something like a worm hole, why would celeste ritual have worked? I have no idea. Dad, you said that boy um that he went missing in nine that's right, and you went missing in nineteen eighty, and now I would have thought things look like the Jetsons behind so ever celested whatever, the children of Titubate did was just well timed. Um, maybe it's it's just about that forty year cycle. That doesn't disqualify it from being magic. Look, I know, and I'm open to any ideas at this stage, but I can't exactly call anything unbelievable now. I just want to make sure that we have our priorities straight. I agree, which is why we need to work on getting Alden out of there. No, that's not what I meant. We don't know what the in between might have done to you on a molecular level. You haven't aged, and you seem in pretty good health. But what if all the time you missed is suddenly going to catch up with you now that you're back. That doesn't matter, what, of course it does. I'm not worried about me. I'm not even sure how I was the one who got away when he'd been there for much longer. I don't know. You got lucky. Now, there's a chance that Alden will get lucky too, But in the meantime, the meantime he's alone, Yeah, well so was I. I just mean one step at a time. Okay, we can't do anything if we don't know what the in between is, whatever it is, whatever might be on the other side. We have you back now, Okay, that's what's important. Thank you. Anna. You know what I think. I think we've gone borrowing quite enough trouble recently. As far as we know, everything worked and you get to live the next forty years of your life all over again. I understand that you're worried about this boy, okay, but you have to remember that he's not alone. Celeste is with him now. As much as that woman frustrated me, she can look after him. Yeah. I guess. I guess you're right. And there's so much we have to catch you up on. Jeremy was telling me Senator Biden is going to be president. How old is he? What else? Did the Berlin wall fall? Actually it did? Oh good? A lot has happened in the last four years. I know. I see that every time I look at both of you, and we're going to tell you all of it. No, not all at once. Well, we have time now, I mean we actually, yeah, we have time. All of this, all of this nonsense is over. Yeah, I mean I I want to figure it out. I want to figure it all out one day and one day probably write a book. That no one will ever believe. But um, for now, But for now, can we just finish these parogies? That's how real. I can't believe it. I mean, all those stories that my nana's told me growing up. When I was a kid, I thought it was just very tale stuff, stories to scare kids and are not wandering off, not doing dangerous stuff in the woods. When I got older, I realized that she actually believed it all, and I started to be scared of her instead of the woods, because I thought it meant something was wrong with her, but she was sick or I don't know. And then it just made me sad because I understood that she lost a friend and she felt guilty and her mind to do all sorts of things with guilt. But she was right this whole time. She was actually right. Hippen, hippen, you're being uncharacteristically quiet. Sorry, I'm listening, I swear, I know. I just still freaked hem, are you not? Oh no, I'm deaf at lea, still having a total meltdown. Just also trying really hard not to crash the car right now. I really think I should be the one driving your herd and you patched me up. Well, Okay, Nana is going to be so smug that she was right about keeping a first aid kid in the car all the time. Olivia, you still might need stitches. And I'm fine, really, and driving is helping me focus, keeping my mind off you know, monsters and stuff. You telling me what you're thinking could also do that. Are we are we sure about what we saw? What? I mean? It was a dog, right? Yeah? Maybe it was just some sort of I don't know, special breed, a special breed of dog. That's if we tall with three rows of teeth. Yeah, right, I did notice the multiple rows of teeth pretty hard not to. But if that, if that was real, then the thing that attacked me was not an owl. It just it doesn't make any sense, of course it doesn't. That doesn't mean this isn't happening. Having a really hard time with us, aren't you. I've spent the past six years studying this stuff, but I never thought it. I thought you believed, or at least that you wanted to. I guess there's a difference between believing and seeing. Usually seeing bring some degree of certainty and comfort. Yeah, I don't think that's happening for me. Hey, Hey, what happened tonight was really fucked up, but you survived. We both did. I ran and you stayed to fight the thing, and I didn't even I wanted to give you time to get away. Keep trying to hit it too would have defeated the purpose. You could have gotten really hurt. Lived they didn't, and now we have matching monster scars. It's pretty cool, right you. You're sure about what we saw? Yes, I mean I know my own mind and it couldn't have made that up. So whenever you're ready to dive headfirst into holy sh it, holy ship, monsters are real and I've lived to tell the tale. Territory. No, Um, I'll be right here for you. Thanks. Come on, Let's get inside before the adrenaline wears off and I start sobbing or something. Okay, that's that's Jeremy's car. That would explain why he wasn't picking up at least spotty service. Yeah, or he left his car here and he and Anne walked to the lake. Let's go inside before your brain has a chance to finish that thought. Nana, Nana live, Oh my god, thank god, you're all right, my kid? What's going on? Wait? Is s Ethan. Okay, yeah, yeah, he's he's fine, Jesus to live. What happened? Are you okay? I am fine? What are you doing here? Professor Jeremy? Are you all right? Yeah? Are you bleeding? Um? I'm fine, I think um, but it's really Olivia, who is totally fine. Yeah, don't look at where have you been? You want to the lake to look for you. And when we got there there were all these cops and what happened to Celeste? We were worried that something Wait wait, wait wait what happened? Was Celeste? She's dead? She's ah. We thought you knew? No, no, um, we we we thought she was. Ah. It's a it's a long story. What we want to hear it? Okay, but trust me, there's something else? What is it? As we were leaving the woods there, um, who was that? Ah? This is um? Hi, I'm I'm I'm Thomas. Okay, Thomas is a friend Thomas. This is Olivia my granddaughter. Oh yeah, I'm I'm really glad to meet you. Olivia. Yeah you too. I mean wait, have you met before? You look so funny? Yeah? Do you own that new um coffee shop downtown? You haven't met? No, I oh uh, it's just shops with coffee, that's all they sell. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wha wha Wait you're Thomas Bradshaw. Wait wait wait holy ship, as in are you? Is this? How? How is this? It's him? It's him? Oh god, Hey, whoa whoa, Easy there, Bubba, I think I need to sit down. Good idea. Why don't we all sit down? Wait? Wait, we know hold on. This is Thomas Bradshaw, like your old partner, Thomas Bradshaw, the detective who've been missing forty years ago, and it's now standing in your kitchen looking, I mean looking exactly like the photo in his file from the fucking seventies. If we can explain kind of you were dead? Are you? Is this some sort of Well no, I'm not a ghost, I swear. I'm just a man, just a regular man who was trapped in a limital dimensional space for forty years. That's okay, Thomas, Honey, that's not really helping the If you could whoa whoa whoa? Wait you you and you were together? Okay? Oh god, Jeremy, what you said yesterday? Hey? Hey, can we all get can we just can we get into this later? Please Olivia is your niece, which means Thomas, what is her grandfather? What live honey? Um? Oh? What the a fuck? Nanna? Was that? This isn't ever how I imagine this going. I actually didn't even know you existed. Oh well that makes two of us. Yeah, but I'm so, I'm so glad you do this. This is why yesterday you were so you just found out, didn't you. Yes, really honestly, which is why I really don't particularly want to go through this whole thing again right now? Please? Who is he back? How did you keep this from us? Does mom know? No? What? Wow? She doesn't? Thomas? M guys? Sorry, hold on a beer Becker, it's Dr Edwards. Oh hey, Doc, that's a listen. Now is not really a great time, if you know what I mean, I won't keep you. But you know how you told me to ever call you as something strange came into the office. Yeah, well, have I got a doozy for you. This episode of Bridgewater was written by Lauren Shippen and directed by Brendan Patrick Hughes Assistant director Sarah Klein. Sound designed by Vincent de Johnny rema Il Kayali, Josh Thane, and Trevor Young, with music by Chad Lawson, starring Misha Collins as Jeremy Bradshaw, Melissa Ponzio as Anne Becker, Alan Tutick as Thomas Bradshaw, Karen Sony as Vipen Corona, Sabra May as Olivia Hoskins, Cheryl Umania as Officer Bautista, Will Wheaton as Captain Haddock, Tricia Helfer as the Legend Tripper, Stephen Guarino as Dr Edwards, Nandamisu Demba as Peyton Blake, Hilary Burton Morgan as Shelley Hoskins, Nicki McCauley as Celeste, Then Victoria Grace as Katie Franks, with additional voice acting by Greta Gould, Shelby Young, Adam oh Byrne, Monty Markham, char Lee Bergman and Tern Westbrook. Executive producers Aaron Mankey, Misha Collins, Lauren Shippin, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams. Supervising producers Josh Thane and Trevor Young. Bridgewater was created by me Aaron Mankey and is a production of Grim and Mild and I Heart three D Audio. Learn more about the show over at Grimm and mild dot com Slash Bridgewater and find more podcasts from I heart Radio on the I heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows, and as always, thanks for listening.

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When a relic from his past is rediscovered, folklore professor Jeremy Bradshaw puts his life on hold 
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