Once one impossible thing has happened, it feels the world could come apart at the seams. Folklore professor Jeremy Bradshaw does his best to hold himself together after getting everything he's always wanted and having his entire worldview shattered in the process.
Bridgewater is a production of iHeartRadio three D audio and Grimm and Mild from Aaron Mankey for a full exposure listen with headphones. Listener discretion advised.
Who's there?
Who's there?
Where? Hello?
I can't wait?
Is this really? Is this really? My god? Am I really here? Is that really you?
Jeremy Thomas Thomas, And.
I knew it.
I knew it. I knew that you were still out there.
I knew you would find me.
And how is this possible?
Jeremy song? Oh my god, look at you. I don't I don't understand.
I knew it.
I knew this can be all right?
This is something, celest did You're he's solid, he's he's How are you here?
It's me, It's really me.
I never stopped looking, Thomas, and these past few months, I thought that I could hear you.
You know, I was really trying to listen.
I know, I know you'd never stop, never, never.
I'm just so sorry it took me this long. What is all of this mean?
Where have you been? How? How are you? How are you alive? Are you alive?
I'll explain everything, I promise, and has as much as I can anyway, I'd.
Have to get out of this lake first. And five.
What is that we.
Have to get out of here?
But well, the last where is she the last?
The last Celeste from.
Yes, from the old gathering case. Yeah, it's the last.
She traded places with me? What means she must have That's how I we have to go?
Now what we we? What?
We all a blur? But I think I think, I think I'm not the only one that got out.
Okay, that's another dead end.
One other incident of symbols relating to a lost person in eighty years.
Why Ethan?
Yeah, Olivia Nippin, Hey, sorry can I yeah?
Yeah, yeah, come on in?
What are you doing?
You first?
How how are you doing? How's Ethan? I heard about it.
Yeah, it was He's okay, I mean no, he's not. He's he's healthy though, he's safe. They let him out this afternoon, and I don't know. My parents are still in complete freak out.
Yeah, they seemed a bit frazzled when they opened the door.
My dad is taking Eathan to our grandparents in Winchester. He needs a break from this whole place. I guess my dad can work from wherever so they're just gonna stay there for a little while until Ethan. Then we still don't understand what happened. I've been scraping through message board posts and digital archives and can't find anything recent that's close to what happened to Ethan.
So I just say, yay, I know, but he's safe, and he's got his big sister and his grandmother on the case. I mean, if anyone can figure it out, it is the Becker Hoskins.
Yeah, anyway, what's up? What are you doing here?
Right, have you talked to Anne recently?
I haven't talked her since the hospital last night.
Why, well, something kind of strange happened earlier. Okay, so you remember Katie Franks.
Wow, I can't believe you still live here.
Once you learn about the modern housing market, you'll.
Understand it looks different. I mean all the furnitures. I also don't remember you being such a slob.
Well, it has been a hectic few decades. Yeah, oh my god, it's really cute. You're really here. It's been decades since we lasted that decades, Thomas man.
Christ I'm an a woman now, I mean look at me.
No, no, no, you're still beautiful. You're always beautiful.
But I'm not who I was.
I don't think either of us are.
Jeremy, my god, there's so much I want to tell you things I've been waiting decades to tell you.
Ann and I.
No, no, it's it's okay, I know about that.
It's how did you you knew it was me?
How did you know?
I mean, it's you're my son.
Sure you're all grown up now, but I knew i'd know you anywhere anytime.
You're Jeremy. But you you look but what do I look like?
You look almost exactly the same, maybe a little ragged around the hedges, but.
You haven't aged.
Huh? I did wonder?
Should should that disturb you just a little?
But I don't know if I can complain about not getting older?
How exactly is this possible time worked differently over there?
Oh well in that.
Case, okay, Jeremy man.
How do we even know?
How do we know that you are the real Thomas Bradshaw?
Yeah, you just come out of the fog.
You're still thirty five, and you're talking about celestrating places with you like it makes any sense, And then you expect us.
To believe that my father is not actually dead.
Jeremy, My father is dead. You are dead me, I'm not, I never was. I'm so sorry.
No, don't say you're sorry.
Don't you say you're sorry because you can't say you're sorry because you're not real.
Okay, Jeremy, Jeremy, honey, after everything that we just witnessed, you're still denying that there's something beyond our understanding going on here. I mean, look at him, Look at him. We are not hallucinating.
Oh do I know this isn't just a dream or that you're not.
Some trick that I'm not going to wake up tomorrow and find that you're still gone.
I'm not going anywhere. I'm here.
I mean, I barely understand how or why I was able to get out, but I'm not leaving.
I'm here, Son, I'm here.
You were dead. I lost you. You've been You've been gone.
I know.
Fuck, I feel like I'm losing my mind.
I know the feeling.
It's really you, isn't it.
Yeah, Jeremy, it is so.
When you said time moved differently over there.
You were inside that that thing that opened up above the lake.
Yes, some kind of like a vortex or portal.
Shit, did Celeste really open it? Or wait?
If she traded places with you, then she strapped now like you were.
I don't know she was with you when you found.
Me, Yeah, right before and then she jumped. How did you know that that's what what she was trying to do right away? You knew that she was trying to trade places.
That's the only thing that makes sense. I guess something else could have gotten me out, but I don't know how.
And I remember her from before. She was there that.
Night when you Yeah, and recently things have been getting thinner, but between here and there, and I thought I heard her trying to talk to me, trying to tell me what she was planning.
So Celeste was She wasn't lying, she was she wasn't making any of it up.
She really was trying to fix some kind of cosmic.
Tale more or less. Yeah, And you you.
Think she jumped off a cliff and landed in where wherever or whatever you've been in.
Worked for me? Well, to be fair, I was pushed Thomas, Oh my god, that's probably not the best joke.
No, no, no, I mean why not?
Like, why shouldn't my dad dad joke about.
His own murder. I mean, if you can't joke about.
That, then what can you joke about Jeremy.
To be fair, I do think it was an accident. It all happened so fast. I thought they were going to hurt someone. But knowing what I know now, maybe I should have played it differently. I've had a lot of time to think about it.
How should you have played it?
I thought they were a crazy cult trying to sacrifice someone. I didn't realize they were trying to go somewhere of their own free will.
Oh, you had it right, Okay, they didn't know what they were trying to do either. I mean they were trying to sacrifice somebody, some kind of blood rituals, open up a gate to another dimension. You did the right thing with the information that you had, Thomas.
You did My god, that is such bullshit.
What No, I'm sorry.
You should not have intervened.
You You should have just let those nutjobs do whatever it is that they wanted to do, and they should have dealt with the consequences themselves.
That wasn't an option. I had a job to do, and you're.
And did your job usually require confronting dangerous people alone, going to a secret cult meeting without any backup and without telling anyone.
You try explaining to your captain that you need resources to stop magical rituals in the woods and.
See how that goes. Well, you should have tried.
You think I didn't, Okay, hey, fellas, I was doing everything I could to get to the bottom of what was going on to protect my people before it was too late.
Well, great job.
I'm not the one who needed to be protected. As an officer of the law, I don't get that.
Unshow, don't don't give me that you were some lone wolf with no responsibilities.
You're right, I did have responsibilities to the people of this time.
You had a responsibility.
You had a responsibility to me and to Anne.
You didn't even tell your partner.
I mean, I know you had the opportunity, given that you two were already together at that point.
All right, let's just all what I'm not going to tell me. Calm down, you're not pissed. I'm going to tell you that I don't think that this is the time, and that we can't exactly cast stones, considering we've been doing the exact same withholding information from the authorities.
Come on, fine, well we should.
Go to the police. Even if Celeste really is in that other place.
We need to file a missing person's report.
No, no one can see Thomas.
Not yet what and you know I am right, Jeremy, Not until we can figure out how to explain all this.
We don't know, right, We don't know how people react.
Yeah, so call what Well, I can't do it. The police know my voice to Ellen Thomas obviously yet so.
Right, yeah I can't.
There's no service.
Landline in the kitchen.
Okay, be right back. How are you feeling fine? All things considered? A little less fine after.
Well, you know he's processing emotions are running high.
You really know him? Huh.
I mean, we haven't known each other for very long, but the time that we have spent together has been.
This isn't all what I was expecting.
I can only imagine, But you seem I don't know.
I would have thought. But you're you, you know, putting together the pieces and cracking the jokes.
It's really you after all this time, it's really you.
Don't worry.
I had plenty of time to have the full mental breakdown, Thomas, how long has that actually been? Based on the fact that Jeremy is a fully Groman. I'm guessing quite a while.
But forty years forty, Oh, of course it's forty.
I should have known.
What do you all right, anonymous? To deliver it?
I just hope they get there and find nothing that would mean that she's alive, right and wherever you were, right?
I think?
Yes, okay, good, that's good because otherwise.
Well, people have survived that fall before, Jeremy. I mean, even if she didn't get through the portal, she could be okay.
Yeah, right, Well, if for some reason she didn't get through, we have a much bigger problem.
She didn't say anything else, just that she was worried about Celeste.
Yeah, that Celeste was trying some kind of ritual to close the tear in the veil. It didn't make a lot of sense, and I'm not sure why that would be dangerous in the first place, but Jeremy still thought it'd be a good idea to check it out.
Damn it.
Nana still hasn't responded to any of my calls or texts.
Oh, neither's Jeremy.
If Celeste really is in danger, then they.
Hey, I'm sure they're totally fine.
If they're totally fine.
Then why are the police here?
Oh? God, come on?
Led to that sad of oaks?
Whoa? This is an have seen?
I'm gonna need you to step back.
What happened?
Who is that?
We're the paramedics.
They're grabbing a gurney.
What happened?
It seems there was some kind of accidents or someone didn't get the help they needed.
We don't know much.
Someone jumped, that's unknown at this time.
Who is it?
Is it?
I know the two of you have been caught up in whatever's been going on, and I'm really glad that your brother's okay.
By the way, thanks, but this just got very very serious.
Whose body is that?
Corey? Celeste is she?
She was already gone when we got here.
Oh god, wait, have you seen anyone else?
Have you seen anyone else?
No, it's been a quiet one. The storm earlier cleared everything out.
Thank you, officer.
Well we'll get out of your hair.
Stay safe.
What are you doing? Why didn't you ask about Anne and Jeremy. We don't even know if they're okay.
We were okay.
What we do know is that they came to me Celeste, who was now dead and they didn't stick around to talk.
To the police.
You think they what do you think they did something?
They don't know?
No, of course not.
Nana doesn't like Celeste, but she helped Ethan, and Nana wouldn't look. I don't know what happened here, but I know my grandmother and if she saw something or knew something, she would stick around to help the investigation.
Even if she could get in trouble for it.
So if she's not here, then she must have a really good reason.
Or something happened to her and Jeremy or.
Someone, But there'd be signs of a struggle.
If look at all this mud.
There's a bunch of footsteps, but no signs of dragging or body falling on the ground. Oh the hell, My Nana has taught me a lot through the years, and something about all of this doesn't feel right. Like Jeremy and Nana had to leave for reason. Maybe they were being watched, or maybe they saw something they could.
Put them in danger.
Maybe something chased them away.
We need to find them.
Where do you think they'd be and why wouldn't they be picking up their phones?
Well, if they're at Nana's the service there sucks and they could walk there from here.
Okay, so that's where we go.
That's where we go.
What do you mean a bigger problem?
It has to do with the in between what it needs. Every forty years.
Something happens here, and I think we're still in the middle of it, right, a forty year curse?
Why not?
That makes perfect sense.
I'm going to try to explain the best I can do.
You do you remember the last forty years?
Have you been awake this whole time?
I don't even know if that's the right question to ask. Is that even the right question to ask?
I have no idea what we're dealing with here, because in all of my years of research, I cannot think of anything that would create some sort of time travel.
I don't think we're dealing with time.
Travel here research.
I'm a folklore professor, so weird shit is sort of my life.
But this is okay, So then what we're.
Dealing with here? God, what are we dealing with here? If it's not time travel, then how are you? How are you here looking like that magic?
I think, or something close to it. Magic.
Look, we've always known this place is different, right, special, and all the stuff you and I investigated all the strange cases. We knew that we were just adding to the pile of unsolved mysteries in the Bridgewater police files.
And I think there's a reason for that.
Yeah, the Bridgewater Triangle, it's a name that was given to this region a few years before. Well you probably wouldn't have heard of it at the time, but there was this cryptozoologist. A lot of people now actually believe that there is some kind of mystical in this region that attracts monsters and paranormal activity.
The Bridgewater Triangle, And that sounds about right, But it's not this region that's attracting things.
The region is an opening to something.
That's exactly what Celeste was talking about too.
She was saying that the veil was thinner here.
She's right, but a veil between what between here and what Thomas.
Where exactly were you inside that veil? I guess. I mean, I don't know how to describe it.
It didn't feel like I was gone for forty years, but it did feel long enough.
To expect to be an old man by the time.
I got out.
If I ever got out, you did I know? Celeste was just trying to make things right, and I hope it worked. But now she'll be trapped in there and where there's things in there with you.
You said you don't know what else got out and out of where.
Out of whatever's on the other side of that in between.
Spirit, right, that's what Celeste.
Thanks Spirit. I'm not sure. I never got to the other side.
I was just stuck.
Sometimes it looked like freetown forest. Other times the fog was so thick I couldn't see my own hands in front of me, and it was like it was like being in suspended animation. I never got hungry or thirsty, but I was always tired, sapped of something like it was feeding off of me, feeding off of you.
It feels alive the in between.
Every now and then I would see something out of the corner of my eye, hear something breathing behind me, but I never.
But something changed a little while ago.
I don't know if it was weeks or days or hell even years ago, but the air was getting less oppressive, the fog starting.
To lift, the veil was getting thinner.
Yes, And so I tried to call out. I tried to talk to you.
I hurt you. I don't know how, but.
I hurt you when you were in Freetown.
No, on my answering machine, you were leaving me messages. I could barely make out your voice on some of them, but I know it was you.
How is that possible?
How could you be leaving messages from another dimension?
You don't even have a cell phone?
A what phone?
Right, it's a it's a portable phone.
That's a phone.
Yeah, Tom, Jesus Tom, you okay.
I mean, it's really been forty years. Forty that's such. I mean, I knew it might be that long until I could, but I really, I really didn't think about what that would mean. Dad.
I'm just gonna wait, where are you going?
I assume the bathroom hasn't moved.
Nope, just still down the hall.
I'll be right back right right of course. Sorry.
Wow, oh wow.
And this is also I mean, he's here, Yeah, he's really here, and he's looking real enough to go pale at the sight of a cell phone. And then, Jesus, I yelled at him. I yelled at him for being irresponsible. I was yelling, yelling at my own.
Dad for being irresponsible.
It's okay, honey, he understands. You know, it's been weird for all of us, and you know, but there's like adrenaline crash coming for us. Who knows what you know?
Yeah, yeah, yeah right, But then I don't know, like I feel like I'm in some kind of dream here.
No, No, he's really back, Jeremy. We caught him back.
You know, everything in these past few weeks, even in.
My most desperate, scared moments, I just never let myself think that any of it could be real, because if I let myself think that, then I could have hope, and I.
I could not.
I know, I know, I get it. You know, there were times even when I thought having hope would kill me.
But you knew, you knew it was all real.
I knew that I seemed certain, But hope really is all it ever was? I feel like I you.
Just walked out of the fog. We didn't even have to like.
Fight a giant black dog or anything.
Yeah that's true. Oh God, was that real?
I mean, I think it's safe to assume that all of it is Jesus, you know, we don't have to worry about any of that stuff now and it's over.
Yeah, yeah, God, what Celeste did for us? I know, does she have a family.
I don't know, but we can find out.
We could tell him, tell them what that their loved one is in some inner dimensional purgatory.
Maybe maybe, h there's a way we can get her out, you know, I mean, we know where she's trapped.
Maybe we can do it right this time.
No, yeah, no, I think no, no, no, no. She finally finished what she started forty years ago. She made her choice to sacrifice herself to make things right. It's not our problem anymore, and this is over. We we don't need to know how to get her out.
Yes we do, because there was someone else in there with me.
Celeste. I can't believe she's I mean, what happened?
I have no idea. Katie said she thought she was in danger? Right, I mean maybe she meant that that Celeste wasn't doing well, that she was at risk of hurting herself.
Yeah, or or what.
Okay, what if whatever she was trying to do the ritual? What if it worked?
What if it what you think she was trying to perform some kind of human sacrifice.
I don't know.
I don't understand what is happening. I feel stupid for even suggesting it.
What was that?
Hello? Is someone there, Olivia, we should hurry.
Oh holy shit, Oh my god, what is that?
Olivia Roun.
This episode of Bridgewater was written by Lauren Shippen and directed by Brendan Patrick Hughes Assistant director Sarah Kleine. Sound designed by Vincent de Johnny rema El Kali, Josh Thayin, and Trevor Young, with music by Chad Lawson. Starring Misha Collins as Jeremy Bradshaw, Melissa Ponzio as Anne Becker, Alan To Dick as Thomas Bradshaw, Karen Sony as Vipen Kurana, Sabra May as Olivia Hoskins, Cheryl Umanya as Officer Bautista, Will Wheaton as Captain Haddock, Tricia Helfer as the Legend Tripper, Stephen Guarino as Doctor Edwards, Nanda Misudmbe as Peyton Blake, Hillary Burton Morgan as Shelley Hoskins, Nicky McCauley as Celeste, Then, Victoria Grace as Katie Franks, with additional voice acting by Greta Gould, Shelby Young, Adam o'byrn Monte, Markham, Charlie Bergman, and Tarren Westbrook Executive producers Aaron Mankey, Misha Collins, Lauren Shippen, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams. Supervising producers Josh Thain and Trevor Young. Bridgewater was created by me Aaron Mankey and is a production of Grim and Mild and iHeart three D Audio. Learn more about the show over at Grimandmild dot com, slash Bridge and find more podcasts from iHeartRadio on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows, and as always, thanks for listening.