Chapter 10: Blood & Water

Published Oct 1, 2021, 7:01 AM

It will all happen again. Old wrongs will be set right, answers will be found in the most unlikely places, and the past will refuse to let go.

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Bridgewater is a production of I Heart Radio three D audio and Grim and Mild from Aaron Mackey. For a full exposure, listen with headphones. Listener discretion advised. So as we know, the myth of Sasquatch is one that can be found in many regions, such as um Well, the legend is primarily North American, with the majority of sightings occurring in the Pacific Northwest and Canada, but there have of course been um reports of sightings in our very own Bridgewater Triangle. Most of the descriptions of Sasquatch, or Bigfoot as he's sometimes known, describe this unnaturally tall ape like creature that's covered in hair and his red eyes. Um not red eyes, Nope. UM. Well, I guess I don't have to tell you what Bigfoot looks like, because we all know what Bigfoot looks like. Um. As for um sightings in this region we have, Does anyone know of any sightings in the in this region? Anyone? Yeah? Amy? Um, professor, did you hear about that missing boy over the weekend? Uh? Yeah, I did? The missing boy? Yeah yeah, we were all talking about it before class. Apparently some kid went missing and they think it has to do with cold activity. Oh god, no, okay, what if it was another alien abduction like that hiker that went missing last week? Guys, that hiker. That hiker was found and so was the boy, but neither of them remember anything, right, How do you all know about this? It's a small town, sure is. So do you know anything about the boy? I know that he's fine, But that's like the fourth person to go missing and free town for us this year. Yeah, while people get lost in the woods. So yeah, I mean, are we safe here? Come on, guys, you don't actually believe any of this stuff. You have to admit that there's some genuine questions to ask. Yeah, but this is what we've been talking about in class all semester. It's all just lower and rumor exactly. Let's get this back on task everyone. Come on, why don't multiple people report the same thing because internal life? Well, that was a dis esther. No, it wasn't that bad. Oh, it absolutely was. Thank you for covering for me, by the way. Oh, I didn't have to do a lot. They seem to have plenty to talk about. Oh god, hey, are you okay, professor? No, No, I'm absolutely not. Okay. What about you? How you doing. How's your head? And okay, um, I was gonna tell you Olivia brought me some soup yesterday homemade. Wow, that's so sweet. Yeah, yeah, it was really sweet. I mean having her be nice to me because I got attacked by an owl is how do I put it? Deeply humiliating, but hey, I'll take it, especially with everything that happened with her brother this weekend. Kind of amazed she even thought of me, you know, oh, speaking of how so wait are you too? Oh? I don't know. I hope, but I don't. I don't know. Um, it's been a weird couple of weeks, you know, uh, not counting on anything, right, But she's actually really really sweet and as smart and sharp and witty as as I thought. And yeah, you know she's a she's a queen. Yeah yeah, she's a Oh god what hip and she's my niece. Jeremy what what what do you? What are you? What are you talking about? Yeah? Katie? Hi, Mr Bradshaw, Professor, call me Jeremy, Jeremy, Ah, this is my my teaching assistant, whipping Corona. Hi, Kitty Frank's um professor. Can we discuss what we were just talking about? Katie, you want to come in and have a seat. I'm sorry to just drop in like this. That's okay, you don't okay after last night? God was not just last night. No, actually it was the night before last, right, Christ It feels like it's been a week and you got attacked this weekend, didn't you. How do you know about that? It's a small town and we're travel's double speed when it's something to do with the triangle. Great, I'm so glad everyone knows an owl beat me up. That's really the cherry on top of the concussion. It wasn't an owl. What There are things in that swamp, all sorts of things. Oh Jesus, I'm sorry, Katie, but we're really not interested in hearing any more of these crazy theories. Can you? Can you just tell me? What? What? What do you need? What are you doing here? I got spooked the other night. Yeah, so let's tell me. She was very gracious about it, far more than she had to be, especially considering, yeah, considering what I've been pushing her to include me in all the gatherings activities you mean, the secret midnight meetings. Yes, that's why Daniel and I went on that hike in the first place. I go on that hike every single Sunday afternoon to look at that pyramid rock and tried to decipher the symbols. Because celest won't tell you what exactly did they do with these midnight meetings. They commune right, my spirits exactly, And you want to participate in this. I want. I just want to give my mother peace. She died painfully. It was long and horrible, and she's still here. I know she is restless and angry, and I don't I don't want that for her. She never would have wanted to be a dark cloud over the world. She would have wanted to move on. I want to help her move on. And Celeste told you that she can do that. No, of course not. It's it doesn't work like that. I know what you're thinking. Maria thinks the same thing, even if you won't say it outright. You think that Celeste is a Charlatan praying on the vulnerable. Yeah, that's exactly what I think. That's just the case with most psychics and mediums, that they cold read someone just enough to convince them of their abilities, make themselves so necessary that someone will pay over and over again. It's simple psychology. Really, it's toxic and effective. Celeste isn't a psychic. She's not a witch or or anything else you're thinking of. She's just a woman who understands this place. No offense, Katie, But I understand this place. It actually might be the only thing I do understand. I have spent my entire life here, in the better part of a decade, studying it, and I can tell you it is a It is a unique place. To be sure, it's got an dreamly high concentration of sightings and claims of encounters, but that has to do with the history of the region and with self perpetuating myth. There is nothing that's actually paranormal going on here. Okay have you ever thought about leaving? You've been here your whole life, haven't you. I am a folklore professor. There is literally no better place to be. Mhm, Celeste, what have something different to say about why you're still here? Uh? Katie? Why did you get spooked? What happened? The forest is coming alive. The spirits are restless and dangerous. I think that's what attacked you the other day, avengeful spirit, not a giant black dog. I don't believe in monsters, all the big foots, the snakes, the puckwag. I agree with you, it's all nonsense, the errors of human perception. But spirits, you believe there our worlds beyond this one. I'm sure about that. And the veil between it's starting to be ripped open. That's why all of this is happening. Now, that's what Celeste says. She hasn't come right out and said it, but yes, that's what the gathering believes. Celeste is trying to keep things quiet, keep the peace. Wait, there's in fighting. Some of our members want to help open the veil, let all the spirits out. That's what the children of Tischiba were trying to do, open the gates of hell. It isn't hell. It's not that binary, Katie, Why are you here? It's Celest She's doing ritual tonight at the ledge. What kind of ritual? She's going to try to fix the terar? But I thought you said she wasn't a witch. She's not, but she I think something happened years ago. She blames herself for all the troubles. Now she thinks she's the only one who can fix it. What what does that have to do with us? You and the officer beck Are you're the only ones I trust to help her. If you know where she is. Why don't you just go and you stop her? Okay? No, I don't want to stop her. I just I'm scared, Okay. So Lesta is right, I'm not ready. I'm not ready to confront any spirits little and my mother's and I don't know what's going to happen tonight. So you want us to to protect her? Just you an officer Becker, you're the only ones Katie. Last time I checked, your girlfriend is an actual police officer. I think she'd be pretty capable of protecting Celeste from imaginary spirits. Why don't you talk to her? I don't want to put Maria in the middle of this, okay, But me and Anne, you'd be happy to put us in the middle of it, put us in the land of fire. I don't want to see Celesque get arrested. Okay. So you're expecting her to break the law of that? Please just go to the ledge tonight, help her. Well, it could be an interesting prologue for the book you have to bring Anne. I'm not talking to her, right now I don't care and the Woods won't. Either you and Anne have to go together or something something terrible is going to happen. This episode was sponsored by better Help Online Counseling. Is there something interfering with your happiness or is preventing you from achieving your goals? I know firsthand that life isn't always easy and how it can sometimes feel like you need a little help getting through it, and that's where better Help comes in. Just feel out a questionnaire to help better Help assess your needs and match you with your professional license therapist. You can start communicating with your therapist and under forty eight hours and schedule weekly secure video phone or even live chat appointments. Better Help is not a crisis line, it's not self help. It's professional therapy done securely online, and better Help counselors have a broad range of expertise which may not be locally available in many areas. Better Help is committed to great matches, so it's easy and free to change therapists if needed. Plus it's more convenient and more affordable than in person therapy, and financial aid is available. Visit better help dot com, slash Bridgewater and join the over two million people who have taken charge of their mental health with the help of an experience professional. And there's a special offer for our listeners. Get ten percent off your first month that Better Help dot com slash Bridgewater. That's better h E l P dot com slash Bridgewater. Jeremy, I wanted to say, let's not talk, okay, but please, Jeremy. Look, I only asked you to come with me because I think Celeste will only talk to both of us. We are not friends, okay, and we're not back on a case together. I just needed you today. That's it, got it? What was that? I don't know, probably a dog or something, or a wolf. I don't know a wolf. There is wildlife out here, Anne, Jeremy, let's just keep moving. The thing is, no, never mind, it's just what I don't understand is okay, let's just focus on what we're doing here. So that's fine with me. And what are we doing here? While a woman in a cult told me that she was worried about her spiritual leader and that we were the only ones that could help her, and you thought that sounded like a great idea. No, I don't know, An, I don't know. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing because two weeks ago I didn't have anything of my father and now now I have his badge and an entire family that I didn't know about. But blood doesn't make family. Jareman, trust me? Trust you? Trust you? How dare you talk to me about family when you destroyed mine? Okay, it wasn't my fault that your parents marriage fell apart. I would stop talking if I were you. Your father made the exact same choices that I did. No, he didn't because he went out there alone and you just let him go out there alone. Oh my god, don't you think I know that? You think that that hasn't haunted me for forty years. This is exactly why no one wants anything to do with me. I've spent my whole life trying to find out what happened, and because of that, I couldn't have my family. You know, I would have done anything, anything to have Thomas back, but I couldn't even have that either. But you could have had me. You're not You're not the only person that lost someone In me and my mother, nothing was ever the same, and I never knew why, and now I know why. But we could have had each other, you and me. There's so many things I'm mad about and there's so many but that's like we could have had each other. Jeremy, I'm I'm so sorry. No, Jeremy, just let me get this out and behind you? Oh my god? What I come on? And wait? We have to follow them and we can't just know these are the same lights that Ethan saw. Yes, no, we have to find where they lead. Where did they go? Are we even sure that we saw those? Okay? Okay, okay, the ledge. Let's just get to the ledge. Wait do you hear that? Jeremy, be careful, it sounds like celest No, we don't know that there are no ghosts in here. Okay, and Jeremy, thank you for coming. You were expecting us. Of course you were invited. Oh right, of course, Katie manipulated me and you are not in trouble. You lured us here. Great, it's important that you be here for this. And what is this? The truth? Finally, the truth? Did you see the lights? Yes? I saw something. They led you here, didn't they? Can you just stop being cryptic and tell us what the hell is going on? It's happening again? What's happening again. You remember Anne, Forty years ago the veil between worlds opened, leaving us vulnerable to all sorts of creatures. Radshaw's right cut the craps of us. We were trying to protect the world, that's all we were doing. Who the gathering. We had nothing to do with the missing girl or the boy who went missing over the weekend. That boy was my grandson, and I am so glad that he is all right, that we were able to save him. There are dangerous forces at work, and you want us for what for some kind of ritual to close this imaginary door. No, you won't be able to assist. This is something I have to do alone. But I wanted you here as witness and to tell you the truth. Well, guess what. We are no longer interested in your ghost story. Okay, this isn't a ghost story. It's about your father. I left the badge what you It has been in my possession for forty years. When the trouble began earlier this year, I knew the veil was opening again. What trouble a higher number of sightings of disappearance as a general unrest here in the forest and in the swamp. We could feel it all of us, But I am the sole member who was here back then, all those years ago, I was able to recognize it for what it is. What does this have anything to do with Thomas? I wanted to place the piece of him that remained in this plane back where it belonged. Why did you have my father's badge? If you're making this up, I promise you, Jeremy, I am not. Why did you have it in the first place? Because I was there the night he plummeted to the ground from this ledge. He was come here closer to the edge, and do not fear me, Jeremy, You are not in danger here. That's rather the whole point. Forty years ago, I was standing on this ledge with members of the gathering, or at least that's who I thought they were. I was a young member then, still so excited to have an outlet for the connection I had always felt to this place. I was honored to have been invited to such a central ceremony. We were performing a ritual, trying to communicate with the dead. Beloved spirits, please move among us and speak through us. We welcome you with open minds and hearts. Had all started normally enough. But I should have known, by the leader's choice of words English as his vessel no less, that I was not among the pupil I had grown to love and trust. We called to you, spirits of the deep, great and powerful. It was the children of Titchiba trying to open the gates to the underworld, defiling everything that I and the gathering stood for. And it was beginning to work. They've been trying for months. The doors were left ajar, and a final, ultimate sacrifice was needed to swing the gates open. Did you hear that the spirits are here? Hear us, spirits? We prostrate ourselves before you. One of the members was prepared to throw themselves off the ledge. The blood sacrifice, the final key, the final lock on the door to the other world. Once I realized what was happening, I tried to stop it. Wait, no, you can't. You don't understand. This is powerful magic. You're dealing with spirits. We call to you stop shut her up the underworld. There were too many of them that believed. They thought I would agree, simply because I wanted to find a portal. But they were getting so close. The gates were opening. The lake was shimmering a portal forming above it, but we were interrupted. Step police, keep going, We call to you, spirits, stay right there. Thomas found us. The lights had lured him to the ledge, just like they brought you here tonight. And then, spirits, we call to you. Open the gates. Stop right now. He saw what one of the members was about to do, and he wanted to stop it. No, you don't have to do this. I will live in glory forever. Open the gates. Let your power pour out. There were too many of them, too strong and determined. He was just trying to stop someone from making the ultimate sacrifice. And instead we looked for his body for hours until the sun rose, but we never found it. But his badge was down there along the shore. He fell off this ledge. It was an accident, a horrible, horrible accident. No, no, no, it was fucking murder. He made the ultimate sacrifice, fell into the lake, into the portal that we had half opened. No, he didn't fall into a fucking portal. He fell to his death, and you never reported it, and you lied to the police. You lied to me. I needed to protect our work. The children of Titchapa were close. They were wrong, but they were close, knowing that the portal could be open, that proper communication between worlds could be established. It was too important, bigger than any single death. So, because you believe that the Bridgewater Triangle is some kind of fucking gate to the other world, you let a good man's murder go unsolved for forty years. For forty years, I didn't know what happened to my father. He wasn't murdered. Why leave the badge in the forest at all after all this time? Why because things need to be done, and I didn't want to leave before, being fully honest, And there's a chance now, there's a chance for him to find peace. What are you talking about? If his spirit had something to anchor to. When the portal is open again, which it will be soon, he'll be set free from the trap that he's been in. He hasn't been in a trap. He's been dead all this fucking time. He's been dead, jeer, And how are you not furious right now? After all of this, This is the answer. He's really gone. I've been trying to get him back, I promise you. But he's messages. I mean, he's been leaving me messages. Yes, the veil ist thin. There are echoes. No, no, that's not just the echo. He's not he's not. I mean, he can't be gone. He can't and it is over. No, I'm so so sorry. You don't get to be sorry. You and your group are responsible. He was just doing his job. Okay, try and understand. And because you refused to tell us the truth about what you were doing, it wasn't me. I didn't even know the truth of what was possible. Not then the truth. They weren't doing anything, and now you're not doing anything. The truth won't wait for you to believe it. Jeremy, it's happening again. The children of Titchyba were wrong. They weren't controlling if they were drawing the dark spirits out. But the portal, the portal wants to be open, The veil wants to be lifted. It's happening. It's Jeremy, and it's okay. Just just get back to the tree line, hold on to something. The storm will pass. He's right, This storm will pass. Things will be set to right. I am sorry about your father. I'm sorry you made an unwilling sacrifice. It was for not then, but it won't be now. What are you talking about the Hordle still needs blood to open, willing blood. Then everything will be in balance. It will all be a tune. Celeste, Celeste, Celeste will be failing and and I'm okay will oh Jesus, Celeste. She jumped, she jumped? Oh god she oh? Is she so last? Celeste? And can you see anything? No? No, it's this fog. Where did it come from? Who's there? Wait? Celeste? Where? Hello? No? Oh? I can't be Oh my god, Oh my god, am I really here? Is it? And is it you? Jeremy Dad? Bridgewater was created by Aaron Manky and written and directed by Lauren Shippen, with executive producers Aaron Manky, Misha Collins, Matt Frederick and Alex Williams, supervising producer Trevor Young, editing and sound designed by Trevor Young and Matt Stillo, and music by Chad Lawson, Starring Misha Collins as Jeremy Bradshaw, Melissa Ponzio as Anne Becker, Karen Sony as Vipen Corona, Laurie Allen as Nancy Collins, Cheryl Umania as Officer Bautista, Victoria Grace as Katie Frank's Will Wheaton as Captain Haddock, Hillary Burton Morgan as Shelley Hoskins, Jonathan Joss as Joseph Hoskins, Sabra May as Olivia Hoskins, Samuel Marty as Ethan Hoskins, Kristin Bauer as Celeste, and Nathan Fillion as Thomas Bradshaw, with additional voice acting by Brigand Snow, Andrew Nowak, Juliet Moritz, Alwa, Jarvis Johnson and Brielle Bresnan, Kristen de Mecurio, James Oliva, and Leron Amil. Learn more about the show over at Grimm and Mild dot com slash Bridgewater, and find more podcasts from I Heart Radio on the i heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows, and as always, thanks for listening. Bridgewater will return in two

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When a relic from his past is rediscovered, folklore professor Jeremy Bradshaw puts his life on hold 
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