Feminist, activist and writer Wendy McCarthy reveals in her new memoir, “Don’t Be Too Polite, Girls” how to be a strong feminist, a good mother and a good wife - all at the same time. Here she discusses how choosing the right life partner, her beloved Gordon McCarthy, enabled her to live a stimulating, purposeful life, with a brilliant career spanning the public, private, corporate and not-for-profit sectors. Her advice to women offered key roles? “Say yes and work it out later,” – just as a man would do. Gold.
Nicole Abadee
Website: https://www.nicoleabadee.com.au
Facebook: @booksbooksbookspodcast OR @nicole.abadee
Twitter: @NicoleAbadee
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Wendy McCarthy
Facebook: @WendyMcCarthy
Twitter: @takingalongview
Instagram: @dontbetoopolitegirls