What’s Your Nametag Say? – Part 2

Published Dec 11, 2024, 6:00 AM

Standing strong in your Christ given identity … that’s our topic today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe.Last time, Mark started a message titled, What's Your Nametag Say? … and today as we move forward in our study from the book of 1 Peter, we’re going to learn how our identity shapes our future and gives us purpose.

Today's Bold Steps Gift: The Case for Christ

Standing strong in your Christ given identity. That's our topic today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe.

You have an identity and a call to give honor and glory to King Jesus, but it seldom comes out of you because you've been lied to and your behavior has been affected by it, and your destiny has been altered by it, because you haven't understood how to stand in the identity that God has given.

You. Welcome to Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. Mark is the president of Moody Bible Institute and the senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. And I'm Wayne Shepherd. Yesterday, marks started a message titled what's your name Tag say? And today, as we move forward in our study from the Book of First Peter, we're going to learn how our identity shapes our future and gives us a purpose. So let's get to it. If you have your Bible handy, turn with us to chapter two, verse nine of First Peter. And right now with this series headlines Navigating Life in Two Worlds. Here's our Bible teacher, Mark Jobe.

When I was a kid, probably about eight years old or so, I lived in a little small town in northern Spain called Ravenna. 200 people. And it was out in the country, and we would have visitors come and visit us occasionally. And on one occasion we had some family from the city. They they hadn't been out in the country a lot, and we had a family from the city, and there was a kid about our age. He came out and he seemed like he'd never been in the country. He was just like a city kid, I don't know. And my brother and I were a little bit pranksters when we were young. And so this kid came out and we said, hey, you want to go for a bike ride? So we got on our bikes, we were going for a little ride, and he's looking out. We're out in the country. He's used to the city. And he says, are there Indians out here? And I think Indians. Where have you been watching cowboy movies or what? This is Spain. There's no Indians in Spain. And then we figured, you know, those little, little round balls that are in some plants that you throw and they'll stick at your, your sweater. So we grabbed a couple of those. He was riding his bike in front of us, and we threw a couple at his back and they stuck to his back. And then we said, hold on, stop. The Indians have shot you. And he's like, where? Where? Oh yeah. Oh my God, the Indians, they're around here, they've shot you. And he's like, oh, where are they? And we said, well, these are the poisonous darts. We said, okay, you got to take these dandelions and you got to rub them all over your face and put one in your mouth, and I think it'll stop the poison. So he got the dandelions. He's rubbing all over his face, putting it put some in his mouth. He said, okay, how am I doing? I said, I think you're okay now. When we got back home, we didn't expect to see his parents, my parents and his parents out in front of the house. As soon as I saw him, he said, mom, the Indians got me and I like, took off real fast with my brother. But can I tell you this? There were no Indians. There was no poisonous darts. There was no medication. But what you believe in your mind affects your behavior, and your behavior affects your identity. And some of you are saying, pastor, that's a silly young boy. Oh, yeah, he's a silly young boy. And you know how many silly lies you bought into, you know how much the enemy has lied to you about his darts and who you are and his schemes? You know how some of you can barely pray when you have access to the throne of the most living God? And you can barely pray because you feel like you're condemned and guilty and God doesn't hear you. When God is saying, speak to me, and you bought into his lies you think you haven't saved. You think your sin is overwhelming you? You think your security of your salvation is lost. You don't know who you are. You can't pray. You live like everybody else because you bought into the lies of the enemy that condemns you, that beats you up, and your lies affect your behavior and your behavior. God looks at us sometimes like we would look at this boy and say, what are you doing? And some of us have been manipulated by the lies of the enemy. It affects our behavior. He's stolen your praise. You have an identity and a call to give honor and glory to King Jesus. But it seldom comes out of you because you've been lied to and your behavior has been affected by it, and your destiny has been altered by it, because you haven't understood how to stand in the identity that God has given you. Come on, I'm talking to someone here today. Number three. Not only does identity speak to our worth, it defines our purpose. Number three. It gives us a sense of belonging. Verse ten says, once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. Once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. The blood of Jesus. The highest, most precious thing that could ever have been offered. Bought you. Cleansed you. You have been called son or daughter of the Most High God. The spirit of the living God has come inside of you and said, you are mine. You belong to this people. You belong to me. You are now a people. Listen, listen. This is one of the biggest lies of the enemy. In fact, some of you are struggling with it. Today you walked in this place and you felt like I'm not good enough. I don't measure up. I don't know how to worship like these. People know how to worship. I'm not as good as these people. If they only knew who I was, they would realize I don't belong here. And he says, you are a people that belongs to God. Once you had not received mercy, but now you've received the mercy of God. Romans chapter nine, verse 25 to 26 says, he said to Hosea, I call them my people who were not my people. And I called them my loved one who is not my loved one. And it will happen that in that very place where it is said to them, you are not my people that they will become, they will be called sons of the living God. You belong. Listen, I don't know what kind of family you came from. I don't know if your family rejected you. You may be adopted and wondering where your family is and who they were and why they sent you away. You may have an orphan spirit about you, that every group that you start to be a part of, you have insecurity and lies. You don't belong. They don't care. You'll never fit in. Some of you are plagued by the insecurity is no one accepts me. I'll never fit in. People judge me. I'll never be like them. Some of you cannot go to any place a school, a family gathering, a neighborhood and a church without feeling the spirit of an orphan that says to you, you'll never belong. If people know who you are, they will reject you. You are meant forever to live in isolation. And I want to tell you this that is a deep, powerful lie of the enemy, and I want to dispel that and declare over you that the. God says you are his people. You do belong to him.

Well, maybe today's message is inspiring you to go deeper in your study of the Book of First Peter. Let me invite you to go to our website, Bold Steps. Org and explore resources. You'll find a place there to share your bold testimony. There's a link where you can ask Mark a question on the left side of the page there. I have a question here I just saw for the first time today. Can I pose this to you? Come on. All right. Hi, pastor Jobe, thank you so much for following God and preaching meat like you do. We found Moody Radio a couple of years ago and listened daily in a lukewarm age. Moody is fire. We also donate to Moody. It's a ministry that teaches the uncompromising truth. Any who. This listener says. What are a few books you can recommend that we should get for a deeper study of the word?

Well, thank you for your words of encouragement. And that is exactly what we're trying to do on Moody Radio. Those of you that are believers, we're trying to help you grow in your walk with God. Those that are weak in their faith or don't have a faith trying to bring them in. So thank you. Yeah, that's a great question. Here's what I want to encourage you. First of all, Moody Publishers, that is a part of Moody Bible Institute. Been around for a long time, longer.

Than you and I, right.

And we have every year published just some extraordinary books. So I would encourage you to get on the website and check out the books that are coming out. They're relevant, they're Bible centered. They tackle a lot of different topics. You know, I'm an avid reader, so I'm always reading books on a whole variety of topics, areas I want to grow in. Now, right now, I'm reading a book called Before You Lose Your Faith, and it really tackles some of the deconstructionism that's happening in this generation, tackling some of the topics that a lot of college students. And I would say Gen Z millennials are struggling with. And so and we all.

Need to know how to answer those questions.

Absolutely. That's Gospel Coalition book. But also I'm reading another Moody Publishers book called Parting Words to the Church on Race and Love by John Perkins, who just an extraordinary long term pastor, heart reconciliation guy, just a godly man. And so those are two books that I'm reading right now. But I tell you what, if you're looking to go deep, one of my favorite authors, A.W. Tozer, anything that Tozer has, I would recommend that you get it because it'll challenge you. And you can.

Find most of his books there at Moody Publishers. The thing I like about Moody Publishers is that you get these classics like A.W. Tozer and also this current biblical thought, like the one you mentioned just earlier here. So yeah.

We have the classic, like you said, that were published, you know, sometimes 100 years ago. And then we have authors that are engaging cultural issues and Christianity today. So perfect. Great combination.

More at bold steps.org. Now let's get back into the second half of today's message with Mark Jobe.

Not only does identity speak to your worth, it defines your purpose. It gives us a sense of belonging. And lastly, it grants us the ability to say no or to live in integrity. Verse 11 says, dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world to abstain from sinful desires which are at war. One translation says in your soul. I urge you, as aliens and strangers. What's he saying? Let me tell you what an alien Is. No, I'm not talking about a green extraterrestrial. Being an alien is described as a person who has no rights or legal status in the place where they are not residents. Today, in today's society, we call them undocumented aliens or an undocumented individual. That's a person that is in a place or a country and doesn't have the paperwork that accompanies the status and the rights that they should have as someone living in that country. And then he says, not only that, but strangers. A stranger emphasizes the fact that this is someone that just passing through that that's not their residence. Listen, I want you to hear me well. God is saying to you that you belong to the family of God, but he's also telling you this you don't belong to this world, that you are an alien in the United States of America. Let me. I want you to hear me. Well, listen. You are a person that lives in this country, but your status and your paperwork is not from this country. You belong to another country. It's called the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven. And if you're not clear that this is not my culture, that I happen to live here, I happen to be here. But I'm not from here because I'm from another place. I speak differently. I have a culture that clashes with the culture that I live in. I have a destiny that's different. I don't set up my roots deep in this place because ultimately, I understand that I'm only temporarily in this place, but that place that I really belong to is the kingdom of heaven. My king really is not the president of this country, but King Jesus. I follow a different culture. I flow to a different rhythm. I speak differently, I walk differently. Why? I'm an alien in this world. Keep that in mind, by the way, when next political elections come about. Remember that you are, first of all, a kingdom, a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. In fact, he goes on and says, by the way, live such good lives among the pagans, who are the pagans? People that follow all kinds of different gods. Live such good lives among the pagans that though, although they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day that he visits us. Live such good lives in this world that you don't belong to. Live such good lives, such different lives in the neighborhood that you're in, at the workplace that you're at. Live such different lives in that place that although people accuse you of stuff. And by the way, how many of you know that the light will contrast with darkness? And just because your light, Some people are just not going to light you just because you're light. You don't have to preach, accuse, invite him to church just by the mere fact that you don't participate. Some people will view you as enemies. How many of you know what I'm talking about? Okay, everybody standing around the corner. Everybody's at lunch break behind the building. Everybody's doing it. And. Hey, bro, you want. Oh, no no no. Not me. Oh, oh not you. Oh, you're probably judging me right now. Oh, oh, you think you're better than me? No, I just said I don't want any. 0000, you. Oh, yeah, I get it. You're a Bible thumper. All right. Okay, I'm going to hell, right? No, I just said I don't want any. Oh, yeah, I know, I know, you're kind. You probably think I'm a demon possessed going. Yeah, yeah. Stay away from me, bro. I don't want to. Listen, all you said is no thank you, I hope you don't participate, because when you choose not to participate, you are simply saying, I don't care if everybody does it. I don't do it because I'm not of this world. My culture is different. My values are different. I have a king. His name is King Jesus, and I live according to the values of King Jesus. And sometimes, just by the mere fact that you don't participate, and that your light, it says that they will accuse you of doing wrong. And he says, but you keep living the way that God has called you to live, so that they may see your good deeds. And listen, I'm going to close on this because this is powerful and glorify God on the day that he visits us. Another translation says on the day of visitation. Now, there's a lot of scholars that have debated back and forth, and there's chapters written on what the day of visitation means. Some people believe it's like the final day, but most scholars don't believe that that's what the day of visitation is referring to, because it seems to have a positive connotation. What most scholars believe that this is referring to is that there are days in which the Spirit of God visits a people, and the blinders on, people's eyes are taken away from them, and they finally are opened and realize that these people that have been sharing the good news with them are actually right and good people, and they bow and repent and give themselves to Jesus. That's a day of visitation. Down through history there have been times of great visitation, where the Spirit of God has come upon communities and people and individuals and people's eyes have been opened and they realize, wow, I was persecuting the very people that were trying to bring me life. How many of you, how many of you, before you became a believer couldn't stand believers in your life? How many of you came against? Come on, don't be ashamed of it. Raise your hand. How many of you spoke against believers? Didn't understand believers cussed out believers. Come on, a lot of you. But there came a day when you understood the gospel where it became clear to you where your the blinders of your eyes came out and you realized that the people that you persecuted were actually the people that were trying to bring life to you. And you came and bowed your knee and you repented and you said, God forgive me, because now I understand. Thank you, Lord, for the people that sowed seeds into my life. Thank you that you are powerful and good. Every Sunday when I get up to preach, I preach. I pray that it be a day of visitation, that you will show up one day and realize, hey, God is here. He's alive. I've been fighting, resisting the very one who loves me and has a purpose and a plan for my life. I pray that it's a day of visitation, where you sense the presence of God and feel the power of God. I've had people that told me I walked into this place die hard, pagan, far from God, and I came to this place and I would just start to weep and cry. And I didn't know why. I have so many stories that people have told me. I would cry and weep and I didn't know why. And I tell you why. Why? Because it's a day of visitation. God is presence and you are a prodigal son or daughter far from God. And when you get close to daddy, you feel the heart of the father and you feel like I belong. I don't even know how to express it. I don't even know these people. And I'm weeping in this place. Not because of the people, not because our stained glass windows. Because we don't have any. But you're weeping because you feel the heartbeat of daddy close. You know, the heart of the father is here. You sense that you're home, that there's something powerful, a love that you've been wanting all of your life. That only God can give you. A belonging that your soul has longed for. A sense of security and wholeness. That no man or woman or job or nation can give to you. It's only God.

It's only God. And maybe you've been listening to this message, and you resonate with it, that your heart has been longing for the father, and it's the father that gives you your identity. And so I want to challenge you today. If you've been listening to this message and you say, pastor Mark, I am far from God, or I don't even know if I know God. And I've struggled with a purpose in life because purpose flows from identity. And so today, I want to challenge you. What are you waiting for? This is a time to align your life with God's purpose and plan for you. And it starts with the right relationship with God. And you say, well, I want that. I don't know how to go about that. Well, it's fairly simple, but deeply profound. It's simple because it's just about you admitting that you are broken, that you are far from God, that the Bible calls it sinful, and that the only way to get right with God the Father is through Jesus the Son and His sacrifice. And as you heard in this message, Jesus came to buy you. He. He paid a price for you. He died on a cross so that your sins could be forgiven so that you could be cleansed. And he was the perfect lamb of sacrifice. There's no one else that could do that to bring you to daddy, the father. And so today, if you say, pastor, I need to make that decision. I haven't made that decision. Whether you're parked in your car right now or in a kitchen or in a living room or in your bedroom listening to this, I want you to pause right now. Pause right now. If you sense that tug of God and pray with me. It's not a prayer that saves you, but it's the content of a decision that you make. It's the choice that you're making today to say, I surrender my life to God. So say, Dear God, I know that I'm far from you. I felt it in my heart that distance. I know it's because of sin in my own failure. Today I come to you and I ask that Jesus the Christ would wash me, forgive me, cleanse me. I choose to make Jesus the Lord of my life. I choose to follow him. Come, Holy Spirit, and make me a new person today. I surrender my life to Jesus. If you have prayed that prayer, if you are making that decision of surrendering your life to God through Jesus Christ and His lordship, then we want you to be able to take the next steps and grow in God. This is a life altering decision, but you have to plug into a church. You have to learn how to start growing reading your Bible. But it starts with a decision to say yes to the Lordship of Jesus. And when we have a couple of tools to help believers grow.

Indeed, you have a video at the website to see the next step video for yourself, simply go to Bold Steps org. Click on connect and then click on my next step in faith. Mark has a recorded message for you there, sharing about what it means to follow Jesus and what makes this relationship so powerful and profound. And if you're looking for ways to catch up on programs you may have missed, be sure to check out the Bold Steps app, download the Bold Steps podcast, or simply listen on our website once again. You'll find us at bird-stamps.org. Earlier in the program, we mentioned that we've got some bold resources available there, including our latest Bold Step gift this December. Give yourself or a loved one the gift of a stronger, more grounded faith with your copy of the New York Times best selling book, The Case for Christ. It offers a refreshingly honest, fact based approach to Christianity, making it an excellent gift for any skeptic or seeker. Using his skills as an award winning legal journalist, Lee Strobel investigates the claims about Jesus with the precision of a detective presenting the evidence for Jesus in a clear, compelling way. So get your copy of this transformative, bold step gift and spend Christmas strengthening the foundations of your faith or encouraging someone you know to do the same. We'll send you the case for Christ. When you donate to the Ministry of Bold Steps, just go online to Bold Steps. Org or pick up the phone and call us at 800 D.L. Moody. That's (800) 356-6639, or write to us at Bold steps. 820 North LaSalle Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 606 ten. Thanks for joining us today. I'm Wayne Shepherd, inviting you to come back again tomorrow. When Mark looks at a passage that has the potential to greatly affect your current relationship. Our message is called influencing your spouse, and you won't want to miss it. Be listening Thursday for more bold steps with Mark John. Bold steps is a production of Moody Radio, a ministry of Moody Bible Institute.

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe takes you on the path to freedom and authenticity in Christ. With cand 
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