How Your Life Can Make a Difference

Published Mar 21, 2025, 5:00 AM

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we're looking back at one of history's most inspiring examples of how a single life surrendered to God can change the world. Patrick's story is powerful because it shows us what can happen when one person says "yes" to God's call.  Here was a young man who could have stayed bitter about his past. He could have stayed safe in Britain after he escaped. But instead, he chose to go back to Ireland as a missionary to the very people who had enslaved him. That's exactly the kind of bold faith we need today. We're living in a time where the harvest is huge, but so many Christians are sitting on the sidelines.


This is Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. I'm Wayne Shepherd, and today we're looking back at one of history's most inspiring examples. Mark, of how a single life surrender to God can change the world. Most people know about Saint Patrick's Day, which we observed recently. The real story behind the holiday is pretty amazing, though, isn't it?

It really is, Wayne. And this is an amazing story, actually. Here's a young man who's kidnapped, enslaved, escapes, and feels God calling him back to witness and evangelize the very people that enslaved him. Love it. And really, his obedience and listening to God change an entire nation. And we don't believe that his story should be isolated. And our story may not change a nation, but our story can change families, communities, marriages, coworkers. And so we believe that everybody has a call upon their life they need to respond to.

I believe this will be a powerful discussions, so stay with us on bold steps. And welcome to a special Bold Steps edition with Mark Jobe. Mark is senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago and also president of Moody Bible Institute. You know, Mark, when we look at the story of someone like Saint Patrick of Ireland, it's remarkable to see how God took what seemed like a tragedy. You mentioned kidnapped at 16 years of age. And but it turned into something that would impact generations. It really speaks to a broader truth of who God is, doesn't it?

It does. Wayne and I wish that maybe you're one of those people that celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. Maybe you have Irish background, or maybe you just like to put green on and celebrate.


Um, and, you know, unfortunately, here in Chicago, I think Saint Patrick's Day has turned into a big time of partying and getting drunk and dressing.

Excessively, right? Yeah.

And here we actually dye the river green. But this guy was a very strong evangelist with the call of God upon his heart.

Let's not lose sight of that.

I'm drawn to people like what we call Saint Patrick because of the willingness to say, God, I will go to the hard places because I feel compelled, not because I want to, but because I feel compelled by your spirit to go to because your calling is more important than my desires. You know, I grew up in a family that made some tough decisions like this. You know, my parents were from northern Indiana. Grandfather grew up as a foreman in the steel mills, but my father and mother had never been out of the country, but felt this compelling desire to go to the mission field after they came to know Jesus.

That's the call of God.

It was the call of God. Yeah, I was six months old and they packed everything in barrels, got on a ship, moved to Costa Rica, then moved to Chile. After a few years there, they felt like we want to go to a place that has no evangelical churches, no Bible believing church. We want to go to places where people have not clearly heard the gospel. And so my father traveled around on a motorcycle through Spain with a couple of other guys. They found a city that had no evangelical churches of 130,000 people. And they said, this is where we're going to go. Met in a horse stable for five years. Now, in that city, there are hundreds and hundreds of believers, multiple churches, and my father is buried outside of that city.

And your mother still calls it home.

And my mother, who's 87, still lives in Spain. Amazing woman. So I feel deeply that sense that when God calls, we respond. You say, well, I don't think I'm going to go to Africa or Europe anytime soon. But I do believe that you have a calling upon your life, and it may be your relatives who they're not that sympathetic to your Christianity, but you know that you need to love them, or a neighbor, or a neighborhood, or a ministry, or your work partners that God is saying, you know, I've put you in this place. Not an easy place, a hard place, but you need to be bold and you need to be willing to risk for the gospel of Jesus.

That's the message today on bold Steps. And Mark, you gave a message recently that reinforces this message. Let's have our listeners listen to this.

We want to make a difference in this world. It doesn't just happen. We roll up our sleeves.

And we sow seeds. And the more you sow, the more you reap. The more you reap, the more seeds you have to sow even more. That's the way it works in the kingdom of God. And Jesus said, hey, raise your eyes. Look at the harvest. There's a lot of people out there that need God. A lot of people out there that need God. The problem is, there's not a lot of people willing to work at helping people encounter God. There's not a lot of workers. Jesus says the problem is not the harvest. The problem is, I can't find anybody to put a little work into this. I'm looking at the fields and hey, they're being spoiled. They're going to waste because I can't find anybody willing to roll up their sleeves and say, hey, God, use me. I'm willing to be used that this is not about a bad harvest. This is about people willing to roll up their sleeves and really work at what God has called them to do. Our neighborhoods are not going to change by themselves. They're going to change. When a people of God rises up and says, we're not waiting for the government to change Chicago, we're not blaming it on the school system. We're not blaming it on the police officers. We're not saying, alderman. What are you going to do about it? What's the alderman going to do about it? It's the people of God that have the power to change people's lives. It's the people of God that bring hope. And faith is the people of God that change marriages and children. We are a force for change. Too many churches are sitting back whining and complaining about when is someone else going to make a difference? And politicians are scratching their heads saying, we don't know how to make a difference. And I'm saying, why are we waiting? We are the people of God with power and strength. You say, well, pastor, they have the budget and all the money. That's right. You don't need a lot of money to make a big difference. How about it? So Jesus says, look up, raise your eyes. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

The fields are ripe unto harvest. Huh, Mark?

I believe it, And I do think that so many times as believers we think, I hope someone else solves the problem. But you know, Wayne, as you look at the history of Christianity, it's been believers that have stepped up. The school system that we have right now, the early schools across America were primarily started by Christians bringing education. A lot of the hospitals in this country were they have Christian names right now, and they have sort of Bible names, because the people that started them were believers that said, we need to bring health care to these areas that don't have health care. So I do believe that the church needs to recapture its heart, its vision, its mission to say, let's not wait around for other people to do it. We have a call. Let's step in and do it ourselves.

And when we pray for God's leading, very often we're expecting something dramatic. God, give me something big to do. You know, something that's going to make a huge impact when in fact, he wants us to be faithful in the little things along the way.

That's right. And by the way, let me say this. Most big impacts start very small. Yeah, we don't get these lightning bolts from heaven typically. It's usually small faithfulness that starts to have a snowball effect. And then years later, someone that's just been faithful to their call looks back and sees the tremendous impact. I think of a Sunday school teacher in Boston who wasn't a great orator, didn't have a huge Sunday school, Mr. Kimball, but he had a heart to be faithful with the teenagers that he had in Sunday school. And so one day, because of that heart of faithfulness, he visited a shoe store where a 17 year old boy was working, and he poured out his heart and the gospel. And this young boy in the back of the shoe store gave his life to Christ. Well, his name was D.L. Moody, and Kimball led him faithfully to the Lord. Little did he know that Kimball's faithfulness would have repercussions in D.L. Moody would go on to speak to 120 million people face to face in his life, and lead literally millions of people to Christ. But Kimball was simply being faithful to his call, and that's what we're talking about.

That's a great example. And I'm thinking of your own example, Mark, of that first little church that you took over as pastor in Chicago, and how it's grown into a network of churches throughout the whole Chicago area.

Yeah. And little did we know, I was 21 years old and stepped into this little church of 18 people in a really tough neighborhood, and God doesn't call us to do big things. He calls us to be faithful to a big God that does big things.

Well, that's a great start, Mark, but we're going to continue this special edition of Bold Steps. So I invite everyone to stay with us now. Well, before we continue our discussion on this special edition of Bold Steps, we want to tell you about a powerful resource that is especially relevant to anyone who's feeling a little overwhelmed by the chaos of our times. Mark, can we talk about this?

Yeah, I love this resource, by the way, and I've spoken on a couple of occasions to the author. His name is Mark Sayers, lives in Australia.

Does he? I didn't know.

That. Yeah, and just a great guy, a really sharp thinker on culture and what God is doing. And the book is called A Non-anxious presence. I love the title of the book because Mark makes a compelling argument that what the world needs today is Christians that don't get sucked into the anxiety of the rest of the world. But when we are a non-anxious presence full of hope that that is the beginning point to begin to change our world.

The title makes you think, doesn't it?

Yeah. He subtitles it, by the way, how a changing and complex world will create a remnant of renewed Christian leaders.

Now, this resource couldn't be more timely. God is moving in powerful ways, even through circumstances that may seem chaotic. Learn to recognize divine opportunities in the midst of disruption, and lead others with wisdom and hope. By requesting your copy of a Non-anxious presence, we'll send it to you with your gift of any size. To support bold steps, you can easily donate through a number of ways by going online to Bold Steps. Org or calling us at 800 D.L. Moody. That's (800) 356-6639 or even sending a check in the mail. Just address your envelope to bold steps. 820 North LaSalle Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 606 ten. And welcome back to the special edition of Bold Steps with our speaker, Mark Jobe and Wayne Shepherd. Now, Mark was seen such amazing growth in this ministry just recently. We're excited to welcome new listeners from major stations like K Wave and Southern California. Uh, let's see, there's Kcby in Dallas, Historic Christian Station there, Edgewater, Florida, Wcto. And you've got some that you're thinking of, too.

Yeah, I'm thinking of the bridge that this is just recent last month or so, and that broadcast through all of New York City from new Jersey. And I tell you what, we God is just opening some incredible doors internationally as well. We get, uh, contacts from people that are listening, not just through, uh, terrestrial radio, but also through the internet. And so we get from all kinds of countries around the world, hey, I listen to Bold Steps on a regular basis, and I say, do we have a station there or they're just listening.

To the radio.

App, which is amazing.

Well, and I know we can't cover them all, but we're so grateful for each and every one. There's Faith radio Minneapolis reaching the Upper Midwest and so many of our great partners who carry bold steps. So thank you to our stations. Maybe our listeners can say thank you to those stations as well. That would be a real help to us. Absolutely. Okay. Well, we're talking about a very special lesson here today that we learned from the life of Patrick of Ireland how one person's obedience can multiply. Mark.

Yeah. As we think of Patrick, we just recently celebrated Saint Patrick's Day. But as we think of his impact, we're inspired to challenge all of our listeners to remember you have a call on your life, and our calls look different, our gifting is different, but we're all called. There's so many stories that come to my mind and so many people that I know that have been launched out from Moody Bible Institute. So many testimonies, but I'm always amazed how people simply say, God, I'm probably not qualified. I probably don't have what's necessary, but I simply want to say I'm available and I'm surrendered. And usually God takes that sort of spirit and attitude and he's able to multiply it. He's able to compound it with his power, and his spirit is able to do some incredible things.

Yeah. Mark, I've been in radio for many, many years, and I often have people say, how do I get to do what you do? Little do they realize you've got to start with the small things. I mean, start at your church and volunteer to narrate scripture in your church or something.

Yeah, even as I think of my own journey and story, I think of things that we started very, very small, just out of a sense of call. For example, 20 years ago I was driving down Kedzie Avenue, which is a street in Chicago, and I was doing visitation with two other people in the car, and I saw a teenager that looked familiar. And when I looked closer, I realized, hey, that's a teenager that I haven't seen in church for a long time. So as a good pastor, I stopped the car. I got out of the car and I yelled, hey, hey! And I started chasing after him. There he was. And he said, oh, pastor, I didn't know it was you. And his name was Freddie. I said, Freddie, where've you been? He's 16 years old. He had his leg bandaged up because he'd been shot in the leg. Gang activity. The kids he was hanging out with were gang affiliated. And so I talked to Freddie, prayed with him. But when I walked out of there, I thought we got to do more for kids like Freddie. I said, when I get a chance, we're going to open up a center for youth like Freddie that need more help. And so it was a couple of years later, we didn't have a budget, but we're going to open up new life centers. We had little resources. 20 years later, New Life Centers has almost 300 people on staff working throughout Chicago in so many places with, you know, 1500 youth a week being mentored. We didn't have all the resources. We just said, Lord, here's a burden. Let's start small and see what you do. And so I want to challenge you. You may have a burden, but not a master plan. The resources or even the gifts that you think you need. And I want to say it starts with a burden and a heart that says, here I am, Lord, use me and watch what God does.

Mark, thanks for that great challenge. I think that's so encouraging for listeners who maybe feel like their contribution doesn't matter. Every great movement of God started with individual people simply saying yes to whatever he put in front of them. That's such an important lesson. You know, maybe right now you are looking for new ways to start living on mission right where you are with what you have. And perhaps one of the ways is to become more than just a listener of bold steps and actually become part of this ministry. You can sign up as a bold partner. Through your monthly support, you'll be putting money directly to use for the advancement of the gospel, expanding your own ministry impact beyond borders and across the world. Plus, let me say that when you give a gift a monthly gift of $30 or more, you'll also receive a number of personal benefits as well, including discounts on moody publisher items, their special bonus content from Mark, and much more. So becoming a bold partner is quick and easy when you go to bold steps. Org Mark. It's just such a a wonderful thing to partner with listeners.

It really is. And we just want to say we're blown away by the open doors that God has given us. I'm touched deeply by some of the gifts that people give. Like, we sometimes will get gifts from prisoners that are serving sentences in prison and just say, you know, I don't have a job, I don't have much. But you've touched my heart and I want to give. And I'm like, oh man, that touches my heart. I have a list in front of me of people that are giving from all over the country, like Robert, who's in Belchertown, Massachusetts. We have Sasha in Chicago, Robert in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Vance from Akron, Ohio, Ray from Painesville, Ohio, Angel from sunrise, Florida, Brenda from surprise, Arizona. Robert from Athens, Tennessee. Francis from Columbia, South Carolina. Sabrina from Hampshire, Illinois.

They're from all over the place.

They're from all over the place. And I just want to say thank you from the bottom of our heart for just your support of this ministry, because some of you are giving for people that can't give. And when we hear people from certain parts of Africa that I know wouldn't be able to give much, but that Muslim youth, that his family is against him. But he came to Christ listening to bold steps secretly that touches my heart, or that prisoner that says, I came to know Jesus. Because of this program, I don't have much to give. And I say, hey, this is worth it.

We work hard to make this more than a one way conversation. We love hearing from listeners, so contact us today through our website Bold Steps. Org. Sometimes you have a question for Mark and that's okay too. Here's a question that comes from a listener. Mark. It came on our recorded line, which I'll tell you how to use this option for your own questions in just a moment. But here's what this caller had to say.

Hi there. I'm listening to today's broadcast and I am a very devout Catholic Christian. He brought up the topic of idolization specifically like replicating Jesus and bowing down to some type of sculpture. I was questioned once for wearing a cross around my neck and was told that that is a form of idolization just as much as the Christians and the Catholics wear crosses and rosaries. But you know, I know it's a representation. I'm not idolizing that actual piece of material, but others are interpreting us wearing that as such. And just curious his thoughts on this topic. Thank you.

That's a great question. Thank you for asking that. By the way, I grew up in Spain, where over 90% was Catholic, so I grew up with just tons of Catholic friends and know that culture very well. I would say this. That's a good question. The Bible does speak specifically about not making any image in the form of God, because we would be tempted to start to pray to it and idolize it. And so the Bible is very strong about not making images that we would associate anything divine with. However, symbols are different and I don't have any problem with the person that has a cross symbol. The early believers had a fish symbol, and the cross is. It's a representation of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus of Christianity. Now, as long as people aren't praying to that cross, touching it in a magical way, thinking that it has some sort of special magical power, I have no problem with people wearing crosses. I have more of an issue if the cross has the image of Jesus. I prefer a plain cross because it's a symbol of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, not an image of Jesus himself. And so if you are wearing a plain cross to remind you of what Jesus has done, or if you have a cross in your house, I have no problem with that. Churches have crosses on steeples and so don't feel guilty over that. Just make sure you don't pray to that cross, worship that cross, or in any way idolize that cross.

Good question and good answer. Thank you Mark. And if you have a question you'd like to hear, Mark answer, let me tell you how to reach us. You can give us a call and leave your message on a recorded line by dialing 312329 2011. That's (312) 329-2011. You can also leave that message online through our website. Bold steps. Org or use the old fashioned mail if you'd like, and write to us at Bold steps. 820 North LaSalle Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 606 ten. And let me also say that we are committed to praying for our listeners. Mark. As a matter of fact, we do this often as a staff behind the scenes and sometimes on the radio. But every prayer request is read that we receive.

It is. And I just want to say thank you for entrusting us with some of your burdens. Um, we do know that there is a lot of difficult situations out there. And I just if you're in a tough situation financial health wise in a marriage that's difficult or any other, we just want to say that you're not alone. And we want to encourage you to know that the God of the universe sees you and cares for you. And so our heart goes out. We're praying for people like Rachel, who's dealing with healthy boundaries with their family, or Christy, who's battling some struggle with depression, anxiety. Elizabeth, who is praying for her husband to really be touched of God and turn around an angel who's praying for his church to get on target together. We're praying for some of you, like Concepcion, that's praying for a lot of her family that needs to come to know Jesus. So many, so many prayer requests. I want to pause right now and just pray. But I want you to know that we read through these. We pray for these. I want to remind you not to give up, because the God of the universe hears you when you pray in Jesus name, empowered by the spirit. Father, we pray for those that are struggling with depression, anxiety, emotional challenges. We pray for those that are have loved, ones that are battling with cancer, those that are in marriages that seem to be falling apart, those that have prodigal sons and daughters that really burden them, uh, those that have aging parents that are struggling, those that are between jobs right now and finances are tight, those that are struggling with their faith right now and just trying to regain healthy spirituality. You see the prayer request, father, we lift them before you. We thank you, God, that you are the God that cares, the God that sees. The God that responds to our prayers. And when we turn to you and seek you with all our heart. And so we pray that you would move powerfully the way that only you know how to do in these lives and in these families and these situations. And we ask this and praise you in Jesus name. Amen.

Amen. Thank you, Mark. And by the way, there's an email address you can use to send us your prayer requests. It's bold bold Well thank you Mark. I trust this special edition of Bold Steps has been a blessing to many of our listeners. And we'll do this again real soon on a special occasion.

Okay, absolutely. It's been fun and I hope you've enjoyed this special edition. Not the preaching program, but what we try to do is take a topic that maybe you've asked about or our listeners are interested in, and just talk a little bit more in depth about it. It's been fun to do.

Wayne, hope you have a great weekend. We'll see you next time on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. Bold steps is a production of Moody Radio, a ministry of Moody Bible Institute.

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe

Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe takes you on the path to freedom and authenticity in Christ. With cand 
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