School Principal Cornelius Green arrives at the Amtrak train station in St. Louis after spending a few days in Chicago. Leaving the train station Green goes to straight to the apartment of his girlfriend, 3rd grade school teacher, Jocelyn Peters. Arriving at her apartment Green finds Peters, who is 7-months pregnant, in bed. He immediately calls 911 and tells them his girlfriend has been shot in the head, send help now! Jocelyn Peters is pronounced dead on the scene and the investigation begins with the person who found her, Cornelius Green. Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack will break down the story that leads to stolen school funds, a hitman, and a potato gun silencer, on this episode of Body Bags.
Transcript Highlights
00:00:57 Joe talks about the impact of 3rd grade teacher
00:03:12 Discussion of victim
00:08:54 Discussion of Green sending money to Cutler
00:11:23 Talk about alibi set up by Green taking train to Chicago
00:14:20 Discussion about finding pregnant woman shot in the head
00:16:02 Talk about investigation, alibi
00:19:50 Talk about no sign of forced entry
00:23:18 Discussion of “potato silencer”
00:28:12 Talking about objects changing trajectory
00:32:30 Discussion of Federal and State charges
00:36:29 Discuss Phillip Cutler in court