This is an update to the story of Madeline Soto and her heartbreaking death, allegedly at the hands of her mother's boyfriend. A cause of death has been released but not the autopsy report due to the victim's age and it is a case of domestic violence. Joseph Scott Morgan pours through investigators reports to shed new light on what happened to Madeline Soto in the time before she was murdered as well as the days before her body was found.
00:00 Introduction, life of Madeline Soto
04:54 Madeline made to sleep with mom's boyfriend
10:24 No Autopsy toxicology record available
14:15 Cause of Death; strangulation
18:28 Comparing injuries to neck
23:46 Suspect called "Master Manipulator", grooming
27:36 Madeline's body was tossed over fence
31:51 Conclusion