Best Bits of the Week

Published Mar 8, 2025, 2:00 PM

Morgan shares the top 7 segments from the Bobby Bones Show this week! 

It's the best Bit of the week.

With Morgan Kill, She's breaking down the top seven segments from the Bobby Bone Show this week.

Welcome to the Best Bits.

If you're catching up on the Bobby Bone Show, you've made it to the right place. This is part two of this weekend's podcast. Part one and part three.

This weekend is with Lunchbox.

We catch all up on life in part one and Lunchbox being a coach, plus how our humor is very, very different from each other's in part three. We always answer a listener question, so I encourage you to check both of those out, especially if you're a big Lunchbox fan. And I think you'll really like it if you've never listened to it before, and I could totally be wrong, never know, But the reason you are here is to catch up on the show, so let's do that. Here we are, but the top seven segments from the show this week. Bobby helped out listener Kylie. She had called into the show to share that she had unfortunately lost her father recently to cancer and she wanted to ice skate in a Skate to Eliminate Cancer event with Scott Hamill, but to do so, she needed to raise a little bit more money. So something super exciting happened when she was on the phone with Bobby and we are all rooting for Kylie to take first place so she can skate in honor at her.

Father Number seven.

I want to go over and talk to Kylie, who is ten years old. Hey, Kylie, how are you good?

How are you?

I'm doing pretty good, so tell me what's up.

I'm ten years old and my father just walked his two year battle with melanoma last this Saturday.

I'm sorry to hear that, but now I.

Have the chance to skate in my dad's honor at Scott Hamilton Skate to Eliminate Cancer event in Orlando, Florida on March sixteenth.

Okay, so what do you have to do when you say you have the chance? What does that mean?

So I have to be in the top eight for donations to be able to skate, and I'm from the top donated. I get a special like shout out sort of thing.

They'll do a special recognition at the event and tell her story.

Basically, yeah, okay, got it. First of all, can you skate?

Yes, I've been skating since I was about six years old, Since January twenty twenty one.

Okay, well again, I'd like to say, I'm very sorry to hear about your dad. I am very happy to hear how passionate you are to do this. So how can I help you?

I just need about five hundred dollars worth of donation to get up to first place. I'm in second currently.

So are you telling me? And your mom's there with you? Yes, yeah, him mom? What's your name?


Jennifer. So if she gets five hundred more dollars, are you sure this is what's going to happen? Like she's going to be able to do that.

She has until March nineteenth to collect donations. March fifteenth, Yeah, March fifteenth. She has until March fifteenth to collect donations to be in first place. So if we get her to first place, there's always a chance that the other little girl could you know, raise some more money to get herself back into first place. But it's pretty is a pretty good shot. I think if we get another five hundred dollars that she could.

The girl has been at three ten for a while now.

Okay, so here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to give you five hundred bucks for this. Now I need whatever link it is. I'm not sure. Maybe we can get the link from if you'll I'm.

Gonna email it to Abby once we're off the phone.

We can also post it and see if any of our listeners will hop in. But I will go five hundred in immediately and then do me this favor. If you start to lose again, let us know because I'll put more money in.

Okay, Okay, that's amazing. Okay, wow, Bobby, thank you so much.

So the final day is for sure the fifteenth, because yeah, we'll like that's we can keep monitoring it and then we.

Know, well, I'll forget monitoring. They have to call us back. If you lose, you call us back because here's the thing. I like. Listen, I grew up with no money. Now I have money, so I like to help as many people as I possibly can. But also I'm wildly competitive and anody. I don't even know who you're competing against, and I know my brain's not right, but I'm like, you must win, like yes, like yes, like I'm with Kylie. We're here, we're gonna we're gonna win this thing. So please keep us updated. Send the link. I'm happy to pay it. I hope you get to do this. I'm very sorry about your dad. I'm super pumped for you to be able to do this and share his story and and go out and do this for him. So uh yeah, let us be let us be part of the team.

Okay, thank you, awesome, thank you.

And you guys. Where do you guys live.

We're in Tampa, Florida.

Love it my favorite of all the Tampa's.

And so I tell you what too, Bobby. I'll when she performs, I will, I'll video it and I'll email it so that you guys can see her skates.

What would be funny is if she's never skated and she's like, I would like to go skate from it, but she has for years.

She's been skating competitively for about three years now.

So I'm actually currently working on my axle.

No way, that's awesome. I try to axle one to fell down. I try to single axel fell down. Okay, you guys, stay on hold. I want to get your information, and in the next couple of hours, I will load and I'll pay this money, and then you let us know if you're starting to get beat by somebody else. Okay, Okay, sounds like a plan. Thank I'm going to say bye, but don't hang up.


It's the best bits of the week with Morgan number.

Two, there's been lots of easter eggs when it comes to Amy's dating.

She's shared tidbits here and there.

Well, ray Mundo believes that he predicted her dating way before anybody else. He had sent an email off that also proves the timestamp of everything.

So you're going to hear the moment.

Ray Mundo claimed he knew Amy was dating someone, and then we kind of get some stories of Amy's dating passed in the twenty twenty four year Number.

Six Raymondo, who is our audio producer, he says, he predicted something, but you didn't predict it to the room like he didn't say it. It was in my show prep Okay, so I got it and decided not to read it because I felt like it was sensitive. Correct. And this is not January a month like a month and a week ago. This is a year ago. This is twenty twenty four, January seventeenth, at ten thirty six am. Okay, Raymondo The Psychic Nostra Raymondo hit it, Raymondo, give us some psychic music.

I sent an email to you and I said, Amy is for sure dating a dude. She's watching movies about gladiator racing. That's not typically stuff she watches. She has to have a boyfriend.

And I probably did not read it because I felt like at the time, if true, Amy did not want to talk about it. Amy was Raymundo correct a year and a month ago.

I mean, there was somebody that I was hanging out with, but he was not my boyfriend.

Oh different dude, Yeah, he's not mobile friend. Oh got it. So Raymundo was right that. Yes, if I'm being honest, I picked up on it too.


Yeah, I think we all did.

Yeah yeah, yeah, And you know what, Amy.

Washing, it's more than that, and we don't want us to say it more than that. I know it was a thing. Yeah, it was big other.

Things, I know, but it's not like what y'all are. I know what y'all are thinking with that, And it's not what you're thinking.

No, it is, it is.

It is.

Okay, it doesn't matter totally.

It doesn't matter because it's not your boyfriend.


No, but my boyfriend now knows about that.

Oh yeah, well you can tat other people who cares. Okay, Yeah, I know it's not illegal. Yeah, it's not illegal to have a boyfriend or a guy you're dating before a boyfriend.

I know, I know.

We never even talked about it as a group. That's so no, But I think all of us could look at each other in the eyes and go mmmm, because we were saying a little something. Yeah, I'll leave it there, RAYMONDA. I think you're right though.

No, it's okay, it's okay. Thank you for Wait.

Why did you have to tell your current boyfriend about a guy you hung out with before?

I didn't have to tell him. I think we were just talking about relationships post divorce, like for me, and I was sharing kind of how I was dipping my toes in and then what it looked like even trying hinge and meeting people through friends, and I think it just came up.

I'd like to say something about it. I'm not going to go ahead. Are you sure?


I care? Do I have full permission?


Well I think so dude was like twelve, Yeah, yeah, I.

Never got a good look.

He was younger.

Can I say, well you're twelve?


No, but he was.

I thought Amy had hired like a poll boy that like, oh yeah, but like that Stella got her roove back. Huh yeah.

How old he was younger than me?

How old? You don't have to you do not have to answer anything.

He wasn't twelve.

I'm just saying he was twelve.

Listen, I think that there's you go through Like. I had multiple people around me being like, even including my ex husband that was like, Amy, what are you doing? No, it's a face and I said nothing, I'm not doing anything, Like we're just friends.

Well that's not true though, Well we.

Were though when I said that, Okay, okay, so because we were yeah just yeah.

Are you like Leo she's a DiCaprio.

No, but he was. I struggled with it. I even said it to him at one point. I was like, you know that I'm in forty something to forrest mom of two.

And he was like, but I graduate high school next week. And I know Raymond, No, you got it right. We have all I thought, but didn't say.

They didn't even prep it really none.

It was the only one. But I think, let me just stop, you think what let me just stop? I'm having like I.

Don't know what you know because your wife knew everyone.

My wife doesn't tell me anything. Okay, like that my wife knows. I don't want to hear anything. It's not about you, okay.

And Morgan knows everything he does?

Can talk?

Can I say one other thing?

I don't know?

Do you know how? We probably all knew? I know how.

Oh, but here's the thing, you know, this is the embarrassing. This is the embarrasing part.

And I say how we all knew?

I mean, you can say yeah, but it's this is the part where I'm like, it's not what y'all are totally thinking in those in the case that.

We don't even about to say.

I kind of do Amy.

Do you know we see him driving a car every day dropping her off the words, and I thought he didn't have a car, and then he was using He didn't using. I don't think he was using.

He didn't and he's he would actually come to my house early pick me up like it was it was.

What did he have a car to pick you up? Her car?

My car he would take?

How would he pick you up? But how would you get to your house?

Because then he would come he knew the kids like he would.

How would he physically get to your house?

I mean his brother drop him off.

Gosh, he was getting his license real sin, right, and.

Then he would take my car. He would go to his brother's house. He in the night and they could come back and wat yes, because he needed a car to do something. He was trying to get work.

I think I'm trying to phase you needed to go through. I do think that's a that's a no more right now more he would I would see, Ay, that's a nice car, and I'd be like, who's the like kid driving Amy's car? And then about the fifth time he dropped rop, I would just keep my head down, act like I didn't see anything I.

Know, And I was like, why is Mobby putting his head down?

My business?

My business for I know? But when you were if you wanted to tell me, you would have told me. And my wife doesn't tell me anything. If like, my wife flocks secrets down for people, and I'm like, I'm your husband, we should have a rule, shoul tell me everybody's secrets. And she's like, one no, and two you don't want to know, Like she knows what I'm like interested in, And you would have told me. Yeah, it's funny, but so he was younger. How is your new boyfriend younger?

He's older, So he's fifty two.

Does he have a car?


He does.

Yes, Yeah, he's a CEO.

And very flex out of nowhere. Wow, she went from unemployed to ceo. Wow.

I know, I well, I just I grew up a little bit.

I know you went through your phases. You needed to do that.

I'm mature.

Yes, okay, there you have it. Hey man, dude, I was like that kid. Don't have OURNT bit here Like.

I'm just glad we finally talked about it.

I know, because we never as a group, but you not here talk about it because we don't do that.

That's hard that y'all would maybe have forgotten about it.

We'll never You can barely see the top of his head. It's like one of those twelve year old just steals a car.

It's the best bits of the week with Morgan number two.

There's not a single adult out there who ever likes to have car problems. Well, Bobby and Eddie both now have car situation. So something happened to Bobby's car while he's at the million dollars show and Eddie almost hit a pedestrian, So some car drama, but also, man, I'm just thinking about the times I've had to mess with my car and we My car died the other day and I had to switch to the battery out and it sucks. So car problems not the most fun thing to do as an adult.

Number five wanted a way today because I wanted to not be emotional about this, not that I was that emotional. But we had our show at the Rhyme and Auditorium. We raised a bunch of money percent Jude, it was awesome. Nobody told me to the end of the show, but I could tell bad news was coming. And so as the show ended, I'm back in the dressing room and I saw like three people walk up slowly and I just knew something wasn't good. And they said, hey, man, it was really windy. They said there was a truck that had a propane tank on it and it blew the propane tank off the truck and smashed into your car. I was parked at the Rhyman.

Is this for real? Yeah, this is for real right now, Yeah, this really happened your car.

Tim had to tell me because I know Tim mar security guy has been with me for a decade. He doesn't. He doesn't screw around, like if we're like, he didn't screw around and he had. They made him tell me because they thought I would think it was a joke.

Yeah, like right now I'm thinking it's a joke.

Me too. But Tim told me and I was like really, and he goes, it's me really. So a propane tank blew off of a truck that was and smashed the side of the of my car.

So what what does that mean?

What do you do?

I think you would call insurance and you have to fix it.

Were you able to drive the car home?

Yeah? Oh I was able to drive the car, but I mean hit the sock. It just sucks. I'm glad they didn't tell me. Show stop the show, stop the show.

I mean, because what are the odds?

How weird that a pro paint tank blows off a truck, one of it, so Wendy and just smash the side of my car. So yeah, that was that was it. It's it's sun comes up tomorrow and it'll be fine. It's just kind of annoying, but like anything else, it's annoying, but sun comes up tomorrow. The end now, Eddie almost killed somebody in the parking garage. That's what I heard.

That's one Morgan did you have talking about it?


So I walked into work the other day and all I hear is Scuba and Eddie, and Eddie's like, yeah, I almost hit her. And I was like, put the I'm like, I'm gonna need more.

Context or like don't worry about it. And I'm like, okay, I'm.

Just gonna assume this means he almost hit somebody in our parking garage instead of something worse.

It was bizarre, dude, like crazy, I'm going up the parking garage right, I'm making a turn.

And going fast.

Nope, okay, no, I'm not going fast. And somebody comes out of like the stairwell door. They walk out, and they make their way along where all the cars are parked. I see her, so I slow down, but she obviously doesn't see me, hear me, or anything, because she slowly starts walking towards the middle of where all the cars are driving. And I'm right next to her and she didn't see me.

So she you're in a jeep exactly, headphones on.

I didn't see headphones. I didn't see anything. But it's almost like she ran into me. And then all of a sudden she realizes, whoa, there's a car here and throws her hands up, like, what you almost hit me?


Then she thought it was your fault.

Yes, And I was like, and I looked at her, mix was your fault?

Wake at me?

If it was your fault, It was not my fault, I promise, And I thank god Scuba was behind me. He saw the whole thing.

Scooba, what did you see? Ay? Maybe Scuba story is not the same, it's somewhat the same. Yeah.

It was kind of baffling that here's my truck. I'm blaring like old school hip hop. It's so loud. Cars are coming. Eddie's jeep sounds like it's really loud. It was kind of baffling that she was walking and she almost kind of like, instead of walking away on the wall, she faded a little bit to the right. But Eddie stopped, and I guess I would have handed a little different. I would stop him, but went to hey, I'm coming, but he just started like slowly scooting by her. Chicken, Yeah, exactly, exactly playing chicken or like trying to like get behind my and it was just so weird. She was like a magnet. She like got towards your car, almost walked right into it.

It was Did he almost hit her for real? Like it would have almost hit her? Yeah, because she was walking into it.

I don't know if she's trying to like create some sort of insurance like all over something. That's what it felt like.

Then she stood there and I'm behind her, and she stood there for a solid fifteen seconds, and I'm like, if she doesn't move, I'm going to hit her because I want her out of my way.

I gotta get to work. So what ended up happening here?

She stood there for about ten seconds with her arms up, like you almost killed me and I just drove off.

Was she blocking you a little bit for a while with her arms up?

No? I didn't, dude. I never stopped. He was already gone. He kept moving, That's what Scuba was saying. I never stopped, So she almost just went into me and then realized there's a car right next.

And that's why I think he maybe should have stopped to like maybe like make sort of eye contact or something like here I come. But he just started like scooting by her and it was just off moment of her coming closer to him and he's driving by her.

Here's why I'm happy about this story. It did not evolve Amy. Yeah, it did not. Amy wasn't doing one hundred miles an hour and that thing she didn't get hit she did. I love a good story that doesn't evolve Amy in the parking garage.

It's the best bits of the week with Morgan. Number two.

Every day on the Bobby bone Show, we do the bonehead Story of the Day with Lunchbox and he shares some boneheads who do some very boneheady things. But the reality is we're all boneheads. We've all done things that we're not super proud of or we're just like, gosh, why did.

I do that?

And you know, you hit your head in protest against what you did. But that's kind of what this segment was for. We all are boneheads, so we admitted it. It's a personal bonehead story from each of us, vulnerable moment, if you will, so try not to make one of us too hard.

Number four.

Every show we do the bonehead Story of the day, but Amy's going to start us off. We're all going to do our personal bonehead first.

Yeah, So I kept hearing birds chirping from my chimney. And so I've got a fireplace and I've got you know, TV up there, and sometimes I build a fire and I'm really concerned because I don't want these birds to get stuck in there. I don't want them to die. So I called a chimney company to come and figure out what's going on with thereat right, So they come and they look at it and they're like, there's no birds in here, and I'm like, but I am hearing chirping. But of course they weren't really chirping when the chimney people were there and they looked all up and there were good So don't you.

Hate that your car's broken? You take it. It doesn't make the noise.

So then they leave, and then later in the evening I hear the birds again. I even hear some like wind blowing trees, like the leaves rustling. And then I look at the TV and it's on the screen saver. So sometimes the TV's just you can see all the apps and whatnot. But then when it's idling, it goes to whatever I've saved it as, which is a nature scene now there's no birds on the screen, so that's where it kind of gets confusing. But it does have nature attached to it, and I realized, my goodness, see birds chirping in the wind. It's coming from the nature sounds on my screensaver on my TV.

You called the company out.

I called them to come out. Of course, I haven't called them to tell them this update, nor.

Would I just check out.

Yeah, but they're like, no, ma'am, you're all clear, and I'm like, okay, I guess I don't hear them, so maybe they went away. And then later that night I was like, oh my gosh, and my son's like, yeah, Mom, duh.

Yeah, that's your bonehead story of the day. I'll go next. I've been really trying to limit my ordering of like uber eats or DoorDash because it's just they charged so much more for the delivery and the tip. And so the other night I was kind of in a pinch, and so I had order like some soup and a sandwich and ordered a little chocol chip cookie got all this in it. It was like forty eight bucks. So I pushed it with and then it says your food has arrived, and so I go out to get my food and there's literally one little, one little bag. I mean, it's as big if I were to take my thumb and forefinger and make it as long as I possibly can in the bag is that big? It's small, And I'm like, where's all my food? Like did someone steal my food? And then I looked and I actually didn't click on anything but the cookie. So I ordered only a cookie and made them pick it up at the store and or uber eated a cookie, one single small cookie all the way to my house for the small cookie with tip, and it was seventeen dollars.

Oh my god.

And I didn't have dinner because I ordered one cookie that I didn't mean to order one. I meant to order a whole thing of food. I don't know why I didn't push the rest of it. One cookie is all that came, and I just felt stupid. I tipped a guy, but I'm just picturing him going this person ordered one tiny cookie.

They're like, what is the world coming to you? Yes, yeah, I cannot believe I'm delivering this one cookie. Oh my, that's probably interesting. Some of those drivers like what they've had to deliver to some people. Sometimes one cookie.

There was one good one.

It wasn't even a big cookie.

They probably go home that night and they're like, you're never going to guess what I had to deliver.

I want cookie, one nail, a wafer.

One cookie. He paid seventeen dollars.

Oh my goodness. So that's I'm the bonehead there, lunchbox.

Yeah, my son's birthday. We're having the party March second. Had the place invitations said on everything. We're sitting at the house February twenty second. I get a call from the trampoline park and they're like, sorry, we just want to make sure you're still coming today for the birthday party. You're thirty minutes late. I booked the venue for the wrong day. It was supposed to be March second. I booked it for February twenty second. The invitation said March second. Luckily they were like, oh yeah, we'll just move you.

To March second. Sorry about that. How'd you get that?


I figured out how I did mine wrong. I think I unclicked everything accidentally. How did you do that wrong? I just think my wife said second, you know what I mean? She said the second?

And so I called a place and they said, oh, we have the twenty second available. I said, yeah, that's what we want, the twenty second. I just got it lost in translate. I don't know, but I booked the twenty second and I had no idea because I'm sitting there on the couch when the phone rings and I'm like hello, and they're like, yeah, sorry, you still coming for the birthday party.

I was like, yeah, we'll be there next Saturday. No, you're supposed to be here today.

My fault.

Did they make you pay any sort of no fee, no nothing. They were just like, oh, yeah, I'll just put you on the schedule for next weekend, Eddie.

Yeah. So lately we've been having this solicitation problem in our neighborhood. You know, people just selling things door to door. No, no, no, no, solicitor out of there, got it, go ahead. So I was driving into my neighborhood and I saw this on the Facebook page and I see one of the guys and I'm like, I would never do this, but something told me, now's your chance to tell him, like, get out of here.

So I pull over.

He's in someone's driveway. He's got all his little papers and everything in his hands, got Khaki's on. I say, hey, man, we're really not doing solicitors here, like we don't do door to doors in this neighborhood. And he goes, I live here. Oh no, no no, but he did say, you know what, I appreciate you doing that because it is a problem.

I mean, you could just say just kidding out and want to meet you. I thought I'd just be a little funny.

And the next thing all this, do you have one?


So I got something in the mail from Tennessee government and right on the paper it said do now.

And I open this up.

I'm panicking. It's for my homeowners association. It's five hundred dollars.

I was like, that's strange. Normally this is like twenty bucks a year.

But I'm sitting there it says do now, bright red letters, and I'm going on the website. I'm like, Okay, I guess I have to pay it. I guess the fees really went up this year. And I'm all the way through. I'm on the last one where I'm about to submit five hundred dollars to this. I go, you know, this just feels a little weird. I'm gonna call my mom and just Verify, call her. She goes, let me google this quick Google search.

It was a scam.

Oh oh wow, good it was for you, So cool stopping you got far Good for you for stopping. Oh that's a scam. Hey, right, scam alert, scam alert, scammel Gert, It's okay, what are we looking for?

So it looks like you would pay these dues to this place.

But the reason the government can't shut it down is because technically they.

Are providing a service, Gary scam.

Apparently they're helping you file your reports, but they're charging you four hundred and fifty dollars to do it instead of just you filing online.

So they're providing a service, but they're taking advantage of it by convincing you that's the actual payment exactly.

So you need to make sure you read the entire thing through.

Apparently right in the corner in teeny tiny letters, it said this is not an official government document, so you just have to read it like so thoroughly.

Well, would you mind giving us your mom'sel phone number on the air so we can all call her. Anybody listening the g Yeah, she'll help you out. It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Number two, another thing we all do as adults.

We'd love to shop online, purchase things, especially with the convenience of Amazon.

And no, this is not an ad that's just real life.

And so we actually went around the show and everybody admitted their most recent purchase. Some even brought theirs in for show and tell. And it's kind of funny the wide variety of products we've all bought recently. And I think, I think give you listen closely, you'll kind of see the different places in life we all are at this current moment.

Number three, let's play it.

Rate my purchase, share something you bought online, and then we'll judge it. I'll go first, Oh, you brought it, Yeah, I brought it. So I'm a big Chicago Cubs fan. So this is a Chicago Cubs backpack and it looks like it's a knockoff Gucci backpack, but at Chicago Cubs small backpack because I like my purses. I mean, that looks like a chick backpack, so definitely small leather. How much do you think this is worth?

It is Gucci?

No, oh, knockoff? Okay, it's not even knockoff.

It just but I see the design. It looks like the Gucci design, but it's.

A Chicago Cubs backpack.

It's a smart I don't know if they did a collab.

Like you want to carry it? I do care. It's as I often carry around a small bag. Keep it on here, right, carry a stuff in it? You be a hater?

No value it?

Twenty five dollars?

How much?

How much do this is real leather?

It's got to be two hundred forty five bucks?

Whoa see forty five bucks for this one?

So maybe I thought you had to cube on And people do think that's Gucci.

They shouldn't. It's got a big on it. Do you think it's it's like so small? But I but I don't care because I carry it basically a person.

Where are you hearing that?

Just to work? I keep most up in it? Okay?

I just it looks very young and feminine.

Oh and why do people think about me generally young and feminine? Or like, yeah, like a child hater in the house? Okay, what do you have?

You're probably gonna hate on my I have balls for my face. So I just ordered these on Amazon and I don't know how to use them yet because I haven't done the tutorial, but they will exercise your face.

As two balls. They look like they're the shape of juggling balls and she's shoving them into her cheeks.

One is spiky and one is just smooth. And they're supposed to be like, you know, for my face fitness that I'm doing because not getting botox anymore.

And I guess they cost yeah, okay, twelve dollars.


Oh that's a pretty good purchase then, because I to put them about.

Twelve, right, so, but a and A the one of the spikes maybe was nine.

Okay, huh.

I feel like you can get that at one of those twenty five cent machine things.

That's a good point. That's a little big though. It's a little big though. Okay, I like it. I give you a C plus on the purchase.

Really, But what if it ends up just relaxing.

Those if those blue balls end up making you feel great in your face, I'm moving up to their blue Yes.

But if you put this on your temple right now, you will be in heaven.

Okay, we'll toss it over here, can you hit it? Okay? Throw it?

Okay, you won't miss that.

Oh, she had a light, great.

Okay, you guys gonna hate online, but this is really cool. Well, this is a plant propagation kit. Okay, propagation.


I found it for twenty dollars on Amazon, and basically you get any plant. I mean, there's just certain ones that don't do it, but most plants. You cut the leaf off of it and you put it in one of these things and it's just water in there, and it grows a whole new plant. So it's like making babies, but making plants.

Where they let you take a leaf and it makes a new baby.

Oh see, you're a father.

So these plants right here that you're looking at, I have three of them that started with one leaf and now they are three full grown plants.

You're invested.

Where did you get the leaves? Did you like cut them out of a neighbor's yards, like you were going over a walk and you saw it and you cut one and then put it in there.

No, this started from one plant that I bought, like.

I don't know two years agoing where'd you get that?

Amazon? How much I cost twenty dollars? So I want to gift you guys, I'm gonna buy it. I don't want I don't want What do you mean I don't want?

I want it?

Okay, Yeah, I don't want Amy. You're gonna have a money plant pretty soon.

Thank you.

I'll waste it. I don't want to waste it. Why don't you buy me one and we'll give it to somebody else.

Okay, Yeah, it sounds good.

I like it. It fulfilled of your needs of I.

Mean, I don't want one of those contractions, but to know okay, Oh.

I thought you were gonna get a contract.

No, he's giving us a plant.

I want that less. I want that even less than I wanted a contraption.

So what do you what do you grade this?

You know, as much as you've been into gardening, which is weird, you've stayed with it for a bit. Yeah, gardening and like butterflies. If you have this whole nature thing now, B plus, let's go only twenty dollars B plus.

That's pretty cool. And I made three little baby plans. I got one.

Amy's balls in my face.

I feel nice on your temple.

Yeah, I guess.

Yeah, just relaxed, breathe into it.

Yeah, I gotta do a show, but maybe maybe in a minute. Lunchbuck wou't you buy online.

Oh, man, I got this Bliss Trends adjustable foot rest for under my desk here at work, because every time I sit, I have to have my feet.

On the bottom of the chair. No, no again, you know I should reach the floor.

But it's not as comfortable to get up to the mic, and so my knees I had to bend to backwards. In a while, my knees start hurting.

So I bought this.

It's adjustable. I put it under the desk and I put my feet on it and boom, I can sit. I sit up straight and the mic is a perfect hut.

I need that.

Twenty eight dollars twenty one dollars pretty much awesome. It is such a great little foot rest. It is perfect. It's the squatty potty for no potty. Yes, that's exactly where I got the idea.

I was like, man, I used a squatty potty at home, and I needed a squatty potty for under my desk, and so I started looking online and this is what I found.

And it's adjustable, so if you're you can raise it up or down. You're keeping your shoes on though, right, Yeah, shoes are on it's fantastic.

And you're not using the restroom right, you're not pushing.

Right, it's not a squatty partty. I didn't go with the squatty body. It's the blush trends.

It's a joke.

We'll put all these, do you right? What do you write me if it makes because look at it, which I sit up straight. I've never noticed your posture. Butt. You are smiling about it, so I give it a minus. Man, it is awesome.

You were smiling about the balls.

Yeah, but you kept shoving on into your face while you were talking. Gave me a seat, I know the only could you hit it on my bag? You said I was young and feminine? Yeah, I guess. Yeah, that's awesome, Morgan.

Do you have one?

I do have one, but I tried to bring it into work and I fell down the stairs, so I just loved it home instead.

Well was it?

It's a pregnancy pillow. It's like the big U shaped pregnancy pillow.

Drum roll an outside.

No, oh, okay, why would you want that for her?


I bought one because I was going through vertigo and it was helping me because I am not a back sleeper I'm a stomach sleeper, which I know is probably the worst one to have, and I like to sleep on my side and I could not sleep on my back. So I bought this pregnancy pillow, thinking this is the craziest idea. I have had the best sleep ever with this pregnancy pillow.

How do you hold it when you sleep?

I now well now because I'm able to sleep on my side after the vertigo, I cuddle it now. It's like my little pillow that I cuddle with, and it honestly, like truly, guys, I sleep so much better now with my pregnancy pillow.

A price, I can't see it, so thirty bucks. It was fifty A good pillow, Yeah, worth the money. One of those things where you get what you pay for. It's almost like a refrigerator. You're like, why I need to good refrigerator. It's just gonna put crap in there. But when you have a bad one, which I have, you're like, oh, this thing sucks. Or tires, you get cheap tires and the next thing, you know, pillows, If you get a good one, life changer.

This one's memory foam, so it like molds to your bike.

Remembers your sadness every night when you know what, I'm lonely in my bed. I give it a B plus, although my grades are stupid. Who cares. I gave me the lowest one because she hit it on my backpack. I will put these up on our social media website. Bobby Bones now order lunchboxes. I need that for my feet right now. You are shorter, though, I know.

That's why I'm confused. Why your legs need it. Can't you just lower your chair?


I could, but then the desk. The height of the desk makes it weird with the microphone, and.

So maybe he has a longer Torso.

Johnson over there, because this is this is how the chair would be. Like, this is so weird. Okay, low guy, that's okay.

It's the best Bits of the week show with Morgan Number two.

This week marked the eighth annual Bobby Bones and the Raging Idiots Million Dollar Show for Saint Jude. They've been doing something like this for ten years, but it was the eighth annual of the million dollar show with the Ryeman and super Cool.

It's always one of my favorite events.

It's fun to see all the artists that come together of all different genres and fun to watch Bobby and Eddie up there and doing some awesome stuff for Saint Jude. So it's always really cool. But this year was a little special, particularly for Bobby because he got to reunite with his old band Otown. Yes you heard that right, Ohtown. I'm gonna let you hear his story and how it all.

Went down and his experience number two on the phone Trish, Linda, Robin, and Stephanie four together. Where do you guys live? Where are you now?

We're on I forty headed back to Oklahoma from where from we just left Nashville.

Oh, did you come to our show last night?

Yes, yes, that's what's the reason for the whole trip.

That's awesome. So we did have our million dollar show last night, The Raging Idiots. It's Eddie and myself and we have a lot of artist friends that play. And it's a Tuesday night. So that part's tough because I got like three hours sleep last night. But I felt like it was pretty good. What about you guys?

It was so amazing, so amazing.

Did you have a highlight?

Oh my gosh, I love.

That little girl who just had a beautiful voice. Yeah, old holy Cow. She was amazing.

Well, I'm super happy you guys came. Was it good enough that you'd like to come again at some point?

Oh my gosh.

Absolutely, I'm not giving you. We don't have tickets. No, no, we don't have tickets. We don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm just wondering if.

Like, yeah, okay, totally it was six time.

Oh awesome? Okay. And and how would you rate the show if you were a teacher on a report card?


Well, thank you? Where do you go back to? Oklahoma?

Still Water?

We're out of Stillwater, Oklahoma?

And Edmund, Hey still Water? You know what that means?

Shout up?

What Oklahoma?


Oh yeah?

Yeah right yeah. Thank you guys for coming to the show. Have a safe trip home, and thank you for calling. Thank you guys so much. Thank you. Bye everybody. We had a great show last night, as far as I think people were entertained.

We had.

We can tell you a bunch of stories later on. But so after the show yesterday, and Maddie of Maddie and Tay and you know they have a man and a girl in a country song they have died from a broken heart. Can't sing that one. It's a hard one, but I know them. They've been on the road touring with me before, so I'm super close and Maddie and just sing so well. So and Maddie has young kids. I knew that she'd be awake early in the morning, so I had her come on and try to help me sing, like I needed a singing lesson. I'm not a good singer. I can sing if I'm doing comedy, I can sing just fine to pull off the comedy. I'm a comedic singer. But when I was singing with Otown, because I used to be in that band a long time ago, and I was a little nervous because they're real vocalists at Maddie teach me some things to try not to suck. And so this is me with Maddie go ahead, memories.

I heard it.

So it's just a little fancy trick.

If you listen to tayan I's music, that's literally the trick I always do for everything, just to make it like feel fancy.

And it's like ba da da da da da da. You know, just a little run memory because it makes people think you're fancy. Memories like that, Yes, yeah, memories. Yeah, I wasn't I good there. I'll be honest with you.

I know I'm learning.

I know I'm not good though, And so then there's a part where it's like feel it, feel it in my and so she's teaching me how to do that, how to because I would be like feeling it in my heart because that's what they do. So I try to just do the runs because that's what they do. I shouldn't do that.

I feel it in my heart.

You could break up the note, so it's not like it's like a weird note.

I feel like this and feel it in my heart.

Hah is that it?

I feel it in my heart. Yes, boom, that's beautiful.

And then you land on the perfect note and then you don't have to be on this weird note.

I feel it in my heart, dude. Yes, yes, you guys are really gassing me up. And I appreciate that because hearing it. BAG don't need that much gas. I didn't deserve it. But it was good, Okay, it was it's showtime. Last night. I was I'm not gonna say nervous. I was a little anxious about it, but like in a positive way. And I knew even if I sucked, it didn't matter. There was no expectation. Again, I was in ot Town before they blew up. I was never a part of their success. And actually once I started doing radio, they were like, you don't sing good enough anyway, and I'm like, yeah, I want to do this anyway. We ended on good terms. But it was super cool for them to come back last night and this is it. We're singing cause I want it all, nothing at all. Massive hit and you hear him go. The crowd's yelling, but he's like, let's welcome back our old member, Bobby Bones. Here you go.

I'm so.

B minus. It was better than it was before I started. I didn't hit my ceiling. I got a little scared at the end that I was so off that I kind of cheated out of it.

I was like, har.

There was no heart practice. I didn't have confidence. It was very loud. The crowd not an excuse, I'm not an excuse guy. The crowd was so loud too. It I felt like I couldn't hear myself to make sure I was right.

But that's good though, right to not that you're going to hear yourself, but cool that the crowd was loud.

I think the cord was laughing at me. I'm be honest with you. That's okay. No, that's okay, I do that's not true.

That's not true that I.

Think it's true because they should have. It was funny. I'm not as good as them. It's a boy.

I think they were excited.

It didn't sound like a laugh.

It was fun because I can nail it out.

There are times it seems to me and you and memory's I feel it in my heart, so I know, show it show But I got They were so loud and I couldn't hear the music and I was like, I have to cheat out of this, and I was like, feel it in.

So that was so close. Here's one a little farther away. Abby took this one. Would you hit that one?


So I'll give it a C And that way, the crowd wasn't screaming over me. I could hear it a little bit. I was okay, you went down though you first gave it a B minus. Now you went down to a sea the second time. You well maybe I'm maybe, I'm It was super fun for me. I don't hate myself after that, and Maddie helped me tremendously. I just wish I would have had the confidence to go even though I couldn't hear me because I just didn't have the confidence. I haven't done enough times. No reps. Uh, And then we all sang the rest. This was like my favorite part because there was no pressure. I could just sing with the guys here. So I am very happy with myself that I did it. I pushed myself. I tried to get better. I did get better. Did I hit out of the park. No, But I'm announcing now I'm going on tour with them for eighty shows, and I'm gonna get better by show seventy nine eighty shows.

It kind of sounds like you could be serious.

Yeah, I'm doing eighty shows with them.

You're doing eighty shows.

I'm doing no shows now, Okay, Well I was clear believe him.

Well I sold it.

No, But he did sell it to a point where I know my aunt she was at the show last night, and I know that, like, if she's listening right now, she's probably driving back to Tuscaloosa. She right when the ticket's gone tail. You know, she's come to some of your shows, but she bought tickets, drove up here with her best friend. They were here for a couple of days.

And when she buy tickets, when she's your relative, we would have given her tickets.

She just supported okay.

So support Saint Jude. And then she doesn't want to ask for things. So anyway, I feel like i'd probably get a text in about thirty minutes to be like, is Bobby really going on town on tour with Hotel, because like I want to get a ticket. So that's why I was like, we should clarify.

I have a lot of stories, so we do. We're doing our podcast a bit different now. The whole radio show goes up with one podcast and then we do a separate secondary podcast about everything. So we'll spend more time talking about that in the podcast if you go over to the Bobby Bone Show and search for that. So thanks to Maddie for Maddie and Tay. They crushed it last night as well. They were awesome. Thanks to Maddie for the singing lessons. We're going to play their new song coming up in a second. We'll take your calls eight seven seven seventy seven, Bobby, and then we'll do the news. I get like this false confidence that I actually can't sing.

It's the best Bits of the week with Morgan number two.

It's always really hard for me when something in the number one spot is not bright and cheery or fun. But sometimes the most important segments on our show aren't. So this week, you may have heard us on our extra podcast where we were opening gifts from a listener named James from Virginia.

He'd called into our show so so much, and he would.

Leave the sweetest messages and stories about his life, and we really came to enjoy all of the times that he would call and he would call us the Bobby Bone Show family. Well, he had brought all of us gifts when he was coming up here for the Million Dollar Show in cool moment, like if you have time, go listen to us all opening these gifts and how much thought and time James put into every single one. But unfortunately, after the Million Dollar Show, we got some not great news about listener James.

And that's what you're gonna hear here.

Number one.

I'm gonna do something that I don't normally do, and nobody in the studio knows I'm about to do this, So I know our attention spans are short, and if you're listening to like the show and something's not for you, change it or so I'm just gonna ask you to hang with us for a few minutes, even if you're bored, because that's something that I need to say and something that I need to share. So first, we have a listener named James who brought us all these boxes, and James calls all the time. Here's a clip of James poking fun at Lunchbox. James from Virginia, and this is twelve seconds and this is when Lunchbox was gonna do Thunder from down Under.

Morning Bobby Morning Studio, Thunder Thunder, y'all have too much fun. He loves by Bob's family, half by the Night.

Lunch and then Lunch went and danced with a bunch of dudes. He's hilarious. So he showed up to the building and he left. Cascuba was trying to get him, but he left all these boxes here.

Yeah, He's like, I'll be there at nine thirty. We think you got here a little earlier, and dropped off nine boxes for everyone on the show.

Got goldfish. It's on the post show from Tuesday. So there were a lot of two dollar bills and so you got how many.

I got like four of them.

We didn't know what was going on. There was just money in the box, but it ended up being two dollar bills. So this is James who told us he was here for the million dollar show and then due to where he does a morning Corny in the backstory of the bills.

Morning Corny for Amy.

Do you know what a dentist's favorite day of the year is Halloween? And on that note, what I've done for the past several years is I go to my beloved local bank. I get one hundred criffs two dollars bills and that's why I hand out no double different. I love buy Ball's family. Happy Halloween, everybody. No trouble gifting much Bobby.

So his sister called and left a message. James came to town. James passed away while he was here.

No, we didn't stop.

Yeah, so this is his sister, Dottie Ray play that I called about James from Virginia who passed away in Nashville this year.


Anyway I can be reached, I'm his sister.

He loved y'all so much. You were family to him. I am very grateful. Uh so I'm sorry. Uh can we call him.

Okay, bye. This is James letting us know that he would be here for the million Dollar Show, and he explains the boxes that he brought all of us.

Good morning, Bobby, way do you.

I did get a couple of tickets to the millions dollars show for Saint Jew's children.

I have a specific gift box for all y'all. I got something for security guide Tim as well. But I think everybody's gonna be happy. Scuba, please don't mess that up for me, because this is the funnest project that I've put my heart into.

Plan on delivering it.

I'm not trying to meet y'all.

That's not what it's about. It's about saying thank you, because you are just awesome people.

I just take the world of all y'all.

I love them by both family.

All right, I'll hear you all in the morning.

I'm talking too much.

You're awesome.

I'm out.

So Scuba tried to find him, No, but he left him and then was gone. I give you a couple more clips and I'll give you some more information. This is James from Virginia explaining his love for the Bobby Boncho family.

But there is an eye in family, and that's what the Bybones family is. Certainly from the bleacher seat from me. Hey, it's not I in family, because that's who y'all are together. I love buy Bones family. Please take care of Amy. I beat the best of the bestest. Hope, y'all, here're all the morning.

Bye, there's James signature.

Goodbye anyway. I love Bob, Mom, Sam, I truly do. Got awesome. All right, back to your release schedule program.

Here you all tomorrow.


So here's what I know. James passed away somewhere between Tuesday night after Eddie and I's Raging Idiots Million Dollar Show. Some people were saying that they saw him there. I couldn't find him. So then his sister didn't think he went SCREWBA. Do we think he went to the show?

We do?

I think just based on some comments, Abby saw some stuff. People said they met James. They're excited to meet him because he's this, you know, this focal point in our show.


But the thing is there's no picture though. I've never seen the guy, and I couldn't find him. Yeah, we couldn't find him. Don't know what he looks like. We just know what his voice sounds like. So I'm like listening for this voice because it's such a signature, you know, it's very synonymous to him, and we could never saw him.

So what happened was someone called the police station from a gas station to inform them they found someone unresponsive in their part car. Cause of death is tbd, no foul play. An autopsy is being done today. So that sucks, and that's extremely sad. And James was, yeah, in the past two years, a constant part of the show because we played his voicemails all the time. We would call him and talk to him on the post show. We even had to say, hey, James, like, when you leave seven minute messages, we can't play him like, you gotta cut your messages down a little bit. And so he did, and he brought us all this stuff. This is my James bell that I have.

And so.

I don't even really know what else to say except for I just found out just a little bit ago, and I'm very sorry for his family. I wanted to play this, and this is one of those where I go, hey, you may go normally you change it. I get it, but this is the kind of the one that I didn't play ever, and it's a minute in thirty seconds. We did not air it because of the run time. And I've talked about my stepdad and how I didn't have a dad growing up, and then my stepdad came into my life and when I was twelve or thirteen years old, I was already wired in a way, but I was then wired in a way with some security because I had a stepdad that cared for me and loved me. And you know that's Arkansas Key too. Isn't my stepdad anymore because my mom and him got divorced. They'll never not be that. And so we're just talking about that. And James always has stories about our stories, like something that related to it. So here's a minute in thirty seconds. It's James's story about being a stepfather and taking him fishing.

Here you go, money, Bobby Money Studio.

Your show is all about positivity.

So I don't know how you do this spin on this one. But I'm older now at the sunset of my lab. Anyway, I did lady like five years. She had a son, JD. He went doing very well in school and lived with his father and he came to live with us. He is all eight years old. I had never been a father, don't even know what flight to be a father. I had no idea, but I tried to find something to bond with. Oh my god, I took that.

Kid fishing, if not nine times, ninety times, little JD could not catch a.

Fish, what it could happen? I took him to where the fish literally jump on up.


I tried so hard, and then the grades were coming in. Tried to help him with his homework, and I told him bring him here port card, and I'll take your fishing. Six thirty in the morning. Oh my gosh. Me and his mom were out late and JD was knock on that door.

Hey, you're taking me fishing.

I got my grade where he couldn't catch a fish with, and I told him, you're gonna have to turn to your tackle box.

That man, that young man could outfish me. I mean he catch five fast. I'd catch three. His His were bigger than mine. One of the problem most of my life, you know there as moms, you know, cheated so much. When I left her, he.

Was pulling them my things, crying, trying to hug me, don't go, don't go.

But I had to for my own mental health.

So that was James, who we spent a lot of time with on this show. We spent a lot of time calling the show who I'm thankful that he felt like we were his friends and like he says, family, you know, on a bigger note, I hope that a lot of you guys feel that way. We come in this room and we have all been friends for so long, decades even, and we hope that you feel like you have a relationship with us. And James did. And we felt the same way about James because there were times we just wanted to get them. I want to talk with him more than just voicemails. We'd always play the voicemails and yeah, it makes me really sad. I do not know what he looked like is what's crazy. We looked for him, but it's hard to look for somebody when you don't know. That was the problem. I was like, is James here? And they were like, what's you look like?

I don't know.

And even when he was here, Scuba was trying to get him and he left before we could get him. But he sent us all these gifts.

Like huge boxes, huge boxes, all of all kinds of things. And then he just yeah, poof disappeared.

So that makes me very sad. It makes me happy that he feels like he had some friends and family in us, and that sucks. Don't know what happened. They don't know what happened, but he was here. He went to our show. Maybe that was a really fun final thing for him to do, because I know he drove all the way here and said he was coming. I regret that we didn't like to meet him. So James, rest in peace, buddy. We appreciate you being a part of the show. We appreciate you feeling like we're your friends. You felt like a friend to us. It's going to be weird not having your voicemails because for everyone I played, there were eleven we didn't get to because he called a lot and we loved it so.

And it's just another reminder how fragile life is. I mean, he said he was older in that one clip, and I like cow he said he is in the sunset sunset side of life.

And I don't even know if that's because he was older or sick.

Right, we don't know. And who we would have never thought like with him coming up here and delivering packages and going to the show that that would be the final or or did he know something?

Yeah, that is where my mind went. So rest in peace to our buddy James. Thank you everybody for listening through that. We appreciate it and we will come back.

It's the best Bits of the week with Morgan number two.


It's always really hard for me to put something like that in the number one spot because I do want to leave you guys on a high note always, But I think listener James deserved the number one spot this weekend. He was clearly a very kind and great person, especially a lot of listeners who got to interact with him at the Million Dollar Show shared that, so he deserves this.

Number one spot, and I know he would listen to best Bits.

So hopefully he's somewhere out there listening now and gets to hear that he made that number one spot.

And we're all just really thankful for people like James in our lives.

So hug your loved ones, enjoy your weekend, Please stay safe and I love you.

Thanks for being here.

You guys are all awesome, And if James is any indication, I love that we get to connect with you guys are listeners in this way, all the time.

That's the best bits of the week with Morgan. Thanks for listening. Be sure to check out the other two parts this weekend.

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Bobby Bones Show Best Bits of the Week with Morgan

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