Best Bits: Eddie Gives Update On Family & Morgan’s Big Plans for NYE

Published Dec 7, 2024, 2:00 PM

Happy Weekend! Eddie and Morgan caught up on some major life moments during this episode. Eddie shared how his first Thanksgiving went without his dad, and how teaching the kids homework has been a process. Morgan is headed on a big trip that involves trains. Plus, Eddie and Morgan talk about their hair (or lack thereof) and things that are changing.

The Best Bits of the Week with Morgan. Part one scene with a member of the show.

Are you ready Eddie?

I'm ready, Morgan Ready, Freddy? Eddie Ready Freddy? Freddy Spaghetti like a new.

Version of are you Ready?


But are you ready?

Eddie? What is are you ready? Freddy? I don't know. It's the sae I remember, I like TikTok or something.

No, are you ready Freddy is old? That's all old.

There used to be like ready Eddie people say that, or like Eddie Spaghetti. They'd say that all the time, Eddie Spaghetti.

But you never heard are you ready Freddy? Eddie?

I mean, yeah, kin kind of, I don't know, not really.

Well, you guys are hearing Eddie is on the podcast this weekend.

Well, this is awesome. I love this podcast. It's so much fun.

Yeah, you say that, but they never time to ask you.

That's not true. That's not true because inconveniently, the times that we do it, it's just kind of like always every single week, like you know this, we're stacked and to make time for this is tough. So like Morgan all comes up to me and goes, hey Eddie, and I'm like, here we go what is it? Is it my turn? She's like, yeah, what day do you want to do it? And that's the hard part, Like it's not doing it. I love doing it. It's just like, okay, when do we not work till one?


Like when do I not do this? And so when's the time?

It really?

When we do it? It's fun.

Listen, I'm like a kid going up to all of you guys. I'm like, hey, I know, like super nervous to ask.

You should see me.

I do it with everybody, don't.

You don't know this, but we've all talked about you on how you approach us seriously. Yeah. Yeah, because I went to Scoop the other day and I was like, hey, Scoop, I needed something, and he goes, okay, Morgan, what do you need.


It's like a little kid. Do you feel like you're going to get in.

Tu to get it? I get it, And it's not fair for you, but it's funny. It is funny because we know exactly when you're coming.

I didn't know you guys all talked about that day.

Okay, lunch, Fuck, what do you want? Morgan?

I just got called out. I wasn't ready for the Okay, well, how are you have?



Good man? Dad Life's challenging as always, but it's good. I think out of our four kids, like two we've gotten like pretty like good under control. Their lives are good. What does that mean?

What is under control?

Meaning like we don't have to like focus on things to work on, like behavioral stuff, school stuff. Like two of them have gotten to the point where like, ah, thank you, thank you for being easy. And there are two other ones that are like you are making our life very difficult right now.

And does this have something to correlate with age or personality?

No, personalities. Two are easy going and very self dependent, like they'll figure it out, don't, don't, don't need you. I can figure it out. If I need your help, I will come to you and ask you. And other ones are like like I don't know how to do my homework, Like what do you mean you don't know how to do your homework? Like I don't, I don't, I don't get it. And then when you explain it to them, they're just like I still don't get it, and it's like, yes, you're not listening, you're not and it's frustrating. We had one of The only reason I'm saying that because we had that last night, got it two of them last night, where it was just frustrating because like we've we've helped them with her homework, and then it's it's almost like when they say help me with their homework, it's their time to space out and just be like all right, they'll do it for me, you know what I mean, instead of like, really help me. Because we're telling them what they need to know, they're just not listening.

I can't admit when I was a kid and I was doing my math homework, which I hated, I was so so bad at math, even though my math teacher doesn't say that, but I remember, and I would sit there at the table and my mom was so good at it, and she try and explain, She's like, here, this is what it looks like.

I'm like, cany you please just do it. It hurts my brain. That's what they don't understand that that's what they do. And it's like, you have to learn this. We're not here to do it for you. But on top of that, you know what I ever learned it? I really don't even know how to do it.

I was going to say though, like, and you think about all the things that you're teaching them, right, and you're like, Okay, you're probably not going to need this in like five years.

You might need this, but you're probably not.

Going to need that. That's what one of them was telling me now, like when gonna use chemistry? Dad? Like that doesn't matter. That's not the point. It's so true though, it's true, but it's not the point. Like and I told them, I told him, yes, this is my oldest one. I'm like, your only job right now. Your only reason for you to live right now is to go to school and succeeded it. That's it. Yeah, you got nothing else going on for you, buddy, Like this is what you need to focus on. So like do what the best you can.

Okay, but how have they still not transitioned to a lot of these classes to be more real life scenarios, right, Like you really aren't going to use chemistry, so you will use chemistry in certain aspects of your life in scenarios so like salt and pepper, like yeah, or like courts to cups or ounce whatever. Sure give me the real life scenario versions of these, and I think people would be so much more interested.

But it's almost like the design is for like in case you will be a scientist, Yeah, like this is your chance to learn more about that so that you can even think about being a scientist.

Okay, but besides us who do.

But probably ninety five percent of us are like I don't want to do this.

Yes, but like think of us like the easy trivia right, Yeah, I can't recall ninety percent of the stuff that.

I learned pre high school. Correct.

High school is when I kind.

Of know, Okay, you've had many more years to play easy trivia on me.

No, no, but we all went to high school, like, we all did four years of high school. I know that's it.

But do you see what I'm saying? Like pre high school though, do you remember much from.

That that you actually learned?

I don't remember crap like high schools when I really started to understand different things that you were teaching me.

But up until then I don't remember.

Now as an adult, yeah, but you won't be ready for the stuff in high school unless you master the stuff in middle school and elementary like scam because it was seriously, I mean, you're right, the system is so flawed and we're not going to get serious about this. But it really is because like I have one one of my kids, he's going to do something physical, Like there's nothing he's not going to be a scientist, like he's not, and not that he's not able to. I just you know from the very beginning of their existence what they're going to be. One of them's really funny, he's going to be an entertainer. Another one he's going to work with his body, like he can build a house. The other three cannot build a house, Like they won't build a house. So you just kind of see that. But if you can go to school and being like, all right, this is what he's going to do. So let's focus in on how to build a car, like how to make a house, like how to change an engine in a car, like build an engine. Whatever it is, because it's obvious even to me as a parent, I know what they're like roughly, I kind of know what they're going to be.

That is generally a category of where they might look at it.

Sure, I don't know exactly what, yeah, they're going to be like, I don't know if the entertainer is going to be a musician or he's going to be an actor or he's going to be what but he's going to entertain somehow m hm and do that, and the other one is going to something. He's gonna carry big things and like deal with big machinery. Interesting. I don't know how or what, but so like, yeah, you're right, Like go to school that way.

Yeah, like lean into the things that you're good at.

But I suppose this is where it comes into play that, like your interests changed so much over time that they're trying to help you have multiple.

Interests so then be versatile.

As you get older, you may do something that you never thought you would do.

Right, But didn't you always know what you're gonna do?

I mean yes, okay, yes, but like before that, I mean, no, I want to I want to be a singer.

I also want to entertain. Yeah, be a marine biologist was something I wanted to do me too.

Did you know that?

Really? Oh?

Yeah? Absolutely?

Like I love Why do we all want to be a marine biologists?

Because we love the beach and we love sea life, Like sea life is is just amazing And.

It's probably because it feels so exotic in.

A way, yeah, because we don't see it every day, like we see birds, we see like squirrels every day, but we don't I don't see it like a sea turtle. Yea, like every day we don't see a dolphin. The dolphins are amazing.

Yeah, yeah, that's so true.

So there was there was moments where I had some interesting interests that I never evolved into. But funny enough, like the thing I do look back on, that marine biologist I wanted to go to.

It was a school in Texas actually.

Corpus CHRISTI yes, yeah, Texas A and CORPS.

Because originally I was like, I really wanted to go to ut Eddie. Don't ask me why. I don't know where any of Tennessee are from. No, Texas, I don't know where any of that came from. But I was like dead set. And then I was like, oh, out of state tuition. That's a lot of money. I can't I can't do that.

Did your parents tell you that or did you already know you were going to do that when.

I was doing researchers. When I first I was like, I'm sorry, what is that price tag?

Crazy? Yeah?

Yeah, so I saw that I was like, never mine. But then I was still kind of the marine biologist thing. Was still kind of floating, and I was like, oh, Corpus Christy. I was like, oh, also out of state price tag, and it just kept happening that way.

That's why I ended up going to K State.

But it was weird that I really wanted to go to Texas and I still to this date can't tell you why.

I have no idea.

So all that to say, the schooling reason it has.

We really don't know what we're going to be until we do.

But there are some people where you know early on and it's probably going to be one or one.

Path or another.

Yeah, at least when it comes to creative or intellectual. That's that's a pretty easy one to figure out early on, whether they're more creative and they'll be in a creative space.

Versus the science.

Sure, it's like educational intellectuals smart.

Yeah, I only have one of those, one of those out of four that's okay, just one.

And they're also a creative though, so that makes sense.

I know, I know, and my wife is the smart one, you know, so that does make sense. But I don't know. It's just it makes it makes parenting hard because school is so hard for a lot of kids. It's hard for me. You know, Like my parents were in town. My mom was in town, and my family was in town for Thanksgiving, and we were talking about just kind of like their school and how it's a couple of we're having trouble with it or whatever. And she's like, you guys were impossible, Like you guys had a lot of trouble with school. And I'm like, well, you know, we don't remember a lot of stuff. So I'm like, how, like how much trouble? And she went down, Oh my gosh, like you'd come home with f's and we'd be like, how are we gonna get you out of this? How are you gonna eat? Like she said, like one of you guys, like we didn't know if you were going to like pass the year. Oh my gosh, Well that's intense. You're like, dad, I didn't remember it. Yeah, because because school is hard for some people, like in school is easy for some people.

Yeah, well, and some people care about school, some people don't.

It's is there so many variables.

Yeah, when you're a kid, and that's happening now knowing that you have dyscalcula, did you disease?

Did you also have dyslexia. I can't remember.

Yeah, I think, well, she said that I had dyslexia, although, and I think there's kind of some truth to it because I have learned how to work with it. Yeah, basically, like I have to read a sentence ahead for me to be able to read, like to comprehend it, no or no, for me to just read it.

Yeah, so you're definitely reading differently.

So I'm definitely I've definitely taught myself how to read differently than everyone else. Okay, so I guess I am dyslexic a little bit, but as far as like backwards stuff, I don't think so.

Yeah, different versions.

I was curious if that finding out that diagnosis now has helped you with the kids, because I do think it can be passed down.


Yeah, So do you feel like it has been passed on to anything?

No, No, because they they're a lot smarter than I am as far as math goes, Like they're the only time that they don't get it is when they don't study whatever they're supposed to study. Yeah, you know, like you know how you do flash cards and whatever, like they will be I'll be given like thirty minutes here here's your flash cards, Like study them, and then i'll test you in thirty minutes, and i'll know which ones they didn't study because it's the same ones that they didn't study. And then I put those aside and then we don't have to do the ones that you got anymore. And then I have, like, you know, ten more cards, and then they're just like then they just nail it once they focus on those ten cards, like, oh yeah, I got those, Like it's done. I could never do that as a kid. Yeah, that's true. Nine times seven, I have to do my fingers. Look nine times seven sixty three.

I still don't understand your fingers that. Put your hands out, okay, I'm putting my hands out, all five fingers, all ten fingers are out. Whatever you have your ten your hands are out okay, like you're saying, like, don't touch me.

Got it, okay, so give me nine times whatever, nine times four? Okay, get your fourth finger one, two, three, four, put it down, and I separ now read The one you put down is your spacer, so I have eight No, no, no, it's your facer. What are your first three numbers? Oh three okay, and what are the other numbers? No, five, No, the finger you put down is your spacer. That's the space. Okay, just separate three, six and six thirty six. Got try now put your hands out, yeah, okay, nine times eight okay, put your eighth finger down.

Oh seventy two. Boh god, now I see it.

Now I get it. Okay. I don't know who taught me that, but it's genius.

But it only works for nine.

Just nice, because nines are hard, like nines are tough, they're just up there, like tens are the easiest one. No, no, one's the easiest or zero zero zero is the easiest. One is probably the second easiest. Ten is the third easiest. Nines are hard, man, that's funny. And then twos are pretty easy because you just double it.

Just single if there's nine on the math test, and you will know it.

Got it?

Okay. Besides school, is there anything else going on?

No, just you know, just getting ready for Christmas? Yeah.

How are you feeling?


Pretty good? I mean it's just always a it's just expensive time of year for daddy.

Okay, now you've said daddy, I am going to do daddy right here.

We're going to come back without.

I had to jump out of that awkward Does this happened last weekend too?

Hey? My five year old he calls me daddy.

I understand that, but you're seeing it right now.

Christmas is expensive for daddy.

Oh my gosh.

Okay, Christmas is expensive because of all the things you're doing, or because of the exciting stuff that's happening on Christmas Day, all.

Of it, all of it. The presidents are expensive, although my kids don't ask for very expensive things, like and if the rule is if you want something expensive, that's all you're going to get. Like so if you want a PS five, yeah, like that's way too expensive. So we will do like a PS five for two of you, and then the other two can have you know, they want legos? Cool, you can have three sets of Legos or you have Legos and two other things.

Have you not done the route of asking Sanna for the expensive things and then you know Mom and Dad gets because I I very very much remember my Christmas is there will be gifts from mom and Dad, but then there'd be gifts from Santa, and they differentiated a little bit.

What I feel like you're leading me into them.

No, I'm genuinely asking.

Yeah, but like you. Santa and I have the same bank account, okay, like Santa's.

I know, I'm just asking, is there is there a.

Santa's bank is in the same bank I use in the North Pole.

I wasn't leading you, but I see what you're doing.

Like, what are you what are you talking about?

I know, I'm just saying, is there a way Like.

Like Santa and I we talked, Santa and I talk about what we're getting.

I know, but Santa doesn't always able to get the things correct that the kids want.

So maybe asking for the experience thing you're saying.

I see what you're saying. Put that on Santa's list, and sometimes Santa just can't get that for you.

And then like some year they get a big surprise because they do get it. I mean, that's what happened to me.

Like some years I would get the really cool Santa stuff and some years I wouldn't, maybe because it sold out, you know whatever.

And then your parents and then you understood that Santa maybe just couldn't get it that year.

Yeah, and then it was on Santa versus it was on like my parents.

Yeah, that's genius. Just you know, I've never thought of that because like they're they're really cool with the rule. Yeah of like you know what, No, it's okay, I really don't want anything big, get me these four smaller things, you know, so like they're cool. And then my wife and I are very easy, like we don't we don't do a lot.

You guys still don't exchange gifts to you.

We do, but it's more like, hey, what do you want? Like I really want this, like perfume? Okay, what's it called? Got it? Really easy? Yeah, because like we we spent we wasted too many years of like cool, thank you. I'll never wear that. Thank you, that's cool, Like I don't really wear that kind of jewelry.

Well, for a while there, you guys were doing like vacation for each other, right, doing that.

Yes, we did that for like birthdays instead of birthday gifts, we did a vacation and stuff like that.

So does it bleeded into Chris that's also or not?

Not really? Christmas is kind of more like just like give me something that you want, two things that you want, and then and then we tell that's it, right, yeah, but but yes, so that's that's expensive. And then then just we go to Texas every year yeah, and so fly. We fly, but but that's all like my airline miles most most of the time it's airline miles. We kind of save for that to have airline miles to because it's six of us on an airplane, so it gets very expensive.

How did the kids travel good?

Yeah, they're great because it's all iPads and technology for an hour and a half when technology and we're cool with it. And then they love ordering the drink. You know, they love getting a coke and getting the snack on there. They love that. They love flying with their little backpacks and roller suitcases.

Have you ever taken them on road trips, like a long road.

Trip to drive. Yeah, we drive to the beach, which is like seven hours, which is long enough.

We used to listen as a kid. We used to back up this.

We had this huge van and we got pulled over one time because I was running around in the van.

Where the cop was behind you and saw you run.

Around because it was like one of those old school that had the little curtains on the window.

Oh where you guys had one of those?

Oh yeah, four daughters and paul Us all up.

My my sisters played, My older sisters played volleyball, so we'd be traveling to the tournaments and then my sister and I the younger ones would just be, you know, along for the ride.

But you did travel softball too, right.

Oh yeah, but we have a significant like age gap, so they were in high school when we were like babies.

So we travel all the time.

And do you have a bed in there?

I don't think I'm the bed, but it was roomy. There was so much of them. We had little TVs.

That is so cool.

It was fun. We got pulled over. But I say that because like I remember, gosh, we roach up to Florida from Kansas one year.

Oh, no longer, like like eighteen twenty because Tennessee Nashville a witch style, like my hometown is eleven hours. They got go even further down, Yeah, way further, and we broad up a lot.

So we did that a lot of kids.

Yeah, we've talked about doing like Chicago, maybe like could you go to like some Cubs games or maybe like a football game Cincinnati, which is not it's not that far. Is Cincinnati eight hours? No? No, it's like four hours. Yeah.

I looked at Ohio and one of the big cities was four and one of them was eight.

Yeah, in Cleveland. It's further. That's it. Yes, geography. I've looked at all those two. Like you know, and I remember when I was a kid, we did a an Amtrak train yeah, which is like I'll never forget that trip, you know, like we did it from San Antonio to LA and I was and it was really really cool. So I've been looking into maybe doing that sometimes a.

Little cross country train trip.

Yes, those are fun because you can you like jump off and get back on.

You you have to stay on it, but you can go cart. You can jump from cart to cart, okay as the trains moving.

And they have like dinner and carts.

Yeah, you have like a restaurant cart. You have a hangout cart where like a bunch of just tables, and then you have like a TV cart yeah like yeah, and then you have like the rare people sit, and then you have your room, like you have a cart with like hotel room, like hotel rooms like little beds, yeah, little beds.

You know what's funny is I didn't gosh my first trip to New York, which was three or four years ago, now that was my first time we had taken a train from Boston to New York. That was my first time on a train.


And then when I was in New York, I was so excited for the subway. Everyone was like it's so dirty, so gross. Was like, this is awesome. And I rode that subway. I like, can we go back on it?

Get you get lost on it? Like did you go the wrong way?


Yeah, because it's so it's so confusing.

Oh, because they're like it's it's easy to figure out. Like I'm sitting there. I was like, no, no, no, I don't know where I am.

Is this the orange or it's the blue, Like what does that mean?

But still I was sitting there like happy as can be because I've never been on a train. Subway like those were very weird experience.

No, no, no, like we didn't grow up with trains, Like we grew up with a cargo train going by, like yeah, they're carrying like dog food or something.

Yeah, like I've never been on it.

I see them. Yeah, been on one. They're carrying tires. Is like we don't get on those. Yeah, so train would be fun to see a train where people are on like it's pretty cool. Yeah. There was in Austin around Christmas time, there was an old school train like from the forties.

Fun and it was Polar Express down yeah.

Like Polar Express, and it only had like three carts I think, but it would travel from you for like you buy a ticket for like eighty dollars or whatever, and it would travel just like thirty minutes down and thirty minutes back. But you can like go in time, you know, to like an old school like train. That's so cool because really, I mean that was almost the way to travel, like back when you know, the Black.

And White days, your favorite some moview days, Yeah, because you see like all these old baseball teams like the Yankees would be playing the Minnesota Twins and they would travel by train and they'd get off and everyone was excited to see yes and they'd wave. I do remember some of those old like films you'd see that happening.


I am going to be hopefully if everything goes according to plan uh with travel and winter travel.

But I'm going overseas for Christmas.

Yeah, not for Christmas, right after Christmas for yeah, and I'll be taking a train from Brussels.

To Paris Brussels all the time, nah, I was going to try to figure it out.

Wow, Brussels to Paris.

Yeah, and then well then we'll be flying to Barcelona for New Year, me and one of my girlfriends, Julia Cole. That's awesome, little girls trip. We're going to spend New Year's even Barcelona. But for Christmas, I've always wanted to see the Brussels Christmas Market and so we get to go see that because they'll be right after.

It's going to be like snowing. You're gonna have like a a white well white post Christmas. This is what I'm hoping like, right, Yeah, that's what I think of. Like I've always thought, like one year I want to go to like Switzerland for Christmas.

Yeah, that was also we were looking at that one. This was the one that we can make work in the time frame that we have. But uh yeah, I'm freaking out amazing. And how long it'll be a week week trip. My parents are sad, They're like, we normally gave you for a little bit longer. I was like, I know, guys, but I really want to take this trip. So I did.

That's really really cool.

So I'll be going on a train.

Now, what's the flight from are you flying from Kansas?

Yeah, from which show I'll be flying into Chicago and then flying from Chicago to Brussels and that flight's like nine hours.

Yeah. I've never been on long flights.

So this will be u The longest flight I've ever done is Hawaii eight hours.

Yeah, seven hours? Maybe I think it was like sell that one. They break it up right, like do you go to la and then fly to Hawaii?

The one that we didn't know flew, we flew direct from. I want to say it was like Las Vegas or Phoenix. We had just talked about this, but it was like a seven hour trip. So that's the longest I've ever done. Yeah, so I'm kind of freaking out.

A little bit. You can do that in a regular plane, but I think these over like these Transatlantic flights or whatever. Yeah, don't you have like more leg room or like kind of a recliner? Well, I don't know, Eddie.

Have you seen the prices that they go up? You want to increase to go just to have like room of your leg room? Who hays beend like one hundred and fifty dollars?

Yeah, but I think it's worth it. No, right for an eleven hour flight, I would think it's worth it. No, because it's the same.

It's basically that you had to even increase to get a premium seat, and it was the exact same.

It's just a regular economy.

Bobby talks about like there's a bed in there, like okay.

Those are the first last and those upgrades are like two thousand dollars.

No, screw that for me, Daddy can't afford that. No, no, no.

If I did one and it was like already relatively cheap flight, maybe, but.

No, I didn't increase. Do you wonder like if like, is there a privacy like on those beds, like a little curtain? Can you like? I don't think there's good I think people do.

How do you think people join them out high glove? Not everybody's doing it in the bathroom.

No one does that. No one does Oh people do no one does that, especially on private planes. Well yeah, that's yeah. But then but you have pilots, You have pilots, Like we tell the pilots, don't look back here, I'm gonna be hooking up.

Well there, you're paying for them. So I don't think they care.

I mean, I don't believe people do it. I don't believe in it because I've thought of it, like, how is that possible? Like say the bathroom, right, That's like the bathroom is impossible. It's impossible. That's it's impossible one because people are looking at who's going in the bathroom. And if you see one person going there and then two minutes later another person goes in there and no one came out, everyone's gonna be like, oh, we know it's going it's not possible. And then it's so small in there.

Yeah, you're gonna make lots of noise regardless if you're trying to be quiet.

You're gonna rock the plane.

I'm with you on the bathroom portion. I don't where else, but I do think and private. I think that's first class.

Only of the bed is in there. Yeah, but I've never seen that with my own eyes. I've never seen like the bed. I mean I've seen them on TikTok.

People will literally like recline and they're in there and they have a little imass and fancy gammys.

There's no way people are doing it in there.

They're sleeping, if they're overnight, No way.

That can't be allowed.

I can't be allowed but that's part of the adventure.

I feel like the fight attendant at any moment can be like, hey, can you what is happening here, and then you'd be in trouble.

You're right, you're taking a massive risk. But I think people do it.

I personally haven't because I've also never even flown in the.

First class seat.

Oh I have. It's pretty cool. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, obviously I didn't pay for it, but it's pretty cool, Like you get to ask whatever you want. I flew one time first class with a professional baseball player named Wade Bogs, and he was sitting renext to me, and it's awesome. Wade Bogs was like, he was awesome and he was crazy. Yeah, look up Wade Bogs and he was crazy. He had stories of him drinking like one hundred and twenty beers on one flight.

Oh yeah, he looks wild. He's got the stash.

Yeah yeah yeah. And so I saw him. I think we're flying to I think we might have been. I don't remember where we were, but I saw him at the gate. Started talking to him. He was kind of he was cool, he talked back, you know, he was receptive of our conversation, and then we ended up just sitting next to each other in first class, and so he would get a beer and be like, before we as soon as he sat down, excuse me, miss can I can I have a Miller Lite? And she's like, yeah, sure, and do you want anything? I was like, sure, I'll tink of a Miller Light, and so we both got ye, like as soon as we sat down, and then he goes, man, man, before you even like head over there, just give me another one because by the time you come back around, I'll be done with this. He must have drank thirty beers serious on an hour and a half flight. And then what's even cooler, I don't think. I don't know I've ever told the story. But what's even cooler is that we were going to the same event. So that's kind of why he was cool, like, oh, you're playing this thing whatever? Yeah, yeah, So we were going to a country club where they're gonna have a pre reception for this golf tournament. And we separated as soon as we landed. We separated like me and Bobby went in one car and Wade Boggs went another. And when he got there, he had two cases of Miller Light, like Big Mill is his favorite, it's his favorite cases twenty four packs. He walks in the country club with two twenty four packs of Miller Lite and he goes to the bar and says, here, will you write the name Wade on these? These are my beers. So whenever I asked for one, just get him from these guys, like we have beers here.

Wouldn't they have had that for him?

Yes, But that's the kind of guy was, which is awesome, Like that's my first class story. It was so much fun.

That's hilarious.

And I got to ask him all kinds of questions, like where did you live, like when you were in Boston? Like did you leave his like alid? And like at my house in Florida, like I was just had an apartment in Boston. Did he play baseball for forever?

I don't know, Like so he's super wealthy.

I don't know, because he was playing when like in the nineties, eighties, nineties, I don't know, Like how well they were paid in the eighties and the nineties. Yeah, now baseball players get paid a ton of money, yeah, but I don't know what it was like then.

Did he keep playing through the early two thousands.

No, No, I think he was done like in the nineties. And then I think now he just like coaches a high school team.

I didn't say, did you ask him if he has like a job now?

Yeah? Yeah, yeah when And this was a while back, This must have been like eight eight years ago. But then he was coaching a high school team in Tampa. Yeah, And I asked him to, like, do your kids know who you are? He's like, I don't give a crap.

Like that's always the case with anybody famous.

They don't care who I am. Like, but put your wade fogs. It's just like, no, they don't care. They don't that's not a thing to them.

That's a cool first class story. Now I just want to sit in first class so I have a cool story, because like I would never say that though I know I couldn't justify. I barely could justify like buying my flight.

To go over there, right, I cannot justify paying for a first class ticket. It's crazy. You're right there. You're going to say, like people up there, they look like they all have good stories.

Yeah, or they're just like one, they got a lot of money, so they probably do have good stories or they're probably famous because that's the people that fly in first class.

Yeah, besides the one person that got upgraded.

Yeah you know what I mean.

Yeah, so that's why I also where people fall in love. So you know, I'll be back in mine.

I don't think so. I'm telling you, I just said it next to Wade Bogs one time. The other time.

You know, you did kind of fall in love with Wade Bogs. We had an early cool moment. It was a bromance.

I have his number two, but I've texted a couple of times. You know. Respond.

Did you get it on the first class flight?


No, no, it was later we spent I'm telling you, we spend the whole weekend together. That's funny. But it all started on that first class flight.

Oh see, bromance. You did fall in love, just a different kind of love.

Yeah, well it happens in first class.

Okay, Well think so I have more to ask you about.

We'll be right back.

Well we didn't get to talk and all of that. So you you did say that your mom came down for Thanksgiving.

We went on. We always get sidetracked, we do.

It's okay, and they're fun.

So fun.

But your mom came down for Thanksgiving? Did your brother also?


Everyone did, my mom, my sister, my brother. A lot of fun. It was so much fun.

How are you guys doing first holiday?

I mean without my dad? Yeah, it was. It was different, for sure. There were moments where we all get we all get a little sad, and especially when we sat in eight that was kind of like a man like, you know, we tried the turkey and everyone's like, the turkey so good. Like Dad would have loved this turkey. My dad was a foodie, like he loved food.

Oh that's where that comes from.

Yes, Oh yeah, I mean he's yes, It's all started with him. He's a griller. He loved being outside smoking meat. He loved like my because, like to give you an example, when when my mom got in, I was like, all right, I'm gonna fry one turkey and I'm gonna smoke the other. And she's like, no, don't, don't smoke one. I'm like why not. She's like your dad kind of killed that for me, Like because he would smoke everything, Like my dad would smoke boiled eggs, he would smoke salmon, he would smoke mac and cheese. He would smoke regular cheese. She's like, I would burp smoke, and I would tell your dad like stop smoking meat, just do it in the oven, like or just doing the skillet. But now he just loved it. And that's totally where I get it from. I just love being outside and the smell of smoke and cooking, trying to cook whatever in a smoker. Yeah, all that. I love it.

So even though your mom did necessarily want it, I probably gave her some good memories.

She did, and then everyone was just like, actually, my bad, this was really good. It's actually really really good. Oh good. So yeah, so there are little moments where we missed, you know, we kind of all just like, man, wish dad was here and he would have loved this. But I think overall everyone's doing a little better. That's good. My brother is doing awesome.

Okay, that was my next question.

My brother doing great? Like he Actually, I have this huge like hill that kind of runs in my neighborhood and you can walk it up, like. I love exercising and walking up this hill because it's three words.

I never thought i'd hear you say, but go on, I love exercising.

Well, it's because it doesn't feel like it's so beautiful out there and it's a hill that kind of like goes so high and you.

Like going on nature walks.

Yeah, Like I don't like waits.

I don't think i've I don't think I ever would have pinned you for saying I love exercising, not in a bad way.

It's just like not your personality. Eat that crap. I'll play football, I'll play game of baseball, I'll play soccer, like I'll do stuff, I'll walk, I'll go whatever. But like I don't like just goin exercising. Okay, so we like nature, like nature, so anyway, so you know, I was like after Thanksgiving lunch, I was like, do you guys want to go for a walk and just try to walk up the hill? And they were like yeah. And I was like look at my brother and like can you do it? And he's just like, yeah, dude, I could do it. Let's go. And he did it and it was awesome. Like I was like I could could not believe that he's just able to walk up a steep hill. And he says it sometimes like his leg will kind of like because he doesn't still doesn't really feel which is really like bizarre that he's learned how to walk and just use his body again. But like he'll pinch his thigh and be like, I don't feel that.

Like some of the nerves are gone, all of them or just some of them.

Some of them, Okay, some of them. So he says, like when he's walking, he doesn't really feel the ground, but he knows it's there. That's where he kind of has to be careful, Like when he doesn't see something and it's like, oh, that was a rock, like any.

Fall, it's I would imagine that would be correlated. Then his brain is remembering how to walk, which is a great sign anyway, Like that's a great sign considering what he went through. But his brain is only recalling what it has done before, which is why new stuff will be hard because it's not recalling things that haven't happened yet.

It's only recalling what it's used to.

Yeah, that makes it would be my guess. I don't know. It's so complicated, Morgan, Like we've just learned from like my dad and my brother that the brain like we don't really even know how it all works. Like we all know like oh, left side, left side of the brain is this front side of the brain? Is that whatever? But but like it's like he had a bleed in one part of the brain, and he was telling me now that what his doctors are telling him is that whatever that bleed, wherever that bleed was, it kind of killed that little section of the brain and it turned it into just tissue and that tissue slowly just goes away. So basically he has like a little hole in his brain where that was. So does that mean that he can never feel again or he can never learn to do certain things. There's like they don't know because they think that they can train other parts of the brain to do certain things that part could have. Yeah, you know what I mean, like things like that, and that's it's very complicated. So with him, the motor skills are like not you know, ninety five percent, except he just doesn't feel. But he's worked around that. He's like, don't dude, He's like, I really don't even feel like I got it. Yeah, I got it. And then he gets kind of sensory overload a little bit.

I do wonder because I on my podcast, I had talked to a neuroscientist at one point and it was very fascinating. Like she she had made the comment that we only know, like really no, and understand about twenty percent of the brain.

So it's crazy because right, because there's eighty.

Percent of the brain that we don't have the research, the study anything to really understand. But there is out a better way of saying it.

I believe there's like brain physical therapy.

There is that's what he's doing. Is he's neurotherapy okay, near a feedback therapy or whatever. Yeah, so exactly what he's done.

I would bet that with that they can start to train those different parts of the brain to do what that one lost.

I just don't know how it works. What's cool is not only that what he's learning now is that like not only can he start working on what he lost, he could also work on old trauma and learning kind of how what that old trauma did to his brain learn how to rewire it. Yeah, which is like the brain is crezy. I'm like, dude, I didn't have a stroke and give me that, like I want to go to these things with you, you know. So what's cool is like he is he's even learning more about the brain because he had a stroke, which he would free stroke give a crap about how the brain works. Yeah, post stroke, he wants to know everything about it. So it's it's kind of like, I don't know. It's it's very it's hard for my family, but once we're now that we're past it, you know everything. It's cool to see him change, Like he eats way better now, like he never It's like he was telling me, He's like, dude, I used to drink a monster energy drink, eat skittles every day at lunch, and a cheeseburger like at lunch, and then I would like for dinner, I'd have a coke and like go get like pizza or something and be like, bro, like that is he's like now he didn't even think about that, Like he cannot even think that think that way because the doctor's like, you got to change all that you can drink, got to eat way better, and you've got to have physical exercise. And so the way it's helped him as a person is just really really cool to see.

Well, and that's that's one of those life moments, right, that's a way call for for somebody, And I imagine that would be the case for your brother in this particular scenario, especially, so he's probably having that like, Okay, how do I go from this and do better? You know, hopefully it doesn't happen again? And how can I prevent that? Which I don't know. I don't know anything about strokes and stuff? Is that something that is preventable if he does take the necessary steps.

It's almost it's almost like he has to do that because once you have a stroke, it's easier to have more strokes, got it?

But taking care of yourself in a better way can help stop more from happening, correct, got it?

Yeah, you've got to You've got to work extra extra hard now for them not to happen again, because it's almost almost like you've opened the gate, like you've opened the gate to your brain bleeding now or some like a vessel bursting.

But like, good on him for taking that and doing it right, because he could not He genuinely could say I'm fine.

I'm going to keep living my life the way I want.

To live it. I think a lot of people do that. And what's cool is that he's single and alone, and that would even make it harder. I would think, no, no, like support every single day, Like sure if you had a wife. If you had a wife, she'd be there with him and be like, hey, you know you gotta eat this, don't do that, do that. But he's my himself, so he has to do it himself, which is like really cool. Yeah he's able to do it because I don't know if I could do that by myself.

Yeah, I don't know.

I mean, based on all all of your family and the ones that I haven't met, you guys are special.

So I feel like, oh, thank you Morgan.

Yeah, okay, well thanks for all the updates. Yeah, I did have a one that I wasn't putting in an end listener you and a but somebody did ask how are you liking the no hair?

Do you like it?

Not like it? What's the vibe?

I love it? Yeah, I love it. Yeah, right now you have some scruff happ well, and it's almost like like I like having a little bit of hair. It's weird going really.

Bald, but well there a second there, you were going straight bald.

Straight bald every day. But I don't like shaving, so like, obviously I don't like shaving my face. I don't I never actually shaved my face to the skin ever. I just have an electric razor that kind of just trims it to where there's always a little bit. They always have scruff always. So that's kind of how I'm will get in my head, like I never really want to go all the way to the skin because to me, that's like, oh man, you're old man bald, like you've taken it all the way down.

Yeah, but some people like they go straight.

They just go straight bald.

There's no hair.

No, it could be seen both ways because like I see my dad and he's always had a little bit of scruff.

That's what I'm saying. He went but he has lighter hair though, so like, well now it's white, right, So if you have white hair, you can have you can let it go a little bit and doesn't really show your bald spots. Yeah. Me, I still have dark hair, so like I still show my bald spot. Yeah, so I've got to keep it pretty freshly shaved, which is hard. It's just like it's just a pan in the butt. It's not hard, it doesn't take a long time, but it's a pan of the butt to do it well, it's.

Something new you have to do that was not previously part of your routine.

Correct. But when my brother was in town, I shaved his head and he was like, you loved it. Well, he didn't want it then after the fact.

But he didn't want his shaved head and you shaved it.

Yeah. Well, finally the last day he was here, is like, just shave it. Like you guys won't shut up about it. Just shave it. You guys are giving so much. Yeah, because he his head's like mine and he's just in denial.

And like, so because you've seen the light the light, it.

Just doesn't look good, Like it didn't look good, and like, if you want to look better, shave it, because that's been his thing too. It's like I want to start looking better. I lost a lot of weight. I'm gonna start dressing better. And like then then let's do it, shave the head. And finally he did it, and he likes it. He does. Yeah, he hasn't regretted this decision. He hasn't done it himself yet. So we'll see TBD to be determined. Yeah, we'll see if he.

When you say TVD, you don't have to say what it is.

To be determined.

People know what that means.

Okay, DVD, it's like saying the Facebook no, it's not, no, it's not I never say that the face.

You don't say a shortened version and then say the the phrase.

That you were okay Eddie, oh my gosh, okay.

Anyways, speaking of hair, though, if everybody's been noticing I've been, I've taken away the banks.

Didn't notice you didn't. It's okay, I'm sorry. I just don't notice hair.

Yeah, we've learned that from you talking about your wife.

We have learned that I just don't.

I've had it, like does happened just in the last week I had done it. I had told my hairdresser after Cmas, I wanted them for Cmas for a cool style. But then I was like, I'm growing them out. I'm just so tired of styling them.

But there are a lot of work.

To your point, it was something I had to do every single day, and multiple times a day.

What what what does it take? Like, what do you have to do? You have to do?

You use a little round brush and you have to blow dry them every time.

They basically like if you go work out, or you go outside, or.

You you go and do something, any type of activity you have to you'd have to come back and go fix them because they wouldn't stay that way or they'd move. So to keep them styled, you always had to keep them like blow dry basically.

But if you just let your hair be whatever it wanted to do with the band cut, what does it look like?

Everything would be curly?

Okay, it would be pure chaos.

Okay, there'd be random waves, some really ring lip curls, just lots of curls everywhere.

Okay, so yeah, it would be chaos.

I like it.

I like my natural hair a lot. It's just not I can't predict how it's going to go. You're naturally curly, yeah, very curly. My dad had like an afro's, so I got all my natural curl from him. I can't remember if my mom had naturally straight her curly hair. I think it comes from my dad. But yeah, so they're they're slowly going away for now.

You don't know how to feel.

Are you ever going to go curly?

What do you mean it is curly?

No? No?


Like like just I.

Have you've seen me with curl, like really my natural curly hair.

I've COVID and you guys are.

Like whoa because it's it's volume, like there's some because you literally all I do is spray sea salt in my hair with my natural curls, and they just it's like, oh gosh, uh Kimberly from a little big town.

No, really, hers are so perfectly styld though.

I really need her hair routine for like my curlsreaking awesome. Yeah, like hers, it looks beautiful, always styled great. I can't get mine to do that.

So if I can learn her hairstyle, then I could start doing it.

That'd be cool.

But I do have that volume and that like super.

Curly hair, and that could be your look.

Yeah, it's it's so.

Much to keep up with Eddie, like to your point, just like keeping up with not keeping up with hair, you have to keep up with it in a different version.

So but yeah, they're gone for now. They may come back, Okay, I don't know. I don't like it. It's it's an adjustment, like seeing myself. I keep looking in my air. I'm like, why do I look so bad? And I'm like, oh, it's because the banks aren't there.

It's not you don't look you don't look bad, it's just different. Yeah, you're so used to looking in the mirror and being like, Okay, that looks like me. M And then when you have that change, you're like, well that's not me.

Yeah. And it takes a long time to get used to, especially like seeing when you'll post videos from the studio and stuff, I'm like, what did I do that day? I lot look horrible? Yeah, And it's because I'm so not used to it, or do you.

Feel that way?

Our angle's weird though in the studio, like you and I have this, we share the same camera. Yeah, our angle is weird. It's up, it's up shooting down and everyone else's almost eye level, maybe like above their head at most, and like so everyone like when I edit, I'm like, man, everyone looks good, and like then there's us, Morgan, look like we're miniature. We do, we look small.

Maybe we can see about getting that brought down a little bit so we can be on everybody else.

The same level. Man. I think the reason I think the reason inside baseball. But I'm sure people love to hear about this.

They do.

But they didn't want that camera because it's almost above the stage. Yeah, they didn't want that camera so low that an artist comes in and hits their head on it. It is tucked away to the left, but it I guess they just anything around the stage. They didn't want it.

To just don't feel like any of the artists or even when we had like the Air Force Academy band, nobody was over there.

No, not really. I think that was just their their thought.


So maybe now that that's gone and they hey, it's bringing.

Down a little bit so we can look like everyone else.

Yeah, so we can be on the same glam normal. Oh man, Okay, well, Eddie, thank you for joining me.

Yeah, Morgan, things are happening.


We're wrapping this part up, but things, things are coming on.

Even though I come up to you and say, hey Eddie, Hey Edie, I'm gonna have to work on that.

I'm gonna have to start changing up my like tone. Hey Eddie, how's it going. I don't.

I don't think I can. No, there's no other way of doing it. Just keep doing, Just keep doing what you're doing. I feel weird now. I like it. Now I know I like it. And it gives his heads up, like here we go. I knew it was my week. And there's an internal clock to that kind of tells us like, I feel like my week's coming at some point your therapy session with Morgan, because what is it every five?

There's six of you guys, I think so every six Yeah, okay, so.

Roughly roughly like a little over a month.

Yeah yeah, so yeah, okay.

We'll tell people where they can find you.

Are you a producer? Eddie? On Instagram? U X, I don't post that X. When's the last time you sit on there? Oh you Morgan? Morgan not?

I feel like I posted there like last week.

I don't.

I used to post her all the time.

I say, like, to me, there's nothing to say.


I used to tweet really funny things. I just don't have it in me anymore, honestly, genuinely, no.

I get that.

I'm struggling to keep up with so that.

That's where I'm at, Like I'm forty five years old. Man, I've said a lot of stuff, you know, and that's.

Where you pull all your old stuff. I retweet a lot of the show stuff. I retweeted, like the CMA stuff. But the last I did post my podcast episode of My Teacher.

Oh that's always good.

Yeah that was a good one.

Yeah, we're promoting stuff. I get that.

The last actual one where I wasn't promoting, I was just posting something fun was when I was supering a carpenter for Halloween.

I posted this, that was funny. You look like her, I do, yeah, especially with a lot you don't look like her, but no, but when I rest uf, you looked like her.


That was the last time. So yeah, okay ex Instagram, uh TikTok rap producer Ready twenty five whistles. That's me and Bobby's sports podcast. Um, I think that's it. Okay, Well go find them all the things.

You can also go check out the YouTube page at Bobby Bone Show.

Lots of stuff up there.

Eddie works very hard to put videos up there for us, So go check those out for them.

Subscribe please, and you can check out my podcast. Take this personally.

I've had some people tag me in there wrapped for their year on wherever they're listening, and it makes me so happy. That's really cool thing where they're like one of the top listeners of the.

Oh, that's awesome. That's really cool.

And that was a cool moment for yea. So go check that out if you want to. I have my parents on for Thanksgiving. I have on my old teachers on Do you do that at home?

Yeah? What'd you do it in? Like the living room?

I have a podcast, Well, I create a little podcast.

Studio and which no here oh they were all here?

Yeah they okay, no, which is though. I do think I'm going to bring them home. I just don't know how that's gonna work. I don't think it will.

I might.

What do you mean in your equipment, Well, I might.

I'm I'm thinking about getting travel microphones to do like a travel episode when we're overseas, yes, from the train something, you know, something cool, like we're sitting under the Eiffel Tower.

And then what you should do is just grab a person that you meet and be like, well you be our guest on our podcast. That's what you should do.

It's such a cool idea. Yes, okay, if I end up doing that, you get credit.

I'll take it. Oh yo, all right, we're getting out of here. Bye guys. Bye.

That's the best Bits of the week with Morgan. Thanks for listening. Be sure to check out the other two parts this weekend. Go follow the show on all social.

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