Majority Whip and Illinois Senator Dick Durbin discusses the message sent by the DNC with Bloomberg's Joe Mathieu and Kailey Leinz.
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Joining us now here in Chicago is Senate Majority Whip and Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dick Durbin of Illinois. We are here in his home state for this Democratic National Convention. Sir, thank you so much for joining us on Bloomberg TV and radio. It's great to see you.
Good to be here.
And this is, as we've been remarking upon all week, a very different convention than maybe some expected just four weeks ago. Certainly we have a different candidate, but it also feels like we have a bit of a different message. Joe Biden was making his campaign very much about democracy, talking about January sixth, as we heard Nancy Pelosi do last night. Certainly Donald Trump hasn't shied away from that. Either he's calling them patriots or prisoners in the case of some of those who have been convicted. It feels like that's not getting focused on as much now that Harris is at the top of the ticket, And I wonder what you think about that. Is that actually still the winning message for Democrats?
I think the message is freedom and so many different aspects of it. Certainly when it comes to reproductive choice. We've found all across the United States, so called safe red states are voting for women's rights, women's right to have the freedom to decide the future of their bodies and their families. I think that is an underlying thing you continue to hear. So freedom is in the heart of the issue of this campaign.
Freedom is pretty broad, and I'd like to stay at a thirty thousand foot level with you here because you've been doing this longer than some of the people in this hall, where it told the economy is the number one issue. We're told that people are very concerned about the border. But when you look at this broadly, this election, what is the choice beyond freedom when it comes to the actual issues that people will make their decisions.
On here, well, I think the choice spoils down to a very simple phrase. Do we want to go back to the era of Donald Trump as president? And all of that brought us, you know, we kind of laughing off now when he suggested somehow another bleach was going to be the answer to the COVID crisis that had just disappear, and some of the other things that he did as president, we really destrugged our shoulders and said that may not be normal for the rest of the world, but it's normal for Donald Trump. I think the American people, if they watched this convention, understand there's going to be a clear choice here whether we're moving forward with a new outlook that's more positive towards relationships of Americans are returning to.
That Trump era well, and part of the Trump era was marked by his ability to appoint a number of conservative justices to the Supreme Court, some of whom, of course, have come under fire or have been looked into by the Judiciary Committee within the last years. There's been concerns raised about ethics. How much of this election is also about the next president's ability to potentially change the shape of the Court. Knowing that one of the things Joe Biden wants to do before leaving officer has suggested seeing done is Supreme Court reformed.
Dobbs decision was a grammary mind to the American people that the selection of a Streme Court justice can affect their lives personally. I mean, just look at the reaction across the United States of repealing Roe versus. Wade. Donald Trump brags about that, but I can tell you most Americans don't brag with him. They think this is a serious problem, and it is a serious problem for women and their families all across the country. So it's a reminder too that that basic freedom needs to have someone to protect it, and Kama Heiras will do that.
When I think Dick Durbin, I think Chicago, and I'd like to hear from you on what this convention means for the image of this city, maybe the economy as well. You've got thousands, tens of thousands of people from around the country in town here, and Donald Trump is comparing Chicago to Afghanistan. He says it's more dangerous than Afghanistan, pointing to one hundred and seventeen shootings on the fourth of July. What do you want people to take away? People are watching this from all over the country about Chicago that they might not know this week.
Well, crime and gun violence is an American problem. It is just a Chicago problem. And they can try all I wish to blame this administration or the Democrats because of the political makeup in Illinois. The bottom line I'm hearing from conventioneers is they've been dazzled by this city. Luckily, the weather couldn't be better for in August in Chicago. But in addition to that, the mayor has done a great job and cleaning up the city and a terrific job with law enforcement to make sure that we give people their First Amendment rights, but to stop them short of violence and vandalism. It really makes me sick to my stomach when I hear JD. Van's going up to Wisconsin and talking about the terrible situation with crime in Chicago. It was Jad advanced personally stop the appointment of a permanent US Attorney to the City of Chicago. Jdevans personally. I confronted him on the floor of the Senate several times over that decision. He said he wanted to grind the Department of Justice to halt. You tell me that's a law and art of candidate. I think it's a weird candidate, to be honest with you, who suggests that closing down the Department of Justice is the right thing to do, and he did it.
Senator, you just alluded to some of the protests we have seen since being here in Chicago. Though they have been I think is fair to say smaller in scale than many expected or even feared coming into this week when it comes to the protest over the war ongoing in Gaza, has it surprised you the degree to which they haven't been as disruptive or as robust, and do you think that may be attributable to the change in candidate. This isn't Biden's convention, it's Harry.
I think that's it. I think you put your finger on it. Plus, there was a conscious effort by the mayor and other leaders to work with the demonstrators and say, we will protect your First Amendment rights, but we're not going to condone violence and vandalism. We just not accept it. We're not going to accept that. And so the police have done a good job here, I think, and when you consider past conventions, that is a very positive thing to say. But the bottom line, as far as I'm concerned is we understand and they understand if the alternative is Donald Trump and making these foreign policy decisions, they're willing to work with Kamala Harris to see if there's a reasonable way to resolve these Is that right?
Joe Biden has struggles to reach a ceasefire here. It was back in May when you rolled out that initial six point plan and he says he's going to make this the priority for the rest of his term. If he cannot secure a cease fire, is Kamala Harris going to have an easier time doing well.
It's a big challenge for whoever as coming up with the agreement and then enforcing it. We all know, at least I feel I was with first senators say so that there should be a cease fire and stop military operations and release the hostages. That I think is the starting point to eventually finding some solution in the Middle East. I've been disappointed with mister Nettyahoo when it comes to a two state solution. I believe in it. I think that's been a policy in the past and should be again.
Obviously, he wants to see that done, as I mentioned earlier, he also would like to see reforms to the Supreme Court, something that would take congressional cooperation, and I'm not sure, sir, how realistic you think that may be, Which brings us to the point of whether or not you have more faith now than you would have maybe four weeks ago, for your party to retain control of the Senate. For you to be able to retain your place as the majority, there is.
No question, there is a new spirit and energy in the Democratic Party for this election. It started when the decision was made by Joe Biden to step aside, a selfless decision that I respect him for very much. And that new attitude and approach is something that Donald Trump's been unable to match. He just can't do it, and he's frustrated by it. That's why he says these bizarre things about We'll have one election, this will be the last one. What in the hell is he talking about. This is America. He doesn't get to dictated. The Constitution makes it clear what the law is. And he's reaching out in every direction, flailing away because this is a new candidate he didn't anticipate.
I suspect that you've had a chance to talk with your old colleague from the Senate about his decision to drop out of the presidential race. Did you give Joe Biden any advice? Did he have words for you?
We did not, And I made a point, after thirty years of friendship, not to make a public statement, but to be in contact with him and talked to him. And I've done that since after he made that decision. But what it boiled down to her two sentences in his speech to this convention, I love this job, but I love this country even more. And I think that really spelled out his resignation to the fact that he is now going to be moving on and has to live with his record, which I think has been one of the best in history.
It's great for you to come and see us in Chicago. Thanks for showing us around.
So good here. Come back sometime when there's no absolutely