Black Eyed Peas Artist/Entrepreneur Will.I.Am Talks AI

Published Sep 17, 2024, 8:41 PM

Black Eyed Peas' Will.I.Am joins The Close to discuss the adding of a new feature to his FYI.AI platform called Radio FYI. He is joined by Bloomberg's Romaine Bostick and Vonnie Quinn.

Bloomberg Audio Studios, podcasts, radio news.

Of course, a lot of people jumping into the AI space, some with some wack ideas and some with some creative ones.

Including our next guest.

Seven time Grammy winner Will I Am is using artificial intelligence to amplify the listening experience.

He's launching a new feature to his.

Fyi dot ai platform called Radio Fyi. It's an interactive tool that allows listeners to chat and personalize a radio interface. So let's get it started with the man of the hour joining us right now is Will I Am? Of course, you know I'm as a founder of the Black Eyed Peace music group. How you doing well, Great to have you here, Love the glasses.

Talk to me about how the radio.

Listening and experience and really just the music listening and experience changes with something like radio Fyi.

Yeah, if you think about radio, radio change my life. Right now, there's millions of cars being deployed and being made, and if you think about, like as we speak, somebody's putting an FM AM antenna into a car because people still listen to radio and radio hasn't been innovated since satellite radio. And so now with our architecture, we're able to allow the listener to engage with the presentation. It's no longer a one way street, or sometimes at half of a street. When you're able to call into a station. This radio architecture allows for one to many, so millions of conversations at the same time, during the same segment, for as deep of a conversational tree that you want to take it towards.

So you can turn the radio.

Station to a politics station, a sports station, you can ask any question at any time about the song, about current events, breaking news.

It's truly transformational.

Well, that's what I'm curious about.

I mean, I think we're around the same age, So I grew up at a time when you did have a little bit more interaction with radio DJs, whether it's calling in or just being able to really connect with them in a way that I think has been lost at least with normal sort of you know, terrestrial radio here.

How is this going to compete though, with.

The Spotify's and the streaming platforms and the social media platforms that I think have grabbed the attention certainly in my household of my kids.

So okay, we are assuming that radio is the same as streaming just because it's playing music when.

It actually an actuality. That's not what radio is.

As much as radio is about music, it's more about local what's happening in your community.

And I don't know the.

Last time I listened to Spotify, and I've figured out, you know, when it's raining or what's going on or what just broke, that's not Spotify. Spotify is, you know, the world's jukebox. Radio is what's happening in my community that's going to impact my life as I'm going from point A to point B, or when you're at home listening to the radio.

And so what we wanted to do is.

Take that concept and expanded a thousand folde to where a person can not only learn about what's happening locally, but.

Globally at will whenever it is.

They want to talk about it, however, they want to twist and turn their interests and turn it into meaningful action. And we're here at Dreamforce. We're about to put a sales portal on radio.

Last time I checked, I have music on Spotify.

When people were listening to our songs on Spotify, they can't ask the song what I meant by that lyric?

And with this architecture.

It also allows for artists to dream up and make amazing stations for deeper engagement. But just because it's mutic does not mean it's the same experience. Spotify is that this was a concert a conscious not the same as radio, and radio is not the same as listening to music at home back in the day when we had CDs and record players.

It's never going to get back to that. It's going to go to something.

Even deeper, more engagement, and that's what we aim to do with radio.

Do fyi it feels a little Blade Runner in twenty forty nine ish?

Well, is that what it's going to be?


Sort of personalized DJ? And you maybe you change that DJ every.

Day, you know, if you want to change DJ every day, not really a DJ.

It's the entire experience.

It's the DJ, it's the segments, it's the subject matter. For example, you guys report the news all the time. There's listeners that are like, what is it? What are they talking about on that segment? So what do they do? They take to Reddit, they take to Twitter, and they find out more.

They research.

But now when something is presented, I could just say, hey, what.

Do you mean by that. Yeah, can you explain that more? How does that affect me? How does that affect community? Right?

So this concept of a one way push that.

That's not what tomorrow looks like.

And it's not sci fi like Blade Runner some some far off distant time.

This is right now, Yeah for sure?

Yeah, exactly how are you going to monetize it? Will people pay for this experience?

Will monetize it with new uh AD units? So with every new innovation comes new ways to monetize.

So right now you're going to break to commercial and that commercial.

Is going to be maybe maybe people paid attention to the commercial, maybe it translated to some sell right in this case, if you're interested in that, you then will then ask like.

Yo, yo, uh, tell me more about this product.

And now now that the system is your sales agent, so everything everything is going to change with you know, this type of architecture.

And I'm so happy that you know, we had.

The insight and the skills and the talent to be able to materialize this ideation and deploy.

Why why do you think it's taking us so long to get here? I mean, I was looking at the title of your dream Force speech, The Dawn of intelligent media. I mean, on the surface, it makes a lot of sense, but I would assume there's a cost associated with this, and obviously just a reticence among legacy media to embrace anything new. But why have it taken us so long to sort of get to this point?

It took it. It took us this long to get to the point.

And thank God, salute all the folks at the transform that that wrote that transformform paper. Attention is everything over at Google, all that Google research, and thank you Sam Altman and the uh open Ai team for implementing, you know, the research of that paper to create GPT and the T and GPT stands for the transformer. So that revolution really gave us this catapult moment that we're that we're experiencing here.

But let's let's look at you know, my industry, my my the other.

Hat that I that I wore where I enter this space from, and that's the world of music. The record industry created a whole new type of music.

It's the reason why there's classical music.

But when classical music was classical music, folks that were making it were not like, yo, I'm making classical music.

It wasn't classical it just was music.

And then when the record industry came, they had to differentiate this style of music making and music experience from that style of music making and that musical experience to the point where they deem that and call that classical music. And we're going to see the same thing for this intersection and this renaissance that we're going to experience. Now, that's going to be a you know, the Unfortunately the past recorded music is the past, and it hurts my heart, but it also excites me because now it's time for the dreamers. It's time for the innovators to dream. What is the new experience, what's the new way of songwriting? What's the new way of song listening? So you mean to tell me with AI that we're going to mimic how we used to do music.

Ay, guy is gonna do a better job of that. Yeah, well this is going to be a great mimicker. But right now it's not the dreamer. Yeah, AI dreaming new things up from nowhere. That's our new network. That's what we do. So creators will always be needed in this space.

And I try to push myself to be that innovator, creator around the tools, putting teams together to id eate and materialize ideations.

All right, well, well, this is an exciting time we live in and an exciting product and from one of the great creative minds of course in the music and quite frankly in the tech space as well. Are thanks there to will I Am, of course, the founder and CEO of Fyi dot Ai new product Radio Fyi, hitting just now.

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