Single Best Idea: Paul Sankey & Ivan Feinseth

Published Aug 28, 2024, 5:00 PM

Tom Keene breaks down the Single Best Idea from the latest edition of Bloomberg Surveillance Radio.

In this episode, we feature conversations with Paul Sankey  & Ivan Feinseth

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Single best idea, an Apple podcast, what's the theory. Here's the theory. Tons of podcasts out there, and you know they go for twenty minutes, they go for fifteen minutes, they go for thirty minutes. Look to the Big Take with David Gurra is one example of the new produced podcast. What we're trying to do is give you a window into our three hours of coverage on Bloomberg surveillance, usually with two voices, and today was wonderful. We're gonna make this quick. It's August, it's Wednesday. The news slow is killing us. It's supposed to be quiet, it's not. But let's start here with an arching theme, which is evs in America. Paul Sanki has legendary in a hydrocarbon a research with Adam Siminski at Deutsche Bank years ago. Paul Sanki out with his own shingle. Now when he walks into opak Alpek style apps and listens, Paul Sanki in the future of ev in America.

The fact of the matter is that the largest single factor, the largest single sector in oil is US gasoline. And you know that's ten million barrels a day, right, one in ten barrels consumed globally, and obviously if you have a significant EV penetration, that's going to you know, we've been working on that for ten or fifteen years, absolutely, and it is negative for gasoline a mat obviously, It's just that the rate of sales is somewhat disappointing, and you know, the penetration into the fleet is therefore also weaker than you might have anticipated.

Pasl Sanki of Thank You Research and what we see in EV a huge theme for us in the next year after particularly what we saw a number of days ago from Ford Motor with a billion on the write down that they will take as we learn about EV's about gasoline moving forward big day to day in Vidio and lud We're going to devote an entire hour in the six pm hour to Ed Ludlow's thoughts on in Vidio, and his conversation will be with Jensen Wang, the CEO of Nvidia, and some of that will be colored by a tobaccle. We book people and we really don't know the newsflow. We try to guess and sometimes we get really really lucky. Ivan finds Seth. The Tigris management follows Nvidia, and just as the SMCI news broke with the stock plunging because of the accounting delay in their filings, we were privileged to have Ivan with us on SMCI and their crater. The only way to put the stock price Ivan find Seth Tigris management.

They recently switched in twenty three. They switched to Deloitte too, so I guess they're going through the filings again to make sure that no issue. I mean Hiddenberg does have a short position in the stock. And then they do publish research that recommends that shorting the stock based on accounting irregularities. So I mean it is Hiddenberg's work has been questionable. However, I do like super Micro. It is part of the AI play. So I right now feel this weakness is a buying opportunity.

I have and find Seth Tigris. There an SMCI Lawrence McDonald head on Twitter. He not me. He is suggesting Larry McDonald's suggesting that SMCI is the third largest customer of Nvidia. We'll have to check that. Ed Ludlow wouldn't know that. I don't know if that's true. Now Ludlow knows all the answers to this tech stuff as well. We've got lots coming up here in the end of the summer. Busy, busy week Carol Master, Tim Stonett Stenevik. They're going to go out to the US Open Fall Sweeney was there yesterday, which was very cool, the celebration in New York. Heat wave now, but the temperature breaks as we start to stagger into September. We're beginning to line up the voices you need to hear from into September, and of course we'll do that. Very excited about a huge radio expansion across the nation. We've got a big fat signal in Washington, DC, ninety ninety one FM joining US September third, ninety two to nine FM in Boston from Mount I love saying this from Mount Kataden to Block Island's National Hotel. People are really I'm going no, I'm making it up, but it sounds good. From Mount Kataden in Maine down to Black Island, off the tip of Long Island and off of Rhode Island. Well, okay, this signal is not quite that large, but we'll go with it. Ninety two nine FM in Boston look for that September third, Route and Ample Podcast. This is single best idea.

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