To The Ultimate Bouncy House Bonanza!

Published Jun 5, 2024, 4:00 AM

Blippi and Meekah are on their way to Ultimate Bouncy House Bonanza in the big city!  To get there, they’ll need to ride the subway, the bus and even take a ferry!

Hey, it's me Blippy and this is my best friend Mika.

Hi, Amika, nice to meet you. And this is our car, the Blippy Mobile.

Yeah, the Blippy Mobile takes us to amazing places where we have awesome adventures. I wonder where will we go today? Jump in the Flippy Mobile.

Up, you're playing and learning along the way, Hey.

Adventures, jump this way.

It's Flippy and mikas of the mid road Trip.

Yay, Miga. Look what just came in the mail. We got an invitation to the Ultimate Busy House Bananda.

Whoa look at those pictures. There's every kind of bounty. How's possible? Oh, there's a huge bouncy pirate.

Ship where I could pretend to be a bouncy pirate you are, and look bouncy obstacle courses.

Yeah, I could crawl through that tunnel and bounce over that law and slide down that huge slide.

Where is this bouncy dream come true? I need to know?

Hmm. It says it's in the big park by the river in the big city. Wait are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Road trip?

Hey friend? Do you want to come with us? All right?

Awesome, I'll check the maps. I've got in my jam pack. Meet you at the blee it be mobile.

I I oh fe hi hee gwig quick put your seat, bounce on, get ready for Priconna, have some.

Fun in the flippymobile, Meal drive away, finding you advan, just real lap a play, Let's.

Fly bye bye, Let's go.


Oh look out tall. All the buildings are whoa.

Everything is huge here and loud.

All right, according to my mapping compass, watch the big park with the bouncy house Bonanza is all the way on the other side of the city.

And I know the perfect game to play while we drive there. What's outside your window?

Hey friend? Do you want to play What's outside your window? With us?

Awesome? You can look outside, close your eyes, imagine what you see? A monster truck, the flame. Who knows what's outside your window?

Okay, I'll go first. I see lots and lots of people walking on the crowded sidewalks. People on bicycles are assuming by ringing their bells. There are so many cars in front of us that the bicycles are moving faster than we are. What do you see outside your window? And what sound does it make?


I'm so excited to get to the ultimate bouncy house Bananza.

I wonder why are the cars in front of us going so slowly?

I think it's.

Because of that huge crowd of people gathered up ahead. Welcome, welcome, one and all.

Let's pull over and see what's going on.

Putting off this ribbon?

Ye, Mayor Bethany big shots, the clearest grand subway station.

Oh mad, whoa who is that? Let's go meet her. Hey, it's me Blippy and this is my best friend Mika.

Nice to meet you. Oh, hello there, Blippy, Amica.

I'm Mayo Bethany big Shots, but you can call me mayor b okay.

Mayor b Wait, what's a mayor?

The mayor is the leader of the whole city.

It's my job to make sure the city runs well, and I make decisions like building this new subway station.

So cool.

Wait, what's a subway?

Oh, you've got a lot of questions, Blippy, Yeah, I like that. A subway is a train that runs underground under the streets and buildings.

An underground train.

So cool.

It's a great way to travel in a crowded city like this. As you can see, many people get around by walking or if you use a wheelchair like I do by rolling to go long distances in the city.

You can ride the subway.

I love riding trains, do dude, Well, I just officially opened this new station, which has a spiffy elevator for people like me who can't use the stairs.

That's awesome, Hey, mayor b can we ride the subway to get to the park with the ultimate bouncy house bananza?

The bouncy house bonanza one of my best ideas.

All Right, the subway. I'll get you halfway there, I'll take you. Come on.

Down, down, down, underground we go. Whoa, it's so cool down here. There are so many people and so many noises.

Hey, I know the perfect game. We can play. What's that sound?

Yeahhah? Do you want to play?



What's that sound?

Follow your ears? What do you hear?

A hug splass or even a rar? Listen all around for the sounds today. Okay, let's listen.

Whoa, there are musicians down here. I hear one playing a guitar.

What did you hear?

That is awesome?

Oh, this is our train. Let's get on. We need to go three stops. At each stop, the doors will open with a bangong. Then the doors close and we keep going.

Got it?

Three steps? Got it? Do you want to count the stops with us?


Here we go, one, two, three.

We're here.

Next you need to head up to the street to catch the bus. It will take you to the park where you can.

Bounce your hearts out. I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait.

Okay, Mayor, b do you want to come with us? Oh?

I have to go to more stops on the subway to city hall, where I have many big important things to do in my big, fancy office.

Thanks for showing us around your awesome big city Mayor. Bye bye bye, have fun bouncing, Mika. That sign says the bus is just up these stairs. Let's go.

Oh, here's the bus. Now, let's get on.

Ultimate bouncy house Bonanza.

Here we come.

H why is the bus stopping? Everyone is getting off. Oh look there's a bridge up ahead and it's closed and.

The park is on the other side of the river.

Oh no, how will we get to the bouncy house Bonanza.

We're stuck.

Don't worry, Mika, We'll find another way.

Oh look, a ferry boat. The people from the bus are all getting on it. It must goo across the river.

Cool, let's go. Sometimes when you're stuck, you just have to find another way. First we took a car, then we walked, Then we got on a subway train, then a bus, and now we're on a boat. There are so many ways to get around a big city.

Did you know if you ever get stuck in the city, Well, you're in luck because there's always a way to get around.

Let's learn a few at them. Now. Yeah, that's the sound of the car to.

The ingding elevator and the subway.

The train doors open, same saying as we walk away to the ring ring of a bicycle.

Down too on the ferrier's lap.

But if you want to get someplace soon.

Jump in the puppy move feel and room for a boom. We made it across the river. Oh fuck, Mika, there's the park. Wow, Wippy, I've never.

Seen so many bouncy houses and castles and obstacle courses and even more bouncy stuff.

Come on, I'll start by going down this awesome bouncy slide.

Who hi, yeah, look at me pirate glippy bouncing super high and my awesome bouncy pirate ship.

You are.

It's been so much fun learning new things today. What did we learn today?

It's so cool? One, two, three Can you tell me?

I learned that a subway is an underground train that people use to get around the big city and to get down to it. Elevators help people that can't use stairs, like mayor Big Shot.

And that lots of people get around the big city by walking or riding on buses.

Yeah, and that when you're stuck, you can always find another way, like riding a ferry boat to get across the river. That was an awesome trip.

I liked it all so much. Wait, I have an idea. Let's have another road trip real soon.

Great idea, Mica, and you're invited to Bye Bye Bye, jump in the Flippy Mobiles.

Coy rear Plane and Learning along the Way Adventures Trump This Way.

It's the bn mecast of the road Trip Day.

This podcast is executive produced by Moonbug Entertainment and Wheelhouse DNA

Blippi & Meekah’s Road Trip

The recipient of TWO 2024 Gold Signal Awards for ‘Best Kids’ and ‘Best Road Trip’ Podcast, Blippi &  
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