To The Race Track!

Published Apr 24, 2024, 4:00 AM

When Meekah’s friend, Romona the Race Car Driver needs a car for her big race, Blippi, Meekah, D.Bo and jump in to help her win.

Hey, it's me Blippy and this is my best friend Mika.

Hi, Amika, nice to meet you. And this is our car to Blippy Mobile.

Yeah. The Blippy Mobile takes us to amazing places where we have awesome adventures. I wonder where will we go today? Jump in the Flippy mobiles up your.

Playing and learning along the way.

Hey, adventures jump this way.

It's Plippy and mekas of the roa trim yay.

Room almost there, broom from.

I can see the finish line, time shifting the high gear room. Who wait, job Mika, it was so much fun to play race cars around the clubhouse. You were really best.

Thanks Blipping, we both did a great job.

Yeah high five five.

You know my friend Ramona is a race car driver and I think she's.

At the race track today.

Whoa, I would love to meet a real race car driver. What's that debo? Yeah? And see a race? Wait? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Road trip?

Hey friend? Do you want to come with us?

All right?

Awesome, I'll check the maps I've got in my jam pack.

Meet you at the Slimippy Mobile. Hell I I.

Am oh oh he quick quick, put your seatbelts on.

Get ready for our godriconna.

Have some fun in the flippy ole real drive away, finding you ad benches, real lap and play last Fowl.

Hi, Hi, let's go.

I ol.

Devo's leading the way to the racetrack, and my map says he's going in the right direction. We'll be there any minute now.

Awesome, And I know the perfect game to play while we drive there. What's outside your window?

Hey friend?

Do you want to play what's outside your window with us?

Awesome? Oh you can look outside.

That was your eyes.

Imagine what you see?

A monster drives. What's outside your window?

Okay, I'll go first. I see a bunch of big trucks lined up to get into the speedway. My friend Ramona calls those trucks haulers. The haulers carry race cars inside their trailers. They're very important to the race car drivers.

Let's wave at them. I think they saw us.

What do you see outside your window? And what sound does it make?


Whoa look at all the race cars, Mica. We're definitely at the speedway.

Now, I'm so excited. Let's go inside.

Oh there's my friend Ramona, the race car driver. Come on, let's go say hi.

Oh boy, these guys are taking forever.

How hard can it be to find a racetrack when it's perfectly still?

Wait? Is that Mika?

Hey Meka, Hey Ramona, nice to see you. I want you to meet my best friend. Hey, it's me Blippy. Name's Ramona. Nice Scemelia.

Oops, don't forget debo, Ramona. Can you tell us what it's like to be a race car driver? Absolutely?

I get to race my car around a track going almost two hundred miles an hour.

Whoa best job in the world, as he asked me, and I guess you did.

But it's also hard work because I have to concentrate and drive very carefully.

You can't take your eye off the road for a single second.

That's so cool.

Hey, can we look around?

Sure thing?

Let me give you some airplucks to wear.

Gotta protect your ears.


A speedway is many things, but quiet isn't one of them.

Thanks Ramona. That's much better.

The speedway is very busy just before a race. There are so many new sounds to hear.

Hey, I know the perfect game.

We can play. What's that sound?


Do you want to play? Two? Awesome?

What's that sound?

Follow your ears? What do you hear?

A hot splash or even a rock.

Listen around for the sounds today.

Okay, let's listen.

Whoa those people are changing the tires on that race car so fast? What do you hear?


That is awesome? Blippy.

The sound you're hearing is a tool called an air impact wrench. The tire changes use it to quickly change a car's tire during a race because they wear out, just like the shoes.

When you run around too much.

Oh, I know what that's like. I'm always running around.

I think the racers are almost ready.

They're putting on their helmets and look they're climbing into their cars through their windows.

That's so silly, you said it. Funny thing about race cars. They don't have doors. No doors?


Hey, where's your race car? Ramona?

I wish I knew the holler with. My car isn't here yet, and neither is my crew. Oh no, tell me about it. Maybe they got lost. All I know is out a car.

I can't race, Mika. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

You know?

I am Blippy? Best friends think alike?

Hey, Ramona, do you want to use the Blippy Mobile as.

Your race car? Boy?

What? I but I'm still missing a crew if you know of anyone maybe with a belly full of jewels. Looking at Eu, Roba, Dog, Demo and Mica reporting for pit crew duty.

I love this plant.

Team Blippy on three one two three Team Blippy.

Weapon drivers, start your in June.

That's our cue to get movie Blippy.

All right, I'm gonna need race car tires, racecar tires.

Kind of.

The Blippy mobile is ready to race.

Yeah, we're talking.

Hang on, Blippy, it's about to get very fast.

Who through room racecar? Troom froom racecar?

Would you help me on?

We're about to go through through p car three two one going round we go, trying to get first place. WHOA watch out, don't be knocked out of the rice fibers.

Are you ready?

Yeah, folks, are you ready? Let's go room throo raace car.

Okay, my boatside buddy, it's time to make one final visit to our very special pig crew.

I think the Blippy mobiles ready for a new pair of shoes.

If you catch my drift, you bet time to replace some tired out tires.

There they are, Deebo, got your tools ready? Good boy tire one tire, two tire three tire four.

You're ready to go, deem Blippy.

Thanks team, good job. Those kudos go double for me.

Catch both on the blip side. Here we go. You know this is so exciting. Debo are swooming.

Towards the finish line, Sarah the second place coming around the last turn.

Only one more car pass? Can they do it? Hey?

They did it, Ramona and Blippy.

Won the race.

Congratulations to our race champions.

Ah, thanks Nika, but I couldn't have done it without Team Blippy. You three jumped in when I was having a hard time, and I am.

Truly grateful happy to help. But now it's time to head back to the clubhouse and rest. Are tired racing shoes. Bye bye, Ramona, see it soon. Thanks again. Team come back and visit me anytime that goes double fore you Debo.

I know young, tell when I see it.

It's been so much fun learning new things today. What did we learn today?

It's so cool?




Can you tell me.

Today was so fun? I learned that race cars can go almost two hundred miles an hour.

So cool.

I learned that a pit crew can change four tires and fill a car up with gas in just second.

That's right. Debo. We also learned that earplugs can protect your ears from loud noises.

I liked it all so much. Wait, I have an idea. Let's have another road trip, real food.

Great idea, Mica, and you're invited to Bye bye bye, jump in the flippy mobiles, out earplane and learning along the way.

Hey adventures trump this way.

It's the bn mecause of the road trip day.

This podcast is executive produced by Moonbug Entertainment and Wheelhouse DNA

Blippi & Meekah’s Road Trip

The recipient of TWO 2024 Gold Signal Awards for ‘Best Kids’ and ‘Best Road Trip’ Podcast, Blippi &  
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