Jody Drysdale is Southland born and bred, now living on a farm in Balfour, Southland with her husband Blair and three children.
Jody and Blair had been looking for ways to diversify their farming operation, deciding on hemp. In response to one of her children experiencing skin irritation, Jody researched and developed a recipe to make a soothing cream using her hemp seed oil- resulting in Hopefield Hemp’s incredible skin care range. Hopefield Hemp is very much a family business and building connection with customers is hugely important to Jody.
Jody chats to us about getting into the hemp industry, making products in the kitchen with her cake mixer, and her experience with the NZI Rural Women NZ Business Awards 2022.
You can see more about Hopefield Hemp here:
Apply for the NZI Rural Women NZ Business Awards 2023 HERE: