Today Claire and Emma take a look back at Season 3 and talk about some of their favourite themes that have popped up over throughout each episode.
Thank you to everyone who has tuned in over the past couple of months! Season 4 will be kicking off in two weeks, so stay tuned for more incredible rural stories!
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Well, welcome everyone to the final episode of season three. Today's one is a little bit different. Today Claire and I are going to have a quick chat, a bit of a roundup, and talk about all the wonderful ladies that we have interviewed on the podcast for this season so far.
So Claire, Hello, welcome, Thanks you may gosh, it's a privilege to be here having a bit of a drink and just chatting a little bit about these incredible women that we've had on the podcast in this season. I think it's just so nice because everybody brings something so different. So today we're going to run through a few of the things that we loved about season three and how we think some of those ideas can pull through for our listeners as well.
Yeah, because we covered off quite a diverse range of ladies, didn't we When we think about it, we had everyone from the likes of Jenny and Raywan, who are part of our rural woman group, our family, right through to the likes of Sophie Hurley who started the Honest Wolf business and it's doing really really well at that. So I think if we just if I just think of the first theme that came to my mind, from some of these conversations, it was around sustainability, because remember we interviewed Clear, Bradley, and beck Smith, and also you interviewed Maria Custer in particular around that to nuclear So I thought there was a really interesting thing that kind of came through, and I guess the takeaway from me was that particular line of sustainability is interwoven in so many ways through people's businesses and it doesn't really need to be expensive or necessarily difficult. It can be, but also it can also be as simple or easy as you make it.
Yeah. Absolutely, I think it's become a little bit of a catch cry. In recent years. There's a lot more impact based businesses, and that's how some of these ladies described their businesses. I think definitely Maria and Becks mentioned impact. I'm pretty sure Clear did too, and around like leaving the land better than we found it, and all three of those wonderful women are doing some incredible stuff for conservation in our edule, but also around leaving bist farms, waterways, the environment and a better place than we found it. So that's pretty awesome and very inspiring.
Yeah, I think so too. Just kind of summing it all up. It was just really doing the right thing for the environment, I think, so, yeah, some cool stuff happening there. And then the other thing that came through really strongly for me was around health. I think the challenges around it from time in life. Obviously we throw in some curveballs, and we had two particular ladies who talked about some of their challenges and struggles. I think around that one.
Yeah, so I had the privilege of interviewing Che's Dag, who is a pretty incredible woman. After having an accident several years ago, she's just oh, she's just gone from strength to strength. She even got me to agree to do the Coast to Coast in twenty twenty three with her, so that was quite a call to action. But also I think Derah mar Tally, who was our first guest this season, she was just incredible just I think she shared so so honestly about the things that happened for her and how that led her to her business. But also, like what I loved was those practical tips right around, like how you can support someone that's going through something so challenging.
Yeah, we love a good practical tip, and in this case, feeding the family, feeding the supporters of the person that's going through the hard time, whatever that might be, not forgetting there the first line responders. Basically, I thought that was a really good practical tip there.
Yes, and I am so aware now every time I say, oh, you know, let me know if there's anything I can do, and I've even started schooling Pece on it. So Siah, I think that has come through very very strongly. So thank you very much for that.
And a nice fellow up I think as well. From here. I mean this is we didn't interview her in this season, but going earlier back Ellie Ludeman, you know, just a big shout out to her because that was such a great conversation that we had and she also talked about it then too, So anyone listening very specific with your help is the best thing you can do for someone in a situation like that.
Yeah. Absolutely, And this season as well, we interviewed some of our incredible rural woman New Zealand ladies, so Genny McDonald who's on our board in Raymond van Boot who is part of our leadership team, both from the South and I think it was quite neat. Yeah, it's quite neat to talk a little bit about the rural woman, the leadership space within rural woman, and where you can go, what you can do, what that growth is like over time. Both of them have been involved for a while, so it was really cool.
Yeah, And I think also as we drew out from their journey for how they became involved with Rural Woman, I think what was really clear is that need to develop one's own identity, because you know, I guess everyone goes through different phases and seasons in their life, but the constant theme that is coming through is needing to create a time or a space or a place just for you. And so it was really nice hearing about how these ladies put Rural Women as part of that special place for them, whether it's to grow their own identity or just you know, make friends and get involved with the community. So it was a really cool part totally.
And I think the other part of it as well, and we touched on this in season one and two, but it's that growing the identity outside of the farm. I think a lot of women are involved, Some are involved to a big extent, others are involved in a small way on the farm, and I think particularly for these to they've gone you know what, we're smashing it where that partnershiply will we want to go out and give back into the community. So I think that's a really important thing to bear in mind as well. Just going to take a short break so you can hear a word from our sponsors.
AFCO has been part of the fabric of rural New Zealand since nineteen oh four, partnering with livestock farmers across New Zealand, supplying quality beef and lamb to markets across the world. This naturally means AFCO works closely with individual farming families and wider rural communities, providing the support where it's needed, nurturing the grassroots of New Zealand's farming success story. That's AFCO Keewi to the bone since nineteen oh four.
And that kind of segues into that the other thread that's come through really strongly from what we like to call the rural business woman. So we interviewed Kitty Becks and Sophie, all of those amazing women this time. Clear they all live in the lower Northernd, most of them, and isolated that of the country, and that's really that big theme that came through as well. It's not only their own identity, but it's around independence and looking to really grow both of those aspects through developing their own business, and some really neat businesses too, like actually all very different.
Sophie with the incredible wall product that was developed when they were sort of finding it difficult to find avenues to sell their wall, and then Kitty with the toer coastal walk, which is just absolutely incredible and I'm like, how do we get on the list to do this? And then Bex with her and her beautiful design that I've just seen so many businesses that she's done, incredible workforce, so I think, just such a cool everybody goes in a different way and creativity kind of aspect.
I think, which is awesome. But the other common theme that came through, particularly from those businesswomen were the sense of purpose. And one of the purpose I guess points that came out of that not just around identity and independence, but it was also around succession. So if we think about the Hurlles, for example, it's around supporting that next generation to come into the family farming business and help I guess grow the pie so to speak.
And I loved how Kitty talked about that a lot as well, and particularly because she's at sort of a different stage in business. She's brought out her business partner and they're looking at ways that they can grow so that their kids have opportunity and they can do whatever they want to do, whether that's to remain on the farm and be on the land, continue the existing business, or do something on their own. And it's kind of just growing the means to be able to do that, which I think was just really cool.
So I think we've had a pretty awesome Season three so far. We've got a couple of things in the pipeline just coming out from the rural world aspects. Do you want to tell us a little bit about Activators, Claire.
Yeah, absolutely so. Activator was actually the way in which I got involved with Royal Women of New Zealand, which is pretty exciting and essentially it is our program which helps newly formed businesses or businesswomen that want to start something up. They've got a spark of an idea and they want some support. And this year it's pretty cool because we're running them in three locations, White Cuttle, Wellington and Dunedin, so you can get attached with us if you're interested. And what's really cool is it actually helps build women into our program of the ins I Roal Women Business Awards, which we run later in the years, so keep an eye out for entries to those as well, and if you can get involved in Activator. Most of us are running little events in and around the program. So in the White Cattle we've got a neat sort of cocktail party, panel sort of speaking event afterwards as well, which is going to be open to come to. So keep an eye out on our channels to all of those.
Yeah, awesome. So where you want to hear from you? Where you want to hear from our listeners. We want to hear about who we should speak to next. What do you want to hear about? Give us some feedback, good bed or otherwise. We'd love to hear from you, So flick us a message via email or maybe reach out via any of the socials and just tell us what you think and what you'd love to hear.
Yeah. Absolutely, And if there is any particular person that you feel like we just must speak to, definitely let us know. Because we've had a couple of absolute amazing guests recommended by our listeners.
So anyone out there who wants to join. We're a Woman of New Zealand. Look, we'd love to welcome your board and have a look on our website for how to join. We've got heaps of awesome events coming up over the coming months. There's going to be something for everyone, so stay tuned and we will see you back for season four very soon.
So exciting.
Thank you so much, Tima. Bye.
Rural Women New Zealand is a community of like minded women who are doing amazing things in their respective regions and communities.
This podcast celebrates the achievements, successes and stories of our Rural Women, which are also the foundations for our organization's rich history.
We want you to be part of our future story, so please join us by clicking on the link in the show notes and we look forward to welcoming you into the fold.