Today we have our wrap-up episode of season one of the Black Heels and Tractor Wheels podcast. Claire and Emma talk about their favourite bits from the podcast and reflect on how far Black Heels and Tractor Wheels have come.
A massive thank you to Laura, Chelsea, Emma, Chanelle, Gill, Rowena, Keri, Claire, Julia, Jen and Sarah for taking time out to share their incredible journeys with us!
If you have any recommendations of someone who you think would be amazing to talk to, flick us a message on here or send an email to
We can’t wait to come back and share more amazing stories from rural women around New Zealand.
You can listen to the podcast below. Stay tuned for Season 2 coming in the next few weeks!
#blackheelsandtractorwheels #podcast #ruralwomennz #ruralwomen #ruralcommunities