Big Bank and DJ Scream discuss hate, leaving America and protecting black women. BIG FACTS welcomes Young Dolph to the show to discuss his new album, leaving America, hustling and more!
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Big Bang and DJ scream bring you Big Facts Podcast in the street. Visit the new website today www dot Big Facts pod dot com. Yes, DJ screamed my dog, big Bank. You know what it is, Big Facts another episode. We are here, We are back, We are back, We are in the building. Bank? How you how you doing? My brother? Man? So look that last episode, a lot of people are asking a lot of questions. Listen, that episode was shot about what about two or three four weeks ago? Maybe a month? Maybe a month ago, you know what I'm saying. Blame it on me. It was more than the month. Blame it on me. I contracted the coronavirus to COVID nineteen, so I had to ship and sweat and take my herbs and all that stuff for a little while. I lost about ten fifteen pounds. But we're here, We're good, We blessed, you know what I'm saying. And then Bank just ain't been on social media period? Where has Bank been? That's the first thing where you being man, talk to the people. Bro hey man. Sometimes you gotta lay down and see he's gonna step over you. Sometimes you gotta lay down the sea. Who's gonna step over you? Okay, that's a quote. That's a big quote. I've just been chiding man. Yeah, trying to pick this ship out. Man, it's Corona, got them, not of the other ship. Man put it then in a lot of ship man. Yes, Well, look, you know what I'm saying. I don't think it's over people people saying that, not just saying Corona. But this year is just a different year. There's some different ship going on, and you gotta adjust to it, you know. I just think that now Trump say them, I just explodes, not kind of comas and ship going on? What the earthquakes? The fuck is going on? The streets is up, It's up. It's just every city, every city. It's crazy. Bro yea life. Now, pray for the streets, man, pray for the streets. Let's do Let's let's talk about something the ship that people wanted to talk about, you know, I mean, it's splitting the da of the ship. First, let's just talk about hate, you know what I'm saying, Like, where does hate come from? Why do people hate on others? Why do people hate them cells? Why do people hate loved ones? How you feel about just hate as it exists, not just the streets but just people period. Guess what, it's something that's embedded. Bro. You know what I'm saying, ship passed down, like how he might say, goddamn, she got his mama nose or you know what I'm saying, all that ship like that his cousin lips that ship has passed down. Yes, ship just passed down. It's just anyway, bro, that should come from. That's how they what you call it when you that's how you programmed. It was a program, bro. From the begining. It was programmed to hate all of us. Now I'm just saying, like the way of the world. She is just like a pen opinion, come out the world just hating she she You don't come out of the room with this wife you like it Ain't that what I'm saying it. It'd be taught to you, like if you if you in your house, all they do is talk about other people. That's that's part of the company. You're gonna start doing it as a child. You don't think that you're gonna start running in the house. You goddamn telling to what's going on outside to your mom and dad, because you know that's the shoot with intrigued them. But okay, so we're about to have nots. You don't think that being in the situation of being a have not and watching the people who have can create resentment and hate. You don't think it can be somewhat created. It motivates something though, Yeah, you know what I'm saying, motivates some people. But like I said, hated something that's taught you get know what I'm saying. You'd be taught to hate, like to sucker ship, especially on people. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, so you say no, they could have learned in their family or maybe just the people around them who they're around. If they are you're around a bunch of haters, you might turn into a hater. Facts. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, fact, what about people who hate themselves? What should be like? It was kind of you were taught there too, though I'm to my life from I'm too from back then, bro? When whatever what's going on before we got here? When up Untie as so, So you're saying that certain Africa, the guy damn what they say the house nigga, I always felt like to feel nigga. Yes, for sure, you know what I'm saying. The light skin and slaves. I always felt like black as slaves yea, So it was something that was top. So how do you what's the other side of that? Like, so I feel like human life is precious, It's priceless, you know what I'm saying. But I feel like there's people who with the Hayden just not giving the funk about others in themselves is like almost they the value of life, not even just on some black people in street ship, like everybody like mass shooting, blowing up, Like the value of life is just down. But how can you just fuck it? I hate myself and everybody else. I just don't get it. You're saying that is learned. I'm just saying, like, Ship, you don't see that. But negativity every day you know what I'm saying, and you feeding into it? Then, Ship, how are you gonna be positive? Well? How do so whether the positive people get it? What you mean? Like if you're positive safe? For instance, if if you're positive, what if at one point in life you're mad, you're angry, you're a hater, you're fucked up? Right, how do you get from that space? Not to say this is what jay Z or Diddy was, but how do you get from that space to this space of happiness. Let some of them gonna be happy neither though some of them be Chad pray. You said someone don't be happy. Yeah, somethigas rich as haters know how to hate this ship rich. Yeah, you don't know, so you don't think it's niggas in position? Is holding up intentionally holding another niggat a position? Is? So? Is anybody happy? I'm happy? I'm just saying that's happy. You get what I'm saying. Yeah, I'm just say how happy. I don't try to hold people back like I'm happy. But you're a different breed. So it's a rare breed of people who So you are you? Are you? Are you saying that most people aren't happy? Now? I can't say that. I ain't gonna say most people. Don't say most people that indulge in negativity is unhappy. Most people that indulged in negativity are unhappy. Another quote, you're spending out the quotes. Man, we're smoking, but it's a big do know the name of So where's your smoke? The big boys that look that looks like one of the winds blunts. Bro. Yeah, this is not here. Now, this is this is ain't about two three grounds? Okay, big backwood, Hey listen um. The problem the trailer ship that I read Dmitria Brown, African American woman that worked in law enforcement, moved from the United States because of racism and police brutality. She is now in Mexico. She put a clip up saying, look, Mexico got his problems too, but I'm happy I moved for the United States is a racist and hatred country. My question to you is would you move from America and go? Well? She didn't do what head my happy? She said? She in Mexico. She she she's African American woman who was in law enforcement, but she saw in law enforcement that the police ship is sucked up and even deeper than it's so racist that I don't know. Maybe she feels like you can't all the way win in this amongst the racist I don't know what she feels. But she put up a clip saying, I don't regret leaving the US, y'all. I'm in Mexico and I'm happy. What else she gonna say? She could be down and I got him doing what Mexico. But what I'm saying is I don't hear killing my honor, and people say, and should I put it on record too? Love America? Shouldn't love America? You know what I'm saying. But is there a better opportunity for us elsewhere? That's what I'm saying. Where. I don't know if it may be, But where is it? Africa? Baby? The island? You gotta go there with some money, though. You can't go there and be no regular name. After you're gonna be over there with the same ship that's going on. Would you leave because you're not going over there as a regular nig What if what if you you respected you bank here, right? But what if you go there and you're like a fucking king man do that kingship coming some money? Yes you can, Yeah, I try thing go damn what I'm saying to make business sense? If you're but I ain't just moving over there? Fuck noe. By the time you move somewhere else and get adjusted to that way of life. So okay, So this is really the premise of this conversation. Is America that bad? Is it that? No? How not? If this is a free country, ain't gonna say were free? But this is a free country. Family of George Floyd would say. Otherwise, they were saying, what that have happened in the Bahamas or just one one you can name, name one of the third world countries, it would have been worse Haiti or hating that ship like that we's up at so you said, but with the cop kill a civilian or kneel on the civilian's neck for ten minutes. No, yeah, you're right about that part of No, yeah, you're right about that part. They Yeah, they're doing I don't I'm go vacation in these places. I don't stay long enough to know other than Jamaica. I'll want to know what's gonna Noah, But as he is fucked up. When you're putting them that protracted, they're probably doing ship to folks because they're doing ship. They're doing ship over here to Nigolads for ship and putting it on so we can see it over and over. That's what I'm saying. That's what they're saying about the racist part and the part that we have to question. We know we got laws and how you gotta go through the system, but the part that has to go through so much to say that this motherfucker is guilty and ship go to jail. You see what I'm saying listening in other countries, the police brutality is universal. But like they don't give a funk who you are, Like, if you don't buy by the rule, that makes most sense than it just happened to me because of my color. I can deal with it just happening to everybody as a whole. I would need to leave here, like you're saying, like white body scary him? Man, then god damn me trying to stand on that ship like police like the like they said. I heard somebody say one time they need to got there. Put the black people in the black community. Man. But some of the black cops fucked up too. Yeah, can they be trying to shop if you just got damn yeah, if you just be a regular nigga like ship, bro, I haven't seen some of them, nigga, let your head go. I ain't got magal party coming whatever. So again, it's America that bad. You can because you're customed to all know nothing else. If I see something else better than hire, no, you know. But so you could be You could be a businessman, You could be a rapper. You can get your money, you get your cards, you can get your jury and get this, you can get this, But can you truly be equal to other races that have the same or less? Who gives a funk? Who gives an who gives a funk? About being equal to the fun them? Equal more than that. But I'm saying equal me. You could drive down the road and get pulled over and be subjected subject to the same ship that another race would be. You know what I'm saying. That's kind of fucked up, bro. You see what I'm saying equally? Yeah, see, you're putting that ship like that. Yeah, you're right. Now that's the question. Now you're putting that ship and didn't catch fake to make that ship be like it's some bullshits looking like it's like you can have a hundred billion dollars, you know, I would love, hopefully, God bless we get that the west side of it. Diggers doing bull did anybody show? We ain't got to that yet. But it's America that bad because that's sucked up too when you're accustomed to it and not when you get used to it. And then what it is just another guy damned they just went by. Whatever happened, whatever it is, what it is. It is what it is. But it's like you know, if you Alison wonder Land, if you Addison wonder Land, you come over here for someone else, now you're probably like here, this ship fucked up. You're accustomed to you like over there the other Canada holding the world, holding the world. It's different, bro, it's different. Bro. How they eat it like that? I don't know. I can't answer that, but I pretell if somebody somebody sent me a wire in a place to stay in Canada, boy, you're gonna be zooming me for big facts positive place Like Man, I'm doing something, no getting Yeah, it's it's up, but it's like it's just like it's it's oh, it's just like it's cleaner. One, it's cleaner. It's just cleaner. Like you know what I'm saying. It is the people are more pleasant And why dre act like that? Yes, motherfucking chick employees? That thing is so fin this man, how you doing? And it's finis than the motherfucker But this they Canada for the different for this. So yeah, So Banker is not moving for the United States, y'all, y'all don't have to worry. Banker's not moving Like I said, I can't say what you know, I go with you. Now, I'm like a leaf, broever, this ship blow me there, but that's where I'm going, like, ain't down, ain't down my path, you know what I'm saying. So however they go, they go like, I ain't going over that to be no regular are enough for sure? Do you think you're missing Hell? Yeah, you missed the bullshit too. Bro When you go out of town, you out of town. Five sit miss right, and they're ready to get back home, back to the city. You got five star mills. You want to get back to the Chicken wings and they're ready to get the bike. Ain't bad. Another conversation that's been going on. We saw. We don't have all the details where we saw. What's going on Megan the Stallion, she's been shot. We don't we're not here to say about who or what all happened. But a lot of black women and Jade, actually we need to what number Mike is that? James? We need to talk to Jay because you're a black woman with number. They don't know ship what number say right? What number? The white the white tag? Right for? She said, she said, come over a little bit, I want to talk to a African American woman about this. The word is that African American women A dude, bro, you don't know nothing about no women ship. Man. I'm listening to screen Forget American Women Cash. You can chime into what your best yell if you want to. Oh, African American women feel undervalue, they feel like they're not protected by their kings. They feel like we don't stand up for them as a whole. Let's open this conversation. How do you feel, Jake, because you're around some good people that love you and to go the distance for you the best. Um as far as the whole, like not being protected and you know, not feeling valued and stuff like that. I can't really say that I don't feel protected and I don't feel valued. But it's Black women, especially like in power positions and especially like in the industry that we're in. It's a lot of ship that we go through, like because niggas don't want to give us our credit. So it's like okay, so no, no, what you're getting that is important because goes with what you call it, uh not haveing equal pay and all that type of ship. But I'm just able to pay is just the same level of respect, the same level of respect. So we're actually doing more than most of these niggas, but we don't get the same kind of accolades because they just figured like, oh, like, we're just supposed to do it because we're women, Like I got you. So why do you think that is now not a mental Why do you think that the women feel shorted or don't feel protected, or don't feel like they king stand up for because mostly nigga want to split too. They want to split in the middle, and they don't want they dick what they need. Want to be bitches, That's what it is. You can't be a bit chee that ship in you, man, it's over it. Yeah, and they're stilling to peep it more more than off than them, Like yeah, then this nigga bitch, This nigga bitch, this nigga bitch. So look at this. Let's let's sell you out, let's say you out, and it's not there's someone you don't know. And I'm kind of an answer this to this because I'm I'm on my business all the time. But let's just say you see some real fucked up, disrespectful ship that's what they're talking about. So real fucked up ship a sixteen year old black woman and uh thirty old older black or white man or Asian man. You dumb as bit, just some disrespectful what do you do? Well, you gotta do what you gotta do in that situation. Okay, you gotta be You'll stand. That's what they're talking about. They don't feel protected, like it's it's it's women missing, you see what I'm saying, Like we definitely should be protesting. You know, I'm saying as a whole, they don't feel protected by their kings or their brothers as a whole, which I said, Jade is an interest is a special case because she got people around it, that lover that's gonna go to distance for her, so she's gonna feel a certain type of love even though she doesn't always feel equal to whomever. But then again, it goes back to what Black said, like at the end of the day, like it's kind of like who gives a funk. You can't worry about that because you really that's something you You can't control other people and what they feel. So it's like you still have to do your thing and continue to do it. And I mean, I'm saying regardless of what anybody else thinks. So Oprah became Oprah, Michelle Obama became Michelle Obama, et cetera. On that end, I think that there is a past. I'm just saying about your daughter walking down the street doing some just basic ship. Our black women protected enough? Do we care enough? Should we be post somebody saying we should be going like that? Like what I'll say, it is so so some people say, and I don't. I don't agree with this because I don't Brianna tell her, like crazy, go arrest the people that kill Brianna tell her. Some people say we put more energy into the other side of the Brothers than we did a Brianna. We should be marching and going just as hard for Brihanna. And there are people that are. There's people that went up there and got locked up behind that ship, right, But some people feel, for whatever reason social media, we should be going harder for Brianna Teller. She was also murdered by cops. You know what I'm saying. But it's it's not just Kentucky, Kentucky, or I think it was Louisville, Kentucky. I think it was Kentucky, but then what but I mean, it's like I totally agree, but it's just so many Brianna's like, what about the black lady from here that went to the sleepover with the seven white people for her son's football team and the next day they found her She had been thrown off a balcony and they found her body like somewhere else, Like, uh, bro, I did not let me ask this. Let me ask this, Jade. Do you feel safe and protected overall? I do you do? That's you think? You want to get deep? Do you feel not comfortable? You feel valued by black men in general? Yeah? I mean I you do, okay, Cash videographer Cash, do you feel safe overall? Do you feel valued? Okay? But that's different cause they around people like us. But still, I'll tell you thiggers ain't feitling. Let nobody else do back. Now if she right here fighting up, but friend that they didn't and nobody getting between the dicking push, That's that's the thing. Yeah, certain situations. But if you see some ship like oh, you don't know him, shouted what y'all doing when it's here? Yeah, like you're saying, helping ship man, niggas man, Nigga's gonna draw out man and nobody just you think, think about it, not even fun. You think it should be like known Street colde that you shouldn't rob a woman or particularly fat women. Yeah, that's fucked up. You see what I'm saying. How do you even do that? Though? What even with then you allows you to do that like hating people who hate themselves and it's just all changed. Man, Like at first she should be money over bitches. Man's m O E money over thing b B m o e BB money or everything, but bitches right, used to be mone bitches there's money or everything like when he became that, Like, don't about get what fun no more? You know the crazy thing? Um, I know because a lot of people getting this like SBA money is long. I'm gonna be honest, is gonna be all that money? They don't be doing ship with their money nothing? You know what I'm saying. It ain't like you're taking that money to create a whole bunch of more money. They can get a hunting and go on the club shopping spree. And is taking this money that they probably could have got the jail for it and not creating opportunity for their family. But that I don't nobody ain't nobody, you know, we don't ain't They're good. Yeah, they're good. Boy, you ain't gonna be good. They're gonna be all right. I'm just saying that. Look, you look, this, this is a time and we talked about this ship where you can adjust and this it's people. It's people making some moves. There's people out there buying up all the property because it's cheaper. Right now. It's like, I'm gonna buy up all this ship. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do that ship. We've been adjusting, we've been playing in the plotting. I don't think bank ain't finna up. See what I'm saying, But Niggers ain't even taking advantage of some of these opportunities in situations, let alone the money. How do you get a hundred hundred two hundred, two hundred and fifty and don't do nothing with it, not one investment? Be feeling like they're don did so lifting that ship up, long ship and I just did everything you can do it this money, No, I got this money. You're ready to go a long way. That's a ship different Bro got the pigeon ship. So like you've seen when I had that ship on. So that's where we at. I ain't gonna keep you know, I ain't gonna keep scraping that record. Her name is Tamla Horsford Horseford, UM. She was. She went to a sleepover with her son's team mothers, the seven White Women UM. The next day her body had been moved by one of the husbands, but she had been thrown off a balcony and beaten to death. And everybody said that they didn't know what happened to her, so they locked them folks up. No, they did not how you know how these facts dot com bro? They said the husband and he dot com bro. They got his picture clear as that biggest suspect. Oh he had. He's not hiding at all. They just never pursued the case. And it's a million cases like this like that's up. Yeah, protect women, you know what I'm saying. Should protect women, no matter the race. She should protect women because we wouldn't be here without a woman. Now, there are some two th eighteen for Size County. I didn't hear nothing about that. But I'm gonna looking to a woman though, so many bits things. They're gangster too. If you don't look you're you're subjected to your own karma for show, Like if you're out here doing like it's women out here robbing. So it's some ship happened, That's what I'm saying. I don't jump out and place judgment like, well, how could she be found behind the I don't know what happened. I'm not into that. But when is open, it's like when I felt meg Man, She's like, damn, I got shot. Yeah, I just don't put turn me into Yeah she got shot. I just heard some ship about it. Ain't said you know what I'm saying, Like she turned her They turned her into a meme in less than thirty minutes. What mean name it? Fifty had to apologize everybody. They just made me in the in the dellaries from from Harlem Nite even even and everything. Yeah, because she got shot in the just delays that's up. Yeah, that's crazy. What she was it she was l a with Tory Lanes. I want to oh yeah, they say to Lane shot at let me speculations. Well, I mean allegedly allegedly locked up though right for that he's out now. Oh I don't know damn toward like but he do that for him. Allegedly, she was trying to leave and she got shot. She said she he sho. She hasn't technically commented. It's probably a bunch of courtship going on with she'll speak in time, And he said he don't speak to oh, ship out And he's saying he's gonna speak. He might he might have been, well, she ain't trying to shoot. What listen, I saying, I don't know what happened. I went there. The moral of it is ship, protect the woman up whatever like ship shot. Yeah, I want making. I don't know woman because she she'd be dancing all that ship and should have sucked your ship up. Brom saying, you know that's a part of her routine. Like all he's saying, yeah, up, you know what I'm saying, Like at the end of the day, when the time had gone to it that she could affect. They hit on the wrong spot of some ship. I mean, bigger listen, you get shot in the foot and die, get the wrong artery, yeah, but still saying you live and then you gotta got the limp or some ship like Yeah, damages damages salute to Megan Statis, salute to all the black women out there, especially the women had them in their business. We love y'all. Up. We're here for y'all. We want you all to feel protected, and that's pretty much what it is. Man, we're gonna find you on Dolf. Dolf round here. You know what I'm saying. We don't get him on his own. Chop it up with him, you know what I'm saying. He got a new album coming out and everything. Make sure you got the big facts pot dot com. It's DJ Scream is Big Bank appreciate you Jade. That's what's up? Big Bang and DJ Scream bring you big bat hey man sideway up good merchant? Yes, yeah, that's right. Www Dot Big facts pot dot com. What the real one one time? Y'all come get y'all some of this merchant facts pot dot com. Get that merch right now, shot with us side of way up Big fact Merch going down to the new website today. Www. Got Big facts pot dot com. Big Facts were here, DJ Scream, Big Bank ain't by special requests all in the d ms all day long. They're like, when y'all gonna get Dolf on Big facts. Dolf Is on Big Fast What What's up? My brother? Screen was problem? Man? You you know the word is you right now? You gotta you got an album dropping on the fourteenth. That's the first thing we want to talk about. It's called Rich Slave. I like that title a lot. Why you came up with the title and how you came up with it? Man, it just so many, so many different scenario like keep it real. It was a song right there, like a while ago, and when I did soon, I don't know where I was there. I think I was. I was a cal I was at home and it's like I was recording I put the bar in them off. It was when I when I was recording the ship, it was a song called I recorded and put this in and it was the name of the song, you know what I mean. But the readion why it was the name of the song? Cuar was like just that. She just was going only like, man, there you go and spend four million dollars fat million dollars on grivs and changing all that ship man, and she was in the same thing, you know what I'm saying. And on top of that, you like on how much of since you get him my money you get it's like even still black. It's like they don't get it that you're like you're still the same thing. Like its like from back then to right now. That ain't betting. I'm a pacifiers, you know what I'm saying. Let a couple of uk get some money. Let's all gonna be megan. There is big and there, but for the most part, man, we still have funked up. That's what I was saying the bank earlier, like we was talking about what what what we ever leave America because some people have been leaving America for better opportunity, saying it's so racist and funked up here. You can't really all the way be equal. You can get money, but you can't really be an equal. So we was kind of talking about that ship earlier. You know what I'm saying, Like, do you think it might be better elsewhere if people black people started going elsewhere? I don't know. It's hard to say this home, that's what we know already already be hard to leave your neighborhood, you know what I'm saying. So you turn out to leave that leave the country and goes somewhere else. This ship ain't easier. Now I feel you. I'm just out. I'll put it out there now I feel you. But ship nigguld barely be want to leave our own neighborhood. You know what I'm saying, Like, shoo, that's a hard pe right there. So you know a big facts, man. We try to find solutions. What's the solution to to to the way you're feeling? Like when we listen to Risk late, like it's the solution. Just keep it pushing, take it one day at a time, or is it something we're gonna learn or some game we're gonna get from the album? Man, it's really game of motivation, you know what I'm saying, Like the really the same thing I've been on, Like I own your own ship, be your own about, your own leader, your own CEO, your own like be more independent. You know what I'm saying, depending on yourself. It's crazy with everything going on right now, with everybody to pushing right now, I've been pushing that ship from from the get go, from the start, you know what I'm saying. You think it's easy or harder to be independent right now? Man? Ship easy? Ship easy because it's like if you're hosted it's easy if you ain't a hustle. It ain't easy with that, Like if they mean it's like if you're not how to manage money, you're know how to put up money, not to stack money. No, we're going to spend money and break the money out when it's trying to break the money out. Like ship, you're good, you think you think God now being in the gendent got now to take away from the connects and you know what I'm saying, playlists and all of those ships and they can get from being full the side or whatever. You know what. I'm loving in a way it like you do when it don't. My whole thing is just make this ship happen, you know what I'm saying, Like, jif go hard, it's always something that's gonna get done. Ain't nobody never did, so I don't know. I feel like whatever somebody else is gonna do, I can do that ship in my own ship. If they're gonna like whatever, if I don't go sign a major deal right now with a major label, what they're gonna do, like, oh ship, we gotta do this, do that and do this. So I feel like, let me think or whatever it is, I feel like they're gonna want to do and just do it on my own, you know what I mean. So I don't know that hard to sell you black. She's been working hell of a hell of a job for me. Like you said, you really got to build hustle and be in that position though. Yeah, you know, everything ain't for everybody. Thanks. What you say to the fans like you know this this this you on the social media. You know, I'll be just be on the social media and everything. And a lot of the fans saying that we feel like Dolf underrated. You know, I'm saying, like they should be saluting Dolf more. Even when they talk about the big rappers out the South and everything, they should be saluting the more. Like what would you say to your fans that feel that way? They got a point, you know what I'm saying, They got a point. But man, the fact that the tension cool, but the bag even better paper around, you know what I'm saying, Like real talk, like the attention cool with the bag even better. So he's working out my favor. It's a different when you when you when you're a different type of rapper, like when you come from being on the desk and trying to make it as a rapper. You want the trophies, but when you come in and feed your folks the bag and what count. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, you know what I'm saying, Like I got a passion for music. You want to do a little the the big ship and all that ship like, but at the same time, like you know what you came from, Like me, I know what I came for. You know what I'm saying. And it wasn't for It really wasn't even about me. She would really just but I gotta build something to be able to get out my partner's family members, anybody I want to a platform to get them some money. Okay, sure that's the show man. You you you got an element on you know, like album promo going on. First off, you you're giving you giving your lambo to a fan. What they gotta do the end of the wind. The lambo really is easy to go to go to uh pre order pre say my new album rich Slave, like you automatically enter the winning you know what I mean? Like, man, one day was I was I went in the garage and I was like, man, they car ain't doing nothing with it, you know what I'm saying. So I don't like ship, bro, I don't even I don't know. Sometimes let's be when you be in a position like me to be, they would be humbling ship and they'd be like damn, but like you're tired the study, like, but your fans ain't got no limb againning they don't want to see this ship. I'll tell your family, got no ferrari want this ship all the time. The ain't got no roads, road trucks, and this and that. The don't want to see this ship and here that ship all the fucking times. But like I was like, man, but get your ko on on, folks, you ain't doing ship with their motherfucker. So that what I'm doing. It's and I don't say the hardest ship. I don't seem the hardest marketing. I don't seem probably say some masterpiece ship bank. You know he went and change all his album covers and put mask on them all over, so you go, you're gonna look at the dog album covers all on all on got mask on them, like Corona mask and ship yeah h on Instagram, every album album music Spotify is on all on the platforms. But all this album covers. If you go now, they've got mask on them, even the one with him and keep lock all that ship. That's hard, Yeah, that's hard. Yeah. Who came over? That dog? Who came over there? My boy? Name of calmly about this? Ship's like? Man, what you think about this? There? Like? Ship? Let's do it? What kind of year has been for man? Because I know I read somewhere you know, you, you and the whole you know, the pandemic and ship like you were just kind of laying low, fun with your kids and your faire and I think I think at first you said you might not be putting out on music this year, but obviously album now, So what kind of year has been for you? And how has it affected you? Man? I really I just hate everybody's been getting sick and ship. But other than that, and ship been having me focused and got me back sharp on a whole lot of ship and catching up on a whole lot of ship, like time with kids, family and all this ship like the stuff that matter the most. But you know what I'm saying you you don't have that much time to do it because you're hustling so hard. Is like when you're hustling. You just be always focused on was Nicks And it's like a good thing and a bad thing at the same time because you be mentioned that on a lot of stuff that really matter, you know what I'm saying. So that what I've been doing, like really going in on my kids, you know what I mean, like catering and them and now all that. But my little boat was the one, like everybody was everybody telling about musical when my little boy liked you got when you dropping some music, you're gonna put you got some new music. I don't want to hear the new music here, the new media. Like, man, I'm gonna drop the tape because I wasn't gonna drop to two down twe one. I dropped two eighteen. I said, I'm gonna wait three years, but I don't think I can't do that. I gotta gonna get it out there. Yeah. Yeah, I've been handed single. They've been playing hell out this single, the R and B shot and she went crazy on them. Yeah, I saw, I saw you got og Juicy Juicy J on the track to he he did a beat for you, huh oh. Yeah. I had to go in with Juicy the tape, the album class ain't a lot of ship hardest the album hardest there, Like I'm proud of what you're doing. Nothing for inspiration, Like you know what I'm saying, getting this out the streets, saying street what you do nothing, that's it's the same ship everyday life, man, Like the same I don't know, brother, the same ship, Like you know what I'm saying, I still do the same ship, go around the same ship, be with the same people, you know what I'm saying. Like I'm at where I'm at. It's cool to like you have fun around now the pretty ship, palm trees and the entertainment world. But I'm a comfortable at home, you know what I'm saying. When I'm from in my hood and where all that. It's just something about it black. What's your favorite city under than Memphis? Oh that's a hard one. Hard You made a song. You made a song called California. You spent some time in the left, but I know you you move around a lot. You move around. It's a hard one, bro. You got Let me ask you another question. Let me let me flip it. Chicago different. Where you get the most money probably Texas? Okay, all right, that's a. That's a hard I don't know. That's a hard question right there. Okay, you know that that's a big facts, big fast. We're gonna we're gonna push the limits. We're gonna push. You got a lot of love of Texas. You got a lot a lot, a lot of honestly for California, shot down, Memphis, Atlanta, all that type of ship. Have you got a chance to go over season? Before this ship started, he had just got back off of the tour, so um whatever the year too. He just came back from over them and then we was on the tour over here. Shoot me and clock. That's when the Coronas version hit. When I found out they shut the NBA down, not ship my tool down, like ship the an'ba ain't cleaning. I ain't playing either. What the smoking was like overseas, it was cool, basically answering down. I sit down. Yeah. Yeah. They ain't having a real caliber over there, so they were straight over them. Crazy to him know your ship word for word, Like you know it's the Internet, so it's spread, but you go fly twelve hours and they know your ship better than nigger's over here. It is that ship. It's crazy ain't nothing like that, right then that's the part, that's that's the part. I they feel like the real trophy, you know what I'm saying, Like the Jerry knowledge should be cool, but man, they're right there, they'd be the real trophy. Feeling the love and ship you put out. Yeah, you know what I'm saying, Like just seeing people be passionate about the she that you're saying, like that she de mean a lot for you, It means a lot of a lot of people everybody else too, Like that's the trophy for them. And how often you get to get like on the harder and with some of your day ones like that showed you a little early, like like the change and who she know what I mean? Like you still you still be able to You still communicate with him, text back with him time to time, just fun with him. Yeah, for sure, you're talking about you'll talk about doing music. You'll just chopping up his partners a what Oh she really I don't love it, you know what I mean? Because man, ain't it really ain't a lot of love in the game the industry, you know what I mean. But it's like my boy is like, yeah, like I don't know my boy. So like we do all this ship about the music, about she just chopping it up here. Okay, sure? And what would you say to a young nigga, maybe a young nigga from Memphis, of the streets anywhere, trying to come up in this rap ship, what's what's some of the best games you give them? Man, don't let nobody shoot you. After Screech brought out the spot as position answer money because it's easy, as him to it's so easy to scare you. M hmm. You know what I'm saying, Like it's too exactly, but you gotta think ship, it's too easy. You need to stay away from it, you know what I'm saying, Like you need to you need to approach you right, It's like I don't know that it's too easy, you know what I'm saying, Like, remember what you came in the game for. You gotta stay focused. So you're saying, like your decisions, you gotta make the right decisions because it's easy to make the easy decisions. It's easy. It's like, you gotta know your decision making skilled, like that's the most important part of your life. Like you got to be cold at this ship, you know, what I'm saying, because ship, you're doing ship, you're thinking about ship you do every day, you know what I'm saying? Like that would ship with the hen you're gonna be builing for yourself to where you in your life. Make sure next month so shift you don't know what you're doing, or you ain't in control, you out of control. Is it anything you would have did different in your career? Oh? I think I would have. If not really, but what if it was, it would probably I would have moved. I would have left myths and got to start getting out of Memphis more sooner than I did. I was just too stuck on being in the seat and being from But I think they'd be everybody problem is natural and come with it right then it'd be a comfortable to be comfortable. I mean, goose you black bro, you got all this ship, but you got all them. Yeah you're doing all this ship bro, and the little I see it. But like you Bush, like you need to go to Atlanta, Bro, Like come to Atlanta, Like you can't get no nothing ATAMN, Like it ain't no, it ain't know the platform. You're like, like he's different me knowing the game Now I should listen to him and shouldn't like a South moved to Atlanta, DA. Why I think that is thought? You know, find a little topic like why why you think that you would love to just be a billionaires and just sit in your hood and know that you know people are at right, especially if you're feeding the hood. But even if you're feeding the hood, that can go wrong. Why y'all think that is no ship? He would tell me about like what we were saying. He was like, bro, your music too hard, You're doing too much bolly and too much money you got, you know everything you're doing. But you're like, you can get the most out of that ship. And you moved to a level. And he were like, well, Atlanta got the office, I had the offer. You know what I'm saying, Like you a period with breaking music, just a lot of ship you under staying whish you were right? You know what I'm saying. Yeah, he's saying for the opportunity. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Like it's different. I'm gonna tell I'm gonna tell you two things that help you be successful. I'm gonna just be real. Like number one, even when I first met you, handle your business. You know how to handle business and if you get the knowing off and we all respect you for this. If you asked doctor, do some ships just unwrapper light because there are a lot of you he'll say, I'm gonna do it or I ain't gonna do it, and you gotta respect that, and everybody respect off of that, because a lot of rappers are like, yeah, I got you, you know the niggas with that, I got you, sip. So I think the relationships you just built with niggas because you just keep it solid, handing your business and just telling the straight up I'm working with it, I ain't suing. I think that helps you a lot. Bro Man Ninka told me a long time ago, you'd be good to the gay the gang will be good to you know. You know what I'm saying, like and it was just with everything in life period, you know what I mean, from from the street to this ship. So it's like ship with me, like what you see, what you're getting rid of what you just see them either be able to do it or not do it. And a lot of folks in it, like in the game in the business, like to come in and like you gotta know you can't your timing and somebody else time. It ain't the same. You know what I'm saying, is like what somebody else doing it? Like they could be they could really be having their head like he don't funk with me because of this or because of that. But but you don't know what all that person got going on, or what are you doing or what's like the nigga probably a whole other mindspace over the probably ain't thinking about music, you know what I mean, especially like me, A lot of like a lot of the time with me, so we're like, I don't know, it's would be it would be a lot of ship would be so easily, brother, get up to throw yourself out or the burn bridges or relationship in the buness one. But you're really like you're thinking too hard, you know what I'm saying. Respect being busy too, Like I respect, I know what the nigga busier than me, and I'm busy as fun. So you just need to respect that the nigga just might be busy, you know what I'm saying, Like I think that's important. Hell yeah, yeah, hell yeah. Well ship at the end of the day and about working and getting ship done, you know. What I'm saying, like for real, for real at one thing saying I remember I met you screen, I think we met, I don't remember what the head we was there in the hotel let, small parking lot. He pulled up with the paper bag where we was in right like how like I gotta get a meet type of screen, like I gotta get a Mets type of screens and that day, that day right there. But you've just always been one or with career, career. I appreciate that ship like you hope you hold the world record for sending the verse back for a Scream album. I'm talking about same day, that same day, not a week, not two days, not three days, far days. You are the title holders. So I salute you for always just being one Hunter and just being real bro. And this album, man, how do you feel about this album? I don't want you to do the rapper ship. This is my best album yet. How you really feel about this album? Now? That ship hard and even a lot of production only hard as yell the whole everything that tracked mission to have set up top the bottom like this ship wrong, this ship wrong. Appreciate that wrong. Salute the young Dolf all this fourteenth Rich Slave Drops. Y'all pre ordered that album right now, so y'all get a chance to win that lambo, so y'all can stunt a Dolf must continue success and blesses to you, bro. It's a little to you alright, is that you're listening to Big Facts with Big Bank and DJ scream Big Facts on social media, a big facts pie, right,