Day 2 of the festivities feature Jeezy, Mexican OT, Akeem Ali, DJ Greg Street, Courtney "Bear" Sills, Mariah The Scientist, Erica Banks, Montana 700, Zillionaire Doe, Dj Jubilee, J Carter, Maeta, Fat Bastard & Big Homie Show.
Big Bank and what it is.
You don't be on nothing.
I be on BBJ.
Okay, so let me ask you bring.
You big Big Facts.
Right now.
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Time for that Big Facts Live continues with Big Bank, Baby j DJ.
Scream Big Stuff. Jezy is here, breshe fresh off that stage, so fair Faul just kilt it. You know what I'm saying, as usual, that's what Yeah, you killed stages man.
Listen, it was one hundred and three man. It was shouting to Melt the snowman out there that it's real bro ya.
They showed you a lot of love and Dallas don't.
Yeah yeah, I mean you know, you gotta think about it. Like where we come from is like to do these festivals. It's like it's the people that know who you are, and it's the people who's getting to know that you are, know where you are.
So that's the beauty of them.
You know what I'm saying.
I love Dallas. Dallas always showed me love. I just love he used to last night, So you go set out to text. I think I got an Austiner Bomb. You know, I just love texts.
Yeah, but what do you think your key to consistency is being able to do these festivals and then go from festivals to doing club appearances and club shows, and then going from club shows to doing sold out arenas for the last almost twenty years.
I treat it all the same, though, if it's fifty people, it's a hundred people, it's a hundred thousand. I treat it like my first should Like I love it, you know what I'm saying, Like it's my purpose, like when I get up in the morning, Yeah, it's my purpose, and like motivate people, and that's my way.
That's one of my weapons to do so is being on the stage.
You know what I'm saying, Yeah, to see how.
The now Yeah, but also like you know what I'm saying, Like.
You can look at the crowd and see certain people that's going through sit and some of those records such and differently, and you can tell they like struggling with it. Yeah, and it's like you're giving a motivation and for me, like that's the that's the winner.
Tired of it though, like Man the.
Great, like you know, since the book it's definitely a difference.
I can't say I get tired of it, like I would never get tired of it, because that's like my thing.
It's sometimes I do want to take it to the next level.
What you feel like the next level after this level?
Man, Like you know, like stadiums, you know what I'm saying, Like.
Overseas chores that are like, you know, it's just that monumental shit, you know, like the ship that you It's just the game is not like that no more.
You know, it's only a few people that's able to do that. But I think that's the next level.
You feel like, uh, you feel like you are consistently do the do the shit. I love the symphony, Yeah, yeah, because I feel.
Like it's like I was just telling my man, that's like seventy something moving parts.
It's part of what you do.
Yeah, put that ship on it. And this is a.
Different take a lot of niggas out of their element and make them.
Yeah, and the Funny City is like when it's rehearsing, I can kind of tell the the orchestra that know exactly who I was, So there was a little tight Yeah. Second song by the second song, aby the bottom of the map. Yeah, it was like because you know, you gotta think about it, like when you go to the orchestra going symphony, Like people don't stand up in Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
It's a very reserved.
Yeah, it's just crazy.
When it felt good, I'm gonna keep it the buck because I gotta say this on camera. I didn't realize the magnitude of this, right because I was in the process of a lot of things that I had going on.
So I rehearsed for it, shout out to the eyes and everybody.
But I didn't know the magnitude of I thought it was just like a thing you do, right, So there's a lot of things I wish I could have done because I was like when I did it, you know what I'm saying, Like it was good, the process was good.
But I'm like one of those type of people, like I'm a.
Creative but I thought it was like you go to an office and just before I know this was some city, you actually get created with it. So after it came out, I was like, damn, you know what I'm saying because I didn't know because I had people like random people calling me y I caught your Tiny Dess and I'm like, you watch that ship because I didn't know. You know what I'm saying, This is my first time. The first time I heard about Tiny Dess is when I saw juk Oh. Wow, that's the first time I heard about it.
It wasn't she stuck with you like a fan told you that struck with you, like go out your whole career from back in the day.
Ship, just keep that ship. Just just stay you.
You know, like because people understand you gonna evolve or like stay you the personal signed it's impersonable and I think that's that's that's the win for me.
Is just like if I'm out and I'm moving around, I'm gonna be be right.
The music is gonna be the busy.
I think when you start acting weird with motherfuckers, it's like when they don't get you no more because they gotta be able to relate to you, you know what I'm saying. So but it's all though, because it's like nigga, see you out with your golf clubs is different now, you know.
What I'm saying.
I'm just touching on yeh, Nigga, like damn Nigga, Like but I'm like nigga golfers one where the money, but.
You're still showing niggas elevations.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying, because your ship is documented from you know, the Big Shirt to Jersey, all that ship documented from the thousand niggas and all that ship documented that you can't go into this ship like niggas, like y'all niggas inspire niggas that you'll never even know.
You know, I'm gonna go out there with motherfucking you know, fucking uh fucking fucking a band on George's yeah pop.
But I but I enjoy that though, because when you show up and you at the very prestigious golf courses and ship, they look at you like.
A grace, but they don't know that you actually you you right.
That's what I love because it's like once they clicking that out, Okay, get it. But but that's what makes it cool because you're able to go through a sport and do it your way.
You know what I'm saying.
Yeah, showing up type you know, ain't there yet? Okay.
My dress code is.
The war throne there yeah, yeah, the cigars top till yeah, the white and the whiskey with top.
Till But I feel like real like real ship anytime you're able to go anywhere and do it your way and still be successful and still make people respect your way of doing it.
Like that's that's a major thing.
But but but that's what I love about what y'all do. Though it's like we said, I know, I know, we telling them motherfuck up.
We ain't.
I know y'all personally, so I know, like it's how y'all get down, you know what I'm saying. And I love that because I feel like that's what may people are comfortable with y'all, And that's the same thing with me. It's like I just try to make sure, like I just be unapologetic to me, you know what I'm saying, no matter what room I'm in. And that's the thing I had to realize, who cause like a lot of motherfuckers surfer from imposter sydron right, But but you gotta realize.
You deserve to be in the room. We work your way up. We did that. You gotta you gotta, you gotta you gotta, you gotta receive that.
You know what I'm saying, because you know, for a long time I'd been like, damn, like, how the fuck I geturity though?
For sure.
But once I started to understand that and started to embrace it, they got strong in that area.
It was better for me because I was.
Able to go to that room with my purpose, lean in, make the relationships, deal with people.
And show up and show out walking your light.
Yeah, niggas gotta just niggas afraid to walk in they light.
They want to. They want the light in the tenement straight to walk in they light.
You know what I'm saying.
That's crazy as it is. What I don't think people realize is when you get in those rooms, people expecting.
You to be you.
Ye, yeah, you be anybody else.
That's weird.
See through, see through.
You got some Tequia.
I just got the says, bro, this is all the day's work.
It's a crazy, it's a crazy. It's a crazy political year.
We got this election this year and a lot of people confuse they don't know what to do it on one of them, yeah, right, right, right right.
My doctor Bentary just came out hip hop in the White House. I just want to shigne the light on, you know, like I want hip hop as an influence on politics.
Did you try and bring out.
The man's marketing game is yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're telling people like the man free coin black yeah, little way Yeah.
Somebody in his ear, somebody in his ear. Bro. I don't know, man, I'm gonna be honest with you, like.
This is.
This is a crazy time. You know what I'm saying. It's a crazy time for politics. It's a crazy sign for the world. This is a crazy sign.
It's like, that's the best way to put it.
I don't know what to tell people, but it's vote.
You know what I'm saying. You don't know who.
Do the ship? Yeah?
Yeah, real like just do it whatever at this point, like this is a crazy world.
Man. It's like but I.
Mean you you told us about this in the song ten years ago.
Yeah, but I know it's gonna be like this.
It like like whoa.
Yeah, it's a lot of unbelievable.
My kids will ask me. I'll be like see you know, uh, you know, we really appreciate you taking your time. No, no, no, man, listen, I funk with y'all.
Man and the O my I'm holding I'm holding the candle to that open you got some competition.
Yeah, get ready, let's go. Let's go. Got y'all appreciate what y'all do.
Man and Bank, keep doing what you're doing, bro, Bro, And whenever you ready to get out on the.
Car course, man waiting, I gotta be right for you could see.
This is the thing I learned about it. Nobody's really good and the golden hand, Bro, nobody's really good.
I'm just gonna tell you that fun to get through it. That's it.
You know you two screen, I'm coming he pull up on right? Well, all right, well we say, man, you.
Love big Facts together.
We're done, Jesus on the streets.
It's Big Fact, no.
Cat Backwoods, Backstage, Gatherlands, Big Bank, Baby j d J Screen, Big Facts Live.
Well you know right now Mexican O T just brought up on us rash off that togetherlands stage.
What's uping, bro? Yeah?
Boys, I think you'all for having me.
We were discussing off offline to count. What is a count hide hide yes, sir? Yeah, Like I said, man, it is a handsome Bro. I fuck with it. I like round so square. So just depending on how I have I'm feeling. You know, my boy takes his country, my boy Gomez. You know what I'm saying, that's my Miski that be making all of my boots.
So you get a made this man. You know what, I'm sorry, I ain't a pad of the motherfucker.
The Texas Country gonna heave you right. They're not comfortable if you just wearing solid boots. Where you get that that jail pad and you you know what I'm saying, Like you could get a soul that's like specifically made for your foot.
You know what I'm saying. Do you walk all day? Are you standing all day? Whatever it is? You put that batman gam on that boot right there, that's what you do with it? Yeah, sir?
Yeah, cause you said performed them right, Yeah sir? So they come you walk all damn yes, sir.
So I don't get a twisted You know what I'm saying, You walk all day if he gonna start hurting, But like they take care of me. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, it take care of you for sure. So what you just out here just a performance? Man came over here and had fun. I still feel like I'm at the playground, you know what I'm saying. So shit, just doing that having fun where they're being blessed about their handling the gracefully.
You know what made you like want to become a rapper? Words? What turns you want to.
I had no choice but to do it. Like I was just already surrounded by so much. My uncles and my cousins were doing it. My mother they were rapper. My mother wanted me to be a rapper. My mother gave me my first rapping name.
You know what I'm saying, shit, Uh, that's you know, there's some people as soon as they was walking, they was boxing or you know what I'm saying, or like you know, as soon as they were talking, they were doing.
As soon as I was talking, I was rapping.
Yeah so yeah, so uh, you know, my mama was already in the car jamming.
She wanted me to be a rapper. Like you know, some some parents want their kids to be a lawyer, someone they'd be a kids to be a doctor. You know, she wanted me to be a rapper.
So she put it in the air, and I kind of just had no choice but to do it, cause, like I didn't know what else to do.
Did you ever go through a phase with you like, man, fuck that this ain't for me.
Yeah, I mean everybody wanted to do it.
I mean just growing up where I live, five other dudes down the block, on the same block wanted to do the ejaguly what I was doing.
So it made me not want to do it because I'm like, all you motherfuckers are doing it shit lame. I don't even listen to rap music.
Man, I'm really from the country, you see what I'm saying, Like, I jam a lot of rock music, jam a lot.
Of country, So I just happened to be good at rapping.
What you think made people gravitate towards you? What you think what you think made people gravitate towards you.
I just give them me, you know what I'm saying, Like, I don't fake no funk. I'm not no fucking rapper, you know what I'm saying, Like, I'm just virtual and uh, and they appreciate that shit.
You know what I'm saying. I don't ever give them no ego or nothing.
I just you know what I'm saying, I just be real with them and they can appreciate that shit.
They feel it. They shmell it on me when I walk by you.
Know how important do you think that is to an artist's longevity? Being yourself and not giving your fans ego and attitude and not wanting to all that.
I mean longevity for sure, Just being yourself off the rip is gonna get you for it, just because, like you know what I'm saying, everybody mimics success and that's why everything so much sounds so much alike, and even.
If it does last, it only lasts so long because it's the same.
So when you're depending, you know what I'm saying, Like, when you're being you, it's gonna give you long because being you might be weird as fuck.
Or just different as fuck, and it might be the next thing is that, you know what I'm saying.
And even if it's not the next thing, there's weird motherfuckers just like you.
They just gonna appreciate that shit.
Now before fucking being yourself, Just be fucking kind, bro, you know what I'm saying, Like being My father always told me sign I don't give a fucker bell a failure or successful, just be a good person. And even when I was down dicking the dirt, hunger as fuck, I was still a good person and I somehow wake up with like fifteen thousand in my bank account.
He was paid.
I'm chilling, you know, I don't even know how to fuck it happened. It just happened. That's because I put good out. I don't even know the fuck I'm here.
I don't even know how I got a deal sign I don't even know how.
Like I know how I meant for you. I know how I met Greg, I know how I met.
These motherfuckers, but I don't know what pushed it to happen. Yeah, it has, though, because I didn't fucking do it. I'm one of the laziest motherfuckers you ever meet. Not only that I don't fucking want to talk to I'm not not like bro before I was that missing no tea.
I was virtual, not no frankly ass motherfucker want to talk to nobody. You know what I'm saying. I was on drugs and I was mean as fuck.
You know, I was just ruthless and like I'm not saying I was a gangster and nothing like that.
You know what I'm saying.
I did some wild ship, but you know, I was just I just didn't want to fuck with nobody.
I've been fucked over my whole life.
There was bullshit in my family, you know what I'm saying, So, like, now, just smell it on you. You know what I'm saying, And it makes me makes me not even want to fuck with you. I want to tell you, I think it's cool to fuck your ladies, miss Erica. Yes, yeah, a lot of beautiful women in your family. You look good, Yeah, of course, yeah, what's up?
Yeah? Yeah, yeah, nah, she's nice, she's amazing.
What's the what's the biggest obstacle to you that? Uh, like being a rapper? It's not black? What's your biggest obs what'd you say like not being black but being a rapper, what's your biggest you think your biggest obstacle be and being black?
Because yeah, no bullshit, because I'm playing a black predominant game, you know what I'm saying.
So a lot of black motherfuckers didn't want see this ship.
Getting what you went through, Like what type of shit you went through.
They didn't want to see it. They were like, man, cut that ship off. They ain't eve want to get my time.
But then eventually I'm like, bitch, your homeboyfriend to be jaming me, so shut the fuck up fucking listen to you.
You have no choice.
Not only that I show so much love and respect, bro, it's like you have no choice but to listen to me, cause if you don't, you're a transs hater. And and you're right, yeah, and it'll be different if I suck. You know what I'm saying, Like, if I suck ahead hate on it? Does it sucks?
Oh? Motherfucker? This ship, this ship is it?
You know it ship?
You jamming bro?
Yeah, but it's a beautiful thing though.
You know what I'm saying. I had, I had, I have plenty of I had plenty of love, plenty of hate. But at the end of the day, you know, like it all, it all came to life.
You know, you deserve congratulations on everything, man.
Bro, I thank you for having me. I thank you for sitting down talking with me. I'm appreciative for it all. It's good, man, it's good. It's good.
We don't I mean, we could definitely do that.
I already like going out there. Last time I did the show, out there, they went above and beyond. Yeah, they were above and beyond.
I ain't realized there was, like I said, out there either you know what I'm saying. I thought it was like, you know what I'm saying, like blacks and whites. Really, y'all, Yeah, you know that's what I'm saying, and fuck me up. But I mean, I guess I should have known better because y'all still all the South, you know what I'm saying, Like, y'all definitely are neighbor for sure.
YEA, give him some game real quick before you slide, Man, talk to the people the streets.
Speak kind, bro, you know what I'm saying. You never know who you're talking to.
You know, homeboy he might be the janitor, but Ship he might have just volunteered for that day because he fucking felt good, you.
Know what I'm saying.
And in all reality, he owns these fucking three buildings. You're fucking walking ship, you know what I'm saying, So just be kind man. First of all, you never know who you're talking to, and even if you are talking to a bum, everybody deserve love, man, you know, yes, Man.
Basic ot Backwoods Backstage Together Live continues Sick.
Visit the new website today Big factspod dot Com Back.
Towards Backstage Together Land.
You know what it is, Big Facts Live Big Bank Baby Jay DJ Screen welcoming right now one of the coldest Codas Colds brothers in.
The game, right now, Lead, I came on.
What's what's going on?
How you feeling? Just got off the stage? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you.
Feel I feel good?
Then my thing, I feel like I left an end print.
Yeah, it was definitely. So listen, we we we've been through this before because I sat down with you before. But you got to explain to everybody what's going on with my m lee. We know you can rap like a motherfucker, but is it player pimp? And what's Because we just did the freestyle, the people refer to you as the pimp dude that be snapping. That's how they referred to you. So can you please break it down for us? What's your like? What you're coming? How you coming?
I'm not a pimp. I'm just a pimp, right nigga? Would player ways?
You know what I'm saying. But I'm just in you.
But you're an exercise you feel me? You said, But it's like having the ability to.
Do something knowing you can like snap, but just I'm gonna be cool, Like yeah, you know what I'm saying, like I know the X, Y, and Z, but I'm gonna be cool on it. And just like you know what I'm saying, playing low key like it locks me up on both knees.
You know. Yeah that was a sound right then?
Yeah, yeah, yeah that's what. So that the rapping, you know what I'm saying, and doing what you do, being what else you're.
Into, Ship, executing the gifts that God gave me, flexing my musical ability, being handsome.
Is he handsome?
Jake, He's handsome?
Get I try my best. Yeah, that's what I do for really nice.
You do that for a living.
I try my best. That's what I do for a living. And if I ain't doing that, I just ain't here. Ship, just man networking. Have been learning how to do that, and so that's becoming like a skill in a talent. And I'm learning.
The more and more I do that, like, the better it is for me. I can move and groove in certain ways that like other people can't. It's talented people that don't know how to you know what I'm saying, network and get around like.
Talk to people, communicate usual your resources. So yeah, that's becoming a talent of mine.
So where are you from?
I'm from Jackson, Mississippi. Who hey, mom on TV.
Town but in the atl right now though, Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, okay, uh huh would you say you're coming different than you're coming different than the average?
Just a dude from Jason, Mississippi. Man, butter smooth, I got nothing butter groove.
I showed up with an ass got I'm still playing Jane Bust and a couple moves and that's.
All I can tell you about it. That's all I can say. So, I ain't trying to be funny, but like.
Niggas is good, niggas can wrap niggas a talented but I ain't here to play with nobody like that.
I feel like you the better.
I'm better than everybody I know, and I know a lot of people.
On that level.
But we know I'm better than everybody you know, better than everybody I know to everybody you know. That's hard everybody you know. I ain't trying to be funny about it. I get it, yeah, And I get niggas they credit like I'm talking stopping dollar them only to resonate with stop signing dollar signs.
I don't getting all that I'm moving ground, wiggling, juggles, stopping dollar. Yeah, I'm a gi rate.
Why I hate Let them do what they gonna do over there, or bust my little one. When iut born ninety four, I'm saying what my one of them sh now. August letter Man, August left Warrior, No close enough.
I'm the leo as longest.
When I'm about to technology, I'm playing, I'm playing. Oh yeah, August eleven, Man, nineteen ninety four. Fun fact August eleven, nineteen seventy three. Hip Hoop was founded in the Bronx by DJ cool Hurt. Twenty one years later, hip hop had a baby. I hopped out the one ready for this ship twenty one years later. Okay, yeah, and that's why I can't play with it. And I got a junior.
Come on now, come on now, it's on my person tip a keen hip hop junr. I'll leave.
Well, when a lot of people first discovering you, you're still locked there with LIU will or yeah.
Yeah that's what all man.
We still win this united yep, yeah yeah, still a home team independent uh and we're gonna rock out into this time the clock up, gotcha?
Uh, huh yeah, all right, that's what it is. Man, Listen in Atlanta.
We gotta we gotta, we gotta get like a couple of hours or some some game for you on the Big Facts in the atl When you're ready, you say, let's do it.
Maybe bring some ladies with you or something. I don't know how you want to kick ith.
Yeah, I'm extra cute, so I want to flex the Q when you that's the day you can flex the pretty. God gave it to me, Alight. I made it his image, and he is perfect. And if we was made in his image, we are a pity me of.
You feel me?
Yeah? All right, I'm picking up what you're putting down on topic. Did y'all wear spurl?
I'm living in it.
Yeah, I'm picking up what you're putting down.
God do for black phlebotomy. I'm just a veson you got, I'm just a velson.
Yeah, keep my league.
You know what it is.
Back Big Facts live backwards. Backstage is my nigga.
You don't getting no bigger.
I'm killing that right now, Big Fact live together Land, that's going down.
I appreciate you. Yeah, they said else at Big.
Streets, Big Fact, No Capitch.
Backwards backstage that together a Landa's time for that Big Facts Live, Big Bank, Baby J, d J.
Spring Welcoming the O G, d J, Gregg Street, the O G.
The Homie Bear. You know what I'm saying is in the building, in the building, big fast line. What's up, homies you, I'm watching you.
Definitely old chi player, he definitely you know.
I mean it's my client.
He's the young uh young detailed cards. I think he's thirty seven Capricorn love.
That's right.
I stopped having birthday at thirty eight. That's right.
Y'all doing though out here together.
Everybody wiping their brow. He all the one rolling up. What we're doing old T triple o G. I'm too cold to be to be hot. Oh yeah, we stayed the same trips to year round.
Yeah yeah, plus y'all y'all the darkest in the crew. So oh man, oh yeah, feel you been on those racial jokes? Not a racial slur, not just means.
Y'all absorbed.
He don't get mother, I told scream.
I wasn't.
Oh no, you sweating big, big fat, big facts.
What's up though?
Uh we are together?
Land. You know what I'm saying you're about to hit the stage. What can they expect? Man, what's going going on in stage?
I'm going up between I'm going up between follow and Jesus. Before I do that, I'm going to practic Cambo for an hour. If they meet with the people. You know what I'm saying this, I mean South We're in South Gla.
Did the trade for yourself in legal high school? Right around the corner after high school, rid of the street.
That's all right, the hood for me?
He got them right around the corner.
Then you used to work here a couple of times.
What stays You worked at Grit four that's still around Yeah.
Okay, what what?
What else? Yeah?
Oh right, that's why asking Jordan if he went to another team.
The sixty cloud sixty clock time for street the rock jingle was created here in Dallas, Texas. We created a him and when I moved to Dallas, no bree was living. When I moved to Atlanta, Breed was living in Atlanta. So we redid it and made it for We actually made it that the day all went on the air, I went to Mary out of the Breeze House and we recorded, Okay, say why do you.
Moved to Atlanta.
Then niggas chased him out of Dallas?
No, well I came back.
How did you chase me out?
I'm here now.
The way it goes is like one of my mentors in the game, who came to a station I worked at in Mississippi when I was a kid. He became the program the director of a station in Mobile. I worked that way, and when he moved to Houston to be the PD where he didn't stayed in Houston for six months, but they called him to come be the PD in Atlanta. So when he came to Atlanta, Uh, he wanted me to come to Atlanta. I didn't come first. I stayed and I came to Dallas and he went to Atlanta. And when when I when the competition started getting When they brought in the competition in Atlanta, that's when they that's when they call your boy in.
To beat the whole station with four hours?
So how are we getting to keep you though? Family?
What made you?
What made Atlanta like this? This is it? Atlanta's like? Well?
Actually, you know?
And in two thousand and two, I came back to Dallas and I was just doing Atlanta on the weekends.
So I came here. I came back to Dallas. I was working money through Friday.
What an't you going back and forth?
I was going back and forth for three years. I went back and forth, and then I came back to Atlanta in two thousand and five full time. No, you know, you know what the a is, man. We ain't no other city in America like to ay Now, Dallas fine, now you see it. It's super five, but it's big as hell and it's stupid hot. Yeah, but you know, we stayed in the same timp of ye around, so you might sweat a.
Little bit, but I caught it.
I can put my I can put my hoodie on in the summer time. Tell him black, tell him black. Hey, I'm gonna tell you what Chuck Smith told me. Chuck Smith with the general manager of K one on four in Dallas other station here allegedd they radio guy originally from Memphis, Tennessee.
He came to Dallas in probably sixty nine.
But he told me in two thousand and three, two thousand and four, he said, you know what, I could take you anywhere and drop you off and come back.
And it's gonna be pop it's gonna be what it's gonna be, popping on my mama.
Grave Man Chuck Smith told me I could take you anywhell and drop you off and I ain't got to worry about it.
That's all right.
You here, you know you my brother, you know we them wem scream. I like that.
I like that.
I like that. John't know, look at Jones like all got thick too. She scud the hall last time he came to the station.
What you mean the bank?
Everything? You everything? You start easy, picked up, you start, he starting.
What you got going on?
Mister yesterday? You don't over that fast.
I took it off. I took it off with big bats the right shoulder. It's out of autumn.
I usually used my left anyway, left side. Yeah no, no, see hey man, we just working.
I came out here to support my brothers, Jay Carter, Troy Brown, Steve and Motown.
Also up about Greg Street so we can get this thing cracking next year as well. You know, we was a year off doing Dallas because we were trying to do it.
Last year and have you guys on stage. But we getting it together, ye together.
Big shout out to the One Music Fest together land team by having this festival out here in Dallas, like this is She's out Dallas, stop out.
We're in the same place.
When you see the big State Fair of Texas during the Cotton Bowl, when you see the Dickeys man on the fares wheel, that's where we're at.
It's legendary out here, man.
Yeah, what's the difference.
The Kansas City Chiefs used to play in this stadium. Kansas City would used to be in Dallas. The football team would be in Dallas. This is the stadium that they used to play. And they think you about coming back. My god brother, see dog say to do all for all the all. The Chief got way more money Jared Jones, so.
It might go down.
They say, you got my money, Jerry Jones.
What they got that stupid brid thinking about bringing the it's been on, it's been in this about bringing cancer Chief back to Dallas.
He said, what the Dallas Chiefs. They used to be here, They played in this stadium.
I have to see it to believe. I can't see. Can't say they having a hell of a run though.
They gonna run the air to dollars.
He's had fun of them, the parties, you know, me.
You know, you know I love you to death. How many celebrity parties have you ever seen me?
I can't.
I came to I came to show.
I can't the ship show. But how many of them celebrity parties haven't seen you? And I love handling the death everybody who throw the parties, They're like, it's just it's always gonna.
What year you're gonna start spending that money? Man?
That what I can't.
I have a niggas say the coins and everything, Yeah, and.
I gave them for free.
You don't even buy a sniper.
What what year you're gonna start spending the money? What year they gonna be a man scream capacorn. We're gonna start at the same time you buy a car at the same plate we got. We gotta scream on the gym truck.
No, hey, man, I don't know. You know what I'm saying, Like, what you're gonna spend it on?
We do so much monkey shit, like everybody buying cyber trucks, like everybody buy Jiro Like but really, I never really was a jurid person. I'm messed with cars and I messed with calls for real, I was messed with cars because that's what everybody else doing.
You know what I'm saying. Yeah, I really I'm really into the car culture from a kid.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
We had the Z cars and the Seller because in the B m W back in the day.
Yeah, that ship they're paying one hundred thousand dollars M three while we had them ship.
I had them when I was out here, y'all.
I'm saying through your journey, man, what's one of the craziest moments in your journey that y'all can remember. It could be a story about one of us or just something that happened on y'all own.
Well, for me, I think it's experiencing my clients winning a Grammy in ninety seven with One twelve and they're coming back and winning three Grammys with Killer Mike twenty years later.
It just says if you have quality material, if you keep.
A name that is reputable, with integrity and character, you can exist and continue to work in this game for many, many, many years. So I'm just blessed to be to be able to have seen so many people's lives be changed by the entertainment business.
For a positive you know.
And you know, it saved a lot of dude from the streets, saved me from you know, going all the way one way, you know what.
I mean, how you're from the barbershop.
It saved me from the barbershop, which is also known as the plug, the place where you get everything. So recipes to my homeboy truth always got and that's how I met you, and that's how I'm at huh.
Yeah, yeah yeah for show real south Side shape, it's so many since we're in Dallas.
One of my best moments is Miss Elgie right around the corner to Larry Johnson Rex Center, put cheese on her honey buns to put.
Them into microwave, right around the corner from here. And also.
If you bust a left from here and go to defel them or cock go to Commerce and go to the bar factory. That was the first big concert Ourcast ever did right here, sunny right right downtown, right around the corner from South Levels bringing Outcast to Dallas in the beginning when we started this whole say, talking to Rico Wade on the phone, I never met Rico ty. I moved to Atlanta in ninety five, but I should always talked to him on the phone him Ian Burt mill Wells, Yeah, my Benjamin.
Oh gee, resting away go away?
You know that is that sending to the too.
Yeah, we actually gonna release it in and donate all the money to uh do some rider. So it's a it's a it's a good in mid track.
So you know what I'm saying. We're gonna put it out to Orlando, but gives no distribution of that play Evan. All the money go to the gotta represent for all the hums. Yeah, play day twin Clayon.
But we're still here, folks. We ain't going well nowhere. When we pulled up there said the old folks coming.
Said, they said nothing about you.
You got a shave man, none get I can't do it.
They got some spray. I can't.
I might.
I want to paint.
Are you gonna go hard as a painting? I want paint?
Hold hold on?
Hold on?
Bet We we here to really celebrate big facts and live screamed Black and James's having a vision for this legendary podcast based out the city, you know, doing a lot for the city, doing the live streams of the podcast on stage and Buckhead at the Buckhead Theater and move right.
Often that three reputables in their own rights can come together as one and do something this successful for this long. So I gotta take my hat off to y'all for being each individual's reputable in the community and the entertainment visit in the streets, coming together and showing all a youth.
That certain things can be accomplished.
Because I know a couple of y'all from another time, you know what I mean, A couple of y'all from another time and in another space.
You know.
Yeah, your name used to ring, Your name used to ring for different things.
I remember pulling up and having the dish my man some cash, you know what I mean, to get a mixtape going.
You know that again?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's how I go shout out to Shady Park crew SBC, you know what.
I'm Yeah, but I go back, I'm outside dot com when they was messing with Ryan d up with with with Alley Boy. Yeah you know, Actually, you ain't gonna believe who hooked me up with with with Black in his home home.
D J Clark Kent.
They Homeboy was good friends with Clark Kent Black East Atlanta, he hooked up being in love every.
Single no real that's good people, man, One thing about it, bro, You support the nigga.
If the nigga deserves support, you're gonna support them. Hey man, we all we got no real ship. You all we got no you've.
Been like that, bro, Like, no matter what on your folk who in the room, we walk in the room wasn't even a name to be called. You're gonna make shure themot no oh nah my partnms just walked in their mother Fuck.
That shit a lot, Bro, They ain't here, scream in here, rip in here, h ain't in him.
Let me ask you a question.
How does it feel being famous? Famous? Not like famous like it's famous. It's a terrible thing. Same can be terrible. That's why I stayed out to wait.
I came in this ship famous already. I've been a hood famous famous in third grade, So.
You already you know what I'm saying. All bro gets the same shit.
Don't even call it fame like famous really like a big to me, it's a big, a false sense of this of who a person is because we make it something that's really not like we turn it into something like we think in our community, we actually think if you got a little success or you got a little quote unquote fame, you're supposed to be perfect. And that's why when you look at all these things going on with these different celebrities, they be like, oh, he did that to her, she did that to him, Like they had all these issues before all this stuff jumped off. It's just that when you got expectations of somebody that has a certain amount of quote unquote fame or success, it's like people pray on those folks thinking they're gonna get something, and then when they don't get what they want, then they be mad.
But you know what I'm saying, So I don't I don't even really play the fan game. You know what I'm saying. I don't.
I don't play the flame game. All that security and all them pistols maybe have always been genuine and haven't changed, and I can appreciate that, Yeah.
But I want to speak.
I want to speak to like the whole genuine word when it comes to YouTube as well, because starting.
Off with Greg, like.
Man, anytime, like anytime I've ever called this nigga like for anything, like it could be about a record, it could be about a liar. It could be about something that I need him to host for me, or you know, it could be about some lemon pepperwins.
Like he's gonna answer, he's gonna be about fries.
But no, seriously, like he's gonna answer, he's gonna respond, and he's gonna deliver, like no matter what it is. And it's not a lot of people that you can say that about in this industry that no matter what, no matter what time of the day, no matter what day of the month, no matter what month of the year you call them, regardless of what's going on, they're gonna drop everything and make sure that they get you right and that and.
That really means a lot.
And you know, I don't I don't really get like, you know, do the whole emotional ship or whatever. But I just want you to know, like for me to you like I really appreciate everything that you've ever done.
I always knew Jay was gonna be a superstar, and not just a superstar as quote as a as a notable superstar you want an autogram, but I mean like a person who has a personality that connects.
Like she got she has that personality that's gonna connect.
Like some people be looking for something, you're looking for some but you got to really look at a person's heart and we got a person's spirit to really understand what they what they what they what they're about, you know what I'm saying. Like we put too much value on the wrong ship. We put we put so much value on the wrong thing. And a lot of good people. You think, a lot of good people, A lot of a lot of people who looking at you for the wrong things miss on a lot of blessing. That's my baby, man, that baby dame.
Man, she know what it is. Oh God, stumps a road taste the doll shouting. I ain't even from Atlanta, man, but I know these people.
You know what I'm saying, When you really when you when you're really about the business, and not just the business, but when your life is the business, it's not really the business, you know what I'm saying. It just what comes with your life. Some people say, oh yeah, I'm just buy my business and if you ain't doing nothing to help me, I ain't got time for that. Like so many people miss out on their blessings because they so one dimssial and thinking about me me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me me me.
I mean, so many people and run up on so many unexpected plugs.
Just doing nothing well, just from being courteous.
Helping somebody doing something, helping somebody do something, just being courteous, you know, not being self centered about me me me me, me me me.
Yeah, a lot of things screamed though what I'm talking about.
I know exactly what you're talking about, y'all.
Gotta get off of that, man. I'm focused. Man, I'm a tunnel vision. I can't come help you move your furniture. I can't come help you change your flat. I can't get I ain't got no extra hundred to help me pay your life there, I've just seen you an ice box on me?
Yeah? Really yeah?
Now, but another thing too, I wanted to speak about Courtney is or Bear. I'm sorry, miss, but like he's another one that's been like genuine from the start, and that anytime I needed him to do anything at all, regardless of what it was, like, I could call him and it would automatically get done. And I just wanted both of y'all and know that, like I really like I might not get to tell y'all all the time. But like, I really appreciate that ship man because it's a love for real life.
Poor, I've got to check and help because you see how fastest thing you go.
We never would expect play to be gone or we go to be gone, a day to be gone.
We got to really love on one another. We support one another and are families. My son just graduated from high school.
And I'm like blan a way about how fast life goes right and we have an opportunity to touch people's lives and I'm just thankful to being you guys presents and uh, this has been awesome and Grade Street, I gotta get you to stated.
Hey man, we're Sunday South Dallas.
Man, were south shot to the k Folk family were in Sunday South Dallas on the south side Dixon Trade five some Lincoln High School, Madison High School.
I still know how this like. I mister Blue record store right up the street.
Peter mister Blood posted a picture of mister Blues's record shop a few months ago with him standing outside the shop. I can remember bringing Kevin Black from Death Road. We're coming to mister Blue, putting the posters up, going to the projects in South Dollands giving out the posters, giving out the two part T shirt, Snoop Dog t shirt, the bum sidetracked t shirts and posters and sweatshirts, shirts and all time street Right six.
O'clock clock, it's.
Time for Street.
CD pro and goat. My people say we can get on some more money. We ain't gonna spend it.
Let's get it and get some of it with you.
I ain't gonna spend no money. I know you too.
Now you got there with the big piece of dolland spun the money being spunk, Big Facts the money.
Hey back backstage, Backwards together Land, Big Facts Line, Big Up Gray Street, Big Up, Bear of o G A little about.
It's at the new website today, Big factspod dot Com.
Backwoods, Backstage that Together, Lamb, Big Facts Live is here, Big Bank Baby j d J screen welcoming Mariots a scientist fresh off the stage.
What's showing with you? What's with you? How you're feeling?
I'm feeling high, but I'm feeling good. How you doing?
We just heard the people out there going crazy too, for sure? How I feel when you get all that love on that stage like that?
I feel crazy there's a lot of people are singing my ship.
It's crazy.
But yeah, this is the end of my tour anyway, so I'm feeling just ready to get in the bed. I had a good time, though this is one of your dates. Well technically the Dallas day is on Tuesday, okay, but this before, so I don't know, I'm excited. I had a good time. I am tired, don't get me wrong. But it's been a really good tour though.
So how does it feel to see like the increase in your support coming from the first show that you ever did when it may not have been as many people.
To selling out stadiums and arenas and stuff like that.
The crazy part is that even in the beginning, even though there were smaller rooms, like all my shows were sold out. And I just think about, like my first show at the Masquerade was like and I don't know if it was the smallest room, but I know it was one of these smaller rooms right right, And then I just did two back to backs, so that shows at a tabernacle and I just feel like that was just I don't know, I feel like me and my sister sneaking to Tabernacle when we was kids.
Shout out to your sister man an amazing job.
In the family. But yeah, you know, we used to have a lot of memories with the Tabernacle on just to be like selling out shows there crazy and then like seeing it from a different perspective, you know, like I'm not looking at stage, I'm on the stage right, not just but like I've never seen it that back, Like I didn't even know it went up that highlight.
Yeah, exactly exactly.
That shit was crazy. I had a great that was definitely my best show.
What changed since you you know what I'm saying, been doing? You know what I'm saying since you went to start? Or what changed? Did you say change?
I feel like I add the same. I feel like I do the same stuff. They be fussing at me and tell me I'm not the same and I need to act accordingly. But I like to do regular stuff, like I still like to go to the grocery store and I don't know, just regular stuff. But they be tripping on me, like I can't be doing that as something. So I don't feel like nothing.
Changed now because they cause they probably like they probably understand you probably don't see it because you're you and you're like inside of yourself, but they probably understand.
That, Like now you are.
A huge figure and you're like icon status, and people look at you differently. They don't just look at you as Mariah anymore. You're like Mariah the scientist, this huge artist now, and that's like, that's a whole different thing. But it's like just like even with like my friends that are like artists and rappers and you know what I'm saying, shit like that, Like I look at them as it's okay, oh, that's just such and such whatever whatever, But I also understand that to the world, it's multiplied times a billion because these people in the world don't get a chance to see them as often as I do.
Type I will say that we definitely get ambushed a little more often now, But I feel like it's cool. I feel like, you know, it's just yeah, I just feel like it's like seeing people that they showing me love. So I don't really see an issue with it, you know what I'm saying. Sure, I never seen an issue with that in my event.
What's the toughest part of it all.
I've been getting sick a lot on the road, Like I was sick for so long and we postpone ten shows, and I feel like I'm getting back sick. But it's not like a It's like I got a lot of science issues and like I be confident just like the germs.
It ain't even the germs.
It's just like post nasal drip and laying in the bend in the room with no humidified and be like something like that. Yeah, like just travel. Maybe I don't know, but I came up with ce remedies, so I'm gonna get this money. So again my opinion.
Sure, So when you have free time or when you have spare time when you're not touring and you don't have to work, what are some.
Of the things that you like to do or some of the things that you like to indulge in.
When I don't be at work, I be like watch a TV. Not like watching TV, but like just smoothes and like stuff that I didn't get to see when I was on tour, like whatever new show is out, you know, or like whatever I missed.
How I'm fucking up that production.
I like to do stuff like that.
I like to.
I really don't be doing much. I'm gonna be honest, I want to do more.
You're a homebody.
I'm trying to like get out there, you know, I'm trying to like put myself out there and do some things come out.
I like that.
Want a lie.
I love to eat. That's what my one excuse to get out of the house eating. I just brought up at a new copper cold loved it. Okay, shout up Miss Ruggs. Yeah, yeah, I'm feeling that new vibe. You know what I'm saying. You got my man picture Spots was crazy. The spaghetti, I mean, the catfish and the shetti. I honestly tried everything on the menu.
It was great.
Yeah, I'm getting at a five star review, so amazing. Yes, yes, really changed the game right now. Like I'm feeling that.
Definitely vibe right you got in there.
Exclusive info music or music can tell big fast, you know. We like secrets and exclusive info.
Thinking about doing a deluxe, I'm on the fence, but I definitely want to do it. I don't know, like I e feel like by the time you come around to the deluxe, you just be ready to do a new project, you know.
What I mean.
But then the deluxe is just like it just like refires the original, right.
It's true, that's true. And the people at my label, definitely, I feel like they have helped me see that your point of view, you know, yeah, I feel like I probably will do it. Maybe I don't know what I'm gonna put on it yet. I got some ideas, though. What's up with y'all? Like you know, y'all came all the way from.
The eye backwards backstage.
Talk about the burning heat, the sweltering heat in comparison to different Oh my god, Like when you start talking, you gotta he got a got a hoodie on.
Moving It's almost like it's almost difficult out here, Like this ship is crazy.
They stay on the news, it'll be ninety two.
It's supposed to be okay maybe, and then you get out here it's a heat index one hundred and eight.
Giving me a ten. Like I didn't get a I leave up out of here, right, I'm working on that tomorrow.
We gotta get you, and we gotta get you in the studio and you in the city, man.
So we can like it.
No real, y'all be you know, y'all busy here.
Don't do that, y'all booked up.
Boy, He's doing great. I miss him so bad too, you know.
Like the jail ship.
It really like go in phases and stages, like in the beginning it was like, Okay, this is bullshit. We was sad, and then it was like okay, then we got some like a routine, like we was coping with it, and that was like we're back sad, like not him. I don't know, but I'm sad like him come back home today, but I'm here, like that's my best team mansera. It is a roller coaster for sure, but I feel like it brings out a lot of important and significant information about people and relationships, and it really like helps you see what's most important, who's most important.
It's definitely a test for sure.
It helps you put a lot of things into perspective for what you want in the future.
You know.
It's just like appreciating what you have, appreciating the fact that you still alive, you got life still, you know, much worse, you know. So I'm just thankful to God that I still got him right, you know, in my open so I got him.
In I think it's just a time to reflect the man, you know what I'm saying, Like you said, for God, to see where you're at, who you is and take.
This shiit serious?
You know what I'm saying.
It's just what it is because he's coming home.
You just got to know that you can't see, you can't thank you, you can't sick and guess niggas is coming home.
So it's just like now when he comes home, he's in a better position to be able to go that much higher because all of the fact has been trimmed from around him, and.
It's gonna be able to same sense of relief too, because it's like it's over it, right, I got a fresh start.
I tell him all the time.
I feel like, if it wasn't for this experience, we don't know how long he would have went for with people that may or may not have really been his friends.
What type of prayers you would have, you would have that type of brick while you're ran into this is a brick.
While, but the motherfucker can be trumble run to one of real.
Agree like this situation helps him avoid something else, right, I better believe that, agree? So sure, I feel like we're on the same page of dadd and I feel like you know, y'all know him, so you know him will nothing to know that he don't really like know.
Down and out kind of guy like he does to get like that at all, Like he don't feel.
He was fucking.
He's very elated. He was like, man cut back, I'm good, Like he's elated on a daily basis, And I'm just like, I don't know, I appreciate that. I admired that about him. I feel like I wish I could be like that more.
God, you know, he's just like.
I just love a lot of things about him and his personality, his behavior, his spirit in general is definitely like at the top of that list, and like, how you in there and you trying to make me crazy? Like he just is Like even when he was out of jail, he was the type of nigga to get up early in the morning and getting fully dressed, like he going somewhere, even if he don't got no plans, like and in jail, it's like he gets up, he gotta like he has a schedule, like he's doing ship, he's working out. He got like a whole sheag going on like it's crazy, Like yes, that's what he said. I have the opposity and a good way thought, like I feel like he brings out a lot of good things and everybody, you know, definitely, I feel like that's why everybody loved him for sure. Yeah, back up, man, I feel like everybody does split up. I tell him all the time. It ain't even nobody in Atlanta no more. He was a center you know, centerfold.
He was a glue like that.
Shit crazy.
But you know, it's only a matter of time.
Yeah, we appreciate you pulling up the backwoods backstage Big Live.
Anytime you call me up, I'll be there.
We're gonna call you soon. We're gonna call you soon.
Big shouts out to Mariah, the Scientists, Backwoods backstage, fresher than ever at together Land festivals.
It's a big fat no cap.
Backwards backstage at Togetherland.
You know what it is, Big Facts Live, Big Bank, Baby Jay, DJ Spring Welcoming Big Facts Alumni, Erica Banks, It's back.
Your city is hot is Hell.
Yes, I'm sorry, nobody told y'all, but you know it's it's very very hot today. Yeah, y'all look like y'all hot.
It's springtime, right, it's.
Not even the summertime, it's just spring. Oh yeah, we get to the three digits in the summer time.
Yeah, how I feel to be in your city, going to be on a big stage and get all of love.
You know what I'm saying from your city.
You know, I feel like I'm at home. You know, I am at home, and you know this is my first time being a part of this particular festival.
So it's you know, it's good out here. Huh what you just did out here?
Booz guys with a lot of a lot of shaking, a lot of rapping, but a lot of shaking. You know, got a combination. You gotta do a litit of boat.
I just shut it down.
Okay, how reported to somebody like baby to you. You know what I'm saying, because I know like he always showed you love, y'all do the crazy.
Baby since I was a kid going to school in the morning, listen to the radio show. So now you know, to have him basically like a like a big brother figure, and you know, to have him just still you know, come and fuck with me, you know, and I come and fun with him all the time. You know, his family, So shut.
I do in the field just to receive, like when you walk through the city.
You know what I'm saying, you see people that you knew, befolk and people you just meet, just show you love just all your company.
How that feels amazing? Like even still today, I'm still super grateful. You know, I have a lot of gratitude, and you know, because everybody doesn't make it to this point, you know, so I'm always reminded myself like, hey, like you really did it, you know, So shout out to everybody supporting me. You know, even y'all. You know I see you all the time. You know, this ain't our first interviewed stuff. Yeah, I just can't appreciate anybody who support me.
So, you know, what's the ship?
You do?
Like to keep your mind focused and so you know what I'm saying, you stay seeing and going further and further up, Like what's the ship?
You do?
Smoke weed? Yes, please, I encourage people to smoke weed. Absolutely, Let's see I smoke a paper, somebody got it. But other than that, please give me a backwood. Smoke weed to prey see you smoke weed to pray you're gonna get through.
Like that's a hell of a w that's a hell of a wrest ship works for.
Me to.
So like in the culture of in the culture of pit pop, in the culture of smokers and you know, weed getting high and all that kind of ship. How important do you think Backwoods is to that particular aspect of the culture.
Backwoods plays a very big part. If you ask me, you know, I don't think we did not think Backwood. You know, I didn't start off on Backwoods to they a little advanced. If you don't know how to roll on, you know, I started sweeze to go pack.
You know.
But if you put that out now, I'll just walk away from you and I just worry about you. You can't and then it's like it's worth the whole beat this. It's just I can't. But you know, Backwoods, you know, I feel like they play a very big part. You know, in the we world.
Yep, absolutely absolutely what.
You got up your sleep? You always got to sum up your sleep.
Everybody think that about I just be working, you know, Okay, I got a single coming. Okay, I got a single coming project coming, you know. So we're just putting the final touches on that. And you know, I mean, if I child to okay, I'm still doing over all, right, we're actually going into the next season right now, So I gotta work tomorrow. I got to like you anymore, I go work with them. Yeah, we still act to still working. Everything is still moving.
Which one you like more? Being in front of the mic or being in front of the camera.
The camera for sure, I love the camera. That's like my best friend. Like I love the mic, but the camera is like I love the camera.
So you see yourself doing like movies and acting rolls and ship.
Like absolutely the people make prizing money. Yeah, absolutely, give me the right role and I'm playing for the right dollar and we're gonna make some money.
Ye ye ye Yeah.
You always appreciate you when you We still got to get that.
We did live, we did this.
We still gotta get that on our set, Big facts, Erica Banks and shake out.
Absolutely kick back, relaxing at it, y'all. Let me know what the next one years and I'm coming. I'm there, Okay, let me go ahead.
Of time now we record.
We want to get you in the studio boots so we can do it not so with anytime you want see that. Yeah, we'll do it.
Whenever y'all tell me okay, and I'm gonna be like, okay, cool, I come to day so everybody social. Y'all can follow me on Instagram at real Erica Banks, Twitter at real Erica Banks and all of my music under Erica Banks.
Okay Banks, I love y'all together. The line Big Facts line fresher than never slew.
They said anything else at Big Fa.
Nick, visit the new website today, Big factspod dot com.
Backwards backstage, you know what it is, Big Fact line that together Land Big Bank j scream welcoming right now to rise and superstars in New Dallas.
Introduce yourself to the people, introduce yourselves.
So boy Month trying to sell money.
Was there in her throat?
Man, there is up in the big fast line. What's the world, what's the world? We talk about what we're doing bank.
Though, and they really just did us bad like and the for about twenty six they cut.
Here whole crowd screaming like they won't, smol like they won't while they could have won us back up her anyway, they say to say it was over, oh like late, too late, that we were running late, but ship the fans wanted us to keep going. We put you all a headline, Brush said, and with the end of a yeah, and that she called the territory.
Well that's all right, I got it on fire out here, right.
Got on?
Fine, what do you calls on?
Why you say the new Della new dalla on right now? This new de Really the city is just destroyed. You know what I'm saying, like if it were broken apart up, were just bringing all together, you know what I'm saying.
The glue.
Yeah, we're the glue.
Okay, We're the glue.
That is the movement.
You can't come through that is we're coming through spec outside he represented clip Clip.
People say that my nigga for Old Cliff.
People said that, yeah, be from old clif. Yeah, yeah, you just can't either. But yes, sir, so the new dealis that consisted is only old clip or what?
Everyho? How can they only be old clip? And I'm from sat young.
Nigga ship and he from Satana's okay, okay, from Old Cliff. Okay.
People said that eat that every neighborhood, everyhood nigga, pushing piece.
Pushing piece, you push you into.
His power, pushing piece of paper.
Everybody win, everybody where, everybody's gonna fuck with that with that man.
When y'all coming out, coming into the another.
Bro, I want to really look really we really puss came out third for the Rick Rock Card Show John First next weekend. Yeah, we read it, but I think I don't think we're gonna make it though, but we really y'all need to.
Come on the twenty second for Birthday Bash.
That's like the big Yeah, that's like the big the biggest time sort of the year, like birthday.
For Hot one on seven nine radio station.
Okay, it's like, okay, well we'll come in.
We need to get your niggs up so we get the interview.
You know what I'm saying.
So y'all need y'all ship because I'm already fans y'all.
Yeah, how y'all caring y'all y'all standing on the way.
I wouldn't even came over and said no, no, and I fun with that too, straight up pushed up. I told you, I said, Hey, the niggas already did, but they doesn't did. Is it time of going to do it?
Different cities.
Already see it.
Let the world see this ship that is only rid of the world on it.
Brod White to hear me the other So.
What y'all got coming up next.
Who gotta coming up together?
Uh now you never knew, but your taking Tom streets white on it.
Who you see yourself? Like, Man, if I get a feature with this nigga, man, this will be my dream feature. Like coming up old of you. It ain't gotta be noigga, be just in the nigga.
I wouldn't even now.
When I was a young nigga, I might could have name somebody, but now personally it's our personalitomy like already meet the person first.
In my vibe with like I ain't really like the music. I really like really like I just foke on my nigga. You know what I'm saying, Like, I fuck my nigga.
We can go up like that. How we doing it?
I was about R and B artists in the thing. He's like already like never produce anybody.
I'm with you.
If they fucking with me, I'm fun with them with that.
That's how I feel like, yeah, yeah, no funk with that.
That's alright. No.
But on some real ship though, they gotta go baby she's trying to right, Baby Blue gotta be came.
Up the real Yeah, yeah, you ship you ride to you feel like you gotta ain't.
I ain't doing no feature with no migg because he hot, because I feel like it's gonna now. I got a gentleman funk with what he got going on. Boy like you gotta make you're not really ship like y'all Atlanta.
No, yeah, I got the who I feel I got on the n m okay eight shots something. I was out there sucking around. Well, I was poor damn ship.
Okay, Yeah, I've been to Atlanta in twenty twenty.
That was.
That last.
If y'all come up for birthday bad and y'all come to do the interview, I'm gonna take y'all out, and I'm gonna take all around.
Yeah around, We'll beat her. We're gonna beat her for show.
We're gonna be I think it's for you to were gonna beat her, Yeah around, We're gonna around.
We're gonna beat her.
We're gonna gonna lie.
I know it ain't gonna beat too much particular already. No, it does ain't matter how you calling you good.
You know what I'm saying.
No matter how you come, man, you can come with you and half of another day.
I ain't a hundle the one it don't matter. You're good the same way I want. I want to get up.
They don't to do, noting to do the studio league. Yeah, I don't really go out either though. I go to the ship R and b sh. I'm an old nigga.
Nothing you know on the whole. You know what I'm saying, be chilling kick it back, man. Yeah, but I just love to see stars though, bro, especially one that come out the concrete. Bro, it's just something. It's just like you put yours on my body.
See niggas just know who they is before they even who they gonna be, if that makes sense to know me. So, like he was saying, got that nigga finishy, I already see it.
You know what I'm saying.
I already seen got them Pluto Savage pay all them niggas that at the point before the point.
Y'all know you see what I'm saying, and you can already tell.
That them niggas gonna be that.
Yeah, it's the same energy. You know what I'm saying. They gotta they freeing the live it up they free in the line.
I tell the brothers that.
I know free alive.
I can do whatever.
Ship don't have niggas gotta stay free in.
The line more staying out of like beef and ship like bur the god niggas dissing the nigga.
You really did this ship?
When I was a young nigga boid like I'm twenty four like real life, all my party. I grew up with dead or jail like like been there like so I learned a lot of ship early. When I started getting the money, my whole mind changed.
Yeahthing you think if you want to never start getting paid, your mindset just being stuck.
Yeah, ain't gonna tell them where I'll be right now? Ye, God work how you work though with me? Everything? Listen, I see that ship the other night.
Every time I take a risk, I ain't gonna win. I might break even, I might lose. But every time I learned something. But if a nigga didn't take risks or go through ship, you wouldn't even appreciate the moments.
You know what I'm saying.
You wouldn't be appreciate it because you don't feel privileged and got damn nigga be feeling tightled Like how y'all need to pitched off about they cut y'all ship.
It's because bro, I know what I done did to be right here. I ain't just letting me do.
Don't letting these people down who come to see this ship really really want to take that bitch up back.
You know, I'm gonna keep this ship, you know what I'm saying. That's just how I go.
I've been in all rounds of this ship. Like, especially when you first come out the streets start getting fag. You know, the people fuck with you. You feel like everybody hold they uhs, Like even this ship could have been over like over time. But black man, y'all hold y'all nothing really but to imagine what the niggas in the mindset he was in before a niggas was doing who he is now, he would have knowed.
Up on my tripple. For sure.
You get hold on the time, hold up time. But at the end of the day, it's something bigger. Watch the nigger that ain't gonna have your own set. Big boy said, gonna pay the ship, and they're gonna pay yall some ship one year away.
Man with three hundred five days.
Who the fuck.
Motherfucker jam get your niggas and cities, we get your nigga, Big fat man we blowing some big blunts. Ship yet were always hoigh like that, not always, but today crazy summertime though time, hot summertime, you're gonna get bitch.
I heard summer time.
I don't know, lie in summer time, this summertime.
It's like something, ship Man, what y'all think the biggest disconnect between the old g's and the young niggas is d D shit we grab from that bridge.
Ain't gonna be no disconnection.
What it is is like.
Like young niggas like you gotta understand, like O G niggas like I ain't been in jail. You know what I'm saying, been gone, you know what I'm saying. Young niggas ain't never been around, no real structure. You know what I'm saying. Like OG is gonna want nerd. You know what I'm saying, Oh, he's been in jail. So like young niggas don't even respect the OG's because they wasn't even NERD type shit. You know what I'm saying, Just like shit, young niggas just ain't got no now, staying for nothing, no personal to get their own money.
Niggas, yeah, for sure. But see me, like I grew up around my OG like I grew up with the old. I lived with the OG. You know what I'm saying.
I run with the OG like young niggas, little nigga like four, five, sixth, eighteen years old.
I'm running with OG, you know what I'm saying. So it was kind of like for me, I got a different perspective on them young nigga. O, G shit, I love my OG. The one tell me how to sell og.
Right up?
Real ship, look my ship straight up.
But I just feel like it's like sort of a disconnect, like because because like most of the old nigga them fell out.
You don't want to get no money. A lot of niggas get a lot of old niggas don't want to see their time over.
Yes, they don't know when to move on to something. It's too different. It's too different type of old. One that's gonna embrace it. One that's gonna see like y'all see you with me, young niggas, like they're gonna come do whatever they want to do with help exactly.
It's another one that's sit in the back, like what this littlenigga do? He don't know what they do?
Is that?
You can't. It's different come yeah, yeah, yeah.
Not really ship. It's two different kinds.
I love, I love MYG, I respect my ol G.
In fact, that's what it is for me.
Appreciate pulling it up to chop it up.
With y'all can find find me z in her though.
All across our platform YouTube, Instagram, TikTok or whatever the.
Man, my ship Montana dots, sell money on Instagram everything. I guess there's a month ton of sell money YouTube app music.
Man, we all around the world. You don't know about this ship. You fanna see?
Thanks you living on the rock and they say they come to letting them the rock out whatever.
Flight Today.
We'll be there rock out Backwoods backstage at Together.
Land the Street.
It's Big Fact, No cap Backwoods backstage at Together the Land, Big Facts Live is touched down Big Baby J DJ stream Welcome and the Legend d J to Believe right now.
What's up?
What's up?
My brother?
What's up?
My brother?
Everything is good and everything is good.
Now, if y'all not familiar like you should be, you know he got one of the all time classics of all classics. Get it ready, you know what I mean? It comes on at HBC US and ship like that and everybody go crazy.
How old is this record?
Oh man, this records well over twenty five plush years.
Wow, yeah, when you made it?
Did you know?
Did you know that?
Well, start from my early song Stopped Calling through the Jubilee all back in nineteen nineteen ninety three. But then, you know, you try to do your south More album, you fall off a little bit. But when I did Getting Ready, Getting Ready, I knew it was gonna be that way because they knew who I was in the beginning. You go through your drop and then you make sure you're looking at that drop again when Getting Ready to Hit took off.
Man, change your life, Yeah yeah, yeah, still it'll.
Changed my life. Old cat make fifty nine this shit. So I've been around for a while, lesson.
Mording for a long time, DJing for a long time.
Yeah, you know that's what's up you straight up out of that. New Orleans, of course, talked us a little bit about New Orleans culture.
Oh man, New Orleans culture. It's wonderful.
We we keep reinventing new things, especially in my era, the Bounce era. You know what I'm saying.
We still just moving it, keep.
It going and keep it going, and where we want to keep it going. And some of the old cats that's still there, were still around, you know, the jubileeve, the PNC, the UNLV's you.
Know stuff like that.
We still the hot more around. You know what I'm saying. We still working together. So New Orleans culture, New Orleans music. Man, the ain't an never going nowhere. But we got so much. I'm saying, when we can mix, bounce the second line, bounce from church, bounce whatever you want. Yeah, that's what makes the music unique with us now. You know, that's how our call that we embrace it now, you know, besides the other music, the jazz music, and you know got the stuff like that. But that bounce ain't gone nowhere.
Pass That's what I was about to say. How you think you maintained like relevance?
Staying positive, man, staying positive, doing the correct thing bid for like giving people a good a good look. You know what I'm saying. Because in the music game, you do different things, you get caught up in different things. And all my life, man, I haven't been a guy that always want to do positive things. So when you do positive things, good things last longer. Yeah, for good folks. You know, for sure, good folks, I will receive that.
So there's been like in the last probably like four to five years, there's been like a really big resurgence on Bounce music from artists like Drake to other artists like sampling the style of music you got Big Freda that has been in the spot like you know, like in other New Orleans artists. How does that make you real? To see that again? It's finally being appreciated for like more than one time.
I'll say this, for some reason, somebody got smart than business and say, hey, let's give them a little something something. If you didn't know, I'm gonna Beyonce sounds before I let go.
Check it out.
So okay, I'm good, Yeah, I'm good.
Yeah. Good.
So when you paint hamas Chiff like that, that makes it all much better because you're using what we have and you saw something specially in it. But you're giving us at some time on the side exactly what I'm saying. Get nothing at first, we're just going through the most But it's a beautiful thing, man, where you can be heard nationwide, worldwide, wherevery be collect a little few dogs on the back end. You know you ain't gotta be greedy. I mean I'm good.
I'm most too. I'm the oldest one in the crew.
Yeah, that been in the business long than anybody else. So I'm thankful and blessed. Do anybody do things for me?
You know, if you got like the number one bounced song, which I think that you do coming out the end on what you think like the one right behind it is, I'm gonna see if we're gonna say the same record.
Behind mine?
After mind.
I mean, T'm a DJ some I'm a DJ forty two years and I know some of the songs that really took us a whole different era, like Magnoia Shorty recipes to her when she when she performed at the twelve I was DJing at She made up new stuff every week and everybody cop her.
So you can't tell me that I don't know good audio.
I would say Bunny Hot, the Bunny Hot was bed too, But.
That's not from law, that's from bad rule.
Okay, Bunny how opened my listen?
Listen, listen.
I'm thinking I'm DJ Jubilee. I got something new. I'm in Baton Ruge I just WoT to the show. Kids gonna take a break, kids gonna get their food.
That's that.
That That that what.
I said.
You know what they're going at that open what they're going They're going to stay there. How they're doing.
I had to run too.
I'm thinking something going on. Man.
That bunny hop took up bout six Bunny. That's when I learned that different music in different area of the state have their own music. Yeah, yeah, I got days.
Bat Rud's got days.
You know what I'm saying. So that talked d about.
Let me ask you a question. Where does DJ Jimmy fit in the whole mix of the bounce culture.
DJ Jimmy is the second monologue behind T. T.
Okay, G T.
Tuckle was the first one. Mister the way they had where they had.
Yeah, he's finally admit to himself that I tried to get him understand.
You got one song they called me the king of Bounce.
Don't worry about that. I was trying to give him. Let him to understand, you're the ball fog of this.
You started this.
But then somebody interviewed to say, Chucker, guess what You're the king of bounds. He said no, no, no, no, I'm the creator. So when he said that, my message not till you. Yeah, So you go with T. T. Tucker first, then you go with d J. Jimmy Jim was the one took in nationwide. A lot of people don't know the history that. A lot of young you don't know the history of that. You know what I'm saying, Yeah, oh yeah, YouTube hu firka sign. When he did that, he took off. Did come everybody else?
You know?
Uh uh?
Or you n f v R the daddy.
Yours old calf and back all them boys there. That's when the music business started picking up big raps right before I came out. When I came out, I changed the game to everybody else rapping. I said, looking all in by this girl outfit and she goes, you know something like that.
They was rapping to her.
But then I was trying to get them to come perform where I was at at the high school. Then numb On High School dance in the city walked down cons Seen High School I graduated from every Saturday dance back.
So I just try to bring allists in there. But guess what happened.
They started cussing on the mic, and school didn't dad. So when I started creating dances, that's when stock fall due the Jubilee all came in effecting and I just took over everything, man over everything. So I've been relevant, been busy for the last thirty two years plus years.
Djam forty two years straight without a break.
I think I think I'm on to DJ Maybe i've indeed, I've been DJing forty two years straight without a break since nineteen nine. Every week I'm busy, every weekend, I'm business hold out of just about without a break. If I do four gigs, I still count it as a whole week. Even if I might do it one two d that's a whole week. So it's stan relevant standing on the top, man, You know that will keep you yll.
Know Yeah, yeah, yeah, Dode Man, it does, it does.
And I love to respond when you djaying, and you can give people to have a good memory what you did, something you create s.
My style is different.
When I get on that stage, I might make up a whole new dance and they said, remember that dance.
She was doing that.
I don't even know.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying, Show it to me Dad, And that's what I give the people. If you ever get my song, listen to my song. I got like twenty seven dances all my songs. I'm the only one with a song with twenty seven different dancing because I'm gonna make you do something and that be people like you. You might gotta do it.
You might be walking right and you might bop your head like that. Bop your head like you might be doing that, And I looked at it and I ask you what your name?
I said, Man, do that dance you were doing like that next thing? You know, you're on al and you don't even know it.
You're on l because I saw it.
Yeah, and you didn't know that, but you were doing it. But I made it hot for you to get your name hot and they see you. You come out oh yeah yeah, and you ain't know that and you a day. So that's how my music created. That's how you myself.
So what's some game or some gyms before you slide? You would like to get like the young boys on to come up in the game.
Oh man, I mean I'm more of a us my self person, meaning that I like to watch other artists come up and do the work because that way they will feel that they didn't. So I really don't like I like to break new music.
I'm a DJ.
I like to break new music. You give me anything, You ain't got to give me no money, give me no nothing. I'm a break new art expusic. That's what I like doing, breaking their music because I see the struggle behind them. I see they want to get in that spotlight so bad. But like U, back in the days, we didn't have sell phone videos, so we had to go the hard way. But like I said, get the spotlight to. I mean, I really can't the name of them, you know, But like I said, I'm from the tape the cash Money era, a no limited er. I watched everything. I watched all that and remember now I'm older than all of them. Cat, that's the feet baby, all of them.
So so who really make a noise from the city of between them too? Right now?
So what I'm saying, then, oh Lord, Cat Money, magg lock noise with that new stuff they head back? Then you about before music, sit again, before music? Oh, before music, it was the DJs. Then it was about the DJ's slick old no.
Know what I'm saying, Like like baby, in them cas money like slam them. That you know of them before music before cast money, that you know of them? No, okay, no, not at all.
But they knew me.
Got DJ and all the protests, yeah, all the high school dances. So they knew me from having the fire block parts in the city. But as I got into the music game, I got to know this, oh every last one up. Yeah, And if Pete came out way after me came out, like ninety seven ninety eight, I han't already dropped.
Three of them there.
So yeah, but we're all friend and I like about them. They respect me for what I do. Been teaching thirty years, working with special need kids, you know, coaching recreation sports twenty five years, been at the same school thirty year.
Like I said, they coaching football all my life, forty six years.
So they knew all that about me. They knew everything about me. So that's the good thing between me and them. They knew me before I got into the music business. And like I said, man, I mean for the old school rapping and for the old school back of hellll coaching and them. That was miamiing them, you know, Miami Dan and Dany and all them, come up on them, you know, sugar Hill gain all them back in the day.
But that's.
That's my full teape right there, standing standing level man, standing up all the types of level.
Did that jubilee a little to your legend. We appreciate the conversation. Appreciate that, man, You know what I mean. That's what stage at Togetherland. It's Big Facts Lives.
Visit the new website today, Big factspod dot com.
Back was backstage at together Land. You know what it is, Big Facts Live, Big Babe, Baby Jay DJ Scream. Here we have the founder of One Music Fest and together Land, Jay Carter, just.
Pulled up on this.
Appreciate We appreciate this because this is one of those days where the last thing on your mind is to probably come talk to us.
So we appreciate your time.
God man, we family man.
Y'all y'all don't blessed my stage man and crush it down at One Music class man. So I appreciate the opportunity. Man, Yes, yes, so how I feel Let's see it all come together a day like this.
You know, I'm saying, all the hard work and the plannet and the upst the downs and the bumps and yeah, I.
Mean it was a long time coming.
We was looking for a sister city for Atlanta for probably about four years. Pandemic head kind of slowed down that process a little bit.
But we landed on.
Dallas about yeah, about three four years ago. I started building from there.
But I mean it feels good to finally get out the gate.
You know what I'm saying. Dallas, Texas is uh hella unpredictable. Last year during Memorial Day it was eighty seven degree kill oh man, were out Yeah last night it was a windstorm.
Yeah, that shit almost blew the windows off my hotel.
I'm telling you, like this almost it almost didn't happen.
Like we got out here like six, six thirty in the morning. I mean shit everywhere, Like tents flown everywhere, the swims came down from the stage, some of the sponsored activations were blown over, food trucks were I mean, we was like, shit, we don't know, we don't know we're gonna be able to police thing off.
But we put the call out, We're here, We put the ball out.
Everybody got here early.
Put this thing together, man, So it's a blessing.
Man, and and it's how you're doing something great.
He's gonna come with.
It to Lucas. Man.
Yeah, you're gonna run into those factors, man. But the team is strong, man, The team is strong.
What made you come up with that name? Together Land?
I mean it's really a playoff of One Music Fest, man.
Honestly, so One Music Fest is really about like unity of our culture, connecting the dots. Uh, and one kind of signified that, you know. So he's trying to think of another name that played off that and honestly, still exactly and uh and together came together late, but Together festival signed.
The lame as hell were like.
It Together Festival and then uh, then we said, yo played off one and playoff two, right, so you got one presentlant and got two hundred dollars.
And then fair Park feels like a big ass amusement park. I mean a shoe. I mean you got the cotton.
Bowl over there.
On the car and like everything we saw that.
Yeah, so fair Park is like the biggest attraction or most visited location in that well actually in Texas.
So they get three million people here just for the state faired Wow, and in four weeks, so people were used.
To it as big as hell, we can't outgrow it, so we said together Land kind of just just kind of worked.
So yeah, yeah, yeah, man, So.
What else you got on the count? And of course One Music Fest is coming.
At l Man, it's a fifteen year anniversary for Atlanta nice. So yeah, super excited about that. Yeah, a lot of people don't realize that. Man, we've been.
We've been.
We've been at this for a minute.
Uh so we're in the middle of planning that we released tickets for that already, but uh going to announce a lineup and about uh probably about a month and.
A half when released. Man, but uh, but Dallas is really important, man.
Dallas is an overlook market in my opinion when it comes to like black culture and brown people.
Uh they get everything else man.
But for us to hear like this is the first festival catering to like hip hop and black culture Dallas, this sounded crazy.
Right, So uh, I guess what kind of pioneers in a way, man.
Trying to do something different for the culture out here in Dallas.
M most definitely definitely what do you do outside of to get a Land One Music Fest? I guess let us from from a from a business standpoint, some of the other business stuff you do.
So we got a we got a brand marketing company as well. Man.
So that actually started first about twenty some odd years ago. So we were working with you know, Heineken, Jack Daniels.
Toyota, well not Google twenty years ago, but Google as well at and T.
But yeah, man, so we we put together campaigns from PRODN and Gambles one of our biggest clients. We're managing the HBCU tour as well, twelve different HBCUs.
So we could we continue to put together cultural campaigns for a lot of major brands. And this actually the festival is actually fifteen years ago.
Started off as an activation we did for one of our flyings, but then it's just kind of morphed and grew into a monster of its own.
Outside of you know, obvious the money people get from this. What type of joy you get out of throwing these concerts?
What kind of joy by? What type of joy you get from throwing the concerts after they be successful?
You know what, man?
I mean the.
I think when you look at the crowd and see all the different when you see when you see the plan kind of come together, right. So the idea was to have something multi generational, having something that did kind of signify unity. So, I mean, it's white, it's Mexican, it's Latino, as black, as young, as old, and no issues.
Like everybody here enjoying themselves, eating good, turning up.
You know, I think that's the biggest takeaway man, Because I'm gonna tell you, like, when I first started one music fest, we did it at a venue that was owned by some folks that it looked like me us. And during the vessel, you know, he was drinking a little bit, he was feeling good, and he was like, hey, this is real different than when I thought it was gonna be.
I was like, well, what did you think it was gonna be?
And he was at a loss of words and he just said, you know, it's not you know, it's not like you know, it's a ghetto.
I said, what the fuck?
Wow, I said this white man telling me. I said wow, I said, okay.
So that also just made me think that just because it's hip hop is putting this you know what I'm saying, right, it's gonna be violent. Are you're going to ask some issues? You know what I'm saying like, I mean, it's hella black social events that happened, and it's no problem that to happen of them. But you know you have one little issue happened at some event and it's all about event, now, you know what I'm saying. So that that kind of fucked me up a little bit, man, So that kind of made me supercharged to kind of like, all right, let's create a real experience, man.
Turn it up and turn it up or not.
Usually will ask, like an artist, like who's that dream feature? Who's that person they want to lock in the studio. So if this case, will say, you've had some heavy hitters on them stages, who's the person that you're not giving up on yet that you're gonna get on that stage one of the big goats.
I mean, if I get shot, I'm quitting.
Oh wow.
Like my wife even know that. She like, look, yeah, does any other one we have in the house can only be like that's that's that's.
As long as you know what I'm saying. I'm playing the band, Joe, whatever you.
Need today.
That you made think, I think it can.
Happen when get into existence. Yea, when I get shot.
When I love that but uh but uh, she would be a huge one. But we had some some pretty major ones, man. I mean Kendrick was last year, Janet Jackson, Jannet brought out Jay Cold.
You know.
But it's still a lot of artists we've never had. We never had like a true Jake Cole Set. We never even had like Brian right.
But uh but uh, Mary J.
Shaman on our state, we never had Mary J.
There's a few big ones we never had, you know what I'm saying, and a few not so big ones. Man.
But I mean music is always emerging and growing, and there's uh, you know, the big artists or the mid size artists today, maybe the grand artist tomorrow. Like we had Kendrick back in twenty fourteen, right, and I remember we paid them twenty fourteen, right.
It's certainly in the last year. We never have future, really never had future, you know. So this is a huge I mean, you know it sounds like you put together the line up for the ship. Yeah, we's a few big dogs ain't never have.
Yeah. Yeah, if you need us with anything, we hear. We appreciate You're gonna run back, y'all. Set man, what we're doing, Oh, man, we're waiting on y'all.
I got mad at it. Y'all got mad at us. Last time happened. I don't know something.
We rocked out. They trippa We rocked out, yeah yeah, but God killed you. Yeah we rocked out too.
So we waiting on y'all.
There, Y'allait, if anybody can carry a set, y'all could definitely carry out.
We're gonna kill it this time.
It's the location at the time and we are there.
Yeah, yes, well we're gonna be uh October twenty sixth and twenty seven pm park.
Okay, we're gonna lock it in the day.
It's on camera now, so we're good.
So let us know.
Man, how y'all enjoying y'allselves out there?
And how that Dallas? Man?
It's amazing, a blazing, blazing and amazing blaze. Our quote for the weekend is, what do we say to be successful? You gotta have blood, sweat and tears with this weekend weekend?
But it definitely yeah, I didn't even start drinking yet, man, I'm going.
Nah, But it's just like for me, this weekend has been like really amazing because I've just been able to like move around. Well I didn't really do a lot of moving around yesterday, but today happened like they gave me a part.
So like we've been all over like on the part.
Like getting a chance to like meet the people and like you know, take pictures and hugs and you know what I'm saying, all that kind of stuff, and and that's like really what it's all about, like and that was that was like that was the best part of everything.
That was the best part of everything for me out there.
Oh no, I gotta find him. It's one of your security people. Like he DMed me like this long ass message this morning, like it was just I don't want to repeat it, but he just really said a lot of stuff that really like touched my heart. So I gotta find him today so I can take a picture with him. I don't know where he is, but I'm I'm an see, I'm gonna find him today. That's my minching, Like.
Yeah, yeah, I'll let you know that you're doing something right, man, Yeah for sure, because they don't they don't really get it as much as they should out there in Dallas.
And I don't know why, you know, but we're gonna figure it out, figure out.
Carter continued success to you were appreciating anything, Yeah, yeah, Okay.
Tell everybody on your socials so they can know how to get to you and keep up with everything that going on.
So j J.
Carter, I don't really post as much as that should.
But Jake Carter ology, But Jake Carter, than O l O G y uh together Land and just together dot Land together don t w o t w o uh. And then one music fest is o any music fest? Yeah, you follows there as well, man, So yeah, man, appreciate it. Man, I keep doing big things drop don't don't, don't let it slip and go about wayside now no, no, hell no.
We're gonna get that done for we get on the plane this.
I appreciate y'all.
Black stage at together lamb big shouts out to Jake Carter.
I appreciate y'all.
I don't know how, not.
Exactly, No, capt bitch Backwoods backstage at together Land, Big Facts Lives representing Big Bank, Baby j d J screen weaponer.
Right now, Mata Beita just.
Pulled up on us. What's what's up? What's up?
Thank you?
Fresh off the stage? How you feeling I feel good.
I've never been so hot in my life. Yeah, I didn't realize it was that hot in Dallas. Yes I am, I got makeup on.
Oh I am? Yeah. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Well, I'm from Indianapolis, Indiana. I haven't sinking since I was a little girl. I got signed to Rock Nation when I was eighteen. I moved to LA and I've been doing another the past few years. But I'm starting to pick up this year. I just had my first number one song a few months ago, thank you. So things are kind of picking up a little bit, and I'm just having the time of my life.
Aren't you? Aren't you gonna be on tour with Chris Brown?
How did that come about? And tell us a little bit about that.
So, I last minute got asked to feature on his projects. I think he was looking for a feature. He needed a female vocalist, and we have I had just time with Warner and he's with Warner. I think I don't know something like that, but it kind of happened last minute. Yeah, everything kind of just meshed perfectly. I recorded this song for his project. It came out a few days later, and then I got asked to be on his tour. He actually texted me last night like I'm so excited to have you on tour, blah blah blah. So everything it's like just crazy.
I don't know.
I'm just kind of going with the flow of life.
Yeah, it's taking it at day to time, but blessings every day.
I don't know.
But you think you said separate you from other artists.
I think I'm real. I don't.
I have no fear of sharing anything. I'm very open and you can ask me anything and I'll tell you. And I think that people relate to me. And I'm a vocalist.
I feel like.
Music lacks a lot of vocals nowadays compared to back in the day. So I think that's something that I bring to the table. But you know, we all have our different stuff.
What's the latest playlist? Like if we was a dig into your playlist and your phone right now, what's on your playlist? What should be vital to.
A lot of gospel music? For some reason, well not for some reason, but lately a lot of gospel music. I've been preparing for this tour and I'm stressed out. So every day after rehearsals, I listen to gospel music. So it's been a lot of gospel music.
To be honest, Okay, I have things changed for you, you know, coming from grind into actually seeing seeing your thing.
You know what I'm saying. In your personal life, things.
Change personally, Like right now, dating is just trash. I can't date. I can't even like go hang out my family. My cousin just graduated and I couldn't go to his graduation. So I'm starting to see like the things that you have to sacrifice, but I'm doing our love, so it doesn't really matter. I mean it does, but you know what I'm saying, But that's changed. I don't even have a personal life now. People ask me what I do when I'm not working. It's like I'm always working, so I don't even know how to answer that.
You know, how the people take it who you was around, How the people.
Take I mean, people get hurt when I can't be places, but they all love me and support me.
I've been doing this.
My whole family and friends from Indiana have seen me singing since I was a baby, you know, so it's like I think they're proud that I'm actually doing what I said I was gonna do and I don't think they want to get in the way of that.
Yeah, So everything's good.
Yeah, that's dope.
What's nice for you?
Well, I'm opening up for Chris Brown on tour. We start in like two weeks. I'm starting a tour with Chris Brown. I'm doing arenas for the first time. I've never performed in an arena before, So you care. I'm so excited. To be honest I think I know when it's comes, I'm gonna be petrified, Like before I go on stage, I'm gonna be terrified. But right now I'm so excited.
But what are you gonna do to kind of try to eliminate that fear?
This is not the answer my team would like me to say, but I always take a shot before I go on stage, just lets something like I.
Need something to just like let loose.
And honestly, you can't even prepare for this, the nervous the nervousness, you gotta just do it.
So yeah, and does the trick.
Yeah, a little bit of liquor.
Yeah, appreciation you having this comment in an atl pull up on us. Yes, of course, everybody what it can.
Follow you, you can follow me Mada's World m A E t A s Worlds. Just type it made us something will come up and yeah, thank you guys for having me in.
Good luck in this heat.
Yeah yeah, good.
Don't make it yeahs Backstage and together Land it's Big Facts Lives.
Visit the new website today, Big Factspad dot Com.
Backwoods Backstage, Big Facts Lives continues at Togetherland, Big Bank, Baby j DJ Spring.
We got a Texas underground just pulled up on me.
My broke he.
Fast. You said you lost one hundred pounds.
I lost over one hundred. Scream your bastard. You know what I'm saying.
So now you just go by just bastard.
Where they call me is bastard. But I can't get away from fat be here. Where I go, they gonna call me fat basted That's what that is. So it's still fat b You know what I'm saying. You just call me fat.
And if somebody ain't really putting the face with the working you put in, you know what I'm saying. You had a lot of underground hits, man popping real quick and let them know. Man, we've been in the game man over twenty years. Man, if you ain't familiar with us. Man, the old school screwed the chop throwbacks. You know what I'm saying. We had that on my screens. Man, hold up, you know my partner Big Tuk from south Side to Realis. You know all of them are not a stain on me. You know, still get played on the radio right now in a stain on me.
You know what I'm saying, feature meat, fat b so Man, were really heavy in the city, man, you know what I'm saying, over twenty years strong in the hood like a pound of that good it keep going on.
Man, we got underground hits. But show so shore breal talk.
Tell us something about Dallas. We might not know about Dallas.
Put us on some game, man, something about Dallas. Might not know about Dallas. Man, we we really really hustle.
They look at us and they think we just on the farm with cowboys. Man, Dallas is the city. Man, it's really popping. Dallas is like one of the fastest, the fastest parts of Texas. So when you hit, when you hit Dallas, it's faster. You know, we hustle, We get money and everybody independent. You know, you got the females, they gonna do they heur you know the hustle. They gonna get their money. You know what I'm saying. If you don't, if you don't know Dallas, We're gonna get some money, man. And we and we real good people, man, We got that southern hospitality. Man, We're gonna, were gonna we're gonna cook you a good plate and make you feel right at home right here in Dallas, Texans. Right, that's coming up, man, one shit, And like god, you don't even trill.
I'll be in that kitchen. Man.
I'm like a chef too, you know what I'm saying. I cook up on beasts and on on food. Okay, I like to cook.
God damn me.
What do you what's your favorite dish? What's the most popular dish?
My most popular dish, You know what I'm saying.
It's really something simple, maybe like some baked chicken, or maybe like some some ribs or something like that makes you know what I'm saying, Lick them fingers, man. But you know I'm real good with that with that meat, you know what I'm saying. But I like to get in that kitchen. I feel like that's how, you know, part of my music. It's all about cooking. No matter what you're doing, you gotta take your time and make sure that shit tastes good when you're done with it. Right about, Yeah, we about to rock the stage, man. You know what I'm saying about five o'clock, Me and my homie Big Hook, Dirty South Robbers. Y'all saying, y'all know Big Hook, y'all know Tom Tom aka Tom's Zilly had to caprice music.
You know what I'm saying. Candy dripping on the chivvy. You know what I'm saying.
We got some real Texas legends, man, were finna go put it on for the city. They always love to see us. They gonna rocky word for word. We gotta heard we had like the biggest shit too.
I heard they might be a little man because we got like nine minutes everybody holding breeze, So we're gonna be We're finna be.
Dripping a little with rocking.
Yeah, cap real check out, man. We appreciate.
Man, it's good seeing all y'all. And that's big fence.
You know what I'm saying.
I have to come show y'all love, man, because y'all always show real artists love and y'all motivate me. I'll see y'all. You know, beusey y'all ask artists, you know, how did they do it? How did they keep going? That ship keep artists like me keep going. So I appreciate y'all being solid man, big gate keepers, big figures in the community.
You know what I'm saying. For what we do, it's gonna keep all us pushing hard.
And that's Big Facts Man from fair Bastard Brill's houtbow. They can check you out, like on your tos man, follow me on Instagram, I t z baster It's faster with it e it's Basstard.
Two one fold.
Same thing on TikTok. You know what I'm saying, Follow your boy man for new.
Music, Backwoods Backstage fresher than ever. You know what it is that together Land, It's Big Facts Live. Yeah, it's Big Fact don't cap Backwoods Backstage together. You know what it is, Baby j DJ screen, this is Big Facts Live. The one and the only is just pulled up on this. Introduce yourself to the world.
The show man. You know what I'm saying. Now, Dallas in the building by ways and lose Alla. You know what I'm saying, shouts out the grigg Street, shouts out the block, shouts out to my nigga peg Man, you know what I'm saying, Just Dallas and letter ship Man, Just I want to stop the and just tell y'all always watch what y'all do in this respect. You know what I'm saying for real love, Like, I went out of my way to let y'all know that a nigga appreciate what y'all do. It saying ain't about me.
It is about you letting people know what you got going.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, Big Homie Show, Top of the Bottom, on the way, I'm one of the ones out here. Ain't nobody gonna tell you nothing different. Yeah, that's a fact that nigga really did it, really lived you. You know what I'm saying. And now I'm on the other side, Big Homie show.
What's what she helped you, like transition over from you know, from from whatever you're doing before.
To like on some positive ship man tall watching my people, you know what I'm saying. Like, And so I'm sitting there waiting to do the interview. One of my partner's called from the field. You know what I'm saying. I said, if the car let my people get it, I'm still tapped in, you know what I'm saying. So I got niggas that's behind the water, that's depending on me to do the right thing out here, you know what I'm saying. And that was, you know, sort of the beginning for me. And I told I told my niggas one day just on some real shit. Man, shit, what we gonna do my nigga like we done done it all. Nigga got called, nigga got your nigga, got house, and nigga got women. Man, you just gonna keep going today, come get you some niggas listen. Some niggas don't you know what I'm saying. But for those that did, niggas got caught up in the system. That's my job to you know what I'm saying. Tell the niggas that's coming up nicks in the same missage, make sure they avoid it.
You know what I'm saying. That straight up?
How you think the young niggas received it like from og How you think the young niggas will see that.
I mean, it depends, you know what I'm saying.
Like a lot of times it's a disco nigga because a lot of to be honest with you, a lot of old niggas don't want to fuck with the young niggas I do, you know what I'm saying.
So you gotta understand if you're.
A young nigga and you feel like the ogi don't really want to fuck with you. I mean, how you spoil to was fun of that, you know what I'm saying. But for the niggas who do and a lot of times the ogz ain't gonna lie like niggas we want to talk about shit they did twenty years ago. Nigga, want to know what you got going on right now? No respect what you did back in the day. You ain't got nothing going on right now. It's like, bro, we were in twenty swimming folks. We ain't at eight or nine. So nigga, I want to know what you got going on right now?
So shit, I mean, I respect what you did and you laid it down.
But what you causing nises and bitches now on some real So I mean, I respect it, you know, but at the same time, it's got to be it's gotta be both ways. Respect gotta be both waves. It can't just be the young niggas showing the old nigga the love. Old nigga gotta show the young niggas from love.
Too, making meat in the middle. It can't just be you paying hummis to me, but you ain't showing no little back. That shit ain't never gonna work. The fact that she ain't never gonna work, you know what I'm saying.
So that's the thing we're trying to do in the city. You got niggas like baby, that's the whole purpose of putting us on this ship like this. I see they ain't never done no shit like that before, at least that I seen.
You know what I'm saying.
We ain't never had niggas from every side of the city come together and put on the show together.
That's what.
Just have no beef, no strength, no argument. If we had rehearsals, niggas showed up, no security with their jewelry and everything smooth.
Ain't never been done dope, that dope, you know what I'm saying.
So I just want to say, man, while I'm here, I want a salute, you know what I'm saying to the Ochi Baba. I met the nigga as a teenager. It's always been little. You know what I'm saying, that south Side to my city for support me. You know what I'm saying on this journey, and uh, we just keep on pushing, man. But like I said, I appreciate what y'all do. I watched the interviews, I listened to the mixed. You know what I'm saying, niggas just I'm just having to be a part of it. Came straight up, man, y'all. Ain't have to do this eating yeah, special spec man. I want after this ship.
Ain't some niggas.
Listen, there s.
Motherfucker mix safe and see.
Right here with y'all.
You know what I'm saying on some bridge, she just to represent the city. You know what I'm saying, Just to be one of the ones that represents the city right now. So we had the past, you know what I'm saying, the president in the future with see you now though. You know what I'm saying, Montana, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, young niggas, you know what I'm saying, they represent that.
You got a nigga like me.
It's a big homie holding it down, but it's just to have the past, the prison, the future on the same stage and supporting each other.
I watched every nigga performing.
I watched niggas rap, niggas liverage word for word, man supporting each other. That's some totally different ship. And I wish we just put that mission out only in this city, but every city. We ain't gotta God damn old hands and sing we are the world, but we ain't got to.
Kill each other either.
Big Homie show Top of the Bottom Man, make y'all, make sure y'all following, Make guys give a show on the biggest thing going nigga stage.
That together land keep us. Watched Salute.
Visit the new website today Big factspod dot com Co.