Toxic behavior and toxic relationships is discussed on this edition of Big Facts Friday.
For Merch:
Big Man and DJ Scream bring you Big Facts, the hottest podcast in the streets. Visit the new website today www dot Big facts pot dot com live for first class sounds. You know who it is. DJ Scream, Big Bank is here, Baby Jad is here, Shot Jones and b f D has stepped up in here and it's time for Big Facts Friday. I think you know took some of this. What's up, everybody? Everybody cool? Good, can't complain? Yeah, she's coming back to your Yeah, okay, yeah, that's what uh what we're doing. Okay, I saw the word of the days. We actually have a two part word. The first word is toxic and then the second word is the active being or the the the process of being toxic, which is toxicity. So the textbook Saltine definition of toxic is poisonous, very harmful, or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way. And the urban Gerban definition is coming right up. Okay, toxic urban definition is going to be fun. Okay. The urban Gerban definition of toxic is an adjective uused to describe usually very a usually very negative person that bitch about everything, okay, and adjective views to describe we gotta pre read these urban definitions and adjective views to describe usually a very negative person that bitch about everything, spread unnecessary hey, or just talk about others. You can meet these people in any online game community and they are the main coin of online gaming. Okay, they talked about also gaming ship. So overall, toxicity is basically being a fucked up person. Being toxic is a fuck up person in the act of being toxic creates toxicity. You don't have to be toxic fun up to be toxic. I think you can just be. I think toxic people are traumatized and they haven't accepted previous episode that they need to deal with their issues before burdening other people with those issues. Mm hmm, because I feel like, like, like for instance, like for the like, a majority of the toxic people that I know have been wrongfully fucked over about other people, and that's why they subconsciously pick fights and other people that they deal with. They can't help it. It's like they don't know. If I got a glass of pure fresh water here right then I got a glass of toxic stuff in a port into the pure water, it becomes toxic though, So that's toxicity. But this this glass of toxic ship, you would say, if you knew it was toxic, what would you say about its fucked up water? That's what I'm saying, Like when people, most people that are toxic don't even really fully understand that they're being toxic, and that's what causes them to continue to do it over and over again in because they don't see what's really going on with them. They cause arguments, they start fights, you know what I'm saying. They fucking pick at every little thing whatever, whatever. But they're doing that because that's what they're accustomed to, and they don't understand that that's not how things are supposed to go in real life. M what what's the same thing toxicity? I said, the toxic people. Most toxic people are toxic because they don't understand that they're being toxic toxic people. And I think people know when bush Yeah, But I don't think. I don't think. I think sometimes in some situations, they don't intentionally try to inflict their bullshit on people. They just can't help it because that's who they are as a person. They do some sad like you said, be the past trauma. A lot of ship you haven't been through you know what I'm saying, like if a female, if a female have been through a whole bunch of abusive relationships or something like that, she knows how to uh, she associate with love from fighting or whatever, stuff like that, she ain't gonna bring that in. She might she might sell consciously bring that to the next relationship. Not saying that she just but I feel like you're saying, right, yeah, you know you're touched. You know you if you busted out a cover when yeah, you know when you see something the nigga phone, you want to bust it head. You know that you because the woman is not like that, she's just gonna cry. Not but listening what I'm saying. A person that's like that might not know that they're toxic. They might just think this is how I'm supposed to handle things. That's what you know. What's different between write and roll good or bad good even you know the difference I should I probably should have my feel of her. So I probably was just walking away from you. But if I feel like nothing when you get in here, we got a toxic relationship. This is a toxic ship. No, it's def but the girl that's being to whoop the nigga's ask might not know that she's talk to because this is what she's used what you used to? What's up back? She said? She fighting, She's saying that it becomes so normal that they've accepted it, and it's kind of like the second like that is not right. I don't know what you do, what you're doing, like you know it's not right once you're grown period that they know too. If a little kid go grant that bottom and slamming of the gun, that was wrong because you don't see other people. You don't see this thing they do. Some people do. It ain't done and that's why they think is how it's supposed to go, depending on their environment, facts the fact. But you still know when you when you go outside into the world or look at TV, that's not happening. It's not happening the side of the world. It's happening the side of your world. But a lot of life as a kid, we just go to the bars and girl club ship we go to the other bars and girl club outside out We know we was in a different environment. So what we're doing gotta be wrong, right because we're being toxic and bringing the bullshit to these other boys and girls. No we're not. We're trying to walk a straight line because we see that this ship different up there. We're coming alway from our club, alway to brook Brooke haveven but club they got Jim bags, we got you not handwalking anymore. You know what I'm saying, Like woman, Jim, we played on basketball on the carpet ship different. But see, in order to be able to understand that, you had to remove yourself from your environment and go to Brookhaven. Right, That's what I'm saying a lot of when you go to school, when you go around from people, you're gonna know if you're the you're the child is always arguing and fighting and this you're gonna know your talks about the people by going around different people. No, that's what I'm saying. Some people don't go outside of their box. Yes you do. Even if you don't go outside your box, you just don't see outside your box. If you go to the fucking if you go to the d m V with your mom to get a license, you you see how normal people acting def uh, cussing and doing all that loud like your mama doing you your Mom, get done there, barrass You're like, why you got that on? Mom? When you come to when you come to mind, when you come pick me up from school. I know that this wrong because I don't see no other kids Mama got this on. I think they know they got a problem or something, but they might not know how to deal with it or where it's coming from. That why you might need some caling. They're saying, be a subcountant adjusted. But you still know the difference, right, I'm not as right. You still know the different some people. Some people really don't. That's just like a female getting molested about her want, her parents, her parents growing up as a child. She's gonna notice and it's not right because I gotta them to keep this on the rug. It's something's gonna show you what's right and wrong to me. Okay, yeah, if you manipulated, manipulate, but you still know that he's wrong for manipulating me, if that makes sense what I'm saying. But once you figure it out, you know it's wrong. You said. You're saying that human nature gives you somewhat of a notion of what's right and wrong. You are correct. What they're saying is that sometimes you can be so submerged into the wrong that for sure that's just a mindset. And now you don't program just said, But you still know once you that's the same thing we're just talking about the last time, about lying to yourself. You still know because no matter when when you do wrong, it's a feeling that you feel. Yeah, when you say something wrong to a person, hurt they feeling. It's a feeling that you felt. I know, I just hurt your feelings. I know that's wrong most toxic, but if I'm still don't mind hurt your feeling. I'm just like funk your feeling. That don't mean I don't know it's wrong some toxic ship. Yeah, And I agree with Jay when she was saying toxic people are mostly hurt because most toxic people they try they're hurt, so they try to hurt people. So you can feel what I feel. So when you have her toxic relationships, nine times I attend if the girl is toxic, whatever you did to hurt her feelings, you could have cheated. She may feel that now I gotta hurt you. I know if I cheat on you, ain't gonna hurt you. This same so'mna swing on you. So now we're just in this toxic sip swinging on you know. She know before I swing on this man, I could hurt him. And if I'm hurting him, this is wrong. Yes, I'm I'm kind of no, I'm saying yes, and because I kind of agree with them when they're saying some people don't know, like and agree with him when he's saying love language. Some people like really in the hood, like ghetto, ghetto, ghetto people, that's all they've known. Fighting that be their love language. That Netflix movie when they was arguing on like a Motherfucker's and they and h denzel Son you know I'm talking about are you talking about? I don't know. It was arguing that it was bad and like every time somebody says something, the other person to say something lower and then lower and lower, then then start sucking. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Because that was the normal. That's how some people identified with love though. Like I know a girl told me no, she said, how dude by slam on her like in front of the apartments outside on the sidewalk, And she told me and she said, oh that when I knew he funked up about me. Oh he loved me. Some people be thinking like people, and that's how she really identified with like a nigger really loving her like that. Some people are like that. Yeah, you know you said. They know it's you know, because the ain't nobody else getting by the slap, So you know that that's wrong. But I like it. I like wrong. If you're like wrong, just because if you like wrong, is it you're right? Nosily you're right at that time. No, well, I guess I ain't making sense if you if you like what's wrong, is that you're right. They're coming out right, come out when I ain't smoking this ship. What I'm saying just because I can justify that's a word from big fact. Just because I can justify something and make you see it my way, doesn't mean that I don't know what I did what's wrong correct. They're saying that because I could be right, I could be dead as right. Somebody come in and do something one of y'all rch way and not and not overreact and shot him in the face. To me, I can make that right. To me, that don't still in the court of law, you are wrong and guilty, but you don't believe right wrong. You don't believe right or wrong. It's sejected. Yeah, right and wrong be factual because everybody's right. What's the other word that we used when we were talking about justified account? I want to count it was justified and what else? Validate, validate, validate? So damn where you talking about? Actually? No, it's but it's like, but it's like I feel what black and Sam, But I don't think he totally gets what I'm saying. You're saying you could be doing something so long that it becomes right in your mind and in your heart. No, it's like you don't. It's not even about right or wrong because you haven't even consciously gotten to the point to realize the difference what they say. You're talking about the human notion of it. Right. But if a woman grew up watching her parents do all kind of abusive and crazy toxic ship, she might be clearly what yall are I'm gonna make a perfect extent of like I grew up saying my mama, I got I got whoopings like most of the guys. Woman's um. But now I want my little daughter when I grew up, when she when she was born. I used to whoop her. But now when she was born, no, no, after she grew up or whatever, not no baby, but when she she got weapons, you know what I'm saying. She got womens, she over disobey, she got weapons. But now when I look at it, I don't feel like I don't know about woopings no more, because I feel like maybe that's some trauma from me getting beat, from us getting beat, and now I'll grow from that. So so basically I kind of feel what she's said. Yeah, because like I really know, then you feel what I'm saying. That's all, that's all. You're not wrong in her opinion. Everybody right and wrong, but then some people feel like wrong. But to me, as swipings give you consequences early, this is my perfect example need consequence. This is my perfect example. Wait, but everybody, you okay, you you feel like a shippings weren't wrong because you were brought up on a swappons exactly went that. But that's what I'm saying. But she had My grandma had been the men through some trauma she to do us, so she probably and knew she knew she was wrong. She might not have known she might have felt that this was the only way to properly raise you. Guys. She was right because certain ship the man asks would have been killed me out a lot of ship that could have LED's my demise. Okay, consequence and give you second thought, like because the first time you ever thought about the wrong you thought about that ad whipping Like, Okay, I know I want to I know, I want to uh show out in school today. Now they're gonna get that ad whoop that kind of whipping, so now you you just it really makes you clever. The man ass was to make you clever. It makes you sneaky. But the ass because she felt like it was a proper way to rage, y'all, is no different from me going with scream and getting into it with him and whipping his ass because I saw my mama whipped on my daddy's ass because I felt like that was a proper way to teach him how to love it. Anything with consequences, you know they are wrong. Okay, if you come in whip on, scream and scream press charges on you, then with now you now you somewhere in the in the cale, not what is it not? We're not even going ho but you don't know if this thing of police or now, how are you gonna feel about his hip? You don't know how they're gonna feel about you putting your hands on them. Now when you got accepting what accountability? Yeah, now you're not you and jail thinking. You don't let the way you was raised take you to a point to now you're gonna have to accept it. No, I get that, And that's the wrong time to be right. You are. What I'm saying is when you knew that was wrong. We didn't even get that part to the consequences. We're just speaking on why it happens in the first place. But anything with consequences are wrong. You get what I'm saying, anything with anything with because everything everything with um consequence that can hurt you. Yeah, I guess punishment, I get anything, But punishment is wrong, right, Yeah, some people get punished. It depends what with punishment not wrong? You might get somebody get locked up wrongfully punished. Yeah, saying that I'm saying if you did it personally, you know you did it personally. Yeah. The punishment though, because your mama might take your PlayStation if you come home late. Is that wrong? Is she wrong, but you wrong what I'm saying you you say it's a bad anything with a bad punishment or consequence, that means you've done something wrong. Well yeah, well according to wrong according to the person who's that, they could be not wrong. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, they could be just overdoing so like the law. So for clarity, a person knows when they're toxic, They just know. I think so because people brand on it. I think people know when they talk relationships. Do a person if a person, if a person gets strong out on a drug or something like that and it feels so good to them and they feel like they've told theirselves this is me I'm saying, is that person I know that is wrong? Is it wrong? That's what I'm saying. Like some people, some people correct, some people turn wrongs in the rights advice result, this is my right. I feel like this is right, and you can't tell me nothing like this is what I feel is right. But with about your teeth and ship missing but wrong. No, But at that point they're not even the right. You can't compare that because that's being under the influence as opposed to somebody only seeing this exactly be as simple as watching too much TV, on too much social media, or you die or whatever. Like it can go to so many things, but it's like toxic. You ain't watching too much TV can make somebody toxic. If you are you watching this toxic ship. Yeah all you're looking on social media, this toxic ship a real ship. Music too too much of that ship can click a different switch. If you just listened to the ship that I listened to. So you're thinking when you listen to this, you listen to all this music, did you know this music was wrong before you were listening to it? That's all that's you got a step on the front of the seat. Don't listen to asking my own when you when you go on these websites and stuff, they got what they gotta rightside of explicit, What does explicit mean? You want to be listening explicit? I'm just saying, like so it always warning for destruction, is what I'm saying. If you account of know when you're doing wrong and what's right or wrong to tell you on the cigarette you if you keep smoking this ship, you're going to die when you're a product of your environment. That's the same thing and saying I know, I'm I'm living wrong? But fuck it? Then what it is? How when you're a product of your environment? True enough, some people are able to differentiate and understand that. But it's a lot of people that don't understand that just because this is all I know, it's not right. It's a lot of people that don't understand that that feel like, I just feel like you could be you know, right from wrong. But once you accept it that wrong is right. Funk, what's right? That's what you're saying. But no, not a kid. Some people hold on on some people. What I'm saying is some people haven't even gotten to the point to be able to understand that something is wrong to accept they got to be a kid. No, no, no, you know the phrase, you know the phrase if if you knew better, you do better. That's pretty much what you said. Some people don't eat ignorance. Something ignorance is thin about the bank you changing them your lifestyle and your diet and your fitness because you know better. Now, some people don't know any better. Yeah yeah, and they'll they'll never I knew them, I knew like fuck it right. Nick can't tell me, But I ain't get from the statements everybody else it just become fit to fit the rule if I do identifying, so fuck it. I know how I'm living is wrong. Mh. But you just but you're making yourself you You're you're choosing ma. It is what it is. It is. I feel what he's saying to everybody has a great valid What about these kids that coming up in the household. Some kids just adept to it because it's in me. You got something. Kids be like, Man, I hate my parents. I hate everything about that. I don't deal with that. That's true because they made a choice that this is wrong. I know it's wrong, but something is a know it's wrong, and the crowd about it for a few months. You want to be right, But no, that's wrong. Those people to do that what you just said are dead ass wrong. That's what I'm trying to But what I'm saying is it's some people that hadn't even gotten to that point to even be able to comprehend and understand. I totally get what you're saying, and you right when I got big no y'are both making points on both say. It's no right or wrong answer. It's not a right or wrong answer. I feel like I don't really believe in objective universal right a wrong anyway, because like right a wrong, it's abjective. You create right or wrong in your mind. You might have some people feel like abortion is right. Some people feel like it's wrong. What is it really? Some people feel like the deaf pendity rights. So I feel like it's wrong. What is it? Really? It's right or wrong according to who, the law, the Bible, what like. So it's like right or wrong. It's really just back again another. So there's so many of them that like it changes different whatever geographical location you in. Over here, right might be something totally different than wrong over here we was brought up on, So you know, it's really according to who. So it's a deftly that really when you think about it, But what is where do we start? Toxicity? Yeah? So yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah toxic people? Yeah yeah, when it comes into relationship, Like you said, they'd be knowing, maybe knowing. They got a lot of time, a lot of time they be They might not know where it came from a high but they know they gotta film out. They know, they got an attitude. They know something, but people don't. They might they I think what they're saying is they might get that feeling and not I think in relationship, if that feeling but they know they know what they're doing, is yeah, I think you know, I like like some people they might get that feeling, but they not might not know how to identify. And I think that's a lot more just being out. I think that women deal with that probably a lot more. Let yeah, I think that's actually yeah. I think because you have a lot of mixed emotions more exactly, I think what relationships is No, I don't think that, but niggas act like bitches too, though I'm not the first way exactly, but I think what relationships you kind of know when you're being toxic if that ship ain't right and it ain't smooth selling like you even if were fighting every day nine times attend, it's toxic. We're not good for each other. If you're calling me bitches and house and I'm calling you things all that we talked in to each other, Like, I don't think that that is unless that's y'all comment verbage to each other, like it's the nigga and a bit to You don't mean ship, that's your own subjective communication, So it's not really toxic. But if you know that a person isn't used to that and they don't speak that way, that they don't like that. Bro, we're being toxic. If if we get into it because I didn't went through your phone. I'm going through your phone every day. It's toxic. You're going through my phone. It's toxic me every time I see something. We in this big as argument, we're fucking toxic. Bro like that. I think that at that point, you know you're being toxic. But I also agree with Jade. If you're from a certain part and this is all the funk you know and you just getting your ass be, then you think that the love. I agree with you. If you think that the way a person show love is through violence or if he hit me or swing on me, I know he loved me. He going crazy? I think that's off your upbringing and it's not your fault. You don't know that. It's a perfect example to try to get my point across slavery. M what about it? Slavery when slaves were growing up and slaves were being having babies and all that kind of ship whatever, whatever, they didn't know that slavery was wrong. You know what I'm saying, they didn't know that that's not how you're supposed to live, that you're not supposed to be another man's property. That you know what I'm saying, you're not supposed to slave yourself for free for somebody else. But they didn't know until a certain point that they should rebel against that and try to fight for their rights, which is totally fucked up. But at the end of the day, for however many years, that's all they knew. So that's all they did was get up, go to work pit cotton every day, lay back down and try not to you know, try to walk on eghell so that they wouldn't get in trouble and get beaten. But they didn't know. They didn't they didn't know, and they didn't understand that they were just as them and as their masters were, and there there was no difference. But that's all they that's all they saw, and that's all they knew was being enslaved. So it took, however many years. Slaves to the slave masters would be considered toxic. Slave masters would be considered toxic. But you can also related to that too, because even though a lot of slave masters knew that beating on these people and making these people feel beneath them was wrong. The kids that came up in that, and you know what I'm saying, the all of the people, well, I'm not gonna say all of the people, but a lot of the people that were like born into the masters side and the slave side didn't understand because there was no other example for them to see. Going for that, I can go into masters that they were being wrong. Did they feel wrong? Did they feel wrong? They? Sure? I think some of them. I think it was just all on who the type of person you are a period. If you think about it, because you have some slave masters that if you read books, they didn't treat they didn't beat their slaves. States just was like here a job and your people over here, and that's cool. Then you have something that was on the high horse that beat the funk out of their people. You know what I mean? Um, I think that even even then, I'm sure black people when they was in their rooms, like bro, we ain't trying to be slaves. I don't think that people just was chilling with it. Slave masters, slave masters being toxic and what you mean because they that's what she was saying slaves into born into it s was that, Okay, I have to get up and pick cotton every day. But it took them over and they knew it was how this funk out that they knew that them folks are staying in the house. Did she can't be right, man? How the dogs and ship this ship gotta be wrong? Not But what I'm saying that something for whatever, they don't mean, you don't know you in the position. You know what I'm saying. That's not what I'm saying. You're you're that makes sense what you're saying. But what I'm saying is is like to a certain extent, they didn't understand until after a certain amount of time had passed that hey, we got to do something about this because this is not how we're supposed to be living. I think your point would be super valid if we use the the white kids and the black kids growing up, because when they first grow up into the slavery, they're playing with each other and then eventually they tell that white person like, Okay, now you gotta make your friend go do this, and now they're in that weird situation where they don't know that they're being talk to. This is what I was talking to you seeing your power whipping this other nigga, this black man. You know how clean your clothes is, how dirty he is is. That is something going on and it just doesn'tect. Yeah, I know we eating Nash the part of the pig, and y'all eat the ribs and all the good ship. There's something going on here, man. Yeah what you say, Yeah, I feel, I feel what you're saying. But I'm sorry, I just think it's no right a wrong. Yeah, because I feel ja, And I also say, accept the ignorance, yea, even even like say right now, if they just tomorrow, that's what it is like. Accept the ignorance. That's what you do. You have yourself in the situation where you're gonna make the best out of the wrong. In that situation with the slaves, Okay, they're gonna cook and make chickens and ship tastes better than that ship they're eating there, because we know how to pick the season and the herbs and all kind of ship that they don't know. You get what I'm saying. So they're making the best out of the situation. But at the end of the day, I know him in a funked up situation. That's what I'm trying to say. You're saying, no matter what happens, you know you in a situation, human instincts kicking and right. And what Jade is saying is you're basically your product of your environment. You don't always know. Yeah, that's because it's subjective. It keeps changing. So if you if you, if you say you're over there overseas somewhere and your parents on some suicide bombership and they teach you that this is how you honor you know, you goddamn Americans, and you really grew up in your heart feeling like you know, but you know, but you're knowing. Okay, I agree with that. I agree with that. But still you're still hearing the opinion of these people want some people, I'm being blowed up. You're looking at all these families and ship crying that still, but they don't see that. If you ain't blowed up, you're seeing this all over your life. You know, went on that blow the body folk. Look at all these people crying the ship. Why do you vote crying? If it's not wrong? But why are people sad? But they fit? They feel like people, They feel like these people are doing haunted like how you felt when when they killed a terrorist, and so how they make you feel? Do you feel bad for the teterriant? You feel like they've done something good? Ter didn't feel bad for I've look into everything what we undid to this man for him to be a tears I feel that. That's how I look at ship, bro, Like I guess I look at it the wrong way, like it's deeper than what I know, because there ain't nobody the niggas who don't know what it's wrong. And when it's terrorism and all this ship come from Wanta took some ship years and years, and that nigga still bucking in these different countries. What I'm saying, they probably feel like they right, like you know what I'm saying. Yeah, So that's why it's objectives. You're gonna feel the non terrorists are gonna feel like they just took a murderer off the street. Like when you're very mind saying, like you said, I've been mind fun like this, you grow into this ship. This is is the same thing as product of the environment, because if you're a product of your environment, you've been mine. But that environment, Yeah, something inside of us. And I don't know if I'm the only person gutting inside of me that I know no matter what I'm doing, I know when you when you get to because why I'm terri just be mad when they're ready to blow some ship up. Yeah they got ready. I'm mad because open go do some bullshit that the niggles still either they right or wrong. If you're pure, there's no wrong you're gonna bring to someone else. So what about you're not gonna take a life? What about the man shootings that get the court and stand on it, be like I ain't guilty. That's what I was supposed to do. The Niggers are supposed to die out all that crazy ship. What about like them type of brainwashing? Then don't be really brotherhood and all that down this road? Yeah yeah, yeah I still know I did. Yeah yeah, yeah. I don't think I can say whatever the funk I want to say to make myself look like how I want to look. But deep down, yeah you talk about deep down? You know, I'm just talking about deep down your core when you look in the mirror. But ignorance still, But ignorance is this something is don't know, bet Turf they might know, but they don't know. Bet turf. They don't want to know. Nah, I can't go for that. They don't want to They haven't damn't got to the to the place of their journey where they know better. Think like the American soldiers, right, we go over there and go to war. They think they're going over for the greater good, and they see the people they're killing. They're killing the wrong people. You think they don't know that that's wrong. I'm gonna but I'm gonna go as far as to say right a wrong, what you think is right a wrong is like your feelings is programming the engineer, and't you I know it sounds crazy, but I'm gonna go like, like, okay, we can say killing um, just as far as let's say somebody I know a spider. They killed the spider, right, and then I said, as soon as they killed it, I said, how did you feel? I said, did you feel like you did something wrong? And he said, no, that's a spider. They don't feel like. But somebody else with a different ideology, repeter, some or dog or anything, they're gonna really feel like. They're gonna feel something totally different. Yeah, Yeah, now you're right some people I'm trying to kill buzz and from up I got a hup. She don't like that ship the programming when you come to writer, I don't really believe in the objective universal right right with that notion that I mean that is true, just bag, so back back to it, a universal objective. Whatever you just said for toxic, I don't think so. But still what I'm saying. Then let me let me say this too, because you know I'll be stuck on my point. Your point of valid, your point is valid. I feel like if a nigga do something, it may not be wrong to him, you still know the effect of what you've done. It could be wrong with somebody. That's just like somebody do something to somebody I love dearly, and I go out me running around look for him, knowing fuck that I'm on some moorship. Not yeah, because somebody else will sit in the house and call nine one one and cooperate and figure out how to do this thing. But you feel like you want to be a slider or a shooter, you knowing fuck that I'm on some more. Yeah, yeah, no matter if it was right, I gotta get you because that's how I live. I gotta get you because you did this to my My mother's crying about her son or whatever whatever. I gotta do this, But that's still in my mind. I had to say funk this to do it. And what am I saying? Fuck? Fuck if I'm wrong? Yeah, I mean both. You all right still because I nigga's no, but you You're definitely right because there there are people out there who just it's program. But I still feel like along the way you doesn't have your If you got doubts on things, then you know it's something in there. Like if you're asking questions like instead of just nicka, who just going with this? What it is? You? You ask a question like, well, mom, well why don't we like black people? I'm talking about this? What it is? Niggas? This what it is? NA that's only talking about I'm on it, but I know what we don't still, nah man, I'm on that. But I know what we all because I still got people in school like why y'all, Why y'all do people like that? Why I still got people that's asked me like that, because I'm going I'm not going to just be stuck in a coat in the house. Most people are though people people she's talking about. The people she's talking about stand on all of that. To the people in school, why y'all do neggat because that's what we're supposed to do. It is what it is. But guess what I'm questioning that you're getting making you still don't make some people think. No, I'm telling you it might not make you think, but it's still making you consider. No, some people, it doesn't. It doesn't click like that with some people. I promise you. It's just like racism and really don't know look at it. Look at the super super super young dude that it might be twelve or thirteen or fourteen. Rent it went and there some major crimes for serious shit, spinning the block, killed some things or whatever, right, and they didn't know the severity of it, if they felt known by it, because they just figured this is what we're supposed to be, this is what I'm doing. Then theyre in front of the judge and the judges like you're facing this or you're facing this or you're facing this year and then they break down and ship they might not have known the severity of what that crime might get them. You see what I'm saying, but you still know, point your gun and another person and killing them, even if you get away with it, it's just morally wrong. And then at the end of the day, you know that, yeah, right wrong. And nine times at attend that twelve year old is hiding that gun. Mom and daddy don't know they got that gun. And she started off on the bullshit. Yeah, so if the case you ain't my mom, and then go out there slide, yeah, ain't wrong because I'm done to it. But it's something, it's something no, and I'm not I'm not I'm not trying, and it's some mama's it allowed, Yeah, and you know what I'm saying, and bringing the ship to their mom the house. Yeah, like and then counted up everybody else one of my own I'm on that ass niggas. So the whole house is on that, and that's why they are on that, and they don't understand the difference because nobody that's around them is not on that. And you can also be pressured to be on that, and you don't want to be on that pressure to be on that. That's just like you said, you know that, you know the difference if you have to be pressured, like you said, But niggas that eat sleep, wake up ship and go to bed with that ship and don't even flinch because this is all they know. That's the niggas that I'm speaking to, and I'm speaking but would smoke up blunt. Whenever you think you still of thinking whether it is right or wrong or what are you doing, you might still come back to it if you still what if the person, what if the person though that that that taught you you like like your son, you know what I'm saying, and your son admire you like your hero. You see what I'm saying, And you taught him the way that you know, which might be wrong, subjectively wrong, whatever the case is. And then he just running with that because that's all he knows. That's what she kind of said. All he knows is whatever my pops tell me is right. And I'm gonna give to slide and be a slave. I'm going to slide to be a slave, like you know what I'm saying. Whatever it is, my daddy told me this, and my daddy is my world. So that's that's what I'm gonna do. And it's no wrong in that because this is my daddy telling me that I don't know if it's a cult, it's it's teaching different blood that before you went and change and he smoked Craig mm hm, and you're my hero, but I don't want to smoke crack hero. That sh ain't got you looking right? Can't that the consequences, the negative consequences bringing him? So you're like, man, no, that's something in me telling me that. Ain't that. Ain't that? Ain't it? That's what I'm trying to say, Like I feel like he's always gonna be signs. But but see, that's a substance. Like like I said earlier, we can't really compare substances to mind frames because it's two different it's two different things. You can see you can you can see us. You can see the effects that a substance has, but a mind frame you can't necessarily tell how detrimental it is until it's too late. Dum facts facts a the way facts, the big facts. Something some parents would teach their kids not to call the police on. Parents will teach their kids to which one is right or wrong. We know how we feel, but yeah, it's back to being subjective. That ship fuck up? What all this ship because you're definitely right about what you're saying, nigga, because some niggas be stuck, like, did you what it is? I me personally? To me, I feel as if though, and I'm saying it's to any nigger who feel like it is what it is right now. If you haven't any type of slight, that's what it is. It's the schlit king. It ain't what you're thinking. You this what it is not. It's the schlight, the slight trying to kick in or you can ignore that all day facts. But if something making you feel like you can't sleep after you do ship, or you did you didn't brand something else because niggas who do that, nigg is going to get a cheap bird who goddamn that's what they own. But if you knowing, you know, you know that she ain't sitting right with you, or god damn, you feel like you're gonna tell your way out of some ship, then that one for you. But that ain't for you straight up, But I I'm gonna stick on that. I feel like everybody still know. I think I think that's because you've got something that everybody don't have in this insight you know what I'm saying. I don't even call an insight. I call it discernament. Discernment insight something within you that the sting was just right for wrong. But there are some people. There are some people that don't have that, or they don't know how to say into it. Yeah, I guess it just sounds kind of like weird because I can't see a motherfucker not seeing what you're wanted to see, if that makes sense, Because you have I just said it. You have insight. You are able to see clearly, and you probably see more clear now than you used to, but more inside. I'm saying, I still even when I was a dumbash nigger, I knew I was a dumbash niggle. Did you feel like you was wrong? Yes? Or toxic? Yes? We're smoking weed, drunk weeds. She know, my wife. I'm doing everything. I know this is wrong, but I like this. You like the feeling of the toxicity, all toxic. Sh it feels good. That's what I'm saying. I know I'm wrong. I try to make right out of that, cause COG got them. When I'm coming out, You'll be man, shut the funk up. But if you're doing that because that's what you wanna do. M I see what he said, but basically it would have to be he's saying, I'm I'm I'm I know I'm wrong. According to who taught me, this was yes, basically, yes, I know I'm wrong. I know it's gonna be some opinions about how I am, but fuck you and y'all could be right. But y'all standing on this is this is That's what I'm trying to say, Like, how are you going like like you were saying about the people who blow up blow up the terrorship, they still knowing no matter what our beliefs are, we know we're about people feel like this some bullshit. Yeah it's gonna hurt some people, but you don't care. But I don't give a fuck. Y'all, if that's what you talked was right, then you're gonna you talk. If you was talking that that was wrong, you're gonna you're gonna, yeah, you might go get back to fuck it. But I felt that first because we already and what are we what what? What all have we been taught that was wrong? So if we go, we go by the Bible, the laws, your parents, we have been taught this. Yeah, okay, yeah we're fighting this year, but such they had to do twenty years, so that's wrong. We just tell who who because if you go up in the household, that's what they don't. They don't lost people, people don't die, people don't win the jail, people don't woo woo. So it's still this is what comes with this. As a child used to know that you're going to lisen. They the hell I got them three art of two stroke, got the open heart surgery, all this ship from folk let them go. They thought they're gonna check out their motherfucker and they're going in land. Man, so you want that. I feel kind of better for that man from the nick forever, like all your kids don't see that, Like this is what he did, and this is what he did, This is what he stood on and this is what happened. Like examples right, the wrong, right, right, right, Like I said, it depends on what you've been taught. But um, like I said, right or wrong, gonna keep changing. But it's gonna keep changing. Like if you if you keep like because if you say over here, the legal ladies consent is eighteen. That's what we feel is right, you go below that belt. We've made a social countract and agreement that we don't go right. But in other parts of the world they started grooming, they started their family together, having six, getting kids. So who wrong or right? You know what I'm saying. Yeah, but what you said according to what we was taught, Like what I was taught this was wrong. Stand on that. I feel that I'm gonna know within myself when I do this, that something right. But in fact, but it just it just it gets tricky though, because when you got de folks that believe is and d folks that believe is, and then they clash, it's like, damn, who really right a wrong? So then you got to go to right a wrong according to who some people go according to the bibble, this is my right or wrong? I do everything according the right a wrong quarter this some people they believe the law the law. I don't believe that it was once right a wrong. So I can't make the law of all be all right. How you feel it comes from within you. Like how you feel. I'll trying to say you like fuming the cup about to do something. If I feel nervous, it's wrong. You ain't nervous about the ship that you that feel right, right, You ain't got no butterflies, you ain't ship. It's regular. Yeah, that's that's what I feel like. The termines right or wrong within a person, how you feel when you're doing Yeah, some people do wrong knowing they're doing wrong. They don't feel ship though, like what's wrong? That ain't wrong to them, that's my whole point, that's all. It's not wrong to them, but it may be wrong to the majority in the masses. Like you got some people that are go slide kill somebody, and I feel like they're wrong at all. But to the masses, you'd be like that that's sucked up. You don't have to kill that. To that man mama or to his family is super fucked up. But to you on your way over there, you feel like, I'm gonna go kill him because I got beef over Instagram or whatever the case is, and that's just what I'm supposed to do. But he knows if he go kill that lady right there, that I'm wrong for that. But going to go kill this person, he just feels like it's whatever. Yeah, So sometimes people do ship and they know they own bullshit. They just don't give a fuck. I don't know. I'm just guess. I'm just trying to make it right out of my wrong. I'm crying, just trying to make it right out of you know, if I'm wrong, if somebody raping a kid and I kill him, I ain't gonna feel wrong about that. I'm gonna feel like I stopped somebody from door. But somebody else on the other side of the fence, his his his his wife or his daughter. You could have did something else. Maybe you could have or even you should have stopped him them. Know what I'm saying. But I'm standing on now that you've done, then when you go to the court and you have no remorse, they're still making you twenty five you know. But that's how deep that that's my yeah, all right, now, you know we still you're trying to make this the conversation, keep it going. But you know, I just think still I feel like you know when you're doing wrong. Now, that's big fact. You know. If you talk that ship just just like somebody could be deaf for blind and some I'm telling you some people like that ship exactly the numb to it, but they don't have that nerve. They might be the word might be evil or this or talking or whatever the word is. But some people are no. Some people know. I'm like, you know they know, then they're not wrong that they are. What's that movie with Mihali and Jackson. They ain't got no soul the white lady. That's like saying no people that just like no, that's like saying people that's going to go shoot up these schools. They don't know soul. And it was mean as to the white lady. And then when a white lady found him die. But Hella Jackson movie, I know what you talk about beautiful life or the color of something or whatever the beautiful about the color of something? What about it? Or about it? No, But that's that's what I'm saying. Like the girl didn't feel no kind of way about doing her mother dad as wrong until it was too late. Some people don't have it. Yeah, they just don't. And it might be how they grew up their circumstances. They trauma. I'm talking about. People are so conscious. If you got any type of anything within you for humanite it you know when you talk to fresh fact, if you just wanted Yeah, if you got that in here. If you want your niggers who lack a soul or lack any empathy, then I can't speak for them type. That's what I'm speaking for. Yeah, I can't speak you know what I'm saying. If you got that in you, then hey man, we got to the bottom of do what it do? Yeah, Yeah, that's what That's what a different was. I'm speaking like a nigga with common sense. What the word was, toxicity? Yeah, I feel like if you got a soul, common sense, you know when you're toxic, Yeah, you just be like fucking but yeah, I don't have none of that. You just let empathy, you let opinions like fucking nigga opinion. Then the just it's like a narcissus like Jada. That's another coming. Yeah. Everything you don't they don't feel they just I don't know. That's some other ship going on what that is. But I'm speaking for that. What we're doing screen, that's that's that's that's the bottom of it. We got to the bottom of it. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, because so I cut So I don't disagree with what you are saying. I don't what I'm saying. You gotta soul like a nigga who talks it like you gotta so you know you m If you don't you know damn or if you're ignorant too, we can't even say. That's what I've been saying all the time too. You don't know better, so you just don't know. You just don't know better. Some people honestly don't know better because they have or know or don't have a soul. Yeah, if you don't you know better, don't give a funk. Then you might have some soul issues. But if you just don't know better, you just ignorant. And then oh, then in that case, it is what it is. It always is what it is. We're not get big. So once you realize you talked, now you've identified this, then what you have to make a concerted effort to change your ways or to stay away from the things that trigger you to make you become that toxic six six person. But what of toxic is what gets you off? Though? What are you trying to be read? What's toxic? At the end of the day, where it's still all on opinion, It toxic just the way I talk or the way I carry myself with the way I treat my female way, How's that toxic? Because it could jump to the subjective generally generally toxic energy and behavior. It creates this like we got a good vibe, right, So, no one's in a toxic but someone whoever that may be, could come in here and toxic this ship and start talking about bullshit and start bringing it down. Start. You see what I'm saying. So do you knowing something this time? Toxicity is pervasive right right? For sure, That's what I'm saying, Like, that's the person that That's why I was saying earlier to Jade about the pure glass of water and then you poison it. It don't need to take that much poison a little drop. She's like, I only took a drop of black nigga blood for Thomas Jefferson to be black. What Thomas Jefferson was black because his mama was black. Really, but it only took a drop of the nigga blood to make him a nigga? What. You can't mix that ship with nothing, period. Yeah, I'm crying. That's why his hair was currly. Yeah. So you're saying a toxic person can come in and change the environment for sure, Well, that ain't saying week They're gonna make us permanently toxic. They can start talking about some ship, just make the vibe toxic. He's saying that. He's saying what, what's what's topic? What's toxic? To definitely know what's toxic is definitely subjective. It ain't. It is subject You're not gonna drink like no, but it is subjective because so listen, rest in peace to the day. A lot of women if Kenny said is coming here and say some ship, a lot of women will be like, that's toxic. He made me feel No, I'm just saying he's right, but I feel the facts exactly. But facts are also subjective. Fact about like facts, mats validated fact. We get to the bottom of it. Fact. Let's bring the ship back up. How how is seven us toxic? I want to I didn't say I don't think he's toxic. I think that if some women would think that he's toxic, I'll explain why I would say, not even just that the man's no, no, no, no, no no no. I think that some women will say the truth and people don't want to hear the truth. I'm not gonna lie. I agree with eighty five percent as a woman, I agree with eighty five percent of the ship that Kevin sent me say, I agree as a woman, but I also see why other women will feel a way. Some women don't can't take the truth, and some women don't want to hear the truth. And so because it's the truth, it makes him toxic because he's selling the truth to the massive. So to me, Kevin Samuel's had some valid points enough, but a lot of some of the ship that he said was coming from a place of I feel like hurt and anger from situations that have traumatized him from his past. And his delivery was also sucked up. So I feel like we can compare. If we're comparing and you're not trying to make examples and ship, we can compare Kevin Samuel's to Charleston White. Yeah, real nigga ship. If we're gonna just keep the ship all the way tall, no, nobody's gonna. I don't agree his delivery was sucked up to certain women, But in reality he was saying was this fact it was just some crazy as ship. But he's saying he ready to die about this ship, so that's different. So he know he toxic, Suels Samuels, just, I don't feel like he's he's saying nothing that's toxic. He's telling you that you're calling me asking for my truth. That is the truth. He didn't give wanted. He ain't Yeah, he ain't giving up. Yeah, he wasn't getting Yeah, you called him off and to break you down and tell you what I think of you. Now he ain't wrong. That sucks. You called him like, yeah, he wasn't like he was doing unwanted calling out women don't wanted lee and just talking about him. That woman was calling okay, so take away to women that called in when he was just giving just general dialect General B fifty years old was sixteen kids who don't want you? Who? He not even body will? But the ratio is says hardly. No. I think a lot of the times he was contradicting itself. That's the only part that I didn't agree with. Some parts he contradict hself, Like for example, he would say I got everybody at some point, yeah contradicted. Yeah, at some point he contradicted to Like for example, I'll be with Kevin saying I thought a lot of she was saying was acts. But he would say, a woman over thirty with the child is undervalue, Like she's not valued no more, Like she's no value to a man because she's over thirty and she has a child. Right. But then the girl would get on there saying that she's been dealing with her baby daddy or whatever whatever, and he would tell her she's dumb for dealing with her baby daddy. So my point would be, so you're saying that if a woman leave her baby daddy for whatever reason it is and try to go find something better, she's undervalue. But if a woman stay with this man and she don't want to be with that ship, she's the dummy. So now where do we like? So he would say that that's just like, okay, what's what's up? Like it just doesn't make sense. A man on what he's talking about, I can go. I ain't really never seen them, but the clips home, I go, eighty five percent of the stuff here went viral that I've seen, Like yeah, And he would tell you as a woman, like how would you as a sus sssful one like some of your say it would be crazy? Like how are you, as a successful woman think that you deserve a successful man. Huh, And then he would tell the women, how do you how do you as an unsuccessful woman? I think that you deserve a successful man? So now with which one is it? So you're saying that basically, men that's successful can't pick and choose who and what the women here gonna deal with it. Because he's successful, he can now treat the woman that he pick and choose. However the funk he wants to pick and choose, I mean, however the funk he wants to treat them based off of his success. That's the bullshit. To get what I want, That's what I did. I want what I want. I put myself in a position to be with who I want. If I ain't already got it, I ain't already. If this ain't if if you want with me shooting in the gym, I want what I want. If I can go buy what I want, I should be able to if I go get what I want. I want what I want. How never gonna be mad at that? Not saying that nobody's supposed to be at the other and you leave the one now you don't want because you're sensor. You're a bit okay, I agree, a bit all right. Now, if you got somebody with you that's been around you no matter what, and you become successful, and then you start trying to treat defaults some type of way because your successful use a bit. It's just stay the same way it is. But if I come into this ship with all man, I want what I want. I want what makes me feel how I want to feel. I agree. But we're trying to do weight folks up to reality, like for real, like like real deal reality, because a lot of women like ain't no in a dreams fallacy, a dream brow up from a kid here this this wedding day. This I'm saying. All he's saying. If you got three thousand, five thousand dollars in your pocket and you're going to the car lot and you're like, I don't give a funk, I'm getting a raid. I'm gonna get a Lombot. I don't give a damn. Kevin Like, look, you ain't got the five thousand dollars you're passing up this Toyota. This this correcting some NiFe cars that could get you from point A to B. But I agree, humble with five thousand dollars in your pocket, and so he trying to really wait, motherfucker's I agree with that. And a lot of women we've been living in this got them alone that it's like, damn, he got down. He who is he to tell me that he just really just trying to help the truth that what I feel to the truth hurt because because you got some women that feel like, I don't know what women think that they have this so valuable to a man that he's supposed to just think you're something that you're not. I'm just saying, you know what it is. I'm just saying, like, like I'm not bashing a woman. You should feel like a queen by all me, but don't think that you have something that's so that's you to a man that he's supposed to lessen himself because you don't. And yeah, I was gonna say, please say so to put it like when y'all said about a successful man, then he gets to choose because this is what I'm leading with. I'm leading with my success, so I want something that's as equal to that that is. That's what I'm gonna just go. I'm gonna go work all my life to become whoever I become. And I'm gonna go get so ship that ain't even mind, ain't trained to well up and go get another nigga. We're gonna get all that. That's what I'm gonna go get. You know what I'm saying is okay, skip, okay, cut out the kids. You can't eliminate that. No man was saying. Now listen, I'm saying. You're saying that I'm man works hard to become successful and goes to get a woman that you should be able to choose the woman you want, somebody that's comparable to his level or whatever. But when most niggas get rich or you know, get to some certain level of success, the type of bitches that they go get are not comparable to their level. Like most niggas go get bitches that never would have given them the time of day had they not matter. I still got what I want. I would have never wrote wrote in the motherfucking Road Russe if I didn't grant it's the same thing. I want what I want with prems and all this. I want what I want and it's already got what I got. That's yeah. If you build up a company, say just look at it like this. You build up a company you're a king guy and you build your whole kingdom, or you build up a fire fortunate fire hunting company and you go do interviews. You ain't want to hire no bullshit. You know you know how much work you didn't put into building this ship. You didn't did all this ship. You know you know what I'm saying. So you just want. But I see what she said to they get, they get the one that they like, uh, that they couldn't never get, but that might have been what they really didn't want. The bitch that that's literally only for their money. But you got something to feel like. I ain't I wouldn't even want it me. I'm not him, no who you wouldn't want it. I'm who you want right now. It ain't even matter what it took, bitch him, that's I need to feel this. What's gonna make me feel what? I won't because I don't got true love? This, I ain't feeling like this is my true love. Hoping they don't think he don't want about no true love. Now some of them do use a fool. I got what I want at the moment, Yeah, I got what I want. That's what I'm saying. Like when it comes to that when you don't work hard, bro, because it's like, when you don't work hard, how can you trust love anyway? Yeah, that's basically how I want seeing it with a couple of billionaires like Bill gateson Jeff Bezos, like they just like bowed out, like here, take half the money and go do what you want to do. But I got something else in my mind. That's what they won't. That's what makes them happy at that point. I'm not saying it right, but for them cares already set my people straight whatever it is going on. No, but I want some motion now. Man, I'm ready to god damn and this ship is gonna hurt you. Ship I'm gonna do. I didn't know if it beat him. Now, I don't think you feel and you ain't with this that said, what it what it is? How can you How can you get mad at the person for evolving the change they go back to what it is, Go back to that. That's just your opinion. You. So we're feeling like that, But I'm over here feeling good with what I want. You can think about whatever that ship I'm thinking about it. When I did give you half my money, I'm crying. All right, so what do you work out? That's all I'm saying, Like, we can't, we can't, we can't. Goddamn beat up had a remote control or somebody else. Life because all about being happy. So if I'm happy with this, because at the end of the day, you don't know how this man feeling at home with this woman. This could be the ship that's throwing me all my game. You can meet it. You can meet it. You can meet a girl in in in in Walmart. She working Walmart, you can meet her. You could be a beating now you're being a regular. If she makes you feel how you want to feel, then you can turn into what you want. M hm hm. That's basically feel I see a pretty woman. All she's missing is meat. Come on, baby, I got this. You ain't gotta happy. Somethings feel like that too. Something is feeling like that. I want you to be able to buy middle number for my birthday, So I'm gonna get that. That's what I want. Successful the same equally, Yeah, how are you gonna be mad? He worked hard to baby to do with He want to do right the same way with a female. She gonna go get what she wants. She got on money, she's gonna do what she wanna. Don't want it no more. On God's the ship. So what's the difference. It's not difference, but only on the part about it. It's a goddamn shortage on niggas. Get what I'm saying. So that's what makes it so much of some bullshit, especially to make it so much bullshit women, Like, it's a shortage on the ideal nigga's the shortest on the successful nigga. It's a shortage one goddamn a straight nigga. You know what, It's a shortage one just a straight man. It's a shortage. Shortage you get what I'm saying. So women or men just being men exactly, women, if it makes niggas build and again niggas the advantage, like so I can find, I can find want to use tomorrow big facts. Yeah, a matter of fact, I got want to use in my d M and in my phone all I got one of you? What am I missing? That's what That's what takes the value now because it's so many. Yeah, it's tending on right now more like you think it's a hundred oh to the successful man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree, I definitely agree. Yeah, Like and with a successful woman like that's how they it's hard and on the fine because them niggs already take it. That's what Kevin Sammons was saying. All you women are basically chasing after success, and then it's like, if I'm gonna be in there, why the funk would I want to deal with the woman that's out here. She working just as hard as I am. We talk about work and blah blah blah. I need a woman that would be more submissive, somebody that would be I ain't gotta worry about work. I'm making this money. I don't need to be sitting here having these work conversations. So now you have a whole bunch of successful women that's now forty years old, no kids, not married or whatever, because she didn't grinded her whole life, and she's like, Okay, I'm gonna get myself to this position so that I could be equally yoke for my man. But then reality, Kevin Kevin Samuels is telling us, well, you successful hosts that spent all your college years trying to go get successful and chase after your careers all y'all men is gone now and ain't know' that's who all the women is mad at because you want that's what she gotta do. You can't get you you you, you sacrifice that you like, the true love and to grow with the nigga. So now go get what you want, Queenn, if you want the false couple of niggas here enough, like, get what you want, because that's what the nigga gonna do. Yeah, But in reality, most women at the age and once, most women wants family. You know what I'm saying. After you already didn't work, you didn't grind it, being by yourself through college and all this time working, The average woman wants to have a family. The average woman wants to feel protected. So then you have a man like Kevin Samuels that get on the Internet and tell hundreds of thousands of hard working women like, look, unfortunately for you guys, y'all didn't work. Y'all don't want to. However, y'all lawyers and doctors, ain't no man out here for y'all. It's over. Because all he was like basically I could call he's gonna help baby molmost exactly, he was like way around to that to that time, to beat that right. And then he was like, he's gonna call his homeboys. If he called all his successful friends nine times oft of ten, they're not gonna want you because if you're successful, you got too much of an opinion. You got too much of opinion. It's bullshit. He was saying, all of that talk how to be the perfect submissive woman? Was it on spiritual word? Um? Oh yeah, she basically said. I watched that. She said how she said how to get a successful man? It was on spiritual where as a girl, she basically she married a lawyer. She said that she became what is that princess? What are that little? A paralegals? But paralegal. She became a paralegal. So the best way to get a successful man is to become submissive and start working for him. So, if you want a doctor, become a nurse. If you want to a lawyer, become a paralegal. Be around this man and find out what he likeking. At that point, he's gonna turn to you because you've always been there giving him everything filled in his law firm and ship. So now when he's tired of being going after everything, he's gonna be comfortable with you. You already right there, you're already doing already. But she was right, it's like, if you think about it, she was right. She was like, and also, y'all talk so bad about being you're gonna go to work that the same girl said you're gonna go to work for somebody else or something. Yeah, she was like, you're gonna go clean the shelves for your job, at them for your job. But being a housewife, it's the same thing. You clean the ship for your man. You're doing the same thing. She was like, people undervalue the women that's out here, basically being housewives and ship like that. And she was like, it's a job, but that's if you if you if that's what you want again, that has to be the thing you That's what they all come back down to, Like, what's gonna make you happy? What do you want? Yeah, if you can be in the house and you want your own money, your boss, you want to be a boss chick, do that, But just know how that ship go? Do you think too? People can, man, you gotta short, but the most successful you get, you're gonna like, you're gonna want somebody that you're gonna want a woman that's co operative. Man, I hate to say it like that, like like I ain't trying to say like but literally like a child or nothing like that. But somebody that's that's cooperative and understanding. But you also got to be a king that's that's leading her somewhere too, because the woman ain't gonna to be a coopertive. Somebody's gonna lead them off. For cliff, right, you gotta put it in the work as a man. You gotta put in the world. You gotta get to findance department together. You gotta get your knowledge of she wanted to know that you can put onto some games, some new ways to get some money, ship like that. And once you do the work as a king, she gonna a good woman gonna naturally submit to something that's actually that make her feel safe. I got some ship. But if you're want boy shit, that's why a lot of these women getting masking and and and got down. If r you know you got you know it goes both ways. Though you don't agree in the work, yeah, I agree. I just feel like it's the shortage on niggas for women, and that's fun up cause niggas killing nign just be like, fuck you do you think it said shortest because of the quality of man now and the quality of women. It's the shortest because of the men that the women feel ideal or comfortable with being with. So that's gonna be a shortage, you know what I'm saying. Like the nigga that you want to funk with or who you're gonna like? He somebody got somebody, or he got some situations or he b is when he's trying to get this ship together. You's know what I'm saying. He changing his chasing heels or not. Is his purpose come first? So you ready to settle down that for the for the two whatever, But you want a nigga as for the but he's still chasing his purpose. You know what I'm saying, I might have got a couple of baby mamas here who I left them alone, So I'm never finna get into this again with somebody else who I see that. That's what you point. I see you got everything, but now you're ready to I ain't ready to do that yet. We can suck around, but at for the motherfucker's ain't trying to work around. That's pretty much where it's at that forty most women are like, okay, so what we're doing, That's what I'm saying. So there is like and for me, and now that comes to resentment like these niggas out he ain't ship. Yeah, And that's why I don't go to the younger one because by the time you go through that cycle, you can got scoring you mad niggas ain't ship hold on and you just come with that toxic yes to the bottom. Yeah, I mean I agree with you. I ain't man, I agree. It come with its territory. That's just like like you said what we were saying earlier to not the um environment is ship. That's why it is. That's why them knel niggas be cheating and ship too. It's like so many good heads women out here, Like damn, I wish I could be five niggas. You get what I'm saying, like real ship because it's like saying it's like it funked up for him and like damn, you know, like good women like submissive to all this ship for their nigga, ready to do this ship for a niggle but it's just like you can't because eat niggas is ain't right. Or whatever they say it so that that so what you'a what they do? Then what they're to do? Acceptance it? Now, I gotta say their submissiveness they are at the moment. How the right person come? How the right person look? Keep working on that. What you gotta understand what the female like they gotta they don't know how to write on the inside that you get a lot of people get the feeling off some ship you're lacking. You might not like the way the nigga. Shoot, oh and now you got lacking something like here country, yeah, he corny or whatever, But then it could mean the one. So yeah, but if you can't get passed away shoes times, you're never gonna be able to get passed Hey, baby, hey, one thing about it, tie my shoe for me, queen, I'm crying. You want the motherfucking time time or put me now? Yeah, if you funk with me, show me how the web show stop me uncountry this ship. But it all depends. You gotta feel it, you know what I'm saying. What it is that's the part about the bitch want to nigger is already like out of mic away already that you ain't already that that go back to what I'm saying. You can't be already that for another person. You could be already that to yourself, but for me, you ain't already that because I ain't. You don't even know what I like. M Yeah, that is true. Are you already? So that ain't gonna work because you're already thinking you something that I'm supposed to praise. No, we gotta build what we praise each other. We gotta be We gotta get this ship. You know what I'm saying, Like I see tie the issue right and get me the right one and get me right paying too bagginge. Okay, show me where to get this ship from that. We don't seen some female get around and unique started looking and acting different than being better. A lot of these rappers like the turn it to some kings by dealing with these queens because that's where it was, like it was, I fought with you, so I can show you how to now didn't need to start a look different like that. You put the right queen in position, and the same way with the with the king, he gonna get his queen and make sure she to the standards of what she trying to take him to and what she already looked at him as you know what I'm saying, If I look at you some bullshit, we're gonna we're just gonna stay some bullshit. Yeah, I think y'all. Y'all said the key words king and queen. So when then you start looking at each other like that, of course, naturally it's gonna play his courts and it's gonna turn out right. You ain't gonna let me slip. Yeah you're not, because y'all say exactly, King and queen. But the average people out here it just be like oh boy and oh girl, like yeah that. Yeah. So it's never gonna the average man out here not even viewing himself like a king to even be able to think I'm gonna provide for us another woman. True queens attract true kings. You already something. You gotta start checking into yourself and see what you is. If you keep on running to these same type niggas, that's something thin you. Some women got a vibe. Nig You see a woman and you know what, woman, you can get down there, any nigga like she'll go, you know, but you can see some women. I don't gonna what, nigga, you is be a certainty imidation like she probably ain't working with me because it's an error she giving off about herself. I still try my hand, but I already know like she ain't ready. So if you might be giving off a vibe to the world that shows she needs toxic I'm crying. Some of these women like bro, we'll be having these conversation and nigga like, ain't nobody fun? Hell no, but she'd be around everybody. She cooled him up. But I want to. I want to do too. I do too, I do too. Ain't no a lot of fun. She ain't going as hell now I should like tried, but she ain't like she. You know what I'm saying, We can already see that. So if I ever or we ever bump into a place, already know how to treat you, because you ain't there one of them gonna go. I already know what I got, but everybody saying, but you know, yeah, you know such such such names in them Wooda, who I know when I when I finally get my turn, I can't treat you like nothing but what we already know. You was in the community of niggas wrong. You were all the way right, even with a nigga, even with niggas wise and ship like nigga that should be spread around like but he ain't got this ship. That ship goes around in the circles like that, going around and you you see what they did, like I'm gonna try and they just held them back in the back. You know what I'm saying, you're going around how you treat yourself, it's how you know, it's gonna reflect how a man really, you know, treat you. You're gonna look at how you how you move, and how you treat your how you respect yourself first. That's that's what kid of that ship, You're gonna know what you got from how she is like ship, look jokey jokes ship and he could be trying to joke up on that tell that what like we even have joke that off I'm crying, is just talking about Yeah, like this gonna let you know what it ain't giggle b yeah yeah this dude, sir my mouth. Yeah you feel what I'm say. Gigglub gig gigg Like he's playing with certain ways that we don't even like even with a man like you mean you mean the player, you know how he what he you know what I'm saying, what he tolerates, like what type of jokes and who who you can tell? Like but ain't with all that joking. Yeah, I gotta stop this ship. Yeah you definitely know you're right, you know? Yeah, yeah, I guess you gotta have insight for that too. Know, really do you really? Do? You really do? Very important because sometimes you really don't know you really. I'm with Jade on that, sometimes you really even when you talk about the little jokey Joki ship, like I know for me, I could give a prime example. I'm with Jade on this one because I remember, like when I like talk to guys or whatever, I used to like say whatever the funk because like I don't care, Like it's just I say whatever came to my mind. I didn't really see it as you're superior or you're a man and I'm a woman and blah blah blah. So my jokes are just fly the funk off until I started dating somebody that was like, I'm not one of these niggas that's gonna be going first. You can't talk to me like that, like until you get somebody to check you, to check you, you really don't know because for me, in the beginning, I'm like, who are you talking to? And I tried to book but then I realized, like, oh ship you for real? For real? Okay, you're right, I can't say that ship. I can't my bad Yeah, yeah exactly. So now I know, So I'm gonna us my jokes and I'm gonna I'm not even gonna say no ship like that because you ain't want of them to play with. Yeah, I didn't know, so I'm with Jay. Sometimes you really don't know. Like I didn't know how to talk to niggers. I was talking to them the same way I was talking to my home girls, talking the same way, like I ain't even really see no difference, and so the ship but they could check me, and that's just what it was. You got checked and that's just use everything. Ain't gonna go for it old but exactly period. Yeah, never call your phone again like I'm real fun. Yeah, yeah, ain't even that. It's just like I know you're not gonna do that, but I'm saying, like it's Nigga's out before I ut. So I can't give you a warning on that, yeah, because that's in you queen, specially the age we are. Yeah, you're too grown to be. You've been doing that too long, so you get upset. You might have did it plainly this time and I check it. Yeah, okay, yeah we're right. I'm sorry, but you get upset. That's your character, right, So we're just gonna put the moon walk on upout this. I'm crying, you know what I'm saying, Like you got to, especially if you know you don't who ain't going for that ship? Yeah, but that made you respect the most. Yeah, it made me like, but honestly, not even just him. It may to be honest, like I'm just being a thousand right now. It didn't even made me just respect him or of course, granted naturally it does that, but it made me look at men totally different. I start to look like, damn, I can't you right, I shouldn't talk to men like this. It made me start looking at all men different, like I don't sit here, y'all. Don't hear me saying here, bitch da da da. I don't do that to me. I don't talk like that. But it made me just check myself in like conversation, like granted, I'm in conversation. I'm not gonna sit here banking screen, bitch. I'm not gonna do that. But I could do that with Cash, I could do that with Jay. You get what I'm saying. But prior to that, it wasn't that. It was just conversation with conversation until somebody checked you about respect being respectful, because the point was you wouldn't want people to just have a conversation with you a man have in the conversation with you, bitch, And I had to think about it, like damn you right, So now I have to respect men in general. Facts, right, that's fact. Okay, Yeah, good, good old, good old check is always sexy. Ain't number a little bit of check that raised the attraction level. And I'm telling what I be trying to tell the nigger, but it's super super queen ship and the bitch no, she's supposed to got checked get you checked out on yes, Like god, damn nig I've been came out six o'clock in the morning drunk. His fun apparent looked like they're going up and down, all down. But like you ain't even to ask me that's it. Yeah, I'm going to test you like that's a ship test. Yeah, like he just I just walk all over this nigger. It's literally gonna lower the attraction level. Like you know what I'm saying, because you you you like you said you you game more respect once you see like, damn, nigger, really ain't just gonna let me run while? Can you put me in my place? You feel what I'm saying. Yeah, ain't no putting in place. But I got you paying, But you know I got you. Yeah, you get your woman too. You don't feel secure with a nigga Like okay, if you can't, you're gonna chick me running here and do whatever exactly exactly. Yeah, well if I can run over you, everybody going run over you see woman disrespecting? You know what I'm saying, Shut up, bitch, ain't everybody I'm gonna think, brother. But the one thing about the women thought kill the top one. They don't care. You could be on the new them for looking for you for seventies six murders. You're still a bit your niga. Huh, she's sing them. Yeah, so what plets say? And you don't care about that ship you don't did why you ain't calling me horry? I'm still running the chill back to what Jay was saying. That's all she knows. She don't care. You know it's wrong though at the end of the night, Yeah, all right, niggas don't know when they're wrong. We got to the bottom of it, Triple W Dot, Big Facts, pot dot com. Don't be toxic and what do we get from this? Don't be toxic? Don't be toxic? Check your chick, check your check and understand that it's some people out here that just don't give a funk, not because they just don't give a because they just don't know no better facts. And you definitely know when you're being toxic. You know what if you so if you got a soul, if you got it wrong, if you know right out here we go to see how do you how do you know the ones that just toxic and they know they don't some bullshit versus the ones that were taught wrong. Do you see what I'm saying? So you got all right trying not to be toxic and if you are toxic, to seek counseling and help in therapy. So you're listening to Big Facts with Big Bank and DJ scream Fellow Big Facts on social media at Big Facts Find five, Big Bang and DJ Scream bring you Big Man sold well up that merch? Yes, yeah that's right. Www Dot Big facts pot dot com. What the real one one time y'all, get y'all some of this merch mat facts pot dot com. Get that merch right now shot with this Soloway up. 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