On the this edition of BIG FACTS FRIDAY, the crew has a discussion based on the word "Impetuous."
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Big Bang. It is screen. You don't be on nothing. I'll be on okay, So let me ask how this bring you big big right now, visit the new website today, Big Facts Paul dot Com coming to your live from Revolt Studio and the A T. L Is DJ Scream, Big Bank, Baby James a Tiggy thirty low Shot Jones and is in the cut and it's time for a Big Facts Friday. You thought I got the screen confidence? What's up? What's up? Everybody? Everybody feelings? Oh yeah, yeah, we get to the word. Yeah, you're really fantastic. Good you focused? Good and she looked kind of focused. The look a tiggy Yeah, the winner. Yeah, the wind of the show. Show. You're gonna give us a little so right, a couple of notes. That's hard. What's going on? It's good, something that you're happy to be, man, don't happy. You gotta talk and don't do that a little nervous, don't have to be good man. Yeah, that's my man. So we're basically gonna build off a word and just create a great conversation. So Jade's gonna bless us with the word. Were were doing, Jakes, So the word of the day is impetuous, I M P E T I O U s impetuous, impetuous um and impetua's is basically like acting or moving too quickly without thinking or care. And when I think about impetuous, I think about the way that most nigga is nuts were without too quickly. You don't kill I thought, yes, man, we out finish sate. It's on the league that old covers don't let you add it. Now I'm that it's but it's that a good thing, you know, a bad thing, a quick nut. It's terrible. I know it's a terrible thing for the woman. Did she get flattered by that? So look on my page from Shout Out of Spiritual Work, I reposited it from them. But so the first tweet was when like a woman says, you know, she got that super grip water, super soaker, Candyland, whatever, whatever. But then when the nigga gets in it and nut's quick, she's not flattered by that being a compliment of her advertisement. She's piste off because she wasn't satisfying. Yeah, like that, get a rose, usual rose. You can't lose shot or you know I'm gonna cut or you just find you somebody that could go the first round quick and in the second round you got it. You just want somebody that knows how to funk and it gets rid of the first nut before he comes to you, so that you don't even have to work something else with me. I mean not, no, not before he not. You don't have to fund somebody else to get rid of the first n You can jack off and get rid of it. It's gonna be if it's a quick if you're a quick nutter, and you know that, like, okay, your second round, it's gonna be extended, like you know, you gotta get that first nut out of the way. Nothing ain't with that ship rules. I think that we're basically like if you move too quick and you don't really have a purpose or a meaning to what you're trying to get it, or your goals or anything like that, you can easily like funk up. You know what I'm saying. You move too quick, You get into something too quick without having the right mindset or something like that. You never know like what you get yourself into, you might make a mistake and then you might piggyback off of it later and be like damn, well, I think I moved too quick, Like a lot of people do that in life, you know. Yeah, they're veryan postal. So it's like, that's like me with my music. You know what I'm saying, Like, it's not gonna kick off right then and there, you know what I'm saying, So I can't expect it to move too fast or anything like that. I gotta take time. You gotta take your time. You really gotta study and really get your mindset right to really move forward with stuff. So yeah, it's it could, it could, It could definitely, But you could be what's the name of the word impetuous. You could be impetuous with your words too. You can. You can. You can speak too fast and say the wrong ship and regret it. But then as black people us, I can know I said the wrong ship, But since I said it, I'm gonna stand on it. You get what I'm saying, and you're knowing some bullshit? Yeah that's ego, Yeah yeah, right, that ego is like I ain't gonna take it back because try. Yeah, I got sign the answer that do. Y'all don't feel like when people say stuff fast and they piste off, that's really how they truly feel because when people say shipped to me quick, I feel like that's really how you feel. You can't come back and say I regret that, but you can feel that. You can feel like that in the moment. Though about that, because I don't mean like that before. You just you don't mean to. It's just like you're just trying to do a quick job. Yeah, you're in the moment part of you mean to. Huh if it came out, I meant that in the moment. You can mean something in the moment and then you see how the person receiving and you think about it, be like, damn, I wouldn't really trying to see it like that, but I was trying to see it like that at the moment and the moment under the heat, in the heat of the moment. What about the people that be saying crazy ship like I hope you die or your mama gonna die, and ship like that, like you you can't take them type of words back. I'm just saying people be saying that type of ship when they're mad. Are you mad at people be saying like I hope you die, I hope your mama died, hope everybody around you die, and I'm sorry. I was just mad. But it's like you're saying a lot of ship that you know, really it ain't gonna happen to them, Yeah, because I did that before too, Like like give an example, like my friend has a club it's not it's not open anymore, and his brother has the club next door. So we were having an event there and it was a discrepancy about the parking. But like me and I've known this, yeah, but like I've known him for so long, bro, and like we've never had an issue, never had a dispute, never had nothing. But he was like trying it about some parking and they weren't even open her ship. So it was like it was it kept escalating, kept escalating. It was like some real petty tip for that ship. And like I was so mad to the point where like I was literally like like tears crying, and I said a whole bunch of ship that like I didn't really mean at the moment, like I told the nigga like he was gonna have to move his kids and like all kind of ship like, but it was, but it was like I felt, but that's how disrespected that I felt, Like I really felt like, you're really doing this to me about some parking for some ship that you're not even using, just trying to be like on some bullshit. So I have done that. I never wished depth on nobody or no ship like that, but I have like done some ship, said some ship that I didn't mean their kids because they was gonna pop them there. I wasn't trying to get that deep into it, but like not like, but it's just like I feel like when when you when you're pushed past your limits and you feel like disrespected, unwarranted or you feel like disrespected intentionally for no reason. I feel like sometimes, like you said, you can say some ship that you don't mean and it doesn't necessarily mean that that's how you feel because me and him have never had a problem. We we love each other, We've never had no issues. He always looks out for me, whatever whatever. But in that moment, I really felt like, nigga, like your kids are gonna have to move, like if you keep sucking playing with me. Like That's how I felt, but it wasn't. After that, we you know what I'm saying. We talked about it, We hugged and made up and I never thought about his kids again, How dangerous is that? Because in that situation, that's one thing. But sometimes that ship that was stacks on top of each other like hits the fan, and sometimes people might sometimes people might feel like if it gets to that point, they'll be like, oh, that's how you really felt all along and they never spoke on it or something like that. So I feel like that's what kind of make it escalate in certain situations, because it's like, if you're saying it now, Dunn, why you feel las week when I was going through this, you know what I'm saying, So that escalate, Yeah, because just like in that situation with me and him, like he knows we never had no problem, and he knew that he was wrong and he knew that, Like I flipped because you were wrong and you tried me, and I had all the right and authority to flip. But it was like, if you're in a situation with somebody and you've had little ship here and there, you know what I'm saying to make you kind of like when it comes out like yeah, you meant that, And I was I was thinking about yeah back in Yeah, yeah, you've been waiting for a little to let up to this what's the word again, impetuous? What you feel like one of your impetuous situations? Was it happened to you? Or I mean says some wrong. You know what I'm saying, Like the situation, I guess do give it like you know what I'm saying, like a lot of kids, like a promise that I cut my second baby mama. You know what I'm saying, Like she coming at me sideways though you feel this like man, I'm like fucking bitch, like you could die. But she take it as like I mean, but I mean that's my that's my second baby mom. Because she appreciate nothing. You know what I'm saying, Like she said, my baby mama, I ain't got no respect for do you know? You gotta what you got, but I got respect for my child. You gotta have a certain level of because she's the mother of your kids, your second did your second kid live with you? And you know that and you know that, you know that, you know that, you you know you're advocate for real. You said that I am so you know some of these women's Now I'm not saying that disrespect is never good. You know some of these women put they selling them situate in a in a predicament where you can't even rich, you can't even deal with him respect. No, I'm totally with that, but to a certain extent, if your kids are smart, if your kids are well fed, if your kids are mannerable. Even though you and this bitch are getting into it, if she's doing what she's about to do as a mother, you still have to have some ounce of something for her because she's making sure that your kids are good. Now, if you and her getting into it and she's doing dirty ship to you, yeah, she's the worst bitch in the world. But at the end of the day, there has to be a little piece of something if your kids are on point and she's taking care of your kids. But you can put me in a position that I say something pickle with ship, whatever it is, where I can say that, yeah, you take care. You know what I'm saying? Like the calling about no dead being ship man m a four months? God damn, how much more fucker you wanted me to do? Wait? Wait, say that again, hold on, hold on, say it again, number four once? What that mean? I mean I ain't saying not wrong with I mean I'm gonna do what I'll do. You know she's straight, fit, pels whatever. But I don't know what he's saying. Man, when you won't go motherfucker using the baby and something else. You're using the baby. It's your leverage. But is he doing it's a four months baby? Just baby four months? But you want me to get chipped out on a month for four month? Wait? Whoever you putting words in that man mouth? He didn't say she has the ten. What's the problem. You know how to beat you be man, Come get Yeah, I'm getting money. You're telling me to come baby. The more you've been don't don't don't he baby talking sh up at in the morning. Ship rose some bullshit like okay, you cook, get your daughter. She won't let me sleep and talk. That means you gotta get her some days out the week. So you gotta come get your daughters two or three days. Now. Let me tell you, girl, I want a kid and the baby folk months. That first year is hell for any money gonna keep it? It's hell. So if I got your kids and the kid living me satur days out the week, and I'll call you and saying come get him two days out the way you what you're doing out of spike sometimes be right, call you to get on your nerve and do some ship out of spike right now. I ain't going to them. I ain't. But it's women like that definitely, when like you got like a new girl and she's still when she was with you, and stuff like that. I want my first baby, mom, but I got a phoe by your feeling. But I make you all my kids straights like you've been playing pinkball. Yeah here, do you take care of anything? That's all? And I can't taking care of She's still calling you a phone in the morning, asked me for she just want to be with him? That is That could be that too, though that's fat now that might be fact. I'm here with this one. I'm making sure I'm keeping my first kids and the kids straight. And then I tell her, look, I bet I'm about to finish running around the kids. Let me tell, let me ask this. Were you the second baby mama? Were you with her for any extended period of time or did you just her and had a baby. I just had a baby. Keep it straight. Every want me to be honest with you, though you know what I'm saying. She doesn't have a reason to feel like she was in a relationship with you or anything like that before you went back to the first one? Man, did you leave her for the first one? Yeah? I went back to the first Okay, man, that's what it is. That's what it is. So what you call it spiteful? I don't know, y'all. Situation, the girl don't get mad, but you know, but you know they're gonna, they're gonna, they're gonna. What else would she do? Facts, I gotta get on your nerves for this, because this is getting on my nerves that you're not here. Yeah, right, yeah it shot know what the we're talking about, bro, I gotta raised my hand, all right, I do know what you're talking about. But at the same time, I feel like a lot of men don't recognize what mothers have to go through and y'all things, a lot of men think that mama's just be calling to be up under your ass, and in reality, I'm gonna, I'm gonna keep it a buck with you. We sometimes be envious of the fact that you outliving your motherfucking life. If we see on Instagram that you out with your new bitch and y'all out having fun and I'm trying to go to sleep, and this it's envious because we both had this child. And if I know that you're not jumping up and you don't even at least have like two or three of them nights when you feel where I feel, I'm pissed the funk off. But then the man turned around and say, okay, give me my eyes. I'm gonna bring mover here my other folk. I'm not saying everyone I know me my child father. All I'm gonna do is give me her phone number, and she my sister wife were in this ship together. I don't give a fun on another one. What's spending I'm saying, state like, you know what? This is what I'm saying. You know what, I don't want to deal with you. You know, my nerve is baby mom, give me my baby, Give me my baby. You say, but since you since you here, I don't want to deal with you cause you get on my nerve. I keep on saying, and peck with what the name of the word, I'm gonna keep saying, Petzels ship done with you. So what we do is, let's let's not out to sched you. What I'm about to schedule, then it's gonna be when it's when the schedule going right, everything going smooth. It's too smooth for you know, so you're gonna have to corrupt my life when it's smooth when I when I when I agree to do everything that I decided to do, and I want you on that, and that's what I'm doing. We're not got big. I got a comment as a as the real Naked Advocate, right, so you know what I'm saying, like like no disrespect to mothers, and you know what I'm saying, no disrespect to women or no ship like that. But just going back to what I was saying about being envious about seeing this nigga living his life with his new bitch and not having to worry about the kid and all that kind of ship. I just feel like personally two things. Like the first thing, I feel like, you knew what you were dealing with before, you know what you're dealing with before you had a baby by this nigga. You knew that this nigga wasn't finished in the house. You knew this nigga like all kind of ship. You know what I'm saying. First of all, second of all, as far as like what he does. If you guys are not together, that's not any of your concern. But I usually see they got a problem. For every solution you make, you make a solution. Here another problem. Every solution you make, it's another problem because the problem is not it's an underlying the baby. You can't use your baby as a bargain at your baby. Can I speak? Not to answer what Jay said. The envious part is more so if a mom is sitting there and doing everything she needs to do for this motherfucking child and the dad it ain't got nothing to do with the dad got a new bitchack that. That's just my point was. If I'm at this house all day eight with this motherfucking child and I see the dad is out enjoying his life with his new bitch, any woman is going to feel a type of way. They don't got nothing to do with the bit. It could have been you be out with your homeboy, you be out with your mama. When I feel like what you say, it does make sense. If it does you just with another winner's new bitch. That's ivy. No, it ain't missed a very perfect point. If I am with this child, your child, our child, you're a child. But you know if you have a child with a man, that's becoming your child, Like, come on, y'all, stop here, this man or to your baby, dad, who child is it in? It's still our child? If he say, if he who baby is that, it's still it's art. But hold out up the daddy, the daddy, then man, the man put this dick in you and look at what you're talking about. Consent, niggas coming somebody. I'm not saying that you don't love your child anymore, y'all, I'm missing my point. My point is if you have a child with somebody, right, we're talking about women, the bullshit bitches. Either way it goes. You have a child with somebody. And I'm sitting there and I had a child twenty four, motherfucking eight. And then I look in on your social media. Hold on not necessarily when you have a child anyway, you have a child eight and I look on your social media. You got a new bitch. You're doing whatever you're doing. You out seven and I'm at home. I know I gotta be up in the morning. This child wake up four month olds wake up fifty times a fucking night. So if I'm sitting here and I'm frustrated because i gotta do all this and I'm looking at you, I I want to say, help media, because so they they're not pulling his weight. What y'all talking about interest, not all the child the women I was raised by. Fuck your mom, your dadd and your mama's women. Right, No, because it's my baby, granted, chance is my motherfucker. So at the end of the day, even if your mom and your grandmama felt that weight when you would sleep at night, she was still pissed off cuting that man out. Yeah, y'all don't know that they still pissed off because of these niggas out. What y'all talking about myself? I guess said. When you say, if I see him with his new bitch's feel a type of way. No point. My point was if I'm at I'm raising his child eight, I'm still sick to that. If I'm raising his child eight, right, And if I go and I'm like, damn, the daddy ain't there, and not look every time I turn around you on social media popping bottles and all that type of ship, You're gonna get a bitch that's gonna say some ship about that because you ain't pulling your weight. I don't even give a funk if you're sitting here sending her money money don't help support a child like, yes, you have something like the baby live with you. If the baby lives, they're gonna wake up with you at four o'clock in the morning. Right. But if we got if we gotta, if this is my child and your child also, yes, okay, just because you had a rough night with this baby, don't mean it. I'm a dead beat. Officially, I said, do you get the child two or three days out the week? If you come and get the child to three days off the weekend. On my fourth day, the baby just tied and cry. I can't call you. But if you don't get this child none of these days out the week, and I bug you, nikke, help you on your ass. You put this baby. Let me say that. Let me say this. What if when I was with you, I wanted home at four o'clock in the morning, then I don't know outside listen, I got morn I got you, I got you. I'm saying I shot saying as far as because you know I got a kid, my baby folk much. You know what I'm saying as a mother, your baby gonna cling onto you, regardless being a mother because you had him in the hospital. You skin the skin, your baby gonna know you more than the daddy. But at the same time, women we go through postpartum, we go through depression. But I get what she's saying. If we're going through this and the baby four months, you gotta give your girl or whoever, even if she knows you. If that nigga is not if support, I don't want to do nothing turned me to a motherfucker naturally, not anything you letting me and we have a baggy. That's your responsibility too. It's not just on me. I'm not I didn't make the say that don't have something feel like responsibility? Is this my baby? I get him. But but they're gonna get mad once they see another nigga stepping up being stepped daddy. You see, I take this bitch over to my house. But as a woman, I'm gonna be mad because that's just me as a woman, my right, not right. My killer gonna be like that, taking But what's taking care of your child? Let's taking care of your child, taking care of a child. Let me let me express for anybody that don't is a problem. It's not no, it's not to do. Needn't go to jail, jail. Your baby dad, he was you mad street nigger? I mean he had a baby by streeting and he go to jail. You're mad at it? If I'm mad that he went to jail, Yeah, because he's not there to nurture the baby no more. Yeah, of course I'm gonna be mad. So but you knew this was a drug dealer. Listen, so you do you know what coma being in the streets? First of all, who I don't know? Listen, my baby father not a street niggase, I'm gonna talk about experience. Okay, my baby father not a street nigga. So I can't sit here. And but if my baby father was a street nigga and he still wasn't doing emotionally there for my child, if if you go to jail, yeah, I'm gonna anybody gonna fill with anybody go to jail back. But I said, are you're gonna be upset with him that he can't provide and do the thing that it wouldn't be. I wouldn't be upset that he can't provide. I'll just be upset like we in a situation because I, like you said, alreadyknew what I signed up for. Both listen, at the end of the day, what y'all was saying was, Okay, you already dealing with a nigga here in the streets that he doing whatever, you know, a type of nigga you signed up for. What y'all failed to realize is these niggs could be street niggas to y'all and all the homeboys and all this street all blah blah blah. But when he get in the bed with that girl, he ain't sitting here telling her I ain't gonna be shipped when I put this baby in you. He ain't get hey to her. He fi whispers and motherfucker, it don't. I don't. Okay, I get what you're saying, you won't need the bed for how this this many minute. But if the saying it's not having a kid, But when when you have a kid that ain't got nothing to do with it? Does when we have a kid, we're gonna we already saying that you jealous, Let bitch, that's what that's, you know, that's that's not that's not what I said. Is what you said? Envious of the situation. You're not listening. You when you can't take that. You're saying, I take my child eight and you look at the Instagram and see this Nika out with that you're not taking But why the bitch in it? Man? What don't you feel you say? Also came back and said it could have been you with your home boys. You but you're not taking care of your child, and you gotta bitch. It's a problem. Bro. If you're not taking care of your motherfucking child and you're not another woman and that it's not forcing you to take care of your child, that's a problem. And if you're a woman and you don't see a problem with that, then you're a problem. But but you just said the six because some people feel like financial is taking care of the kids. Some people feel like some people do feel okay, But you're saying if this nigga and coming over at four o'clock in the morning because you talk that's what we said earlier. Well, you said if he if you, if he can't give him a couple of days out the week, that's offbrate you because you see him with his other bitch. That's what you said. He could be giving me money and all that. That's what you're saying. Yes you did, shot you did. We can be busy, that's the Did you just say that? My people? Anybody anything? My god? Like? You said? Right? You said one thing, But I knew what she meant because what you said, you know, I know because I'm after all this man woman child bit sounds all that ship. I'm the kid that y'all forgot about. And yes, we do grow up. And my daddy was no street nigger. He was a preacher. He's still a preacher. But guess what, I love my father. My daddy wasn't ship, and he was never there, and I still wanted to love him, but my mother would get masked. So I had to hate my father in order to show my mother I love her. What what she's saying is that it's hard at times, and when she see you out here doing you're living your best life. She's just simply saying that she wished that you could see or appreciate the struggle. Just how a working man feels that the wife is always ragging on him. He out working, he wants them to know how the struggle is real. At the end of the day, it's a struggling at the end of the day, the only person who's gonna get sucked up is the child. And yes, we do know, We hear and know and see everything, and we don't forget shit period. So you all had and I don't have no kidd to me. The parents draw the winds with the child. They do because at the end of the day they do. I know if I know, if I have, if I gonna have a baby, but a struggle, right, I know that my kid as soon as I if I wrong, I know that somebody else gonna have to watch my baby at nighttime because I'm in the street grind and she's checking up at the end of the day because I got it. It's saying, but somebody else watching the child what he's gonna be because he in your posses. You know what you got? This thing ain't never been to no function, say you never did nothing. How the fund are gonna turn into a great day? That part, it's what I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. But I think she just wanted to have give me a responsibility and thank them I'm going to change no offer to be the same nigga, and I'm gonna be even worse because you're gonna be upset and you're gonna display that to me. And it works on side. It works on the side. Okay, you feel if you had a kid, right, yeah, you could be a street and you could do all that kind of stuff. You get the other you could be any any nigga. Like, if you don't want to be there for your child, you're not gonna be then how you because the moment is never gonna worry she wanted to do that gonna do You're gonna have another problem, you know how he with his bitch or he with his plans. But that to that child when that child get old enough and be like, damn, mama, my daddy, my daddy won there? Where's my daddy? Or damn my daddy with this girl with this lady he got she got three kids, and he forget about me? What about me? Because you got niggas out here that a girl have sex with a bitch, we got fifteen kids and spend all that time with them and forget about the first child that you didn't have with that woman. And then that first child's gonna feel abandoned. That's abandon A lot of stuff come in that. So it's it's okay. You can go do your thing, can't go to the strip club, throw all your money, but make sure you dropped by my baby and tell my baby, hey, you love them, and get the funk on. Just do that, bo that'll be. You can't deal with this man. If you can't deal if you can't deal with me as a woman, or if you can't deal with me, don't deal with me. But if you can deal with your child, deal with your child. How The problem is men have the option that men have the and that's just what it is. Men have the on rather they want to be in their child's life or not, and then rather whatever you do, women supposed to be okay with it. You can't say that, but you can. You cannot drag me because of your feelings baby, because you don't want to be a mother. She's some bullshit, bad she all type of bullshit. But men can go and decide to pop in, pop out, go over here and have babies and do whatever the funk you want to do. Because that's just ask you all the question, what if what if I say, okay, baby, you see we don't get along coming in the talk, so we need to find you another baby and give me back. No woman has going no real monther about but don't saying so you want me to be on your time and it's just us co parenting, Like what the hell? But I'm saying something, have you ever seen a situation, well, it definitely impossible to co parents. I have that I'm talking about from that issue because I see a lot of my niggles that want to be in their kids life and it's like it impossible. Yes, that's whatever. That's what I'm speaking on. You know what I'm saying, a motherfucker that making dumn that impossible to be with their kids, not a person. That's and what you said shot that put me in that, my friend, because of what I'm doing. You're saying whatever I'm trying to do for my baby is not enough. That's why I took that an offense because you're saying, all right, I can wake up one day even if you take as kid financially he might say him one or two five times and whatever I can do, but that's not enough because I'm waking up seeing you doing what you're doing, and I'm frustrated with my kid being hunger or saying crying or whatever. That ain't right to me. That's not that's not right. That's not right. Now, hear me out here. Can we all just go ahead, go ahead, gear me out. Listen. You said like you just said three or five times out the month or whatever. It is. What I'm saying is a mom when she have that child, we really have the four seven like barrier on us. And like baby Girls said in the beginning, you got postpartum, you got all types of depressions. All that has communicated, though, Queen, that's what I'm if it's not a communicate, if you're just feeling like you're feel you me, then you're gonna make me say both of you. That's what usually happen. That's what I got it. That's what usually happen. It's like, I can't do it. I can't. I can't. I can't operate off your feelings because you already told me if that's envy there, So I'm gonna feel that because I'm not the time to deal with my kid. I'm gonna feel that. And I think that piggyback on her saying, if you're not upset and we coped praying, we cop praying the fun but I got going on now, I gotta understand it. It's it's it never's gonna be uh. Communication is gonna make me know my obligations. But I can't. I can't. I can't let you wake up every day with different motherfuckers ship for me to do. But the whole thing too is like even outside of that, like and I know I don't have kids, so I don't understand or whatever the fun she said, But once you decide to lay down with this nigga and decide to go ahead and have this baby, you don't understand that your job from now on is to be a mother and to be here with this kid seven, whether this nake is present or not. That's what I was saying. Father, I get what you're saying, but still it's still haven profit communication though. If you if you're some bullshit, you're some bullshit no matter what's be bullshit. I understand that, but negg to be bullshit, but you can push him on the way and making some worse bullshit. I could be some bullshit that want to be somebody bullshit real ship. I could already be some bullshit. You wanna take up my kid, but you're flushing me away because I can't deal with you like I can look at this kid as the thing that's going to change my life, but you got to be basically, that's not gonna happen. You might take out child support and put me on a visitation, right, they're just like trying to fight oil. It's not gonna happen. I'm just saying that's the only way's gonna work because I can't do when I called you, Now, I gotta go through something like, hey, what y'all doing that? I want to get broth for the weekend? Taking he can't call that week you know that ship go like that? Now, I gotta now, I gotta be. I gotta damn kiss your ad to be a father, to take care of my because the only way for me to get to this nigga is through you. Only way for me to see my kids through his small So if I don't have a relationship, proper relationship with his mom, that's gonna damn the relationship with my kids. That's just going back to what she said. You know what you laid down with you know the type of I respect that because you got a lot of women out here that will really just lay down with any anybody just because of their own emotions and feelings or whatever. And then they have a baby and be fucked up and sucked over. Yeah they had babies like you my wife. Yeah, but my wife. Now you just got a baby. We got a baby. Let's take it. Lets figure out how to take this chikid's kids? Do you really want I'm even trying to be a daddy to this motherfucker. And we ain't got no type of nothing going on. You have a kid, it's way way different. You look at you will feel, you would think because my dad, my dad was awake, he went to chang and he did all that ship. So I in my heart, even if I didn't funk with Shante coming up, I'm gonna stay around to my kids get grown, because they're just that's what I chose. You know what I'm saying, Like, I'm not gonna allow you because I see if me and you would break up, you're gonna be better and it's gonna go get my kids. You're gonna tell them I left y'all, not you. So now you're pausing to my kids to the point of I'm starting to see that a little funk, like a little funk niggle towards me. Yeah. So now I'm like, I ain't fool. Yeah, what I've wanted to do, You're gonna see when you get grown, you get your own bitch. But no, I ain't gonna allow you to do that. Ain't allow myself to do that. But then that's gonna hurt them. But something just feel like, I ain't even gonna like you, bitch, So why the play like I like you for this kid, Either we're gonna co fare or we're not. Just because you got the oversea you got the baby. What you don't mean that you the you? You are reasly me? Yes, why are you looking at me? That ain't what I said. I'm asking you though, but that that's kind of what you said. I didn't. I initially said two or three days? What did I tell you, bro? I said, if your father get their child two or three days, that's what I'm saying. If you're not getting your child at all, He's said he was already doing that. No, but I was just saying, like my did I ask you? I said, did you get your child like two or three days. That's where it kind of popped off, just a touch of situation because I see a lot of niggas, real good dads. They'd be trying for theybe trying the best, like asking me like I'd had to call one of my part the baby mom for him, Like you're tripping, I let him get it, le him see the baby. You know what I'm saying, Like I could call this bitch myself. That's a friend because she my friend, he my friend. Like y'all tripping in there, I get to us a climbing ground for them to get their kids. That ship lame to meause I'm not I'm not taking away from y'all on that lame ship. I'm not defending no bullshit woman at all. What I'm saying is there are some men out there that's even more import That's what I'm talking about. But if he becomes a dad beat, No, queen, if this dude become a dead beat, don't be mad. I'm fucking take care of your kids. No, I am just what I'm saying. I'm not saying that, all right, listen, That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying but even if that man decided to become a dead beat, right, the woman is still gonna feel some type of way. I don't give a funk what you're talking about saying. If you're a dad beat and I have a child with you, you're not doing ship for my child. And I see you popping bottle with your boys, your new bit or whatever you've got going on. Your guns, No but alive, hold on. And I'm not saying that because I know some dead nigga sold women hope some motherfucking dreams. I got home girls that was with niggas that had told them all type of bullshit that and told them we're gonna have this baby. I'm gonna put this baby in you, and they have mother nigger that's like you got, you got you have, you got some some niggers that will sit there. There'll be one person while they wit you talking to you before a baby. But then when they had that baby, and that pressure get on them as them being men, because women mature faster than me and period, they get that responsibility. They get that mindset like I can't handle this ship. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go funk off because my stress level it is not the stress level of hurt where she could just cope with being with her baby, being by herself. A nigga gotta go funk on something, gotta go lick on something, gotta go be with, be with the niggas and all this kind of ship to really get theirselves together instead of taking time to actually learn to be a parent, learn to know how to take care of a baby, learning a lot of this kind of stuff. But at the same time, it's like, I can't as a woman, I can't take all that stress on top of postpartum, on top of me healing my body, healing fully from pushing the whole six seven eight cow baby out of me, and thinking like damn, I ain't got nobody to be there for you. Just thinking that girl and had no type of support, no family, no nothing. All she got is you. She gonna call you at four o'clock in the morning. My my ship danging right now. I ain't ain't I can't walk, I can't do this. If you can't be like I'm gonna come through relationship. If you ain't in a relationship, you gotta think like damn, you gotta kill give me the baby, give me the baby. I feel like, yeah, I understand, feel like that. Let me get my but but but but you can't. It has to be organized. You can't call me a spur of the moment just because tonight you tie you and say can you come get him to me? Don't feel like this. Yeah, you're playing with me. But if you say I'm gonna be tired, I know I am. Can you get this baby two times or three times a week? That that's communication. You can't call me out of blue. They don't tell him well man, or what I'm doing and tell me come get this baby. You feel like you're sped. Didn't do that right, That's impossible. How you couldn't call me and tell me to come home before I was when I was just sucking you. So I aren't gonna be able to call and tell me to come get the baby a four o'clock in the morning, in the morning before sometime. Sometimes, man, man, I don't know what kind of y'all didn't win. Because nigga you're dinner with he gonna be signs nig a funks, gonna be a fun nigger. Ain't talking about talk about the nigga who really all their kids. It's something that really love their kids but hate their baby mamas and they she hate him. So if you come, if I know you hate me and I hate you, if you're calling me a four o'clock in the morning, you're being spiteful because at the end of the day, you knew you were earlier that day. So can you get can you get the baby, or can y'all come get the baby for the night or whatever. Let me get some risk. I'm communication is all it takes. But there goes back to what I was what I was getting ready to say about her saying, like the nigga having to deal with pressure and stuff up and all of that. But at the end of the day, what if the pressure is okay, I feel what you're saying about like postpartum and all of that, because that's the very real thing I have. Every friend that I have has ever had a baby went through postpartum and I went through with him, so I understand and I get it or whatever. But at the end of the day, you're saying, like pressure or whatever whatever on this nigga, but you're going through postpartum, You're going through this you're going through that at the end of the day, you can't. You're saying that the man should you know, learn how to be a father, learned how to be a parent, whatever, whatever, blah blah blah. That's a process that doesn't just happen overnight, especially when you're dealing with especially when you're dealing with a nigga that has never had those type of responsibilities. Okay, and that just like a girl who just had her first baby. We could do this together. We don't have to be together what I'm saying, but we can learn this ship together. You it's not about I'm not saying like stressed men don't stress. Men can go through postpartum too. But at the same time, if this our first baby, now I'm speaking love, you don't have five kids, you should know how to deal with it. Definitely you should just be like kick I got. But if this show first baby and yo baby like folk months and all this kind of stuff, she's gonna need that support because this is our first child together. But what I'm talking if you if you just toss up on y'all talking about two different things. I'm talking about a kid, ain't talking about a of a new one. I feel like a new born. Y'all still be together for much just whatever your situation is. I don't know what you got going on. I don't know what you got going on with that's like you know, I'm like, okay, so what if this isn't like you sitting here telling people that you're trying to start a business. So if you start your business, you take your last, got that, get your ship, you take your last you know what I'm saying, to get your baby situated because you know you got a fifth child. So okay, if you sit here and break this down to your baby mama, like, look, yo, I got got down setified, k got damn. You know what I'm saying. But ship going on. I need to got to get right. So if I'm saying there telling you that, and you agree, then I take my ship and go get my business gone. Then when the business get gone, you know money ain't gonna come here. We talked, you know what I'm saying. So okay about the blue just caught me got them? Oh yeah, I need you to go do this and that Pampers ain't ship, bro. Everybody about got the pampers. That's fast. Anybody about pompers, but don't make a situation. Bro cousin Nigga was up got them they're talking about basically, they're talking about like compassion for the kid, compassion for this, competition for that. But but to me, that leads to what you want right exactly, to me, we're not get big. I think it's the energy that's put out to like if the if the if the woman just putting out a toxic energy and all that. You just how my kids like I can't even get near this energy because sometimes let's put this ego and all this baby daddy baby mama shipped to the side and be mother's And I'm speaking on a bitch who using this baby as a bargaining too well. I think I was speaking on being a mother, right, I was speaking on being a full time mother with a full time baby. Daddy was already your baby dadda though he's saying that was you know, end up being a baby mama. How'd that go? Well? Even if you you fucked it and she had the baby, right, but no stipulations, you still have to either child support plus visitation. You still have to find come to coming ground, shot man, You got the you coming ground between y'all child support, the baby mama, the baby daddy, Like it's whether you're witness nigga or not. Like if you're not with this nigga, nine times, I'd of tend there's gonna be some issue there and some sort of fucking dissension there because you're not with this nigga like she just said. And I hate to have to keep going back to it. But when female see a nigga doing something other than them, when they have a baby, or when there's a small child involved, nine times I'd attend there are gonna be some major issues with that relationship. Signy up, signy up, sign me up real quick. I hate to do this. I'm gonna put my business out there like everybody here. No, I'm not with my daughter daddy, like I'm not with Chance dad at all. But me and Chance Dad ain't been together what since Chance was two months old? Like that's my baby daddy. I don't like Chance dad has data. Other women, none of that ship play a part like and nothing that if I get mad at her daddy, if I get mad at her dad, ain't got nothing to do with no other Exactly Why do you get mad at No, if I'm mad at Chance Dad, this is what I get together. Why not get mad? Why do you get mad? Why do you get mad? I'm mad at Chance Daddy. It's because of like the urgency. Like if Chance school called me and say Chance didn't did some ship, and then her dad called me about it. My next question is are you on your way up there? If he not saying I'm on my way up there, or and it's like, nigga, it's for me to go shoot the school up. It's for me to go figure out what parents we are. We both are when you have a child man Chance daddy, then just sucking make him make her out of nothing. No, he is her dad, great Chance, love her fucking daddy. Her daddy's loved the funk out of Chance. But still you and I both know I'm to be bad as fun with Chance Daddy. I'll hear me out. You don't got nothing to do with my personal issues with him. Is most of my issues with him is like the sense of urgency when it comes to Chance. Or it's like if you ain't seen Chance in two weeks and my baby asking me for a chance with her daddy, That's where I'm at and a mother first, because I know you love my child. I'm not gonna never look at chance and be like yo, yo daddy, some bush I would never do that. I'm gonna make up excuse for like, oh, your daddy at work, your daddy at work, blah blah blah. So if I call you like I've been telling a chance, you've been at work for seven eight days, my niggas, we need to see her. You get what I'm saying. So now I'm on that ass. It may seem like, oh, shot some bullshit, but I'm cussing your ass out because I just sat here a lot of chance for a whole week saying you've been at working my baby. What I'm saying is a lot of parents go through that type of ship with these niggas. Niggas would tell women all type of ship. I guess we're talking about. We're talking about differ. You know. I think what the difference is me and baby girl. I'm talking about women, y'all talking about bitches that just giving niggas the hard time just to be giving them the hearts. Motherhood, I'm saying about flame motherhood in general. Most mothers, like the average mom, we're not talking about the bitches that's just want to get niggas a time. I'm talking about the average the ones who actually want to the ones who are sitting there and actually take care of their child and let the nigga do what they want to do. But at the same time, it's like, in the back of my head, I'm gonna be like, Damn, I want to go to the Bahamas, Nicky. You just left from Jamaica and ship and been there two weeks. Can you at least come get the baby for two weeks so I can take a cruise so I can get a break. You know what I'm saying. So would you feel like your baby, mama woman or just a baby? What you think? Serious? Grown men cry like bro like you women that's fucked up with the kids, like you kid working chip and turning the kid against this dude. Well he had a like Mom, if you're saying this, it's gotta be right. If you're saying this ain't ship, this gotta be so you you you building my relationship with my kid for me all off of your emotions. So the only reason why why I felt feel like we're going back and forth it because when you said what you said. It makes me make me thought of how do you bet you do? My that's it. I get that, But just even that a lot of women would let me just say this, a lot of women when they have a kid, right, our life is never gonna be what it once was once we had this child. I'm gonna just put that out there. Our life is never what it was once we decided to pop this damn baby out of us. But we get envious. Like when I say envy, it ain't hate. It's just envious that the fact that man, y'all can still boost around, y'all can still do what the funk y'all want to do. I could be at the house with this big gass baby. I just had this baby. Whatever, I ain't gonna move around like. I get what you're saying, But think about this though, my opinion, most women should know before they have a kid. This is solely on me, regardless of how it goes. That's a lot of kids. So at the end of the day, take out of that, you take that out of your man, because the thing about it, what you're saying is some wo machinity had kid that should just run around like the nigga, then either you want to be a woman or a man, gonna be a nigga regardless. No, this is what I'm saying. When you have a child, nobody is having a child. I'm gonna just keep it a buck with you. No woman is having a child thinking that I'm solely about to be providing for this child by myself, Like nobody is thinking that. Yeah, just what I'm saying. So you know what come w being a mom? Right? I know that I didn't have the option. I knew that once I decided to, like, whoa, I'm about to have chance. I knew that no matter what her daddy decided to do, if whatever the funk happens, I have to take care of the child. But even though I'm keeping it a buck, I'm still gonna get piste off with this, niggah. What you're talking about the situation. I'm gonna keep it a buck with y'all. If I like still to this day, if I'm stretched out, y'all know how to run through this this with chance all types of ship. What would it would it be different if, and I'm just saying in general, would it be different if all you had to do was take care of the daughter. Or is it more resentment maybe because you still have to like move and shake and work and it also provide as well. Do you think it would be different if it was like I'm just and I'm just shooting to the moon a ball player that your house paid, your car paid, all that ship is paid. All you gotta do is take care of the child. You think it would be different. I don't know how to answer that. Because of the type of woman I am, so I want to keep everything honest. I don't know how to answer that because I was dating somebody that says, shot, I could give you a million dollars right now. You're still gonna work the way that you work, So in reality, I don't know how to answer that. But okay, let me ask you this. If y'all was in a relationship and dude was in the house with you, would you give a funk if he if he's a truck driver going for two weeks and you're actually telling the chance he's at work. Yes, I'm not gonna lie to you. Why would you get out of the house hold on? Hold on, hold on. I will only give a funk if if it's effect my child of her saying I miss my daddy. I don't get to see my daddy. That's also stressed for in that situation. It's also stressed for the father having to be the prom I get that even with a chance, dad like he do everything he can do for a chance, he do everything he can possibly do for my daughter. I'm saying I would still feel like, damn baby, want to spend Okay, when you come back, can you spend a whole weekend with her? I'll be trying to compromise that. You give it. Them saying you're a truck driving You're doing everything you need to do for the family. Okay, cool. Let me ask you a question. If he was a truck driver before, and he's a double shift, he's a super worker. This is what I do. I want my kids that are the best, So I gotta work for the next teen years. Back and forth, back and forth. I see my baby on FaceTime. Whatever I can do, I can do, and my baby saying I miss up. I'm a because I want to take care. First of all, I never said not, but I'm saying you you're gonna be upset with me because I'm trying to take care I'm set, but I'm also gonna say, hey, can we put can we put the family on the insurance? So maybe when you got a short drive, if you can stop by the house and get a chance and she can ride with you to motherfucking South Carolina and back. But you, but but, but you don't understand. You're trying to compromise. But you're trying to compromise a man's life that you can't do because I may not want my much out in a truck. But listen, when you have a child, we both gott to compromise because I gotta compromise my life to take care of his mother. Okay, but when I started, when I when when I stopped working? Okay once I okay, let let me say that you're right? All right, Well, I'll tell you what that we're gonna see a big fact and pay for me and your the baby. I'm out and take I'm a burp. I'm gonna do everything. How that work? Then I'm a lazy ass nigga. I give you that because how did that work? And this is what I'm gonna hit you. If I spend all the time with him but can't provide, how did that go and then this is what I was saying, like a pick me or no ship like that. But at the same time, the same way, the kid is saying whatever, like Okay, I missed my daddy, whatever, whatever. Y'all don't think that if this nig is a real pair, and if this nig is a real nigger and a real daddy, that he's hurt that he can't see his child for two thank you. I'm not saying thank you now that was real right now, thank you. It's like some people like just say, if it's a rock star, a rock star, they'd be going on tours for six months. I got a baby moment at home. What I supposed to do with that? I supposed to not go on a talk But I was a rock starble before I had the baby. Nothing's appout to change. I supposed nat lay a home, lose all my endorsement, lose all that, and then be a laz as nigga. Because if you're a rock star, nine times out of a hunting you can motherfucking afford to fly us out there. Because you're not on the road. You don't gotta have us on the rock, but you can should see your child facetiging baby, How are you gonna tell me what to do with me? I'm not what you I'm trying to tell you what to do with our child. But I'm saying, you can make that a comfortable situation. Also, you can make that a comfort simple waiting for hour with you our It's just you're saying what you want. You can make that a comfortable situation for us. I just am I right around. You can't make a situation only if we could compromise, ifbody could cut my child could so long though, yeah, you go for six months and I know you, and I know you got a purpose behind it. Now, if you're just out there with no purpose, then I'm definitely one way. But if you're out there, if you're out there with a purpose, of course, me being a mother, I'm gonna have to take that role as it's not even about you being a Mother's about you being a real woman, a woman, a mother period because the child is involved, So regardless of what it is, I have to be a mother. So being a mother's being a woman regardless because your whole body changing you being that's your womanhood right there for real, for real, having a child because everybody can't do that. So women, So being real, when you have a situation where you're going for six months, cool, I'm the one who has to sit there and be like, baby daddy ain't gonna be back for another six months. But why because this is that in the third But I want to see him. I got a game next week. This is my biggest game of the week. Gonna lay up and nurture your baby. Get dropping for walk. It's like you need to get dropping for walk. He got to stay all right? Everything different? Now I gotta stay going for two years. You see the ship. Do people have to tell their kids if the nigga go to jail? Do people have to tell they got to console their kids and make them understand what's going on. You can't change the situation. If that's change the situation. I'm just saying as a mother, the type of stress that could be having to take. I just said that earlier. I said fathers go through postpartum two. But I'm saying it for father and anxiety, stress from being from the fresh and all of that. It's ties in the postpartum. But the thing about it is, I'm getting to the point where I'm not saying me and shot not saying that nigga. We're not saying you can't gonna make your money. We're talking about us being the ones sitting down to a hurt child, a child who's concerned, a child who is wondering, and we have to That's like if you was little and your daddy gone for this amount of time, even though he faced time. You I got. I got partners who have been in jail for years and they haven't had kids grow up, and they seven eight and they still like it destroys them. But at the same time, when you have a kid, it ain't about you because you have to sacrifice. I'm not I didn't never say it was about the mama. I never said that. I'm saying you, when you have a child locked up or you gone or whatever, that child gonna feel all of that, regardless of what it is. That child gonna feel it more than that that nigga has locked up because regardless of if he doesn't got locked up for something that he was trying to do or a mistake or whatever, that child is gonna question that mother every day, and that mother is going to have the stress of explaining, explaining, explaining, and that's sometimes what grows hating the child within the parents. But if you love, if you, if you, if you love this nigga, if you if you love this nigga, if you love this nigga, you're gonna keep you. Let me say this, let me say this part. Let me say this part. If I understand it's hurtful. If you love this man and y'all was in a relationship and it was some real ship that happened, you're gonna make sure that you make sure your child is comfortable if this man. If this man did everything he could and something happens, and you love this man and your child, you're gonna make sure both of them are comfortable. That's just what it is. If you don't funk with this nigga, you're gonna make sure that child. No, that's a fun nigga. That's what that's that's what happens man. Nine times in If you love this man and you look like the people when they're hugging the people, they feel folks going to go off the wall. What they do, they might can't even talk to the people. Is the letters I'm reading you. You're on the letter your daddy wrote chill. I'm gonna make you so comfortable. By the time you see this man, you're gonna love him the same way when he left, and it's gonna feel like it's donna feel like the same as that don't make it so. If you look at some bullshit you that's how you want your child to look out. But if you're looking at this man as a king, you wanna make sure this child, No, he's a king, no matter if he's gone for two weeks. Maybe this your dad is a king. He's hold now, Am I right or wrong? You're gonna be mad because I'm gonna say you're wrong because I just know, like my mama thought my daddy was some bullshit. But she ain't never told me my daddy was no bullshit. You know, she thought he was some bullshit. What I used to hear them in the room hold on my dad. My mom used to be like, yo, shy, we're gonna talk to your daddy every third say blah blah blah blah blah. When my daddy wasn't calling on that phone or that mama temment, whatever the funks you need to tell me to make me feel okay. But back and I hear her in the back arguing with and I'm going in there like, why are you arguing? My daddy? Give me. She's like, oh, I just said something to you that she never told me why she was arking. I got one even better. One Christmas, my daddy made me send him a whole motherfucking list. He kept saying, SHO, I'm about you everything on this list. I went bragging into my whole family. Hey, I'm gonna get everything on this list. My mama got mad at me bragging. She went, had me give her the list. My mama went and bought every motherfucking thing on that list, had it mail to the house. I'm calling my daddy like, oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thinking my daddy said there he over. They're like, oh you walk, are you welcome? Let me speak to your mama. Hear me out five six, seven years later, in our garage, I look at the box and find out that's my mama handwriting. My mama never told me she didn't. She bought the ship and to at the point I was like, Mama, that show here right, I ain't my daddy hand right. So my mama knew my daddy was some bullshit, But she never told me she was some bullshit. I know, but I'm just I wanted to answer your question. I couldn't agree with that because I know my mama knew my daddy was some bullshit, but she didn't throw that ship to me. That means she still loves him though, and love you and want and love you and want you all to have a relationship that y'all got. That's what I'm saying. She wants y'all to have that relationship because she loved him and you. If she hated him, you would know, didn't he ain't about your ship at about that? She envied him, you would know, didn't he ain't about your ship at about that? All right? I ain't trying to be right. I'm just I just don't see this ship. I see it every day all day with the women. Just they feel the relationship should be through him. Do you feel like your relationship, I mean, chance relationship with her dad should be through you know, But that's how most women feel depending on our relationship is the relationship of a kid. I don't feel like that. But if the father is never ever ever, I'm just saying, That's what I said we're all talking about two different things. You know what I'm saying. A dud is a dud. Dud is a dud. But you can turn a guy that might want to take care of his baby. But I want my first baby mom back. You can turn me into him. I wait to get old the god damn baby. Don't get him when you old enough to understand. And I can't. What's up? Just what happened? I'm sorry? Go around talking. Yeah, I can't. I can't. I can't control it. A little full months baby, I can't. I don't want to control that. You can't control that's that's the moment. But you can go to court to get a custody, get half custody, and you really care that much. I ain't trying to see the course. I'm just saying, if you really care that we would get into that. Oh man. I'm just saying, I want to get to that baby. You really care about that baby, and put the folks in your business. You get half custody. I'm just saying, if you care that much, but everything, I ain't gonna do that because they don't care that much. Everything because they don't care that much. Like the period you don't care that much. That's what it leads to. If I don't can't standing this bit, I don't care that much exactly. You don't care that much about that child here. Sometime that happens. I'm just saying sometime that's happened because one thing about it, when I'm not going to do I'm nothing that you run my life with this child period? Who you period? I'm feel like that's not unfair. I feel like you got women out there there to use that baby. Again. That's that's the only thing I'm talking about this. You're not gonna run my life. Yeah, but I think we're just speaking on the real ones because we're real mothers. We do we make it happen to where our child won't have the questions. But it's still be emotions in that ship too. It's emotions. Can feel something about nothing just because I'm your baby that it's gonna be emotions. Because let me tell you something, when you lay down with somebody and you do something, regardless of you make it love or whatever, that's soul ties period. That's that's feelings and that's a spiritual thing you have to do about that that it doesn't have anything one doesn't have anything to do with the e. That's fast, that's definitely fast that they ain't got nothing to do with that baby. How I feel about you because we saw tie an't got ship to do with my baby? I said, why putting the baby in what we got going? Because you missed me? Just say I missed you, baby, Come fun me and see your baby. That's what motherfucker's if you want to say instead of saying I'm tired, don't get out. That ain't what you're calling about. You calling because you just seen whatever you see and you just made you trigger something that you want. I missed this, nigga, but often to use this for that, Yeah, but me's ain't doing that. You're just gonna about your business. Well you're rare, you're one of one. Yeah, I mean you know, I just feel like I feel like if you don't have no kids, once you have a kid, you'll get it. You'll understand the stress. You'll understand because you can always. I don't have my frids. I don't have friends who don't have kids and me I didn't. Okay, I have a friend she has a little girl. My old friend she had a little girl. How baby daddy was wasn't around, so me stepping in being a good friend, I was that muscle to her and her child. Because at the same time, when you have a kid, you don't know what direction, especially like I keep saying, if it's your first child, you don't have no direction. You really you can. You can always depend on your mama them. But at the same time, they didn't lay down and had that kids, so you gotta figure it out. So by you saying, oh, you know what you're laying down with, Yeah, I know, I laid down with a real nigga, but this real nigga switched up when Ship got real. Thank you. That's what I'm saying. A nigga can switch up with ship onto my motherfucker who switched up on him. Yeah, it's like now it's like I gotta be your warden. Now, I gotta be your probation, I gotta be everything. We got a baby together. That don't go like that. No, you you don't have to. That's not what I'm saying. I don't agree with that neither. Yeah, I don't like. I totally feel like, Okay, I get it, okay, cool, keep me on my toes about my baby. Because I don't know that about no baby, you don't neither, so keep me on my toes. But when you started to be like, okay, there's like threats with this ship and obligation that some ship that I know I don't like. Come on, man, you want me to leave work to go get it from school and you because I'm tired on sleep when you can get up and go get him. But I'm working you still, And then when I when I if I lose my job. Now, my ladies, when you're gonna find another job? Like Mothercker wants you to be super Nigkel too, but you gotta see you got super moms out all right. But that's but women are throwing him in. Women are the back. But on other family, when you when you hear Mothercker's say we're going down, never say I'm going to my granddad, I'm going to my grandma house. I'm going on like I pay for all my bills ever forever. They're going on their mama house. They ain't coming over the day at the house. That's just how that goes. So it's up to you on highs gonna go. If you're dealing with a person next trying to be involved. But you can take a person that's trying to be involved and put them to a point that where they can't be involved to two things, like you said, you to go to the courts or we come up with a mutual understanding. Because now, okay, just saving is if I got a wife, if my wife I gonna get married. And it's like, I see my my wife, see up something between me and my baby mom. They got a riff just them too with me and my baby mom. Cool, but she telling me I'll respect let me deal with her with the baby. Women take that, don't kind of way? He my baby dad and know this is my wife now, so so we're together. So why she can't come get my baby? Whatever you do? And then I heard women be like, but why she gotta be there with her all day? Why you ain't there? However? Right? Really, all right, listen, I personally don't give a funk like my my child's father could day whoever the fun as long as I have her information and I could get in contact with her and she could get in contact with me. Have you seen women? I have seen women do that, and I under something to a certain extent. I understand because it's like if my child is asking for her daddy, Like if Chance got mommy, I want to see I want to see my daddy. I want to see dad. I wanna see my daddy. I want to see my daddy. And then I finally get with you on your schedule, and you said, all right, I'm gonna come pick up Chance and you're gonna spend I'm gonna spend time with Chance, and then Chance go with there with you. And then Chance picked the iPhone up and called me like, Mommy, I've just been here with Keisha because Daddy went to work and Daddy doing this and I'm just here with Keisha. I'm still gonna get in that ass because it's like, buddy, she's been asking to spend time with you, not keep miss Keisha. She want to spend time with you. So now I got an issue because you could have kept their ass at the house. They and she want to spend time. You cha, I'm just getting your break. If I ain't got time, ain't got time. I'm getting your break. My wife got him. She's gonna love my baby just like I love this is my wife. Will you you telling me two different scenarios. But if I'm tired. I don't give a funk. Should okay, Like even now, I'd be tired as my daughter to be with her auntie, She'll be with her daddy, auntie, her daddy, great grandma, should be with all her daddy, homeboy, her daddy, um home girl. I don't mind. I got your information. I'm cool with that. But if my chance is asking for her daddy, you're not taking it to your homeboy, your grandmama house and too everybody. She won't choose. If you ain't got time for her, then talk to me about let's figure out when you got time for her. That's what I'm talking about, because if the baby's for you, But if I'm tired and the baby for me, and you're saying I'm a good parent, what makes me a good parent? I'm a really good parents. Kids gonna always want to see they parents. They always want my grand baby want to see she want to come over the house every day, granddaddy. You can't not every day. So kid's gonna know that there's disappointments in life because I'm being a great father too. I'm making sure you have clothes, I'm making sure you have your livelihood is good. I'm making sure my wife got you, and make sure my mama got you, and making sure your mom your mom is having time for herself. I mean whatever, but still, nah, she needs to see you. You need to see that at the house. Woo. Nah that nobody said you need to sit at the house. She needs to see. All I'm saying is if you're a child, that's like you know your your grand baby, your grand baby call you granddaddy. I want to see you. What you do you make sure you see her. You may not see her every day, but if your granddadter call you bank, I know you're gonna make it. I don't have no problem disappointing her if I'm busy for real, but I don't busy. Donna tell her I'm busy for I'm busy for the rest of the week. But I see you Sunday. You're gonna let calm. If I got something else going on, I'm I'm gonna call on faith time. A lot. Ain't gonna bay can get your disappointments happened. I give you that. But but but when the baby mama, if this was my baby mama and I lied, I don't funked up the whole world, my whole real I'm not gonna go through with you because it's like you promised her. But if when you when you get your ship by chance, by chance, ship, I didn't know that, we're gonna do the ror um all, I probably getting my baby. So when I shot no, I ain't gonna be bad to do that ship scream I gotta go get my baby. I ain't saying that because I mean, that's my life right now. But I'm asking you a question. Would you be pissed off if he promised her and she's gonna be upset with Sunday calm, Yeah, I'm being honest with you. Yes, I will still feel away, but I can still be understanding. You can still feel away and be piste off of somebody and still have understanding that should happened with me and my daughter daddy all the time, like it'd be certain should I'll be like, yo, I'm gonna take Chance to swim it just today, I'm taking Chance to swimming. But we're still here. Hey, buddy, can you take her to swimming? But if he's a good father what I'm saying, he's a good father to me, he's gonna make that up right, But I'm just saying that it's still the disappointment. If it come Sunday, you ain't do what you said you was gonna do a grand baby, she could still be disappointed and then you go and tell her another day. But the mama can still feel a type away, like damn, I didn't told her. She's still feeling away, but you're gonna disappoint her also, so I would have we both can we both her parents? You can still I'll be feeling piste off with myself a chance. You get what I'm saying, mama's feel the same ship that mama's feel the same ship. But if I got to deal with my own disappointment and then I gotta double up when I disappointed her, why do men you have to be at odds saying what happened? No, we don't odds that. What I'm saying is we don't have to tell you. If this dude disappoints you, you're gonna get in that ass like you just said shot. Yeah, all right, so you're not being under No, I said you can get You can give somebody a situation, right, I could be understanding and still feel away. That's what I said, you can be understanding to the situation like that. I don't know you're being understanding if you don't, only know that you feel away. It's what I'm saying that if we could go like right now Sunday, You're supposed to get all your granddaughter Sunday, but we got the mall ship Sunday, so now you can't get it. I can still feel away because I didn't make plans for Sunday because maybe it's gonna be with Grandpa. Understand But when you feel away, are you being disrespectful to me? No, you don't have to be disrespectful. You can express like, man, you've got me up right now. But I do that normally happened, rarely, rarely happen in my case. Whoever, whoever, I can't speak for everybody, and some people I agree with you all. Some people agree with you and Jay. Some some bitches are bullshit. You do have bullshit women out here that just give me a hard time. But I was speaking more so the women that's just regular as fun. So what do you say if he, like you said, in a situation, if he can't get to get the kid, and what do you say? No, No, I'm gonna teest my saying. I don't say, I'm gonna you my exact thing. This that ship I'll be talking about. You see how you got the option and I don't have an option because I gotta leave big facts. When you tell me you you got some other ship, I gotta leave set and everybody around my job gotta understand. But you got the option I figured out by And that's but some women come from a disrespectful place. Yeah I can't. Yeah, some women, yeah, advocate. It's a lot of times when the daddy is the disappointment, the daddy's disappointment greatly outweighs the mommy's disappointment. Whenever the mom has to be disappointed the child, she makes a bigger deal. But they come with it because the mom is like, no, that's what I'm saying, that's what I'm saying. But that's how that ship goes. It's like it's not an even scale. And that's when niggers start like taking offense to this ship because it's like damn, like I know, I had something to do, and I know normally you pick up the slack, but like, okay, I had something to do. But then when it's a situation when the mom has something to do. True enough, she's with him at the time, and she desires to have ten million things to get to do and to not be able to show it. But it should be like an understanding, like you said, instead of not, instead of like your parents and your first heroes. Right, yeah, So I can't respect a woman who trying to turn me to a villain instead of a hero. I can't respect this. So I can see him and talk to you all about this all day because I see this ship happening, especially the biggest point, that's the biggest point of it all, like in front of my kid, and and and and you know what I'm saying, like or don't even let me over here that nigga somebody else my mama said, he give now, you're funking in my mind, regardless of how how she come back and trying to shook or or what. Because I love you more than I love him regardles cause I'm around you. So when I see you hurt behind this nigga, I'm starting to look at him different. And like you said, it could be a good dad for real. When you when you look at it, what what the word is before you make us and what's the word if Petro's decision or action all in all, you come back and be like you can compare it to he ain't really no bullshit. I just trying to keep him on his toes. But keeping him on his toes can have his child looking at him the wrong way. You get what I'm saying. And I see that ship so much. That'sh sickening. You know what I'm saying, That's just sickening. Shot Uh and zay tigging. That's just sickening because at the end of the day, you want me to move off with your feelings and emotions. I ain't saying anything of that. Don't take care his kids like I don't funk with nigg of them'll take care of the kids like you can't even be my potter, because how the fun you're gonna tell him you love me un with me when you don't love them with your kids, you're a dunt like that's a that's the ultimate fuck you, like real ship you're dubbed. But I understand when the nigga trying to do everything he can do and I just got a bit too in the feelings, right, So now I gotta give it to God and goddamn tell whoeverse how I can get his money or go down to the courts, which niggas ain't really fin to do that because then I go down here. I got a old one. So it's just like it's just like a kid. Two. If a female isn't a feeling, that's the ros place for when the kid is involved, exactly because then you're gonna put me in my feelings. And I got to stand on some sucker. Ship ain't about to gett hurt. But the baby, I think, I think ultimately, I think they taking and I are talking about is that like we feel for our kids. So like when when I was almost like and I think what I'm saying, and then wrong y'all they said, and then wrong, I guess it just a misunderstanding on what we're talking about. I think we were talking about two different types of women. I wasn't talking about the bitches that just be giving the nigga's a hard time just to give him a hard time. But should you really getting chanced that a hard time? Though? I just say it was a good dad. But you get into answer. If you miss one thing, you're not hold on, I ain't gonna posession on care, but you and I know the personal. So like I get on chance, Dad, because in my thing, I'm gonna keep it a book. If I was to die, I want to make sure that chance still got the same type of that's going on. I'm just saying. I know I ain't, but I'm just saying, like I got hot standards for myself, and I mean I birth this child. I got high standards for my daughter. So if I go pedal to the metal twenty four mon eight, which both of you all y'all on this couch, No, I go seven for a chance. I need Chance Daddy to meet me and go twenty eight the same way. That's what I'm saying. But you basically saying like, bra ain't even let your start slipping exactly, so we even had chance, I tell him, a, I'm on your ass. My foot can always remain on your neck because I want your foot to always be on my neck when it comes to this baby. What about when it comes when you start coming from a disrespectful places. I don't. I don't disrespect chance, Daddy. That's a difference, like we don't got when you start using the word of I feel envious, envious all this respect, I hate all. I get that, but I'm gonna be honest with y'all. I don't care how y'all feel about it, but I'm gonna just be honest, Like if I am taking care of a chance, and chance was whatever age and I got her seven eight, nine, ten days a week, all day seven and the chance daddy is on his motherfucking Instagram and he out of his home, voys out with a bit. I am envious to that. Any woman that's gonna tell you she's not envious that she's lying. I don't care how y'all feel like, I could be hate or whatever. That's the reality of it. I'm gonna be envious of that ship because my life ain't what it was and you're still back to what you're all respect that I respect, I'm gonna be envious of that. I'm I ain't gonna lie to y'all that, but but being envious of that, ken, I guess what y'all Being envious of that can cause you to make what's the word, decisions and motions that the funk up the whole ship. And you know what, I'm gonna sit here and tell y'all, y'all probably absolutely motherfucking right. I'm gonna give you all that. But if I'm taking care of my child and this nick in the clubs, hell yeah, I'm with impect you with motherfucker decision. I'm on that ass. I're probably gonna be at the club when you're coming out this bit. Come get your own, wrapping up, wrapping up. You appreciate you, Congratulations, Thank you, baby mama problems you know what, I'm trying to get it up. Really appreciate you all. Pulling up to bro. No, that was a good one. Always checked us out of that. Triple W dot Big Facts pot dot com is Big Facts Fridays, Big Facts Bit