The crew discusses what it really means to "gloat" on the latest of episode of BIG FACTS FRIDAY!
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It's time the realistic rise.
Conversations go down on Big Facts Friday.
A line from our Heart Studios. It's time for that Big Facts Friday. We are here big Bank?
What up? Baby? Jay? What up?
Shot Jones?
Wow? DJ Screen? What up? Kodak is?
Uh? You're taking a dunk? Not that's gotta be what he's doing. We tried to wait, but he coming. He gonna come when he's going, because it's time to do big fast Friday.
Jay, what up? Bank? What up? Like that energy check?
I'm all right, I can't complain in a little bit. Yeah, my foot is better. Okay, it's better that gym going.
The gym is kicking me in the ass, but it's good.
Okay, all right with you on Jake Ship, what's happening?
She got real gangster like? What's happening?
Bank? You good here? Yeah? Now?
What's the what's the secret to Bank in his fresh hair shirts?
Because I'll be I'll run them back. You probably don't seen the shirt four times? Bank, don't never wear a shirt twice.
I just take what they give me. The Felix man. They gave me Phelix concert. I had the sich concert. Okay, shoutside the.
Phelix that is, that is, let's get the business.
Let's get the business. What's the word is called? Okay, female hormones.
I'm crying female, I'm getting cold and do that.
Females getting cold.
And act like bitches.
I'm talking about being cold and hot. I'll never complain about being cold and hot.
That'd be you.
It's cold. Give me a.
Blinky Okay, it's so our word for today already. Yeah, it's gloat okay, not goat, gloat.
Not gloatal b okay bad?
I had.
Not gloat really.
Okay, So gloat in the textbook definition dictionary means to contemplate or dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure. His enemies gloated over his death, and the urban Gerban definition is an acronym that stands for greatest lifeguard of all time.
So is gloating celebrating, celebrating yourself?
Like, but it's celebrating, it's celebrating yourself or celebrating an event with improper intentions lack of a better way to put it, bragging.
So yeah, like celebrating somebody else's demise.
Not necessarily yeah, you see they said, you see what the definition said. They gloated over his death. Shit, that's a demise if I've ever seen one.
So you can gloat for your own accomplishment or somebody else's demise or lack or something.
Like that, or lack of accomplishment.
So is what's an example of gloating? If you hit that power ball, you gloat?
Right, not necessarily I thought it.
Oh, let me understand.
Gloating is if you spin a Nigga's block and you hit your target.
After such a tough presidential campaign, they're gloating over their victory in the election. To feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success, good luck, or someone else's failure or bad luck. So it's celebrating your wins or celebrating somebody else's losses. Yeah, so if you win the powerball, you gloat, rich, bitch, all that type of.
Stuff, I guess.
And if you spin a Niggas block and hit your target, then you gloat.
You right, you're correct, But you can also gloat over.
Its macaroni and cheese. It's like.
It's like bragging without humidity, humility, humility.
Right, Yeah, it's just like you know.
Bragging within itself is like scene or has a negative connotation because it's like overdoing.
It's overdoing the cheering. So it's like bragging without grace.
Somebody bragging is already like without grace, So it isn't gloating like floating is like the tenth degree of bragging.
It's like, uh, put it in your face type ship that is in your face, like a.
Like ah, you loss, I want type of might respect.
Somebody can trip and bust their ass and you can gloat over that too, like ha ha, you bust your ass.
Look at you, you bust your.
Ass because you can gloat over somebody else's fuck up or.
For sure you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, that's crazy. The demands is crazy.
So this is this is interesting as we make it more personal. Are y'all gloaters?
No, because I know what it feels like to be on the other side of that ship, So like I don't I choose, I choose not.
To do that.
You wouldn't gloat, So there's not a situation where you would gloat, Like, nah, you're a gloater. Jay's a gloater. She just lied over that basketball game. Well we did that celebrity basketball game.
She was, Ye, you're right, you're a gloater. You're right, I am when she gloats, and she almost got kicked out on some of Above and Rim Ship.
She was tripping.
Oh yeah that no, that nigga, that nigga, that nigga that you better be glad and lucky. That was the same whole ass nigga from Crew League.
Yeah, like yeah, yeah he was. He was out of pocket.
All well, that ends well, so gloat.
But I think in sports you can't really call it gloating.
Tom Brady k hey Man, good game, but.
Gloating definitely. I think it's okay when you do it in sports stuff.
But I think friendly gloating in sports or gloating amongst friends is a different ballgame. I don't see nothing wrong with gloating in sports unless somebody got hurt. Now, somebody, I think gloating not cutting you off. But and I just did, and I understand, okay, and I apologize. But I think I think gloating is when you don't have a mutual understanding with the other party, like me and you are friends, and me and you joked about the game before the game. So when I won, Yeah, that's what I'm saying. When I won, like we already knew what it was.
But if I.
Didn't know you and I was talking ship after the game because I beat you, then that's gloating, I feel.
Yeah, that's my personal opinion. Yeah, but I feel like again sports gloating it's okay.
Like that's that was the whole thing that went down with Old Girl.
I thought that was okay. I thought that was I thought it was like a good gloating. Like I feel like it's only not cool in sports if somebody get hurt, like if you're gloating over somebody.
Every kind of doing that. In boxing, though, that's.
Different, y'all there to hurt each other.
Yeah, like that's a different that's the whole that's the whole objective of boxing.
Even see them to death.
Yeah you've been saying you're gonna knock their face off, Like boxing is different. That's like boxing, and what's the one that get us?
That shit crazy. That most Definitely I love to win. I love to let motherfucker know i'mna want them. So you play chess, you beat a nigga, I'm talking ship. The whole time. I'm just that's just me. I'm a ship talking that niggas, especially if I'm winning, even if I'm losing, a talk ship to us.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
So here, I'm a gloat Yeah. Ain't nothing wrong with celebrating your own success. I think that that's cool. But it is an interesting place to celebrate someone else's lack of success or demise.
I don't have that.
Know, the demise is crazy, Like stop you, that's what they saying. But I'm just saying, like, that's just crazy.
If I did. If I like saying, if I did, and me and my buddy we work out and he left ten pounds and I could live my hona, I'm gonna be telling him about you. We can fuck what I do. You don't do this. I'm gloating basically to reverse expire. Youire him to be better.
Yes, yeah, but if you if he tries to lift one hundred pounds to be like you and the ship falls on his neck and his hair rolls off, you're not gonna laugh at that.
No, I ain't. I'm a spot him. I ain't even gonna let you do it though. I ain't gonna yeah, yeah, I'm gonna spot you, make sure you're good. You know what I'm saying. So and if we god damn, you know, gloater most definitely, But I don't. I'm not celebrating nobody else to mind. No, that's whack. That's whack.
In my opinion, I think gloating gloating.
The difference between gloating and bragging is celebrating more so, not breaking your success, that celebrating the other person failure. Like I think bragging, bragging leaves that half of it off, like celebrating somebody else's badness or weakness or like bad ship that.
But okay, maybe I have a little bit of a change of heart, isn't it maybe potentially warranted depending on how much ship the other person talking the process?
That mean, y'all both were gloating.
And at that point I'm saying, before the process of you winning, if you was just like, all right, I'm gonna go compete in whatever that is and try to win.
But during the process, this person just and when I kick your or whatever, they're gloating at that point I thought it. I thought gloating is like the the like after the after, no after action you can't gloat before.
Yeah, yeah, you can't.
You can't.
Can't you haven't won yet, you can't. You can't gloat before you're just talking ship.
But wouldn't that be like gloating.
Like gloating I won, I won the girl or some ship.
Or ha hi you lost or haw hi you died or hah like.
Yeah, fucked up.
It has to be the past test.
Past tense.
I always assumed gloating was like when boxers, you know how they had the boxers do like the face off when they both just sitting there. No, no, no, that's talking ship that They're not gloating. You can't gloat until after you've actually accomplished or not accomplished something. Okay, all right, that's when you Yeah, okay, So yeah, you guys are gloaters.
I'm not a gloater.
I ain't never seen your gloat.
I'm not a gloater. I'll be chilling.
Yeah, but I gotta I gotta take that back because I definitely do talk ship. I definitely do talk ship. I overly talk ship, especially like if I'm winning, even if but like Black said, even if I'm losing, I'm still gonna talk ship regardless, because that's just me.
But if I know how to, I know how to push people's buttons and get in their heads to potentially cause a loss that will fuel my wind.
So you hit that power ball?
Are you gonna gloat?
No, I'm not gonna want anybody to know that I have money.
I ain't saying nothing.
I forgot my nail was. But most definitely if I want to hit, yeah, because how you had that kind of money ship?
We people going there with masking all type of ship you can, you can get it.
How you had it all of a sudden coming here in the biggest.
Car, Well they probably would though coming in well, day put better put me got damn via via zoom, via zoom. Day a nigga hit the power of one hundred and fifty. I'm going to come in here and talk.
Why not if you ain't got to come up in here. I did this because it was your therapy, Okay.
But my therapy led me to the power boll crying as you talking about there's no more talking. I don't talk no more period.
We talk to you.
We supposed to do it. Don't talk, We're supposed to do it. On the PJ then come on, all right, cool this ship anyway. But I'm saying in here, that's what we ain't got to be in here. We can do this ship anywhere else in the world. Right, Yeah, there's no reason for me to be coming in here. This is not our power having done there, Billy on that bitch.
Yeah maybe up there, I ain't got time.
Ship to do. Y'all would to y'all would have ship to do if I had that kind of money. Man, oh man, the fun to be sitting around?
Man, no topic is there to do.
Every topic would be about wealth. Every word will be wealth.
Oh God, would be fun. This man up should put something up for the people. The rest of this ship going up in smokes, I'm crying. I hear that kind of mind invested. I ain't doing I'm investing my people here here here, grand kids set for life after that fun something this ship up. Mm hmmm, some commers, there's been a long line of suffering going kitchen, Oh fuck up. Some of that. I get some sense.
You said that always you have a you have a certain amount that you just want to funk up.
You said that I have to I had for a hundred million, a hundred million dollars before I even think about doing it. I'm a suck up a double that money, twenty of it. I got what every black cloud unnecessarily he on tour. Know where you going, man?
Man, I fucking around and get a god damn a mobile home and just just.
Just travel the world.
Man, I wouldn't even have no address for nobody to reach me for one hundred men.
You ain't gonna want to. You probably want a mobile plane. You ain't even gonna think about no driving nowhere.
Man, I get some ship made that can fly, drive and float on the water.
Man, what you think it is with the people. I ain't trying to be funny though. Some people get that type of money and don't change ship. I'm telling you, I saw it on YouTube. It's a nigga that hit that ship. He does go to the same coffee, same ordeal.
People just like looking at it like I don't even touch it like that.
Still go to this job, which is crazy to me. It's on YouTube, I promise it.
So who they got the money he hit?
The public?
Nobody must not know.
I probably go back after that dubs about regular life. But then I got a ship. This is a blessing from God. So I gotta let him know that I appreciate this blessing. Show him.
I'm gonna go bless the people.
Niggas that kind of money even no sense that I was about twenty five thirty million, up the number a little bit more thirty ball man, you gotta text that money. I always tell the niggas long little day man, you gotta spend the hanks off that money. Man. You squeezing and shit so tight trying to hold it out like this either oh God, yeah, let that ship listen up, my song go out, come back in. You know what I'm saying, squeezing this ship?
Okay, man, I'm spending hanks off that money. Uncle Sam texting, So why you don't text your money? Yeah, saying that shit. They be trying to live and just that where all the stress come from, trying to got now fuck all that and I'm stressed. Free bro, I'm living peacefully. So if I was to get that much, get that kind of money, bro, free not should I work for that? If I work for it's a different. I work up and grind up on one hundred million all the different. You know what I'm saying, Because in that process, she you're gonna be done grind up on the same bills that that add up to. You gotta you know what I'm saying, the Blue Hundle O can't missioner ain't ever had oh fuck some this up just on the strength of all my people that's fucked up. You know what I'm saying, all the people that we fuck with. Everybody get a blessedee oprah, you get a hundle, you get a hundred thousand, you get a under ship. After that, you're that blessed. You don't know mind you had to rue that, but wisely a couple of car washings fuck up, none of yours.
Yeah, you get a hundred thousand. What you're doing first? Hundred million?
Yeah? What you're doing first?
You know, I'm going straight to Africa.
But I'm gonna kick it like big in Africa though, like do all the ship I would want to do in Africa.
One hundred million in Africa, it's like a beach.
No, I'm going straight to beach. We can buy the whole ship, real ship, the whole block. I probably would do some ship like.
That to what you're doing.
Jay, I'm I think I'm gonna do I think I'm gonna do something similar to Whatst. Scream said, Like I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go to Africa. I'm gonna just pick probably like three or four countries and.
Just right it's free power ball, yeah, free money.
I'm gonna pick like probably like four or five countries, buy some islands, build some ship up the way I want it so that I can go there and be comfortable whenever I want to go.
I'm definitely gonna get a plane, that's all.
I'm definitely gonna get like a get like a jet.
But all of this is after like I've given the people that I really love and care about, they know who they are, h a hefty percentage of it. I've taken care of all the all like the kids and you know, everybody, setting them up with college funds, trust funds, you know, living funds.
I'm gonna make sure my people are good and then ship I'm finna God damn, I'm finna live like I'm gonna live.
So how how like.
The blow taking his dump? Don't set your ass on my taking his dump? You think.
The Falcons?
Oh yeah, we'll talk about that later, but listen. So how is it one hundred million?
Right? Gloat which you're definitely a gloater, you.
Know, yeah, gloater show bolder, Hello, one hundred million, Not to say everybody, but a good portion of people, a lot of one hundred millionaires will go back to zero. How does this happen? How did they go from one hundred and million doll to no dog? Because it happens? How did they get the hundred million let's say power ball?
Because they Yeah, because they didn't they didn't go through the ground of what it takes to get a here, so they.
Didn't value They tried to help everybody, and they lived outside of their means.
If you hustle up one hundred million off your hustle, like you hustled up one hundred million, you're gonna value that a lot more than somebody just giving you a hundred's.
But that's what anything work for, something that was given you.
But you ever put somebody on in the position because you were just a good person. But you know, they probably didn't really deserve that position, and they fucked that up quickly. You will, they will fuck that up quickly because they didn't do they didn't go through the same thing that you had to go through to get it, so they will never.
Value as much.
Yeah, and then you got to think, I know we need money to live, but I don't really value that ship. So I know the back I'm fucking up in twenty thirty million of that money, I'll back out of hummup, maybe fifty And you know how longer take me to fuck it up because I ain't gonna fuck it up buying ship.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
I know I don't care about calls and ship like that. I don't give a fuck about it. I'm aa fuck it up living life exactly exactly. So sh yeah, what it is you get that type of money, I think you're supposed to go there to get more peace instead of add on more stress. Look out for the people you look out for. I ain't creating no biers. I'm about these one offs.
I'm buying exactly. That's what I'm saying. Like niggas go to buying all this ship and not understanding like, Okay, you're supposed to, you know, within reason, do all the ship that you want to do, but at the same time you're supposed to not create debt and do whatever because like they go and create debt and then you be sitting in debt with all these bills to pay. And then it's cool for a second because you got the money is going, it's going, it's going. But if you're not doing anything to regenerate the money, it's just going to like it's just going, going, going, and then you're sitting up a couple of years later like what then happened?
Where did to go?
And then getting kicked out of all the ship that you spend the money on.
You think if a person is not happy when they get that money, they're gonna be happy or happy at all?
Yes, I disagree.
Man, if you're not happy and you broke and you get a hundred M year for sure? Yeah yeah yeah because if you broke, Yeah, if that's what it can help.
It can help circumstances if you have a price just unhappy, right, But why and you got a hundred unhappy because you broke?
Yeah that that hound ms will money.
Money is like mushrooms, like whatever you are when you have when you're on it, what I mean, whatever you are like on a regular basis, once you get on it, it's just gonna elevate whatever it is. So if you're unhappy and it's not because of money, then you're gonna be unhappier because you're gonna be stressing about what you have to do with the money.
Same thing with mushrooms.
If you're unhappy regular, when you get on mushrooms, your unhappiness is just gonna be escalated because it's enhanced by this drug.
You see what I'm saying. Yeah, that makes sense. So mm hmm.
Yeah, broke nigga ain't gotten then, and he just stressed amount of money. Gets some money, he gonna be happy, be happy. Yeah, nigga, that just wanted them miserable. What happens ain't gonna ain't. It's not gonna happen for him.
He gonna be the gloster.
Internally, it's in you internally fucked up.
Yeah, Yeah, I said money came by happiness.
It can't. It can help, it can help, it can help temporarily.
It's not you know, I think any.
I think we all know, like any, we've all got a material item that gave us temporary I would say, like some joy, but not like happiness.
There's a lot of times maial.
Items, liabilities.
It's like that.
Fuck this foreign car. Take this ship in and get it fixed out of time. You're grateful, but a lot of that ship turn the liabilities.
I'm gonna give it real, a lot of ship that I got that I thought when I got it, I was gonna be like, yay, I got it. I ain't give a fuck. I just know that I got it for other people. You know what I'm saying, Like like foreign cause like I like to be safe. So if I get an arm up truck, I'm happy about that because I'm I know, my family and everybody safe. It makes me feel good, you know what I'm saying. Like that's a different type of feeling than being in some fast foreign ship. Like you said, this shit pothole, the motherfucking tie gout down, the tie the rim twelve out break, it's got them another thudy. You know, I ain't trying to do that. They don't. That don't that's just for to make other people think you're happy. You know what I'm saying. I know a lot of stretched out ass niggas with that money.
But that shouldn't practical, right, That shouldn't even practical getting a car like that for your everyday car you ride around every day everywhere to in Lamborghini.
That ain't practical.
No, if you you know, if you got that kind of money, you're gonna have all that type ship. But I'm just saying, I see niggas with everything like you wandered like damn, bro, why why press want why you know why you fucked up like that? Because the nigga be internally fucked up. You know, I can't none of this ship make them nigga happy because they know they're getting false love because of the money they got. You know what I'm saying again, everything is just false. You don't even trust to trust the love of your kids at that point, Like that ship is really fucked up.
You can't trust the love of your kids. It's crazy said anything else?
Yeah, because you don't know when people love you for the things that you can provide versus loving you because you're just.
Mama whoever, Like you just can't trust the love because how would you be if I didn't have this?
Yeah, that's why a lot of that's why when a lot of niggas get money and the bitches start flogging it, Like, I can't really trust none of y'all because y'all weren't here before.
Regardless of it. They may really love this nigga for real, I'm saying.
May it may be one out of them one hundred million that come after the money that may be genuine.
But he gonna think all of them some bullshit.
Yeah no, But but you gotta think bro with with that type of money and success and ship, you know, really, everybody be kind of faking you out. Oh yeah, you look at it. If you look at it for what it is. Your parents, your kids, your friends, your spouse. Everybody be kind of kind of faking you out because they don't want to get cut off what you think, what you think they'll go for anything, like some you might catch. Rarely you catch some mother folks who don't care about that, like fuck you Yeah, like nigga, this is the truth, you know what I'm saying. And most of the times I've seen niggas steer away from them kind of nigga niggas, won't them bobble head and kissels around them, you know what I'm saying, because if not you teaching, and I can't have a bank around and bank out there and want to speaking mind and niggas you letting need. Folks know, ain't always right, So you fucking up my try, right.
But that's all them People end up crashing out because they got a whole bunch of people that just allow them to do whatever around them.
You know what I'm saying, crash out, Yeah that too. Niggas do crash out like that. But some some niggas just live forever like that. Niggas who ain't even on the crash mission, they just, you know what I'm saying, they just live eternally fucked up because nobody ain't telling them. You know what I'm saying, Nobody ain't telling them. But who, Like we was saying the last episode, who who? Who is us to make an pinion on another nigga life? You know what I'm saying. But if I'm around you and I see the ship, like hell nah, bro, I'm gonna say it. That's just who I am to you, not to somebody, I'm gonna say it like that. You're not gonna make it a spectacle. Yeah no, yeah, that that ain't it. You know what I'm saying. Something you don't want to hear, that, ain't it? Yeah? Right, everybody in the room saying, is it you a hater. Yeah, everybody paying his bills. You take care of him. He is your car, He got on your clothes, you know what I'm saying. Yeah he got Oh yeah, I don't got nothing from you from me, So you gonna get the raw thing to me. When I leave him, I'm going home to my bitch and I take care of you. Don't take it like some niggas. You got niggas that allow other niggas to take care of them and they bitch.
Yeah damn and they kid.
That's cold, bro. You know what kind of thirty are you giving a nigga?
Do you even look in the mirror type shit like.
You definitely can't trust a nigga who you're doing all that.
Right, Yeah, that's crazy because he's gonna do whatever, say whatever, whatever whatever to stay in your good graces to continue to be able to live that lifestyle.
Most of the time. Niggas don't even be knowing when you be trying to look out for niggas, and I did this be trying to look out for niggas so hard out the count of your heart, you really create a hater because the nigga's mad at you that you're able to do for them that they can't do for themselfs.
I think it's a little further than Hey, it may be envious.
Exactly, it's a package. Niggas envy you that, you know what I'm saying. But I gotta try to keep a smile on my.
Face because I can't do ship for myself.
And then especially on one who do I need to call him him?
That's crazy, that's great.
Nigga. Man, A nigga will kill you about that.
You can't do that.
Ain't it.
They look like, Bro?
I love you, Bro, you my brother, I'm with you bench talking about niggas go to looking at you through the bitch eyes crazy.
The islands. Really won't you at all? She's just into him for real.
She just want to, you know, divide. She just wanted to divide it like like just save Vincent if we if Coda with my big homie or whatever on my little homie with the money whatever however, But I damn never worked for him or we work together, but he the one with the bag or whatever. Bitches want to well, not all. I'm gonna start saying that most women that know how to touch a nigga, but they're gonna touch your button with that every time.
Mm hmmm mm hmm.
Like you'll do if he called you? Yeah, yeah, I bet him, I bet him. God Damn Kodak called your ass a jump.
Oh yeah, if Kodak want to go to the movies, you'll go to the guy.
Yeah, but that ship don't do them, but create some sucker ship inside of me for Kodak.
Yeah, cause it's like it's playing the seed and subliminally you're gonna start feeling away.
Yes, yeah, yes, bro, that ship happens so much like niggas don't need to be understanding, like why we into it? Yeah, or why why are you envying me? Why you don't like me? Because this your chick is at.
Home, Yeah, running in planning, planning, planting this seed every day every time. And I've been picking up your bags, taking your bags to the jet every day for the last ten years. And one day You're gonna say, ask me to pick up that bag after this bitch then got on my nerves and I'm gonna snap, and nobody's gonna know why.
His little nigga just stopped doing it, just creator create a false incident to whatever brother nigga really bird feeding a nigga. Bro, oh man, you eating them?
Yeah, because I could totally see that happening.
It happens every day. It has happened. It has happened. Man. I had a partner, man that I love to death. Bro. We talking about the poor wee hustle together everything. This nigga bitch ran full interference. Bro. If black, ill black? If black if black, I'm like shit, my wife can say the same ship if he called you, you going we're friends? If she wants she's not saying. She's looking at it. This my friend. You know what I'm saying. But he bitches who knowing a nigga feel less of hisself at the same time because I just asked playing on insecurity. You can't play on my insecurity? Then my nigga, bitch, fuck you shut up? You damn right. I just bitch. I love him more than I love you. That's why I make a bitch feel like zero. Say if them niggas, you damn right, because they ain't show me nothing but Lord to hold You don't trust you. Man. You know what I'm saying.
You're gonna start saying, you're gonna cry.
This ain't the nigga to do that too, you know what I'm saying. But some niggas take that ship because that's how they be feeling too.
On the inside. Yeah, that's crazy.
I've seen that ship too many times. Like I said, it's happened to me Pop and I love I still love them to this day. But it's just like everything's all good til you got that bitch. Mm hmmm, m m hm. Damn, it's not real. It's even know.
But you know, and I'm normally with the maybe say nothing. That's crazy. It's wicked.
Niggas don't even know. Like if you add it all up. See, this is what I started doing, bro, And I hope people that's listening can take this into consideration added to their life. Okay, you gotta assess every situation, bro, not just business, not just really everything from what standpoint though, like every standpoint assessingly, Like you gotta really think about everything when when it comes to everything, like let me see, let me see how to get it out, Like you just gotta think before you think, before you think.
You said, you're saying them some chest ship, like analyze the whole situation from different perspective from everything, yes, before.
You conclude, yes, how you're going to deal with it. Yes, I understand what you think before you think, if that makes sense to think about what you're thinking about. Am I really supposed to be thinking about this? Or am I thinking wrong? Because we ain't right all the time, because sometime we move off emotion. We can got them. We can think some ship and be wrong because of the mind state we in at the time. That's why this ship been going on. You know what I'm saying. They ain't the past few weeks. You know what I'm saying, It been a few weeks. But I know I'm not in the right head space to be making certain decisions. So I think I usually think half a day or whole day. Now take me three four days to make a full decision or yes or no something, because I might say yes to some shit just so I can stay bids or know to some shit because I don't feel like being you know what I'm saying, So I think about this shit numerous like for a minute, for a long time. Let me think about this shit, man, and see how I feel. That makes sense, you know what I'm saying. Like, because we'll jump in some shit so fast or or downplay and ship so fast. That could be a blessing.
M m yeah.
So yeah, like at the end of the day when I said that, to say, all do had to do is look at it, look just think like do this be really mean me some good? Do I just love this bitch? Or dude? Like what is it? You know what I'm saying. The answers are always there, yea, within you.
But sometimes your mind play tricks on you too, Like the answers be there and then.
You you you start to.
Think overthink that. Yeah, you overthink overthink the answer.
Yeah, you gotta think about what you're thinking about because all you got you gotta put yourself in every step I told you. But once I, once I started looking at the perspective ship like and actually leaning on that. Like me and you could get in an argument right now, right, but you could be right too, and I could be right.
Yeah, to think two different things because you don't.
Think the same perspectives. You get what I'm saying. So I'm gonna be mad at you, get upset with you because you don't think. I think either I'm just gonna let you have your own opinion or just don't deal with you because I feel like it's gonna be a comfort because we're not like minded. We don't even we can't even see, we can't even agree to disagree. You so upset about my mindset or I'm so upset about your mindset. They're just causing friction. So now every time we come around each other, we got it. I don't like you because of you he did and nothing to me. But I don't like you for because of the way you think. That's what going on. Like, nobody really really have real problems with each other. Nobody ain't taking that well. Now, if niggana talk something for you did some of your family, that's a problem. But I'm saying most of the time, these like conversational disagreement beats and conflicts, they really just about how another motherfucker think. Yeah, like I can. At this point, I am to me, I could never get back get into a alter case with a motherfucker on how they think unless they disrespect me on how they think because of the way they think. You know what I'm saying, like, no, you disrespect it disrespect. But if you that's your opinion, kodak on you feel like you wanna you know what I'm saying, Whatever you want to do. Hey, I'm gonna stake my opinion on it. If you disagree with that, if you intolerable, what's the word was that? If you if you're intolerant, if you're intolerant about the situation, I gotta respect that acceptance. You know what I'm saying That that I feel like that's the key. That's the key to everything, bro even in relationship, Like a lot of that ship, you be trying to God Dawn drill and shin head. Same with she trying to drill certain shit in my head. It ain't gonna that's who you are. M hmm. Like I said, with everybody, everybody, even everybody in this room. I look at Kodak, Kodak, don't change nothing by itself. Can this be my friend forever? Yes? Ain't don't change nothing about herself? Can she be my friend forever? Yes? That mean I accept you who you are as you staying now. If you grow to be something else or pick up something from me that I feel like should be in you, kudos. But if nothing changed about you, I love you the same forever. That's the same thing in relationship. When you get in a relationship, you gotta ask yourself. If this guy never getting more money than he got now, if he never do this, hef be never nothing. Can I love this person right here for the rest of my life like this? Anything they do after that is extra.
They play a fly quote crowned me. Yeah, niggas, ask me, but don't reach the top. If I reach the top, what I forget about them? But ask niggas if I don't reach the top, where you forget about me? That crowned me?
Yeah? Not real ship, but most but most, most of the time, people get in relationship based on what it can be blessed like this ship. They big fuck around.
She can be fine, No, that's so true.
You get some money, he gonna come up.
No, I've done that before.
Like being relationships or deal with people off the possibility of being in love with their potential, yeah, versus like who they are at that moment.
So can you want somebody to change without wanting to change them?
No, I think if you like it's something changing behavior and changing characters.
But just something, just something that you that you just don't like about them.
But is it a behavior or a character? Because I feel like you can't try to change someone's.
Character behavior like something that they do.
Like if a niggas like we like if we got those all the time, and a nigga smoking cigarettes, Like if a nigga, if I was fucking with a nigga he smoked cigarettes, I didn't like him smoking cigarettes. He tried to change because he wanted to appease me, but then he go have to go in the car and hop box the car with the cigarettes. Yeah, not a car smell like cigarettes. Then he tried to go on the porch. Now the port smells like cigarettes, the cigarette bus everywhere. Now I'm still pissed off. This nigga still has to smoke cigarettes for his nerves to deal with me. And now he's like, Okay, well bitch, I can't deal with you because you can't.
Deal with my cigarettes.
Well, I think it's something like with behavior.
It's something as simple as like dating a guy that always leave the toilet seat up like.
That, ain't that I don't think.
I mean, maybe you different, but I feel like small shit like that like around the house, like that's not a reason to stop.
But that's gonna lead to some bigger sha.
Because if sorry, but because if you keep on talking, I'm thinking you're talking to me like you let it down, then stop talking about the motherfuckers. I got other problems. You still talking me about some fucking toilet. See, you must don't like me take that person to you, but you pick it.
Yeah, But to a girl that wake up in the middle of night, you gonna sit there and ask on the toilet, it's a big thing.
Pay attention.
No, But I'm just saying, like, I just know that that's like a pet peeve of a girl. I know, I know, I know, I don't deal with it.
But I'm just like some women tripping about the cabinets being left.
Open like that, like that, I don't why.
You gotta understand, like my mind moves exactly.
Tripping about the cabinet in the cabinet and close it, like yeah, I want to.
Actually, Like, it's just women do certain ship that they just don't like it'd be so small, That's what I'm saying.
It's smaller, y'all.
But you learn, you learn, Like it's kind of like, Okay, there's bigger battles, like this person could do some way worse. I'm saying, like, so don't trip over this.
Yeah, But at the same time, too it's all about it's all about it's all about the consideration.
Bathroom thing. I understand. You get to understand that all that ship just unnecessary friction. You know what I'm saying. Most of the time, I feel like me personally, and I could be tripping. I feel like most of the time some women, not all, because I ain't never met all women. I'm saying, most of the women that I seen, they don't like peace. It's real. I disagree. They don't. They don't. They don't understand it. They don't like it, they don't understand, they don't like and there's too peaceful. Something wrong with this, Yeah, yeah, yeah, something got to be wrong.
I don't necessarily agree. Well, I agree to a certain extent.
No, No, just to a certain extent, because I've been in situations where I'm like, that ship going too good, Like what's going on?
You don't understand it, you've never dealt with it. Yeah, yeah, I used of some trauma up ship.
No, or I'm just thinking, I start overthinking, I'm like, he pulling the wool over my eyes somewhere.
Why is that because of past trauma?
Well, it could be past, but.
It could really be because you go over with your past situations of like before I didn't thought like okay, everything was smooth. Then I find out some other ship, so it gotta be something.
But the thing about it is, why don't you That's why you got to live in the moment of happiness. If I'm happy, I'm gonna be happy till I'm unhappy. You know what I'm saying.
Because it's like a lot of people that no, I get that a lot you don't want to go through it. But I think, especially being like an independent woman, it's like you be going to guard yourself. Like for me, I'm very guarding over like my emotions and I'm guarding. See the way I guard myself like is if if if it come, if I'm in a situation and it comes to a point where it's almost like there has to be conflict in order for it to feel normal, I'm gonna remove myself because I don't.
I don't, I don't have time to do it.
It's not necessarily there has to be conflict to like, I don't. I don't like conflict. I'm not really good at conflict. I'm just saying, like, if something is going too like too smooth, like it's not normally it's something you could tell about a person like I don't really you know, this is a little but I can still deal with it. But if something everything just seems perfect, and it could be like from past situations or just who I am. When shit is just too perfect, I'm starting to think like, okay, I'm being stupid now, like something's going on that I'm not catching.
Like listen, I used to shot most women, let me tell you what I do when we first off, thinking why you said? How like good afternoon? I just can't tell you I appreciate you.
Bro. I wasn't used to that because I'm like, why are you calling me? Like what happened?
What I do?
Like that's literally how you answer the phone. What happened?
What I do?
Like, oh yeah, what I do wrong? And he used to be like, I'm just saying thank you appreciation. I wasn't used to that, like I'm.
Just do this next week, give you the SI. You know what I'm saying.
But I'm just used to like if you if you're working with somebody and you just get a random call that you wasn't expecting, nine times out of ten they call you by something that's wrong.
I'm not scream all the time. I don't figure, but.
This is it.
No, I'm saying, in the beginning, when I first start working with Scream, this ain't like now when he called me, it's like my being their brother.
What's up? Like, I'm not even thinking about it.
But in the beginning, I'll do a long.
Right b damn strike on the page.
I hate to do this though I've seen women, well, I've seen women that, like you said, like everything could be perfect except to ti to seek and we gotta go through this. You got you got a hell of a nigga, but just because I need it to want to see the man. You gotta be right. We gotta go through. The cabinet is open. You gotta hell of a nigga. I protect provide respect, everything else in the world that you said you want as a man. You can't close the back cabin behind the one you love. You could go go ahead, my baby. You got to find love in that, my baby. So motherfucker, let me close this. He's so busy trying to make sure that I'm good. Let me close the cabinet. Let me got damn make sure. Let me get an automatic seat letter down.
Okay, you know what.
Okay, I'm just saying, right, you're right that boy basting over.
Cabinet, closing toilet seat, putting down, Nigga, that solved the problem.
That yeah, that he got time to let that he ain't got no money, he ain't got number dick right in a video game, close video game and some dick closing cabinets, cleaning up.
Even the latest version of the video game this PS four.
You okay, no, but you're right with the CD CD. But I never I don't think women have.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't think a lot of women have even thought about it like that, Like because sometimes sometimes you're not even thinking of this gonna cause conflict. You may just be thinking, like, hey, I'm just giving a suggestion, and then it turns into something. Especially, I can think about it now, if a man is doing all this stuff and he got all this ship on his back, and then you come in saying something about the toilet seat, and he like, girl, I just finished doing all this. I just finish playing all these bals a. Youre talking about the toilet set. But I mean, I've never experienced that part of it. But I can understand because this petty some ship, that's some ship that you can eat.
You can eat that. Now you how much a nigga eat from a woman that he don't speak preach? Wait? What what?
What is the core supposed to dudes provide? So this niggas out here all the way trying to provide for his family. You're talking about the fucking toilet seat. I'm taking risks. You're talking about a toilet seat, cabinet.
Listen, the toilet seat. I can see the cabinet.
If I hung around you every day all day, shut, I can find a million things I can say. I don't like. That's because we're different. We're different. So if I'm in a relationship with you, men don't do that. Niggas don't sit around all there and be like, why are you breathing so hard? Get out my em Niggas don't get Some niggas do. But most of the time niggas don't get that irritated how women do. So when you're showing me the little ship, this this libert ass ship irritates you, It's like, do you like me?
M m?
You're trying to find a reason, bitch, I'm doing everything. You're trying to find a reason. You talk about the toilet seat in the cabin. You're talking me putting, You're talking about me trying to bread it back up.
Oh yeah, that shit be small.
Why you ain't roll the Syria down?
How you wrote?
Oh my god, just whatever, bro, ship that don't matter right here? Damn?
Now you know, you know, you know, like on some therapy ship, what the teacher is like, you know the value of the person, you know what I'm saying, And on some real ship, it's like what what what if that relationship ended from whatever purpose? You know what I'm saying. Now you're gonna miss the cabinet not being open. Now you're gonna miss the toilet seat and all that ship. So you gotta be grateful for that.
But just imagine how like if you spoke on it before, right why you leaving the cabin on man, I be forgetting about that ship. Man, damn cabin. Just imagine how you feel now that you closing behind him. M that's a sense that she got my back, she closing the cabin back.
But they're gonna feel like tripping.
About the ship that she I know, women trip about she got me. You know what happened.
Every now and then a nigga might have a different type of day and close the cabinet exactly today.
I ain't stressed out about.
You're making me.
You feel like you're mad. I opening the battle and lead refrigerator over draws everything. I'm leaving everything. I know she's gonna be mad. Don't pet it me need the front door open. I'm just saying, like simp certain ship, certain battles we can avoid because you know you love this person. How he's staying right or this woman, how she's staying like. Men ain't finished unless it's disrespectful, like they're not whatever. You know what I'm saying, that's not your titi showing whatever. Niggas gonna speak on that kind of ship. But I ain't finishing here until you be mad. As you could have clothes ain't fold, do you think them? Bitch when you get rid of damn, dig through the powder to find him some sock for I go through the damn the basket and find.
My socks, like just the clean basket of the dirty basket.
You know what I'm saying, niggas a compromise. Women, there's like Nope, but not all women. I'm gonna keep saying that. I'm not, you know, putting everybody. I'm not generalizing. I'm just saying from the women that I've seen and know of my friends and tenured, my my people that I know, they just want everything to be perfect, but they're not perfect. Damn ain't nobody perfect. Yeah, gotta put that in perspective. You can have an eighty percent ninety nigga and that's rare sound language.
No, she's dancing, Guys.
I'm gonna keep it rid of most women who do out that toilet stude ship and all that they just spare. They don't even know the real ship they could be going through, you know what I'm saying. So they don't even appreciate this nigga because she ain't never went through that, So she don't she making big deals all of shit like you think shanty don't wish she just went through toilet to shit all all.
Like you know what I'm saying.
Like, I'm just saying, like even women, it's not a relationship. They're finally get a relationship. They know how to appreciate. Oh, look at me clothes, Kevin, I don't care now. But I ain't saying about nothing. Long as you as long as you respect me, come in the house, you love me.
That's what it is.
That's all I want it. When women get in a relationship these days, they want everything that's never gonna happen.
I want a super nigga.
You gotta choose what you can deal with. Can I deal with the tal Can? I deal with the fucking Syria being over? Can I you know what I'm saying? Yeah, if that's all your words, you ain't got.
Nothing, that's yeah. I guess if that's all of them.
Because most of the women out here worrying about how they bills. Finna get paid with.
A nigga, right, yeah, that's crazy, right, get paid gas?
Simple ship, How we're finna eat like they gotta figure this shit out. The folk doing working real job, doing uber's doing everything. But I got a nigga. But you you got a nigga. That's hey. You could just buy chicks with your money, do whatever with your little money. Whatever you do. You can buy buy candy and get it, get your money away. I got you. Yeah, But you're talking about a seat or toilet seat.
Shit, I ain't never had one. Of them type of niggas. I think if I had a guy that I'm gonna keep it a buck.
If I had somebody that I.
Didn't have to worry about everything, I don't think I'll be complaining about.
Okay, I get it. Where that nigga do need? If you got a nigga that you know what I'm saying, y'all, y'all going half or you going seventy? He going thirty? Yeah, he needs to be closing cabinets and doing real Like I'm just talking about the caliber niggas.
Yeah, for sure.
You know what I'm saying.
Some niggas.
I've seen niggas be good niggas. Bro, and it's like, Bro, why is you why? How could you be? How could she be stressing you out?
Right, you know what I'm saying, Like, how could she be? Like I can see God damn, Like if I get into an altercation or a disagreement with Chante, I have to see her side. You get what I'm saying basically, because she ain't Finnah say nothing less? I do. You know what I'm saying. But you said we were going, we were going, I was we was hanging out this weekend now you're doing this, So she upset a little bit because I had to do something else. I gotta kind of respect that the problem take out Monday s or next week or whatever. You know what I'm saying, Cause it's like that's my duty, you know what I'm saying to me, Like my duty is for you to you know what I'm saying, me to call you or whatever, calling for me to you know what I'm saying. So I can understand that, But I can't understand you telling me to go outside and watch the car on wash. Car take it. I take it to the car wash. No, I need a handed man to shine.
But just I'm just sitting here thinking like about what you say about.
Being spoiled.
Most women are, and.
I'm just doing like a little bit of self reflection about the spoiledness.
I am.
Well, I mean, and I'm just thinking like I'm just thinking, like in hindsight, like I've dealt with niggas that damn this is crazy. I dealt with niggas that were like ninety five percent niggas, and I learned after a while to like just be like fuck some of that shit. Like that was a big deal to me. But I have complained about shit that in the total scheme of things was minor.
Just because you can do it and it didn't even matter when you, Like most women, not all keep saying. They'll go and say to theirself or to their friend, I wasn't really tripping, but fucked that. Nah.
See, I ain't never been one of them type of bitches at all. Like I don't even talk to my friends about my niggas.
It really wasn't that serious to me, But fuck him.
He should have Like the ship that I've the ship that I've complained about, I ain't never been one of them intentionally disruptive type of bitches.
But it's like the ship.
I'm just sitting here thinking, like some of the ship because I get irritated real quick. But it's like some of the ship that I allowed to irritate me to the point where I made it an issue in the total scheme of everything that was being done for me really should not have been that big of a deal. And I can say that like in hindsight, like I'm like, I can't really say, like I fucked up those situations because like even though like we might not be together or whatever, like we're still very close and we're still cool. Like I love I got like seven unbreakable bonds with all the niggas that I fuck with or whatever. But it was like in that moment when it was that serious, it really wasn't that serious, like type shit.
That's most of the time. That's what it is. Though. Most of the time, man, people be making issues. Like back to the first beginning of when I said that, people be making issue that ain't even really an issue. But then you'll stand on that issue and it ain't even an issue.
Yeah, that makes sense, but that's pride.
That's pride. Like you a bringer issue to a nigga that you know really ain't no issue, but you got to stand on it because how he received the issue and what he said or what she said.
So now you like, but no, I'm not even gonna say that I knew it really wasn't an issue at the time. It was like an issue.
Come back and apologized like I were wrong about far about that. No, I gotta stand on this fuck you.
Yeah well yeah, yeah.
Me personally, I've done like I guess how they started some ship right, and then I thought about it and I have came back and like apologizing like I was on some bullshit, Like I'm not one of those that know I'm on bullshit and just stand on it.
Pride will make you though. Yeah, you know what I'm saying, especially if you're don't been hurt by this person before a summer or what anything, that nigga, because the thing about it is, once you've been disappointed or hurt by a man, every argument is the same argument.
Every every argument is validated.
Yep, every argument is validated by that one hurt moment. Yeah, so for now, but you can't never get the the red. You're gonna stay in the red forever. You'll never walk in that green again once you fucked up. Nigga, better know that. You know what I'm saying. So every little incident gonna be big because it's about that nigga did on one. Can't hearing about that bitch no more. I told you ain't on the nigga that in the butt, So we ain't talking about the bitch no more. But we're talking about her. When I say something about it's toilet and I say something about these little petty ships, that's what we're talking about this bitch. But you know, I don't want to hear that. And you say you over that, so you gotta ad like you over that. This is what you're talking about forever.
I bet you ain't left that bitch toilet set that.
No, but you ain't gonna say they get somebody nerves and fucking toilet. Why you just don't. But you really the aggression is coming from that old ship.
I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying.
I see you know what I'm saying. Yeah, that's where the ship coming from, because you've let me down.
Yeah right, No, you're right what you are, You're right damn.
But we talked about this in another episode. I posted a clip not too long ago. It's like when bitches be like nagging about what the same ship we just talked about, like nag about shit or whatever. It's not even the nag isn't even about fucking the issue at hand. It's about like all the old shit. But you just can't live down the old shit, so it's all put together. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. So it's just gonna be like an eternal nag about the old shit. But anytime a new situation comes up, it's gonna reopen that old wound and fucking reignite the nag.
So, yeah, that's shit crazy, they said, anything else is about.
Okay, I've alread them, thought I always wonder, and you guys are man, so y'all probably can answer this. Do men that really love the person that they're with they allow them to wear certain clothes, like very revealing clothes? M Like, if you like, do men that love the woman that they're with, what they really allow them to wear certain revealing clothes? Like we're at this stage in life where like a lot of women are wearing very revealing clothes.
I think I think that's a good question.
Did you let it go outside and her outside outfit.
And she was already like that when I'm metal, I think that she was already like that when I meddled, then yeah, but if you like that, then you start doing that over there, you looking for something, get your ass on. It ain't how you was. Yeah, So I wouldn't even never chose that anyway, Just.
Like I just like if she started going outside every day putting on perfume.
And she ain't never wore perfume.
They wear perfume all the time every day. I just gotta loaded up. But what I'm saying is, at the end of the day, I feel like, if you meet a girl and that's how she was when you met her, and then you want her to stop your suck, that's just like, yeah, if you thinking you finished, now you're trying to change it. That's what attracted you to and now you don't want her to be attracted no more. Right.
I guess they probably just don't.
I don't know.
You're turning to bro, You're having a sucker attack. It's what you got, sucker attack. This is what you got, and this is what you chose. How you want to be something different? Now that don't go like that? Now what you if? I if I got you a different way and you aren't doing that and you started doing that now, yeah, now I got a legitimate argument, argument, not even argument, a legitimate fuck you. Yeah, because I ain't going hey, hey, that ain't what we're doing. And then the thing about it is, see, I'm just a type of nigga, bro, and this ship is fucked up. I don't got time to try to police your pussy a strangth certain ship up because at the end of the day, I think too far into ship, like saying, if if you want to do that me and you're a relationship, you never did that and you wants to do that. For you trying to do that, I'm knowing I can't deal with you because I don't even know you.
What if it's her birthday. You know girls go.
On her birthday already. Yeah, yeah, I know how she do her birthday. But if she been doing her birthday like that, but now she wanted to try something different.
Then yeah, that's what I'm saying. I don't even know how to how to feel after that, because now I'm gona feel like I'm stopping you from being you. So now i'ma feel like you being fake for me. Oh yeah, you get what I'm saying. Like it's like a fuck up, like once certain ship happened, you have to put your you have to man up and return. Yeah, certain ship.
You know what I'm saying.
People people make mistakes or whatever. But some mistakes ain't a mistake. It's just you tried it and then I ain't gone.
You know what I'm saying.
People make mistakes, People tell do our type of ship tell lies. You know what I'm saying. Different ship that's some ship that could be forgiven. But if you do a whole character change, I don't even know who you are when you're not around me. You just try it in my face.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're completely different.
So it's basically like, now that you're trying it in my face, you're just showing me that basically you don't give a fuck, you're.
Trying to get comfortable exactly.
Yeah, So that should be outside influence for sure, like women who influence other women to try some ship that you should try this for your nigga when it's like your nigga and even asked for that.
Ship, yeah, or nah, I feel like it ain't even it ain't even about hole saying you should try this for your nigga. It's about has being like, man, girl, fuck that nigga do this, and then she do it and then it's like damn.
Or what if it's like one of those things where she feels like she's trying to get y'all going out and she just put on this real revealion, revealing outfit, but it's with you, like that was.
Gonna ask that? Like what I guess, like what's revealing? Though not tight ship you're saying like.
Ass out you know right now girls going out in lingerie, they're going out in the like a sheer bodies.
That embarrassed to be walking a bit like that.
Yeah, but that's what I'm talking about now.
Now I don't know. I'm just know when I think of when I speak of it, I'm speaking of like my situation. So this is my wife. Yeah, if I had a whole now what she got? Who got that ship on? But I can't you know what I'm saying, Like, I can't get because I got grand kids with her kids were like it goes deeper than just my opinion. Yeah, what about the grand babies? What about you know, what.
About the grand babies?
Grandma? It's just more Yeah, no, I.
I just alway, that was like something I've always wondered what men like, What do they really feel like? What do they really think about?
But something don't care about this ship. I wouldn't care if, like I said, if I met you that way, that's what I want you to stay. Keep it consistent.
Yeah, that makes sense. That was my random.
Jake's circle circumcised. I mean clown or clockwise.
Clowner clockwise ahead? Do y'all think.
Y'all. I keep saying this though, do y'all have y'all been feeling like she's been weird?
Yes, it's the retrograde retro retro ever since the eclipse been crazy?
Is today some day that eclipse?
It was some uh some day that clip, but something happened.
Ben't hear about Shorty that that killed herself and her family?
I did hear about that.
Yeah, No, she she was scared of the eclipse and she killed her family before the eclips You talk about the one that was on.
The freeway threw her kids out the car.
She threw her nine year old and eight month old out the car. Why and then she ran into a tree and killed herself, but the nine year old survived.
People more angrysh than that ship a whole. Yeah, this ship, I don't know.
It just feels like ian't here, Like you personally aren't here.
Yes, bro, Like I'm seeing ship and something. I don't know what the fuck this should feel different? Man, I don't know, Like I just been seeing like it's just been more and more days. I blew more and more and more and more like I've been here, I've seen this before, more and more like I felt this feeling before. I you know what I'm saying, Just phone calls. I get a phone call like I had the conversation before with the same person. Just I don't know, brom that's some that's my random thoughts. But these are my thoughts every day that I'm thinking.
Like damn, Like what the fuck is going on?
Riding down the street thinking like damn, I'm driving. Yeah, you know what. You what I'm saying.
Yeah, But I think that as you, as you get more centered and more balancing in tune, you you you're like again conniscan of this ship, Like maybe let's say twenty years ago, you just numb to it. Yeah, you probably was dealing with some of this ship, but she was numb to it because he was in a whole different mental and spiritual space.
But it's like now that you're tapping into your inner self more like you stopped eating the meat. You stopped eating, like all the ship that was like clouding your vision and your your chakras and your thoughts and you know what I'm saying, all that ship Like now it's starting to be more prevalent for you to be able to see this type of ship.
I think what we're trying to say. I don't look at it as a bad thing. It's not a bad thing. Yeah, No, I'm just this shit just tripping me out, bro, because I'm tell you, I could be driving, bro and forget and I'm driving you zone up. Yeah, yeah, you just zoned out, you become one with you. I could be on a trail walking and just.
Like forget on, you just get lost in Yeah.
Yeah, ship crazy.
I was reading something it said with deja vu. It says, what if deja vu is just our future selves? Remember, ain't something we forgot to do in our past life.
I can feel that. I can I believe that. I believe that, Bro. I'm saying because I see situations and hear certain things that I know I heard before, but I ain't heard before. It's too familiar. Yeah, oh no, that shit crazy man. I wonder do you get all the alswers when you when you pass? I think like a video game, like you go and then if you don't beat the game, you start over.
And start over as a different person.
Different person, but the same like spirit like you you've been here with yah, same spirit.
Yeah, probably looked a different but nigga, Yeah, I can go for that. But if you don't get it right, that's start on. But all your you get it right or not, I think everybody come back.
Yeah, I know that's I think that's how you have these kids like levels.
If you get it, that's.
How trans is. Like, yeah, you be these kids, you'd be like you've been here before because I know the chances are definitely are you just say your real name, you've been here before?
Yes, bro, I'm telling you.
That's why it's important to understand purpose though, so important to chase purpose and understand it and try to try to understand.
Finding your purpose. It's very hard. There's been plenty of talks. I didn't have it myself, like why am I here? Like what, what's my purpose? It's like your purpose and your dreams can be completely different. They are Yeah, like what that is kind of hard and.
Should support your purpose in some way because you've become so powerful influential with what you do that you can now actually like his dreams, right, but it's dreams, it's purpose. He don't know like he has Peo people being fit, he has black people coming together, walking up mountains and hiking and be like that's purposeful. It's also part of his dream, but it's purposeful, you see what I'm saying. Yeah, so that's why I didn't understand like this mic and a turntable and everything like that, as I started to just kind of tune in, like it is bigger than just you know, you want to make money, but it's bigger than that. Like I impact people with this shit, people like man, I started doing this shit and I didn't do that because I.
Saw you do it, Broye.
I appreciate it while we doing our podcast because y'all did it. Because I know if y'all could do it, we could do it right. Yeah, we want you all to do it. So just tapping into that purpose it's important and it's not easy, but you gotta do it.
Shit scary though, but you know NING ain't tripping. It's scary here. But what I'm saying, man, I just be. I don't know.
I think I'm weaking that it's a good time. Anybody that don't take it as a bad thing, Like you said, your mind, it.
Means it means you're clearer.
Yeah, you just seeing shit clearer. They say ignorance is bliss. You could be I'm telling you.
All those years, we all of us was cloud and we was hot at.
Time and drunk and just cloudy. We didn't even stop to feel none of that shit. We was just numb till one day you actually feel Now you're feeling shit. You're feeling the energy like you're feeling. She got to embrace that though, because you.
Don't have any more blockages. Yeah, you know, yeah, yack.
I think it's crazy, Like how like the smallest thing that you may do on a daily basis can really like literally change the world, Like you wearing a shirt and being in a room when somebody that shirt could inspire them to have a thought to start a business, and that busin is going to make millions and billions dollars inspire other people, Like with you starting a podcast, you know, not like many people are inspired to start podcasts that have probably been very successful and not even they probably never seen like a full episode of your own podcast. This saw a clip of it, So damn I like that thought, or maybe I hate that thought. I want to make make my own version of this to what I want to do. So I feel like like you could be wearing you could be doing some ship walking down the street, just regular as hell. Somebody see you and it inspired like a random thought in their head for them to do something that they forgot to do us or just the new thought.
Like that's the craziest ship in the world.
Like you never know, the smallest thing that you are doing, just as a human being, can impact somebody, and that ship has ripples, ripple effects across the entire world.
In fact, that's that's a good Yeah, that was a good.
One, right, the first good one, first good one.
Because because and it could be something that you didn't even try to do. You didn't even try to inspire nobody. But that's why that's that's why you tell the screen like people, uh be like, bro, document your journey. Tell us No, Bro, I'm just showing you all in real time, see it you documented just look. You know what I'm saying. I ain't got to appreciate you and tell you every day. I remember when I first thought, like start eating all, pushing it you on everyone the table and meet gonna keep no, bro, you just gotta do it that these folks see how smooth your skin is. You know what I'm saying.
Gloating, gloat, see you gloat Honestly, that ship probably says some people's lives, like literally, like you have a lot of influence in the city, so it's probably some niggas I was living bad, eating bad and they see somebody like you that's actually doing that ship.
They could have been a hamburger away from a heart attack.
Like literally, yes, absolutely simple, simple ship like that, like stream just saying like the hike and ship like all I was doing going out of the faming myself. So many people I want to go, I wonder I want to go out there with you. I want to go out there with you. Read hit me up, bro, we need to do thank or whatever. And that ship just like that's like after this, that's like the best ship for me. Bro, you know what I'm saying, Like that ship feels so motherfucking good just to see people smile, happy and nigga, I ain't seen a motherfucker frown side was shot twisting. Other than that, everybody you know saying like she wasn't even.
From I was trying to take it like a ghould take.
It like a g But I'm just saying like that was just like like the biggest disappointment of ever.
No, but it really wasn't a disappointment because honestly, when it happened, so many people that I ain't even know, like came over there was like helping me. It was one guy he was like, shy, just step on my I didn't even notice, dude, he was like, just step on my foot and I'll walk you the rest of the way. And everybody that I didn't even know was coming over there to check up on me. But it was just like a community that it was like everybody was asking it was okay.
Yeah, And like even with y'all starting the podcast, like we started around the same time, but you guys got started first. So that inspired me, like damn, I need to because I was in this in the mindset I'm about to just wait and wait for the right time, but there.
Is no right time, so I just started doing now.
Yeah, just do it now.
That's really how this ship started. Like you know what, who was that studio on day?
I remember because came up to the radio station that day and I'm like, ship, I'm about to just start this ship and me started mind I got my publicers sent.
Me this this this group in Florida.
They got paid and based podcast and they was like, man, we're watching your ship and we wanted to start one. So y'all have this trickle down effect from something that y'all just started doing and it inspired me, and people are watching me and they say they getting the same ship.
Yeah, that's all random thought. So my random thought is, how can a birth control pill prevent a baby but you can't get pregnant from sucking dick and swallowing nut?
That's an honest question though, because because you have to orally swallow a birth control pill, and it goes to the same place.
Birth control pill, that pill going inside of your blood stream.
But I'm saying the blood ain't going down your throat.
But what I'm saying is it's all going down the same place because if it goes in your throat, if the pill goes in your throat, the nut goes in your throat, and the nut has to go to your bloodstream too, the same way that the pill goes.
No, no, no no, The pill dissolves into your bloodstream.
The nut doesn't dissolve. No, your food don't dissolve. It just digests and it just come up out of you. So that's the difference.
The pill actually So where does where?
At what point does the pill stop and take a left turn When it dissolves. It don't even make it all the way down your stomach. It don't even make it all the way down to your intestines and all of that.
That pill don't do that it dissolves.
But I'm saying, if the nut does make it down to your intestines and all of that, get pregnant in your intestine stuff, No no, no, what I'm saying is it reach the you can get to your egg from your intestine to your mouth. No no, no, no listen, but okay, system, No, I get it. But what I'm saying is it can get close enough.
That way. It's it's like a it's like, okay, well we come.
Back, when we come back and film again, I'm gonna let you'all know what happened.
It's not I think, no, it has it's just what But do you let me say this round. Have y'all noticed that everything in the world done is designed like us.
When you say that, what you mean.
Cars, microphones, everything got a brain, body, your head. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, it's designed even earth, even the earth like we're designed like Earth basically like the planets and all that. This ship crazy, bro, This is this is really magic? Mm hmm. Life is magic, you know for sure.
That's why it says magical, like just being alive.
It's like magic. Like how who knows if I stick my dick in there, I can make another child?
And then how do your body just grow the way that they grow?
You know, if we stick it in there, it's gonna feel good. C J. Who the first nigga the bust or nut?
Like, because the damn sure wasn't Adam Let the book let, the good.
Old book tell it.
Jesus Christ.
It wasn't Joseph, that boy jojo No, But it is like, this ship is magical, bro.
Who was the first person to know that.
It was Joseph that didn't or wasn't supposed to have.
I thought in the beginning they said that we were only here to reproduce for the world.
But who told us?
I thank you.
I think you just you figure certain ship out because it feels right.
It is right that yeah, like who said it in that hole?
But that goes back to what I always say about like who said that funk was a cuss word?
So how do we learn und saying that in our lives, Like at what age would you like?
Ship, this this was up. Somebody told him did you see someone? Or did you just gotta know?
Somebody told him, I know you kind of know, you.
Kind of just know like she's pretty. No, you're right, know that she is human nature, right nature? It is human nature. I want what you got down that little girl. You know what I'm saying. As a little boy, you're looking like I know I want to kiss you. Oh yeah, off rip, you know you want a companion with a little girl when you was a little boy.
Yeah, because the little girls and little boys we having crushes on each other.
Like off rip, absolutely, off rip before they even before they even.
Know about sex, what sex is, Before you know about attraction. You just know something something that is about me.
But I get what Black is saying though, because like if a nigga sticks his dick in my ear, why the fuck doesn't my ear have a sensation like it does down there?
Fuck Jane, Well.
Some people that you should know mathematically too little for what I got what you heard too.
I can't with this ear.
Like the first mic can scratch you about a bunt of ear drunk.
I'm just saying, but I'm saying, like who said, but no physical attraction as a motherfucker. You're right, that's human nature. Now, that's natural. That is natural right now? I don't know how we know we're seeing? You know, if.
Not seeing, I'm saying, like seeing like out of our eyes?
Are we actually looking at each other?
That that's no, He's right, whole bank, like, how do we like are we just.
Speaking to each other's spirit? And then we're we're we're projecting how each other looks.
But then what wouldn't the projection be different all the time?
Look, no, but what if?
That's what I'm saying, What if each person has a permanent projection?
But how that's That's what I'm saying.
What I was saying the last episode was permanently projected as being old ass ten year olds in my head?
But the question was how how how your projection of j be the same as mine?
I don't know what hold on?
Wait, right, we know because we can say the color the color of her.
But know what he's saying is how how do I know what I see is red? Is what you what you see is red?
Because we both said is red, But what color is this?
Don't do that, no, But I'm saying the shade of black may be different to you than it is to me.
That might be a negative black and then it might be a.
Noir black beyond but beyond that, it might be orange to me, but it's black to you.
I don't know how your eyes perceive color.
But that's where you have people that's colorblind. You have a lot of people that's colorblind that don't see color.
How we know what we know?
We real?
Like, how do I how do I know?
Like inception?
How do I know?
Like you know, like in the video game, you can only see the ship that the that the computer will you to see, Like if you turn this way, you can't see behind you. Like the game has to like the game has to load the ship. Let me finish, Let me finish. The ship has to load. The ship has to load. So how like the only ship, the only ship.
That retrograde loud, that ship is really loading.
Yes, it's loading, that's why she for that this should be glitchy.
But I can only the only ship I know is really the ship that I can permanently see right here.
So if I turn, how do I know Banks still here? If I don't see this, nigga.
I don't see this, nigga. If I turn like this, I can't see j. How do I know Jay is still there? I can hear a voice?
What we're like, We're like we're like automobiles or vehicles, Like our spirit comes into this body which is very temporary, and this is the vehicle to move around and know.
I got I got another question?
You just talking about spirits, like when you like, when like we die, how do we like do we keep our senses? Like do we see smell here? Because all of those are attached to human organs and ship.
Random questions and we just done and then I'm finished and we don't.
Have a body like after we die, So how do we like experience things in after life?
But it's your so so.
It's well spirit now spirit. But I'm saying, okay, okay, okay, another yeah, that's what I'm saying, Like at the end of the day, when we get to heaven, what they seeing, what they seeing? What form are they see?
You don't take whatever you die in, you don't, but you don't take your you don't take your physical body to heaven.
You take your spirit and your eyes.
And your.
Goes with the close on that you died in.
This is this is physical.
Sh didn't make sense exactly exactly what I'm saying is, So what I'm saying, how do we don't know? How we know? We're not already somewhere?
We are physical, in the in the in the physical, in the heavenly realm. There's a physical realm and spiritual realm for sure. So I'm saying between when we turn into the spiritual rim, how do we.
How do we experience?
That's what I'm saying. But what if death is just like a really deep sleep? What if it's this is just outlandish, But what if it's not like we imagine it to be. Like, what if it's just that's it? Like you just go into a really deep sleep.
It's just like you sleep. Now, Like what if death is just technically black like dream long you don't even dream no more?
You know how sometimes you sleep, You go to sleep and then you wake up like that sleeping good, but you don't remember nothing in that sleep.
What if death is just that?
Like I think I think I think me personally, I think I think when you pass away, well I know when you pass away, your spirits still here, your body just left, like niggas is still here. Bro. I can feel niggas like I can still feel Dave right now.
Every day, every morning, I still can feel that nigga energy. He's still here, but he's not hearing the physical form. So how that how like can he see us?
That's what That's what That's what I think. I think so, yes, I think.
So, because if he couldn't see us, there's no way that he would keep coming back to us.
So how can we while we can't see him?
That's That's that's what dreams are for. That's what dreams are for.
Yeah, do you'll know there are sounds we can't hear and like colors.
We can't Thank you, brother, thank you, That's what I'm saying. Imagine we putting them glass on, we can see all type of ship. It might be like we probably can see all type of demons and all type just chilling just here like that. I feel like that because I be feeling that ship like you some of like all that Some told me.
No, some told you, she told you, and it come from somewhere.
Like Bro, I'm telling you like listen, man, And I don't know if people people a lot of people be listening to me and be saying bank im the therapist bro. Never ever be pissed off that you left some at the house and you had to turn around, like like exactly exactly that ship saved you.
That ship saved Yeah, I'm sure everybody has had that moment where it's like, damn, I was about to leave the house and then you didn't, and then when you left, you see like it's a real bad car accident writing above, like you know ahead of you, Sam, I would have been right next to that.
I may not even see nothing happen. I mean I may not even like get a chance to see that something actually happened. Yeah, I'm just saying because it could have been a card.
You just drove, drove through the red like it wasn't even no accident, but had you been there, it would have been an accident.
I'm not I'm not even saying that something happened, like like we may not never know what could have happened. Like I take everything that's a blessing, Like because I used to be man, hurry, like I hate being late this ship, but now lately I just be like, sh it, just leave earlier or if I'm late, I'm late.
Yeah, you're where you're supposed to be.
I ain't like, I ain't turning around. If I'm going somewhere, ship, that's just ship that I ain't ain't going back. You know what I'm saying. If some in the house I got I need, I'm gonna go back and get it. And I feel like, bro, I ain't supposed to get that at that time.
Yeah, exactly, you know what I'm saying.
Instead of looking at it like you know what I'm saying, making a stress for myself and I could be getting spared.
Oh yeah, so look here's here?
Not here?
Am I cutting you off?
Yeah, I'm gonna cut you off. It is something. It's a lot of ship we can't see, and a lot of ship we can't here. That's a good one, Kodak, because dogs can hear ship.
We can't hear Baby's cancel, That's what I'm saying.
So it's some ship out here, Bro, what you say you can't hear.
It's a lot of like it sounds that we can't get, frequency.
Sounds and sounds that we can't hear, and like ship around that we can't see, like spirits, all kinds of shit.
Even smells like even when like when the miners used to go down into the minds and ship, they would bring the canary with them to make sure let them like gases down there, because the canary is consensent.
Because it's a lot of ship. Animals can sense that we can't sense. Oh yeah yeah.
And they even have like those little mouse things that you plug in and it just beams off stuff and that they can hear and it keeps them away, but us humans can't hear it at all.
Yeah, but all this ship they make it now, they making it way. Niggas can like death people, I've seen this ship. That ship is amazing. Like they got ship they can put in your ear and and you can't like damn, they read it to them. Yo, you know what I'm saying. But they can hear like I don't know, I'm gonna finance on Instagram sent, but I've seen it, like they like the person talking and they typing it.
Oh, text to text to speech, speech to text.
No, it's some, it's some. It's a miracle. Like niggas can't hear nothing, but he can. Damn hear it that. You know what I'm saying, He can't. They can't. I don't know, bro, I'm had to send to you. But what I'm saying is, these folks gonna keep expear man, I know what I think, all the expeeriment, fold all that money, look at the ship. They gonna find the wrong ship all that cause they you gotta think, we just don't know what they they tapping into everything that retrograde, this ship getting worse and worse, and everything turned into all this evil ship, all these wars, all that ship. Bro, it's because niggas is fucking with the wrong ship, funck with all that out of space ship, fucking with the wrong ship, trying to make everything electric and whatever. I don't know what this ship just. I think I think he personally, I think mankind gonna fuck man kind up.
Yeah, no, fact, you know what I'm saying.
It's like, fuck the motherfucking AI computers and all that. What we need that ship for. We ain't been need our grandma and the they need what thatlse she gonna do for. It's gonna be, Yeah, put some niggas out of work. Niggas gonna be mad killing cause they broke. You know what I'm saying, ain't no jobs, ain't no nothing. They gonna fire your bitch, now your bitch fire ever, it's time to go crazy, you know what I'm saying, Like the AI taking everybody jobs, and the shit just gonna get wicked, bro, more and more wicked as we go, bro. And that's what the nigga be feeling. Bro, This shit crazy retrograde or not. Since that got damn eclipse happened, weird shit been happening. Yeah, since we got in the twenty twentiest, weird shit been happening.
And the pandemic did it.
The pandemic started it.
Since we got in the twenty twenties, Bro, shit, weird shit, man, all forty years been some bush. I ain't gonna say no, boy, it's been wicked. Yeah yeah, go ahead, Kate.
So okay, So you know how like.
Like when people die, they have spirits, and you know what I'm saying, all types of things that are associated with them, and you know, like just say, for instance, like if somebody dies in the house that other people are living in, they have to do like a spiritual cleansing of the house for a few days and.
You know, like get everything together and get everything out of the house.
But if that's the case, then how are these churches able to do funerals back to back to back to back like they might do like three or four or five funerals in a day, like with less than twenty thirty minutes in between them. And they have these dead bodies and these spirits floating around. That means like the mortuary is got all types of spirits.
More Yeah, like how is how is that?
How is that?
How is that possible?
Already be done? Did what they did for they did what they did. They might you know what I'm saying, They might be. They might got some ship. Won't know, we don't know the ins and out ash you come, she'll probably they might.
They might gonna ask.
They might clear it out clean cleans that ship every day, I don't know.
But ship, they can't clean it that fast with autumn bodies.
Up clean.
It's like when you're going the airplane they're cleaning ship.
Mm hmmm.
It's a cold world, man. We gotta keep living. Bundle up, damn.
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