The BIG FACTS posse sit down for a roundtable discussion about the different types of "Conversations" we have throughout life on this episode of BIG FACTS FRIDAY!
For Merch:
Big Big Bang screen. You don't be on nothing. I'll be ondj Okay, so let me ask this bring you big big facts. Visit the new website today Big Facts Paul dot com dot com coming to you from Vall Studios and the A. T. L Is DJ Screen, Big Bankers here, Baby Jade is here, Shot Jones and Big Homie co back in this time for Big Facts Friday. We're up in here. What's up? Family? Without everybody Jones and blinding everybody Jones. You're to keep up with yall? Keep up with Look at that hurt. I ain't trying to. I'm just trying to keep up with yeh new relationship? What's going on about season? You know what? We ever? Vote? I just had to step it up a little bit, trying to a girl. Brother Bank you good? Special that you are? You are? You need a teacher? Oh well, we're getting on a day. What's the word of to day? Let's get the building. You know what I'm saying. That's what these folks came to here. Okay. So the word of the day is conversation, and I was told that it rules the nation. What's the definition? Okay? So the definition is a talk especially an informal one between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged, and the urban Gerban definition is the act of hooking up with someone, usually in a sexual fashion conversation. The urbanization not necessarily oh god, no speaking. If you're going for closure and y'all have a conversation, that's what's going and we go, y'all know him and his closure six. Yeah, but that's what I'm saying, that definition through the sex in there when looking up relating it up. But we've been looking up the ironment every time. Stop playing on. God we did that's you want to back a matter of fact, what time is it? It shot a clock for me, up man, Because that's hard shot for me, up bro. Brought to some conversation. Certain conversation is just start a conversation. You can't have a conversation with the person. They're not paying more attention that you just said that. Yeah, I ain't really hit it, but I mean last episode you were the star tender, so I was starting. But I ain't drinking man yet. But I'm saying, no, that's some real ship. Though. We ever had a conversation with the person and they'd be like I didn't hear you. Yeah, yeah, they want to pay attention. Yeah, but it's still a conversation. What the person I always back and forth right two or more? Right, that's a lot of conversation. Conversation that's just you talking to stay should have to be a dialogue, right, this is a conversation. Yeah no, but what about motherfucker? Yeah yeah yeah, but then got them they never here's still the conversation. They're not. I don't think that's a conversation. That's like, yeah, if you respond, you're now because it's a it's an un whatever response you got on gloves and what not. If you wrote a motorcycle for the day man killer gloves, but on a motorcycle right now, right now, google a picture right now what we're talking about? No, no, no, not for real though, So it's a conversation, a conversation if a motherfucker' just yeah yeah, yeah, no, I don't. You can have a conversation with if your mind and it's not a converationversation. You have a conversation with your pet. You can have but but but but they are knowledging. You're saying, if you are knowledge people weren't. That's a conversation. Here's back and forth. Wait, how do you have a conversation with your pet? You were talking to your pet back to you and doggy talk. Yeah, they make sure do you understand what they're saying? It doesn't matter. You have to understand this dialogue. You have to understand if I can have a conversation with somebody who don't speak English. We were going back and forth trying to figure it out. It's still a conversation, conversation they're saying. Yeah, as saying, it's still a conversation. But you might not be COMMUNI Kat, but you're having a conversation. It's a difference. Communication and conversation are two different things, totally completely communicating and having a conversation. How are you exchanging news and ideas? You can't understand what the mother saying, that's what I'm saying news. I don't feel like you're having a conversation. You can't repeat what we talked about. Yeah, like if you just said yeah, yeah, you can still have a conversation. Somebody can't repeat because a lot of people are just flexing and they can't retain information. Ye say to me and I'm not paying you, no attention. You have a conversation by yourself. Really, that's in the relationship and y'all are you and somebody's at you and you over there thinking about talking conversation because she's gonna be like, you're not even listening, and you ain't listening. It's just like you could say certain things in the conversation like raise your voice, and people just blank out from the whole conversation. Yeah, it depends on what you're saying in the conversation. You're you really won't be having one with nobody but your damn self, so that the next question is what we said to people? But you can have a conversation with yourself because people talk to sayself too, right for sure, I talk to myself and son. That means a conversation doesn't have to involve a dialogue, a proper I mean dialogue, But it doesn't have to involve two separate entities, right. You can be talking to yourself and answer you. Maybe you may have two separate entities inside yourself. You may be talking to your other self like screen, maybe talking to whatever you're the name is. I do that all the time when I'm trying to I'm trying to see you. How do you have how you have? Um? You know how I got them? Every time you talk to someone, you'd be like, M right now, Um, you didn't say that, and you know you said some ship Like what type of conversation is that somebody wasn't attentive? Yeah, somebody want paying attention. Its telephone, Like you could tell me one thing. By the time it gets a Kodak, it's gonna be something different. Well, I'm saying that, what does that mean when the motherfucker never paying you any attention? When never did? Nor you if they never pay attention, they be right like they don't. They don't value your conversations because you you're in your mind, you think that you're speaking to someone and that they're receiving the information the out Do you know that they're tuning you out? Sometimes people don't even know that they tuneing you out like they could like I know sometimes somebody while talking to me, you to talk to somebody that you know is purposely tuning you out. But that's what I'm saying that it's not even that like you could be talking to me and I could be trying to listen, but I don't retain the information to be able to repeat it back to you, like I can hear everything you're saying. I don't understand that they just don't retain it. I don't feel like you're having a conversation if you got them, if you talk to yourself. But I feel like if you don't somebody else right now, I feel like, if you don't retain and whatever you guys are talking about, you really don't give a funk about that person or what they're saying. I don't care. I mean, if it's something, if it's some medical ship behind it, some people just got attention disease. That's not a disease. I mean, that's a disordered. Yeah, that's a but it's something that if it's I feel like anything that medicine can be prescribed for is a disease. People take ritlan for attention deficit disorder. But you see what I'm saying, disease spreads. I mean, okay, so what is it it? Conditions conditional disorder? Yea, yeah, but I think a lot of people have not been diagnosed with a lot of ship for sure, you know what I'm saying, So you don't even know. So a disease has to be contagious. Yes, I could be thinking about some ship and you'll be talking to me and I really can't hear you because you're not focused. Your mind is else. Are you having a conversation with me or you having a conversation. I have conversation with you because I don't know that you're tuned out. It's still come back to conversation me. I'm still thinking that you're paying attention. Conversation versus communication. It still it still comes back to that. You can have a conversation, but are you communicating. You're not communicating effectively with the person is tuning you out of the people are tuning you out. You're not communicating effectively. There's still conversation there. You're still throwing your news and ideas and ship. There's still being thrown out. I got some people I've been around so long that we had a conversation with no words. Yeah, you know what I'm saying nonverbal communication. Yeah, I know exactly what you're saying when I look at you, Like if somebody walk in, I look at you, you know exactly what I'm saying. Look at it. Didn't say you know what I'm saying. Okay, So let me ask you this is then how important do you guys think conversation is in relationships and business? That's the top of the conversational communication. So the same ship can happen in relationships in business you can just be talking and the person and receiving, but it starts communicating, is essentially you know, how do you how do you convert conversation into communications? Both people have to be attended and engage. That's communicating everybody. Now we're communicating see it as But if somebody a conversation with community came through this conversation, yes, exactly, how do you? How do you? How do you affectively communicate? If you do not know that the other person isn't involved in the conversation, just doing your part and having a conversation, you can't control the other person. I just I think a lot of ship could be got there resolved the conversation. Conversation don't know communications, No, but I'm saying the community the conversation has to start people. So let me say, let me say, is it proper conversation or is it still communication? Two people just yelling at each other? No, that's not that to me. What I'm what I'm saying, proper conversation. Proper conversation. Proper conversation could because you never know, you could be got damn disliking the motherfucker or the person. Y'all disliking each other for a total misunderstanding because y'all never had a conversation. You know. It's what he with such I told you with such a told you get what I'm saying. Now, y'all don't created a whole god damn war or words over nothing. So do you think, well, let me ask you this. Then in that case, do you think that you can have a proper conversation when emotions are high? No? No, I think you should be able to because I think when people emotions are high, they're speaking, they're real true, like that's really that's really how they fail at that. But emotions are how you say a lot of ship that you don't mean emotion. It depends if the emotions are high and you're being honest, you're being you're being goddamn petty. No, you you're talking at me now. Your emotion could be high, you're saying some ship with your emotions loud or whatever. But I know you're not what you call it not being malicious, Yeah, you're not being manicious with your word. You're just saying how you feel. And if how you feel make me upset, then that's that's a feeling. That's something I gotta deal with, right. But if you're calling me out my name or basically it's about the delivery exactly. That's why I'm trying to say delivery it because because you can come to motherfuck a crime and have a conversation real tears in your face, like falling on the ground. But I can hear you and talk to you while you doing that. But if you're telling me, if you're doing something to me like fighting words or whatever, then I'm looking at that ship and taking it in in a different way. There's no conversation, conication or nothing. It might not even be actually it might be walking away. It might just be funk you, funk you. I know, I shouldn't even try to talk to you. You see what I'm saying because you're talking that instead of to me. That's what I say. Properly, the proper conversation can solve anything. What about specially ain't name yet, but I feel like it. Do you think because I've been in a situation myself where people that I love or that I'm close to have approached me with certain conversations that I felt like they should have known to not even approach me about. Because when you be able to take the conversations, if somebody coming to you, they mean they don't drop. They pride love that you go in the coming to you to fix it. So if you're saying you want to fix it, that's pride. No no no, no, I'm not saying that I don't want to fix it, but I'm just saying that you feel like they shouldn't even came to you with the ship. They know me, and they've been knowing me for years, and they know how I react to certain things. So they're trying to be messy, not coming to you between y'all trying to actually have they were coming. I've been in a situation where somebody was coming to me about some ship with somebody else, but they already it ain't have nothing to do with them, and you fix it. That's on you. That's on you, the motherfucker. That means I care about you and this other person. So if I'm bringing something to you, like, hey, I talked to such something man I don't think that. Ja. I feel like I'm trying to tell you how I feel and you can't take it them telling you. I'll start looking in and look like this, and I think you should fix it this way and this way. I don't think they're necessarily trying to be messing either. No, I'm not sayings like she's saying. Once I got a gril and just fuck you. You should know that. So when you try to come straight, no, boy, the face, So you don't you don't think that once it's so that's that's there something inside of you, a personal thing. Yeah, that's personal. You don't think like this, like a disagreements can be fixed, Like you don't think like disagreements and stuff for people can be fixed because a lot of times that's just like communication or it's like can't everything can lessons have been feels really cool or extremo Yeah, some ship you don't stole from me, or some ship that I just can't get over. But if it's words, yeah, individuals first, ain't neber words more accomplished or set or whatever it is. Yeah, because I sin I just think like when you get into it with people, if everybody just take a step back, like and we put our private side. You can really see that your side is valid and my side is valid, but you can't. But it's just about like putting the pride to the side and all that ship or whatever. You can't be the only person putting the pride to the side. Have the conversation you're about pride to the side. No, I'm talking about I'm not talking about the problem having a conversation the representative. When the represents a man, tell tell them pH to come holl that me bro, tell them get him on the phone, let me check the temperature. M I just went through this racially. Nika just caught me like, man, who, man who my phone in? Hey, you get on my phone getting talking like I said, that's why this is the word we're getting talking. It's like damn for real or no, I ain't never said that, and I believe you know, I ain't ever said that. I just felt like this because you said that. There's a whole bunch of he said she said ship for no reason. And I don't know how it's gonna be when I saw you. I don't know how it's gonna feel or how you was gonna feel. I don't know. So now we're just letting this ship linker on about a whole bunch of nothing. I misunderstand all the one conversation be like, all right, I can never fult you from what you said. I don't ulte you. But it ain't it ain't that's not smile. It ain't what we thought it would. It's an understanding. We understand where we both lie exactly. Conversation and communication brings understanding because you're definitely damns are not just gonna look at somebody or not talk to somebody and getting no understand That's how wars stopped. When them folks go to head them slummits, they're going to talk before we send them missles. Because that's what I'm saying. So ship man, I feel like a lot of people, even with feminine man is like you know how to be like manot with him. Whe folks ain't stolen that for you did your kid? The folks ain't send you a lot of people don't even remember why Bro, I s bro when I like I just told, we just had this conversation like if they could have gave me and me all him a mellion dollars to say how does she started? Y'all both with lots of money? Yeah, like how like how do ship start? But like you don't funk with you or we don't agree because everybody's not gonna agree to be around each other. That don't mean we have to have a problem com territory territory. You know, you might see the motherfucker. You might see a motherfucker like you ain't even met him, but you'd be like, I don't that he's character. I know there's playing people like that feel like that about me. Yeah, Like I just like I don't mind that though, But when you see me, ain't gotta goddamn be stiff like you a brick at me on the ship? Just don't like men? That's cool, that is okay? Yeah, yeah, like that ship took growth though, you know what I'm saying, A lot of the ship you just talking. No, nobody didn't any bank h So why am I upset with you? I'm gonna set about the way you feel about me? That ain't it that waste of time? That's a waste of my time. I'm song something well mad at you about the way you feel about me. It don't matter about who, about how you feel So I'm gonna be mad at you about you that you like the Lakers. Yeah, that's how you feel. You deal with that king, That's what I said. Comment territory. The comment territory could be sports or some ship, but it could be like we always say, a female or relationship ship like a lot of problems common. I got a question, So how do y'all feel about you? Know how, let's say everybody. I feel like everybody communicate differently, right, and sometimes people could be in the heat of the moment and they want to talk, Like how do you feel about the people that want to talk about the other person don't want to talk at that time? So who's wrong in that? Like the person respect? You gotta respect, But who is the one to bed? We gotta wait and we call them now because I know you've been upset and the way you're talking, you are really gonna make me upset and I know me so I'm just gonna know thet's not talk or seeing that in the email. I don't say people communicate like that. You know that writing letters and stuff tix me? That ship, So cause get with a lot of Texas do a lot of ships like that ship? Like I can't talk to my wife about no more fucking back and forth. Would never called so, but she sent me a text. I read that ship like you wrong, black? You know what I'm saying, Like, what ain't she ain't nothing wrong with you talking? We're not get big? What are you getto it with somebody? And they text you with that same aggressive energy though you can't. You can't take a text as aggressive energy though, because because I text, sometimes if I put something capital letters, might be like, why are you yelling like nigger? I'm not yelling. You are yelling like don't count men, don't don't know the difference with the exclamation autumn, autumn emojis and all them fucking punctuations and get your punched out. I feel like a text messages. People read the text messages the way that they that they're thinking, type of energy, from the way that they would say it from the person they're dealing with exactly. Really, yes, you know how you said that text, So you take say there's no energy behind texts. You know how you're said. That's it. It's still better to read the text, though, because you can read it when you want to read it, when you're talking again, I'm not I'm not gonna read that at all. I'm just saying what Bank was saying, like you can read that ship out. I'm yeah. Like sometimes when people text me, especially like if I know we got some ship going on the next let me some long ass ship. I don't even read that ship right there now, yeah, let me let me digress. Whenever I read that, my text messages get red wrong. So I gotta pull a DJ screaming voice, not your ask, like you know what. You obviously taking this ship the wrong way. And this is what I mean, because you can't hear a tone. You don't know nobody's tone. You don't know if they're coming out of like love or if they're coming out of it. It could go wrong and text message because I can see what you mean. I can see it, I can read it. I can't assist it. I am crying. I can't assist it. I can't. The only thing is, though, when you texted somebody that doesn't all, I don't know how to real. But okay, let's say let's say it is one of your partners and so ship right, and then they text you, WHAT'SO with my money? Bro? Right? What I'm just saying, I'm just saying, just saying, this is problem, this is an example. I'm just saying that a joke. So you know it's a joke in your head because you don't know, oh nobody. But you can still look at that text. You can still look at the text and take it one way you talking about about until you talk to him to see it was a joke. Not me text I know it really ain't about it really taxting me so long that they'll text you. Why text messages can't get confused? I see what you say, not because because I ain't even taking nothing literal norm b I'm praid that taking ship never So I'm not even gonna read certain people textas because it's fucking you. Fuck you just I'm doing something. But if they've text you, you're saying it was like, I'm not interested in communicating with you. Nothing, You got nothing you can tell to make me give me reading this, But you do that's all I'm gonna kid my numb. I don't want to hear what you gotta slave because it ain't talking about But if they sent you a text message, so basically you're sending the back because if they sent you a text messages. They know you got it. It's different than the d M. You don't. You don't know that guy, stop texting me? Stop dmit. Yeah, so you're sending back I don't want to talk about I'm not engaged with you. Nothing you can say that I want to talk about, right, you don't got people like that. Ain't nothing you can say like, that's nothing about conversation. The wrong conversation can alter your whole week. Yes, yes, you know what I'm saying, like like I'm like, I'm off that. Yeah, certain motherfucker calling. I know you ain't calling to talk about them busting bullish. That's the transfer. That's a transfer energy though, Like you know, certain conversations with people already know you about to bring me some fun up energy. So when I see your name pop up, already know I'm not certain names pop up and be like, Okay, I know this some money, this something, this stuff, this something. I don't want to hear the news. I don't want to be Instagram because I want to see certain ship. I don't want to see that the lady just shot up, folks. I don't want to see all that right now. That's why you gotta block something. What I'm saying, Yeah, certain ship, you can't even you gotta block certain people access to your ship. That's what I'm saying. Like it ain't no fun that I'm doing that I see like, uh no, Bro, I know, ain't name you y'allas say that. I want to help protect your energy that going on. I don't. I don't get if you do got something I don't want to head. I don't want to hear that, right. I don't want to hear like Nigga got nigga stuff to him about money. Bro started first. Bro, Bro, I want to talk about that. Bro, don't give a funk who did what? I don't given about none of that ship. What they're gonna do for me, They're gonna be king to think about exactly I started thinking about it and now this ship and to consume me. I don't need that. Bro, fuck you fun? What you tell my fucking deal with it? Real ship? I don't. I don't want to hear that ship funk out my phone. Really, I ain't blocking me and any certain things I make ship. That ship, you know how you can put the red on. I make sure they see that ship red. I'm gonna ta that ship. Make sure when you see the tip and certain people you like, yeah I read it, yeah, or the scene on Instagram that's seeing her, to make it feels how you see? That's the now. That's that's one of the key components of life. Giving the funk how other people feel, because people people, people bro I used to be the same way. I used to give a funk about how people felt. Get what that is. That's a that's an insecurity that you give a funk how motherfucker feel. Explain. Explain that's an insecurity by walking in with the pink country bucking shoes on and give them and if you feel like them ugly. I wouldn't even warm if I felt like a niggle. You know what I'm saying. If I gave a funk how people feels. Yeah, this black owned brilliant, count your bunk and let me shot him out again with the two loot socks, two lines and this. You know what I'm saying. But I wouldn't give a funk about these pink ass shoe don't match my I don't care. I don't care if they wasn't what I'm saying. I don't care at this point. Yeah, how came you thene the most freest people in the world. But I care a but I don't give a funk about no boy the field about me? Yeah, not give a funk about how my family feel? Like are you going through something? Ship like that? Ship like that? But but are you saying regular person? What about the people that care about how people perceive them? Not necessarily the same? What is it gonna change or to make you change you? To make you change yourself into something you're not? Well? Not necessarily change yourself, but like sometimes to how people view you, you probably do need to change some ship within yourself that to make you a better person. What's a better person? Though, it's like a better year, know of yourself. My life's gonna be able to judge what you need to do to make you better? Okay. My question is like, for example, if if if everybody thought like I was just a rude bit, like you know, man shot rude bit, like hit me out. They take your chance? No, I take your chance. Okay, But I'm just saying like, but deep down I don't want to be perceived I personally, I don't want to be perceived as a lute bit. But if I come around and y'all like, damn Shot rude as fun and then when it comes to me I care about, like what if rather you be rude, then you're coming in motherfucker faking it. That ain't even that I don't feel like you're faking like how about you. I've always been perceived as meaning unapproachable. Yeah that's what I'm saying, Like I know I'm not, so look for me like I've always for a long time people perceived me. It's like yo, sho, I got like a stale face, like she like, don't approach Shot. But because I was told that so many times now when I walk in rooms I make it a point to hey, how y'are doing? Good morning, like because I don't want to be perceived that. That's when that's like when you when you in a business atmosphere, right, Yes, you ain't gonna do that in the club. You ain't gonna do that ship just in regular people house because you don't. You're doing that because you want to excel envisions. Don't understand that it's different. Yeah, yeah, you better got that. Your your your reception and your gameplay. So when you're coming around business ship atmosphere. But she where the fun You give a funk about such such you know in the c great how you I could negle jent DM me man this ship create him d M. But I'll be looking at them too. I don't give a damn. I'll be looking at child. Nigga Jed told me he went to school with me at wife wife for elements that she goes to the fifth grade, like Bro, remember Bullock class shot something. She said, I want gonna be ship. But everybody to say that she walked me to the front of the class. I ain't forget that. My grandma gave a goddamn cent. She woking with a pattern too. That sh hurt. But Nigga say, bro, remember me, Bro, you sit in the picture of graduation from fifth grade. Said I don't know you. Bro, you gotta re meet me. You're not the same, feel it right? That's fact. That's big. I don't give a funk about none of that. You're whole different years the niggas from a year ago. It's Nigga somewhere telling Nigga's story about a nigga who I ain't even him no more, ain't even him no more. King, So I don't even like but it, so you right keep telling who about that nigga because I'm saying that nigga was sucked up too. I ain't you gotta re meet me and then you go tell this new nigga tripping, No, not tripping, because like man, nigga supposed to I'm not supposed to be, say, niggle two thousand three, Am I tripping? Y'all? Somebody step up to the mic over there, man, Yeah, don't fact man like you soon telling a story about a nigga that don't even exist no more that nigga think what that's every day that he's ship. I don't like you. Every day every day we changed either better everything it was to me. Jay, you can't tell me how I feel. I was shluggish. Yeah, okay, I'm getting up stretching and ship Now I feel good, So hell yeah, go tell those stories. But these people that's around me now, my revote family, I love y'all that they're gonna go say nice things about the guy they met. Yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying. So you just sound like a nigga who don't know me, King, you don't know me? Feel great, nigga don't know whatever. I don't know him. But what if in fifth grade you was cool to him? Like he felt still I was a kid. But I'm just saying like he like, damn, you was cool when he meet me. No, if you meet me now, you want to meet you just said fucking I'm saying that niggat knew because I don't know you. That's just like you're trying to go funk with a bit that used to funk with in college the same way you used to funk with in college. You don't know her. You better get back to know who. That's like, Okay, you're fund from high school, y'all us get money together whatever. I street ship and you meet him now twenty thirty years later and have the same lordy and trust for him. How impossible because he couldn't be the police he know you. Literally, that's just saying I don't know you no more. I don't know you, like they can't treat you to with like, damn you used to go for that ship back damn you. You're right, I don't go for that ship no more. But I'm gonna tell you how people get stuck, the same people that you that knew the oh you, you'll go around them trying to act like you still the same nigger that would keep you in the box. What you mean you go around Yeah, like you you don't evil and change to somebody else that you need to be. Now you're trying to fake it and be the niggerd that you put yourself in a situation, and put yourself in a situation. But that ain't me. What the hell I'm astro calls and ship for? I don't Hey, man, everybody that knows me knows me. They't know where I'm met. They can pull up on me, they know me. Yeah, if you're guessing you don't know me? Right if you talk about some old ship, you don't know me, man, and I don't know you, And I'm fine with that, right A wrong? I don't get we together fifty forty deal straight? We split up for a year. I don't know you. How he right? I knew you? Yeah? Yeah, there might be some acceptance whom I don't know what When you want to chi, we need I need to re meet you when you come out. If you greet them or go get up with them, you're going to re meet them. You gotta beat them first. I got two parts, came home. He in about head. I was talking to them nigga while they were gone, so I knew them. Right, you've been going twenty years and they ain't talking you. But I don't know. But you could be a whole guy down one of them. I've been having honey. I don't know what you're doing, bro, I don't know sense if you would still communicating, still communicate. I'm still talking to your kids. I'm still I know you because I know everybody still know what's going on with you. I know when you got them. You gotta h you've been in home. I know everything that goes on. I know you. If I ain't seen you, talk to you, so you still know. I don't vote in California. I don't think I still know. No, I don't how No, I don't. But I'll have a question, like, if you go like six months to a year without talking to somebody, do you still consider them your friends? Right? Like six months or a year? What I talking to somebody? They're not considering your friends anymore? You said six months to a year. Yeah, I think that you're you're still friends. We're still we're still a friend. But I don't know your friends. Yeah six, I think I think you can still know somebody in this pestimistic world we live in. No niggles man, how long? Yeah? How long I can you go without talking? In? How long? Like a month? It's fun us. We don't know. You don't know when I called you, you're still sounded like the niggle who I knew? I know you? What you gotta play with you? You gotta re established connection. Gloves gloves, reesta connection because people change every day. Then people change every day for the better or words that is true. I don't Yes, you think the motherfuckers you need to wake up and go shoot or got them school over something. No, folks thought they knew him the night before. Yeah yeah right, but they knew that nigh. You just know you had a little glitch. You know you're gonna do that? That just did that ship thought she was straight, but she felt in her own she tried, she personally didn't around her. Didn't know that ship. She got a lawsuit against these people. Yeah, they broke in her house and some ship. No, that ship probably sound like some bullshit what I'm saying, But I'm just like I'm going about a week. Ship. But bro, trust me, Bro, you don't know these people. Bro. People were shocked you even motherfucker that you you went last night that do ship tomorrow you'd be like damn ye ain't like damn yeah that go. If you're on Facebook trying to reconnect with niggas talking years faith, I ain't got favorable. I got teas and cousinship, know y'all. What's your num? I'm a lock in. No, you're not know y'all because to my Instagram that the real ship you got to see and they put your high school and I don't know the man like, let me read meet you. I meant I meet probably a million people. Goddamn a year. Niggas don't even want to re meet. They want to just keep back and start sh up. Oh yeah it's two thous night. No it's not nigga. Then you then you? Then you a faith nigga. You have the same nigga who they knew. Yeah, I'm Hollywood. You're having funny. You think you did you think that? You think you all that and you're acting funny? Who happen to be there to hear that? If I don't know you, That's what I'm saying like they won't trying. That's how you eliminate all that ship like gett fund and who you're telling that to somebody else who's saying the same thing or who want to hear that? Because anybody that knows me and you say that around they were like, how right, how do you get funny? I just any all the day regular nigga. Yeah, nigga still the same at their court. But how can you be the same and state I can you stay the same person? How if you don't get random access to you now you're acting? A lot of people say the same because they don't They don't have any aspirations because they care about the perception. They care about the procession of people opinion that don't even matter. Yeah, at the end of the day, all the same people you're giving the funk about. Think about the time when you got damn had letters on your dough, your kids crying, whatever the funk you went through, whether where were they the perception exactly if that won't make you say funk out, nigga feels ship whatever is when I need you where that perception is, When that goddamn assisted saying right, you ain't care. It is like we we we sit around and just judge people for what they do to get their money. I can't do that unless it goes against your morals. And like I see that they go against your morals, not mines because ship, my morals ain't gotten to do with your more you could do. When I see you doing you little stretched out doing it, then I'll be like, you probably shouldn't be doing that. But I can see you doing some ship and you happen doing it, and do that ship to the max, and that ship feeds your family, cause I ain't even give your ship. I'm crying, right, So what my opinion matter? For perception doesn't pay. Basically, as a moral of the story, man, sometimes it takes as a conversation to get to know people, a conversation with communication because I can tell you something know how to communicate to so you gotta even know how to have proper communications. I think what he's saying, though, is the consistent conversation and consistent communication to talk to someone because people can change, yes, get what and your mom can say anything, but your energy can't lie period. You know what I'm saying. So at the end of the day, I come around you when you come around the motherfucker you ain't seen in a minute. Don't you feel like, I don't know, huh right, feel different? You gotta sit with him for a little bit. Nah, let me see what off the rib like you can you can tell like if if like it upsets some shing inside of you like this, ain't it like I'm not interested? Like if or if it's like some regular ship Like I'm saying, you're unsure, like, oh, you're different. You don't know what type of different Nigga might be. If but get what if you neig tell me? Get what if Niga told you just said, if Nigga tolds you like you brand new and make you feel some kind of way. Yeah, but that's what you're trying to be. No, what I'm saying, you're gonna see ted to be what a new jah? So that's a compliment, Queen. I wouldn't give a funk who was coming from no God to God told you to say that? Lame man? He now I look at it. Yeah, but you don't even know what you're saying to me. By that's inspiration? Thank you? Yeah? Yeah, brand new Nigga gotta home. You search it. You just gotta even in hate. You gotta embrace this. You know where you're right, nigga I am because that all the nigger ones just ship, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, real ship, though everything could be reversed into a positive facts. Facts. I called it flat side of the other day, damn, like first thing came my mind. Fun but no, the flats I probably saved me from flipping over. We're sitting here and weight on triple leg with my legs up. Man. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. You never know. You gotta take everything as a blessing of you. Day bro yea ship and he's checking out around this bitch man randomly too crazy shit man, plead. Yeah, I don't know. You might be the niggle on the shoot the nigga boy so Frank Fried Bro, I don't know he nick. I'm gonna tell you seeing it gonna like him. You did that, you couldn't believe it. Yeah, but I knew him. Now I ain't know him. I ain't know he's gonna do that ship. You knew, That's what I said. Just because you knew me, don't mean you know the bottom line to this ship. Just because you knew now we can have a conversation so you can get to know me. You know, if you can get in touch with me, you know what I'm saying, you can. We'll go through all these got them assistance. I got the shot him. Now talk to hut the hut to him, talk the hut out the hut, and they're gonna tell you she might to him and she probably gonna him. That's the end. Nothing so tractive. How many time doing nigga gotta waste on other motherfucker's Man, I did that ship. I'm gonna time. You're gonna wait talking even even talking having a conversation with the motherfucker about nothing? What did that lead you to? Nothing? Yeah, it's taken away. You're right from your time. Can't get that back. We're sitting here and talk about the shade little what that je did for us? Not damn nothing, waste your time. We had a conversation on the phone, We're talking about business, but they go hit this trail or some ship by us buildings building, right, you're never I don't know what I mean. I could be all here for that bullshit toxicity because that ship. You gotta you gotta goddamn you gotta weed it out. You gotta readjust what excites you. You know what I'm saying. That didn't get me ship that Yeah, M feeding some ship inside of you you're trying to get rid of anyway, anything else. We're not got big man. I just oh, I don't know. I don't no nobody, I don't No, I don't even know y'all. Won't we leave we come back next win be like Okay, that's that. Yeah, they're sad, But you know what I'm saying, No, yea makes sense. It makes sense. You'll know. It's it kind of ties into not owing nobody ship too. You know what I'm saying, no body in explanation, you don't know anybody that ship worse when you thought you did and you paid every a debt and you still didn't pay it off. That's when when you thought you old everybody. Because you feel like I'm a special person, the person that I am bright, it's other people up and do this and do that, and do this and help people and who So it's my it is because some people let themselves down and won't let you down. You know what I'm saying, Like I have people like yeah, I have people in my life that they'll say, funk it. But if I call them that don't know, I'm disappointed, they'll be like, no, I gotta do it. Combat disappointed. You know what I'm saying, funk out it unless just you know what I'm saying right here, circle, I can't do that ship for the Let's just listen to this big fact ship. If this should help you cool, you know what I'm saying and it being niggas that dm me sense something. If it's if it touched me, I'm open and talking. What's up, bro, following everything. It's just how I am come now, especially if you text me some ship like you know me, not knew me, you never met me, but you know how nick and damn you're like, no, I see what you're trying to do. Whoa and that should be like damn, you know man, you're following you? Yeah, I need to know him. Yeah, you know what I'm saying, like man for Eric, I don't know, man, I don't know. It's therapy for me though, Yeah, I know it's not like a remnum. I don't know, Scream, I didn't know. But you the only thing on surprises when you actually found the motherfucker. That be wrong because you're looking for the bush. Isn't a lot of people that's a hunted nowadays because it's a hunt because what's what you may perceive as like loyalty and the dope ass person somebody else may perceive it's like some bullshit. I can't hunt it to me is if you're a hunt it to yourself, whoever you is, that's who you is. I don't give me some bullshit bone like it. But you're still real. That's a bunch of they gonna be like, but don't even sayings real ship. I'm just called that's just my opinion. But you're still look at you as real. You're just a Yeah. I just don't like you. People think a hunting is perfect. That's not. You're not gonna be perfect everybody. Yeah you're period. There's not gonna be man that crazy man. But if you can keep it, but if you can keep it real in every situation, you're not changing around different circles that you be around, and you're the same nigga. You're hunted to me, You say, what like if you keep it real around all you you know some some people have different personalities around different people. Yeah, they all to themselves around everybody exactly like, no matter why I go, I'm gonna be back like the same way. That's what I'm saying. So what do y'all think about the same where they say that if everybody likes you, then you're not real. I agree, because there's no way everybody can like you. There's many circles that exist, Like there's no way I could be the same way around y'all that I'm around, um, the people at my church and everybody there's gonna like me or the same way I'm the same way around. You switch it up for the people. No, no, no, because I've been I've been to like people, you know, people looking at yams the only fans And you want me to lie you at church on your phone looking and tell them you're not doing that he did in church looking at them ladies asses and them got them dresses like that the same ship because they'd be on the saying the women women in my age w the same ship, you think because they ain't church, they're not getting down what we're talking about, churn down and you know church later dressing the silky like like you know rus So you say that's the silkiness perpetual. Yam saying y'all need church. Ain't no bad. I don't go to church, so I went off. I'm just saying I didn't go. It was bad in church. I'm just saying no. So basically what screen was asking you is there's no way humanly possible, Kodak on Big Homie House, you are coda. Ain't motherfucking white when you at church with your motherfucking mama. You're not the same with exactly, because like man, I just saw that. It was like Charlotte. He and my mom have conversation about the ship. Were talking about the big on these eyes and big fast. But I don't have churches. You're not. Now, there are certain things that I don't do. But I'm fat for not cousin on my mama. Yes, even even on your hands. Yeah, a little kid, you a little kids. It's a little kids. Get chance walking right now, you're gonna be you got kid for you more killed. That's how I am with kids. Okay, that's the same thing. But I'm still gonna play that gut now. Yeah, I smoking my same bring your kid around. Wish I might say a couch word. I'm just saying. You know, I'm in church and I see a lady looking approachable, saying, how are you gonna what's your Instagram? They're gonna take until on one shut you know what I'm saying the same person. No, no, no, it's it's extremety to it. I'm just saying that from what he was saying, you ain't gonna magnify. He ain't gonna. But you're still thinking if you didn't think if I see some gams at church, don't be surprised if they had the big homies house next shut your ass up? Am I wrong? Yes? Yes, So basically you got to the pulpit to be a predator. How about predator? One thing about it, God knows your heart. God knew me. He knew if you're in church watching him later walk by and ship? He made you some that ship? How I love like God, I ain't doing that. I just I just I made you like this. I made you like this like we're doing y'all real ship. No em, I am conversation. Yeah, because that church is supposed to be focused on the Word, not nobody. Why I addressed them, just Nick giving some patriarchal peace. Your word into conversation, Babe. No, you're not into conversation and you're not conversing. What's the were we trying to communicating? You're not communicating with God. If you're looking at ass, you're not focused about it. No, no, no no, God gave you the guiltful eyes. God. God created giltful eyes. Man. God created man. But what did I gotta do with Like, when you're in church, you're supposed to be there focusing, So I can't have let know what she's saying. What she's saying make a little bit of sense because it's like there's purpose, right. What if you take your partners to go to the trail and go workout and they bullshit and you're really seriously, I'm trying to work out talk with some girls. I'm gonna keep going. Let me irritated. How what they want to do? I tried my own car to come down. We don't know. Watch slow in hill taking pige day. Let me do a photo shooting everything. Hey, Ronna in the waterfall opening up through the I got your business. I got so. If I'm at a church hopping to Ignoriticus, but you're not, you're not communicating with God, because you're not focusing and listening up. We're not. We're going back to the beginning of the conversation. We're somebody. To be able to have a conversation, you have to properly communicate, you have to interact, so it could be a conversation. So you're saying when you're in church, in the pastor teaching what they need to heal themselves exactly the pastors preaching and not listen to somebody whoever. It is like, y'all gonna be going to church to pay my time. You can't tell me why. I'm now why are you going? This is more about coda. Why are you going? Why are you going to all? I haven't been churched since prependement? Why were you going there? Because I felt like you had to be in the building to kind of give things. So why do the preacher get shot and prey on all the colon? Why the preacher? Why? Why the preacher gotta have a hundred watch? I'm just saying, why do Yeah, why the ladies put on those dresses? Thank you? That's what I'm saying. So why did you go to church? Because I feel like I feel like because I feel like we know about the church as by itself doesn't matters. The el was still still women in the el. Yeah, I feel like you had to be in They're not in there walking around with dressing the ship. But you're focused, all right, purpose, stop shot around. God a sacrificed He ain't smoke the goats, you say, I'm saying back then, because evolved in my religion, I pray a lot more now, so it's not like I have to be in the building. Bull. I pray every morning and every night. I probably should pray a little bit more. But so you're saying you can't believe in God. If you, why did you go to Because I feelt like you had to be in the building to serve that purpose. Okay, so what is the purpose? So basically, you didn't go to church to look at the asses that just happened to be there. When you got it was a mini blessing on the side. Oh my god, Oh my god, Lord, let me get the funk. Because you're saying you're in church, you say, vangelist wiggle Look, Yeah, walking through this motherfucker. I'm saying, I'm seeing you ain't been a look, I'm seeing a BBM baptist, that motherfucker. I'm go look, you gotta stay focused on what you saying. We focus on this, so somebody walked by, we're gonna lose focus. You gotta know how to have loose. So are you're gonna see it? Don't see what I'm coming to when you see that stuff? Walk back right now. I gotta I think I would call that on this one. You mean to say about like engaging and different. That's what I'm saying. Engaging is difference. So you're gonna blow up to the bench and put your arm around the head and say, hey, I'm hey, now that's a problem. That's what I'm saying. Looking for sure, that's what I'm saying. But looking and thinking at the same thing ship here, But I heard it. Hey, how are you doing looking and thinking about something that the same by If we're all gonna look, that's a reflex like, that's not because it's just it's some nice to look at y'all, like looking through the mass. All you're saying like get up and run run behind engaging. I'm not even I'm not doing that. That's only if she's close the service. That's only if she's he's going to church, and then after that he's going to go lust on this one to come on on my podcast, even though you're supposed to be holy, come over here and be a home man. Look, look what the church is not for people that hold people that church the church to recruit. Yeah, that's what he's That's what I'm saying. If you're engaged, we're solicited. What what I was about to say about? Look people, this is a man of God. Hold on, that's a man of God. Because most women in church are playing for what a man not yet poor man? What I at? You can't say that they want no glove? Oh my God. Basically have most of these beaches there is a poor pit to get engaged. They're trying to get the poor bits wo to church pulpit to dick. Oh God, what you just she said. But I'm said, people, people go to church for the same reason they go to the hospital. They don't go to the hospital because there will. They go to the hospital because because they're sick. People in church are going to the church trying to trying to get right with God. They don't go to church because they're already right with God. They go to church because they're trying to get that we all fucked up. That's why we n what things. God knows that he created no one person exactly. So if I'm in church, you know I'm not perfect. I'm trying to get right the same way she's trying to get right. To get right, I can vote, we can focus focus, We're gonna focus on him. Grandmother, My grandmother used to fare. She to fake shout you know it me to teach me like she's doing lost your thought left how you step out of to teach me like why are you doing? You faking but real ship? The church women don't be on the lookout. But now how they snatching demons out of people? They're smacking them. They're walking to him and smack on the for you, they filed out the demons. Do think most churches are scams? That's a whole another episode for the word scams. And I'm gonna pay no Texas. No, I don't feel like to a certain degree, I feel like, to a certain degree they are because I agree, to a certain degree I believe that churches are scamed because you do not need church to have a relationship with God at all, Like you don't need church to have a relationship with God. Can't nobody tell you how to have your relationship with God. So when people say that you gotta go to church and you got to do this, and you've got to do that, you really need the funk, don't. It's between you and God and how He raised you and how he you know your relationship with Him, and you've got about the first time every day you're good like that, and you walk about about that water they'd be selling on like late at night when I need to see that. I wanted to, like, don't think that water will work, but some people work, but I feel like it's bad and it's what How does the water supposed to work for vampires? Remember? I believe in everything. I don't know about, Yeah, possibilities that go back that we don't know what they need something he could be so funny right good over here. He don't want to like that. Even when these niggas enough they hang upside right whatever conversation ain't ain't going, shirt man. They got now engaged. But I'm gonna look, I'm gonna focus. That's just me. If I'm going there for that wherever I'm going, I'm gonna focus focused. I used to strip focused on this, I'm not. I don't want to hear all that ship. I'm at the strip club out the flame, so I'm focusing on this on what the flame asked? Whatever is that the flame? That's what I'm focused on. I'm just saying, focused on the ask. If I'm at the flying that, I'm nderstand I used to look, I don't even say that the twins you used to do that. I think want to hold the boy because you used to do whatever. So basically you would be still doing that if we weren't to get you know what. I got there breaking all way down to you. Yeah, I believe me. You should focus on the moment exactly when you're at the But but can you whip? Can you get for sure? We're okay? That's all I'm saying. That's what still and him hitting his mama be like I hit this girl last night, Mama, you ain't doing my mama wants some grandkids, you know, but you're not talking on what I'm doing. Huh, you said you're not changing regardless. Talk your mom about that girl? Did you like about a couple of episodes back, did you say you fuck her? And then like she touched off. She probably washed. What did that? What is it? You can't fake it nobody out but yourself. Yes, that's how I really feel like. So you just hate me all the way. Right, I'm gonna come around you like, I'm not even gonna go over there because because I ain't gonna babe to be me, So I don't even go to umar Mima. What I'm doing that they pay me, they're different, but they're gonna they're gonna have to agree to my terms. We're smoking, we're doing what we do. If not, don't book me for that. So this is what I do. Yeah, this is what I do. I feel like you can't fake, but people can feel when you're fake it. Yeah for sure. Yeah, the energy that makes it resentment, Like man, fake it? Would you rather be around somebody that's real or somebody that makes you comfortable? Real? Real? I don't want to be trying. Nobody's gonna lie to me just to make me feel good, because that's that's gonna make me uncomfortable. What you thinking that? Really want to be in that conference zone? Because when the mother tell you the truth, motherucker take that ship so personal, So you really won't like have a couple of episode back. Really want to be loud to most people, most people, not all, but most. I don't even want to hit because I don't even want to. I don't even want to hit. If you've been allowed tears. You don't want to hear unless you know what I'm saying. That why I term my comments on you want to see what you got to say? Bro, you don't know what it is right a wrong? Because you want to be like you really want to hear the best, Yeah, depending on who you are. But I don't even Yeah, I want to be, but you don't even feel like preparing for the words most of the time. Yeah, let me tell you what you need. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes sometimes they be hell around because they don't even know the trolls and ship. But for sometimes the strangers would get people then following you. Constructive criticism constructive, Yeah, it's a difference constructive and destructive criticism. A lot of people just been talking ship. Yeah. We check us out triple w dot Big Facts pot dot Com at Big Facts Party at Big Facts Friday to the next episode, Salute it's Big Fact, don't cap Fitch