Published Jul 23, 2021, 3:00 PM





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Big Fag and DJ Scream bring you Big Facts Hot podcast in the streets. Visit the new website today www dot Big Facts pod dot com Live and first class Sounds, DJ Screen, Big Big Baby j This is Big Facts. What the up, people, What's up? What's up? What's up? I gotta shout out to my boy, ian Ian Connor. He keeps me laced with all of the new sick. Oh, it's coming in, momma, I'll get it. I'll get it for you bout this weekend. It's okay. That's yeah, I love him. That is That is what we're talking about. What we're doing ja, Okay, So I look, so here's the question. And I'm sure that this is the topic that you married niggas can elaborate on. What's such discussion? Because bimies put your hand in the screen, Jersey swap ever made Homi Mandi and the crowd goes wild. What we're talking about? This is what we're talking about today. So goddamn, would you prefer and so so did this can apply to everybody? Would you prefer that your wife or your husband for all you married people out there, if you should unfortunately succumbed to death, would you prefer them to deal with somebody that you know and trust, like one of your close friends that you know would take care of them in your family, or would you prefer for them to move on and deal with a complete and total stranger what I can't option the third we have really double standards because at the end of the day, you've been waiting on me to that, and we're gonna go in thirty days later, we're gonna leave. Anybody would go to go. Now, all the fun up thing is you know the replacement, don't think about I don't know I'm going. I don't give a funk what you do. You can't do nothing because you're gone. I don't give at least you don't know, or at least or at least you don't think you can. But that's something crazy. I ain't even never thought of no ship like that. But I wouldn't give a damn what you do? What's your think? What? What's you think? So if I was married and I died and my nigger had to move on, man, listen, I flipped my grave over if he fussed with somebody that we already knew, like in real life, I would prefer a stranger because I feel I feel what Black is saying, like not even about if you're moving on. You already wanted to move on, But how then you gonna move on with somebody that like I fucked with? Like, are you crazy? Nig You'll never sleep another night peacefully? You are this bitch? Like for real, Like, IM gonna throw this out there and you might not reply to me. I might not want to talk about it. You know, that's cool, But how does that work with Faith Evans, Biggie, Notry, is Big Stevie J? That situation? What if anybody wants to speak on it? Heaven? Well, there was Faith and Biggie who was married. Biggie met his untimely demise, and now Stevie J And Faith, if I'm not mistaken, are actually married. But Stevie J And Big were about it though. It's just like real ship, just life go. It's gonna go right exactly, Like you can't predeet this ship just being on what you think that was? I guess they were the indeping on time and yeah, time and time at the pass by, Yeah, but it was almost twenty years after the fact for sure, So it's like you can't you can't help who you fallful, you know what I'm saying. But it if next week, the week after Biggie's funeral, that weren't Cobo and ship taking selfie. H that's different. Oh, bit, that's totally different. But I feel like how you think only she happy, I only should be with But how you think your people will how you think how you think your people would react though, Like, but at the end of the day, and they don't act funny because we come from a different from a different background. Though in the crowd, you know, our people look like our people look like him were family too, you get what I'm saying. So that's different. Like, but again on the flip side of that ship though, at the end of the day, well, I'm gonna just say that unless his kids involved, But if it's not any kids involved, then like their opinions should kind of sort of be taking into consideration, but not really because we're all adults and at the end of the day, you have to do what you need to do to make yourself happy. So there's this thing that I not saying respectful with the ship, but you know, you can't you can't live your life based off of other people's opinions. In fact, is the person moving on for love or just sex? What else? What else is there? That's what I'm saying. But if it's if it's for love, I'm all for it, because like when you lose somebody, I've never been in that situation, so I can't like technically speak on it losing like a husband or a spouse or whatever, but I can only imagine, like when you lose somebody that's that close to you, that you really love that much, there's a huge void there that eventually deserves to be refilled, especially like if you were not if you were a faithful spouse and like you never cheated on them, you never like did no function to them or whatever whatever. You deserve to find love again, and you deserve to be happy again. I have no debate. Yeah, I let that debate with you, you, Jason, fire to them. It's gonna be a great thing on big facts. Any other questions, anything else you would like to say, since we're talking about you know, like loving, you know whatever. Whatever. When you're dealing with people with kids, right like male or female, however you want to do it, our kids like a deal breaker because of the possibility of the nature of the relationship with other parents. You're saying to be in a relationship with hitting that ship. I mean, anybody can funk. I'm talking about a relationship. But that that's how relationships. It depends on how much you like her. How relationships start, too, though. I salute the um men who have got with women and that's helping to take care of other people's kids, especially if the prior man ain't taking care of That's a little to women that deal with niggas they have kids and they have to put up with the baby mama ship. That too. Now could I do it? I couldn't do it, But I salute them, and I probably couldn't take care of someone else's kid me personally, it's just me. I can't explain it. I probably couldn't do it. And another part of it will probably be is the baby father, like does he exists or doesn't exist? If he exists, I definitely probably. But here's here's another thing too that don't want to don't want to say, it's just I'm just that's just that's just how I wired. But if he if he up the road or no longer here or whatever the case, it's cool because like we don't say it before. I just feel like it's always a little boundary with they had a kid together something there. But he speaking and speaking about that though, speaking about not everybody with the with the with the the other parent and all of that ship, because I'm gonna just like speak from a place of experience, Like I've dealt with niggas with kids before, but a lot of times when I see like females deal with niggas with kids, they try to create tension with the kids mom. Like when they're dealing with a nigga with kids, they try to create tension with the kid's mom and like create ship. You know what I'm saying between them, thinking that that's gonna make their relationship with the nigga easier if he's upset with the baby mama. But I've learned through my wisdom in my years that when you're dealing with a nigga with kids, if his relationship with his baby's mama isn't like, isn't coasting clearly and isn't like smooth, then like you're never gonna have any type of real peace in your relationship because it's always going to be the confusion over here. So like like like with me, like with the with the niggas that I've dealt with with kids, I felt like it was in my best interest to promote that you have a good relationship with this bitch and that you get along with this bitch for the sec of your kids, because at the end of the day, whatever goes on over here, I don't give a fugal how much you say, it doesn't or who you say you are or whatever, it's spills over into your other relationships. And if your ship is rocky over here, it's always going to be a problem over here. If you're cool with this bitch, you're getting along with this bit, y'all are co parenting, you know what I'm saying. Your kids are straight, whatever, whatever, then your home is gonna be okay because you don't have anything else to worry about. So you're saying, just spread positivity all around, like just yeah, I don't, I don't. I don't understand why, why why why females do that? Like I get it, it's posive. No, I get it totally. But it's just like at the end of the day, like you supposed to tell you, like tell who they had a hell around a kid though simple like okay for me, like my daughter, Dad and I we're not together, but if he's dating whomever he's dating, he do what he want to do. But when he in something serious, I tell him, like, if you want to have my daughter meet her, I need to meet her too. I need to know who she's gonna be around. It's the same thing if I'm dating somebody and once we get serious and my daughter gonna be around him, I would want my daughter dad and him to be able to be cool. So just out of respect, but what if y'all ain't even cool like that? Like why are you and my business with my business business? But my child becomes our business. But that's our child and it becomes our business together. That seemed like mother's they want to be a bid in not necessarily the end of the day, I don't feel like I'm saying if I felt like you was the type of person that would let some harm happened to my baby, then or like you want the mothercker, let's do some ship that you and the baby, then here, yeah, I need to question that. But if you love these babies as much as me, hey man, when when you with her, you with her. I need to know who these because if I can't get it, if I can't get a hole to you, I need to be able to get a hole to her personally. Whoever gonna be around my child? I need to know. Yeah, they with their mama, That's how I look at it. But how you how you gonna really know? They could just do it without telling you? What have the kids around? Somebody's gonna spell it for sure, they will spill it, But I'm saying it regards what I spill it immediately on. I mean, it doesn't necessarily have to turn into smoke. Understand Like how you have rules with them parenting? How are you gonna tear me a rude boundary? How are you gonna tell me a boundary with them? My cha, my cha. So let's say no with me half of his mind, man with me today, my hand for me today, and not gonna do what we do. I mean, you're gonna tell me goddamn when he come with you, you need to go. He need to go. Goddamn. He needs to listen to jazz. You need to go to the the nutcrack funk are that we're doing what we do Because I mean, your dad, this is me, so you want me to put it. You want me to put it, you want me to do this. This is my kids now, this devil's advocate. Listen. You have a son, right, you have a little son. You have a woman, y'all break apart. The woman moves on, right, the woman decides she wants to date a police officer. Right, actually dating the police officer. You're telling you you're raising your son a certain way, right, police officers telling your son comes something completely different? My son, right, he gonna come out to me like get with the whole. But hap say ship. You won't game got to say ship. But what if your son come to you would be like, well, daddy, what you're talking about? This wrong? Because officer? Who police saying? I think you a police? I can't tell you what to be. Just that's what you choose your past son, all right. I'm just saying with that, nigga, you don't have to step your stare with my son. But you chose that. You chose that your son. Don't matter what I want for my son. He has his own mind. That's how he needs to be going crazy and being miserable and ship. But true, we try to make them be something you want, the true, true fact. Let the people be them fact. They got the bran Yeah we got one of you. Bit dedicate my head to be googled his for him to thank with my bright Yeah, can't with that playing devil's advocate. I don't care what you want to be. If you want to be, I'm a support it, like I'm gonna show you what what you know what I'm saying. I think if you want to be a real nigga like me, that's cool. But if you want to be our officer j J asked, nigga, but you can't real. Some of my officers are real. Yeah, that's what they do. You know what I'm saying, Because you move my officer to a lawyer, to mayor, to congress, mean you know what I'm saying. You never know. You just could be going through right and so I can't never say. I can't tell you my way is right, way is wrong. I can't say it. So the bank would never say I don't want my kids around that. I don't want my kids around nobody, no pediphier, I don't want my kids around that type of ship. Like you got rumors on you don't did ship like that, that type ship, hey man, believe all rumors for comfort that point that if if they should have said that about you exactly. But he's child, my child, as the father is sitting here telling child, Mam, I don't want this person around my kids. And y'all should be able to have that comment. Uh, but I'm saying she at the end of the day, I ain't even no woman who's gonna be nigga like that anyway. So I'm thinking about like me, like if I'm gonna put a baby on a female, I damn to know her cares for sure. No matter we say funk each other, what you still love your child? Were talked. I talked to you love, we talked to We're talking about the people. We're talking about the people that might God damn, we're talking about the people that might have slipped up in May one though. Hey man, when they come like that, man, you know what I'm saying, You just have to you should lip up and make them. And then it's if it's you have to wait till the child get up to take them to take y'all get an age and y'all develop a relationship to me like when be trying to I want to see my baby. They baby got them three months. You know you, bro, you're just trying to go through this with this female like fun that let her grow to see you whenever she let you see cool. But you know what I'm saying, before you go through the drummer of it, continuously put forth effort to see your child by all means, but before you go through some ship that you know, because females be trying to throw the hook out. Though you know what I'm saying, facts Ley be trying to throw the hook out. That's so you want you If you bite it, you it's gonna suck you up. Hub. What's the hood? H what's the hood? You know? The baby? The baby? My baby needs some pampers in at four o'clock in the morning. But get them. I'm seeing I'm typing, nigga. I'm gonna do everything to the max, guys, fun with you, everything else to the max, like you, I don't care web me out right, Okay, somebody about to bring it? Okay, okay, okay, okay, yes, yes, so you're doing some bulls. She would I have to see my child. She need to be trying to go out them take the ship out on the kid, like you let me see that boss shoe still your child, right, better than call that motto or the kids. If I get a little kid and he acting like he crying there, don't want to go like, I'm not gonna forced you to be there, right, Yeah, if you're trying to you're acting like a litk around the house and ship. You don't like what's going on. I'm saying, if you know me, if you don't know me, or not steal me, we don't tell. We don't explain to you. I'm your father, So you're acting like something. I'm being nice, taking my kindness for weakness. Come get this thinking man so you grow older and understanding. Sometimes sometimes females and males, I ain't just gonna put it on female. Sometimes they try to brainwash the kids about the other person. Like the way you feel you want to make the way you feel about this person. You want this kid to feel like that. Kids understand which parent was the problem. That's the most suckish ship in the world. Like, okay, bitch, I might have been a funk nigger to you. I probably did everything in the world in the world to you. But I ain't did shipped my kid, So why are you trying to you know what I'm saying. Yeah, so now you like, like bro, you know so many niggas go through that ship, but especially niggas you know, the rapping superstar like the kid be looking like because he really loved his mom and you feel like you left my mama. I can't deal with that bitch, you know what I'm saying. Whatever happened, we can't deal with each other, but nigas will trying to. Goddamn she overs. You know what I'm saying. You know you're using the kid as a tool or with you know what I'm saying. I don't even if I hated my baby mama to the maximum, I'm not gonna tell son or her daughter that. I'm not gonna just be like until they get old enough and start watching their opinion, like I wan't bullshit. Yeah sah, yeah, he never want you to see it. But you know what I'm saying, Like, but I ain't putting your head that and playing out seeds. I ain't gonna do that. How it's do you suggest for people that have that's going through these problems that have baby Mama baby daddy issues and they don't want to bring courts involved, Like how how would you tell them to handle that situation. You gotta pray about that, They gotta just they just gotta make it about the child and still about each other. If it was about the child, everything to work smooth every time. If it's about the child, everything and work smooth. Then when it's about god, damn you like how you put up. I might be busy, I might not can't get over that, but shower can come get right quick, something to take a shop. Still, I'm still going to come to somebody can come get it. But you don't like that. I don't know about know I sally whatever. Yeah, this ship just be. People still have emotions and feelings for each other. So that's why, like the screen said, like I couldn't have a woman with a with a baby dad with baby daddy issues. I couldn't because at the end of the day, like they bring me in and nothing like hell if I see you, if if I see you upset about another nigga. Right, you're trying, but you're trying to act like it's about the child, but you upset about this nigga. Right, something right, that's just that's real ship. That's true. That's really how can I with your move? Me and you we got snickering at each other. That that's what I'm saying. That's just like, that's what I was just saying about, like when you deal with people with kids, you have to encourage them to have a healthy relationship with other parents, because that's just like like with me or shy or cash, Like why why am I finishing around you and you're sitting up here with your face all turned up and you got the attitude about this bit. Yeah, that's what I'm saying that we're saying. You're just saying, we're rather not deal with this ship. Yeah, saying you're saying you can't deal with it, and can't you can't make them have a good relationship, rather you can get them. Yeah, yeah, that's true. No, but how did are you on the flip side of that ship? At the end of the day, Whoever they dealt with before me could have been a messy asked person just like the baby mama, and they were just bumping heads because both of these holes were messy. Me. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't get a kick out of that way about you bumping heads. What we're saying he bumped heads with his baby mama. No, But what I'm saying to you is because the bitch that he was probably dealing with before me was on that like this holding it or whatever whatever. But at the end of the day, me, I want you guys to have a nice relationship. You're not getting what I'm saying. I get what you're saying. But you listen what I'm saying. I'm saying, you're not the problem. You're in the lady not an issue. These two people have an issue. But what I'm saying, Yeah, you get what I'm saying. Them too, just only have an issue that don't matter who whatever the female do, no matter what now when his girl do. They got an issue because they got some type of bun and some type of comflict that could never be resolved between each other. You get what I'm saying. Like, you know how niggas like he is bitch saying like every time, so every time they got them, they get in. Every time they have to interact, it's a conversation then, but you gotta be in the code with this nigga. While he upset about another bit and don't know what I'm you can do it. You don't say calm down, baby, I know she Now you're gonna stop like what's this whole man? That's how they use about That's that's what I'm saying. Let me get this out, Let me get this out. Please, let me get this out. But my thing is okay, yeah, I'm I might it might be like okay for real, like what's really like, what's really up with this? But at the end of the day, it's possible for me to be able to try to calm him down to the point where maybe he could possibly find a resolution. It's possible trying to text another relationship will sleep. But but technically this ain't supposed to be a relationship. I know. That's the problems created relationship issues anger, getting relationship and are you ain't that? Do you care? You don't give a fuck, You don't care, you don't get mad, you don't are you when you ain't nobody? You don't give a funk about touching, none of your emotions because you don't give a funk. That's what I'm saying with that, you sit around and watch your nigga get these emotions touch about another female that's not you. You know you can make him mad, but now that somebody else that can make him mad any time, she ain't going for that. That's what I'm saying. That's the part. It's not about the kid. We love the kids, ain't the kids. Ain't about the kids about she can just make and they don't have nothing right. I'm for the call over that night, you know what I'm saying. I know if I call over, there's gonna this nigga go for it every time like dam but you know I ain't. I ain't gonna get that out. But when they're starting though, after that, then what what what comes after that? Now? You don't like this bitch? First, you don't need you tripping. Now, don't like this bitch. There's a whole triangle bullshit. Somebody who's not over there. It Daddy's not every baby. My baby dad had this issue though, not to be cool. If if both would be like this, if both party move on and being yes, then yeah, it probably weren't better. When they've moved on with someone else and have other kids all just completely moved on and they're good, it probably works better that way. That's what I'm saying, something is keeping them busy. But when he kept busy, then they really haven't moved on. I'm gonna tell you what we create create envy food, some couples bro when niggas, when niggas got damn see like doing all this ship I wanted when female right right big fast, you got got it right? Yeah, you got of me got it right. You can't. You can't worry about that because if you were holding it back, if if if this ship would, it had to be your problem. If it works right, not necessarily, it had to be our problem. If it was a problem that I'm saying, this is the chemistry. Sometimes the chemistry. Don't that one gonna never get to this. A different one's gonna bring something different out. Told me some ship I'll never forget to this day. He told me. Having a baby mama is like having an opt that you can't kill you like no matter what Big Facts facts crazy man, somebody be like funked up though for real, Like I don't know these things too, but it just ship goes both ways. I don't know. Jay is on fire, Triple w dot Big Facts pod dot Com. Let's go. You're listening to Big Facts with Big Bank and DJ Scream Big Facts on social media at Big Facts Pod, Big Bag and DJ Screen Bring you Big bat hey Man soldway up, Lady. That merch es Yeah, that's right. Www Dot Big facts pot dot com. What's the real one? One time y'all. Come get y'all some of this merch mat facts pot dot com. Get that merch right now shot with us sold the way up. Big Fact Merch going down at the new website today Www dot Big factspot dot com. Is it now

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