Published May 11, 2022, 2:00 AM

The Wall Street Trapper speaks with the Big Facts squad about financial literacy, transitioning from the streets and more!



For Merch



Big Bag and DJ scream bring you Big Bats, the hottest podcast in the streets. Visit the new website today www dot Big facts pot dot com live for first class sounds. You know who this is? DJ Screaming, said Big Bank and said baby Ja to see. It's time for Big Facts and we got a special guests in the building about heavy request. It is the Wall Street Trappers pulled up a Big Facts. What's up? What's up? What's up? My brother family? Everyday? Good with you? Man's love me? Man, I feel good now you've been making a lot of moves, beginning a lot of money. Come on right, you know what I mean. What we want to start this conversation is, uh, who so? Who were you before you were the Wall Street Trapper. Let's get into the essence of your journey a little bit like before you were the Wall Street Trapper? Who are you? So? Uh? Just all my homes you should just call me free you know what I'm saying, Just going to raise in New Wallleans? Where that come from? My homes? To call me freezing freezer and freezing short for freezer street name. Yeah, uh so just boring raised in New Orleans. Um so my mom's get shot when I was kind of like nine, So that was kind of my introduction to the game. My mom was hustling, you know, just in the street and fast. Yeah. She she lived though, and then she got shot again. Then she went to prison for a temper murder and she beat that charge. Um. Then she went to prison for the Norks kicking her doing. So I lived with my grandmother for a little while. My grandmother passed, man, So I went to a period I was just homeless around like thirteen fourteen, religious homeless, and I just started hustling, man like, that's what I knew by my My grandmothers an entrepreneurs. Mom was in the street, so I just used both of those. You know, you're just being survival moved man like. I didn't really know different. Like New Orleans is one of those places where poverty is heavy, especially during that area murder capital era, like, it was heavy. So she just learned how to hustle while I'm going to prison for a tempt murder on Robert doing the ten your bed. That's when I got introduced to like financial literacy men to self, this dude white guy and he was just like I guess that was his first time seeing like that many black people at one time, you know what I'm saying, Like and really and truely like like you think that should be normal. But he was like, man, y'are playing the wrong game? Man like, and like at first that it like caught me off gold. I was like what because all we know is the game. That's all we knew, you know what I'm saying. I stopped going to school that sixteen, Like all I know is the game. And so I was just like what if you if it's the wrong game, and why the hell you in here with me? Like what game you playing? Right? Evidently you're playing the same am I plan? But he was like nah, he was like, so what you went here for? So but like in the wall and stuff, you have a red band, Like your band tell you what you're in jail for. So I had a red band, which means attempt murder, yeah, kidnapping. So like if you got an orange band, they mean you're on a drug charge, unless it's you got a million dollar buying, so then you'll get a red band. If you're in the FIDS, you will get a read and white band. So he had a reading white band, so kind of like when you're when you're in the stage jail, if you're looking at somebody read and White band, you kind of be like, damn, like he knows some ship I don't know, like the better with ship, like a hierarchy or some ship, you know what I mean, like what you know sort of band. So he was just like, you're hit for a temper on rob you're looking at or ninety nine. He was like, I'm in here fing Beseman. He in belds with two point eight million dollars, paid eight hundred thousand rest of tuition, kept two million, did eighteen months the two million kept it. That's just how like he works on the point system and the guys. Yeah, so that kind of like took my head like damn, Like, well, let me learn how to play that game. You know what I'm saying, Let me play that because I don't need to be I'm playing. I'm hustling backwards if that's what you got going on, you know what I'm saying. So during that time period losing a hole for like maybe four or five days together, and so he just started talking to me about financial literacy, like telling me how like you're hustling you selling dope. You ribe when you're jagging, like that ship has pennies, you know what I'm saying. And then in my mind, I'm like that, I'm sixteen. I ain't never really truly met a successful hustler, Like you know what I'm saying, Like all of us are gonna end up to the same fate, Like you're gonna go to jail, You're gonna get not like you you accept that. You're just trying to see how long you can get a run, you know what I'm saying. So I was like that, that's crazy. And in my mind I started telling myself, like damn he do eighteen months ship. He could go back to that ship again, come back in my game eight years, but he'd leave a five million of time, you know what I'm saying. So like I'm playing the numbers down on my head like I'm I'm just playing survival, but I'm playing survival on the next level, Like how can I get off the streets? So he was just like man like in both the people do like three things with their money. Man, They stopped trading time for money. They start making their money work for him, and they start giving value to people. I ain't learned the value of people part to lead on in the game. But I had never heard that ship before, Like that ship was like Spanish to me. And so he started telling me that, you know, wealthy people invest in stocks because it's the first the easiest thing to do with of money invest in other businesses. Right. The hardest thing to do is build a billion dollar business. The easiest thing to do is invest in one. You see what I'm saying. So when he told me that, he was like, then you start a business, then you invest in real estate. So I started doing the same thing. All right, cool, let me you know what I As I came on from the pen, I saw it getting into stocks. You can trap money, you know what I'm saying. Caught another charge because at the end of the day, you got an idea how you're gonna make money, Like I had this idea, like all right, I'm gonna use this market. But you still gotta get brid, you know what I'm saying, Like, you still gotta get cash to put in that ship. So and then so people always tell you, like get a job and all that, and that's cool, but it's hard to tell somebody who've been hustling to go get a job, just like it's a harder telling entrepreneur to go get a job, like I'm gonna do everything I can not to do it. But nothing against working because you need people working jobs. But I just want to work myself. I just want to hand them my own cause hustling teach me how to hold my own and been on myself. So my dog got kicked in and I just saw myself in the same situation like damn, like I'm batting that ship again. And one of the thing that really called me was when the people can't keep my doing. I had the stock market on TV and the dude, the cop really tells me, you got to be a stupid mL to be watching this and doing this, Like that should hit me in my hole, Like I felt like an asshole. You know what it sounds like, damn because I'm watching the money play, but I ain't you know what I'm saying, so you know, I just can't tell. The point was like, all right, let me try something different, you know what I'm saying. So I started using some money I had from it's just hitting lips and ship, Like all right, let me start investing this ship in the stock mark let me start using it. I started doing ironwork, which I built the Falcon stay there, might build some of the Cowboys stadium, build power plants. And I was making something good money, like two three dollar a week. I was like, all right, let me use this ship to invest in the stock market. Then I was teaching my home is in the street, you know, just basically ship like we were nikes, we were at Temberlands, we were affinis and ship like all that show on stock market, you know in my part of them like that ain't no ship. We never heard before. So he's like, what ain't you tripping? So then I was saying, all right, what is if you go do a bid, you gotta come home. You gotta ask somebody to put you on or something like I give you something. What if you put your money in the market and then you came't home and now you got money? Like that was a bell ringer for me because when I call my charge, it froze everything but the money I had in the stock market. They've they've stopped everything but that. I was like that that's crazy, Like they don't even that told me. They don't even plead me to be that smart. They don't even blame me for that, you know what I'm saying. So then I was to tell him my home is like all right, well what do you get smack? You know, you know this this guy happen? What You're leaving your kids behind? Like, nah, another another trapper, gonna take care of your kids, you know what I'm saying. At least leave him something bread like, don't just let this ship be for nothing, you know what I'm saying. So I'm not never telling you to get out the street, but learning the leverageing you know what I'm saying, Like have an escape plan. They don't. Everybody is gonna be the plug, you know what I'm saying. Everybody's gonna be to connect, Like, so how do we get out this ship? Right? So that's how did all this shi started? Man Like, I just kept learning because the ship reminds me of the street so much. Even you look at America America, it's just one gamester. Canada there's one gamester. China is a Gamester. It's different hoods. There's different people trying to take this bishop over the same thing in the street. I'm trying to go to your hood and do this. If bank got a hood, I'm trying to come up with her up. If I ain't strong enough, I gotta pay bang draft. That's the same thing happened in there in America. You want to sell some over here, you gotta pay me a terrff. That's that's draft. You know. I say, you're paying a hustle over here. Right. So when I started saying that this ship just like the streets, it ain't no different. Only thing they get to really sit back and build welt and like, not go to prison, not get killed, I'm like, no, we gotta play this game. And then it started understand. I started understanding, Oh, we're playing the wrong game. Like it start us being a pawns on the table. Let's go be the rook, the night, the king, the bishop. Like, let's move this ship the way we can move it. Let us me as a man start saying, I could be a fault, I could be a grandfather. I could live to see forty like I ain't gotta go, you know what I'm saying. So that's kind of how this ship got into That was me before the Wall Street travel. So for somebody for so for a black person, that's just I don't know ship about stunts, don't care about it, not interested, whatever the case may be. I mean, what were you like, how do we even spark the interests for those people other than the fact that you can't make money because you can also lose money to right. Yeah, yeah, so I think one thing is they needs to be interested. Like Street is a dying game, man, like it' not dying. Yeah that you know, it's it's like you ain't that it ain't it, yo? You know what I'm saying. Then we you know, even though the dudes who taught us the game, that's what they knew, right, So it was a lack of knowledge starting from the head. There's no excuse, not for somebody not to say I won't learn how to invest, I don't know how to feel. There's no reason for that ship not right. So now I think the first thing you do is for me is like educated, Like education is the leverage to life. Yo. We look at if we look at even from the lowest point, if you go work a job, the person who knows the least get paid the less. Right, So if you were getting McDonald, the janitor don't know that much, so he's gonna get paid the less. But the person who work on the fries and the and the burgers, they're gonna get paid more than the janitor, but the shift manager no more than both of them. So the shift manager don't get paid more, but the person who's going to stool and get paid more than them. But the owner has been so the knowledge is the levees to life. Real talk, right, So we gotta get combed with saying I don't know some ship. I gotta learn some ship. We gotta stop using that ship as an excuse. Were only three generations from not being able to learn how to read? Like we three generations from that ship. I mean that fall from like, yo, you're how to read? Now you gotta go like knocking you off right, that ship would eat three like three generations. That ship is not long. You feel what I'm saying, So you feel like were three generations from that ship. So I think the first thing we need to do understanding importance of this game, right, like understand that and then saying okay, like how do I get in it right? Is either something simple as like investing like I said, like investing and ship, you know, just to get started right, like you ain't gotta your first investment ain't gotta be the one that makes your millionaire. It ain't gonna happen. But what happens is we build the repetition, We make that ship to hap it. Like for me, like when I was hustling, like even before I even got my re up yo, Like I was like, all right, let me invest this money right here, real talk right at basically let me make some ship work for me, right And so we start learning that, like just to shoot you every day. So if you were a little bit tones, if you like Fendi, if you like, do your that ship on stock market lvmh right, Lottiver Toma way, Hennessey do the second richest man in the world. What's the guarantee way? Though? Like so just starting out. So that's it. So the best way if investing was called like e t U s fun so et up is like exchange traded fund. So it's like saying, that's the easiest way I can say it. So let's say you go to the store and you said, like you wanna get some cereal, right, or you wanna get some potato ships. But you knew on the potato ship they got all the potatoes ships. They also got crackers, they got the status they got all like ship like that snacks and ship. Right, Well, eat up as you're saying, I don't know which one of them I want to get, so I'm about a whole aisle, right, So eat up is a collection of stocks that's made the same way. So if you like technology, if you like banks, right, you can buy e t F called xcel F. Right, what that is? You have all the banks Chase, a Bank of America, you know all the big banks. Right. If you like technology, you can buy the e t F that I have, Apple, Microsoft, you know all those big businesses. So now that's safe for you, right, And you're now investing in one industry that you like, so that she's gonna make money. Regard that she's gonna make eight temper cent a year. That's better than making zero point zero one percent in the bank. But you gotta be cool with like starting off at the beginner level. We gotta be a kid with saying this ship is not gonna make me a lot of money right now, but if I keep it up, the ship gonna make me a lot of money. Right, So you think again, hustling like you don't start off the man you started start off in two for one. I can contending I didn't give me two dollars set up two down, I get two dollars, get we get full two for one. Like I started off like that and I worked my way up. You know what I'm saying, Like that's how I started. Like everything is everything gotta be a grind, like we want to change our mind be like nope, I wanted that a hundreds. I want that to be a million dollars. Bro, that ain't how that ship work. Fan, I don't care what you do, you know what I'm saying. So it's good through the start that way bank, But then you start, okay, this ship cool. Not let me go to another level? Okay, not let me learn how to trade right, Like there's levels to it. But this ship can change your life. Like there's like when I see like recession proof for real, Like the stock market is that, and here's why you can make money. That's the market going up. You can make marketing when the market going down. You can make market when the mark the sideway right when it's just moving in the same pattern. But you gotta learn ship. Yeah, you know what I don't want, Like we gotta be cool. Just like we learned everything else, bro, just like we learned the messed up ship that we do. We gotta learn something that's gonna change our life. It's tramps Anonymous. So it's that like a school or crew that you put together for that for people to learn. Ye. Yeah, So Travis Announce is a community I came out with. Again, I keep this ship like the way that I understand it, like, I don't try to teach it in the way that nobody else teaching. So travils Anionals was me saying how when I started it, I ain't had nobody to go to the dope part of body. It may saying crazy, but I was in prison, so I would get off work and I would just read my ass off like but I ain't had nobody to ask questions to. So for me, the best way for us to learn is in a group setting. That's the easiest way up for us for us to learn. So you put all of us in the room, and I got some information, I teach Bank, I break to break it down the bank b they get down to the Queen, She's gonna break it down to you. Now we can bring it on to Jay now we can just toss ideas around and everybody's learning curve gonna help everybody build insteard of bank. Like man, I don't get this ship. The minute you get confused or some ship, you're gonna throw that ship away. That she's gonna become a cup holder. You're gonnahoot the cup on that ship. You're gonna do it. But if I got somebody pushing me, somebody like man, bank, man get this ship, this ship was gonna get this. I learned that from this ship to be a hundred dollars? What are you a hunt? You know what I'm saying. So the group setting is always the great things. So that's why I created that, because it was just me. So now we got three thousand people in the making money every day, you know what I'm saying, teaching each other. We do a class every Sunday. Like people that don't know ship now fo three months later breaking down business from ac like they've been in the finance class. You know what I'm saying. I got financial teachers in there, like bro I I went to school for four years and I don't learned that ship like that? How you broke this ship down in thirty minutes. Right, So well you think got people shout away from ship like that, well because them, for one, they kept us in survival mode. Right, So think about this. If I show you so easy thing a lion, another tell the zebra how to get away? You feel me an't? Another tell the zeve, I tell you I get away? How many eat right? And then it's even go to the draft, to the gazelle. Gazelle going to the water buffalo. Now, I can't eat ship. I gotta be a vegetarian, vegetarian, That's what I'm saying. So no, I'm gonna teach my people how to stay lying. So I'm gonna teach my people how to keep eating right, and I'm gonna always eat off them financial productor and financial prey, you know what I'm saying. Like, that's just like the game's rootless, right, it's all about self preservation. I like that quot you'll be putting up Wall Street look like us now, yeah, man like, And that's important too, because we gotta again, like why do they keep us away from this is because they don't want us to know that like we can be like millionaire. You know what I'm saying. Why you think god damn. Then we shot oh because so one of the things is one because it's never taught to us. We scared of the catch, well we scared. So what happens is check this out. We've we've been taught the only way to make money is to work for it. So anything that can make me lose this hard earned money, I don't want no part of. Yeah, yeah backwards because we still don't ship. Still you go. So that was the easy thing for me. Business. Something you know about it's comfort zone to it's comfort zone. So now here's the thing. Like, if I've been brought up learning about the streets, then that second nature to me and everything that comes with it. If I've been brought up learning to go get a job, then I accept that what the wealthy people do is at the early age they teach their people about investing. So now they grew up learning about finances, they grew up. Okay, that's part of the game. Like all right, cool, so this is how so if this go wrong, this is how I headed that bad. Right, So okay, cool, Like let me limit the losses because I see the outside is big, right, So it's even like with us, like we already like, I get it's a drop. What you're gonna do? Man? Stretch that ship man. Weren't about to take that old man. Man go into other neighgorhood and sell that ship man, sell that over here, right, So we learned how to protect ourselves and survive the same thing happening again. We know how to do that. But because now you've come saying you're getting the stock market and then on TV all you see is stock market crash, you know they're talking bad ship Uh you think you need a lot of money because you see all this person made a million dollars. So now you'd be like, man, I ain't about to play that ship man. That ain't for me. You feel like it ain't for you. So you feel like it's something for you, And ain't nobody speaking it to you? And representation, you don't got no about it. That look like you're doing ship you white men doing that? Shut right forever. That's all you saw, So you already gotta disconnect. We already feel like all my trauma come from white people in with That's how you feel, So you don't wanna rock with that at all, right, And so here you come like me, I'm like y'all got a T shirt on what the same ship you on I've been through saying you've been through, fam, let's go get some money. What about the niggas. Niggas be scared because niggas be scamming niggas. No, that's true, and that's one of the things I don't like. That ship is out here. That ship gonna always but here. You know why that should gonna always be out here because we're always gonna get rich fast. Yeah, that's scam Scama gonna always have a job because one thing people won't do is get rich fast or not even that, they won't get out of this situation right now, right, this ship painful. So if he'll be saying I'm gonna act like I'm broke, now, the hell I ain't. I've been broke for real that ship and I feel good. You know what I'm saying. I'm not about to act broke at Oh you find I'm saying. So what happens there's somebody in a bad situation. If somebody can convince you long enough and catch you at the right time, you're gonna sunk with it, right somebody like yo, man, I turned this five hundreds or five dollar noll that first you might be like, man, the boy he for the ship that doesn't work, but you keep seeing that ship and then kick you on the right day. Man, let me try that out. Man, you feel like it's the best decision you ever made to learn how to invest. Yeah, change my life. I don't change my life, change my family life. Like my daughter right now, she's six years old. Man, she got six figures investor she be a million ten. That's easy. That's easy, you know what I'm saying. And that's that's just off the market doing whatever they do, right. And so that's why this is important because now we can start saying, like how many times have we said, man, I wish I'll to do that ship when I was younger every day? So now it happens there when you get in a situation where you're older, you don't want your kids and your nieces and nephews to be saying the same ship. So teach them to ship, you know what I'm saying. So for me, it's like, all right, my daughter came out of the woman like bad. She ain't bout a man. Look, let's start doing that ship early, right, Let's do that ship not so not just for her birthday. She made six. I'm sitting I'm like, what're you want for your birthday? She was like, I want a hundred. I want sixteen shares a roadblock. She's six. I put it on my babe. We're sitting on the sofa, like what you want for your birthday? She's like, I want some roadblocks, daddy, I say bad. I pulled out the app, went to account put sixteen and she was like, no, daddy, I want a hundred. Bet get you a hundred. Then brought a hundred shod roadblocks. You know what I'm at six years old because I teach her A b c's in that way. Yeah, she's gonna go to school and learn that ship when she come home. It's my, it's my It's not on me is for what asset be is for what bank see us for, what credit d is for, what debt is for? What equity effort for financials? You know what I'm saying. And so now she liked, what's your A b C S is? So now she repeating that ship to me like that right, So now I ain't gotta worry about the school not teaching her financial literacy. I ain't worrying about the school system. America making her the new slave, right, we're gonna set her free early. What's the new slave? Consumerism? Consumerism makes her slaves? Right, So every time, so every time America creates something, so it's my it's the America's job to create ship for you to buy. That's that's the business of America consumerism. We all buy ship. But there's a stat a statut that says the average person America spends a dollar and twenty five cent for every one dollar they meet. Think about that. You spend a dollar in twenty five cent for every one dollar you meet. So by time you made four dollars, you already five dollars in the whole. Think about that. Think about that for every one dollar you make, you already spent a dollar in consumerism design like it's designed like that. So the reason so they need to put you in situations like America. It was like America is smart, like there's there there is. So racism is real, I mean, the classism is it's even real, right, racism is real. Don't get me wrong. The classism is bigger. Classism it's saying like this class of people has more say so, and more privileged than another class of people. And so because they keep information from this class of people, they will never ever put themselves in the situation of the one percent. Right, So, if I can keep you working at a job, and inflation is up, so everything inflation is up seven percent, which means everything cast seven percent. More right, everything is up seven I guess what didn't go up? How much they pay on a job. That ship ain't went up? Right, So the more money they spend. So America's thirty trillion dollars in debt. Right, So you and I know that if if I'm in debt, if my bank account in the red, they not let me spend no money. I got to pay them first. Right, your bank account of red, you gotta pay him first? Right A wrong? Well, america bank account is thirty trillion dollars in a whole and counting. Just go to go look at it, you as debt clock dot org right, US debt clock dollar look at you all right quick, you're gonna see that. You can look at that. You at one o'clock in the morning, actually gonna be still spending. It's gonna be They print money every day all day. So the moon money that they print. The more money your money, the more your money lose value. So some ship that may cost you a dollar a matter of fact, a hundred dollars in nineteen, whatever you spend a hundred dollars now cost you a hundred and seven dollars. Your dollar lost money, it lost value, lost person power. So you send money in a bank. Here's the trick. If I get you to set your money in a bank, I'm gonna I'm gonna use your money, and your money gonna lose value, and I'm gonna give you pennies on the dollar every year. That's it right there should just clicking turning, that should just turned Look at us. So this is it right here, America's thirty trillion three d nineteen buildings, don't never stop. This is the this is the debt to the US national debt. That's it. So let me show you something right quick. Even on her so even on here, look what it says. It says the US debt is thirty trillion dollars. Then it says that per citizen. So that's me and you, right, we we got income coming there. We already ninety one thousand dollars in debt us, I don't know how much money you make. You're nine in one thou in debt. Then it said, so yeah, crazy man, that per tax pill. Let me do that. So were two hundred and forty one dollar two hundred forty one thousands and death everybody in here because everybody isn't here working, you pay taxing, So you're two hundred forty one dollars in debt. The debt per citizen is if you got a child, grandmother, somebody that ain't working, they're nine in one thousand dollars and death. How so you got you see it right there, that per citizen that per tax pills. You're feeling me that that ship don't never stop. So if you don't find a way to make money without working for you're gonna die trying to make money. And that should lose value every day. They're not gonna never get out of the third training ears and death. That's gonna keep adding up. M what's some ways you think like they make like I guess being a consumer kind of like interesting to funds. So you've got commercials, you've got this and spending spinding spinners getting there. So what some ways that you can make invest in the financial literacy like fun for I guess the young people of the ship. So um, just even before you even get into like the the deep ship, like the ship that you like messing with, Oh deep, you know what I'm saying, Like we on everybody and everybody, most of our generation got apple. Everybody shall own that ship. Right. So one of the things I did was I made it a priority that when I was going the hood by my homies, I started changing the conversation. I started making us talk about making money outside of just hustling. So I went to showing them like, yo, I'm messing with options, I'm day trade, I'm doing why not day trade? Messing my options? I'm showing them getting money from the stock market. Who don't like making money? I ain't never meant nobody yet, and I don't like making money. I don't care what they'd be talking about. Money not important all that. Man, Everybody like making money. That should make you feel better, that should make you feel free, you know what I'm saying. So one of one of the best ways to me was explaining that you can do it, and you can do it. So every time I buy something, before I buy, i'd be like how much of this can I own? Because that's the true way to building. WoT own the ship? How much of this ship can I own? Right? And so once I say, man, I own more Nike thing you bro Jade, I own with Microsoft and you I own more Niket. You were in a little bits and ship. Yeah you want to buy that. I like that. She just made me some money family, good right, I like that just made me a whole buy what you're talking about. Y'all own that on the deal you got on on the l V and you got goose on that to p p R. You wire own that too. Appreciate that made some money? Fami, you got them diggies on back, you got them tels on two that. You just made me some money. Fam how VFC corporation? You know what I'm saying. So like I started like changing that to my homies. So that was something that we started doing just around my way. Just like yep, you maybe it's some money. I like them keep phone back. You just made me some of more money. I like that. So it's you know, it's your We make everything dope, man. We make everything dope man. And for me, that's what from the trap of Wall Street was all about. It was about how do I make this ship fun to us to where it's something we because everybody everything they do is making boring by design, make us feel like we can't do it. If I make you feel THEMB long enough events, you're gonna start think you're done. You feel me. If I make you feel inadequate, if it's long enough, you're gonna feel inadequate. Right, and so for me it was like, nope, that's why my mission statement is one shot at a time. Right, So you're starting one shop. Family's all right? Cool that we everybody know trapper left behind man. Yeah, So if ever I look at Wall Street trapper, they see Wall Street trapper. You got it together. You're getting money and sharp. But what's some of you advices? What some of the bullshit? You know you probably got So I want to say flaws, but like showing people your human side, show that ship all the time, shure. One of the things is um so I like so I like on strip Club, that's my ship. I love that ship. You know some of that stop money going back to love. I love on strip Club. Man, listen the best vibe man, you know what I'm saying, it's how you support the coach. I love going to that ship. Man, you gotta go to Flame. You know. I used to go to Foley's for they closet. You know what I'm saying. I used to go around. Would you take some of your Wall Street or stock investment, Richard and maybe open your own strip club? No, no, no, you wouldn't do that. That ain't my business. That's good. That's how the people. That's how some of the people the Street films this well. So the difference is when you look at if I had somebody who owned a strip club and could break it down to me and show me the ends and out to be something like that. I'm about mentor ship, you know what I'm saying. One thing I'm about is if you could teach me some ship I don't know, and you willing the mint, I'll pay for mental you can invest in the flame with what That's what I know. You we know what make money. We know what makes money in the world, like we make ship hot, you know what I'm saying. Like even with when you look at Wall Street, they gotta get the numbers. So I tell people that are like we know when we know more about economics than we think we know. So check this out. When Jay's come out, you already know with them lines gonna look like at them stores. You already know what's gonna sell out online. You know that already. That's economics. If you're in the hood, you know what I used to be like. You know on the first and the third checks coming out, you know who you can get credit to before that and who you can't get credit to. You know that already economics. You know when the Apple phone come out, if you're in the store, you know the line will be around the corner. You know you gotta try to get it online. You know some people gonna get them in reselling. That's economics. That is finding. You know a product hot, you know you gotta go get it first. That's economics. Like at the lowest level, we know more about economics and making money than we think we know. We know about high products. We're the consumer. We we tell Wall Street was hot. They don't know they got an idea. We're on the ground level. We know it's hot. Why do you think McDonald's not McDonald's. So when them chicken sandwiches was popping right, and you could have bought a company called Restaurant Brands, Like we made the chicken sandwich popper. We did that ship. They didn't know that. They got the numbers later. We was going to every pop out like kind of that bit. Loan that line, loan that. That's how the stock went up. That's how restaurant brand stock went up. We tell them was popping right. So for me, if I don't mind, just bought a phone, I don't know ship about my phone. I gotta get them mentor you know what I'm saying, I gotta pay somebody of the come show me how to put that ship together. But about to put on the phone. So I was just I just help Rolls get a ball. So that was me. So I'm about relationships like I will. I'm I'm about building a relationship together. That's another thing. We gotta learn how to do it, like your relationships. Right, So so do uh. A woman I know who's having to real estate. I met her husband at a part that she was having. Me and him linked up. He saw me that I'd be rocking with Ross. So Ross went on his page and said he wanted a bull. The dude family got bulls. They got nine dollars angles of land. So he hit me up and he'd like trapped. I know, you know a rod. You know my family don't give him a bull. I'm like, bet, let's make it happen. I called ross his people like, YOI man, I know some people don't get you a bull. What's up? Like a boy, biggass bull. That ship went viral when he got that ship. Yea yeah, bull like anger, black, like a man cow. So what do you do with a bull? I don't know what he about to do with it? For me, it was like, bet, let me make this plug. So now I gotta connect on some bulls. So for what I want to do with my farm is I won't do goats, cars and chickens and fresh vegetation. And what that does is so America is built for the entrepreneur and investor. So one of the things we gotta learn is like how America opera. We gotta learn the business of America, like truly learn the business of America. So America, if you're an entrepreneur, investor, the America is designed to help you win. That's a fact. So if you have a farm, farmers get some of the best tax breaks to anybody. You get a farm, you gotta down and pay nothing. You know, that's your all set all your taxes. You get you down, they all set all your taxes. You get a farm, you put one ball on it. To dude to the ross, Yo, just about you having this ball on this land. You could done it all set for the percent of your tax just just having this ball on the land. You know what I'm saying. So I won't put So we got for the eggs and land, and so me and my home women got for the eggs a land. So the goal is to do ghost calls and chickens and start our own meat supply. Asset Island is the name of the farm, and so we're gonna do Asset Island farms. So we're gonna breede calls, breathe breed them, create our brand, breede chickens and breede ghots man and start our meat and then also use that the offset taxes and then do retreats and ship on the farm, so that that should become another cash producing asset. You know what I'm saying. It's about having more assets and liabilities. Man, you know what I'm saying. That's the that's the that's the game I'm playing, and that's the game I want everybody start playing. If you can go buy a patch of land, go buy that because they don't building the move. You know what I'm saying. I don't care you and your home much. Y'all get together, we buy seconds in the club, we do all that ship. Let's get together. Let's go buy some land. Right, Let's get togethers go buy some real estate. Like right now, I'm looking at a a forward unit apartment complaint right like I want. I don't want to have cash on me, like I won't get rid of I won't put that in assets, right because that's how you make your money, make money. We won't look at the ship in the bank because it looked good. That should losing bad man, And I ain't even know that money. Ain't done. If something happened right now, you can't go get a hunting dollar on the bank. You can't get that ship. They're gonna tell you first, actually fifty million questions. Then they're gonna put the feeds on you. Then they're gonna ask you what you needed for. Then they're gonna say gails a week to get it to you. I don't got that ship. That ship is empty. That ship just look good on paper. Right. The most we could probably out the bank at one time, it's probably about it's probably the most you could get at one like at one time, right, somebody right in there, like in the moment, like you I need twenty grand, that's probably like the most you can get dependent you know what I'm saying. Like you're trying to get fifty sixty a hundred thousand allars the bank, man, you gotta wait a couple of days. Man, you got done to go through interrogation to get it, then you can wire some ship yo money. It ain't done because the minute you get it, what they do is I mean people know it though. So when you put your signature on a open a bank account, you're literally giving them permission to use of your money. You've given them permission to do that call fractional reserve banking. So if you got ten thousand dollars in the bank, you're giving them permission to take out nine thousand and give you a thousand. Now when you put your card and now the balance gonna say you've got ten thousand and no, but you only got tho. They don't took the nine dollars and get the bank because he needed a loan. So they're gonna make money or bank. Then they're gonna give you like for lose you or nine thousand dollars do you fit the cent at the end of the year for that, and they're gonna charge bank whatever his credit score is on the answers on that. So again we learned how the business of America work. Then it's easy for us to build up. But they're gonna they're gonna keep pushing a certain narrative, whether it's the music, whether they you and that's our ship, Like we love music, we love that ship, but we gotta start learning how to debate between some of that ship. You know what I'm saying, Like I love that. I listened to Muse already every day. So who some of the rappers or people a music you think that's kind of kicking that ship where they teaching people how to you know, flip their money. I signed a ross of course, no no, so I chose at my home and ship. D One he doing it, money man, he doing it for sure. Those like those two I know top my head, like D one in money Man. They really like kicking kicking it hard. Um, I want I want to hear more people doing it, man, because music has always been the gateway to our coachure. You've always been the gatekeepers, you know what I'm saying. Like, we learned a lot of ship through music. We learned life through music and music and teach us how to build woke. Right. I got a lot of rappers right now, artists be hitting me up, like trap man, show me this ship, show me at least and everything. And I don't mind showing that ship because they're the gate keepers. Like their platforms be you even though my ship growing, their platforms be used, so we make them financial literate. They can reach a ton of people, you know what I'm saying. They can reach a ton of people. They're gonna reach way more than me, you know what I'm saying, So if we can. I remember, Um, I went to this money bag yo thing. It was out here in that dome and I was looking like me and my home was standing up. You know. We had a section right next time, and I saw like how the whole dumb rushed to the front when they sell money back, yo. And I told my partner, I said, I said, we're not finished until we had this effect on the coach. But we're not finished. We're not finished, Like we got so much order to do because we got to do with integrity. Though you know what I'm saying, we gotta teach our people the right way. But we're not finishing until we can do that. Because even though rap is our culture, rap and teaching us how to make money yet, right, they ain't teaching us how to make money yet. And we can start influencing the artists to teach us how to make money. It's a game chain for it's a that's I'm gonna be real, Like, if we can get an artists to start teaching how to make money, that's that would be more empathfu than Motor to King, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Nelson, Mandela everything, because now you have those are the hero Joe, Like, I just saw that baby with the do ride for nine from the Wallets. I said that my whole city was out there, My whole city was out there in the trenches. To see that, that's amazing to see. That's amazing to see, especially in my city, bro, Like that is amazing to see. So I love music. It's always gonna be a heavy part of our culture. So we can just get you know, not every song, but we can get one or two songs, throw a verse in a couple of what you're talking about financial literacy. Man, we can get back to what we belong at in this world. Man, you get back then, man doing this versed up? Yeah, hell yeah, because that's what we love. Like when you get somebody like me, I'll come on big fast like everybody respect everybody on here. Let me say that too. Bank. I met so, I met you, but I ain't meet you personally. This is like two thousand and fourteen fifty. I first started coming to the eight when I came home and uh, I stu to hear your name a lot. This one's like duck Table was like this your ship was hard and I went on your page when day are you sitting on the floor in a bathroom? He had a fucking wall full of money and you said, Nick has better stop playing you and go get you some money. That's the real Yeah. And when the fence, I was like, that's right there. So music is music has always been the storyteller. Four coach right. That's because we feel like that person is speaking my story, right, we feel like that person is speaking to me what I've been through. So everybody's gonna relate to an artists differently, right because every artist speaking to a different a tribe of people. And so for me, I'm not rapping, but I'm just on that bit spitting facts and I'm making people relate to me based on what I've been through. So I tell my story a lot. So when you see me like yep, trapped being through that should I'll post me being in a pen. I'll post my old pictures, I'll post my rap sheets so you can see the authenticity in me. But at the end of the day, rapper gonna have Artists gonna have that influence always. It's just the way our culture design and it's the way that the music industry set up, right, It's the way they set up. So if we can just say, as influences no matter what you teach, when you teach and really state stocks, credit, trunking, whatever you're teaching, if you can plug in with an artist right and make them aware of what you're doing and show them like this, I think this is what I think all artists should do. You got all every artist always runs with like they squad. You should take one person on your squad and designate them to learn some financial lilyricy ship. Every like everybody like you're running with twenty dudes, thirty dudes, one nig they gotta be yo, go take this course, learn that ship. I'm gonna give you a hunt, kaid, go go learn. That's that's how you contribute to the team. That's how you contribute to the team. It ain't gonna hurt. You brought him a chain, you brought him a car. Cool, go getting fifty k. Tell them learn that ship paid for my mentor ship paining. Of course, let him learn some ship because when rap over what you gonna do, he don't learn the game. Like one person to squad, learn that ship and dedicated to that ship. We can change the game. You start putting that ship in music. Now you know we can catch on that. You start to streeting you instead of taking break, you know, take the pill, take the scam, whatever you're doing. Look, take a portion of that ship, put that in the stock market, buy some real estate, fix your credit, learn how to leverage that ship. You know what I mean that? You know not many people you're gonna That's why Nick was so powerful. Yeah, he started teaching us that ship damn. Okay, back, you know what I'm saying. That was powerful. Who are your favorite artists? Them? Right now? Man? So I was like still in it. But I like Ross. I like got it. You know what I'm saying. I like Google. You ain't gonna lie like why here because he just stayed authentic to him. So um, But I like God in Hordes and I've been listening. I like Gates because he on some spiritual things. So I don't know if I have a favorite artist, but everybody talks to me in a different language. Like, I like Gates because I know where he comes from. But I like the spirituality shift he meaning. Right. I like god it because I know he comes from. But I also saw him transition into a boss. You know what I'm saying. I like I love Jake because he speaks to me on okay, this is how you go from being street dude to being a billionaire. Right he lays us with that. I like Ross because I see him every day putting in the work. You know, he talks a lot about brand partnership, how to get with a business. He showed me how he put post up of rock for eighteen months and Puff ain't pay him nothing, and then the nineteen months Puff cut on my seven figure check. That's Brandon that it's best. That's building a relationship. You know, I'm gonna do this for you for nothing. And then when you look like them like been putting that up for eighteen months for nothing? Yo he he go a seven figure check. Now you can do it for something, you know what I'm saying. So it ain't just I have one artist, but I like what everybody brings to the tip because they relate to me in a different way, you know what I'm saying. So that's how I look at music like that, Man, what's you think about jury and watches? And you go back to where we come from. Yeah, we've been some flies. Motherfucker's man. Pharaoh has been flying, so it's there. Do you have a ruler thumb as to when you shood by that ship? So I just like, I'm not like I own one to chain, you know what I'm saying. I'm not heavy on it, but I'm heavy on assets for everybody different. But I do think you should have more when if you buy jewelry, it should be an asset. So the Rolex. This I bought it for a certain price. Is I've had it for a year, it's twenty dollars more. Now you know what I'm saying. Yeah, the price of Rolexes have gone out the last year, like Skyrock and that's why. So if you buying a watch like a Rolex, oh yeah, I wouldn't have bust it. Do you know what I'm saying, I keep it fat because that adds to the value. To the value. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. So I think we should just if you're gonna buy jewelry, learn about it, like learning what type of diamond you're buying, or you're buying a side diamond, you're buying the VVS dumb or you're buying the flawless dome. Like, know what you're buying. So now you can learn how I appreciate. Right, if you're buying a Rolex, understand like is it like how long did it take them to make that roletts what addition is that? So you can now understand how it's going to appreciate the value. Jewelry is always an asset, right, but you don't have a million dollars in jewelry and then you don't got a million dollars somewhere else. That's my thing, Like we could do everything and back man, we fly Man were the coaching man. We make this ship what it is. Man, you know what I'm saying. The Jewlory people came here no money and we busting this ship. You know what I'm saying, Like we made them up it rich. You know what I'm saying. So I think we should just understand that. Like if you're a rapping, like you just gotta a sign us check, you gotta sign us bonus. Just ship million dollars, Bro, don't go spend five hundred dollars Jewlory. I don't go do that yet. Wait till get you A couple of hams didn't do that ship. It's love there now, you know. I don't have to talk with some rappers before that say that that is their investment though, Like if they can have that car before the biggest nigger in the game day nigger, that's the investment of the kids. What I'm saying. They feel like they can charge more for a show. Well, of course we're rapper is also about imagery, right, So it's a lot about imagery, man, And I'm not an artist, right, someone I outside looking at them, but it's always about imagery. You gotta look a certain way, right, But I also think certain you can still be big like look a dudes like Kendry Lama, dudees like Jake Cole, like, you know what I'm saying. So I just saw a post other day about Jay and Bumby said, he said, man of Richard, Jay, get the less you he will, right, And it ain't that he don't wet. He still got expensive. Yeah, it's just that the ship he will. You don't know what it is, but it cost you know what I'm saying. So I remember he had this ball, like you got the bright watch. I got the right watch, right, So it's we just learned how to do it. Like, I don't have nothing against them laying a jewel. I understand the look. But I want you to have more money working for you. The money that's owed. You can't have more money in your closet, and only then you got invested for you. That's my whole theory, right, more assets and liabilities. Even though the jewelry is an asset. If you got the right jewel, Um, you know what I'm saying, you know what I'm saying. So man again, wraps what makes us? We all love that ship, and so I'll be down bad to be like wrap trip. Man. No, we just gotta learn how to use it for our power and not keep letting them get rich off us selling us to bullshit. You know what I'm saying. What's three investments you put people on for this year for some bread? They got five bands right now, open up a little stock of counter cash or whatever. So first we want to get them all cash that ship bullshit cash shot. So I think a good way for them right now is to wait till um Amazon split and Google split. So they're about to split now you told me it right now in the DMB, because you got the money for you said somebody a five dollars. It's two dollars all right now. Won't give them the best bang for their bucks green best bang for the buck, um, So I think one of the they can because those are business that's gonna be around, right And so they're about to go from three thousand dollars to maybe one fifty one seventy five right one forward five depending on the price when it's split. So I think that would be two good investments on that happens in me in June. Um. I think another good investment right now would be in financial technology, because what that is is called fintech. It's the way we use money now changing. So your pay pals, your squares, even though they're getting beat up right now, we cannot deny that the way we're using money is different. Look at the first thing you said, I mean you said go get cash as right, So the way we're using money is different, right, And so as long as we see that, that's cool. Electronic vehicles, right, that's that's the thing. Like invested in the future is the thing. That's how you're gonna make the most money. So when you when you buy stock, and this is some game, when you buy stock, don't basing on what it's doing right now, based on what you see it's doing moving in the future, like basing on how you see the people building that ship out. You know what I'm saying. So if you notice, like again financial technologist thing, but oh so um chips, So every if everything is gonna be with technology. You know, all technology, you need a chip. She can't breathe without a chip. So a good investment would it be invested in s M. Twix is a E T F. What I told you about. You have all the chip companies, or invest in the chip company, right, you see metaverses and ship look at some companies that's gonna be like making way in the metaverse, right, that shi gonna be here in five years, ten years. Like so, look, you're gonna make money alone the way. But the best way to become a millionaire through the stock market is invested in the Future's always happen, and the best time to invest in the futures on the market going through something. So right now the economy is going through some ship, right, but every time the economy crashes, the next year you get a whole bunch of billionaires and billions come out of new happen. They always happened. So from every recession become people come out millionaire people. People are adding they well by fift right, So during the pandemic, the older people got richer by seven trillion dollars in a two year time period. While mothers out here chasing stimulus checks and p p P. We're trying to we're scrambling, right, we're trying to get on. They sit back like, yeah, bad. Right. So during the two thousand and two thousand to financial crash, right, well, the people added fifty trillion dollars today. Well right during the real estate boom, the crash and two eight great recessions, we was here for that, right, they got wealthier after every recession. The wealthy people get richer. Why because they buy assets on discount, the same way we run to the store for Black Friday and go buy ship with his own sale. That's how they look at the stock market. That's how they look at real estate or that ship on sale right now, been go put ten million in that ship. So you might not got ten million, but you got five dollar dollar around, you've got two dollars dollars. You've been trapping, you've been moving, you've been dancing, you've been man put that ship in there. You feel like, stop marking up all this, you know, critic over what else? Yeah, So I feel because it's the lowest, it's the lowest barrier entry. I mean, it's the easiest to get in. So even if you get credit, right, and I love all of them, but when you get credit and you leverage the credit, you gotta do something with it for it to make money. You can't just sit on the ship. You gotta go leverage to get into something. Right, So if you go, let's say you go get credit. You learn how to leverage credit. You get some money from some credit. The easiest thing to do is if you had already been learning how to trade stocks, is to take that money, put it in the stock market. Learn how to trade that. Now you can pay that ship back easy. Right. If the market going down, bet because you learn how to trade, you can trade in the down market. The market going up. Bet you trade in the up market. You pay the credit back. You got free cash. America did all the work for you. My goal to how do we pimp America? How we pimped up? You know what I'm saying, Like when I look at that ship, all the business one you went to school for that ship. Yeah, you work for me. Go meet me some money, Go make my daughter some money, You make my home and somebody or maybe queen some money, Go make screen some money. Right, how we teach everybody how to make money? Oh them? Instead of we keep being the one, they're making money out of her. So I love that to me, But I'm a stock marketing investor. If you gonna find somebody in real estate. They're gonna say real estate, right, But for me, you make money in this ship up or down, and there ain't nothing gonna beat that. If this bit crash, we're gonna make a bottom money. And while they're crashing, if it crashed, where the money no good? Then we all fucked up anyway, you know what I'm saying up anyway, right, so you know even we bucked up anyway. So but it's good to diversify your ship. But man, I'm eight of my ship and stock marketing. Man, I'm sticking with it. That's what work for you. What's it worth for me? Man? What's some game of motivation? You want to get it to the people? Man? The Wall Street trampers, orders, the Big Fact supporters. If you let them feed, you're getting permission to stove you man, them feed straight up, let them feeds. You getting permission to stop you man. And you don't get nobody permission to stove. You don't get nobody permission to take food out of the found them out, you know. And every day you're not building well, you're giving them the permission to stoll. Every day you're not learning some ship that's gonna change your life. You're giving them permission to stoll every day you get up and you see this ain't the life you want. You're giving them permission to stoll you because you work in towards changing that ship. And I mean you're accepting that ship. If you're accepting that ship, you can't playing nobody open yourself. So if you're allowing them to feed you, giving the permission to stop you man or from the traffic. Somebody to trap right now and learn more? They motivated? How can they do that? Check my on Instagram Man Wall under school Street under school Trappler Man YouTube, Wall Street traveler. Um, we got our website Yep, yep, duck trappl University dot com. Man everything trapping over here. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, did you take the course? Game? No, that's all I didn't. I'm not gonna lie. Did I'm so that's cool? Bank to do it? Sitting in the bank, bank, Bank, I got bank each bank probably did that think? Be lying? Right? Cool? Bill, I'm gonna get the bank man Triple w dot Big facts pot dot com. We appreciate you pulling up. You're listening to get Big Facts with Big Bank and DJ Scream. Follow Big Facts on social media, Big Facts Pod five, Big Bang and DJ Scream Bring you Big Fat hey Man sold well up that merch? Yes, yeah that's right Www dot Big Facts pot dot com. What the real was one time? Y'all, Come get y'all some of this merch mat Big Facts Pod dot Com. Get that merch right now, shot with this Soloway up make fact merch going down? Is the new website today? W w W got Big Facts? Why dot com is it now

BIG FACTS with Big Bank & DJ Scream

Two Atlanta legends Big Bank and DJ Scream bring you the long awaited BIG FACTS Podcast!
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