Published Jun 13, 2023, 1:55 PM

Trick Daddy makes a highly anticipated visit to BIG FACTS to speak on his show I GOT MY POTS, the South’s contribution to 50 years of hip-hop, women, Miami and so much more.

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Big Bang. It is what it is. You don't be on nothing.

I be on BJ okay. So let me ask you bring.

You big Big Facts.

Right now. Visit the new website today Big factspod dot com dot com line from the Trap Music Museum.

It's DJ screen, Big Big Baby j We are team Big Facts of Today.

We got a.

Special guest on Big Facts, the Southern hip hop legend of three O five rap legend Trick Daddy, Long.

Time, Long Time coming trip. Welcome the Big Facts Man, Welcome the Big Facts for having me. I like what y'all doing. You were doing man seeing like other dudes taking shots at people who want to do podcasts.

But you know, yeah, we'll get in all that, right.

So I mean, if they want to come in and we don't get infended, then they can't get infended when we come in about it.

You know when you can when you consider your show a podcast, because your show is.

I don't well, I'm trying to really get the women back in the kitchen.

We're doing that.

I'm making very interesting because even with music, I remember we followed the DJs. A lot of a lot of the entertainers forget that the fans make you who you are, and the DJs have to play your record, and your records have to be produced, and your label have to push your record.

So it's like am.

But niggas be forgetting because I think we I think a lot of niggas start getting a lot of money too fast, so you know, they start, you know.

Forgetting who they are, what they're in it for.

With with my Cookie Show, I want to bring the entertainers on there as well as the producers, as well as the athletes, comedians, anybody who's popular social media any I want them to tell their own story. And I asked them what they don't want me to talk about because I don't want to be with no winning Walliams type, Missy's type shit and I ain't never been the type. Anything you ever know about me bad I told you about it. You know what I'm saying. And the reason why I talk so much about the ghetto and the project because when I realized that music wasn't this because I thought being a rapper was soft. So when I realized when that soft she too short, nice cube and easy and scarface doing it, she I'm gonna be one of them kind of niggas. I did it to get out of those bad situations. So I want you, I want people to come there and using a way that you can promote anything you want to promote, talking about anything you want to talk about, and what you don't want to talk about, we won't talk about it.

And that's why I do it.

Plus, like I said, to get the woman back into the kitchen, because I think I think, y'all woman is trying to be niggas too much these days.

I don't even have thrusts, no more.


Time you wake up, they still fuck it. I'm like, hold on, hold on, they keep it going on, they ride.

Now, y'all is apposed to be here for me.

It's already to the point they got to pick the girl, Like why you gotta pick the girl that I want to be with me? And you you know.

So what let me ask you this, how did you how did you come up with the name or what is the motivation behind the name?


I got my pops, so okay.

So I always tell I always tell niggas like Miami niggas are Jerry disrespectful.

We'll cuss a woman out in a minute.

And I think we do this so we don't have to beat the ass because you have to beat some of Miami women. You might have to be their ass because they'll beat your ass. I learned from my mama. Mamma beat up all my step daddies all my life, and I ma mama beat up all herd niggas all her life.

And I used to tell me, y'all.

Make you a fight back, so away away to get even with the women, I make a man, I'd be like trick that they looking at his whole, you know what I'm saying that, And that's more disrespectful than me putting my hands on it, because you're not supposed to be them.

You know, a woman can't be the man. You shouldn't do it, you know what I'm saying.

And like I say, I got my pots like challenging them, like what's in your pots? Everybody?

Like Ben shot out my pot?


Everybody want healthy And the oldest people in your family been eating pork all daylight.

And then getting off with different.

I don't know any different between now that foods that different now.

Bro, I don't know all these little McDonald's babies. You might be right, because these McDonald's babies they show to kill your it's something missing in food. Yeah, it's ain't the same foods. But getting on the poor though, bro, it's just like getting off hair wrong. You gona cold turkey. You ain't never seen somebody stop eating me. You see them everybody going the whistler money. You might have something you know how much? How much?

Wait you long? I love he down like one hundred pounds in two years.

See what I'm saying.

I feel good.

I don't even get what I'm gona keep it real. I don't even think the way that Nigga used to think. Eat that meat, bro, it's something that meat making nigga some bullshit too.

Now the new meat. It's that ship I got. I got something that even that that I initiate you in the eat eating game. I got some big natural by bitch is from Miami. We introduce you to eat the booty game. And I guarantee you ain't even that ship right out even met with meat. Yeah, you gotta, but I respect I respect that people don't. I can't see you no fish you eat. Oh look man, no girl either. You don't eat mermaid meat.

I ain't feeling the meat no more.

Damn man, man, man, I'm proud of you, but you know I feel your I don't want to feel your I just want I like younger women because the older women got their ship together too much.

Yeah, yeah, let's let's dig into that.

Y'all got the.

Age nd credit score. Y'all keep ragging back, but y'all ain't gonna go. Let no go borrow no money and let a nigga bent out that mother for honey, you just got your eight hundred credits code? Did y'all be like, I'm just trying to get myself together. I'm into myself. Then you tell about this told me last night and Honie, I'm selling it. I was like, well how much? But I'm not selling it me. She's cellibate, Like what the like? What why are you punishing yourself? If you're trying to do better for yourself?

She pushed herself to it.

You're trying to do better than yourself. Get you some dicks, some head or something. See that rolls and fucking them up that rolls.

It's gonna sunk up, gonna up.


There's no there's no anticipation, no more for a player. You stick the rolls right on the click look go to sweet don't even wipe the.

Rolls off.

That they all being fast today use.

It again, yeah again, And that's why at least niggas we lie. Yeah, we cheat, Yeah, but we'll wash our dick off in the bathroom sake. You just threw the rolls right down there that all this ship is drop on, and you're gonna just pick that beach back up and use it again with no rod. You know what I'm saying. So it's like women, the older they get, the more I didn't they need the Lord.

They stand it. They need what Lord?

They standing there talking to Kevin sandels Man, Kevin Salon.

Yes, of course women need the Lord. They standing for one. They come to us, they give us aultimatum. They tell us what they look like, what they've been through. So we get into character he'll free you today. We get into charity and we want to play that. I want him sign me up in this role. Yeah, and we pretend to be the man of their dreams. Then after a few times and it's like.

Don't you let me ask you this, let me ask you this.

Don't you feel like we should tell you about previous experiences and.

Tell me what you'll go for? Listen, to what I'm saying. Tell me what you're doing. Okay, you know you're not hearing me.

Like we're telling you this so that you can have a better understanding of who we are as people. If niggas told us some of the ship that they've been through so that we could understand them better, that would kill a lot of miscommunication in relationship.

Here's the problem, y'all know us all the time, tell us like, just tell men the truth.

I ain't gonna get mad. Don't fall for that ship. Telling the truth of you want to right, it's over for years.

If you telling the truth, and then what you do by telling me what you've been through, you're telling me that your last nigga is still on your mind. You're telling me I don't want you to be like my last nigga. Yeah he did this, he did this, he did this. You can't let a nigga from your past control your present in your future.

I'm not competing with that bum ass niggah.

But but it's not even it's not even necessarily about the last nigga.

It's about the situation.

But I feel like, how you know you won't go for certain ship, certain you can get a certain kind of nigga that you'll go for anything, right right, Yeah, you you coming any morefucker telling me what you ain't gonna go for?

You basically saying ain't worth it.


What I'm saying is, it's not necessarily.

Because you signing up the fuck with me whatever, calling me, calling me same thing with you.

Because the last nigga tricker and she she thought she had herself something because like she told her friend, girl, he do everything for my son. He buys school clothes, he get his haircut. Bitch, he do what he's supposed to do. You don't give a nigga credit for shit that he's supposed to do. First of all, to take up for the women. I don't think a man should be calling a female his woman or his girl if he's not paying majority of both of her bills. That's not your girl. That's not your girl because you need her to always remember that you're her man when she go to work. Because you know, y'all got a work boyfriend and a work husband, so when you get rid of your work husband, you have to remember, my home husband is there where I live at and he's paying my bills. So we don't keep it right here at work. We're not gonna leave off the work premises and try to hook up nowhere because hen I'm gonna lose. And that to the fact, and that to the fact is your homegirls. Homegirls should always be inviting. It should be somebody you can go to event too. They should know when you ask, when you tell them something, is you ask it for advice or you just I.

Don't do that. I don't tell bitch is my business.

I don't.

I mean, you know, you know, everybody's different, but a lot of times people come to you they just want they want to vent a lot of time when they're venting, Yeah, no.

I'm listening.

I'm a vendor, like I'm the people that people I'm the person that people vent to. But when it comes to like discussing my business, I might have one person that knows everything about me, but other than that, I don't. I don't really tell people my business because a lot of times I've seen in situations where people have told people their business and then eventually, when that relationship ran its course or ran out, the people that they told their business to use that business to bite.

Them in the bust.

So that's what y'all. Now, I've been wondering what y'all be worried about. So here's the thing. Y'all read the Steve Bobby book at like a woman thinking like a man. You can't never think like a man, and you can't do what a man could do. Now add this to the fact, though, check this out. As a woman. Yes, if you concentrate on not doing nothing that you would ever be ashamed of, not saying nothing that you don't mean, you don't give a fuck who found out about it. Yep, because the path you all, if it determines your destination, right, and everything that happened along that, that's a part of your legacy, rather somebody know it or not, you know, right, So you have to you have to be careful if women they'll tell you shit when you buy When you bought the rad Mercedes, and she tell you, I would have got the white one. That's the bit you better watch, because you would have got if you would have if you could have caught the white one beat, you would have had the white already. You know the woman that come and tell you, But girl, you ain't heard it from me. But let me tell you about your boyfriend. She came to crush you, and she already discussed that with two three of the sister fee already laughing at you now. So the worst thing you can do is le don't leave your nigga for what she told you.

Never leave your nigga for what somebody else told you.

A bit to you, that bitch, go start getting her bills paide, and you're gonna see how it broke your work. Husband he is this because he's I do not leave it. And back in the days, black women just to always if y'all can remember, there's a great.

Grandma or grandma or a great art that.

Has a husband that they've been with all their life, but he got children outside of the of the marriage or outside of the relationship, So what a nigga gonna be a nigga. But at the same time that he had to even pay attention to her to marry her, to take care of her.

The next thing ain't gonna have at time for you.

The next thing they't gonna have the other study for you. Because as long as he think he'll side nigga, you always gonna be inside, bitch. So don't never think you getting no more on your man being you can't be number one, a number two, you know, number.

She can't be number one and number two and it ain't No two, number ones.

All the Lakers fans and tell you that, yeah they got one, so they ain't number one.

I was snitch, I was sticking.

I hate Miami fans and like the Lakers and the Cowboys.

I don't like that.

Hold up.

I hate Miami fans that like the Lakers and the Cowboys. You from Miami and you like the Lakers and the Cowboy, Bro, you gotta like your own ship. And that's what's wrong. That's what's wrong with hip hop in the South. A lot of niggas be groopy. I was listening to. I was listening to one of the hardest verses I probably heard for ten years. What's the record with dirt Is featuring Kendrick Lamar That nigga said, Nigga, don't be polling when you hear what of these rappers getting shy to kill? Let me posting their pictures up? And if you ain't sure poor them, ain't know them? Then why why the people doing this now?

Social media crazy?

Everybody Joe, everybody ain't your day one.

You can't have a day one on Day twelve, like every and everybody's doing the same thing. And what it is that same social media ship how is infected. It affected the black urban neighborhoods only because everybody want to con people who got the most guns got the most killers in their neighborhoods. Those people also got.

The most dead people in their neighborhood.

It got to the point where the last couple of years in Miami, they was doing flunidals every day of the week. And my restaurant is open every day that I close on Tuesday. They have had fluneral homes waiting outside of churches and MORBs, waiting because they were next to bury somebody. That's because they trying to compete with these niggas that's gonna get locked up and tell on all their own boys. And that's a new thing. They want to show paperwork, Show a nigga on paperwork. Fucking nigga paperwork. Man, They don't care about that niggas. This ship is real out here. This ain't about boover who are snitch because the nigga still gonna hang with that niggas loon as he get him a few dollars.

They don't give a fuck off. He a snitch, so like I.

Never I go viral a lot, but it's always accidental. When you try to go viral, you make an ass in yourself, you make an ass of Black people. Say try and that's what's wrong with hip hop. I don't.

When I get music and stream, you know that.

I only did music with niggas who I liked, ass and musician. I went and got the features I liked it. I don't care if they were I never did a rect with the hardest motherfucker. I never got nominated for an awards niggas I got four. I got four platinum in three gold albums. I never got nominated. Never gave a fuck. Never. Whatever these niggas they get, they get they made off dumb ship. They going in there to tell all the old business. You don't listen, man, hair and te fall lot man, real friends and true love.

They never fall out. Man.

They may grow apart, they may separate for a little, they don't fall apart. I think hip hop musicians and producers and record labels in the South, they have to remember they looked at us as country ass niggas who they could buy cocaine from all the East Coast as well as the West coast to some extent.

To some Usta like the Bay Area in l A, they it long beat.

They respected us, but other places they all they wanted is some drugs, fucking fine big booty bitch, or to come down there and join our weather in the South, even known for good food, and we were country niggas. To them, hip hop didn't belong to us. They didn't think. But to me, hip hop is a story. It's like the blues. It's like something you've been through. You're not supposed to kill a nigga and go rap about it. When I first talked about a car, I said, I want to buy me a beans with a fifty grand shot.

Yes, I was telling my.

Story, just what I want to do.

When I talked about thubs, I said, thugs niggas don't live there long. I'm letting you know you could be a thumb, but you're not. Like I'm not gonna people. And when they start believing the line, when they go to when they go to questioning, when you got niggas that do podcasts, I ain't gonna say no name. They try to expose niggas and try to see if they really own that. Now, when you get niggas like a jab Mo Rent that's doing dumb ass shit and you if you on his level, man, pull a boy to the side. Man tell a man. Man, you's got a two hundred something million dollar cont don't clown the niggas just that they take his contract and all this dorse man and pray and pray somebody killing and all that. A lot of young niggas that stay in the in the middle of the ship, they never gonna have a normal life. They can't pull up in the car with their three homies like I just did. They can't do that. They say it else big fa. And you can't be friends with everybody. You can't be friends with everybody. Man sh all the time, everybody. That's the problem. Everybody want to just be in there. Everybody mix. That don't work like everything for everybody, man, because everybody don't mix.

Like I'm pretty sure even people come up with you know, like he might be from your neighborhood or your family life. I just can't be around it and I can't fuck with me. Everybody don't mix. So you're trying to mix with everybody, it's gonna be some bullshit, Trick, Well, what happened with the hip hop?

They ain't calling me. I'm waiting for them, Unleasia to contact somebody. They had to come. I don't see how I from from what I hear, nobody from the South is involved with the Hopefully they see the podcast.

Hopefully they get a glipse or a little a little bug or something.

Put it, put a little bug in the air and say, well, Trick was talking about it a big fact that y'all ain't represent nobody from the South. But I ain't know for a fact Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana. We in Texas and we played okay, we played a big role in hip hop for the last twenty five years. Fact, that's just half of your pie, half of your cap, you know, I mean yeah.

Around during that.

Stop Okay, I understand you gonna stop in the air. But man, we like we open. We paid a lot of fucking bills. Man, what about the grammar? What the grammar ship? They ain't had nobody in Florida on this. I don't even know how. I don't even know nothing about it. They never I can't get a bed field ward, I have a bill Board. None of that I did. I did. I get award from Board, but they sent him to me because they have individual they have to send them to you where your numbers are authentic and real, because they got to give you a wards. So I get plaques in the wards with Sometimes I give them to the producer. I give them to the record label because that don't mean nothing to me. I need some ships, some recognition that means something represent my people. I want to see Luke and the two Live crew, and if you're going to bring Trina, you need to bring Trick. And if you're gonna bring somebody from Atlanta, I need to see the Dungeon family, all of them out cast here in Goodie Mother. They're gonna go to Texas. I need to see everybody at swave House and Sweat as well as everybody over there with with Ja Princeton. You know what I'm saying. I need to see all this ship.

I need to see the whole cash money.

Give us our segment on there and let us do our thing, or get the CEO of the company, let them do a vers with each song, or give us a tribute, a ten minute or five minute tribute showing what we get to hip hop. Don't don't just ship on us like that.

Now, that's ship.

If they If they don't, If they don't, damn stream. I'll tell you what, meet along with big tats will give me some more niggas because we got our own bag le megga.

We mine.

So if they don't know, they don't, they don't represent this out. I owe nobody but our rank so to say, oh, they play with us stream. We need to get together and do our own things.

People. How the source of wars represented us a lot, you know what I'm saying, the social word and faded our party. I don't know what happened. And when Ozone magazine started, she she supported the South. We need to do our own ship. That's that's what happened to. Though I'm talking about all the music, the based music and all that. That ship is selling platinum records, some of the biggest artists that they will support, that they will honor having sold a tenth of the records.

I soul.

But I don't want to point no figure at them, the artists pointing the figure at the people over the ship, right, right, But but.

You think you brought to the to the game that one one day before and it still ain't nobody to do.

I think I kept everybody representing their own hometown because when I can't with some of my favorites.

Was in w A, the Two Live.

Crew, Ghetto Boys, Goodie Marble Out Has Yeah, and epm D groups that was original that when you heard them, you knew who they was.

When you saw them, you knew who they was. They had their own style, they had their own lane. When Cool mo D was talking about the Wild Wild West, I respect the Cool Mo D for that.

When mc Elma had on the Balloon Band.

You know what I'm saying, Like even when where music is bigger than hip hop because hip hop comes from other music, Like it's a lot of shit, A lot of shit go on that I didn't agree with, but you have to respect it, Like the weird way niggas dress and how.

They do their hair.

They might paint their nails, but you have to respect that. If that man have his own lane and his fame. But it's it's fan based because everything ain't for everybody exact.

You know, what's not good for me don't mean they're good for the next person.

And the culture is a mixture.

Of things, and that's the city I come from.

I represented Miami Dade County to the footas Like I said, I'm a Mi and me everything, and we got every nationality in the world for me, every kind of restaurants, every kind of neighborhoods. Everything we got and the only thing that I haven't have to deal with my life and on seventies, Baby, it's racism. So tired of niggas playing the race car when it comes to everything, Niggas is.

Other niggas only problem.

Niggas, niggas, niggas quitting in the crock They ain't not ain't thinking about us. Every time we get a through they all we run to them crocer stoves and spend out money practics. They thinking about us. They don't get money, they come and spend no money with us. Niggas is niggas worst enemies, and they gotta stop playing a race card. I'm tired and I'm tired of these Uncle Tom protested uh civil rights bullshit attorneys and lawyers and active it's getting up trying to be on TV telling us the same goddamn story that they tell us every time somebody else get killed. Every time say the same thing. We won't Justin's justin three four million dollars this lady song Dad, that ain't no motherfucking justice. And they're doing the same thing.

They ain't telling the thirty percent they're getting out of that money.

Where you niggas ad when nothing ain't happening right now, they made happening right All the street stuff comes down because they the police, the FBI and everybody else is circling in on hip hop. Now everybody knows that the street game and the dope game for the hip.

Hop always have. Everybody know that. It's no secret.

But we're trying to do something right with the money, So let us do it. Don't put a whole task on us together and come locked boys up from Atlanta and Miami and Myphis and say all these is crime organizations and we should charge them with rico and conspiracy and all that.

These boys trying to get a problem.

Not the war part, y'all understand leading women in the true got But what happened to day when a niggas deserve the dart, niggas about to die, That's how games is really got down. That's how gagss got their credit they walked up to a nigga, blow the nigga brains down because he did some found ship.

But they excuse me, they got the targeting up as it is so.

As I see young niggas come out, if they ain't got thirty three switches and thirty instead those and four.

Eight k's on their video, see like they don't blow up. It's our fault.

It's our fault for letting our kids not appreciate things. What you mean you mean we buy the Michael George. Your mama never brought you no Jean, My mama never brought me up playing tennis. Sho's over thirty dollars, we buy him George. Holidays, you got how many kids you have? Any one of y'all got kids more than you got? How many one? You got three?

How many baby mama? What that's good? I damn, I'm proud of you.

Then, But then average bowman got two or three kids with two three niggas, and every holiday the kids split up from their family. There's no more tradition, no more, there's no more going to the elder of the family.

You know, Labor Days, Easter, Christmas.

You know where you're gonna be at there's no more that you gotta get back to the real ship.

How to get back though, how do we get back to that we got?

We gotta we gotta stop having babies from rose that they baby mama material, and they gotta stop having babies from niggas who ain't baby got the material. If you fucking with a nigga that got three kids and you ain't never seen them, you don't need to have no baby with them, because.

As soon as you get pregnant, heat gone.

Yeah, yeah, I.

Have to get back kids. I hear women say, oh my baby, don't eat corn, Baby, don't eat corn. It making them like Duke Kenny. I ain't so much coin as a baby. I ship it not coin. It was like, you gotta stop saying what our kids don't do this and tell our kids what to do. And this right here, this is a number one. This is gonna be the death of all our kids. This is gonna be the depth of our whole race.

And sell women don't know how to get nowhere no more.

Because when you get in the car with in their phone, you you and your woman can have a nasty fight, a fight to the point where y'all talking about each other.

Mama, she get.

Round the phone with her friends and forget all about she was mad. And everywhere they go they gps. They ain't trying to learn directions no more. Your kids get home from school, they get right on their phone. You want your baby to get out your way, you give him up for here. Watch watch your movie on YouTube. That ain't that?

Ain't it?


I come. I grew up in the era where you came home from school, you took off your school clothes, put on your play clothes, and go outside Thursday time, drink.

Out the water hole. I'm not saying, be that brutal in your house, but you're a standing you come in, ain't standing?


You better find a life outside?


We had a schedule.

We I had a favorite TV show, I had a favorite actor, a favorite cartoon. These kids don't if it ain't on YouTube, they don't know about it. We got some kind of way figure it out. All you gotta do is you think I'm lying. Remember this on Christmas morning, I want you to get up at twelve o'clock and walk outside and tell me how many kids you see outside playing?

None? None.

If we fucked up as black people and all the design and clothes people. They making this ship outside.

Now, if you couldn't wear that ship five years ago, we couldn't fit it. Oh oh we knowing the niggas go, well, look the Louise, the Louis beanie.

They didn't make I got a big head. They ain't make this in my size five years ago. This ship fit perfect, old man head. Now for the phone hound done foe hunted for the phone dollar beanie, And we get our money and we go spit it all on them. And we the number one consumers of every product. And as soon as somebody and I, our neighborhood, our race put out something, we might buy a T shirt, we might buy a hat, but we're not gonna support them.

We're not gonna support them. What you think it is?

You know what I'm saying, Like what you think the underlining issue of everything he is beside the phone?

What you think it is?

Start back loving their neighbors instead of running that neighbor name, or trying to figure out what that neighbor do for a living, trying to fuck that neighbor wife.

We need to start back.

We need to start being able to go out of town and say you watch my house for me when I'm gone.

Here's my key sense of community? You say, yeah, it has.

To start in your own neighborhoods, starting with your household.

But the niggas who's trying to do that? The nigga getting fucked over though? Right in then time? Like do you think it just too far on?


It's like it shit fucked up? We almost did. Know what I'm saying, love that neighbor. Who's gonna be the first nigga to show them.

To love that neighbor? Like, how is gonna turn I won't get that mother to turn back. I think I think the men have to do it. I think the men have to do it. I think what we have to do it. We have to start off with the little boys. We got to start like when your little boys got they see little homeboys. When can do something for your little boy? You involved as homeboys, make them make them a make them a community instead of a game. Right when you catch them throwing up signs, straighten them, when you catch them with their hand on their heads, straighten them. You know what I'm saying. It's like.

They have to start that way.

We have to start that way, are we conditioning in a weird way because we talked about this a big fast saying what you do that with your neighbor? And would you like if we see some black folks and biggers as we call them, that we do we automatically tests up and get in the fish like are we guilty too?

Okay? Okay, so with my neighbors, right, but my but my neighbors now okay, So well, I deal with in my whole community. I deal with wanting to luke stay in my community. So luke five households, I might buy a case of fish. I knock on my neighbor's door and I give all of them ten fifteen yellow tales like here, here you go. And when they get ship, they give it to me. So I live surface you come to my soul that my coda said, yes, finished, I'm telling you right now, you're finished. But it's not like that in a lot of places. And I think that. I think because my son was born in Tennessee but raised in Miami, and my godsons was from Liberty City. But I kept them a mirror mom, so they didn't they didn't have a struggle.

Yeah, and my son don't know how to ride a bicycle.

He never been to a block party, but he finish graduate college in December.

I went to prison birthday.

You know what I mean. It's just that we have to we understand worry about how what people think about what we are decisions when it comes to our own kids, our own life, of our own life. We have to raise our kids, and it remind them that I let your friend from your parents and that, and you know, I'm doing this for you. A lot of kids, when they get a certain age, they think that I wanted I learned from I learned on my own. But a lot of them are gonna make it the way they learned because a lot of our friends they make it.

I got more friends in the graveyard and my.

Best friend is getting released again for the second time, and he was out for like twelve months since eighty nine.

God damn.

When you think the turning point was to when shit just started going left, I think we fell into the trap. First.

It was the projects. Because the project was a project, the women couldn't have a man. That's how I ended up moving back with my dad. That's how I ended up getting caught with the cocaine because when I was fourteen, actually when I got caught, but when I caught a charge at thirteen and had to go live with my daddy. Because if you had a feelin you could live in the projects. Not only could you live in the project, your mama couldn't have no boyfriend while you're living in the projects.

But you want fool, here they go fool steps.

You want money, have a worldfare, you need Madison, the go medicaid and Wick here go raise these kids. Let me say, y'all, ass look about thirty forty years from now, and that's what in life. That's what we got right now. That's what we're at right now. A lot of people ain't got more. Only people got mores. Is the one that just automatically, genuinely got it.

Can't remember it was an error.

If you caught mind doing something wrong, beat their heads right, Not these new mamas. You better touch their children. These mamas are going out to the school fighting school girls.

Yeah, they're not playing, they're not playing.

That shit is sad, and that's the problem. To parents are the problem.

They're the enablers of this fucking poor behavior.

But oh, introduced me one of my friend girls. Oh, this is my daughter that's her boyfriend.

I say, you ain't he fucking boyfriend, nigga. You couldn't you had a boyfriend a like a.

Like a known boyfriend like your mama called your friend, guy, boyfriend.

That's your friend guy.

And see right here and watch all my children with your grandma. You come to the house. You have to sit by the girl right there. You had to meet everybody, says ma'am. No, sir, all that, Noah, now, y'all. This he's the main thing too, with these kids just being born. First of all, they got this AI thing that's coming out. But they finish like that ain't gonna suck the world up with this.




Then they got they got to where they finally admitting that they've seen UFOs. When I know you've seen the USO, because the us O anything that you can't identify, right, so I know you don't seen ship that you can't now admitted to seeing them. Now the powers that ship flying behind in the sky, right, you got all that ship right?

You got there? You looking like what damn? But what's going on?

So now, like I said, the women are saying, oh, they selling men. They want to do something else with life, right, police came along and questioned your kids and talk to your kids.

When you went around and see if your mama hits you just call me. We're in the rude. Well, we're going to my house, stay in my fucking house.

Breaking your home, but you going to my house home, stay in my house, and all the police don't knock on my damn though, get from from get from my house. Now you add that to the fact that the parents it was a sa You remember this saying it's a boy, it's a girl.

That was worth something.

They sold.

Merch that said it's a boy in cigar, but they said that.

Now they do a jity revealed they spend ten thousand dollars just to announce what they haveing.

Right, then they spend fifteen thousand on a baby shower. You think that's all for, like what it's for Cloud?

Yeah? Cloud changed.

They trying to press another money for them because now you.

Baby ain't got no trust for him, no helping showing, no no, no, no medical and shawing and when you and when you stop fucking the nigga, he ain't taking care of the baby no more. Oh, he gonna having some risks and charge support and that's what we come.

To now and say most niggas ain't got that because most niggas don't have taxable income.

That's what we come to now.

Man, I don't know what's worse than that they're going to take a little baby to go visit his daddy in prison. Yeah, like we become, we become very stereotyped. We become so obvious. It's so easy to manipolate. We can talk about each other like like Twitter. That's wont fuck on Twitter.

I go on Twitter.

I can go on Twitter and say fuck Big Facts. That's show fake at Big Facts. Everybody who follow y'all on Twitter, go see what I said. That's how easy.

I don't I don't think nothing should be that easy.

Yeah, everything is too accessible.

I don't think a girl, a little girl under the age of eighteen seventeen years old or little boy you have no social media pages if they're not doing selling something, got an all oine of account a model or actor, right, it ain't nothing because they got the little sex box being there sending them cash out to see naked pictures of them.

Now, Yeah, they don't give you a car and a driver's license to you a certain age. I feel like you ain't mature enough, right should that be the same shit with social media.

I think social medi used to need to be and it can be protected.

But the women don't. They don't investigate that like they investigate like they'll go through their nigga phone if they go through their children phone that they go through their nigga phone. Oh boy, yeah, they will go through that nigga phone in a minute. But they ken there. There's there's there's all kind of apps to help save god, your kid that's stopping from going on certain sites, that's stopping from being on certain social media sites for so long.

You can control it with your phone. If they want to google.

Something, it's like a killit on the car.

It calls it alert your phone.

You gotta approve it. They need to do that.

Yeah, who's somebody in the game, like a young a young artist or just just in the culture that you see some of yourself in it, like trick that I see some of myself.

It could be Mike Smith, Mike Smith, Mike Smith, y'all don't know Mike Smith, y'all check him out on Smith Smith in my FF. Mike smim he growed up in a single parent household, just like me. Not a lot of know a lot of people doing time in the.

Grade yard as one as a penitentiary.

And actually, I think he's one of the best, the most talented lyricists to me, because a lot of people consider my music as lyrical. But I'm more like a I'm more like a debate like I'm a I'm like, I'm a storyteller. I'm a truth is you know what I'm saying. I think he can actually raph. Even though you put me on the future, I'm probably gonna tell that beach dam I probably got first.

I mean.

They were saying something on social media, just kind of some other ship that they they was like one day I saw something saying like Sukia is like the female trick daddy, how you feel somebody.

My super hos my, that's my whole girl. That's like, at least to me. But that big team like me, that crazy bitch, I'm not crazy.

I said, You're not crazy.

That bitch is crazy. People think you crazy trick, but I have But I got a prison Jerrard twenty Field, nineteen ninety five.

I was crazy.

I'll be back in prison. I might, don't I might don't give a fuck how you feel about how I feel. But I'm not crazy. I got damn good sins.

There you go, right, there you go. And what made you decide up for thirty years to switch that grill out? It's a question for both yall yours before you swapping up about.

Thirty man, it was it was they was big, they was begging me. And what it is is this, It's like, I like younger women. I like my woman two the ages of twenty three and twenty nine. No thirty, Hell, that one year makes that big of a difference. Yes, I want you to shave because you don't like here. I want you to shave because they're great. It's just that, it's just like it's something about I already have a deep voice. I wouldn't have a so called reputation already hang with street niggas. I am really in the streets the young I think it's more appealing to the younger women. And plus I had a lot of miles on that mouth there was I'm gonna start over on this mouth right here, A lot of puss on that mouth right there, and I've been gonna have to be want to put some miles in the mouth.

You's gonna have to be worth something.

Yeah, So instead of lowering your standards with your new mouth, you upgrading your standards.

Yeah. I upgraded to the point where I used to like only slim dog skinned women. Now I like red and thick women a little bit. Now I've opened up. I've opened up some other avenues.

Flavors, the savor. Yeah, okay, okay, cool, cool?

What's some of the shit you feel like just changed in the rap game overall?


Like, it's just like, man, I can't get that period. What what changing the rap game is? I see niggas walking around securities in their own neighborhoods, in their own city, that's for one. Then I've watched niggas mimic other niggas and whatever is cool.

Whatever they have to do, they're cool with it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not wearing so whearing weave.

I'm not paying my nails and I've wear I've wear slim fit jeans, but I don't want them tight.

Well, if I put them all the way up on my ass, it's gonna show much shape. I'm not doing that.

I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that, and I think, and I think, I think a lot of you. I think I.

Think more, I think more older legends in hip hop and than music.

And then the streets need to get these young niggas and swing to them to stop buying these shawarski fake ask diamonds and chains. Because if you can up order to buy a chain every week, you got too much money, you need to do something else with it. If you could do that, save your money so you can have something in life, so you don't go crazy and you don't go viral one day because the niggas say, look at Sensus on the corner right now, begging for money because every week he buy a watch in a chain. You know what I'm saying, Do something with your money. Do the reason why you pray and ask God to help you become successful. You have to utilize the opportunities ones that give them to you, man. And that's what's fucked up about round a lot of you know, back in the day they were milliv but nearly millivally came out. We found out they were lipsicky. Okay, that's cool, but nobody else lip siky, you know what I'm saying. And then I remember when Prince came out on stage and turned around as she was out. I was like, all right, Prince, you better not do that shit no more, and nobody else better not try it.

But it's like, now.

Niggas got ten two tears and ain't killed no motherfucking body niggas betraying to be killers.

It ain't nobody dying, but they homeboys.

Yeah, And if you're gis, you think you here, free your niggas and bard the rest of the niggas out that you could afford to barn out and you'll get more respect, and you'll be able to walk around these streets and fuck what they say about you in the blog, and fuck all types of niggas like the charge, the white niggas and everybody running about chards of white. This man is a This man is doing what he's supposed to be doing. He's trying to go valor, he's trying to eat, he's trying to survive. You can't put yourself in a situation like like how the dudes who six nine got fucked up with. Yeah, everybody like sits down the rack. No, since now it's what he is. He's not a thug. He ain't a game nomber. He's done a killer. So when you're not that and you put that nigga in your summer, what you think he's supposed to do? Right? What do you think you will? You're you're you're more mad at him than yourself. Has that stopped him from making money?

Not at all?

Calling him a snick? Is he locked up?

Not at all?

Like we We have to stop trying to cancel niggas too.

Remember I made a statement and everybody trying to blow it up, they like apologizer. Was I respect this woman? I think she's the most talented entertainer of all time, the best number one of all time? Right, but don't like I was talking mad about her because a nigga wanted to go viral and start some ship, and he edited what the whole conversation was about and put out a three seconds and people who ain't even hear it call theyself want to say something to me, and you can't say nothing to me? Then fuck is wrong with your opinions? Like asshole? Without him, you full of shit. I don't like everybody, and just because I don't like you, don't mean I'm supposed to talk about you. But I don't like everybody, but I'm gonna talk about I'm gonna argue the fight and kill or whatever I gotta do for the people who I like who I do like. I'm a scar face. Tupac iced you on in my mind as a top three rappers of all times, and I'll give a who you gonna get. These niggas had a list going around a couple of months ago by the top fifty rappers all the time. He mentioned me, fucking dick in the booty ass niggah gave list. You're didn't mentioned me if it made anything.

You're on mind?

Bro, Like you ain't.

Mentioned me, nigga, you better go ask your mama's I'm your daddy. Niggas Fucking everything about the list though, and something some.

Of the people that it was on the list like they'll get flowers to you, right, That's not everything about the list with me. It's like you can't give it up for the fact that some of them rappers might not have even been rappers who be making.

Them listens and ship. That's another thing, But I mean that's another thing I have to be careful with, Like who it's these people. It's like it's like googling something. You could google something and get the wrong one thing would give you opportunity to make it for yourself because you can also click on the safe. All right, what are the sources? What did this actually come from? You know what I'm saying. If I get some ship from ESPN or CNN, then yeah, I probably could believe it. But I get a ship from don't blow. I'll give a funk about this, nigga, But don't disrespect if you got a top fifty hip hop list. So all the time, I need at least.

Twenty at the other beat from the South, facts, facts, and I'm gonna doing the I'm gonna keep it that twenty because our records wasn't getting played up until me and June.

Me and June I were the first two niggas in the South.

That was given air air ready, I mean air player in the East Coast and West Coast with the hum record and then their record. Until then, they wasn't really playing our records in the South like then, they played a little bit of the ghetto, I mean, to your mind, playing trick on me. They played a little, a little this and that, and they forget that our cats had the double album and that went diamond, Like, how y'all don't mention this shit? You feel me? And a lot of niggas when they put on the pedestal, they don't even listen to the niggas music. They don't even know them niggas lyrics. These niggas that was head picked to be a part of the rap cussle. And after Parking Biggie died, all niggas did was fight over the one and two spot. Them niggas ain't do it for hip hop. Them niggas ain't do it for the street. I do it for the struggles, the face of the bombs, the jail set, the dope dealers and the dope users.

Don't forget about the niggas.

If you're gonna brag and say you usually sell a dope, now, how you're gonna look down on the nigga.

That's a dope.

Facts, facts, facts.

So I'll give a fuck about how none of them niggas feel about me because I'm not only I'm not only top fifty.

Fuck you and your trick, thataddy looking.

Ass, mama.

So let me ask you this.

With you having so much passion about like everything that you love and everything that you care about and everything that you feel like is a major concern.

Is that part of the reason that you take your moniker of being the mayor of Miami.

So seriously, I've your researchers can run for Maith for real, because they say that trump Stick could run for president. If he can run a president all this shit he didn't did, I probably could be the may of Day County.

I truly, I'm gonna represent Miami to the fullest.

Yeah, because because a lot of a lot of times, like in most situations, you can't think about Miami without thinking about trip for real, like in an urban setting or in any kind of setting that has anything to do with any kind of like streets or anything like that.

And just being honest, if hip hop would have started and they can on a man.

What you had these niggas on your top fIF If hip hop started a day got in Miami and they did the same, J Money, J T Money and two Live Crew would be my top one and two.

I know, but.

I'm saying no matter who came and did what I'm saying, how I go, how they can hand it up there.

Then we came like twenty years later, I would have liked I would have I would have liked niggas like Az Cougi rap, niggas like.

Uh cool mo d niggas with a bay Area too short, rock him.

Easy Yeah, Yes, slick Rick.

Yes, uh Snoop Dog Doctor Dres be a rapper and producer on my list. Yes, I would have other the West Coast as well as East Coast. And even though the West Coast is more like the South, I still with what they got spec about the West Coast. They support all that ship. We support other nigga shit instill don't get no resported. And you want to know how a nigga that's so angry that they don't show us love know all these other rappers more over there. You know why because we played everybody's ship. We played everybody ship. We had a dance to everybody's song, but they just didn't do the same. But West Coast always, I always feel like the West Coast was was was the South to me, especially La and the Baby because they were wearing the dickies and the convers and and Jerry curls and we was doing that.

We was we was, we was on that, you know what I'm saying. And when I go there.

I'm I'm comfortable. I can have a conversation with with a with a with an l a nigga without it being a competition. They when I got.

Where you got of all time living not dead or all time living? Yeah, Scarface, mm hmm, that's hard. Yeah, I don't care who don't like it? Yeah, I ain't talking about it.

He's you.

I ain't talking about being voted in because you have the majority of the votes. I'm talking about somebody who I've watched, bro, Somebody I've been listening to since the eighties. Somebody who's still been doing the same thing. Somebody who I have a conversation with him. He's still got some positive shit to say to me, right, star Face, living a little bit of like history too. So it's true.

You were supposed to that group Boys in the Hood that was you know, you were supposed to be in the original.

Group or you were? I was. I was. I was part of the CEO of the original group and a part of the artists of the original group.

What you mean by me, It's gonna be me Jody breathe, Uh jeez.

And the Big Iceberger, which Iceburg Iceberg for Miami really, yes, what I.

Don't know what happened Blocked when it had a meeting with what his name, and the ship just all went left and what and what?

I didn't do because because Jody that's like my little brother, I didn't want to suck it up for him. So I let him do what they do and I waited for him to put it out and I was like, all right, this is what I'm gonna need to And I got minds and I and I and I never said nothing to him this day. Don't even y'll ask me because Jody said something about it. Nobody would have even never knew that. But do you imagine how powerful that would have been. You see how big of a mistake it was to go that way, because after those Hirst two singers, they adn't put no money behind it. I just feel like certain niggas just wanted to get us out the way, and niggas ain't see it like that. Niggas was running to sell they soul for a check. I think that Block made a big stupid airs decision.


What you mean by going to sign with Puffy with the boys in the hood at with with no boyf ain't do ship for boys.

In the hood.

The South wasn't respecting Puff like that anyway for him to do shit if we were, if we were looking for East Coast love from from from Puff? Did you gotta tell me? Since Julia Monsky, who he helped the biggest album more than Labor was his album Tripping.

The Big.

So him FULK.

I respect Puff a lot. I ain't doing no parties with him. I ain't doing all that. I don't want to go shopping what that means he did. I mean he ain't some things, but I'm not doing it.

Damn. I respect Puff, I respect everything.

About his business mind, but my business is different than other nigga's business. I want to be able to still go to the grocery store, jump out of the gas station, pull up at the strip club by myself.

I want to still be able to fly without security. This shit fucked up. Yeah, some nigga, you know what I'm saying. Some niggas bit the fellers can't move around when I move around. I got my name on the flight.

Yeah, I'm gonna have with me. I'm by myself. I'm by myself, but but if you go, you're gonna have them too.

That's different.

Yeah, if I'm moving around, ain't I don't want no niggas go with me to piss and yeah.

Me and cause my little nephew nigga calling that from a dog red by Jacksonville.

You know, Jacksonville is my favorite place.

To go, Jacksonville and Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Jacksonville in Atlanta.

Been my favorite place to go.

Right And sometimes I be I be looking at I know a real Atlanta niggas, and you know this, like like real Atlanta niggas. I remember Atlanta, nigga. I'm talking about club niggas, Atlanta niggas. You know what I'm saying. Body tap Atlanta nigga. You know g C Club downstairs shooting dice th let of niggas. I know these niggas right. So I we was in Jacksonville at a party and I walked off. Everybody was looking for me. That nigga. You can't be walking around here like this show.

See, I say, nigga, this is my city.

Niggas. I ain't so much to pussing jackson but that when you when you it's not disrespect when you could do that, and that's what if you live fucked up, you will never be able to do that. You would always think somebody got something, g issue, somebody got something sleep. You're gonna pass off on business deals because you're gonna take a bitch trying to fuck you over. I man, you gotta let some ship happen sometimes, man. Yeah. Yeah. One thing about the main paranoid niggas is the niggas that's a nigga over.

What you're saying is that people that are paranoid projecting because.

I know how many years Plump saying now we need to do some business together.

Man, do this. Then he said, hey, man, I want to do a record of the third time. Can I say, Man, I don't want it yet. That ship buff go talk to the rap niggas yoke And he looked at me like, damn, Bro, every time you see me, you come up with the same industry bullshit talk. Bro, ask me what the bitch is that you know? Don't call me asking, no dumb man, lame man. Ship just said, what's up, trick, Don't come to me with the same blame.


I don't want to hear that, yo. I don't ask them no hand downs, no favors, no nothing, Bro, Just go back over there nigga fucked up like I'm for real, like I'm not fucking with you. Stop lying to me and doing all this and I'm not gonna lie. H. I try all that black businesses support black businesses. My child still fucked up on my floor right now. Man, my homeboy with the black business company been fixing my tie for two months.

Man, come fix my fucking tie. Boy like black businesses.

I gave one black man, No that ain't that neighbor, because if they'll die nighbor, I would have been broken that labor house. Not my motherfucking money. This niggah I gave my money to for my garage. That nigga ain't get nothing in my garage.

Nothing. Then he dropped this id in my shit.

He got Nerve to call me.

Did I leave my ID? I said, nah, you know I've been riding by your house, nigging for.

Not getting my fucking money. Man, you have to really be.

Careful when you got too much to lose, because they.

Think between anything between twenty five hundred and five thousand, they think they can just rip you.

Off for that, like you don't need it.

Yeah. I remember a promoter in Jacksonville and Bosto. I'm talking about the nigga owe me now, don't laugh, don't laugh. But the nigga old me six ninety six and two years ago, I asked him about my money. It was six hundred dollars. But I leave my money. Man. I feel because at that time I was only getting fifteen hundred. Show nigga, you really.

Hurt me then, nigga, are you still thinking about that? That nigga said damn?

I said, man, I need them six hundred mat matter of fact, the next time I see you, give me them six hundred.

Man, I need that.


Yeah, fast you got the money.

He ain't give me my money. Man, that the nigga, he won't give me my money. Man.

And I was like six hundred. Do I fuck him up for six hundred? It was like, that's why you have.

To be You gotta be careful man. You gotta just gotta prove that. They got to prove that they're solid.

Man. Before so I fucked with a.

Man who what your nigga? You look at now you'd be like, besides, you do you like out of Florida? Though, You'll be like, okay, yeah, he represents the.

Floord you represented like me. Ko Kodak Korea at the top of the line, asshole. Yeah, Kodak, don't give a fuck about at all. Kodak, don't give not one fuck. You don't care who won't like it.

But he loved his mama and he's talented.

Give his talented in the world.

Go that, go Coda, standing up the talent, throw that stay in the studio. Oh fuck this week, come up, come up, pull up the brother man ship. In the last night, I never stayed in the studio over fifteen twenty minutes. Yeah, give me the beat, give me the record. If you need a hook, let me know what I need to do this, give me that. If you got a song that's somebody on already. You want me to the feature, Give me an open give me a hook with an open versuit me thirties the fifteen second of the song.

That's all I need.

I'm a ride around through time. Back then I was on that boot real bad Snowpen, a couple of boot joints call the nigga. I'm a radio. I'mna send it to you in five minutes. Pull that at the studio. Hey put this in two track, thiss send it to him. That's it. I don't know. I don't nigga.

I don't know how to be a rapper.

That's probably why I do it so good, because if you got to do the ship that these niggas do, the rap is not gonna be a round for another five years. After five years is gonna be dead. Like I said, they're buying all the jewelry with their money. They recycling these holes. They gotta stop recycling these holes. They gotta stop recycling these holes. And they buy them burking bags. I buy that. Be your Michael Cores and buy me something. Buy her Michael Cores and buy you, buy me something, buy me something. I'll buy me anything before I buy a bit of your Berkeley. A burken bag and a lot of Burkeles is fake too, because they don't sell them to everybody. Of course, of course niggas and niggas know. And these jewelers when they talking about the op, the ops is your jewelers that's selling y'all these fake ass dia, these diamonds is fake. And y'all want to kill this other nigga for nothing. The jeweler just robbed you, and you're not gonna kill him. You take them lying when you go broke, wat talking much money offer you for that ship?


I just you know what our color, you know, the South, we're bigger. We're big in fraud. I think we did it too, bigger last year in fraud. So we're big in froud. Yeah, we're big from you don't do nothing else like fraud is bigger than cocaine, ever bigger. You know what I'm saying. And the main thing you need to do is.

We have to stop taking.

The white boy drug, the lean, the perks fit no pro that's not no black boy drug by drug mally crack cocaine and refused to crack.

You need to sell us a crack to the white boy sells and crack to the whaite. But don't take the white boy drug. No no, no, no, no no no no.

Okay, let me say you something. They're drinking liquor, popping the purp, smoking weed. They bring it all over the place.

You are uppers downers, and in between them, I.

Don't know, they joke about saying sell the white boy crack butter crack, And you don't understand what I'm saying.

Crack is so little now, crack ain't nothing.

No more niggas O Molly's niggas Oh Cracke laughing at the niggas O Molly. And the problem with the drugs today is while they're protecting the borders, they need to let some of that cocaine get back over here so that she could build their economy back up, because what it is is they manufactured these drugs in the United States and these are the ones that's not manufactured right, and these man made drugs is killing them.

So basically you're fucking up the economy because you're killing all of the repeat customers.

Like if they did, they can't spend if you stop all.

The if you stop all the cocaine from coming in, how you gonna get all these one hundreds and millions of dollars worth of drug money?

How you gonna see this property?

You gotta let them say at least got them building up again, Like I think like every teen and fifteen years, lettingnim get a fifteen ten year run. Yeah, like here, man, get that nigga, drop that nigga off boat load about ten fifteen years.

Let him get ten fifteen year run? Did go giddy? Didn't give them six seven years in prison.

You know, you know, drugs is not They want to what they got, They say, Bill Gates on three hundred sixty some thousand acres in Florida.

You know how how fast that week gonna grow in Florida with that backsword. We got down there three a building. Private prisons we got them too.

We got about fifteen private prisons that ain't ain't you owned by the government or the state.

These are private prisons.

Yeah, Michael Jordan's is a lot of private prisons.

And it's not the Michael Jordan that you think.

It's not him.

It's not him. It's trust me.


No, it's not that Michael Jordan. But they got on Jordan bad about that. It's not that Michael Joy. It's a white boy named Michael Jordy that owns the prison. And m j has been getting reflect for it for.

Years, been trying to boycott his shoes and you.

Know how much he don't give it up. He ain't trying to screen me yet. Yeah, it's not it's not. It's not the basketball player Michael jew it's not. So.

Look on a more serious note, something that I wanted to talk to you about because I have a lot of friends that have loupis.

And you know that are like deeply affected by the condition.

I know, I was reading that when you were first diagnosed with it, you were taking drugs, but then you had to, if I'm not mistaken, take a lot of other drugs to offset the side effects. And then you were like, fucking, I'm just not gonna take any drugs at all. What got you to the point to make that decision? And how has it been for you completely staying off of the drugs that are used to control it?

Okay, so I'm on another drug that's controlling it now, right, But okay, initially put me on anybody of steroids.

Okay, I gained.

Fifty pounds and probably two three weeks, face, everything was getting fat. I went back to you, like you're getting big, You like testing, we running more tests. So now I got three other pills, one put a kittie, one for a living one more hot blood person ever God damn oh, because the medicine is giving you all these symptoms, all right, fucking So.

I got back on the cocaine. That's the one I'm on that right.

So works perfect.

Keeping my way down is keeping my face slimp. It's keeping my passages unblocked.

And but what I what I use almost what I use knowledge, I use cooking as a thing formal relax And what I what I also do is I try to go out every night.

The kids.

I'm next the kids are not able to go out one night because when when you when you become.

When the loop, loopers go and remission a lot.

So it might go a remission like your friend might feel fine for two three years and then one day she's like, I just don't feel like it. And then one day I can take a shot of liquor and one shot, I haven't feel like I drop a bottle.

That's when I know, sit down sair well.

Yes, So I have to know that.

I have to know that. So in order to know what's going on, I try not to take pain pills. So I need to know when something bad because you can with lupis. You canna be sleep and then you wake up and you feel like a bench to jumped on. You broke your arm or your shoulder or something. You know what I'm saying. So I just the main problem with loopers stress. Can't let nobody stress. You can't let them stress.

You just pray by it. If you're gonna pray by it, you don't even what the word want to pray.

Stress is the number one cause a murder of death within anybody. You can't be You have to be comfortable if they're not happy with it with their selves and then do whatever they wanted.

You tell your friends to do whatever they want to ever do in life, Go ahead and do it. Now, be happy.

And I start what I tell women for their kids, because a lot of women don't want to have kids that have loopers and they and well, I'm praying they have luper. Do you think my kids gonna happen? I'm like, well, my mam and daddy don't got it, and I got it. I make them go get a photo apple. I say, this is what I want you to do when you have your baby. I'm gonna be your baby god daddy. I say, in every month, I want you to take a picture of your baby and write the date in the muddy on there and what you were doing that day on the back of the picture. And we're gonna put it in photo albums. And we're gonna do what black people don't do no more. We're gonna sit around and have something decent to talk about at the cook out that year, that you can see your growth. Once you see your growth, the happier you're gonna be. You got to be able to Yeah, you got to be able to see your accomplishment because you feel like you're doing.

It for nothing, you know what I'm saying.

And that's the only thing.

And I just I cook. And I also see her throw me that season.

I also I get over it by selling this ship right here, this ship right here, that Sunday season. I make good money off this motherfucker and it makes me happy and I don't have to worry about the loopers no more.

I'm gonna give you this season that you put that on everything.

Yes, you got to cook.

Of course you put sugar in your grips.

No good, Okay, sugar O going grits? Know it, don't you know it? Don't she going to old me up and corn flakes and kool aid?

Not you supposed to mixed salt in between. No, y'all, y'all, y'all, No, no, y'all.

I got another one. I got another unpopular piniony'all might not like.

This, Please gonna say what I think you about it?

Say fish, don't go with it?

What's get it does not? Now, Bro, don't go No it does. Notice No it does.

Nice fish go with grips.

Yes, just don't go in those spaghetti.

Hell know, Manu, No, I knew he was gonna say that. I knew he was going to say that.

I'm guilty.

But but but how what make it?

That ship is spaghetti sauces when they where they do seafood spaghetti.

Now, seafood spaghetti see real man, seafood spaghetti doesn't have MAYRINAI I mean the red spaghetti sauce.

Seafood spaghetti has like a white sauce. It doesn't like Yeah, like.

Nigga baked spaghetti with the red sauce and the cheese and ship and the hamburger meat and all.

Of that with fish. That ship does not go man, That ship does not go.


And this is what This is another thing that I wanted to touch on, not grit.

Because I've been to your restaurant in Miami. The food was immaculately incredible.

I appreciate it.

So I know you said that like the cooking was a release for you.

But how has having your restaurant and being able to feed so many people and make so many happy, so many people happy.

Help you as a person.

Uh. I give jobs to the young like the young girls sixteen seventeen girls and boys. We give them jobs, we make we build them up with people about to save their money okay, and we prepare them to get ready to go to college.


Also, I have cooks that I have to train. We train our cooks for months and months. Right.

Yeah, So every time you go the colleageians gonna taste the same, right yeah, that amount of sugar taste it they gonna be.

They gonna taste the same.

They gonna taste the say the colleague ers is gonna taste the same every time the Turkey wing that everything's gonna taste I say. But the most, the most important thing is being able to have a black establishment in a black community.

Because you gotta.

Understand, Miami, a lot of a lot of foreigners are buying up properties because when the black people die, that's owning their property, the families that they closed no more, they're selling it and falling out.

Neighborhoods is not looking black no more.

Yes, So we're trying to do as much as we can to keep our neighborhoods and our communities black, right, And that's the main important thing we get from because we don't charge a.

Lot for our food.

No, no, no, it was even though I just told Toss you need to add a dollar fifty to some shit.

Sunday's Eatery. By the way, guys, that's what we're talking about.

Yes, yeah, so you got a lot of different ways of getting money. You got this, she got Sunday's Eatery. You got of course a bitch. I got my pots.

She's still doing the radio show, you know, the radio show.

Unfortunately, Cox Media was bought by some little rich boys who don't really know nothing about music. Okay, so now people not listening to them no more. But anybody that want me on their radio, I would love to turn that bitch out. Y'all get in contact with me with the numbers on Instagram called Chronic. If he don't answer it, box me, I'm gonna knock his ass out.

I was kicking it on, man.

We trying to We were trying to bring back it's very important that you have a radio station that represents your time. Yes, you have to have a radio station. You can have a part a segment that's syndicated. But you need to be famili with all current and local events and affairs that's going on in your town. And that's what we was bringing. So now that they paying us several and so, but.

That's whole where. Now it's time to go get a job.

So I'm looking for a job. I'm ready to turn it up.

I'm turn it up.

Everybody who worked with me, Big Macan's out there no more. Uh, Jill Strata, who was our the program the record, She's not there, no more. Me and Trina we're ready to go, and I'm bringing them with me and we're gonna turn that bitch job.

Just cut the check. What else you got that everybody might not know about? Mm? I am to see your appresent of the Eating Booty game.

So my mottel is eating booty Save with life. No people you know, No people know Dodo. And I listened to the girl. I was listening to the girl. What the girl name Red? What the name is big Red?

Her brown do?

But I don't eat no brown do.

I need it.

I need it.

I needed on the peak ey, not the one that that stak the one that.

That's good. But I needn't. I don't like the brown thing. And that's that's a lot of things when I when I joke about that. But with the with the there's a lot of opportunities, a lot of things that were trying to do. I got my own gravels coming out next one. They already pre cut. Ain't no stems, ain't no holes of them. The money back guaranteed. It's saying it on the pack. You could be if you got holes in your ship, you bring it back and they're gonna give you a new fresh pack back. I got that, and you know, like the cooking shows, I want y'all to like, share and subscribe to the YouTube each other trick.

I got my possible, but it's really bitch.

I got my post, but I let my biggest partners change its like I don't give.

A fuck, bitch. I got my posts sound better than trick I got with.

Big Fast coming to the trick whenever y'all want to come there, I cook to real food. I cook it spaghetti with no fish whenever y'all, whenever y'all in time, man, y'all come through man like I'm gonna lay it out for y'all. Make gyall, y'all flowings for what y'all doing. And I appreciate y'all for having me on y'all.

You know what I'm saying. Yes, platform, platforms will be I got I got the shirts right here for y'all right here.

Yeah. So they got the uh yeah, so they got the only fans. I got only pots. So let me.

I wanted to ask you this. I've always wanted to ask you this.

What is the biggest misconception since you're like heavy into the cooking thing?

Now about kunk?

They say conk is an aphrodisiah, or it makes you horny, or it gets you hard. No, the piston of the cump or the male cunk, the piston is like that is like a viagar.

So it is.

If you get dependent on the conk, you get.

Around what it is is.

It's a clear little worm, a clear little little worm. It's about it's about a thing as a safety pin. But you pull it out the back of the mail cump and it's clear. It's all clear. It looks fake. But when you swam, man, I swallowed one of them up over one day, man, and by twenty men, my dick was.

Harder than the sixth grade. Man, I'm telling you right.

That I was coming wrong and I want nothing. I was like, why just looking at me like this? That's like that's like, that's like a biaguar. So a lot of people say, oh, come, make you want your coup. That's a no. Conk is a snail conk. It comes out of the shell that was in your grandma and your mama house, that you put to your ear.

You hear the ocean. That's a comp chill.

So it's basically like low budgets cargo.

No, not low budget, high budget. That ship thirty dollars a pound. Now, oh well shit, that ship is thirty dollars a pound. That ship went from seven dollars to thirty dollars in five years.

Damn it.

It's a Caribbean dish.

You get it at I've only had it in fritters.

Yeah, but you do fridage, you can do stool, you can do it, counk salad, you can make crack con crack conk means nothing ain't on it.

You just cut it up, put season and squeeze line on it.

Kind of like right, okay, but but the fresh air is if the cover and stick that means is you're getting it from somewhere where the savage and they're not treating the count right because in order for the cort to get thick, that means they're not put taking it out the shell right. It's like like when you fish for a group of how the group of go hide and the rocks and swell up. That's what the cump do. When you don't, when you don't crack it and go in the chair right and get it, it gets hard to try to come out of the shell. And when you take it out and die and it's still and it's not easy to choose, that's the bad comp Damn.

I never knew that.

That's a come for you.

What you want to say to the people the streets that support us, everybody watching, Man, it's the final words.


We always like to get some game from gym to the people.


I just wanted to say, I just want everybody to know that, in the words of ball Greasy, you take a look at ye, take a look at your circle.

Would you want to be them? And if not, then you don't need to be with them?

You know what I'm saying that anybody I offended, I would like to really tell you truly fucking trick that in on Big Fast.

Make sure y'all support all his endeavors with you.

Know what I'm saying, Like, subscribe comment to his YouTube, Go visit Sunday's Eatery that good ass food.

Yeah, no big.

Factors coming to the bitch.

I got my part.

Check us out of that Triple W dot Big fastpod dot com.

Don't have no cap for fitch.

Mm hmm

BIG FACTS with Big Bank & DJ Scream

Two Atlanta legends Big Bank and DJ Scream bring you the long awaited BIG FACTS Podcast!
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