Core DJs founder and cultural OG - Tony Neal joins BIG FACTS to discuss the state of music, the importance of the DJ, Jeffrey Dahmer, his business ventures and more.
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I be ONBJ okay, So let me ask you bring.
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Line for the tramp music musicum, Big Bank, Baby j d J screen, We team Big Fashion today.
We welcome to Big Facts.
Yes, Tony Neil has arrived at Big Facts.
Yeah, two story, two story, Tony Nils here the o g Tony. What's up? What's what's up?
What's up?
My brother?
You good?
I'm good, I'm great.
Way before we get started, right, you know, brings us gifts. We have to showcase the product and like get into the ship and talk about it. So I need everybody to understand. We have Culture three sports buds. These are like your thingies like when you're working out and you know what I'm saying.
You can use them. What their waterproof to the I can go in the ocean.
Ocean people just yeah, I really.
I sat around and tell us about it and then get it.
And what I did was, at first I wanted to see what the name available, and I I did a copyright on the name Culture and the culture audio and differen shits like that, and then I had headphones made first, and then I said, damn.
You know the COVID hit.
I said, damn, I want some earbuds so called the same people that made the headphones, and I just started designing, telling them, can you make them waterproof? How long the battery lasts? Like, can I have one to take the hook off and take it back and put it on? Some people that want don't want the hook the people.
That's working out.
So that's why I started calling the sports buzz because most of the people that wear the hook running and working out so it won't fall out of the ear. And I wanted to all black, you know, So I really just sat and designed that during the COVID came out, so you know, so that you know, that was just an idea I was sitting around doing trying to do some with COVID, asked COVID.
You know what I'm saying. It did pretty good, you know what I'm saying.
So, Okay, now that we got that out of the way, first and foremost, Tony the creator and the innovator, let's go back to the very beginning of your humble beginnings.
I mean, how far you go?
Yeah, I want to go back to man.
You know, I'm originally from I was born in Detroit, but I'm originally from Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, raised school streets, everything I did Google, Yeah, okay, callous Milwaukee.
Yeah, it was hard.
A lot of us Milwaukee.
Tankers from Milwaukee calls are because from Milwaukee area, but they it's a lot of us from Milwaukee, Ricos from Milwaukee, a lot of us from Milwaukee. But nevertheless, yeah, that's why, you know, that's where it started. It started out as just trying to get my well, now, everything I did was to get.
Out of the street.
Yeah, fucking no, I'm just keep real like everything that I did and along the lines, you know, I kind of had to learn in the trial in area. Really everything that I did was trialing there with me DJing, with me being on the radio, with me being in the Core. Everything I did was just doing these It was just me trying to do something, stay my ads out of the street.
Really it was based on and it was technician DJs cores.
Yeah, yeah, it was the Technicians and I was in the Technicians in two thousand and two. I started the Core in two thousand and five. But yeah, I was in the Technicians first. You know, I really didn't When I got into Technicians, I didn't even know nothing about DJ Cruise and none of that ship.
You know.
I got a call from a boy scrap and uh yeah that and basically you know he was it was getting the best of it each night. I know, I was at the Mix Your Power something and I won the Midwest DJ at the year and different ships like that.
But I ain't know nothing about none of that cruise.
I ain't no heavy it was none of that ship until until I got na I was about to look. You got to remember, I was still yeah, I still won't foot in it, you know. So I was just trying to stay focused, you know what I'm saying. So, yeah, I didn't know nothing about no Cruise or none of that. I just know I had ideas and to make it function and be self sufficient. It's a question for both of y'all. What y'all think the value of the DJ is in twenty twenty three. Like the value of it, I mean, I think I think that I think it's your brand now. I think it's about your brand and keeping up what's going on. I think I think if you descrun on and you start talking about the young niggas music, you should get the fuck out. I mean, that's what I think, but you should keep up with what's going on. I think that the DJ.
I think that the Internet makes stars with DJs make legends, you know what I'm saying. Like DJs are the roots, Like they the reason why a lot of these artists that pop off online and then that don't have a long lastic career, they don't have the roots somebody they don'tboy once it's over.
So but how many times, like how many times, like when you look at every major artist, everyone from Future to Tip to GIZI to anything as all as DJ is connect.
Yeah, they always had it, know I mean, if if an artist can get I ain't mad at the end of technology. I've never been the one to be mad about new technology because I like it myself, as you can tell. Like, but I don't think that's I think a quick they want the quick way.
And uh, really, what it is is you need that nigga to tell you it ain't it. And a lot of times it's the DJs. But there's also people at this table, and sometimes that creates better projects, better mix taste better albums like tell.
You, But you come from the age of a DJ telling a nigga that ain't it. These young DJs we talked about the artists, but these young dj is, they don't tell these niggas that ain't it because they can't really determine what's it to cause the internet is different than what the DJ. But if you think if it's a young DJ, he's supposed to be right there with them in the club.
Do we do any of us know what's it until it's it? If we knew, then we know now I mean us, I'm saying because a lot of this it ain't that big, ain't it?
But you didn't get in the loop bro like well, we had some Lass records back and we was coming up to.
I feel like like with a lot of the with a lot of the younger DJs, sometimes there may be a fear of upsetting the artists.
I think it's all people don't cut to kill music as.
Far as them not agreeing, not agree with the what the artist thinks is it.
Because I've seen this.
With my own eyes.
They have a fear of.
Upsetting an artist and being kicked out of the loop and it's like nowadays.
For the is it it or DJ it?
I think that's what you say. That's what I'm saying, is it is it? Is it determined DJ? No more but bang listen, go ahead, go ahead, here is determined about the DJ. Believe that that's why this is the core DJ, because the DJ played that ship to make some sustain what's going on the internet. They might not be talking about that particular DJ, but but you better know that same artists depending on especially in hip hop.
I'm talking about like Iron B.
But I haven't seen the internet force DJ to have to play records. Record viral, you go viral. You don't pay to go viral. You're gonna go viral. You're gonna go viral. What's gonna happen? I seen niggas trying to pay to go viral, and that's a wild ship ever, Like you're gonna go viral.
You're gonna go viral, Like like that's just what it is. You know what I'm saying.
A lot of ship that was out that wasn't viral, like green Tones, Whennigga's selling ring tongs, they didn't have nothing to do with No damn DJ.
Yeah, is that okay that you see. So if it's gonna catch, it's gonna catch.
That's what I'm saying online, you know, if that's what it is. But it is it gonna sustain? Is it gonna stay around?
There? You go? And that's where the DJ should understand what his role is now like a lot of just don't know what their role is. No more. Bro about play listing, like playlisting, keep you around to now that ship that it over there?
I think so I mean this, this is me saying, you know, I think that people people having a hard time telling what playlist is what now you know what the main ones are and they and they all gobbled up but you but you know, now it's such it's so all over the place. You don't know what playlist is good and what ain't no more unless the ones that you that's going through labels. What about the artist that like these big ass artists you and him in the club you don't hear like on here because.
They out in the streets and they got a damn DJ that's back in the.
Month about like Playboy Cardialm. You don't hear them niggas in no clubs nowhere but.
Clubs clubs that we go to the clubs.
It's not their target.
They had coaches.
Cardis just had a rain.
Cardis just had a rave a couple of days ago. He posted that ship forty five minutes before the rain. It was two thousand people, right, you know what I'm saying.
But he.
He's still sucking with the DJ. You always show at the Black Boy That's a big part of his show. Yeah, with Swamp show.
I said what I'm saying, like like niggas is going back to their DJ like it's and then if DJ do the work, yes, it's like, yeah, it's got artist.
Remember the artists have to come seek.
When I told the DJ, when I told the DJs that Samuel L.
Jackson and Django, you know how like they let him he was a nigga, so they let him deal with the niggas type ship.
Yeah, but what I'm saying, what I'm saying is what I'm saying is at one point, like you just said, I got bombarded with ship all the time. But I still get a lot of stuff. But a lot of people are gonna try. Well, a lot of people don't come to me because they think I'm gonna charge and that's just what it is. And so a lot of people don't come to me like that. You know what I'm saying. The bigger the DJ, the less you're gonna get because you're gonna charge them. And if like somebody likes scream telling your record, ain't it. But on the Internet it's a million, it's a million streams that jumped off on your record, You're.
Now you hater. Like I told like, I'm gonna get Let me just give you my like my one of my really stories. I sat with.
With the boy that used to manage Cardi b Right and Uh and I and I told him he wanted to put out a record with her offset. I said, nah, I said, she got this one record that she'd be dancing off of called Bodak Yellow.
I said, you should, that's where the direction should go. And then he told me about they had.
Something they got her on the show and they had something coming out and then using that record. I didn't know nothing about their relationship at the time, I said, But nah, I said, because it's we played that other note flock and we play that in uh in Miami, in the South Florida. That's aid the anthem so and so she mimicked that and made a record off of it. I said, well, dog, I would go with something that's already out just working. And he took it that the other one didn't work and he switched it.
So I've been me. I've been going on the A n R side.
Now I've been like, okay, well, if they're saying DJ's don't break records, I do my own.
I do my own.
So I sit and talk to Tucy, let him start his record on the internet. Say that's the one, and now that's favorite song.
M you feel meah different than me in the DJ it's not now I'm saying, and all that ship comes from.
Like if you're sitting there and picking out records with somebody and they getting your advice even though it's going well on the internet. There was another one too that was going I said, no, like if a DJ or an R is that person that's saying, nah, do this one, you did your job and if if worked, this record is almost tripper Planteum. Now that was from scratch, you know, with Acon's record he put it back out this year. It was from scratch. I did a jazz record, Like I'm just I'm just like, I'm gonna listen to a record. If they do what you want to do on the internet, that's your thing, you know what I'm saying. But if I try to pick stuff that last. You know, I've been doing that for a long time. Like people don't know that.
Like the keep it shuffle.
Every time I get a DJ that call it so hey, I laugh when they play keep and shuffle. I laugh when they play dangerous. Hey kind I laugh when they play the wobble because then my records. So go ahead, Hey, do you do your things, say what you want to say, but keep playing the records, you know what I'm saying.
Like, it's you want to know what's you want to know? What's you want to have to still have your ear.
No matter what you're going through with the the artists and the online thing and all that, you still got artists is not that well versed on the net.
It's more them, So what are they gonna do? Go see the DJ. But some of these DJ niggas, man, I just I don't know. I got some issues with a lot of it. I got a lot of big sass. What's I think I think that.
We lost the place of the DJ trying a lot of niggas trying to be like this. Nah, that'd be like this nigga drama of Cali and forgot. You didn't about it, not a star, you didn't forget the essence. Yeah, I never I never wanted to do that. I wanted to stay in the essence of it. You feel you understand what I'm saying. I even when I got nominated for BT or four years in a row, I told them to stop nominating me. I still if you're not gonna let a nigga win for what they do for real, I'm the DJs DJ.
I played DJ's raptor. I never charged no DJ for none of these shit, never scream.
I played DJ's records when the DJ said, I'm the first nigga that DJ's it. When they put out records me and I like, nah, I tell them the same thing. Nah, that ain't it, bro or yeah, this is it right here, this is it, Like Peter Parker Calum, we need for screen records like I do.
I always wanted to stand.
I think if I stayed me, if I tread the line, you feel me between the internet and the artists, and I'm right there in the middle of that.
That's where I want to be at. I always want to keep up.
It's a shame, like nigg I'm over fifty and I'm just goddamn saying that I know more records than some of these niggas that's twenty nine, thirty years old.
I'm playing your shit, Nigga, I supposed to be chilling.
I'm doing Ricky smart that I supposed to be chilling doing that shit, Nigga, the fuck but were missing? It's it's it's it's it's not the artists fault, bro, It's it's I hear so many DJs complain and not keep up with what's going on. Like you just said, niggas gonna be paying attention to the internet. Niggas be in the club. I don't do no research. They don't find nothing about you know, Playboy, Cardi, and none of that shit that's out of their reach. They feel like some of the DJ's feel like that shit out they reach until it was evert made. Motherfucking I want the rocket DJ is fucking with him now. No older niggas right right, So what I'm so, I'm saying, like the irresponsibility, irresponsibility of you.
Not ever paying attention to that nigga until he came out with that. It's crazy to me.
Saying, y'all, you're saying basically, y'all had everything early. If you, if you didn't get it, one of your DJ got if you one of you, fellow DJ. Right now, right now, I got one of the hottest records in the clubs across the country, and the spiffy to go throw it.
That's my artist right when that.
Ship come on that you don't need no beat. You better hype people when that shit come on any fucking way across the country. But I gave that to niggas in February, I said, hey, before it went viral, I gave I gave that to niggas a fed Now I got, you know, lackluster comment, you know what I'm saying.
Then it went viral. Lackluster was that man like it's all right more Luke drives them feel me?
And when it went then when it started going viral, like now, I'm back to what you're saying.
So y'all letting the internet dictate. So that's what I'm saying. Do you think the DJ ship is the DJ game is on?
Some like follow the leader type ship.
But the ship the internet moved so fucking fast they really got no choice but to see what's happening online. But if they're not, they're gonna get left and the relevance of that individual ain't gonna be Like if you don't keep up what's going on on the Internet, I don't give streaming go out.
I don't give a.
Fucking viral ship stop because that's what's happening, right, Real DJ is supposed to do both everything. Yeah, he's supposed to keep up what the fuck is going on and not be so judgmental niggas like see what's happening? Who breaking roughens though? Men, I'm listen, I'm ship for real.
But is it is?
Is? It?
Is it?
Like select few people breaking records? Yeah, like because to me, that's what the DJ excitement was with what record he broke? Like oh yeah, you know he broke suchthing like you can do it in the club, like get on your constants, you know, good at that ship DJ Fresh, Oh yeah Fresh, come on now constantly make your ass like that, right, you know what this record Fresh would make you like them? But we got to hit the flips and ship, all kinds of ship.
Yeah, man, like what happened to that?
Niggas got to play your ship sixteen times? Back to bay? But they got ready for that conversation. We go ahead.
I'm here.
I was saying that there are DJs.
I'm not speaking of me, right, There are DJs who have put in a lot of fucking work, and you've been there and you probably have. Damn no plaque for me. No, that's where that ship starts from. Damn you want to We ain't gonna say mad DJ to be mad what cost a hundred others?
No, I'm not saying like mad like he doesn't have.
He like a mad rapper? Where you're going with the It's only one hundred dollars? You going with that though. What I'm saying is that you know this conversation, Tony, So okay, you know this conversation. Let me say a rap ahead, Hey Tony, what's up?
What's that? I'm the Deja rapper? Okay, Tony, what's up? What's that?
Got this record? You know what I'm saying? Fun with you, brother? You know what I'm saying, Bro, Just with me with you know what I'm saying. Fuck me brow my some fuck with me, bro fund me.
Let go. You know what this was what I asked, I said, is your because a lot niggas comes straight out of the basement what you're doing in your city.
Right, Let's say that the doing the city is fine. Let's say you take a liking to a young nigga like crazy. Yeah, it ain't about whatever is your to this right?
All right?
If on the back end you don't want nothing, But then it becomes that I did it all on my own, and that's for DJ's producers, engineers. It becomes one of them things. Then it's gonna leave a sour taste.
Were you ready?
You're ready for me? On that thing. I got a lot of records, alcoholic brands, all of that.
That me or my my whole core DJs situation was a part of a lot of a lot of a whole lot. And I didn't ask for nothing because I feel like if I was supposed to have it, they're gonna give it to me. Facts, But that's just for me being where I'm from. Like I if you, if I supposed to get that, you're gonna give it to me. I don't want a plaque if I wasn't involved with it. That's the first thing for niggas just be out here, won't platte for no reason.
But if I wasn't involved with that ship, if I wasn't the first or damn near the first nigga to play fuck Nigga Free, I don't want it. If I'm not involved in the record, you feel me like so that that's me though. But it's a lot of cats that really be on some internet radio.
Shit on plaques or some I don't.
It's the explanation of media base and what kind of station they are. On me, they won't plaques niggat some it's a it's an ego thing. Sometimes it's just a thing. It's something that they want to keep going back to. Like I have mine for personal like mine is for like I can tell a story. I was did this, I rearranged this record. Oh man, I remember when we did. Like my family, they come in the house, I show them like I want the story behind it. I don't want some shit just hanging up there.
Anything else.
When But if you were on radio and risk your job and your livelihood to pay your rent to play a nigga record, can't give you a drop a T shirt or plat you you might not feel a certain way.
I won't give a fuck. But to the average djil.
And that goes, would you not give a just bag up on all artists behind that though, because most of the artists be all the same too. Now like you look at it like bron seen you before. But get that ship out of my face. I'm gonna play what they sent me to play if I'm on radio. That's how the DJ that I think that's the that you know that you know who did that with me? And because he recognized who I was, it's any any chip in L.
E L.
I met that nigga, you're not really I met that nigga through a plaque. Mm hmm.
He sent me that big motherfucking ass plat and he said, I, I, sir, I don't know if that's not the same. He said, Sir, I heard about you, and I want to send me I just I want to send you something. It's some of that big ass motherfucking flat. You know what I'm saying.
I had those two. That's a story I can tell. I met him. He sent me a plaque. I don't you know what I'm saying, yeah, yeah, I heard of you know.
Nipsey's plaque, Like Nipsey used to sleep on my damn couch, bro. So that's one of the one I got.
Hanging with Smack as soon as you walk in the house, I got stories.
Man, come on, like he's on my on the on the trap couch to Milwaukee trying to figure it out with us me and twisting dollars, laying trying to figure it out.
When I had my.
Record pool, I had a record another level record pool, and that's when I really started doing stuff in the industry. And I'm let me say this to y'all, I'm gonna keep it a buck too. Being from the street, he'd be hostile.
Yeah, so I'm not.
And I'm sure you can relate to this ship. Like Jay, when I met you, I was. I was still had the attitude of and I think I fucked up a lot of relationships myself having that because I didn't. I didn't sign contracts, none of that kind of ship. Until I started fun with this industry. It was like when you're on the street, nigga, we do what you say you're gonna do, and we shake each other hand and we do what we're gonna do. But when I started sucking with this, I didn't know how to take. Yeah, I didn't know how to take when somebody didn't feel me, like I didn't understand it.
Marriage was all fucked up, and ship don't all kind of ship going on right, and so I didn't know how to Uh.
Nah, man, I have like a bunch of shit going on ship fucked up with my kids. What you do, though, tell her what you were doing in the beginning, what you do, what's the shit you do? What's up you do?
I don't know, man, I just I just was approaching niggas the wrong way, like I was just doing too much. Dog, Yeah, I would do I was doing, and I'm gonna tell you I did. During COVID BRO I called a lot of them niggas that I had issues with, and I apologized to them because you had time to see everything.
Yeah yeah, dog. End of nineteen going in twenty twenty, I got sick of shit. We we ain't know what KVID was.
In February, the same day that Kobe passed, I laid up in the bed sick, and I ain't nobody knew what that shit was. But turned out that was what the shit and they hadn't give me the name. Yeah, it was like March of Aprix. I'm Man of twenty twenty and I was man, I was bro like I had I sat down and thought about a lot of shit, man, A lot of people that I rubbed the wrong way, a lot of people that I could have handled the shit a different way.
You know what I'm saying. I was into.
I was calling a lot, I was calling bitches that I fucked up on all kinds of shit. I apologized, and you know what I'm mo.
I was like I was on some healing shit, you know, into COVID, you know what I'm saying. So, but I was I was approaching a lot of money is the wrong fucking way, bro. I was doing a lot of stupid ship, like going to niggas houses and ship. Yeah, Like I was like, where you're at, nigga, You're supposed to be. Where the fuck are you at?
I was when I was over, I was way out of line.
But so a lot of the times, And really I'm really just i'mna keep it like I'm really just because I done fell back so far.
I'm really just making up a lot of them relationships with niggas that I fucked them up with still to this day. How they receiving it though, I mean, they can't believe it because it's me. It's like, huh, man, you good? I said, Nah, ain't you know how? You good?
I'm good.
But if I don't get it off my conscience, I ain't gonna be good. I ain't gonna be good. And I know, and I like, who the fuck up with him?
Who had disagreements?
Like you know what I'm saying, a lot of niggas I was close to to you know what I'm saying, And so I, you know, I started feeling like, damn this.
Nigga ain't After a while, you're gonna start be like it's you, you.
Know what sigas you like?
Damn you know?
And so so going back to what you were saying about DJs. After a while, we do so much complaining about niggas music and ship that ship, whack this this this. After a while, niggas, you I was looking at niggas talking about sexy read right, and I and I had my day of a kaya and me like a nigga, if you like too short, you like Kaya and my baby sister training.
If you like them, you have no room now. But Kenny was just up here. We were just talking Kenny b he say what he said? God damns. Just it's like I just don't want to just had one. We just had a few of them.
Didn't have no man, Listen, we didn't have the internet. You just got through talking about we didn't have that. When Kaya came out with my neck in my back, he was like, oh, oh ship and her record was the dirtiest of all.
Let's just talking about my booty whole brown that ship, that's it. That's it. What else he's saying, but off lyrics? What else he's saying? That's wrong though, And so for me, I just look at that stay. That's their thing.
Everybody that I see say something negative is over thirty five. Yeah, niggas is older. I'm just like everybody that I see. I can go down the timeline and watch when somebody like another.
Hip hop side of post.
But do you think the music is affecting the way like kids are in the world and all this and the internet is affecting the way kids are? I said, it's a ship that the internet is fuel by the music. This is this is the conversation we just had right about it's coming out today. So the internet is fueled by so sous said. So you're saying our kids, it's like we're trying to blame the music for fu nigga's trying to blame the music on me. The Sugarhill game came Mama, Mama didn't like none of that ship. But then we over here we got the rapping donig the we don listen.
To none to that.
That ship was terrible and I'm mad that I played the record when I was that did that? What the playing that ship for? But it was terrible, but we thought it was the ship. I can name a lot of records that I didn't get. I didn't get laughing tappy.
We went through it, we went through, but not Yeah. But but when it first came home, I was like, what I had to come see the dance. I'm gonna tell you I wouldn't go through. I'm gonna tell you what made it go through, even the frenchise, boy, I tell you what made it go through.
We knew them niggas, get what saying we knew like that shouting low up, yeah, what you're saying, I'm just.
The street nigga doing so.
Me coming out, me trying to get out the street DJ. That's exactly what the fuck them niggas was doing. I remember when I brought Low to Milwaukee. Nobody who the fuck he was. When I brought motherfucker Gorillazo, that nigga almost broke down because nobody was paying attention to him.
But they was all on job.
I had both of them at the same time, and I told that nigga said, bro give yourself a couple of months. When that hood nigga came, I said, give yourself a couple of months to watch what happened, and I'll be god damn that that shit went.
Through the ceiling. But but so in any story I say it's factual, it's not no cap you know what I'm saying. I'm just saying so.
But what I'm what I'm saying is there ain't nothing wrong with some niggas trying some I just I just didn't I just didn't get the record. I had some couple of records that I didn't get. I ain't get some artists like that. Shit ain't gonna make it. Nicks a couple of months I'll be like, damn well, I had a lot of niggas. I argue a lot of niggas about Trin of that. James too had some arguments about that nigga. I knew that niggas gonna go just off of his image.
And now look at look at what he's doing. Now he's managing sexy.
Red like, yeah, look at that.
Uh, I'm gonna tell you something else. I liked six y nine. When he came out, he said, I did, I did. I liked a little wild rockstar.
Let me just say I like, I liked it.
I liked him, and then he kind of he kind of rubbed a couple of more people the wrong way, and then I kind of fell back off of you know what I'm saying, some of the ship that he was doing the antics, I wasn't with that, you know, but not where I'm from.
I'm not with I'm not with But when he.
First came out setting a little jump around on the street New York and ship, I know, who the fuck is this nigga?
He going crazy? Okay, yeah, but then.
One the others, you know, yeah, some of the guys, you know, I ain't going you know, so I kind of fell off of that. Then me and this nigga have some words online, me and him Man six nine about what you know. I just told him what he baited me.
He got me though.
First of all, I ain't never seen no audience like this nigga ever, like no any person like the Internet you're talking about. That was like that day with me versus the internet. This nigga audiences sick. Put the thing about that with that same ship. The Internet don't play dude music and the streets don't play the kids. That's what I'm saying. So, nigga, can you imagine me sitting there for twenty four hours blocking kids?
Niggas can he say that?
The DJ?
Can he say?
Like MANM DJ can't he can't he can say that, That's what I'm saying. It's a lot of niggas that can't say that, like you say that, who were talking about USA like UZ be relevant to the DJ until he made That's all he's just saying.
So it didn't matter, Scientist D. The DJ is always there. I ain't talking about it. Do we have certain DJ? Just business man? You all around to do draws need to do the businessman.
That's what I'm saying, I respect every DJ that has has transformed and start doing everything like him. You drum aren't eve nigga. They do everything the state. I'm saying, just some DJ that playing raptord, Why the funk I need to come see you and talk.
Remember, like back in the day, you gotta go gym to see every DJ, DJ com.
You gotta have.
You gotta throw ship, you gotta feed them, you gotta do.
You know what I'm saying.
You know all that ship you gotta do, you gotta it's a new era. Yeah, niggas ain't really gotta do that no more.
There was also a time when you had to do your strip club run to spend money in the strip. But that but but the fun with the DJ come I DJ at the stript club. The oh I'm going to fuck my DJ club throw their money.
The roles have reversed, saying, now the roles have reversed because you know, I work records, and that's that's what I do.
It's like, give the trippers the record.
Yeah, now they're given Now instead of paying the DJs, they're kicking the bitches, giving the records on the bitches girls. And then the bitches are in the club every night, requested making the DJ play it on.
They said, would you say that the DJ at this point in the game, No, not now, but eighteen to twenty one, would you say the DJ is at the bottom of the barrel?
Right now? DJ is in a different space for sure. Now it's close. But they moving back on the radio. Let's just radio is not what it was, what it used to be. Just being one.
Said like, be doing what your nigga doing because the other she asked that why why do okay? Well, why if radio don't matter no more? And I heard a lot of these people say that, don't they want to be on the radio? It's just because we think we want to be on the radio. It's just like even for most shows on the Ship show, I don't feel like the radio drive tickets. Why do niggas still want to be on the radio. It's just because it sounds like I'm.
On the radio.
Niggas want to be on the radio for the same reason that niggas want to grammy.
No, I ain't say, nah nigga want to be scale on the bigger scale what she's saying. But I'm saying niggas want to be on the radio cause they feel like my ship everywhere. So who wants who getting the Grammys?
I don't even think that. I feel like niggas want to be on the artists on the radio get the Grammars. No, no, not even that.
I'm not saying question.
I feel like niggas want to be on the radio because niggas feel like that's a step in getting them closer to believing that they actually made it.
No, I can't say that because listen, like ooz it, the nigga already made it, already got their mother.
Just ready to listen.
When an artist had a video coming on BEA ten years ago, Yeah you can't.
Know what you said. You can't get top forty. You ain't on radio ten fifteen years ago.
If a nigga had his record on TV on B to his video right, not radio, everybody would be excited. Oh ship you Now, if you tell a nigga that nigga don't give a fuck, be on bet you they don't care radio.
These niggas nowadays don't give a fuck about nothing though.
I feel like it just changes like it used to. It used to be. It used to be the biggest ship in the world. If a nigga was on World Stand, you're gonna get a fuck you faster now than you would be fo. Niggas really don't give a fuck about ship, right, you know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying, like a nigga making see you you'all to my eccolades.
Driven people want radio. I would think that everybody want to be something, want your money. Some niggas don't give no ready, don't give for by now they send them chick from YouTube day. Remember how excited.
Robert Townsend was when they when they song was on the radio with him and his little sister.
Should some money should be money.
At example of cities that don't care about radio, it's Detroit.
And Milwaukee. Like it used to be, niggas fighting.
To get on the radio, beating up DJs, all kind of crazy ship at the crib. Now with the movements that's going on, with with with baby facing, there's.
All them niggas.
Man, they don't given about no radio. I have never heard everybody I've never heard listen. I've never heard them niggas say them nigga get money. But guess what might not want that radio? But all them niggas DJ.
But guess what, though they all got a fucking DJ, they all with DJ go for that. Now what happened was, Now, let me just tell you what I what I what I think happened.
I think and I'm taking back to m t V and ship like that when when people from hip hop first was always the DJ and the artists A D Rock Kim LF COUJ and created like it was always the DJ and ain't mentioned no matter what I think I got on TV and they see they didn't need that.
It kind of pushed the DJ further back the videobo push the DJ further.
After scene so that it was it's just like A started doing the club man producer like like DA so like it's it's inevitable, like the separations. We don't know how to listen, bro, we don't know how to accept when it's over, yeah and move on. Like if if I feel like I'm gonna say that, I feel like every artist is gonna dip on here. Yeah I do.
Listen, I feel and I feel like that.
So you're gonna help them as far as they're gonna get now if they come back around cool like y'all start off in a differences, don't be just just put all that energy into an artist and you you want to see the artists more than when more than you that I'm not the artist, and I always go into it like listen, do the same thing that attracted me to you. Keep doing that, ship, don't stop, don't come like what's next to me?
I'm I'm here to assist you. I could give you stuff that you don't got, but I'm really here to help you. So but I'm I'm waiting for them to leave. At some point, I'm be like, I'm be honest, like I'll be on some real life when they've gone to another manager. Have the decency to tell a nigga what you're doing, though, like a lot of these motherfuckers don't have a decency to tell a nigga what they do. They switch up on you and they don't tell you ship. So when the steam come up off of them, they.
Think you did it.
They think you told people don't fuck. I ain't never told nobody not to fuck with, no DJ. That wasn't in the core, no more, no artister. I never told nobody to fuck with It was just so that let you know, if you feel like that, then it was me. If the steam came up off you, then it was me. You know, niggas feel like anything they did right in their career, they did anything they did wrong, it is your is your father.
Anything they did right, and they did it anything wrong.
They don't understand natural selection.
Yo, that's crazy to me.
Man. So I so I through the different ships that I went through, y'all, I learned that basically the long story short about all this ship is to let ship go.
Let let it, let it go. Like I'm a verbal nigga. So when niggas be going online, something must want to get on my mother fucker phone. Then I erased that ship.
You want to go anything that out already and I look at it, read it back myself and to be miss field and ship be mad the motherfucker.
I just erase the ship like nah, I'm already on the different path. You know what I'm saying.
Nigga, You say you you you you embrace like the new And you know what I'm saying, what's some ship? You don't embrace any new ship that's going.
On, Like.
I don't know if I don't even if I don't fuck with it. I just don't fuck with it. What make I don't know, because it ain't it ain't me. I let somebody. That's when I let somebody else show me. Your younger niggas show me. Naw, this this was happening.
That's why you have your kids, if you got older kids, or you had your nieces and nephews whatever. Yeah, like they put you up on a game like I. Sometimes I won't understand some of that ship right away. I'm always I've always been a type of nigga. Though if you in hip hop, you're supposed to be here. Sometimes you're just not supposed to do be an artist though you might supposed to be a manager or do videos or start a label or you know. But I think that anybody that's involved in this and they put their heart in it today, they just gotta find what's gonna work for, you know, they gotta find out this is this is oh ship, this is working. I used to be trying to rap and ship. Okay, this is bank you had experienced in switching nigga. Nigga, the King of reincarnating nigga. They don't even know you're going what the nigga the big ask for coat and look at this this I call it this nigga you and movies and ship.
What the fuck as I swear I.
Didn't know this nigga got a whole nigga snow gang nigga nigga, you know. But that's I'm talking about reincarnating man like, like really standing up on what's happening.
And sometimes, like you said, like you gotta take it. It's sometimes it's your fault, man, most of the time.
Sometimes it's your fault with your health somebody as your fault with not understanding other people, not shutting the fuck up. Sometimes you can hear a lot by being quiet, and that's what I started doing, and that's why it takes shit so easy. Y'all are three, y'all know me, like y'all know this ain't yeah, this ain't the ten years, twelve, thirteen years ago, Tony. It's a different thing. And then to your personal life, you know what I'm saying. I wasted a lot of time with my fucking kids trying to get this right. What you think about therapy though I don't want no therapy, I'm not therapy, shouldn't say so you feel like you're self healed, yes, sir, because I'm gonna tell you. Me and my ex wife we call that shit practice what we was doing, but we laugh about it. But I was with her seventeen years, I was married twelve, with her for five, and now that we divorce, we call it practice. First of all, there's no way you with somebody seventeen years and still don't have some kind of friendship.
That's crazy.
And so it's just terrible shit happened, you know what I'm saying. So we talk about it, and she said, we just practiced for the next person that were with because I didn't know what As a husband, I know what the fuck I was doing for real.
Free I was still in this. She was singing, was singing, what you get that with her? No, I'm forna get married. I'm gonna get married, But you were singing she was no way, nah bro. She she wasn't for me. Yeah she was. She was for me when I got with him, but as we grew, I'm not for her as we grew.
And she said she could deal. She was young, you dealing with the industryhip when she turned thirty five for you, yeah, I can't funk with this, And you're still.
In that ship, you know so, and I got it. I understand it.
So we animately divorced, you know, with no beef in none of that ship. But then now I'm with the person not supposed to be with and uh in this long yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying. So when you got somebody that's good for you, man, that that helps a lot.
You know what I'm saying. That helped me everything but everything everything, and make you realize a lot of ship. This ain't serious.
You know a lot of ship that you beefing about. Niggas, you gotta go kick him on the fucking doors. Goofy as ship. I'll do some goofy ship. But hey, nigga, do some super ship. You say you're doing that because your mind state wasn't in the right now. I'm still around, bro, I was still in the streets. You gotta understand, like when niggas talk about the Jeffrey Darman ship, I sold dope to this nigga. You feel me like I seen this nigga every fucking day. I was in the trenches like that. That't get hold he getting to be got you said it what you said, Hey, I'm from Milwaukee. You said, well, this is what I'm saying. He didn't kidnap nobody. Okay, whenever the nigga was active, he came around and got dope from us to party. We had a spot upstairs from his apartment because if it was almost abandoned, and uh, I had to get a little security job because they was on my ass.
Right. So my guy had a security company and I was.
Working doing runs at the at and t was across the directly across the street from an apartment. And then he got the account because the smell the chick quick that was sitting at the front desk. So instead of them hiring another front that they just found, they just got security company to do round. And we was a security company. I was like, oh shit, nigga's security company in that apartment.
Yeah, you didn't smell nothing funny.
So let me tell you what sell which was the the apartment on it He said that it was sewage. So all the time we thinking it was a sewage issue, and it was like he was sprayed at Little Orange. It was that orange construction spread. We smell it out through the whole on the on the third floor, on the first floor, which is first second floor of the level he was on. He was back in two thirteen. We had an apartment at three o three, So you walk up the stairs, we had that like our secure slash spot, you know, and so downstairs you never smegcause she was raising so it wouldn't like that. But that second for it was crazy, like all you smoke with that. He kind to everyone. He could spray that strong ass. But we knew something wrong because he kept doing it. And yeah, like what bothered me is a lot of shit Like that was around the time my brother got killed, you know what I'm saying.
And I know we was out there. We could have got it. That's what I was. My whole thing.
I was mad about that because I knew this nigga, like I knew him, Like I talked to this nigga he was stopped and hey, Tony, what's going on?
Man? I said, Yeah, what you doing out here? White boy? I call him white boy? Let me wait, whatt you out here? Still down in the streets.
For the whole neighborhood was just fucked up at the time because we had a we had a Spanish police chief and like they had that blue Union thing.
They didn't want him there, so they wasn't doing nothing for him. So that whole area we called that the hill. It's all fucked up. It was, that's all.
It was nigga about four five combination. So mind you now, mind you, we was ignorant to the to the HIV and the gay community when we was coming. I had my cousins and shit, but we was ignorant to know what age was and all that because until Magic Johnson got it a couple of months later. So that ship was everything happened in July and Magic got the ship is on November, so we didn't know ninety one. We didn't know none of that ship. So to us, we were just like anybody hr we stack must like and the police was the same way. So that's why that that's why he let the little boy go. We do the police because they never they were stand office from the people that was gay because they didn't want to touch them, they didn't want to arrest them nothing because they thought everybody had that was.
It was stupid shit going on, man. So it's bigger. It's a bigger story. Uh, it's a bigger story. But the bottom line was we mad.
We didn't get it because we could have you know, we believe it, man, We was right seeing this nigga every fucking day. As a matter of fact. When they brought the barrels out, that shit happened in the day, and that shit then there was so many people and helicopters and fucking news cameras and tents and shit up that that then nobody like I stayed on the corner and if I go, it was a two I had to say.
The studio apartment, it was a two way step. You go down this frunt.
When you go to the other side. As soon as you come down the stair, you can see his apartment like boom, soon as up through the back. And so a lot of people didn't know that. So we had all these people, reporters and shit coming. When they started bringing out the barrels and shit. I was standing right there watching the whole shit. He where he had the people in the bath like the body parts and shit acid like, and the smell came from he ran out of it because he couldn't get it from the chocolate place he was working at. He was bringing them acid barrels and bringing them to the back door because his apartment was right there, and so he ran. Once he got fired, he ran out, and so he kept trying to stuff. When you smell it, now you can't smell asking when it burns, something like that. But after he was doing so long, but he's trying to use the same barrel ship And then that is when the nigga started to eating ship.
How are you gonna get rid of this ship? It was cold, damn.
I know that, y'all, but I don't want to fuck up the move of the show. But y'all know, y'all looking like looking like fucked up ship. Yeah, but it was fucked up though it was. It was fucked up because we couldn't believe that was around us. And we've seen so many of these, uh, these fucking shows like that where it was a serial killer and we watched this ship, but when it comes to our community, it was different to see that shit happening to us, like, right, damn a fucking right, it was right there, Like we couldn't believe it. Even the motherfucker that he said he was, he ran niggas on our runners. He was in there trying to a lot of them was stealing money from the boy. So they yeah, like he was giving our money. His father was giving a lotment every month, so he was partying with the money. So he was like the hot motherfucker, like the dope things like he got the bread and once he got kicked out the club that he was going to, then he's to fucking with the dolphins. First of it was just he was talking with the game community, but then once he got kicked out the spot was spiking people drinks and shit. He started for the dopings. Man, what's easier to get them, That's what he did. But yeah, my life is crazy, y'all. If you could, if you can go back and chain inside the relationship that you'll change.
Of time with my kids. I mean that time with my kids.
I mean that like you're changing your purpose more than yeah. Yeah, I think that, uh yeah yeah, time with my you talking to him now, yeah yeah.
But you know, I just I did.
It's a lot of them graduations and ship I missed, and a lot of ship that I missed that I should have been at. And you know when Bussy did that ship, I felt it when he was talking about them on the stage.
It's a lot of us go through that. Man, you think you spending.
And giving them money, and you think that that doing something that ain't time is you know, being there with him is is different than buying just handled name baby mama some money and just leaving. I'm taking care of child support. That it's that time, man, And so that would be one of the things I would change. And the second thing already changed.
Yah, I ain't got no more bitches, got rid of them. Just stop sucking with him too much time. We ain't got that kind of time. We ain't got that kind of time. It's too much spirits, too much energy, like leaving in the bed.
It's for me, it's more spiritual now. Like for me, it's like.
That, that's that energy of just dealing with these It's gonna catch it, catch up with you. You know what I'm saying. And I've been there. I'm doing throwing, swinging parties and all kind of crazy.
This ship run. You want big facts ship not for real? What do you think the main person you.
Going into like being a DJ and starting coorting that what you think the main person you're like, I was just trying to start a union, not no crew. I was just trying to stop one because screaming to you. I was trying to do.
Artists and DJs and label people.
I was starting to like that, but as as we know, cats have their own agendas and it didn't really work out like that, so it kind of turned into what it is.
You know, five hundred DJs.
We still label people around the people independence around that we function, but for the most part, Yeah, I was trying.
To do it like a whole one stop shot. They said, else when I get big, So what's the process right now? Like if I had a record, I was like, ship set for you.
You just talk abou somebody else both you say right now, Like, it's all about relationships to see people don't want to Okay, kids that got a relationship with the internet, I feel they don't need to have a relationship with DJs. It's not so much paying a nigga nothing, it's that the relationship for real, for real. We can come and get you to do a retreat or something. That's about the relationship. We come and get you to do something. When you be, you come form at the fest of the Court Fester and I got motherfuckers. That's still that's good t I. It's great at that. You know what I'm saying he fucks with the DJ. It's still nah.
He come from that though, them.
Like they come from that. Every time I run into him, they're still talking. Man, you man, I got to get you this record. But them niggas ain't them niggash It ain't like they starting. They ship in the clubs and then take it to the internet. They ain't going to the internet first, somebody but looking straight.
To the internet. Looking. But that's the that's what they know. Yeah, that's it's free at different times. They don't have to travel. And I ain't no driver license on the internet. He ain't old enough to get the club. He making records, but he ain't old enough to get the club. Is that jump right on the internet?
Ye, nigga talking about selling dope about fourteen fifteen, but he ain't so.
That you have a record ever? Forced your hand, like, man, we gotta go with this.
Oh the motherfucking right, laughing, tapping after first, I'm for real, Yeah, forced your head.
Yeah, she was. I was like after a while, you know, I was like this, laugh what the fuck is this? And then about two months later, dollar so much.
He was in Milwaukee there, right, you told me that Reggie the host, Reggie Reggie Brown. That's when we first, That's when I first, dam man, for.
Real, that's one that's that's a standout one for me. Not so much sexy. I knew what that was gonna do. Those record like that, kaya my my back. That was one I was for real. She tells. Niggas look at crack and her pussy.
They beat track, go on, purp, whoever, all all they popped that thing like this that just came out do it. I think the producers moving more like into the artists producing. Why you're saying that they already been doing that. They realistically, they be wanting to be artists for real. Some of these guns we want to be artists, but they start making some of these artists want to be their music.
So they turn into.
DJ artists and dja see how to frustrating.
Frustration, frustrations that a nigga wasn't with the ship. So they started tinkering around, and then that they turned.
To good DJ and good producers and producers. T lewis like niggas to turn into you. You see what I'm saying. See what I'm saying. I hated you stopped rapping though, I didn't like, Yeah you do quick? You quit nigga?
Then I retired you.
Oh, I can't say you did okay, okay, I just checked to make sure it's about relationships right, And you just asked me.
About my son when when we got here, like what we're doing? Yeah, I do it all the time. Like why people that with it? They family fun with him? Oh that's your artists. Okay, give it to me. So how niggas get paid? How do nigga pay yourself? Pay your motherfuck yourself?
What happens when I what happened when I sunk with an artist like your son? And I move your son? Niggas that I don't know? Hit? Yeah, you commercial, like.
You said earlier, a commercial for me? Yeah, DG is a big ass commercial for me right now. Well, since the records he over there, we didn't play it. But the record he was listening to it is in the studio was a record that my cousin produced. But I ain't want to put the audio on that, so we put the old Magnodia Chot record on top of the video. I said, Nah, we can't put that this average hard at fun. I can't, I can't but I couldn't put it out there.
You know what I'm saying.
Yeah, I told him it's Internet vicious. Brother, any little thing an he moved, and a little slight anything, they're gonna have something to say. My nigga came out of the iPhone too when he went to jail. iPhone two was out coming out now about Yeah, that ship is the longest, but ship does change. Flipped over and you could thank you. He missed snapchat. He missed the whole ship, the whole way find all this shit.
He missed the sh he missed so these niggas on the internet.
Now it's crucial. Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
So he missed all of that. A nigga. If I'd have been in jail thirteen years, I'd have came out doing some shit. My mother buck hair too. Just I ain't got no heir, but it anyway thirteen the what y'all saying that? But that's just like with.
Anybody, just like my buddy.
No, he just did damn there the same amount of time, like eleven plus years and he's in a halfway house now.
But it's like getting readjusted. Life is getting readjusted.
Basically to life and the Internet because it's so much it's so much shit going on now and it's so much ship.
There's so much more accessible than it was back then. Like it's it's mind blowing.
Right now.
Right now, only thing it is is perception. Bro, I ain't set and there they don't accept the person that you is. Fuck who you is when you ain't off the internet. Well, if you ain't got damn matching up when we see you.
On this internet, got let's cray on.
A lot of live ass comedians online, bro, That's all they want to do is crack jokes for attention. That's what they do, and that more fucking Internet is how they communicate. The more people laugh. It's like niggas that won't like and loves if he gets a laugh, you made it today, and yeah at a nigga expense.
They don't. You know what I'm saying, the whole life, old nigga life. But now I'm glad he home.
There's been a lot of you know, false alarms and shit, but I'm glad the nigga home and my girl Tracy hold that down, oh man, the whole time. Feel me like, yeah, she had him, had him right. You know what I'm saying. I had him right to come home. Have n't got him right? Got this getting this ship together right now, and ship that's nigga like that deserve somebody like that. And I told him you got to come over here on the Yeah for sure. Now that's no doubt. You know, he gotta he gotta do the real ones.
Yeah, Like right before he got.
Locked up, I went to New Orleans to do his cover shoot for the magazine or whatever, and him and Hot took me around.
And like, you know, they showed me like all the stuff, like where.
Slim was from, where, like where his burial was, Like they took me to their old neighborhood, to the VL like they took Yeah, yeah, they did all of that.
So it was like, yeah, that's that's gonna be. That's gonna be crazy, like.
For real real Yeah you know. So, I mean, I'm glad y'all asked me to come through the show. Ye.
I got a question your honest opinions. In your honest.
Opinion, do you think that the Core DJ's weekly call walked so the clubhouse could fly? Because when we used to be on those calls every week, we used to talk about all kinds of ship, like not just music ship. So it's basically the same ship. It's clubhouse.
We do zones now we don't do And I'm talking about you talking what you're talking about like in general, she.
Said, job really like you know, like all the calls because a lot of men doing them calls.
A lot of the calls, we know. That's what I'm saying. She said, Like we have open groups. We used to solve. We try to solve problems, know what I'm saying. With the DJ fight was fighting with young We had.
Hundred and sixty motherfuckers on the car, yes, and they put me in on a phone line.
I didn't want to do it. It wasn't like Nigga. I was chilling.
I was at the Wednesday night Army ship in Miami and I was I got my my black girl was going I'm crazy, pick my ship up, man. And by the time it got back to me, it's like, man, young young Buck to stop. The DJ out said what But that's what it got to me.
I didn't know. It was just no shit, been the college shit. But when it got to me, it was like Nigga that stomped out of DJ. What we're gonna do now, mind nigga. Mind you. When I first started the Core, I didn't want nobody to know I started the Core, like I told you I am.
I'm not I'm not the I'm not the outfront nigga like that, like for real, I'm really answered, brother as motherfucker like, I'm not that kind of nigga.
You know, I'll be by myself. I'm cool, you know what I'm saying.
But so when I started the Court, I had my name in the middle of the roster. I ain't my name like on top President Dollar. None of that ship, right, And so but when that happened, that's when niggas from at home they knew about the Core DJ big thing, and they thought I was just in it. Then I started once. You know how that when when rap niggas find out you started something like that, everybody, then you put them on this this this. I was trying to avoid that ship and we're working until that shit happened with Buck and I got the call and they had to ship all on the source and all these different motherfucker magazines about Tony Neil stopped this record. I ain't stop ship the Nigga stopped their own ship, but he had me out of the spokesperson like.
Tony Neil just stopped Young Buck record for six months. Nigga we only talked like for three weeks. That shit was back on.
But he he he had did that, and the story just got so twisted on mind. You didn't move fast like that because he had no Internet like that. So that ship was whatever.
Something happened like that. It was silent. It was what that's what it is for real. Now you can just wait on the internet. They lie on the internet. You can wait and then come out and be like, oh that was some boys. You know, you got your faith back then? Not then it was it was like the DJ he shot h Nigga by the time there and it wasn't like that. Yeah, but you know, Bucker, he did the coldest ship to me, man, it took me.
And also that was in my growing He said to me, he came to Milwaukee him a scrappy because money in the bank got fucked up too behind that ship as a casualty.
You know what I'm saying. Money in the bank was rolling. That shit happened. It was like anything that Nigga we ain't fucking with it. It was like, damn.
So that's another thing too that a lot of artists don't understand, like you can make one mistake and fuck up your whole said to me.
Buck said to me, that's why I be something like I got issues with a lot of these DJ niggas.
Buck said to me.
He said, man, that was real, admiral, what you did Tom for my niggas. I would have did the same thing, but that nigga did that. Nigga tell you thank you?
And I was like, goddamn, nigga, ain't ever said ship forget. He said, damn, but he said that that together, thank you for what y'all did.
He got a check to that the ever high as I'm sitting there looking stupid as a motherfucker, like I'm playing big bad book. I would put in the place to be big bad woman because of what I started, and I was like this motherfucker didn't say nothing.
Nobody just got a little bad and went on, what's the other crew that was out like around town?
Do it?
What's your fish? No, what's the name of it? Doing the d J with that boy hit me and the super friends.
The other one they be having a big conferences and ship like like the court. You know, nobody know what I'm saying. Who the knockoff court is? Who the knock off court? Who the knockoff?
And listen who was doing? Who was trying to do what y'all was doing? No, it wasn't nobody. Nobody was doing with the technicians was the first one and I was in that. So nobody did what we did. Nobody did what we did then was out of Texas, Nigga. That was us we was doing.
Were talking about definition of DJs, that like, that's the Texas definition.
Go dj TJ.
Dj TJ was with us, so t like that whole system was like all of us, me bigger ranking TJ, go the hog. See, that was all of us. We were just doing like I don't I don't want followers. I want niggas that's gonna do their own ship. I'm gonna come support your ship too, But nah, that was that was everybody was. We just would go to each other ship.
So but but you know, I don't know after after what he said is because.
I remember we did somebody had panels and ship down at the twelve when the w down at the w.
Here that was hit being Casper hit Man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hit Man, DJ Man, No, I thought you changed, I did, listen man, hit Man.
Hit Man was Uh. It was around the time came out, around the time super Friend. Let me say this, y'all. Let me say this to y'all, No, no doubt, like niggas was moving ship.
Especially around that time. Everybody had their own individual time and everybody had an artist like I.
Will say this, like.
The biggest influence for like somebody like Future and all, it was Colling, Oh for sure, you know what I'm saying. Like everybody had had their moments, you know what I'm saying. But you know, it's just keeping up with everything that's going on. Like niggas had they moments like I hit Men had their moments. Like niggas was working for real, for real, like you know what I'm saying. So you can't take that away from niggas working back then. Everybody had individual ship, niggas and niggas coming together more.
But what but I think Nigga just got old, bro.
I think I think Nigga just got older and just started you know, going apart, doing different ships, like trying to keep up with me. Really you know, so you said you the last, You're the last of the breathing your came. I mean no, just that niggas with me for a short minute. That niggas started this ship is gone.
Know what I'm saying or what you do?
Because Screen really don't do that no more, Screen really got them Rockstern, he really don't.
You really don't even I can't just taking dates? Do you really like, do you still do y'all thing like with your organization or do you just kind of everybody grew? Like you said, Spins ain't trying to You know, Spins does what he does, but you still like you still can make a record.
I can get stream of record, can send me to a couple of niggas, but he ain't finish.
Get in the mud right now with no record.
I don't think you know because I got because I got niggas in the trenches, That's what I'm saying.
So easy I got.
I got the most radio DJs too, and I got the most radio DJs that can play ship.
Who doing that? That's what I'm saying, Come on, because we need to know, Like, listen, listen what I'm saying to you.
I got, I got more radio DJs that can still play ship without restrictions. Yeah, I still got niggas that break records. I still got a lot of niggas that's in the trenches. And I go get the young niggas right away. Like I said, I still got young niggas. Come on, and I got the most girls. Like when the when the whole chick the chicks movement happened, I got sixty DJs as females in the court six something and they cold and here they we have got into a battle. I send my girls first front line. They will tear nigger head off, you know what I'm saying. So I just was never afraid of no denominations and ship like that. I was just never That just wasn't me, you know what I'm saying. So because of that, because of having that extension and having that, that's why we still be able to do what we do. Like a conflict was saying about the zoones, like our conference call. Now they djam when you come on that month from let bring you come, bring your record, and bring your record. The girls' is DJAM. They got your records already in folders and ship and they already scratching.
DJ and ship.
We just sitting there waiting for them the fence, introduce the artists, play the single, talk to them, we move on to that.
We had everybody on that motherfucker. You know what I'm saying. Everybody you know you know. So that's the way we do. We just still keep it. We just add a little technology to it, but we still keep it the way it is. They'll do our conference, the longest running shit.
I got number thirty six now with the retreat, thirty six fun conferences. And I don't ask nobody, they just it just happens because what we're doing, you know what I'm saying. So if a new artists won't there and get their ship to the court, like, what do they do? Like a nigga just watching it? I say, I say, sign up for the Mayland list. You know court DJs worldwide dot Com say do that. Sign up for the mailand list and then hit us sleep let us know what you want to do. Somebody is like what we're running at the hit up, find out what they want to do. Find out what it is they want to get their record to them. If it's something that you need to start regionally, I suggest before a nigga starts spending money, do as much as you can do for free.
Like, hey, the more you do for free, the less you gotta pay.
It's real, whether whether it's on the internet, whether it's going around movies. Nigga still got to move around. Nigga still be having to buy three piece chickens. The ship, Nigga, you still.
Gotta get shot, but for real but real, Like if the more what that you do for, the more.
A DJC you acted, they want to be involved with you, feel me, Like when I got he hit me and then and left me alone. He said, I ain't got nothing for you right now, but when I get it, I'm gonna hit you. And that was a year later. You know what I'm saying, Like he really worked his ship before he got to me, and I just took it to the next level for him. So make it easy on us about doing all your shit for free and the nigga come in and work for you for free. What's the biggest Like you think, like make a nigga be like, yeah, I fuck with this nigga because he did this. Yeah, artist, I'm saying, like an artist like you had an artist? He like what nazy shit that a nigga un did this shocked you, like, and he always did this? He that you get, you know what I'm saying, Like, I fuck with this shit. The girl I got now La La Love. She been out here for a long time and she been keeping that shit. You shut your head like, she been keeping that shit moving since she was thirteen fourteen years old on a consistent basis.
Now she got a fan base. That's crazy that she that.
That's why I came in and been a manager, like I watched everything another artist chameleon. When I had her, she another one that never stopped. Now I look at the shit she's doing all only damn TV rap ship and it's all the different shit she's doing now. But she truly is the definition of an artist that did it.
Dolo. I ain't even cap like we was manager's manager. But this motherfucker's a beast. Like so.
Watching you when you want to be involved with her, that's when you know when you want to be You see nigga savage, You've seen the nigga you want to be involved in this? You feel me, You see an artist that you want to be involved.
You know what I'm saying.
You how many arts you've seen that you wanted to be involved with because you saw they move no matter what, I just want to help you get a lot over here. But that came over they work though exactly and you know you got ship that can help them advance and go elsewhere.
That's it.
We we really trying to catch artists like they're breaking point and bring him out here like, oh, it's cool to get the conversation once you season. You know, once the nigga gets season, hes gonna get you a conversation another. Oh yeah, ship Beacon was out ten years before, and for that, then lead you came out and that ship can't know DJ take credit.
That's another one for then leave.
We can take credit for the longevity of them leave, but we can't take no credit for that. She started on the internet, him and Erica. Him and Erica started during COVID. You know what I'm saying.
They had them sits rocking during COVID and they both got gold records off.
I mean that niggas might be plotting them now because of the because the DJ always fuck with him seriously now he always fuck with DJ. He he he might be one of the niggas that I know that never consistently fuck with DJ. He never stopped no matter what frustrat you. Nigga throws mixtapes on the ground and ship back in the day side by Southwestern she walked past. We can't nigga, they got your se That nigga never stopped out there by his motherfuckerself handing out another niggas like that was too change when he first changed his name. Damn, that's so I see what a nigga like that. Dude, they just add they hustle to that, but to that ship like that. Look how long I look, how long them niggas last? Yeah, Gucci, look how long them niggas last. The niggas out here selling our shows ship again? Because like I said, like I said, niggas better start getting out here doing some side of the internet.
I'll tell you that. Oh yeah right, because that's what's happening niggas.
The young audience is reaching back like it ain't us. It's the young audience not reaching back, Like damn, what I missed. I know a lot of young, young, young people that play oh ship. I'm like, what you know about that nigga? Because they the internet moving so fast, But not so much bullshit come out. They starting to reach back to ship. Like God, nigga, remember this sucking I like was viral for like number one on TikTok for like ten weeks.
It wasn't us. So that's what I'm saying. So it's depending what you use the ship for.
Game has changed.
Shots to Tony Neil, appreciate the conversation. You know what I'm saying, ain't leaning.
And you know ship well she had the walk.
Was hurting my ass.
Yeah, before we're gonna wrap this ship up, niggas part to go back to and I was there. I was there to say this though, I don't out of changing my ship. Last thing. I got a lot of ship that I could have had access to a long time.
That always happens when you talk like no, no, no, just a lot of ship.
Yeah, a lot of ship that like when when.
You move a certain way, or like when you don't know any better, it fucking obliviously blocks it by mistake. But then when you know better and you're able to change certain things within the way that you move, it opens up a lot more doors for you.
That's a fact. What you want, what you get. I'm good I won't say this though. Free you guys and I'm done. Visit the new website today, Big factspod dot com, dot co