Hitmaker Morray makes an appearance on BIG FACTS to discuss adversity in his life, relationships, the music industry and more.
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Big Man and DJ Scream bring you Big Facts Podcast in the streets. Visit the new website today www dot Big Facts pod dot com Live for first class sunds. It's the voice of DJ Scream, Big Bankoncy and Baby Jay. This here and today on Big Facts Podcast, we have more Ray representing that North Carolina man. You've been on You've been on a winning You've been on a winning street. Okay, say look I see, I see You've been on the winning street. My brother, how I feel? It feels amazing? I ain't gonna lie if this is what the winning streek feels like. I never want to lose again. Was there uh, because we like to talk about of course, uh, you know, success, But was there a losing streak before that winning streak? Of course, it's always losing street to get to your win for sure. How can you appreciate your winning you? I think some people just get that misconstrue. They think that you just wake up and start winning. I lost for just for like fourteen years before I made quicksand like, Quickson is not my first song. I have plenty songs before that one SoundCloud that took off, but it Quicks when that was hurt, so you take them off. I was discouraged me. I felt like the So talk about that because that, like, like a lot of artists don't get into the part where they feel like their ship was trash or they didn't feel comfortable with it or whatever. So I'll talk about that because I feel like that could help like a lot of artists that are like watching us to know that, like it's okay to like not feel good about your ship sometimes. In fact, I ain't gonna lie I regret delete on my ship because I don't know where I came. You deleted it or you just kind of like an archived the SoundCloud, like I belive that ship. I was so nervouy I can hear my old ship with quicks and Musid. I don't want abody to say I went down, but I'm not thinking that was my previous. Yeah, Like I was so nervous. I just hearing how I started that I might be finished. So I was like fucking rached to start, and this is why I started with Quicksand So now I don't even have the songs that I've really felt was my ship anymore, because I ain't think it's gonna like it, but I loved it, made me feel something, and then you just think you should reading if I can remember, that's think about it. When I made you a hunt fit the song before with him and I don't know nothing was the first, but the first song I got the attention you wanted. If I'm not mistaken. Wasn't it a song you made for your wife or your lady or something. It was the song that I made. I made like a little Facebook video a long time ago when I was with m my actually, but it was like a birthday song that I said, hear him in a YouTube Instrumentum, I just made a song, and that was the first time he was usually do music. I'm like, bitch, I've been doing music. I'm paying it on these clubs and paying for this ship, and you ain't seeing it. But this fucking birthday song you see it having no traction. Bro, No I was. I was in my city doing local ship, like going to club Vibe and doing like uh what's called open houses an open But other than that, I wasn't getting like, no hearing me for real because I was wrapping fast. I wasn't show kind of music I wanted to make all over the place. I didn't have no fucking handal structure. It was just music and whether whether it's good or not. Can nobody understand just some music? What are you trying to? What are you sing? I was just trying to get it out there, and I had to really buckle down the set of down, like, yo, let me try to write different, let me figure out, let me listen to music. I wasn't studying at all. Yeah, and that's why I was just riking what I was, what I like, and not what they like. Yeah, we'll stop you from giving up. Honestly, when I had my kids, it's like that. That's that's been my drive, even when a nine a five. Like niggas hate going to work. You don't want to go to work in the morning, But when you look at that motherfucking baby, see your baby, and if they don't eat, it's on you. That's what then you gotta do. So and my working wasn't working. You remember something like yo, something gotta work. Oh, I gotta really go do shit I don't want to do and I don't want to do that ship. So let me try to figure something. I'm already good at music. Let me try to make something. I didn't know what quick saying was when I made it, but I know I had to make it. I don't know what the fun is gonna happen now the ship, but I felt like I gotta get that shot. And I quit before I made quicks and I made all the songs. I was doing myna right here with me. He got videos on his phone of me with with Mini Fro with leather shorts on and some weird ship like trying to be a musician, trying to do a different way, Like for real, I'm looking at I'm like, who the fund was this nigger? Bro? What was I doing? Do you feel like yourself was the moment when yourself? I was like, more, Ray, this is who the funk you are. You're not a nigga just to make a song somebody pulls or feel something. Nigga, you got all these films. I'm not a normal nigga. I have feelings. I don't don't give a funk. I'm not afraid to say, God cry, I get upset. I'd be my fetus. Yes I am, since I don't care. I want niggas and I want people to feel the same way. You could be a hard that nigger, but have feelings so fucking what My song was Bobby as fuck, but it was so painful. The real niggas who understand the real struggle. You heard the words, you're like, Damn, nigga rep jeans, you gotta do this. Damn. I understand that ship. But the ones who can't relate can understand a melody with them, a boy, It's for everybody. It's not just for the streaks, It's for whoever is feeling something. Nigga feels something. If that song turn you up, is in your turnops. That don't help you work out, that's in your all mix. If it brings you down to make you feel something, it's in your pain mix. Whatever it makes you feel, Nigga feel that ship, and that's what my music is. But I want you to feel something. This word ain't got no fucking feelings. Things are afraid to feel this feel something. They're gonna make you learn less of a man. Let's what women can feel some ship. You can know how you feel. They can't respect you. If you wanna tell how the fun you feel, what the fund are you talking about it? I don't know who you are, so I don't gonna lie you feel. My music is let you know who I am, and I hope whoever I am can touch anybody else. I'm not trying to make music specificity for nobody, but get my own shipped off. And my ship is helping other people, So why not keep giving you? My ship is helping you. That's all I'm gonna do my music. Just this is what fact Nike trying to be jollying help? What the funk? Like that? What you what you feel like you had to change in order to to make that song? Like what gave you? What was the difference? Yeah? You know, like what was the difference? I had to grow up? That's that's I had to stop blaming everybody for my ship. Like it's like Nick, I'm saying my song not working because of this this nigga, this studio. I ain't got money, this I ain't got this bitch, either you go get it or your stea. I was afraid to trust them myself, so I blame everybody else that wouldn't, but the one that would help what they can, I started taking it. You know what, whatever you can do, that's enough. And I'm gonna use that ship and go with the gusty. I had to show in uh what my show was that I forgot what my show was that I had my first time leaving the Colina to do a show. My nigga sent me the two hundreds on cash up to get there and I didn't even get to perform. I ended up performing there again. Niggas heard my shop was like, bro, you're really crazy. They said we were gonna booge for some more ship. If I would have never went to the first one and didn't perform and the second one and performed, I would have never been with the funk. I was like, then, everything happens for a reason and you gotta go through mass ship to get where you're at. So I had to go through life and grow the funk up and be like, Nigga, this is your fault everything that you did, and nigga, look in the mirror, it is your fault. Every time you pointed somebody that's pretty things telling you bitch is you? Is you? And it's you. And I had to really black you know what, Yeah, niggas you everything I got through, everything I've done, I have funus, I'm human, but I want my ship. It's what it is. I ain't gonna be down, They're gonna be sad. I'm gonna move forward and learn. But you think it is to make people make excuses like and blame us, Well, I think it's fair. But I think it's easy too. It's an easy thing to do. It's easy. Let me just blame everybody else rather change makes people make excuses, in my opinion, and then rather than put the working in yourself, which is the hardes ship to do. I think people blame people. So when just in case a doubt, I think they should be doubt, like you blaming other motherfucker's who when they don't where I got somebody to say, blame it on. Yeah, that's a great wordly somebody. I'd rather blame myself. So when you go what I can blame myself. It's on my face or win. I don't nothing nothing, It's me. That's the way it's supposed to be. There was odd jobs there too. There was odd jobs there too. Before on Quick saying like what some of them jobs you work that she was speaking of. I worked up damn that every job that were hide me. Hang on, I worked like Wendy's, like fast food, construction, fucking h pick plants, chicken plants, nigger if I really everything, No, bro, when you go when you got a family, nigga, and you don't want to do the ship you've been doing, you gonna get that job. I don't want to go to fucking Prinston between thirty years and see my babies at thirty five like fun y'all nigs out there. But I want to get a regular job and live my life, Nigga, I'm not gonna still be the same street they get. Beat your motherfucker that. But I gotta go to printher Ford, goofy like you. I want to beat there from my my kids go to college when they get married. I want to show my daughter what a man is. I can't do that. I'm locked the funk up. That's weird, nigga Like that. Don't make nobody no left less of a man because you want to stand up and do what the you gonna do? Nine the fives wasn't my way. Of course, I tripped other ship. It didn't work. That's why I stuck with nine the fives. What's what I mean? My money? How hard you think it is? Just like trying to take off and sit it like North Carolina. It's really hard because we don't really got no like no day spreal like j Cole the Baby you got like Anthony Hamilton. You got Fantasia and Knife Wonder. You have those people. But that's like low key all the big things we have, feel me. We don't have a lot of tracks. Won't have tracks like Atlanta, Like it's hard to becoming ours in Atlanta because there's so many artists. It's hard to becoming ours in North Carolina because there's nobody to hear you. It's different like here, there's so many ears that they know what they're listening for, Like Nigga, No, they know I heard that. They can know that's okay, and Kana is Nigga's rapping, rapping, rapping rapping, but no ears to hear none of that ship. So we don't even know what we have. At least you niggas know what y'all have and what y'all looking for. That's what North Carolina lacks an ear to fucking listen like for real, and it's hard to listen to everything. It's like North Carolina is still a culture trying to figure out who we are too. It's a lot of no, no, but our culture is more like soul. But when it comes to hip hop, if more rappers from North Carolina bringing our soul into our hip hop, we have like a bluegrass soul hip hop lane. That's our lane. Even though listen to the baby Wrap, it's still painful for sure, they got a box. But the soulful for Shane cole Sofu for score Days, soulful everything that everybodyho's from the North Kalina. That's what we give you. That's all we have. We live and die off our souls. We put everything into a person or into a situation. And that's why you see it half of us go through some ship because we're giving y'all, all of us. And that's what North Kina is, that we give you everything. And if we can put that in the music too, we can get seen. But we need air. How you get your break? Then once you got the song and ship, when suns started going up, like what was your first like break? Like who's the first person to call you to be like ship? Time to gonna take this ship up? Sucking? Uh? No, cap of course, my family, but people who are on my manager motional easy, I'm gonna lay with him will pick six and ship. He fucking called me through my videographer. My phone was off. My I ain't like briand job, my phone is off. I was fucked up. I got on somebody WiFi and got on Instagram and my videographers like a broad big called the phone is off. Some trying to sign you for this to go do a Quickson And I'm like, anybody trying to sign me like this? Heard this ship? I just put it off A weeks ago. I got like two do nobody's seen this ship? But I said, mind my number faced I I ain't got no hope, but I aincreased face some here on here on the phone and I'm listening something like I'm still like Gus you're talking about he's talking. I'm I'm like, I'm I'm there, and I'm like this ain't this ain't even real like this, this can't be really happen. Okay. Now you're saying you want to sign me from Quickson and do what? Okay? And what so? This this is the deal, This is what happening. Nigga sear the contract. I got the phone called my cousin. She's going to a law school to be a lawyer, and I'm she't had the bar here. But what it is to read, okay for not to read? So we I was driving back to the IF, I was leaving Massachusetts who I was up fever and I was a phone with her phone, him phone with me phone where like I was brough. I was reading the contract, bouncing back like I read everything. I have to read it. I'm like, what the fund is happening? Like? But did you really give a funk? What was in the country? Absolutely? Absolutely, bro because when I'm going my kids, gott did it all that ship? Absolutely? I gave a fun because it wasn't right. I'm talking to God, I'm not doing that ship. I don't get me. If I would have kept struggling. But I felt okay. When I feel okay, that nigga okay, well we're okay. I talked to her. I talked to him. I told her everything. This nigga said. I told him everything it was. I didn't leave ship. I don't want to know if and their butts. This is how I'm feeling. This sounds weird. What is this? I don't know explain. I don't give a funk if you don't ask questions how the funk are you going to know? And that Nigga kept it a band with me and he kept it real. And I signed that ship because I felt I'm in a real situation and I still am because I trusted who the funk I was and who he was, and I trusted my situation and my situation is lit because I got trusted whom. But I had to learn who I am. Yeah, I always had somebody to blame, and when I didn't, I had to blame myself. No cap So who's the first first artist that like really embraced you like big artists? Uh? Cold? No. When I seen him, When I seen motherfucker German right, super amazing, I really thought it was like one of his little fan pictures. Like I was like, Nick, he don't even be on so why would he write me? And then I got a phone call from O. He's like, Yo, we've seen Jay Cole works and I was like, that's that's him him, Like it ain't one of them as him? I said, what the funk? I went to inst I picked that ship fastest. Fun ain't something can't delete that? You're like, that was it? Now you gotta get your wings. But you gotta get your wings. But that was the first I was like, yo, this this ship may actually be something. And the soon he did that, my ship started going crazy. It's like people that he was okay, who like bro and to have somebody like him from my city show me love, nigga that you can't get past that, Bro. That's like the roads going to get in love from Mike Michael Jordan on the court like, hey, I'll see your little nigga. You ain't twenty three, but you me, I liked that ship. Remember I like being the gods and letting you god for them. Cool. Yeah, I just got told yea that was about to do the dream. Yes, y, North Carolina gonna be going crazy. North Carolina is going to go up, Braango. We gotta own a little role gay dream feature my dream feature. I ain't gonna lie. I'm a I'm a Drake fan, So Drake the feature would be probably like at the top of the list, you know what I mean, other than Jake Cove being from one from but those two are definitely my my top features. So white type scenario, Drake went available, then who would be next under him? Under Drizzy t Paying I ain't gonna lie. I was loving Tea. I feel like like him being like before me and being in the same lane, Like I gotta give him how much for what he did for nature? But trapping niggas who could sing? Who can go? Who still can give Bobby hooks and go crazy? He's looked up for the hooks and she's like, that's my guy. So I would hope one day I could do a sal che pain and go to funk up, even with just for my personal collection, to do a song with somebody else to like that would be dope. Okay, that's fine. Name A first project was Street Street Sermons. So how how how is your whole journey like being impacted by coming up because you came up singing in the church, that's where you were introducing music. How did all that influencing music? My My music is influenced by life, what I've been through in the church. If using any of my songs, it's some kind of reference about God. I don't care what it is. It could be something simple, something big, something small. I gotta add it somehow, like you gotta you gotta feel my church somehow, because I wouldn't be doing a ship without God. But I'm not. I'm not gonna shove God down your throat, but I'm gonna tell you who I love. You feel me? Okay, you know you wanna love you, but I love your cap So I want people to feel something, and you can. If you put God in the miss of anything, you're gonna feel something. So I put that shirt in my songs, and niggas feel something. Anything, anything you anything you hear from me, it's always a church run or a church course kind of like break or some kind of like harmony where you feel like you are in the pew. You feel me. If I having everybody been naming their fans like you call them barbarie or whatever, I would love to have a congregation more rash congregation because I funk with the fact that people listening to me asked if I'm I like that ship. It was property when I was a kid. I'll pulled me a pastor. That's not who I am right now. But I still can do it my own way, No cap I still I still can preach to somebody who haven't listening. You feel me, No cap South speaking of like the music and the fans in the congregation and stuff like that. How do you deal with the comparisons to Roadway. I ain't gonna lie to you. I appreciate them. The nigga was on before me and the nigga is up. Why then would I'm mad about a comparison about nigga who is nice? Fun that ship? We need to do a song nigga and that we need to do a song. Okay, if like on the track like that, would that would be crazy? Like that's like it would be so weird because it's like a transformation because the Reds like started the force, Rodways keeping it the floating more Ways try to come into the game. That would be so fire for me. Like it's always respect with people. Don't talk about it. They think it's disrespecting to put some bullshit. Everybody want a problem or you want to be for them on bullshit music. It's pulling the niggas feel ship. So I know for a fact, we get on the song, it's going up, We're gonna make somebody filips because me and both got paid, all three of us got paid. That we can get out together. It'd be crazy. So what's the key to keeping that winning street going? Because we always talk about people who might have a winning season, but then you want to win in career. So what's what's gonna be? Okay, honestly, it's it's never think about just winning. It's all about bettering myself. Every song that I make, how can I make it better? Every interview I have? How can I make it better? Everybody at me? How can I make my impression better? Everything is how to better yourself. And when you think you've done it all, you're still better yourself. And that's why I'm gonna try to keep winning because I don't care what I do, and it's more to be done, point blank period. I can't be gone and have the one of what's going on with my family. I'm gone. I want negs to be like, Yo, we're really up, Like I think I'm gone. Then he got a lit even for three million left, So fucking what if you got three am four years later? I did my job in keeping. I'm all about legacy, Like I want to be a good person for me and a good musician, and I want to be a good artist and I want to that would be my fucking legacy more, which is a good ass. Dude, you ain't gonna say nothing else. You ain't gonna be your favorite art. You could do. Anybody who meet me, you could do. I got time for a picture, I'm taking your picture. I got time for a video. I'm taking your video. I got time for drop. I'm doing your drop. That's more ray and I'm not changing that for nobody, not a label, not an artist, not a nobody, because I like being a real person and whether that give me hell of friends or give me laugh at and then what it is? I'm a walk in my motherucking through? Hey? Then what is? So? You went from a project, the first project having no features, absolutely no features, to working with You got a new record with cord A, You got a record with Bitty, You had a chance to work with Arrested, Sean Tyler, y'all um and course j Colo and Turning Savage. So far as do you prefer your records with features or do you prefer them solo donto? I hunted, I'll for him solo dough because I like to get my own feelings out. But if a feature can come and give the same energy, it's respect. But I like doing feed just in a studio with the person. I don't like being sick. I feel like that's so impersonal. You want to do anything like here, bitch, do this ship and sent it back to me like no, let's let's let's chill. How was your Dayga? Okay, you got oh ship? They got to the same ship that turn it beat on? Okay? How you that's hot? No, cap that's what that makes better music? Yeah? It does. But if your album was due tomorrow, you got that at the eleven o'clock call for drake. You gotta send it back and forth. You got to you gotta do what you gotta do. They hold ship, hold on, hold on, hold on God that I agree. Hey, if you yourself to somebody like if you weren't you with you were trying to tell scream about who you were describing yourself, say, ain't Maria, is it's cooler? Share? Ain't like he needs to talk to the nigga. Vibrant hes gonna come in the room and try to fill it up. If anything's lacking for you, he's gonna try to help you. I lack lacking with him, and he wants me to help him. He a normal last nigger like he's he's the most regular person that wants to do the most, the most he camp for everybody. He's also a nigger that can be different, feel me. I don't want to think that more Ray is just bopy, happy smooth, because I am because I choose to be. But don't please don't think I'm a bit And I think that's giving a just really getting because you don't want the problems, you must be scared of the problems. That's not the truth. I don't want them because I'm an adult. I'm a grown nas man. I want to have a good fucking life, but I will sunk up yours if that's what you want. But that's not me, you feel. I want to be happy, smoke my weed said a little something. You've let me chill and enjoy my hand. I've been broke my whole life. I little money, but I try to have a little good time. But if you want to stop it stop, it's up to you. And that's who more is ya, and that's you. I read somewhere there was another interview that they said you got I don't know the exact amount of time you basically you kept getting kicked out of school. Oh yeah, what was that about? When you was in school? It just I was a head for me, like just doing dumb ship. Like I couldn't express myself when I was younger, so I just thought a luck it was whether he was a student, where your teacher, where your police? Don't press me because I don't know how to control my emotions for real, Like I wasn't really like I didn't have a lot of role models. Yes it was. It was dumb and me being a growma. Now it's nasty to think about. You feel me like you really was a little bit. You've got upset over stupid ship, like looking at me like what the fund is? What the fund is you looking at? Like? Stop playing it through? Like but what the funk do you want to niggle? What's up? What's up? Like That's how I was, not having no Nigga to tell me you ain't gotta be that tough all the time. My mom tried to raising by herself, and she was there as much as she could be raising my mother fu herself. So I had to be the man of the house. I had to be the man in the school, had to because nobody was telling me how to be a man. So all I've been seen was Nigga's do crazy ship beating nigga, ass hold a gun or do whatever. That's what I thought. I had to be a turn that ship as whack as fuck. Everybody could hold a gun conor guns legals hell which everybody got to go. How you wake up? How did you wake up and say like, nah, it's me, I ain't gonna loe. December two thou elevens the day I really I was like, nigga, I gotta change who I am. My son was born and I was almost late to the hospital doing my shop, you know what I mean. I was doing the wrong ship, and I almost missed the first birth of my child. I had to call my homeboy. We had to go on hunting fifty miles because he was he was born Rally and wick Man I was a favorite. I drive fucking almost a hundred twenty miles an hour just to get there. And I got in the room and he just came out like I almost missed the most important day of my life, trying to be who the funk I was thought I was supposed to be. And that wasn't it for me? That this is weird. I gotta be here for any time this moment happens. So that after that got me in a little costruction job of my first real life, and that ship was trash. I ain't gonna lot, like I said, what, I'm about to go do my thing. Who's not home this weekend because they get tight. Somebody got a flat screen I can put in the post. It's just great. What's what's the parts of the industry? You can do it out because obviously them jobs and the jobs and you know, you know, you know, yeah, you're freedom now to be more rad to artists. But even in this ship, in the industry and ship, we can do it up. I ain't gonna watch you. I can really do the politics. And everybody says the same thing. And my politics is like just be a person. You feel me, Hello mo, but just be a person. I think niggas be forgetting that so it becomes political. Now now hey, we're going to room. Don't do this? You want that room him He's like niggas be playing in the scheme and like just getting hearing. I hearing really, so you're going there with a Now I'm now I'm on my my diplomat ship because I don't trust nobody. And that's how that's what I mean. My political just be cool like half these niggas. Be I meet a rapper, no cap gangs to the rapper, nigga see on TV and he'd be happy. We cool, be laughing and the camera come out and it's like, what the fun? So that's that's character. That's that's character. That's what that's character for some people. Though, right, I don't I don't know how. I don't know how to do that though. I'm just me like nigga, I've been to put you with nigga he got, I don't like. I've been just trying to have a good time. And I think that's what I mean by the political sucks, nigga. You you you probably missing missing out on a great song with somebody because of somebody. Don't folk with somebody, or or because this nick could be snacks or a whole bunch in the middle ship when these niggers probablyn't even talk face and y'all be even because of this ship, but nobody saying hey ship because uh, I don't know, yeah, and now it's alved even it just be it just be misunderstanding that political ship won't clear up. And I don't like the political ship's weird and asked man that should be in to make a phone call or handle the ship or just be yourself. So how you deal with situations where people you might be collaborating with or working with might have problems with each other? You just stay clear. Now, I'm gonna keep it the band they men handle your ship. I'm involved. What you got going on? You know? You know it's industry with people, you know what should be doing. If these niggas have beef and the song is about a nigga, why would you hop on a song about the nigga? If it's a song about a bitch, hop on. Excuse my language. I'm sorry, ladies, I apologize, but either way, I was in a little I would even talk like that. People. Just if a song about a woman, you feel me, then you can about a song about a woman and talk your ship. I got But if you're saying killing and they're on your black, then I hear you come kill that nigga with you? Whatever? What is that? What do you think that means? You are a man and you know what the do. If it's a song that's New truth, you do what a New Truth song? But if it's one of those, then you what if he said, what if you saying that moray hook though, and it don't come back quite the way you imagine. I can clear and not clear everything. That's a man knows that. Yeah, you can send me whatever you want. That's not what I gave you, bro. I'm good on that facts. But you my nigga, and you know better to put me into a situation. And if you might, nig I'm gonna tell you know better than to put me in that situation. And if I can't tell you that, you would never mind nigga to begin with no cap And if nigga try to do that, he's not your nigga because he getting ready to usual. That's weird. That's weird. And now you gotta I gotta call you on yourself. Want to say broken, you made the bathroom quick because it's not cameras about this is weird. We got to talk with you, my nigga. A lot of nigga don't do that no more. Meet with your home and put the gloves on the box, your nigga and then get over the ship. How these nigga be cool for six seven years and they start beefing and now you want to kill you when it could be a boxing match away blunt away, you feel me a part of your way, a something away from being okay, it's crazy, it's crazy. Differently, it's different. Niggas is killers thee nigga ain't doing because now I got the clear yet knock my teeth out of something. But I got'n do no fight. Ain't doing that. Definitely, definitely. Look, if you ain't got out of the way, you're better know how to put them things up. That's all I'm saying. You ain't got everybody can do that. I mean, of course you got everybody. No one saying you're in close quarters. We're here. How are you gonna grab that thing? I'm about to feed your bitch as you crazy, we're here, I'm here. No with your hands here. If I know I'm about the people, I'm already sucking. I got time to right get what you're saying. Not even got time to pullet, because I got time to run, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, but it's still gonna lead to you. If you're gonna pull it, I'm gonna pullet. But if you want to not even like you think it just scared the fight. That's why everybody got a gun. Niggers are scared about. But knew you would bills growing up. I ain't want to chill. I'm not scared. I'm just not fin too. I'm just not about to. I think it's a mine. I think the mind person the person you get. Oh no, I want some too, But I know what comes out to me going in your ship and if it comes, that's you know what I'm saying. But I want to go. I want to put your hand later. Talking about later, but that job my first. Yeah you get, you're gonna get it, but remember your stuffmaking gonna be gone. But ain't talking to nobody else because you learn your lesser. That's all I'm saying. I'm fighting. It's a lesser learned away. I'm nigga learning another day. I want your ship. Yeah, it's better. Better be getting up with how you go getting your ship out. Yes. Now, if you know he that nigga, you know who to fight though, it's another thing about being a man. If he nigga, that keeper on him here, chopper shooes he got unkilled with him, you're not punching him. That's the gun is out when you throw your punch boom boom. That's it. Man. You got nerds, nerds like women, women, everybody ready, ship unchanged though it unchanged, don't keep it up. Something the females is more gangster than the net. It doesn't change though in the video YouTube and should spook me. Surely got out the call that something goes the gas station boy says something she got the car pulled out just bow wow, and then got in the car and drop off slow. I said that. Motherfucker's like gangster. It's something in the food. I don't care. It's something the foods ny nights some of that. Should everybody getting that. Everybody saying food. But we spellings like man, these bum them folks over there. Man, that's crazy. Nobody doing no talking. Man ship different than him, scared the news and ship that ship is stressful, dog all the depths. It's too normal. It's way too normal. Have to die away. So fair, you forget about nigga. So fair. It's no one's morning because don't have time no more. Now like we're in the middle verse of ship. But whether we're in the middle verse, we got helm us all right now in the part right now sleep yeah, where we sleep nig on it because I'd be feeling like I'm in a dream sometimes, like yeah, when you get glitten, bro, like that should be. I'll be delicten with you know me feeling something like damn yeah, oh we all be glitchen, we all be we all be glitchen. Everybody in this wrong. It's yeah, you see, you'll know we all got a glitch. What you mean? I think I'm about a glimpse like everybody in here time the all time. What that means? I don't know? You have you have been driving this you blank out? Yeah? Man, yeah, what is it though? I don't bro. It's like we really start trying to realize that that we got here for the be here. And then like they stamp was like love that dude, wait crazy for real? Every Moon said we hear what one is? Every wet glitch you dig? Okay, you put it out where you need. Yeah, niggas keep talking about this ship and putting it out in the open. They're gonna glitch us out for good. Gottat it. Don't lie. Ya just got the cracks like the stimp. They think a little look yeah, yeahs on green off about shi little slits be going ray The little videos. Bro, as you glitched out around, I know I'd be tripping, but I'll be going in and that. Yeah, like why the fun They don't even have a radio or no, I don't have ned, No I ain't on the phone, and then I just be Then I'm thinking, like, damn trying time about dropping so wrong? Why you're like do something phone call? What you doing was just driving to be other day? It was the next day. You want the kids up for school? Did that thing? Bro? Bro, this this interview, this interview that you told me were gonna do Sunday night. I've been waking up every day thinking then with that. Damn no, No, I didn't get up. Now you ain't any day till the day. Come bro, Now we we all we all haven't got them with everybody. Yeah, what's going on? We are supposed to know, so we're not don't know. No, bettern't do better? Yeah? Better it's the metaverse, better verse, better ship. That's crazy by what you don't know if you don't smell something went to the metal verse. We don't know what we're smelling, and you know we're niggas. Now you have thinking for b like what the going on? Like like turn y'all saying the thing bro, put you to it to together, boys, right, I don't know man like real experience for real. I ain't gona cat take you have been in your crib, bro, I'll be in my crib DOWNTI he up, check up down. Then motherucker's in the house settling, Yeah, popping the floor, the floor creaking and ship the same way. That's the same way. That's what I do when I hear you all the so you'd be telling the light zone up now that she was selling. But I walked towards like like I walked in a baze. They walk into your career. Took a collection, yeah that I got the I got the spoons, you got the sund me stealing socks and ship too. Always still my left day, Like I don't know how I know left, but my left n because you know you put it on with just like a little off to the left, a little bit so outstarted like the music ship or whatever. Like what do you like to do in your spare time? Ain't gonna your hobbies? I like the range at that range that's my ship. Ain't gonna range shot They can play too, k feel me strip club ain't gonna that's the thing. I'll try to go to Magic City. Ain't gonna back. She the wonders. A lot of niggas up the club taking they got the ball, get what you mean and sho make money found out, which tell my boy. But they came being on more rade. They playing by song. I got the one now brainton, you can't go and let you go? You got you got to go. Yeah, can't even go, let you go. And when you can't there, you gotta go all the way you got to go. She got the DJ sound like, tell hey man, this is a strip club. We don't come just around a strip club. Certainly announcement the fun man, man, you ain't going nobody, get the funk out. Oh used to be chilling. I have a good time. Do you cook? Hell yo, look at me now you know I cook? Come on now, So what are your what are some of your specialties? Okay? I like chicken, right, I like to fucking list. Okay, I like grilled chicken, like the pants here my grilled chicken. And I made like these salads with the green peppers and ship It's like it's put like soy sauce and like when you panty or your chicken. What spices do you use pepper on your powder? Called powder? Uh? Pepper? You don't use peprika? Man, Why that's gross? Yes, I don't taste. Nobody helps brown it, browns it. I don't want it brown. The pants gonna syru it's gonna brought it for me. And the soy sauce also browns. Yeah, listen, I gotta make it. The way you're looking at me, it's not nasty. It's good. Okay, Okay. The chicken whatever, that's it. Then, because I'm a dad, so I make that me en you feel me? Something simple, simple simple. If you want some five star, you have to go to a five star. My house is my five star that somebody's cooking. But I'm a great eater. Let me ask you this, what do you like to eat? I like, no, lately I've been on it's a little but I've been knowing like some chilling sea bags. You gotta you gotta get dover sold, dover sould. It's that fat reaction was crazy. I said, what's that? No, it's like this. It's like my my buddy, turn me onto it. It's like this this white flaky fish and it's like when you go to the restaurant and get it's probably like a hundred or whatever, but they pull it, they pull it off the bone and then they like, for lack of a better way to put it, fly on bay it again after it's already cooked. So it's kind of like a little crispy on the top, but it's still like flaky in the middle, and it's it's incredible. It's literally, Yes, yes, that was a great depicture. What's some status right now? I'm I'm separated. Right now, we're separating, nor cluse me me more being more n what they're saying, is that what she's saying. Of course, not that it's been more. Whole time, she's been heard the whole time. She's been great. We've been great together. But sometimes you outgrow like it's it's been a time where before the music. But you never want to give up you and you never want to make nobody feel like you're giving up on me for me, so we both just for me. It's it's hard to explain because it's still new for me. It's just your kids, your kids kids, mom, not my my youngest son is hers for my first two is from mom, but you know, at the end of the day, she she's a great mom for me. So I pushed for being a mom and I'm always be whatever I have to be from me back the end of the day. But we don't have to be together telling about kids and her parents successfully. And I respect whatever the things you do in her life. I respect everything that she does moving forward and it is what it is for me. But everything just doesn't work out the way you post. So like as much as you wanted to, as much as you hope that it does, life happens. Do you think you can find what what you had and her again though now that you got you know what I'm saying. You in her what I'm saying, you know, like whatever special whatever it is that you had that was special with her before you got on right, you know what I'm saying. You think now that you know what I'm saying you in life you own you can find that same thing like it's j yeah, I do because of Hawaiian But it's it's it's not that you're looking it's gonna be No, it's all kind of conniving trick of course it is. And what you have to do is really put yourself, and it chooses what you're willing to do with I'm a man that speaks his mom. If you're a woman and I want to be with you, I want to tell you what I require a matter actually what you require. It's like I did with Huk. Whatever you want to do, I'm gonna tell you what I want to do. We will come in the middle and meet what's going on, and we're gonna make it work. I can't do that with you. I know how to say, get funk. That's how it works with life. When you with somebody is supposed to make you better, level you up, make you feel better. It's supposed to help you you as a person, to help him as a person. Once that stops, then this stops. Don't matter how long you've been together, don't matter how don't matter, none of that ship. If this person does not do it for you no more in your heart, it's over. If you stay for that person, then you're hurting your damn self and that and that's that's just how it is. And I'm not looking to replace anything. I'm looking to grow and myself. Any One helps me grow, that's how I grow. If no one's helped me grow. I'm still going to grow because I'm focused on my growth. At the end of the day, I didn't leave for it to the boss up whatever it is. I left for because of me, of what I was feeling, how I was feeling. And I hope that even though we're not together, it's still like a love of respect because Nigga, she did help me get to where I was as far as as a man. So I would never just own or just credit nothing she did for me because she still hurt. No, cap, I just fucked up else who I was and that's not for you, and you who you are no longer who for me, and I understood that. At first it's never gonna be amicable, it's never gonna be good because it's a fucking breakup. Eventually we are going to see all the eyes gonna be smooth because I respect her, she respects me. We just you feel me. We're going through it and the motions. But once it's over and it's done, I believe respect gonna come back. I A'm gonna be small, mean, like it's just life. It's just like, yeah, this is the first time I didn't even think about the question, so that it kind of caught me from like ship and I gave you my real films, big big fact. No, it's just but it's it's love. I just want to know it's it's respect. I don't care with nobody saying whatever it is, it's respected. Millions of dollars later, tens of millions, hundreds of millions. What's because you probably yourself from being a normal person. What's the ship? You'll never stopped doing that. People will be surprised no matter how rich you first stopped playing with my kids. I never stopped smoking weed. Fucking you, Tim Man, I gotta get high, never started playing two K. That's what I do. I get out, buddy, I got, and I'm gonna never stop showing a love like I don't get my funk, how rich I am, I find my money I got, I'm going to show love, especially once I think don't get it. It's like it's like I'm an impact. I could feel that ship like I feel like me, so I be like bro like and you can say I'm gonna but I know I'm not good, like what's really good? Good? And I'm gonna keep asking until you tend what's going on because I know something's wrong and I want people to still feel that, no matter how much one they got. I care and I love and I feel and that would never stop. Great another great ass. That's my life? Is it? Anybody like back home and feel like ship man? They owe me? Shit? I don't know if they do. I don't get Really I was nothing because if I felt like no cat, but I could be, it could be a producer. Anybody feel like I old them? They know me enough to call and tell me what I owe you for? And I know you nothing to tell you know or I understand if you say I owe you and I don't know you, but you own your ship. And if I know you and I owe you, how old your ship? Simple? You feel me? But if I owe you, I owe you. I'm a man of my fucking word. No cap you need something from me? I got you? But what you won't do? Just have a revolving door. Yeah that's got a phone call, nigga? What's your what's the phone call? The phone call is done? Your phone the friend is over? Wait for you. But I still have phone to friends and I have not used it, not shan't and so I know it's the time you don't go toggle no bullshit that crazy. Yeah, that's why you gotta sat like you gotta save like tell when you got a nigga, just like say friends and you fucking got a relationship with Drake. You think I'm gonna ask Drake for ten tho dollars and not ask him for some ship that's gonna change my life that I know, Yes, or gott and I'm saving it. I'm ready for it. Yeah, I'm saving use it like and then expect for you to do it again. No, I'm gonna already by the need to take my phone. Like, bro, listen to this song. Okay, okay, now what you just fold your friend? Listen to your song and do what with it? Pass to who? Wow, that's weird. The fact that think they can even do that ship is weird. What I said, say you're a rapper and I'm your holie. I sing you a song, your human study places. Who the fuck do you think I'm man? Or you think I use my phone you? That's what I was saying. Want to use your friend? Now? Was the movie? Send it to know? You want some mice this, do this, do that, and I give it? I give avice. I think that as hard as hard as maybe go to a better studio, noting that's the maybe do the do I give real advice? No, captain, Yeah, I won't do give you a wolf ticket. I wanna let this ni hear it because I'm not doing that. Bro. Rappers are the same way you get a phone a friend. I can't be studio with somebody and but like, yo, bro, listen to this beat and then he don't like that ship? Now they're see hi, you don't hear no beats? You know that feel like the last Yeah, better than what I can't beat there, like the color beat. Yeah, well, like I let this ship so they just keep all folding me. I don't fall they did, but it's okay. Now I'm saying, you know how you know how I got them? Like at first got them? You were never the person they called never you know what I'm saying, Yeah, that's what I'm saying, Like how you deal with that? Like when you know, like such need a kitten and now yeah, already got a paper. Ain't never been a digging paper, Kiden? How how that more? Were gonna tell you what it is? What it is? Get the funk out of my face. I wouldn't get with you before I got rich. I didn't give you that. If I funk with you, I funk with you. If I don't funk with you, I don't funk with you just because you're my cousins, uncle, nephew, little boy. I don't given I don't know now my grandma Carmen. Everything we're gonna get too kidden. But if you that I know, and were cool, and you wouldn't ask me for twenty dollars, would I get your twenty thousand with your stupid man, You ain't got no playing with it. You just wanting it. You just now you're saying, mo, I gotta plane the scheme, but not too harder, okay, cool them get a little, you mean, get mine back a little? And you splashed with that ship. But if you're just color with our hand out, most people have all they do. They hit you with the fake ship. Hey, what's up, bro? How are you feeling? Just checking on your mind? But I heard that Jay cole Fest come up soon. You got your tickets which I adn't talk to you something and you have me you can come out of eat night in the coop. Bitch, you are a burden this nigg is crazy. I told nig don't good fun. He said, you don't even get that ship. I'm gonna tell you and then but if you if somebody know you need I'm a I'm a nice nigger. I'm gonna do it for you. And need call me your bro. I'm down and out. My rent is fucked up, and I know you would have tried everything to get your ship first. Nick, I'm gonna send out of doubt question. If I know you a fickle lash nigger, will fick out what your money and fick what your decisions, bitch, get your fickle pickle aster. No cap I have no town. But if I know you want to do something, and I'm gonna suport you because I don't know what the funk your idea might be, if if it's worth something. But every I didn't work something. I got a foulon idea, but it ain't I work something. I got thous song, but they got all hits the life. You gotta come to us with a plan if you want something, not just like sucking hand out. Ray got money all my family. I love y'all, look at me. I love your baby. I'm trying to go to the cookouts eat with you, but more is not your motherfucking a t M and every rapidly text you to their family. I am not your bank. Y'all didn't suck with me before the money for real, So why I didn't come to my career. I ain't wanna smoke me and I'm cut. Ain't want the nigger. You ain't never burned, no cap now beat before the money to get the two years ottle, big cup, I'll bro you my older cup. We ain't even brother, but I'm your big brou because you needn't it. I went. I went to all black people. The only people that do that. I'm saying, other raising did they did that ship were the only people White people just want to call Kelly and say, hey, calls real quick, would you mind owning me on a little lay on my mortgage. Kelly gonna say, nigga, you do you know time to find a nerve that fucking call me. So I'm talking about this, ain't getting ship still, We're gonna be hurt. Ain't gonna be a laughing stop niggas. I'm too comfortable like they got because they know what be there be there and they and they ain't got. If you say no, they're gonna want to smoke. Now you're fault nigga. I know you gotta lick on it. He just said no faulting the watch watching like damn what I why we like that they got there. We can caught my phone other night. Hey say that, but I posted. I posted right like tim is. That's like they could be on Instagram with this ship, but I gotta everything. Yeah, that's why I turned up my ship on my phone like the little rid ship. It always say delivered. You would never do our h No, but I'm just no, it's I post on it. He called my phone. I posted on Instagram without inst I didn't. I didn't. He saw the stop trash. You just got text you too, bus right the customer. As soon as you made that first post to the day, your phone start ringing. Everybody likes it. Let's just be unto you, king your mother suckers, because I don't understand female had the pussy gangster no con. I'm gonna tell you what. Only females will walk into a project building full of niggas to go get some weeds. They want fast niggas, folding niggas, good strap all that ship. Move nigga, the ween leave nigga. I'm going with all my traps. I don't trust none of y'all be bells, gangs that I'll get a female will see your nigga, see another nigga bigger than him, and still talk to this nigga because she like nigga. You ain't got him. We got him and then he putched her one time. She done that. You look thinking like I gotta kid you know, because I know I ain't gonna beat you now. I gotta kill you like you hit my girl because she wasn't she rounding you here? I gotta kill with you. You it's your faun girl fun I've been printed thirteen years because you had to slap with the that right people. Hey, I love They'll give a funk the guy. You Still you're staying that now you're standing in Atlanta with city. No. No, I'm something can't I can't can't get that, you know another why not? I love it. I don't get some houses and different places, but I'm staying on the state. Got you. What's what's the ship? You want to go back and do for your for your temp no cap back. I want to do back to school again. I always do like a back to school or Christmas giveaway. And I just got to keep your city. Coplen come months ago, so they said, they said, this ain't ship. Who that was? You just see what they do for you. It's really not for nothing. It's supposed to make you feel better. Ye say, where to get you like? You don't get you anything but self gratification that the whole city just said they understand. Okay, okay, okay, it's not about geting. It has nothing to do with nothing. Why would you like make me something? Nail pull us over? When they get the nomber, they keep going. Can I speed? But I need to put the kids back my you know what I'm saying. Oh yeah, the city is smooth. You let just know, you know you let it. You ain't got just let If you ain't lit with your kid of the city, then you prayed that shoudn't adequate city. If a car put you over here, how many let's see that as much you go. If you don't let you go, you ain't gotta keep the city. That's all I'm gonna saying. I feel like giving over and you ain't got you got to keep his keys and his keys. That's what I'm saying. I feel like the kids to the city is just like calling the nigger to goat, Like it should only be one key to the city, like giving out. But if you give it's different because the key to the city, like, it's not supposed to be anything materialistic. And that's the problem. It's only for self gratification, for you to feel good about yourself, that people you don't even know made a metal piece of bullshit for you and want you to feel good about yourself. It's not supposed to be for anything else, if you think about it, but anything else, it's not gonna be shipped. But but what I'm saying is if you got the key to the city, you got the key to the city. If you ain't chilling with the mayor, you ain't got the key to the city. You really, if you ain't doing this since you want to do, then you don't got the key to the city. So of course you're not gonna like it. But if you got the key to the city, you have the key to the city. M hm. Yeah. Yet even being presented to my city, I can do you have the key to the city. Because the nigs with no keys, you've got kids in their city. But uh from Florida. He was saying that they still in certain situations. I guess, uh, you go back to the hood and it's like you still got to deal with hood ship or police something something. I never if you're going back to the hood, you're gonna do with hood ship, right, that's the hood. Yeah, you got to keep the city in the hood. They don't come to get to keep the city because you're in the hood. The kids that you don't go to the hood, the kid cities for the city, not for the hood. It's part the niggas. You're not in the hood. That's the recognize. Just why they don't get funk about it. Like NIA don't know. You got to keep city to somebody at the job. I think you were saying dealing with like the authorities and ship. Yeah, Like it's like you become a different voice in your city. Like if you want to use your keys, you like no camp, I can I can call what I gotta call yo. I want to start. I wan't do any doing the vent my city. I want to shut this block down. I want to do this, I want to do that, want to do that. I can do that. I have the key to the city. Most nigger when they say we're gonna do like get like, I probably get a premises like I don't even know. I ain't trying. I've got I have to start some ship, get some ship going on, give some sh it out and we have a good day. But if you're gonna, if you're gonna have to keep this city and you don't wanna do it with it, you don't mash it. You don't know what it's gonna do, what you try to do with it. Okay, I don't know what's gonna do, BECU, I ain't trying to know what it is, but I'm gonna try. What's coming up from a rain Man? You got the record out of chord A, what can respect the rest of them? What's coming with the record? Record A. I really love this record because it gave me a chance to really put out some some real soul and to do it with a sofa brother like him, and it was amazing, And and I got more songs that's coming out that I feel like it's gonna open up a new fan base for me too and keep the old ones like this Snigger really snaking, really doing thing. I want to make the old ones proud and make the newest love me for me. So it's like it's it's that's a lot of new music I got, I gotta I'm going overseason too, uh for roll Out of the Sea. So I never don sees the Pakistan. Yeah they're doing in December, they're doing Pakistan rolling out. I thought she was trumping. Yeah, good luck with that, Dubai or Pakistan. I never I never been a what's that my nigga? Mike? What's that at with your Mike? Yea? You might never you got some ship? I texted you this morning, nigga, where the fund you at? Man? You said, what? Oh we got brought no cap? We got some ship? Ship ship? What I Mike better? Fact of the podcast song with ok I got this ship going crazy crazy. I mean, y'all did so far? What's six? So far? I got three? Ye up? Six? Right now working on the tape, Mark, I'm trying to drop as so as I camera. Right now, I'm just trying to work on the music and make sure my ship sounds. The word was posted for me. I ain't trying to drop anything. I could be dropping a song on the saw that song, but I really want to drop ship that's gonna maybe stand out. I ain't trying to fit in no more. I'm trying. I wanted to know, but I'm different. I ain't just a rapper. I'm an artist and I care about my craft. But you feel like you're gonna do that for me, no capital anything like I want to act to That's That's probably one of the big things that I've been looking into. Literally, I really want to try to see the big school. I ain't gonna cap that ship and radio like I see what I'm doing, entertain my whole life even after music, like I want to act that ship I wanted to radio. I would never want to stop being involved in the entertainment business. And I really find something I love like I love this Even when I feel like I'm tired, I still love this ship. So I can't stop. So whatever I gotta do to keep doing entertainment, keep the music, keep doing what makes me feel happy. There it is big shots out to Murray pulling up the big facts. Man. We appreciate you to appreciate the conversation. The positive energy must continue success to you. Check us out online Triple W dot Big Facts Pod dot com. Salute. You're listening to Big Facts with Big Bank and DJ Scream. Fellow Big Facts on social media a Big Facts Pod, Fine, Big Bang DJ Scream bring you big fat hey man it sideway up that merch. Yes, yeah that's right Www Dot Big facts pot dot com. What the real one one time? Y'all come get y'all some of this merchant mat facts pot dot com. Get that merch right now, shot with us side of way up Big fact Merch. Going down to the new website today www. 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